sfl - strangers friends lovers

Strangers. Friends. Lovers. Chapter One I can’t sleep. I keep tossing and turning back and forth in between the sheets to find a comfortable position. Too many thoughts running through my mind. It’s too quiet in the condo. A huge space that even the smallest sound echoes through each room. It’s summertime and the humidity is relentless is at night. The air is thick and I am only mildly relieved by the air coming in from the window. I glance at the clock on the nightstand. A quarter past midnight. I should be sleeping like the rest of the world. A busy day lies ahead of me. Too much on my mental plate. I can’t breathe. I am mentally suffocating. The glass of water I had before bed two hour ago has made it’s way to my bladder. I kick back the covers and crawl out of bed rushing towards the bathroom. A slight breeze slides up my legs and down the middle of my back as I run past the window. Dressed only in my panties and a cami I welcome the relief. I make it just in time to the bathroom. I close the bathroom door behind me and head towards the kitchen to make a cup of chamomile tea. I reach for the box of chamomile tea inside the cabinet and place the box on the counter. I grab a small pot from underneath the sink and fill it with water. I turn on the stove and allow the water to boil for a few minutes. I ‘m heading towards the living room to turn on the television. Suddenly I hear rap music coming from outside the patio. I walk towards the patio door. The closer I step towards the door the louder the music becomes. I open the patio door and to my right I find

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Strangers. Friends. Lovers.

Chapter One

I can’t sleep. I keep tossing and turning back and forth in between the sheets to

find a comfortable position. Too many thoughts running through my mind. It’s

too quiet in the condo. A huge space that even the smallest sound echoes

through each room. It’s summertime and the humidity is relentless is at night.

The air is thick and I am only mildly relieved by the air coming in from the

window. I glance at the clock on the nightstand. A quarter past midnight. I

should be sleeping like the rest of the world. A busy day lies ahead of me. Too

much on my mental plate. I can’t breathe. I am mentally suffocating. The glass of

water I had before bed two hour ago has made it’s way to my bladder. I kick back

the covers and crawl out of bed rushing towards the bathroom. A slight breeze

slides up my legs and down the middle of my back as I run past the window.

Dressed only in my panties and a cami I welcome the relief. I make it just in time

to the bathroom. I close the bathroom door behind me and head towards the

kitchen to make a cup of chamomile tea.

I reach for the box of chamomile tea inside the cabinet and place the box on the

counter. I grab a small pot from underneath the sink and fill it with water. I turn

on the stove and allow the water to boil for a few minutes. I ‘m heading towards

the living room to turn on the television. Suddenly I hear rap music coming from

outside the patio. I walk towards the patio door. The closer I step towards the

door the louder the music becomes. I open the patio door and to my right I find

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my neighbor shirtless painting on a canvas. The muscles in his back briefly

distract me from being irritated. I don’t want to come off as an uptight prude

that lives next door. I slowly count to ten to calm my nerves. I tighten my robe

and clear my throat.


No response.

I try again a little bit louder. This time I catch his attention and he turns around.

His chest is covered in multiple hues from the paint. Holding the paintbrush in

his hands he briefly smiles in my direction.

He waves.

I nod. Partially bothered by his perfectly sculpted body.

“The music...it’s too loud !!”


“Turn the music down” I signal pointing towards my ears.

“Oh!!” He replies dropping his paintbrush and runs inside the apartment.

The music stops and he returns after a while. His chest heaving slowly. He bends

to catch his breathe briefly. The moonlight and the city lights combine bring him

into clear focus. I can see all of him. From a short distance he looks like Omari

Hardwick but much slender and more rugged around the edges. The light from

his apartment brushes his cinnamon complexion. Beads of sweat slide down his

body. Tattoos cover most of his torso. Every fiber of my being wants to throw

him inside the shower and wash every part of his angelic body. He’s attractive

and easy on the eyes. But, he’s not for me. He reminds of the guys I used to date

during my rebellious years. Heartbreaker is written all over him.

He looks up at me with a brief smile and says, “ I’m sorry. Did I wake you?”

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“No. I was already awake. I was just making some tea?”

“Hmm. I like tea.”

“Not going to happen.” I affirm waving my index finger .

He laughs and I do too. “ A woman of principles...I like that.”

“Mhmm.” I nod. “Keep the music down.” I reply and walk away.

“I’m Matthew by the way!”

