seven natural wonders of the world fitness challenge

Seven Natural Wonders of the World Fitness Challenge Directions: Your challenge this month is to conquer the seven natural wonders of the world by being active! Here’s how: Natural Wonder How to conquer it Bonus Mount Everest Mount Everest is 29029 feet high. Use a pedometer and track 29029 steps to reach the summit OR use 20 minutes of activity to earn 3000 steps towards the total. What country is Mount Everest located in? Who was the first person to conquer Everest? Victoria Falls Victoria Falls is 360 feet high jump rope 1x for every foot of the waterfall Where is Victoria Falls? Paricutin Volcano This volcano grew from nothing to 150ft in just one week complete 150 mountain climbers in 1 week to conquer Paricutin What is special about the Paricutin Volcano? Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef stretches for more than 1600 miles. Spend at least 16 minutes each week stretching out your muscles remember to warm up properly first. What is biodiversity? What examples of biodiversity exist at the Great Barrier Reef? Grand Canyon The Grand Canyon is a mile deep Run, walk, hike, skate, or bike a mile to reach the floor of the canyon. See how many times you can reach the canyon floor this month. What river runs through the Grand Canyon? How was the canyon formed? Giza Pyramid (not natural, but still a wonder!) The Giza Pyramid was constructed by dragging, lifting, & pulling stone blocks into place. Complete 20 body weight exercises 3x a week to improve your strength (push ups, bear crawl, crunches, crab walk etc) How many years do experts think it took to build the Giza Pyramid? For how long was it the tallest structure in the world? Harbour of Rio de Janeiro Sugar Loaf Mountain, part of the harbour, is 1296 feet high. Track how much sugar you consume in one day by looking at the food labels on the things you eat were you below the 3 tsp/ 12 grams recommended? How did Sugar Loaf Mountain get its name?

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Post on 21-Dec-2016




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Page 1: Seven Natural Wonders of the World Fitness Challenge

Seven Natural Wonders of the World Fitness Challenge

Directions: Your challenge this month is to conquer the seven natural wonders of the world by being active! Here’s how:


How to conquer it Bonus

Mount Everest Mount Everest is 29029 feet high. Use a pedometer and track 29029steps to reach the summit OR  use 20 minutes of activity to earn 3000steps towards the total.

What country is Mount Everest located in?Who was the first person to conquerEverest?

Victoria Falls Victoria Falls is 360 feet high ­ jump rope 1x for every foot of the waterfall Where is Victoria Falls?


This volcano grew from nothing to 150ft in just one week ­ complete 150mountain climbers in 1 week to conquer Paricutin

What is special about the Paricutin Volcano?

Great BarrierReef

The Great Barrier Reef stretches for more than 1600 miles. Spend atleast 16 minutes each week stretching out your muscles ­ remember towarm up properly first.

What is biodiversity? What examples ofbiodiversity exist at the Great Barrier Reef?

Grand Canyon The Grand Canyon is a mile deep ­ Run, walk, hike, skate, or bike a mileto reach the floor of the canyon. See how many times you can reach thecanyon floor this month.

What river runs through the Grand Canyon?How was the canyon formed?

Giza Pyramid(not natural, butstill a wonder!)

The Giza Pyramid was constructed by dragging, lifting, & pulling stoneblocks into place.  Complete 20 body weight exercises 3x a week toimprove your strength (push ups, bear crawl, crunches, crab walk etc)

How many years do experts think it took tobuild the Giza Pyramid? For how long was itthe tallest structure in the world?

Harbour of Riode Janeiro

Sugar Loaf Mountain, part of the harbour, is 1296 feet high. Track howmuch sugar you consume in one day by looking at the food labels on thethings you eat ­ were you below the 3 tsp/ 12 grams recommended?

How did Sugar Loaf Mountain get its name?

Page 2: Seven Natural Wonders of the World Fitness Challenge

Seven Natural Wonders of the World Fitness Challenge

Directions: Your challenge this month is to conquer the seven natural wonders of the world by being active! Here’s how:

Natural Wonder Tracking Chart Bonus

Mount Everest Circle when completed: 10,000               20,000           29,029

Victoria Falls Jump rope 360x ­ check when completed

Paricutin Volcano 150 mountain Climbers ­ check when completed

Great Barrier ReefWeek 1 2 3 4

Mins of stretching

Grand Canyon Check off a box for every mile you complete:

Giza Pyramid(not natural, but still awonder!)

Check off a box each time you do 20x body weight exercise

Harbour of Rio deJaneiro

Grams of sugar in 1 day: