sexual reproduction in animal (internal and external fertilization

Detailed Lesson Plan I. Lesson Objectives At the end of the one hour period, the Grade 5 learners should be able to: 1. identify the methods of sexual reproduction in animals; 2. categorize different animals into internal and external fertilization; and 3. state the difference of internal and external fertilization using a venn diagram. II. Subject Matter Topic: Sexual Reproduction in Animals Reference: Science in Our World, pages 71-75 Materials: Visual Aids, Power Point, Mystery box, Animals Value Focus: Cooperation and Discipline III. Procedure Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity A. PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES “Who is our prayer leader for today?” (prayer) “Good Morning Class” “Pick-up the pieces of paper on the floor and arrange your chairs.” (Checking of Attendance) “Who are absent for today?” B. REVIEW OF PAST LESSON “What have we discussed last Friday?” “Yes __________” “Good! Who can describe asexual reproduction in animals?” (says the name of their classmate) (prayer) “Good Morning Teacher Princess” (Pick-up the trashes and arrange the chairs) (Says the name of the student that is absent) (raise their hands) “Asexual reproduction in animals” “Asexual reproduction takes place when a new organism is formed by a single parent.” 1

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Page 1: Sexual Reproduction in Animal (Internal and External Fertilization

Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Lesson Objectives

At the end of the one hour period, the Grade 5 learners should be able to:1. identify the methods of sexual reproduction in animals;2. categorize different animals into internal and external fertilization; and3. state the difference of internal and external fertilization using a venn


II. Subject Matter

Topic: Sexual Reproduction in AnimalsReference: Science in Our World, pages 71-75 Materials: Visual Aids, Power Point, Mystery box, AnimalsValue Focus: Cooperation and Discipline

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s ActivityA. PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES

“Who is our prayer leader for today?”


“Good Morning Class”

“Pick-up the pieces of paper on the floor and arrange your chairs.”

(Checking of Attendance)“Who are absent for today?”


“What have we discussed last Friday?”

“Yes __________”

“Good! Who can describe asexual reproduction in animals?”

“Yes __________”

“Very Good! Who can give an example of animals that reproduce through asexual


(call at least 5 students)

“Thank you! Remember that asexual reproduction does not need one male and

one female parent to produce a young organism.”

(says the name of their classmate)


“Good Morning Teacher Princess”

(Pick-up the trashes and arrange the chairs)

(Says the name of the student that is absent)

(raise their hands)

“Asexual reproduction in animals”

“Asexual reproduction takes place when a new organism is formed by a single


(raise their hands)

(lizard, starfish, sea anemone, bacteria, worms)

(listen attentively)


Page 2: Sexual Reproduction in Animal (Internal and External Fertilization

“Do you still remember the methods in asexual reproduction? What are they?”

“Yes __________”

“I have here pictures; I want you to identify what method of asexual reproduction are

the following. Raise your hands if you want to answer.”

(Sea Anemone)

“Yes _________”

“Very good. What is binary fission?”


“Yes _________”

“What is regeneration?”

(raise their hands)

“Binary fission, budding and regeneration.”

(raise their hands)

“Binary fission”

“Binary fission occurs when a parent animals divides itself in two.”

(raise their hands)


“Regeneration occurs when a new animal develops from a detached body part of the

parent animal.”


Page 3: Sexual Reproduction in Animal (Internal and External Fertilization


“Yes _________”

“When does budding occur?”

“This means that the three methods of asexual reproduction are binary fission,

budding, and regeneration.”


“I have here a video about our topic for this morning. We will watch it, however you have to follow our standards once I play

the video.”

Standards:1. All eyes and ears are on the video.2. Do not talk to anyone while watching.3. Understand the idea of the video.4. You may take down notes of important or unfamiliar words.

(plays the video)

“Did you understand the video?”

“Based on the video, what do you think is its main idea?

“Yes __________”

“What is sexual reproduction in animals?”

“Yes __________”

“Good! Can you give me some example of the animals mentioned in the video?”

(raise their hands)


“Budding occurs when an outgrowth of the parent organism develop into a new


(listen attentively)

(watch the video)


(raise their hands)

“Sexual reproduction”

(raise their hands)

“Sexual reproduction needs one male and one female parent to produce a new


(raise their hands)


Page 4: Sexual Reproduction in Animal (Internal and External Fertilization

(call at least 3 students)

“Very Good! These animals undergo sexual reproduction.”

“In the video, what are the two kinds of fertilization?”

“Yes ________”

“Very Good!”


“The term reproduction was mentioned in our video. Again what do we mean when

we say reproduction?

“Yes ________”(paste the word reproduction)

“Very Good! It is the biological process of producing new organism. What do you call

the young animal?”

“Yes ________”

“Offspring is the product of the reproductive process of animal or plant.”

“How can you describe sexual reproduction?”

“Yes ________”

“Sexual reproduction needs both one male and one female parent to produce a new

organism or offspring.”

“Animals also produced sex cells by their sex organs. These are called gametes.”

(paste the word)

“There are two kinds of gamete, one for male and one for female. Do you have any

idea what are they?”

“Yes __________”

(shark, frog, and dogs)

(raise their hands)

“Internal and external fertilization”

(raise their hands)

“Reproduction is the ability to make new individuals.”

(raise their hands)


(raise their hands)

“It involves one male and one female parent.”