“Pleasure. I’m sure.” I reply and walk back inside my apartment.

I lock the patio door behind me. A slight smirk covers my face. He’s cute. I have

to admit. A good lay at best. Definitely not husband material. I prepare my tea

and return to my bedroom. I rest my head on my pillow and close my eyes.

Despite my best efforts I can’t seem to get the sexy stranger out of my head. I

don’t think I really want too.

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Chapter Two

I’m partially well rested as I roll out of bed and jump in the shower. I toss my

hair into a quick ponytail, throw on some make up, jump into my favorite black

pant suit, and walk out the door. I can’t start my morning without a cup of

mocha latte from the Starbucks on the corner. Just as I’m locking the door to my

apartment the elevator doors open. After locking the door I walk quickly as

possible to catch the elevator. Out of the side of my eye I notice Matthew

running towards the elevator. He’s dressed in a pair of dark denim jeans, a printed

t-shirt with a silly character in bold colors, and a black messenger bag across his

torso. A pair of colorful headphones complete his outfit. Matthew’s much cuter

in the right lighting . He’s at least six foot three. His full lips and hazel eyes make

him unflinchingly gorgeous. He’s the kind of guy girls fight over and grown

women stalk. He smiles briefly in my direction and I smirk in response. I

continue walking swiftly towards the elevator. Midstep I stumble and nearly drop

my purse and laptop. The heel of shoe becomes trapped by a piece of carpet.

After a few brief seconds of tug and war I am victorious. I quickly recover from

almost being embarrassed. I can feel Matthew’s eyes on me as he holds the

elevator door. I put a little pep in my step and walk inside the elevator. Relieved. I

clear my throat and manage a polite, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Matthew replies.

It’s just us inside the elevator. I walk to the back of the elevator strategically

placing a distance between us. He presses the elevator button for the ground

floor and the doors close. As soon as the doors close I immediately regret living

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on the 10th floor. I begin counting to ten and praying to God Matthew doesn’t

strike up a conversation. God ignores my prayers as Matthew turns in my

direction and begins talking.

“Morning. You look beautiful today.” He says with a smile.

I glance down at my watch and don’t reply.

“Sorry about last night. I’m an artist. So-”

The elevator stops and a few more people get on. I welcome the interruption.

But, that doesn’t deter Matthew from talking. He blabs on and on about being an

artist from Queens, New York. I stop listening long after New York . We’re so

close I can smell the mint on his breathe and a hint of his cologne. It’s light with

a strong woodsy smell. I like it. I reply only with a half smile and a head nod. I’ve

already decided that I don’t want to get to know him. The last thing on my mind

is being friends with a man who dresses like a fifteen year old kid. More people

get on the elevator and we’re squished into a small corner.

We’re standing shoulder to shoulder when he asks, “Can I take you out


I look up and realize we’re on the first floor. Grateful that it’s almost time to get

off. My patience has run thin and I still need my cup of coffee. I don’t want to

hurt his feelings. So, I politely interrupt his campaign for us to get to know each


“I don’t think so.” I affirm .

Matthew pauses briefly. “ Why not?” He whispers.

I shrug my shoulders and reply with a straight face. “You’re not my type.”

A few heads turn in our direction. I ignore them all and direct my attention back

toward the elevator . Shocked by my honesty. Defeat crosses Matthews face as his

hazel eyes stare down at the floor. Just like that his campaign is over. The elevator

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door dings for the ground level. The doors open and everyone takes turns

getting off.

Matthew gets off before I do . He turns in my direction and says, “Have a nice


Before I can respond he places his headphones on his ears and walks out of the

elevator. I walk out of the elevator and head to Starbucks unfazed by the


I’m sitting at my desk reviewing a case when Jacqueline, my best friend since

college burst into my office. She closes the door behind her and locks it


“Stop whatever it is you’re doing I need to talk to you.” She says in a panic

fidgeting in place.

I stop what I’m doing and walk around my desk casually. I know this is not a life

or death situation. Jacqueline has a flair for the dramatic. Brilliant in the

courtroom. Dumb in love. Same as me. Every week she comes into my office to

ask for my help with some love conundrum. Either she’s broken a nail, broken up

with a boyfriend, or is just plain broke.

I cross my arms and legs and rest against my desk. “Breathe Jacque. Just breathe

and tell me what’s going on.”

