sgii for warhammer 40,000 (5th edition) · pdf filei loved warhammer 40,000 when it was...

SGII FOR WARHAMMER 40,000 (5TH EDITION) 0) Introduction a) Contents Quick links to the sections of this document. 0) Introduction 1) Army Organisation 2) Unit Stat Lines 3) Confidence and Reaction Summary 4) Movement Summary 40K Additions 5) Ranged Combat 40K Additions 6) Assault Combat 40K Additions 7) 40K Universal Special Rules 8) Equipment - Weapons 9) Equipment - Armour 10) Equipment - Other Items 11) Epilogue - including downloads 12) Appendices - Charts, Tables and Shell Scripts b) Rant I loved Warhammer 40,000 when it was released in its Rogue Trader incarnation 20-odd years ago. I upgraded to second edition but then rather lost interest in the whole thing. I missed third edition completely and came back to the game in fourth then fifth edition. Imagine my surprise at the changes I had missed. They may have been designed to make the game more playable but, in my humble opinion, have made the game worse. Now, in 40K 5th Edition, we can have 30 shoota boys cut loose with their Assault 2 shootas (which are no more than Rogue Trader bolt guns) and roll 60D6 to hit. OR. Thirty slugga boys, with slugga/choppa, charge in to a fight. They get 2D6 (from the profile), + 1 for charging, + 1 for 2 close-combat-weapons, means 120D6 to hit! Does anyone out there think this is insane? 1

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0) Introduction

a) Contents

Quick links to the sections of this document.

• 0) Introduction

• 1) Army Organisation

• 2) Unit Stat Lines

• 3) Confidence and Reaction Summary

• 4) Movement Summary 40K Additions

• 5) Ranged Combat 40K Additions

• 6) Assault Combat 40K Additions

• 7) 40K Universal Special Rules

• 8) Equipment - Weapons

• 9) Equipment - Armour

• 10) Equipment - Other Items

• 11) Epilogue - including downloads

• 12) Appendices - Charts, Tables and Shell Scripts

b) Rant

I loved Warhammer 40,000 when it was released in its Rogue Trader incarnation 20-odd years ago. I upgraded to second edition but then rather lost interest in the whole thing. I missed third edition completely and came back to the game in fourth then fifth edition.

Imagine my surprise at the changes I had missed. They may have been designed to make the game more playable but, in my humble opinion, have made the game worse.

Now, in 40K 5th Edition, we can have 30 shoota boys cut loose with their Assault 2 shootas (which are no more than Rogue Trader bolt guns) and roll 60D6 to hit. OR. Thirty slugga boys, with slugga/choppa, charge in to a fight. They get 2D6 (from the profile), + 1 for charging, + 1 for 2 close-combat-weapons, means 120D6 to hit!

Does anyone out there think this is insane?


Then we have the 4th/5th Edition Universal Special Rules and the codex-specific rules in each army list book. Who reading this ruleset has not encountered a "USRs say X, but my codex says Y, so I win and your squad is destroyed!" situation? It takes a dreadsock to sort out this situation.

So, I have officially given up on 40K and have spent some time working on Stargrunt II from Ground Zero Games. After some searching, I found this on the Net:

This was a great read and gave me some ideas which I have borrowed somewhat.

In addition, I've used my shell-scripting and other UNIX skills to turn as many of the statlines and weapon profiles as I can into an Internet-friendly downloadable resource. I hope you enjoy this project.

c) Additions and Subtractions

As far as I'm concerned, SGII is a great set of rules and I've made as few changes as possible, except to try and align 40K terminology with SGII. However one addition I have made is allowing rerolls of some dice in some circumstances. These rerolls do not change the SGII rules but allow for a little more flexibility.

Some examples include:

• A Targeter is a 40K enhanced weapon sight. It allows the firer to reroll the Quality die and take the higher result when firing at a point target. The total number of dice rolled is still two (Quality + Firepower) but the reroll means the firer has a better chance of scoring a hit.

• The Preferred Enemy rule allows a model's Quality die to be rerolled in assault combat against the listed enemy.

• Twin-linked weapons may roll two Firepower dice and take the higher score. Only one of the dice count when totalling up hits.

The following minor deletions have been made:

• The mass of abbreviations (SAW, GMS/L, RFAC, MICV, IAVR etc). I realise these are based on real-world military terms but they gave me a headache trying to get my brain around them and made SGII less fun to read.

• The medical facilities built in to suits of SGII Power Armour. In SGII, this "second-chance saving throw" would be incorporated into Power, Terminator, Aspect, Crisis and Broadside suits and be far too widespread to allow a balanced game.

• Ammunition limits for heavy weapons like missile launchers. SGII assumes real-world sizes and carrying capacities. 40K says that 30000+ years of weapon development has made these things smaller but equally powerful. I side with 40K in this case.

d) Abbreviations


The abbreviation RT is used for Rogue Trader, Warhammer 40,000 First edition, from which many interesting weapons, armour, equipment and races (e.g. Squats) have been dropped in later editions. This is my attempt to bring some of these lost things back to life.

e) Disclaimer

This document is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop or Ground Zero Games. I recognise that terms such as Space Marine, Warboss, Eldar, Tau, Necron and Tyranid are trademarks of Games Workshop. Further, terminology from SGII (for example Quality, Confidence, Open and Closed shifts) are the intellectual properties of Ground Zero Games.

1) Army Organisation

a) Structure

In 40K an army consists of five distinct unit types:

• HQ

• Elites

• Troops

• Fast Attack

• Heavy Support

A 40K army must comprise at least 1 HQ unit and 2 Troops units. This rather blows the SGII concept of Squad/Platoon/Company/Battalion/Regiment organisation out of the water. Some armies are organised in the SGII manner (Imperial Guard) but most are not.

Armies MUST be organised in some way. If they are not, they become mere rabble and could never accomplish their missions. So, to mimic some command level organisation use the following:

• HQ choices have First Level (Company) command authority.

• Elite choices have Second Level (Platoon) command authority.

• Troops/Fast Attack/Heavy Support choices have Third Level (Squad) command authority.

In addition, named characters, regardless of position/role within the army's background, can also have some command authority. Usually these characters are HQ choices but some (like Ultramarines Scout Sergeant Telion who should be a Troops choice and therefore restricted to Squad command authority) could be granted command authority one level higher than normal. Famous HQ choices, including Ork Warlord Ghazkull Thraka or Ultramarines Chapter Master Marneus Calgar, could have command authority one or more levels higher than Company level, i.e. up to Battalion or even Regimental Level.