(listen attentively)

(raise their hands)

“egg cell and sperm cell”


Page 5: Sexual Reproduction in Animal (Internal and External Fertilization

“The female gamete is called egg cell and the male gamete is called sperm cell.”

“Gamete contains information. What information do you think it contains?”

“Yes __________”

“Very Good! It contains the information of the offspring. This information is what we

call genetic identity.”

“Why do you think gametes are important?”

“Yes _________”

“Very Good! These gametes unite for reproduction to happen. What do we call

the union of sperm and egg?”

“Yes __________”

“Thank you! In sexual reproduction, there are two types of fertilization. Can you

name the two?”

“Yes __________”

“The two types of fertilization are internal and external fertilization.”

(paste the word)

“Why do you think it is called internal fertilization? Anyone?”

“Yes _________”

“Very Good! “Internal fertilization, in which the eggs are retained within the

reproductive tract of the female until after they have been fertilized by sperm

inserted into the female by the male.”

“The embryo can either develop inside the female body until it is born alive or develop

(raise their hands)

“The genes of the parents.”

(raise their hands)

“Gametes are important in reproduction because it is their union that makes new


(raise their hands)


(raise their hands)

“Internal and external fertilization”

(raise their hands)

“When we say internal fertilization, this means that the male animal releases

sperm cells into the body of the female animal to fertilize an egg cell.”


Page 6: Sexual Reproduction in Animal (Internal and External Fertilization

inside an egg laid by the female until it hatches. Most land animals undergo

internal fertilization.”

“How about external fertilization?”

“Yes ________”

“Good! In external fertilization, both types of gametes are shed into water and the

sperm swim or are carried by currents to the eggs.”

“I have here 5 mystery boxes. Each box contains an animal or insect. I will give you a trivia about the animal inside and you will

guess what it is. Do you understand?”

“We will also try to identify if they undergo internal or external fertilization.”

“Trivia for box #1; This animal sweat through their footpads. What animal is


“Yes ________”

“Is it a dog?”(reveals the animals)

“Very Good! It is dog. What type of fertilization do you think dogs belong?”

“It is in internal fertilization.”

(raise their hands)

“When we say external fertilization it happens when a female animal releases

egg into the environment to be fertilized by the sperm cells also released by a male

animal into the environment.”

(listen attentively)

(raise their hands)


“Dogs undergo internal fertilization.”


Page 7: Sexual Reproduction in Animal (Internal and External Fertilization

“Trivia for box #2: This animal live on land and their habitat must be near swamps,

ponds or in a damp place. This is because they will die if their skin dries out. What

animal is it?

“Yes ________”

“Is it a frog?”(reveals the animals)

“Very Good! It is frog. What type of fertilization do you think frog belong?”

“It is in external fertilization, because frogs lay their gametes in the water.”

“Trivia for box #3: don't have ears, but they are very sensitive to

vibrations. What animal is it?”

“Yes ________”

“Is it a turtle?”(reveals the animals)

“Very Good! It is turtle. What type of fertilization do you think turtles belong?”

“It is in internal fertilization.”

“Trivia for box #4: have the ability to shed their tails to run away from their predators.

(raise their hands)


“External fertilization”

(raise their hands)


“Internal fertilization”

(raise their hands)


Page 8: Sexual Reproduction in Animal (Internal and External Fertilization

This action is called 'autonomy'. What animal is it?”

“Yes ________”

“Is it a lizard?”(reveals the animals)

“Very Good! It is lizard. What type of fertilization do you think lizard belong?”

“It is in internal fertilization.”

“Trivia for box #5: These insects get its vitamins from bacteria that live in their

bodies. What insect it is?

“Yes ________”

“Is it a cockroach?”(reveals the animals)

“Very Good! It is cockroach. What type of fertilization do you think cockroach


“It is in internal fertilization.”


“Did you understand the sexual reproduction?”

“Do you have any questions?”

“If you do not have any questions, I will give each of you a piece of paper. For 5 minutes I want you to list down 3 things

you have learned today, 2 things you don’t understand and 1 thing you wish we have

elaborated more.”


“Internal fertilization”

(raise their hands)


“Internal fertilization”

“Yes teacher!”

“None teacher!”


Page 9: Sexual Reproduction in Animal (Internal and External Fertilization

F. APPLICATION“I will group you into 5. Each group will create a venn diagram that shows the

differences and similarities of internal and external fertilization. You have 10 minutes to finish you’re your work then present it in the class.

IV. EvaluationA. DIRECTIONS: Identify whether the picture undergo internal or external

fertilization. Write IF for internal fertilization and EF for external fertilization.


Internal Fertilization External Fertilization

Rubrics: (20 points)Creativity = 5 pointsVoice quality = 5 pointsAccuracy of information = 10 points

Page 10: Sexual Reproduction in Animal (Internal and External Fertilization

B. DIRECTIONS. Read each sentences below. On the blank provided before each number, write T if the statement is correct; if it is false, replace the underline word with the word that makes the statement true. Write the replacement word on the blank.

__________ 1. Fertilization is the union of sperm and egg cell.__________ 2. Ovum is the sex cell of a female animal.__________ 3. Jellyfish is an example animal that undergoes internal fertilization.__________ 4. Sexual reproduction takes place when sex cells of two parent animals unite to form a new organism.__________ 5. Gametes is another term for fertilized ovum.