seussville times

court. The mother of Nick and Sally also said “It will cost a lot of money to pay for the damages caused by the Cat in the hat.” Police are advis- ing people in Seussville to keep their doors locked and not to leave your children at home alone without supervision. If you see the cat with the red and white-stripped hat, call the police at 555-263-9836. On July 30th two local children in Seussville were terrorized by what was told to be a cat in a red and white hat. The cat terrorized two children named Nicky and Sally, in there house on Lane. Police believe the cat was looking for friends and jumped at the chance with the two 6 year olds. The children say that “ The cat in the hat just knock on our door and came in our house.” The house was said to be made into a terrible mess. Police are currently searching for the cat. Police also say that the cat will be taken to the Seussville Jail un- til he can have a schedule date of Local house destroyed by big balloon pool. By: Alex Weaver Kitty O’Sullavins big swimming pool de- flated late afternoon and fell on her house on the corner of Susie Q ave- nue. March 1, 2012. Kitty and her dog Dr.Seuss were in the pool at the time. 3 Blobs blew into her big balloon swimming pool making a hole causing the whole thing to de- flate. Kittys’ dog Suess died because of the im- pact of falling on the house. Kitty is in the hos- pital suffering from mi- nor injuries. The house damage cost is around $200 000. Police say no- body is being charged for the incident. Cat terrorizes two children By: Cole Friesen April 10th, 2012 ~Thought of the day~ Seussville Times

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court. The mother of Nick and Sally also said “It will cost a lot of money to pay for the damages caused by the Cat in the hat.”

Police are advis-ing people in Seussville to keep their doors locked and not to leave your children at home alone without supervision. If you see the cat with the red and white-stripped hat, call the police at 555-263-9836.

On July 30th two local children in Seussville were terrorized by what was told to be a cat in a red and white hat.

The cat terrorized two children named Nicky and Sally, in there house on Lane. Police believe the cat was looking for friends and jumped at the chance with the two 6 year olds. The children say that “ The cat in the hat just knock on our door and came in our house.” The house was said to be made into a terrible


Police are currently searching for the cat. Police also say that the cat will be taken to the Seussville Jail un-til he can have a schedule date


Local house destroyed by big balloon pool. By: Alex Weaver

Kitty O’Sullavins

big swimming pool de-

flated late afternoon and

fell on her house on the

corner of Susie Q ave-

nue. March 1, 2012.

Kitty and her

dog Dr.Seuss were in

the pool at the time. 3

Blobs blew into her big

balloon swimming pool

making a hole causing

the whole thing to de-


Kittys’ dog Suess

died because of the im-

pact of falling on the

house. Kitty is in the hos-

pital suffering from mi-

nor injuries. The house

damage cost is around

$200 000.

Police say no-

body is being charged

for the incident.

Cat terrorizes two children By: Cole Friesen

April 10th, 2012

~Thought of the day~

Seussville Times

A strange dog-like animal

has been poisoned by a

smaller creature known as


On April 5th 20212

the creature was killed by

food poisoning. The crea-

ture was in his home In

Seussville on one fish St.

when Sam-I-Am convinced

him to eat poisoned green

eggs and ham.

Sam-I-Am was

consistently pestering the

animal to eat his famous

cuisine dish green eggs

and ham. The creature did

not want to eat green eggs

and ham and Sam-I-Am felt

offended, so he made an-

other dish of green eggs

and ham with food poison-

ing. The next day he went

back to nagging the critter.

The animal finally gave in

and tried the green eggs

and ham.

The neighbor who

found The creature dead

said “ I t is horrible what

has happened I cant be-

lieve someone would actu-

ally do something like


After swallowing a

bite of green eggs and ham

the animal fell to the floor

and died on on the scene.

Sam-I-Am was rushed to

the hospital after being

found by the neighbor. The

cause of the death was con-

firmed to be food poison-


Sam-I-Am disap-

peared before police and

ambulance arrived on the

scene. Police have not get

found Sam-I-Am. If you

have any information

please call 102-394-5867.

Page 2

Wump gets harassed by fish gang By: Kali Patenaude

Animal is poisoned by Sam- I -Am By: Susie Dyck

Hop on Pop Couch Company!!!

Police are still looking for

members of fish gang.

Witness Dr. Seuss

said “They all had little

blue star tattoos located on

their upper wrist.” Charlie

Wump is now in the hospi-

tal recovering from a shot

to the hump.

Police state if you

have any other information

on this case please call 1-


Charlie Wump is

harassed by a fish gang,

March 17 2012, at the Cor-

ner Store Café.