This should be decided and documented before play.


Communication between designated command levels is a standard leadership roll, per SGII.

b) Tech Level

SGII has specific rules for ECM, Fire Control, Sensors and Guided Missiles. It seems each can vary from army-to-army and even unit-to-unit within each army. To simplify all this, assign a Tech Level to the overall army and use this for most technical tests.

For example

Tech Level Die Type ExamplesPRIMITIVE D4 Ancient-Mediaeval Lost Worlds/Tribal/FeralBASIC D6 Orks, Imperial Guard, TyranidsENHANCED D8 Marines, Eldar, Chaos, SquatsSUPERIOR D10 Tau, Necrons

This could then be shifted one level UP for each army's "technical specialists" (Techmarines, Mekboyz, Imperial Guard Tech Priests).

Use the Tech Level not just for ECM and so on but for repair rolls on damaged equipment and vehicles.

NOTE: 40K 5th Edition does not go into great detail about which troops carry which equipment. Orks don't have communicators, for example, and a Vox Caster is a special piece of kit carried by Imperial Guard command squads. However, each race must have some sort of Tech Level: any race capable of interstellar travel should be capable of making a walkie-talkie, for example. While this does not seem applicable to primitive cultures, there must be some game balance in assigning a D4 to these races. After all, there might be radio blind-spots or magnetic anomalies on an alien world that could divert a guided missile or scramble an enemy's communication, if only for one activation.

c) Motivation

This should be scenario- or army-dependent. As a guideline:

• LOW: animals, Gretchin, non-synapse-controlled Tyranids.

• MEDIUM: Most troops of all races.

• HIGH: All Marines, Imperial Demonhunters/Witch-hunters, Chaos, Tyranids.

NOTE: More examples are needed above.

Applicable 40K USRs (see section 7): Fearless, Preferred Enemy, Stubborn

Back to Contents.

2) Unit Stat Lines

The idea is to translate the 40K stat lines to something that can be used in SGII but keeping the "40k-flavour" of a stat line without the on-table counters.


a) Mobility (M)

In 40K 5th edition, all Infantry move at 6", so they all have 6"/D6x2 for their Mobility.

• Normal Troops: 6"/D6x2.

• Light Troops: 8"/D8x2 (e.g. Scouts, Kommandos, Eldar Rangers) 8"/D8x2.

• Jump Infantry: Up to 12"/D12x2 (See the RT Jump Pack rules in the Equipment section).

• Slow Power Armour: 6"/D6x2 (e.g. Terminator, Imperial Power Armour, Eavy Armour).

• Fast Power Armour: 8"/D8x2 (e.g. Eldar Aspect Armour, Tau Crisis Suits).

• Beasts/Cavalry/Riding Lizards: 8"/D8x2.

b) Quality (Q)

Quality is needed for combat and the following SGII tests:

Communication, Action Transfers, Rallying, Remove Suppression, Panic Tests, Confidence Tests, Reaction Tests.

The question is: how to translate 40K stats to this?

Start by totalling the model's "combat stats": WS, BS, S, T, W, I, A . These are supposed to measure the model's inate skills at ranged and assault combat plus how well they dish-out and take damage. (Ld and Sv will be used for different purposes later) and rate the stats as follows.

Stat Range

Quality Die

Troop Type Creature Type Examples

<= 10 D4 UNTRAINED FEEBLE Tyranid Spore Mine

11 - 16 D6 GREEN WEAK Gretchin, Tau Shield Drone, Imperial Guard Conscript

17 - 23 D8 REGULAR DANGEROUSEldar, Marines, Imperial Guard (i.e. most humans), Ork Boyz

24 - 30 D10 VETERAN VICIOUS Ork Warboss, Space Marine Captain, Eldar Exarch

> 30 D12 ELITE MONSTROUS Tyranid Hive Tyrant, Squat Warlord, Eldar Wraithlord

NOTE: 40K allows many Monstrous Creatures which aren't trained soldiers by any stretch of the imagination. More descriptive terms for such creatures are shown in the chart above.

c) Armour Value (AV)

Based on the 40K Sv value of the model's armour. Note that no shift is applicable due to the model's Toughness (T is used as part of the Quality calculation and should not be counted twice).


SvArmour Value


- D4 No armour, basic battledress, normal clothing6,5 D6 Ork Armour, IG Flak, Mesh, Eldar Guardian

4 D8 Carapace, some Aspect Armour, Ork 'Eavy Armour, Marine Scout Armour

3 D10 Marine Powered Armour, some Aspect Armour, Squat Exo Armour2 D12 Terminator Armour, Ork Mega Armour

If a model is equipped with energy armour and/or an Invulnerable Save then it gets its normal physical armour save (as above) and, if that fails, gets its 40K Invulnerable Save on D6. This seems the simplest option. Some such saves are listed in the Equipment - Armour section.

Dreadnoughts are now classed as Vehicles, rather than very heavy armour.

d) Leadership Value (LV)

• 40K Ld <= 6: gives an SGII LV of 3. (e.g IG Conscript, Gretchin, Gaunts).

• 40K Ld = 7, 8, 9: gives an SGII LV of 2 (e.g. Orks, Marines, Eldar, Imperial Guard).

• 40K Ld => 10 : gives an SGII LV of 1. (e.g. Space Marine Captains, Necrons, Tyranid Warriors).

e) Confidence Level (CL)

To avoid a lot of mucking around at the start of the game, all units should start with a Confidence Level of CONFIDENT (CO). This can degrade over time. Degraded Confidence affects the actions a unit can take.

However, you may still use the starting Confidence rules described in SGII to add some realism to the game (which 40K sorely lacks).