“I can’t Na...I can’t. I’ve really done it this time.” Jacque replies shaking her head

and staring at the floor.

“ Sit down and let’s figure this out together.” I reply grabbing her hand and

leading her to one of the two chairs in front of my desk.

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Jacqueline does as I insist. I pass her a water bottle to calm her nerves. After a

few swallows Jacqueline closes the water bottle, takes a deep breath, and says, “

Jon is cheating on me.”

“What? How do you know?!” I exclaim jumping to my feet.

Jacqueline sits up in the chair and says, “I went through his phone and I found

some text messages.”

“Here we go again.” I roll my eyes and walk back to my chair behind the desk.

“ I know what you’re going to say. I’m paranoid. But, I promise you Na that I’m


“ We like Jon the chiropractor, remember?”

“ Jon’s great. I’m great. But, you know how I am Na.” Jacqueline explains

nervously rubbing her leg. “ I have issues bigger than Vogue.” Jacqueline admits

shaking her head.

“ Why do you think he’s cheating?”

“ He caught me snooping through his phone and went ballistic.”

“Jacque, you’re ridiculous! Why would you do this?”

“I don’t know...I got scared and panicked. I just wanted to see…?”

“See what?”

“See if he were seeing other people?”

I shake my head and let out a deep sigh.

“I know. ” Jacqueline admits hitting herself upside the head.

“ Well, did you find anything?”

“ A few text messages from some other women.”

“Okay ?” I shrug.

“ And that’s it.” Jacqueline concludes.

“That doesn’t mean he’s cheating.”

“ In my book it does.” Jacqueline proclaims rolling her neck.

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“Shame on you Jacque.” I reply readjusting my body in my chair. “Keep acting

like a crazy woman if you want too.

“I’m so stupid. Stupid. Stupid.” Jacqueline admits slapping her forehead with her


“Hey! Go beat yourself up in your own office.”

Jacqueline laughs. “Sorry. What am I supposed to do?”

“Apologize or move on.” I profess. “Hell, there’s more fish in the sea.” I shrug

and grab some folders from the other side of my desk.

Jacqueline doubles over in laughter and says, “You’re right as usual. I’ll get out

your hair. I see you got your hands full.”

“I do and then some. Shoo fly.” I joke and wave Jacqueline away.

Jacqueline turns around says, “ All work and no play gives your coochie


We both laugh.

“Come out with me tonight?”

“No thanks.” I assert. “ The last time we went out I had to break up a fight

between you and a little person. No ma’am .” I affirm with my index finger

pointed in her direction.

“She shouldn’t have been talking all that smack. Just because you small don’t

mean you can’t get a karate chop to the throat.” Jacqueline insist balling up her


“You are so crazy.” I laugh.

“I know but didn’t we have fun!” Jacqueline retorts.

I shake my head no adamantly.

“ Suit yourself.” Jacqueline says and walks away. “Don’t call me when your

vibrator dies.

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Shocked my heart nearly skips a beat.“ I beg your pardon.” I exclaim standing to

my feet.

Jacqueline turns around with her hands on her hips with a grin on her face.

“You’re excused.” She jokes.


“What’s the matter counselor? Vibratror got you sprung.” Jacqueline jokes.

“That’s it! You have worked my last nerve. I know how to have fun. Set me up.”

“Sold. Bye.” Jacqueline replies with a wave and hurries towards the door.

“ Wa...Wait a minute! I didn’t even tell you what kind of man like!”

“ Don’t worry I wasn’t going to listen anyway.” Jacqueline replies with a wink and

walks out the door.

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Chapter Three

Two weeks and three terrible dates later. I was done with the opposite sex and

Jacqueline. Each guy was worser than the last she set me up with. The first date

was a realtor named Brandon. Besides the fact that I could see the ring imprint

from his wedding band was a turn off within itself. But, the fact that he

compared me to his ex-wife repeatedly throughout the night took the date to a

whole nother level of crazy. Then there was Robert, the IT consultant for a

University. For our date we had dinner at a seafood restaurant in Lithia Springs.

He was super sweet. He brought me tulips instead of roses, pulled out my chair,

and even offered to split the desert with me over dinner. The date was almost

perfect. Almost. If it wasn’t for Robert’s obsession with big butts and his

wondering eyes. He salivated every time a woman with large behind walked past

our table. After my date with Robert I needed a hot bath and a technic shot.

