setting limits for your child


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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Setting Limits for Your Child
Page 2: Setting Limits for Your Child

Making sure your child knows who is in charge is an important task.

However, if you’re a parent of a young child you may find it hard to tame

your strong-willed son or daughter. Follow along on our tips for

eliminating conflicts and defining boundaries for your son or daughter.

Page 3: Setting Limits for Your Child

When Should I Start

Unfortunately for parents, there is no ‘one-size fits all’ solution to

disciplining your children. It’s necessary for parents to learn when to

discipline properly in order to create a positive experience that will help

your child.

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Establish Your Parenting Personality

Don’t let every decision you make lead to future indecision. Aim to be

balanced in your approach to parenting. It is important to channel a mix of

permissive and authoritative when it comes to establishing guidelines for

your child. There’s a big difference between discipline and punishment,

and being aware of that difference can help you maintain control.

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Understand the Importance of “No”

While it may seem tough at first, saying no is one of the most crucial

things you can do for your child’s early development. Saying no may be

hard, but it will help to teach your child important lessons on how to deal

with disappointment and how to find a balance between what they want

and what they need.

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Avoid Power Struggles

Whenever you go about setting boundaries for your child, make sure to be

firm, but reasonable in your approach. Avoid the battle for control with

your child by offering your child options that are acceptable for both of

you. Most importantly, actually listen to your child and stay firm with your


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Give Your Child a Routine

Children need rules to grow. Establishing a routine or consistent ritual will

help your child realize what is expected of them and how to behave. As

always, make sure that your child is aware of the consequences for

misbehaving, and be sure to reward good behavior from time to time.

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The Right Way to Take a Time Out

Using time-out as a punishment is a quick way to isolate your child,

especially if you’ve lost control of your own temper in the process. Rather

than leaving your child alone, stay with him or her until she calms down.

Staying close to your child will help them recognize the reason why they

were pulled away to a timeout, and many children are able to calm down

after just a short period of time.

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Properly disciplining your child when the situation calls for it will help your

child understand their limitations. No matter what your approach, make

sure you stick to your routine and follow through to help children gain a

clear sense of what is right and what is wrong.