Applicable 40K USRs (see section 7): Fearless, Stubborn, They Shall Know No Fear (Space Marine specific)

f) Sample Unit Stat Lines

Sample Space Marines stat lines

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialApothecary 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO Equipped with Medi-packAssault Marine 22 12/D12x2 D8 2 D10 CO Jump InfantryCaptain 29 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO Combat Tactics [1]. W=3<Space Marine 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -


Sample Agents of the Imperium stat lines

Name40K Stat

TotalMobility Quality LV AV CL Special

Inquisitor Lord 24 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO Equipped with porta-rack. W=3

Storm Trooper 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO -

Sample Battle Sisters stat lines

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialBattle Sister 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Sister Superior 19 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -

Sample Imperial Guard stat lines

Name40K Stat

TotalMobility Quality LV AV CL Special

Commissar 22 6/D6x2 D8 1 D6 CO High Motivation. Summary Execution [1]. W=2

Conscript 15 6/D6x2 D6 3 D6 CO -Guardsman 17 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Ogryn 24 6/D6x2 D10 2 D6 CO W=3

Sample Eldar stat lines

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialAvatar 41 6/D6x2 D12 1 D10 CO W=4Dire Avenger 21 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO -Guardian 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -

Sample Dark Eldar stat lines

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialWarrior 21 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Wych 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Archon 31 6/D6x2 D12 2 D6 CO W=3

Sample Orks stat lines

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL Special

Ork Boy 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO USR: Furious Charge. Mob Rule [2]

Ard Boy 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO USR: Furious Charge. Mob Rule [2]

Nob 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO W=2


Sample Tau stat lines

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialFire Warrior Shas'la 15 6/D6x2 D6 2 D8 CO -Kroot 19 6/D6x2 D8 2 D4 CO -Crisis Shas'el 25 6/D6x2 D10 2 D10 CO W=3

Sample Necrons stat lines

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialWarrior 20 6/D6x2 D8 1 D10 CO -Scarab Swarm 16 6/D6x2 D6 1 D6 CO W=3

Sample Squats stat lines

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialSquat 18 4/D4x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Minor Hero 28 4/D4x2 D10 1 D8 CO W=2Major Hero 33 4/D4x2 D12 1 D8 CO W=3

Sample Chaos Space Marines stat lines

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialAbaddon 39 6/D6x2 D12 1 D12 CO W=4Chaos Space Marine 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Terminator 23 6/D6x2 D8 1 D12 CO -Berzerker 24 6/D6x2 D10 2 D10 CO -

Sample Tyranids stat lines

Name40K Stat

TotalMobility Quality LV AV CL Special

Warrior 22 6/D6x2 D8 1 D6 CO Synapse Creature [1]. W=2

Gaunt 18 6/D6x2 D8 3 D6 CO Low Motivation if out of Synapse range.

Genestealer 23 6/D6x2 D8 1 D6 CO -

Sample Xenos stat lines

Name40K Stat

TotalMobility Quality LV AV CL Special

Enslavers 24 6/D6x2 D10 1 D4 CO Psyker. W=3

Ambull 26 6/D6x2 D10 2 D8 CO Can tunnel and deployed as hidden. W=3

Lashworm 9 6/D6x2 D4 3 D4 CO Attacks cover 2" range from base

Catachan Brainleaf

11 6/D6x2 D6 3 D4 CO Deploy as hidden

Creeper 19 6/D6x2 D8 3 D4 CO Attacks cover a 6" range from base. W=3

For a full list, see SGII Statlines and Xenos Statlines.


These SGII statlines were generated from CSV files by the scripts statline_generator and statline_generator_xenos respectively.

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3) Confidence and Reaction Summary

a) Basic System

Confidence and Reaction use the same basic mechanism. The main difference between the two tests is that a failed Confidence Test reduces the unit's CL, while a failed Reaction Test does not. The basic mechanism is:

Roll Quality Die vs. the squad (or squad leader's) Leadership Value (LV) modified for a Threat Level (TL), if any. A roll HIGHER than the LV+TL is a success; any other roll fails.

b) RT Psychology

NOTE: This might be a start point for working out "alien-human" psychological differences.

Make a Reaction Test to avoid these effects if the unit is subject to them.

• Frenzy: Must charge nearest enemy; shift up one die in assault combat, cannot be routed; must follow-through on retreating enemy.

• Fear: May not charge, routs automatically if charged, rout test if attacked by weapons it fears. Units may also cause fear, as determined before the game. If so, they have a Terror Effect (similar to flamers) which should be taken into account.

• Hatred: Must move towards hated enemy: must charge hated enemy as soon as in reach: cannot be routed by hated enemy.

• Confusion: Shift down one die for ALL tests; half movement; may not be form a detached element; no psychic attacks.

• Panic: Make a Reaction test if attacked while already in close assault. If the test is failed, the unit's Confidence Level immediately drops one level.

• Stupidity: Units affected by stupidity take a Reaction Test at the beginning of its activation. If it fails one of the following effects apply: it stops fighting even if in an assault combat; it forgets its orders and makes a combat move in a random direction but not towards an enemy unit; the unit remains stationary, staring blankly into the sky.

• Animosity: A unit cannot cooperate with one or more units on its own side. It must make a Reaction Test if there are friendly units within charge reach or two range bands, unless enemy troops are closer. If the Reaction Test is failed, the unit must shoot at or attempt to charge the friendly unit.

c) Alien Psychology

SGII was designed to simulate SF combat between human armies, where the psychology is not that much different from today. Alien races were to be the subject of a supplement which


was to address the typical "humans in funny suits as aliens" stereotypes seen in many SF movies and literature.

40K doesn't even attempt that but here are some very limited suggestions on how some 40K races might react in different situations.

• Space Marines are trained not to grieve over fallen comrades until after the battle is won. A Space Marine unit would not take confidence tests if receiving casualties.

• Eldar are a bit different. The Eldar race is dying out. Each Eldar trooper slain will never be replaced by the natural birth rate. Eldar might be driven into a frenzy to retrieve their fallen comrades' spirit stones or have their confidence shattered if they take even one casualty.

• Orks don't seem to care either way. So long as there are enough Boyz they are Fearless and don't mind taking a kicking if the enemy is stronger than they are. However, Orks are known to bear a grudge, so the Animosity rules above could apply.

• Chaos Marines, again, don't care about fallen comrades. However they may be subject to Frenzy and Hatred and even Confusion or Stupidity, depending on their Chaos allegiance and patron-demons.

• Necrons are killing machines so would not take confidence tests on receiving casualties particularly if they have the (insane) "We'll be back!" rule. However, the "Phase out" rule could be applied as a lowering of CL to Routed, as the Necron Warriors flee the battle.

• Tyranids are vicious alien monsters. They do not care about casualties, as any dead Tyranids are reabsorbed and rebuilt after the battle. These creatures may be subject to Frenzy. Lesser Tyranids may be subject to Stupidity, Confusion or Fear if out of contact ("Synapse Range") with a more powerful creature.

• Tau are not great at 40K close combat. They may be subject to Fear (when charged) or Panic if charged while already in assault combat.

Obviously, these rules will need a lot more work.

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4) Movement Summary 40K Additions

a) 40K Troop Types Special Rules

• Jump Infantry: Jump Infantry can cross intervening terrain with no penalty. See the RT Jump Pack rules in the Equipment section 10b for more information.