Jacqueline kept trying to convince me that it would only get better the more I


“You’ve got to kiss a couple of frogs before they turn into a prince.” She said

over lunch one day.

“Mmhmm.” I replied and continued eating my salad.

A few days later Jacqueline persuades me to go out with Andrew, the athletic

trainer. He was ooh la la fine from head to toe. He looked like Boris Kodjoe but

dipped in dark chocolate. Andrew was well educated, charming, and quite the

comedian. For our date we went to the Aquarium. Simple, but classy I thought.

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Occasionally throughout the date he’d mention going to the gym, his celebrity

clientele, and his dream of opening a gym of his own. I admired his enthusiasm

and ambition. A man with a plan I liked that. After the aquarium we went to

dinner at a local steakhouse. I was having a decent time until the date took a turn

for the worst. After the bill arrives Andrew grabs my hand, stares into my eyes,

and with a straight face asks if I would write a check on his behalf for $1,000 as

an investment for his business. I nearly knocked the taste out of his mouth. But

instead I snatched my hand away and threw my drink in his face and walked out

of the restaurant.

After Andrew I needed a break from dating. I fire up the grill on the patio,

season two pieces of salmon, sip on some red wine, and allow Marvin Gaye and

Nina Simone to take my concerns away. I watch the sunset and the aroma from

the fish to stir all of my senses into a place of tranquility. I kick my feet up, lie

back in my recliner, and rest my eyes.

“Looks like a perfect evening for two.” Matthew announces from a distance.

Startled I jump and look in his direction.

“You scared me. I didn’t see you standing there.” I admit catching my breathe.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” He says clearing his throat and asks, “ Mind

if I join you?”

“Actually I do.” I reply folding my arms.

“That’s a shame. I’m a lot of fun.” Matthew professes leaning on the brick wall

of the patio.

I ignore his penetrating stare and tend to my food. I flip the salmon over and

pour a little more wine inside my glass. I can see Matthew out the side of my right

eye. I glance over and he’s setting up his canvas and paint brushes. I watch for a

few more seconds and I walk back to my chair. The curious side of me wants to

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watch what becomes of the blank page in front of him. The other side of me says

I should mind my own damn business. . The salmon is done and I complete the

meal with a spinach salad. Marvin and the gang are on repeat . I turn the music

down low and sit out on the patio to enjoy my dinner. Matthew hasn’t said a word

to me since earlier in the evening. Every so often I peek over in his direction.

Careful not to let him catch me.

From a distance I see a painting of a woman’s face. An array of light browns and

soft blues. The colors are bold but not overwhelming enough to pull away from

the art. It’s beautiful. Matthew is in his own world painting to his heart content. I

finish my dinner and walk over to the brick wall.

“It’s beautiful.” I profess.

“You think so?” He replies not taking his eyes away from the canvas.

“Yes. Someone special?” I ask.

He inhales deeply and says, “She used to be.”

“Oh!” I reply confused about what to say next. I begin to walk away . Suddenly

he says, “ I loved her once upon a time.”

“It shows.” I reply walking away from the wall to clear the table.

“Didn’t think you’d notice?” He replies looking over his shoulder at me.

“I guess I deserve that.” I reply with a smirk.

“ Just a little bit.” He laughs rising from his stool and walks toward the wall.

I break the awkward silence and our staring contest. I bury my head in my chest

and say, “ About that...I...I’m sorry.”

“Ah! Don’t worry about.” He laughs and runs his fingers through his mane.

“Been shot down before. Just never inside a crowded elevator.”

I chuckle and cover my hand with my mouth.

“ You have a beautiful smile, don’t hide it.” Matthew professes.

I blush and reply with a soft, “Thank you.”

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Before long my walls come down and we begin to talk. This time around I’m

actually listening as Matthew speaks. He speaks of his passion for painting and

how he turned his passion into a career. I’m apprehensive about sharing certain

aspects of my life with a stranger. He encourages me along the way. I grow to be

comfortable with him. We share a laugh and occasionally our eyes meet. Before I

say something silly or embarrassing. I excuse myself for the evening and say


“So soon?” Matthew asks.

“I’m afraid so. Duty calls. Shut eye required.”

“Well, I won’t hold you up.” Matthew replies burying his chin into his chest.

“Goodnight.” I reply with a wave goodbye and head towards the patio door.