Fish gang har-

assed Wump when Wump

refused to give up money

from the register. A mem-

ber of the fish gang shot

Wump and grabbed a total

of $700 from the register.

We are slashing

our prices !!!!

All Couches starting at $900!!! No down payment required!!

Dr. Seuss By: Laura Reid

Dr. Seuss was a really famous book

writer for kids, He wanted to write

books for adults but he couldn`t in-

stead he had to write for kids and that

is just what he did!

"Dr.Seuss, where were you born?” " I

was born on march 2, 1904 on Howard

Street in Springfield, Massachusetts." "

Is your real name Dr. Seuss?” " No, my

real name is Theodor Seuss Geisel, I

changed it to Dr.Seuss because it was

easier to pronounce". " What was your

favourite thing to do as a kid?” " My

dad, Theodor Robert, always took me

to the zoo, I loved to see the animals"!

“What made you want to write books?"

"When I was a little boy in school I al-

ways loved reading books and draw-

ing, my art teacher would always tell

me I`m bad at drawing, my dad would

always tell me to do my best no matter

what, and that`s what I did!”

" Why did you choose to write for

kids?” "After working as a writer of ads

for magazines, the company I worked

for wouldn't let me write for adults, but

I could write for kids, so that is what I

did. " Last question,what was the very

first book you made?” " My first book

for children was, And To Think That I

Saw It On Mulberry Street, I wrote it in

1937,But I had a hard time finding a

publishing company that was inter-

ested. Finally, after 29 companies

turned it down, it was published. It was

a hit!”

Dr. Seuss is one of the most famous

writers, he makes up silly words and

put them in his books, which made

As some of you

know a new movie has

just come out, The Lorax.

I interviewed Mr. Lorax

to get a little better idea

about his new movie.

I asked Mr.

Lorax how it was work-

ing with actor Zac Efron

and country singer

Taylor Swift. Mr.

Lorax answered with

“They were a pretty

strange duo those

two.” Mr. Lorax also

said he appreciated

all of the support the

cast and crew gave him

when they were shoot-

ing the film.

The next thing I

asked Mr. Lorax was

about the crazy amount

of money his film made

at the box office. Mr.

Lorax said he was as-

tounded by the fact that it doubled

what they thought it would make in

the box office.

Another question I had for

Mr. Lorax was how he tried to act

during this film. Mr. Lorax answered

“Well trying to act grumpy yet

charming was a bit of a challenge

for me” Mr. Lorax also said “Most of

the time I just showed up on set

and the acting just seemed natu-


If you have time on your

weekend then for sure going to

the theaters and watching the

Lorax is a great thing to do with

your family if you have nothing to


Local School Honours Dr. Seuss in Teachings! By: Eric Harris

The Lorax! By: Cole Friesen

Mrs. DeCloet

doesn't just use Dr. Seuss

books at school, she has

two daughters, and when

asked if she read Dr.Seuss

to them, she replied "I have

read Dr. Seuss books to my

daughters since they were

babies. They are really

good readers now that they

are older."

Primary teacher at Port

Rowan Public School, Mrs.

DeCloet, takes time in

March to teach her class

about Dr. Seuss. Mrs. De-

Cloet teaches grade one.

She says "They love Dr.

Seuss. Every year they

laugh, learn and have fun

with Dr. Seuss." When

asked why she uses Dr.

Seuss in her teaching, she

said "I use Dr. Seuss be-

cause his books have sim-

ple rhyming words that the

children can read. The are

fun, silly and the kids love


At the time of his

death, Dr. Seuss had writ-

ten and illustrated 44

books. Mrs. DeCloet's fa-

vourite is The Cat in the

Hat, which was also made

into a major motion pic-

ture. She has seen that

Dr.Seuss movie, as well as

The Lorax.

Continuation page 1 Page 3


HAT,HATS! Hats in any style, shape, and size to fit your needs. Find Great prices and great quality hats and CAT IN THE HAT,HATS!

Hours: 8-4 Mon-Sat

Location: Down Main St. in Seuss-ville next to book-store!

Call: 824-317-6023!

“ ..trying

to act


yet charm-

ing was a

bit of a


for me”

Fox is caught wearing blue Socks. By: Laura Reid

Justin Bieber reads Dr. Seuss book– Youtube video goes viral! By: Kali Patenaude

Super Star Justin Bieber reads Dr. Seuss book– ‘Cat in the Hat’ to thousands

around the world. The video was posted Feb. 15 2012 by jarjarbinksify and had more

then 26 288 hits in one week!