• Stealthy Units: Space Marine Scouts, Eldar Rangers, Ork Kommandos and so on can be placed and played as SGII Hidden Units.


• Mounted Troops: 40K allows cavalry on the future battlefields and such riders are also permitted in SGII. Cavalry, riding lizards and similar creatures have a D8"/D8x2 Mobility die.

b) Applicable 40K USRs (see section 7)

Fleet, Move Through Cover, Skilled Rider, Relentless, Slow and Purposeful, Turbo Boosters, Infiltrate, Scouts, Rage

c) Special Weapons

• Pistol, Assault and Rapid Fire: may move and fire as normal.

• 40K Heavy Weapons: May move OR fire. If the figure or squad moves, the weapon may not be fired. Turning to aim does not count as movement, however. Optionally, troops with heavy weapons are slowed down 1 die type (usually down to 4"/D4x2) unless wearing Power, Mega, Aspect, Terminator, Crisis or Broadside Armour. The Relentless and Slow and Purposeful USRs can negate the move-or-fire restriction; troops equipped with Suspensors (described in the Equipment section 10) can negate the Mobility restriction but not the move-or-fire restriction (unless armoured as above as well!).

• Ordnance Weapons: must be vehicle- or platform-mounted. If platform-mounted (e.g. Ork Kannon or Eldar grav-platforms) Mobility die is reduced one die type.

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5) Ranged Combat 40K Additions

a) Applicable 40K USRs (see section 7)

Eternal Warrior, Feel No Pain, Vulnerable to Blasts/Templates, Swarms, Stealth, Stubborn, Fearless, Tank Hunters.

b) Multi-wound Models

If a model has more than one Wound on its 40K profile, it may take more than one wound before it dies. These wounds need to be recorded on the unit roster. In APPENDIX 1 (WH40K 5th Edition to SGII Stat Lines) these wound totals have been added to the Special column for all models with more than one 40K Wound. For example, a Space Marine Captain has three Wounds in 40K. If the Captain takes two wounds, he is OK. The third wound will put him out of the fight (or until attended by a Medic).

c) Area Weapons (40K Blast weapons)

40K uses a lot of area-effect or blast weapons. How to hit a single point if firing individually and not as support fire to the rest of the squad's small arms fire? This is particularly important for, say, Space Marine Devastator Squads and those troops equipped with some of the more interesting grenade types from RT.


• Missile must be targeted at a single recognisable point (e.g. a figure in the target unit, a corner of a building) but not simply at an empty patch of ground.

• Firer rolls Quality Die + Firepower Die.

• Target rolls its Range Die.

• MISS (attacker's rolls both > target's roll) = missile is completely off target.

• MINOR HIT = missile deviates D6" at D12 o'clock; only count missile's firepower into squad's small-arms if the deviation still lands covering the target unit.

• MAJOR HIT = spot on!

d) Close Only Weapons

NOTE: The specification of "Close Only" for some 40K weapons was entirely the designer's choice, based on what seemed right and could be scripted easily when converting 40K stats to SGII. Please feel free to ignore this restriction if it seems wrong.

Small-arms fire in SGII allows some weapons to fire quite long distances, based on the Quality of the trooper firing. A Space Marine (Quality 8) could fire a boltgun to range bands of 8", 16", 24", 32" and 40", which significantly exceeds the maximum 40K range of a boltgun (24"). This is not a problem as we are playing SGII, not 40K.

However, Pistols and some short ranged weapons have a "Close Only" range limitation. In SGII this would mean they are only effective to one range band, as determined by the firer's Quality. Of course this has a negative impact on some weapons and troops.

For example, an Eldar Guardian is armed with a Shuriken Catapult with a 40K range of 12". However, the SGII "Close Only" rule would restrict this Guardian to a one range band, or just 8" which obviously reduces the effectiveness of this trooper.

To counteract this, the weapon may be fired into the next range band higher to a maximum of its listed range.

The Guardian's range bands are 8", 16", 24", 32" and 40". He may fire the Shuriken Catapult to its maximum range of 12", which is within the second range band, but not up to 16" (the furthest distance of the second range band).

The other side of the coin is the Imperial Guard Hot-shot Laspistol. This has a maximum 40K range of 6". If fired by a Commissar with Quality D8, whose first range band should be 8", the Hot-shot Laspistol is still restricted to its maximum 6" range, rather than the 8" permitted by the Commissar's Quality.

e) Allocating Casualties

SGII allows very detailed casualty allocation. This works well in small games but slows down larger ones. These ideas combine some of SGII's ideas with those from 40K.


For ranged combat use the SGII "Quick and Dirty" casualty allocation rules. Any models wounded are assumed to be out of the fight for the rest of the game or until attended by a medic. As per 40K, the player whose squad has taken the casualties can decide which models are removed.

f) Ammunition Supplies for Heavy Weapons

SGII recommends missile launchers and similar have a supply of only three missiles per launcher. 40K does not apply such limits except in very rare cases. Accordingly, in these rules you may assume an unlimited ammunition supply for missile and grenade launchers. 30000+ years of weapon development have made such missiles smaller but no less powerful than their modern (in this case ancient) counterparts.

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6) Assault Combat 40K Additions

a) Applicable 40K USRs (see section 7)

Counter-attack, Eternal Warrior, Feel No Pain, Furious Charge, Hit and Run, Preferred Enemy, Stubborn, Fearless

b) Multi-wound Models

If a model has more than one Wound on its 40K profile, it may take more than one wound before it dies. These wounds need to be recorded on the unit roster. In APPENDIX 1 (WH40K 5th Edition to SGII Stat Lines) these wound totals have been added to the Special column for all models with more than one 40K Wound. For example, a Space Marine Captain has three Wounds in 40K. If the Captain takes two wounds, he is OK. The third wound will put him out of the fight (or until attended by a Medic).

c) Close-assault Specialists

A model's basic number of attacks from its 40K statline have already been factored in when determining the model's Quality. For those troops who carry more than one close-combat weapon (Ork Boyz with Slugga/Choppa, Assault Marines with Bolt Pistol/Chainsword, among others), SHIFT UP ONE in assault combat.

d) Grenades in Assault

Troops equipped with Frag, Krak, Stikkbombs, Plasma and Photon grenades are assumed to throw these as they start an assault. SHIFT UP ONE on the turn they initiate a charge. This has no effect if they are charged.

d) 40K Power Weapons

Power weapons in 40K allow no armour save. In SGII, there is no armour save allowed in any close assault. Use the following rules for power weapons

• Shift up one die for power weapon equipped troops in close assault.


