sexual harassment at work place ppt by paramesh

Harassment in work place 1 Presented By : Gokul.G P svsn Parameswarao Sreenivas

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explains sexual harassment at workplace and how to deal with it.


  • 1.Presented By : Gokul.GP svsn ParameswaraoSreenivas1

2. 2 3. What is Sexual Harassment?Sexual harassment is unwelcomesexual advances, requests forsexual favors, and/or other verbal,visual or physical conduct of asexual nature where:3 4. What is Sexual Harassment?Sexual harassment is unwelcomesexual advances, requests forsexual favors, and/or other verbal,visual or physical conduct of asexual nature where:a. Submission to or rejection of such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individuals employment;4 5. What is Sexual Harassment?Sexual harassment is unwelcomesexual advances, requests forsexual favors, and/or other verbal,visual or physical conduct of asexual nature where: b. Submission to or rejection ofsuch conduct by an individualis used as a basis foremployment decisions affectingthat individual; or 5 6. What is Sexual Harassment?Sexual harassment is unwelcomesexual advances, requests forsexual favors, and/or other verbal,visual or physical conduct of asexual nature where: c. Such conduct has the purposeof or effect of unreasonablyinterfering with an individualswork performance or creatingan intimidating, hostile, oroffensive working environment. 6 7. Traditional Examples ofSexual Harassment Harassment by a male supervisor of a female subordinate. Harassment by co-workers based on a hostile work environment. 7 8. The Definition of Sexual Harassment HasEvolved Over the Years Now it Includes . . . Harassment by a female supervisor of a male subordinate; Harassment by a supervisor of the same sex as the subordinate;8 9. The Definition of Sexual Harassment HasEvolved Over the Years Now it Includes . . . Harassment of employees by non- employees, such as clients, contractors, vendors, etc. Harassment based on a supervisors consensual relationship with another employee.9 10. What Behavior May Be Harassing? Written Unwelcome suggestive, sexually explicit or obscene letters, notes, e-mails or invitations. 10 11. What Behavior May Be Harassing? Verbal Derogatory, sexually explicit or offensive comments, epithets, slurs or jokes; inappropriate comments about an individuals body or sexual activities; repeated unwelcome propositions or sexual flirtations; direct or subtle pressure or repeated unwelcome requests for dates or sexual activities.11 12. What Behavior May Be Harassing? Visual Sexually oriented gestures, display ofsexually suggestive or derogatoryobjects, pictures, cartoons, posters ordrawings. Looking a person up and down(elevator eyes).12 13. What Behavior May Be Harassing? Physical Impeding or blocking movements,touching, patting, pinching, or anyother unnecessary or unwantedphysical contact. Touching an employees hair, clothingor body. Brushing up against a person.13 14. Two Types of Sexual Harassment1. Quid Pro Quo2. Hostile Environment 14 15. Quid Pro Quo Sexual HarassmentClassic Examples: Occurs when an employees submission to or rejection of unwelcome sexual advances or conduct is used as the basis for an employment decision affecting that employee. 15 16. Quid Pro QuoSexual HarassmentClassic Examples: If you want a promotion, you must sleep with me. If you do not want to be disciplined for being late and missing work, you must go out on a date with me. 16 17. Hostile Work Environment Hostile work environment sexual harassment is created when unwelcome harassment is severe or pervasive enough to alter the conditions of an individuals employment or creates an abusive, intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.17 18. Hostile Work Environment unwelcome severe or pervasive creates anabusive, intimidating, hostile or offensiveworking environment.18 19. Hostile Work Environmentsevere or pervasive19 20. Hostile Environment Severe or Pervasive Generally, a single or isolated incident is notenough to create a hostile environment. However, a single or unusually severe incident of harassment may be sufficient to create a hostile work environment, particularly when the harassment is physical.20 21. What Do You Know About Sexual Harassment? True or False?Sexual harassment in the workplace is aform of workplace discrimination.TRUE.21 22. What Do You Know AboutSexual Harassment?True or False?Sexual harassment is a violation of laws.TRUE. Sexual harassment is a violationof law .22 23. What Do You Know AboutSexual Harassment? True or False?If your intentions are good, your behaviorcannot be considered sexual harassment.FALSE. A harassers intent is irrelevant. 