“Goodnight, Natalie.

I pause. How does he know my name?

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Chapter Four

While at work Jacqueline convinces me to allow her set me up on one more date.

I wasn’t really up for it. But this time around she promised if I didn’t have a good

time she’d buy me Beyonce tickets for the next concert. It’s a bet. The following

Friday is date night. As soon as I walk in the door I hop out of my business suit

and into the shower.

I slip my womanly physique inside a sleeveless jersey dress with an asymmetric

hem with a wrapover skirt. Simple and chic for any type of event. It’s a little after

the six and the sun is preparing to say goodbye for the evening. To calm my

nerves a little bit I turn on the radio and play some Beyonce. I kick off my heels,

turn up the music, and shake what my mama and the good Lord gave me. “Single

ladies” is my anthem. I sing every word with all of my might, swing my hair back

and forth , and drop it like it hot a few times. By the time “Drunk in love begins

and I’m a bit horse. Suddenly, I notice I’m being by Matthew.

I’m looking at him and he’s looking at me. He claps his hands and smiles. I’m

shocked and slightly embarrassed. Part of me wants to close the window , throw

up blinds, and run away immediately. It’s too late. Big girl panties. Big girl panties

Natalie. I chant.

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I stand near the window with my glass in my hand and reply, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Matthew replies.

“Do you watch all of your neighbor embarrass themselves?”

“Only the beautiful ones.” He admits boastfully with a smile.

I smile. “I’m a cop. So, if you try anything funny...I have a right to shoot you.” I


He laughs and says, “ Beautiful with a sense of humor...I’m liking you more


“ You’re not a cop. You’re a big shot lawyer downtown.” He replies sitting in his


I laugh.“ How does a stranger know my business?”

“You told me when I helped you move your furniture in a few years ago.”

“Oh! Good memory. Shame on me for being a bad neighbor.”

“It happens.” He laughs.

“Going somewhere? He asks pointing to dress.

“Blind date.” I admit.

“Ouch!! Those are the worse.”

“Tell me about it.”

My cell phone chimes and I excuse myself to answer it. It’s a text from Jacqueline.

I reply to the text and return to the window. Matthew’s not there anymore. I

gather my things and head for the door. I go to close the window when Matthew


“Have fun on your date Natalie.”

“I intend too.” I reply with a smirk and walk away.

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Half of me is not as excited as I initially was to go on the blind date. There’s a

tingle in my stomach and other places the more I get to know Matthew. A tingle

that wishes to be explored.

It takes me about thirty minutes to arrive at the Woodruff Arts Center Museum.

Jacqueline standing at the entry door of the museum. She looks cute in her

sparkly silver dress and strappy sandals. She waves at me with a big bright smile.

Standing next to Jacqueline is a short stocky man with a thick mustache. I hope to

God he’s not my date. Jacqueline and I exchange hello’s and air kisses. After

admiring my dress she introduces me to the stranger standing next to her.

“Natalie, this here is my date Kenneth. He’s a budget analyst with a small firm in


Kenneth smiles hello and wraps his pudgy hands around Jacqueline’s waist.

“Nice to meet you Kenneth.”

“Pleasure.” He replies politely.

We’re all standing in a triangle for a few minutes exchanging pleasantries. When

Jacqueline clears her throat , grabs me by the wrist, and points towards my date.

A broad shoulder stranger headed in our direction.“ Natalie, this is Charles... your

date.” Jacqueline confirms.

Charles greets all of us with a bright smile. I extend my hand to formally

introduce myself and he declines.

“Germaphobe sorry.” He replies with a partial smile.

Stunned. Charles walks away as if nothing ever happened.

Throughout the night I try to connect with Charles and give Jacqueline and her

date some space. Every effort I make Charles shoots it down quickly with a

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negative remark or an educated fact. During the museum exhibit I ask, “ What

do you do for a living”

“I teach high school kids in the inner city.”

“Oh wow! That must be amazing teaching our young minds.”

“ I hate my job.” He replies with a cringe. “ The kids are idiots and their parents

are even bigger idiots.”

After I while I try again with a more neutral topic like favorite foods. Charles

replies, “I don’t have a favorite anymore.It’s the governments fault.” He admits

as we casually walk through the exhibit. ”

By the time the museum exhibit is over I need a large glass of wine and a large

shoe to beat Jacqueline with. We meet up with Jacqueline and her date after the


We’re discussing plans for dinner when I admit, “I could eat.”Casually rubbing

my stomach.