• Troops that lose a combat (i.e. are "down" and marked with a white skull marker) roll D6 to see if they survive:

• 1-3 = Dead; 4,5 = Wounded; 6 = OK. (This wound-chart is deadlier than the normal assault combat wound chart.)

e) Mounted-vs-foot Combats

If a Mounted trooper attacks an Infantry trooper, shift the Mounted trooper's Quality die UP one, to simulate the height advantage. If attacking another Mounted trooper, or a model of approximately equal size, there is no shift applicable.

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7) 40K Universal Special Rules

This section attempts to convert the 40K USRs to SGII terminology and effects.

• Counter-attack: The unit need not take a Confidence Test if assaulted.

• Eternal Warrior: Fated to survive. May ignore the first KILL roll from fire combat (i.e. Impact Roll > 2xArmour Roll) and/or the first DEAD roll in assault combat (i.e. loses a combat and rolls 1-2 on the D6 effect roll).

• Fearless: The unit may ignore Threat Levels in Confidence and Reaction Tests.

• Feel No Pain: Shift Armour Die up one if shot at. If already at AV D12, this ability allows a reroll of the Armour Die. If losing an assault, roll D6: 1 = Dead; 2-3 = Wounded; 4-6 = OK.

• Fleet: Shift Mobility die one die type up (usually up to D8).

• Furious Charge: Shift Quality up one die on the charge. If Quality already at D12 (either innate or for other special rules) this rule allows the Quality die to be rerolled.

• Hit and Run: May break off from an assault without taking a Confidence Test.

• Infiltrate: May be deployed as Hidden Units.

• Move Through Cover: Count Poor terrain as Clear.

• Night Vision/Acute Senses: Counts as Enhanced Sensors (D8) when spotting hidden units. If already classed as having Enhanced Sensors, shift up one die type (to D10).

• Preferred Enemy: In close combat, roll an extra Quality die against the preferred enemy and take the higher roll.

• Rage: Must move towards the nearest enemy and assault as soon as possible.

• Relentless: May move-AND-fire Heavy Weapons.

• Scouts: After all deployment is complete, Scouts may make a normal move before the first activation. If both sides have Scouts roll 1D6 for each scout unit and the highest roll may make the first move (reroll ties).


• Skilled Rider: Count Poor terrain as Clear and Difficult terrain as Poor. This assumes Bikes are High-mobility wheeled vehicles, Jetbikes are Grav vehicles and horses, riding lizards etc count as Normal Infantry.

• Slow and Purposeful: Count as Relentless but must roll two Mobility dice and take the higher roll to determine distance moved. For a combat move, multiply the higher roll by 2.

• Stealth: Trained to make best use of cover and always count as In Position when fired at or on the first round in which they are assaulted.

• Stubborn: Count has having HIGH Mission Motivation, therefore does not test for first suppression, taking casualties, abandoning casualties.

• Swarms: Tiny creatures which count as having Stealth (in position) but are also Vulnerable to Blasts/Templates.

• Tank Hunters: Shift Impact up one die type when firing at or assaulting vehicles. If attacked by a vehicle (e.g. 40K Tank Shock) automatically passes any associated Confidence or Reaction test.

• Turbo Boosters: Bikes or Jetbikes equipped with boosters may move 24" (twice the normal 12" for all vehicles) but may not shoot. If shot at, the firer's Quality die is shifted down one level to account for aiming at fast moving targets.

• Vulnerable to Blasts/Templates: For infantry, shift Armour Die down one level if hit by area-effect weapons (e.g. frag missiles, flamers, Tyranid Venom Cannon). For vehicles, penetrating hits destroy the vehicle if the attacker's roll is greater than the vehicle's armour roll (rather than twice the armour roll).

Back to Contents.

8) Equipment - Weapons

a) Converting 40K weapons to SGII

Technically, any 40K "Heavy" weapon that is carried by an infantry squad is a Support Weapon. Any weapons which should be vehicle or platform mounted would qualify as SGII Heavy Weapons. Optionally, those weapons restricted to Terminators would also be an SGII Heavy Weapon.

To translate 40K weapon profiles from

Name, Range, Strength, Armour Piercing, Type, ROF, Special Features

to SGII ratings of

Name, Range Limit, Firepower, Impact

The following conversion rules-of-thumb may be used:

• All 40K Pistols have "Close Only" range limitation.


• All 40K weapons with Range 12" have "Close Only" range limitation.

• All 40K Template weapons can have Fear/Terror power.

• All 40K Ordnance weapons are vehicle-mounted SGII Heavy Weapons.

• Ordnance weapons follow SGII Artillery Fire rules.

Conversion Tables

Base Impact and Firepower

STR Base Impact Base Firepower1 D4 0.5 2 - 3 D6 1 4 - 6 D8 1 7 - 9 D10 2 10 D12 3

Impact shift by Armour Piercing

AP Impact Shift- -1 6,5 None 4,3 +1 2 +2

Firepower shift by Rate of Fire

ROF Firepower Shift1 0Rapid,2 +13 +24+ +3

Shift by Type

Weapon Class Firepower Shift Impact Shift>Heavy +1 +1 Ordnance +2 +1

b) Sample Weapons

Following these rules and using the bash script weapon_converter following are some examples of converted weapons:

Imperial Weapons (Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Imperial Agents)

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialBolt pistol D8 1 Pistol 12 Close OnlyBoltgun D8 3 Rapid_Fire 24 -Flamer D8 1 Assault Template Terror


Plasma gun D12 4 Rapid_Fire 24 Gets Hot!Laspistol D6 1 Pistol 12 Close Only

Ork Weapons

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialBig shoota D8 3 Assault 36 -Grot blasta D6 1 Assault 12 Close OnlyShoota D8 2 Assault 18 -Slugga D8 1 Pistol 12 Close Only

Chaos Marine Weapons

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialStorm bolter D8 2 Assault 24 -Bolt Pistol D8 1 Pistol 12 Close OnlyHavoc Launcher D10 D8 Heavy 48 Blast Twin-linked

Eldar Weapons

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialAvenger shuriken catapult D8 2 Assault 18 - Shuriken catapult D8 2 Assault 12 Close OnlyBright lance D12 D10 Heavy 36 Lance

Dark Eldar Weapons

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialDark Lance D12 D10 Heavy 36 -Splinter Pistol D6 1 Pistol 12 Close OnlySplinter Rifle D6 3 Rapid_Fire 24 -

Necron Weapons

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialGauss Flayer D8 3 Rapid_Fire 24 -Gauss Blaster D10 2 Assault 24 -Particle Whip D12 D12 Ordnance 24 Blast

Tau Weapons

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialPulse Rifle D8 3 Rapid_Fire 30 -Pulse Carbine D8 1 Assault 18 PinningVespid Neutron Blaster D10 1 Assault 12 Close OnlyKroot Rifle D8 3 Rapid_Fire 24 -

Tyranid Weapons

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialDeathspitter D8 3 Assault 18 -Fleshborer D8 1 Assault 12 Close Only


Impaler Cannon D12 3 Assault 24 -

c) RT Weapons

Some weapons that got dropped in later versions of 40K.