23 24. What Do You Know AboutSexual Harassment? True or False?If everyone else is okay with a co-workersbehavior, you should just accept it, even if itoffends you.FALSE.24 25. What Do You Know AboutSexual Harassment?You have a right to object to offensive behaviorno matter how many other co-workers find thebehavior acceptable. 25 26. What Do You Know About Sexual Harassment?True or False?Asking a co-worker for a date is not sexualharassment.TRUE. However, if you repeat the behavior afterbeing told that your attention is unwanted, itcould be considered or become sexualharassment26 27. What Do You Know AboutSexual Harassment? True or False?If you ignore the behavior of sexualharassment, it will ultimately stop or goaway.FALSE. Sexual harassment must be dealtwith immediately.27 28. What Do You Know AboutSexual Harassment?True or False?It is not important to tell someone to stopunwanted behavior because it usually doesntdo any good.FALSE. 28 29. What Do You Know AboutSexual Harassment?Telling someone that his/her behavior isunwanted or offensive is an important first step instopping sexual harassment.1. Puts the person on notice2. Gives him/her the opportunity to change29 30. What Do You Know AboutSexual Harassment? True or False?All employees share responsibility forensuring that the workplace is free from allforms of sexual harassment.TRUE. 30 31. What Do You Know AboutSexual Harassment?True or False?Men, as well as women may be either theperpetrators or victims of sexualharassment.TRUE.31 32. What Do You Know AboutSexual Harassment?True or False?Sexual Harassment is only prohibited if itoccurs in the workplace during workinghours.FALSE. 32 33. What Do You Know AboutSexual Harassment?Sexual Harassment will not be tolerated in theworkplace or in work-related settings, nomatter the time or place it occurs. 33 34. What Do You Know AboutSexual Harassment?True or False?Sexual harassment complaints must be inwriting before an investigation will beinitiated.FALSE.34 35. How to Deal with Unwanted AttentionStep 1: Act ImmediatelyTell the individual that thebehavior is unwelcome andto stop the behavior NOW! 35 36. How to Deal with Unwanted AttentionStep 2: Document the Incident Date, time, place of incident; Specific unwelcome behavior; Your response; Names of witnesses; and Copies of documentation (e.g.,notes, e-mails, pictures, etc.)36 37. How to Deal with Unwanted AttentionStep 3: Report the BehaviorImmediately report the behaviorto your supervisor orthe agency official designated toreceive complaints.37 38. How to Deal with Unwanted AttentionStep 3: Report the BehaviorBe SpecificWhen Reporting Unwanted Behavior: Who? What? Where? When? Why?38 39. How to Deal with Unwanted AttentionStep 3: Report the BehaviorBe Specific When Reporting UnwantedBehavior How many times has this happened? Any witnesses? What were your feelings? Was your work affected? Did you document the incident? What remedy do you want? 39 40. How to Deal withUnwanted AttentionStep 4: Report RetaliationIf you believe that you arethe subject of retaliation,immediately report thisto your supervisor and/orto appropriate agency official.40 41. Strategies for Prevention Know and follow the organisations/ govt policy prohibiting sexual harassment. Act professionally and treat co-workers with respect; 41 42. Strategies for Prevention Report harassing behavior immediately, even if it is not directed at you.42 43. Summary If you believe that you are the victim of sexual harassment or are aware of sexual harassment in the workplace, you should immediately report it to any of the following: Your supervisor. Someone in your direct line of supervision. The Manager/ Specialist, Human Resources Officer or other designated official. 43 44. Summary Your complaint will be taken seriously and will be investigated promptly and thoroughly. When warranted, prompt and appropriate corrective action will be taken. 44