“Me too. You guys choose a restaurant and we’ll meet you there.” Charles asserts.

I’m confused. Does he think we’re riding together...in my car?

Jacqueline and Kenneth nod their heads and walk away. I pull Charles to the side

and ask, “ Charles, where’d you park your car?”

He shake his head and replies, “ I took the bus. Cars are bad for the


On the inside I scream. I tell Charles to hold that thought while I go to the ladies


He nods and walks away.

As soon as the bathroom door closes I reach inside my purse and call Jacqueline.

She picks up after the third ring and before she could finish saying hello. I

demand, “ Bathroom now!”

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Jacqueline walks inside the bathroom all smiles. As soon as the door closes I

check all of the stalls . We are all alone and let out a loud scream.

“What’s wrong Na? Aren’t you having a good time with Charles?”

I nearly choke Jacqueline with my bare hands. I give her an old school beat

down with both hands upside her head.

“Ouch! What’s that for?”

“Charles, is driving me crazy. And to think I waxed my kitty kat for this. I can’t

take another minute of his b.s.” I retort trying to gather .

“Maybe you’re overreacting. It can’t be that bad. Can it?” Jacqueline asks with a

puzzled look on her face.

I shake my head and reply, “I’m going home.”

Jacqueline asks, “ What am I supposed to tell the guys?”

“ Tell them I got my period.” I reply and walk out of the door.

By the time I make it home my feet are aching and my stomach is grumbling. I

can’t wait to get out of my clothes and into my bed. As soon as I walk off the

elevator I notice a bed of red roses and a note attached to my door. I run to pick

up the roses up and read the note.

I would love to take you out on a real date. Call me. 404-748-0890-Matthew

I pick up my cell to call Matthew and invite him to share some vanilla ice cream

with me on the roof. He agrees. I put two scoops of ice cream in two separate

cups, grab two spoons, and head for the roof.

Matthew walks out on the rooftop.

“Hello again, stranger.” He says with a broad smile walking towards me.

“Hello, yourself.” I reply with a smile.

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Matthew grabs two chairs and we sit at the nearest table. I pass him his cup of ice

cream and a spoon.

“Thank you .” He replies.

“You’re welcome.”

After two scoops and a brief brain freeze. Matthew asks,“So, how was the blind


“Challenging to say the least.”


When he’s not looking I steal a glance and take mental photos of him with my

eyes. He catches me and says, “ Do I pass?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Am I all that you expect?”

“Yes. I’m hoping there’s more than meets the eye.” I reply blushing.

“Stay tuned. It gets better.”

I laugh.

“Are you happy?” He asks scooping more ice cream unto the spoon.

“I believe so. Yes. Are you?”

“ I can actually say so.” He replies between swallows.

“Hmm. What’s missing? Love?”

“Yes. Is that so bad?” He replies with a furrowed brow.

I shake my head and reply, “Love is only a feeling nothing else to compare it


Matthew clears his throat and says, “Interesting statement from such a beautiful


“How so?”

He grabs my empty hand and says, “A heart absent of love isn’t a heart at all.”

I snatch my hand from his and reply, “ Very true.”

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He rests his back on the chair and releases a sigh. After a brief silence Matthew

asks,“ Why are you alone?”

I shrug my shoulders and look away shamefully. Matthew rises from his seat and

walks over to me. He takes the spoon out of my hand and turns my chair in his

direction. He squats down in front of me. He holds my hands and look into my

eyes and says, “I’ve always wanted to be your friend. Will you let me?”

“I-I don’t know. I-”

Matthew shushes me his index finger against my lips. He stands and pulls me to

my feet.. His hands are holding mine. He looks down at me and says, “ Jump.”

“Huh?” I reply in confusion.

“ It means for you to allow me to be your friend and possibly your lover.”

I drop Matthews hands and walk to the edge of the roof.

“Think about it.” He says and walks away.

“Wait!” I exclaim and run in his direction. I grab Matthews hands and stare into

those hypnotizing hazel eyes. I look into his eyes and say, “From strangers to

friends and ultimately lovers.”

“From strangers to friends and ultimately lovers.” He repeats.

We nod my head in agreeance and Matthew lifts me up off my feet and seals our

deal with a kiss.