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialAutogun D8 2 Rapid_Fire 32 SGII Low-tech assault rifle Handflamer D8 1 Assault 4 Terror, 3 shots only, Close Only

Webber -- -- Pistol 8 Hits immobilised for rest of game, Close Only

Heavy Webber

-- -- Heavy 24 2" area. Hits immobilised for rest of game

Graviton Gun -- -- Assault 16 1.5" area. Hits shift MOBILITY DOWN ONE for rest of game

A full list can be found in SGII - 40K Weapons .

d) 40K Special Weapons Rules

The 40K special weapons rules govern the wide variety of weapons in the 40K universe. Some make sense, others do not and some allow tiny varitions in a weapon's effects that are only rarely used. These exceptions make can 40K difficult to play. The special weapons rules are:

Rapid Fire, Assault, Heavy, Pistol, Ordnance, Template, Normal Blast, Large Blast, Pinning, Gets Hot!, Twin-linked, Rending, Sniper, Barrage, Melta, Lance.

These special rules translate to SGII terminology as follows.

• Rapid Fire, Assault and Pistol: standard SGII small-arms but Pistols have the "Close Only" range limitation.

• Heavy Weapons: May move OR fire (turning to aim does not count as movement). Optionally, shift Mobility down one die type.

• Template: have the Terror power (whether a flamer or stream of Tyranid grubs is irrelevant: both can squeeze between gaps in armour and are equally nasty).

• Blast Weapons: have a 3" diameter (1.5" radius).

• Large Blast Weapons: have 5" diameter (2.5" radius).

• Pinning weapons: Reaction Test (TL2). Move towards nearest cover if failed.

• Sniper: Units hit by sniper fire are automatically suppressed, even if they suffer no casualties.

• Rending: Double the Impact roll vs. all targets.


• Twin-linked: at point-targets roll two Firepower dice and take the highest; at dispersed targets, count the Firepower twice.

• Barrage: High trajectory fire. Use SGII rules for Artillery.

• Lance: Downgrade vehicle Armour Value one level.

• Melta: Double the Impact roll against vehicles if firing from less than half range.

• Gets Hot!: If Firepower die roll is 1 or 2 the weapon has overheated and may not fire next turn. Optionally, if Impact vs. Armour roll wins, the firer is wounded.

• Ordnance: Very heavy weapons which must be vehicle- or platform-mounted.

e) RT Grenades

Many interesting grenade types were dropped from later editions of 40K. Here are some suggested SGII equivalents.

Name IMPACT AREA SPECIAL Frag D6 1.5" - Krak D10 -- - Melta D12 1" Use on vehicles, dreadnoughts, buildings Plasma D10 1.5" - Toxin D12 1.5" - Knockout D6 1.5" -

Stumm D6 1.5" Power/Aspect/Terminator/Crisis/Broadside/Sealed Suit troops are immune. Others are debilitated for the turn (shift all tests down 1) if they fail a Quality test at target number 4.

Radiation D10 D3"

Radius of effect must be secretly recorded. Rad-suits provide complete protection. Power/Aspect/Terminator/Crisis/Broadside armour may not (scenario specific).

Haywire D8 1.5" Use on vehicles, dreadnoughts. Roll as for vehicles; may lead to suspension damage, immobilised or destruction (or at least out-of-action until repaired).

Photon -- 1.5"

No effect on Power/Aspect/Terminator/Crisis/Broadside armour. Make save if eye-protection worn. Otherwise roll Quality: 1-3 Blinded; 4-5: Dazzled for D3 turns; 6-8: Dazzled 1 turn; 9+ OK Blinded troops may move randomly or stay still and automatically lose assaults. Dazzled troops shift down 1 for all actions and movement.

Anti-plant -- 1.5" Destroys all plant-matter.

Blind -- 1.5" No shooting or moving through the cloud. If in the area, troops act as blinded by Photon grenade. Sensors/ECM are blocked.

Smoke -- 1.5" As Blind grenade but Sensors/ECM are not blocked. Choke -- 1.5" Power/Aspect/Terminator/Sealed Suit/Crisis/Broadside

troops are immune. All others may do nothing that turn on a


D6 roll of 4+.

Hallucinogen -- 1.5" Power/Aspect/Terminator/Sealed Suit/Crisis/Broadside troops are immune. All others may do nothing for the rest of the game on D6 roll of 4+.

Scare -- 1.5" Power/Aspect/Terminator/Sealed Suit/Crisis/Broadside troops are immune. Other troops make Quality test and confidence drops to Broken if failed.

Tanglefoot -- 2" Move at half rate in area, vehicles also have direction when leaving area indicated determined on D12"

Back to Contents.

9) Equipment - Armour

a) Armour Value D4 (40K Sv -)

• None

• Basic Battle Dress

• Normal Clothing/Skin/Fur

b) Armour Value D6 (40K Sv 5+ or 6+)

• RT Flak

• RT Mesh

• RT Primitive Plate Armour (shift Mobilty die down one due to encumbrance)

• Eldar Guardian and Ranger Armour

• Imperial Guard Flak (all models)

• Ork Flak

• Squat Flak

• Dark Eldar (Archon, Dracon, Hellion, Mandrake, Scourge, Sybarite, Warrior)

• Shield (shift AV up 1 if combined with other armour)

c) Armour Value D8 (40K Sv 4+)

• RT Flak+Mesh (shift Mobilty die down one due to encumbrance)

• Carapace Armour (Squat and Imperial Guard)

• Dark Eldar Reaver

• Eldar Armour (Dire Avenger, Fire Dragon, Howling Banshee, Swooping Hawk)

• Ork 'Eavy Armour (Flash Gitz, 'Ard Boyz, Nobs)


• Tau Fire Warrior (Shas'la, Shas'ui)