The video had different feeling come about. Some people thought is was won-

derful. Others thought it was boring.

If the video was to get up to more than 25 000 views. Youtube would donate 25

000 to Pencils of Promise! Fortunately the video got more than 450 157 views! So 25 000

was given to the charity Pencils of Promise! Way to go Justin!


Sale Satur-

day April

7th , 2012!


1 800 608 8903 so he can

be brought to justice.

Monday April, 6 at 5: 30 pm

a red fox has

been caught walking

around seussville wearing

blue socks_ No one knows

why the red fox was doing

this but since its against the

law a knox has seen the fox

and called the police im-

mediately. When the police

came to arrest the fox, he

had gotten away and took

the Knox with him. The po-

lice went

to search for them and

found the Knox

alone in the forest. The

Knox was

rushed to the hospital to

have stitches.

No one still knows where

the red fox is,

if you see a fox in blue

socks please call

On March 1, 2012 male scientist ‘Cole Frieshen’ recorded the worlds largest tail.

The Zongs’ tail was measured 50ft long. Zongs tails usually only measure up to 15ft as you

can see the tail is over three times more than usual!

The Zong was found in Alexis Park by three young boys. They were picking mush-

rooms when the Zong slithered in front of them. They reported it to the Science Center and

then all Scientist started surrounding the Zong.

The three boys got an award for finding the Zong. The Zong is now in private care at Seuss

Zoo. The opening of the exhibit will be on March 29, 2012. Everyone is welcome!

Come and see the Zong well he is still alive because we are going to kill the

Zong ,he is dangerous.

year old girl who loves to

read. She claims “I love to

read but these books take

the cake, they are great!

Dr. Seuss leaves so much

room for your imagination.

Every time you read his

books you disappear into

your own world of imagi-

nary animals and people.”

We definitely agree that

We all know that

many young people enjoy

reading Dr. Seuss books.

From young Children to

adults we all love to read

Dr. Seuss's rhyming and

imagination filled books! I

will be interviewing some

young students on their

opinion of Dr. Seuss.

A young 8 year old

boy said “I love reading

Dr. Seuss books because

they are funny and have

neat pictures!” It is very

true that Dr. Seuss books

are funny. It is not hard to

laugh out loud when read-

ing Dr. Seuss because of

his made up words and

colourful pictures.

Another perspec-

tive we got was from a 9

Dr. Seuss leaves room for


So, over all, most

people enjoy Dr. Seuss

books for reasons like vari-

ety of words and pictures.

Dr. Seuss is loved for his

humor and his creative

imagination. No wonder he

writes amazing books!

Dr. Seuss Books. By: Susie Dyck

Worlds longest Tail recorded. By: Alex Weaver



Any Dr. Seuss books still in

good shape call Dan at 528-

390-2938. For more information

or drop off location.


Cat in the Hats hat. MUST be real

vintage. Will pay any amount for

real hat. If Interested in selling

your hat please call 1-800-346-

6908. We will pick up the hat. Hat

must be red and white and a foot

and 1/2 tall. As seen in the movie

played by Mike Myers. Please

call before April10th.


Quad for sale!

Blue Yamaha with speeds up to 110. Is

in good shape. Asking $2 500 for it.

Monster stickers included! Please

call 1– 519– 586– 8061 or email

Alex at [email protected].

EDITORIAL: Why I Don’t Think It’s Right To Use A Gack For Games. By: Cole Friesen

Why do we play the game Ring

The Gack, Do you think this is okay? Before

you go into you`re backyard and play the

game Ring The Gack, think about how your

gack will feel about this game.

Gack`s antlers should not be used for a game. Their antlers shouldn’t be used for a

game because their antlers should be left

alone. Gack`s antlers can be damaged very

easily from playing this game.

The game Ring The Gack is bad for these

creatures because the rings can cause damage

to the antlers. The gack`s antlers are the only

thing the gack`s can use for self defense

against predators.

People who play bring the Gack`s`s usually

don’t care about the well being of this animal.

People need to change their feeling about this

game and realize the negative effects this

game causes.

Many people don`t know how to play this

game and if more people knew about this

game they would realize it is a stupid game.

The game ring the gack`s is when you take

rings and try to see who can get all their rings

on the gack`s`s antlers.

Another reason why people shouldn’t play

ring the Gack`s is because the animal may

also swallow the rings and choke and eventu-

ally die, it is a shame that the people of

Seussville would risk the life of this animal

for some silly game.

I hope that now you have read this you will

think about the Gack and that we are endan-

gering this animal for some silly game that

has no point to it.