• Space Marine Scout Armour (Scouts and Sergeants)

• Imperial Guard Stormtroopers (and Veteran Sergeants)

d) Armour Value D10 (40K Sv 3+)

• Space Marine Power Armour

• Battle Sister Power Armour

• Chaos Space Marine Power Armour

• Eldar Armour (Dark Reaper, Exarchs, Shining Spear, Striking Scorpion, Warp Spider)

• Squat Exo Armour

• Tau Crisis Suits (all types)

e) Armour Value D12 (40K Sv 2+)

• Ork Mega-armour

• Space Marine Terminator Armour

• Space Marine Artificer Power Armour

• Chaos Space Marine Terminator Armour

• Tau Broadside Armour (Shas'ui, Shas'vre)

f) Energy Armour and Invulnerable Saves

• RT Refractor Field D6 5,6

• RT Conversion Field D6 4,5,6 (plus blinding flash with diameter equal to the Firepower of the weapon that hit the shield)

• RT Displacer Field D6 4,5,6 (and displaced D6" at D12 o'clock)

• RT Stasis Field (automatically saves but model is out for one full turn)

• Iron Halo D6 4,5,6

• Rosarius D6 5,6

• Cybork Body D6 5,6

• Combat Shield 6

• Terminator Storm Shield 3,4,5,6

Back to Contents.


10) Equipment - Other Items

Included here are some of the interesting bits from Rogue Trader that got missed out of later editions.

a) Basic Kit

Breathing Apparatus: Gives immunity to Choke, Knockout, Scare gases and hard vacuum. Various types e.g. gas masks, nose filters, bionic lungs or even gills (allows breathing underwater). Power/Aspect/Terminator/Crisis/Broadside armour are assumed to include breathing apparatus of a type suitable to that armour and the race that makes it.

Communicator: from the basic walkie-talkie, throat-mikes and ear-beads, tiny commlinks built into helmets, up to backpack rigs with planet-wide transmission/reception capability. Assume that all suits of Power/Aspect/ Terminator/Crisis/Broadside armour have these built in and for all other races that there is at least one per squad (unless Orks have to shout REALLY LOUD).

Flash Protection: Various types including visors, goggles, eye-drops and built in to Power/Aspect/Terminator/Crisis/Broadside armour. Give a D6 save of 4,5,6 vs. blinding attacks.

Infravision devices: Allow the wearer to see body heat, through soft cover, in darkness or through smoke but NOT Blind grenades. May be goggles, visors or (rarely) built into Power/Aspect/Terminator/Crisis/Broadside armour. Count as Enhanced Electronic Sensors (D8) when trying to spot hidden troops.

Las-cutter: Impact D12 when used to attack buildings/vehicles. Very heavy, shift Mobility down 1 die type. A low-tech Ork equivalent is the Burna.

Sealed suit: A loose-fitting gas- and virus-proof suit which is worn over the trooper's normal clothing. Grants immunity to gas and virus grenades. However, if the wearer is hit (but not wounded) in combat, make a Tech Level roll vs. Target number of 3. If this is failed (i.e. roll <= 3) the suit is punctured and useless until repaired. If the target is hit AND wounded, assume the suit is automatically punctured. This level of protection is assumed to be built in to Power/Aspect/Terminator/Crisis/Broadside armour.

Rad suit: A loose-fitting radiation-proof suit which is worn over the trooper's normal clothing. Grants immunity to rad grenades and other background or weaponised radiation sources. However, if the wearer is hit (but not wounded) in combat, make a Tech Level roll vs. Target number of 3. If this is failed (i.e. roll <= 3) the suit is punctured and useless until repaired. If the target is hit AND wounded, assume the suit is automatically punctured. Note: Power/Aspect/Terminator/Crisis/Broadside armour are not necessarily considered radiation-proof.

Cameleoline: Mimetic-camouflage fabric or paint that blends with its background, rendering the wearer almost invisible. If a hidden trooper is equipped with Cameleoline and a spot attempt is made, the wearer rolls TWO quality dice and takes the higher result to compare against the spotter's quality and sensor dice rolls.


RT Jump Pack: Maximum jump distance is 12" and can clear obstacles up to human height. Higher obstacles can be cleared with a corresponding decrease in horizontal distance (typically 8" for single-storey buildings or 4" for higher obstacles). Make combat moves of 1D12x2, 1D8x2 and 1D4x2 respectively. To land "on target" make a Quality roll for the unit, target number 2 (+0 TL for an 12" long jump; +1 for 8" medium jump; +2 for a 4" high jump). If this roll fails, the unit deviates from the target point by D6" at D12 o'clock. If making a combat move and one of the dice roll a 1, then one of the squad lands badly and may take a wound. Roll Impact of D8 vs. the jumper's Armour Value. If Impact > Armour, the jumper is wounded.

RT Flight Pack: May be controlled manually or by spinal/neural/psychic link from Power/Aspect/Terminator/Crisis/Broadside Armour. Can lift one human-sized flyer and some kit (including one heavy weapon). Mobility die D12. Combat move D12x2. Can hover in place. If attempting risky manoeuvres, make a Quality die test with a base target of 2. Threat Levels can be agreed in play.

RT Gravity-chute: the 40K paratrooper's kit. The wearer can be air-inserted from a flying vehicle at any height and will land safely. Roll a Quality die test, Target number 2, to see if the unit lands at the designated point. If this roll is failed, the unit will scatter 2D6" at D12 o'clock and may land in poor or impassable terrain.

Porta-rack: a torture and interrogation device. If used to interrogate captive enemy, the questioner may count his Quality die one higher to account for the device's effects.

b) Technical Kit

Bioscanner: Detects lifeforms within a range of 10" and a 4" diameter from the chosen point. Counts as Enhanced Electronic Sensors (D8) when trying to spot hidden troops. If the army or the user is already at this Tech Level (D8) or higher, shift one level up when equipped with this device (maximum D12).

Energy Scanner: Detects energy emissions within a range of 10" and a 4" diameter from the chosen point. Counts as Enhanced Electronic Sensors (D8) when trying to spot hidden vehicles. If the army or the user is already at this Tech Level (D8) or higher, shift one level up when eqipped with this device (maximum D12).

Rad-counter: Detects radiation and strength within a range of 18" and a 4" diameter from the chosen point.

Targeter: The firer may reroll the Quality die (taking the higher result) when firing a weapon equipped with a targeter at a point target.

Suspensor: Small anti-grav devices which may be attached to weapons and other gear to neutralise weight penalties. One suspensor is needed to offset one Mobility die penalty.

c) Medical Kit

Medi-pack: Battle-field first aid kit. Heal wounds, neutralise drugs or counter the effects of gas weapons. Comes in many forms, from the Narthecium and Reductor of the Space Marine Apothecaries, through an Ork Painboy's Urty Syringe, to the swarms of healing microbes and insectoids of the Tyranids.


Frenzon drugs: Injected or ingested before or during the battle to cause fear, hatred, confusion or frenzy (perhaps others) in the taker.

Immune: A drug which provides short term (e.g. 24 hours or one standard day) immunity to disease (but not poison).

Stimulant: A wake-up drug which cancels confusion effects.

Stumm antidote: Negates the incapacitating effects of stumm gas.

Websolvent: Used to disolve webbing from web pistols and heavy webbers. All troops equipped with Webbers or Heavy Webbers have a supply of this solvent.

d) Bionics

Arm: Shift one die up in close assault due to the crushing strength of the arm. Such bionics may also include a built in weapon (hand flamers are a favourite!)

Leg: Shift one die up in close assault due to the incredible round-house kicks these limbs can deliver. If the model has two bionic legs, it may jump up to 12" horizontally or 6" vertically.

Ears: Count as Enhanced Sensors (D8) when attempting to spot hidden enemy units. If the user is already at this Tech Level or higher, shift one die UP (maximum D12).

Eyes: Count as Enhanced Sensors when attempting to spot hidden enemy units. If the user is already at this Tech Level or higher, shift one die UP (maximum D12). May also have one built-in function chosen from: infra-vision; targeter; flash-protection;bio-scanner; energy-scanner.

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11) Epilogue - including downloads

a) To Do List

The following areas still need to be addressed

• Vehicles

• Psykers

• Alien Psychology

I'm sure there are many others!

There will be more to come after these rules have been tested.

b) Download

If you like what you've seen here, you may wish to download the entire ruleset as a PDF file.

SGII meets 40K pdf format ruleset.

Simply right click on the above link and select Save As.


c) Questions, Comments and Flames

If you have any questions or comments about these rules, please email me at the address below:

[email protected]

Please keep flames to a minimum but I will happily accept constructive criticism. I'm particularly interested in any extensions to these rules, especially for those armies whose 40K Codex I don't own. (And I'm definitely not buying!)

Colin Brett

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12) Appendices - Charts, Tables and Shell Scripts


Space Marines stat lines

Army Tech Level: Enhanced (D8) Army Motivation: High

Name40K Stat

TotalMobility Quality LV AV CL Special

Apothecary 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO Equipped with Medi-packAssault Marine 22 12/D12x2 D8 2 D10 CO Jump InfantryCaptain 29 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO Combat Tactics [1]. W=3

Chaplain 24 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO USR: Fearless. Liturgies of Battle [2]. W=2

Master of the Forge

24 6/D6x2 D10 1 D12 CO Tech Level D10 with reroll. W=2

Company Champion

24 6/D6x2 D10 2 D10 CO -

Honour Guard 23 6/D6x2 D8 1 D12 CO -Librarian 25 6/D6x2 D10 2 D10 CO Psyker. W=2

Scout 22 8/D8x2 D8 2 D8 CO USRs: Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Scouts

Scout Sergeant 23 8/D8x2 D8 2 D8 CO USRs: Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Scouts

Servitor 17 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO Mindlock [3]Space Marine 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Techmarine 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D12 CO Tech Level D10Terminator 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D12 CO USR: Slow and PurposefulVeteran Sergeant 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -

• And They Shall Know No Fear: All Space Marine characters and units never test for panic (like veterans/elites), ignore first suppression test (due to High motivation) and ignore the first drop in Confidence (from whatever source).

• Combat Squads: Any Space Marine squad can form a detatched element at any time without spending an action (though the player should still state it's happening). Further, activating detatched Marine elements do not need a successful action transfer from the squad leader.

• [1] Combat Tactics: With a Captain on-table, any Space Marine unit may choose to fail any Confidence or Reaction test and abide by the result. This does not require a Communications Test.

• [2] Liturgies of Battle: allow the Chaplain (and his unit) to reroll Quality dice on the turn they initiate an assault


• [3] Mindlock: If not controlled by a Techmarine, Servitors must make a Quality roll (TN3) or do nothing that turn

• Space Marines have, in some ways, been downgraded to a Quality of REGULAR, rather than the more realistic (if 40K could be described as such) VETERAN or ELITE Quality. This is because SGII would not field an entire army of highly skilled power armoured troops. Rather, instead of a Space Marine strikeforce, an SGII "Army of the Imperium" would consist of Imperial Guard Platoon(s) with an attached squad of Space Marines as their elites. Hopefully, by sticking to the SGII principle of "most troops are REGULARS with Quality of D8", 40K-SGII will gain some game balance. Also this restores some of the original 40K background. There are one million worlds in the Imperium and 1000 Marine Chapters of 1000 Brother Marines. That's one million Space Marines or one to guard each world. An entire Battle Company of Marines would not be deployed to a single warzone unless the situation was desperate. The Space Marine special rules, adapted from 40K to SGII terminology, will hopefully make REGULAR Marines more special than the REGULAR grunts of other armies. If, however, you want to play an "Army of the Imperium", base your force on Imperial Guard or their allies, and field a couple of Marine squads with their Quality upgraded to VETERAN or ELITE.

Back to Contents or Sample Unit Stat Lines.

Space Marine Black Templars stat lines

Army Tech Level: Enhanced (D8) Army Motivation: High

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialCastellan 28 6/D6x2 D10 2 D10 CO W=2Cenobyte 19 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO -Emperors Champion 27 6/D6x2 D10 1 D12 CO W=2Initiate 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Marshal 29 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO W=3Neophyte 20 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO -

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Space Marine Blood Angels stat lines

Army Tech Level: Enhanced (D8) Army Motivation: High

Army Tech Level: Enhanced (D8) Army Motivation: High

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialDeath Company 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -

Back to Contents or Sample Unit Stat Lines.


Space Marine Dark Angels stat lines

Army Tech Level: Enhanced (D8) Army Motivation: High

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialChaplain 28 6/D6x2 D10 2 D10 CO W=2Company Master 29 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO W=3Interrogator-Chaplain 29 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO W=3Librarian 28 6/D6x2 D10 2 D10 CO Psyker. W=2Ravenwing Biker 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO Jetbike mounted?Veteran 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -

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Space Marine Space Wolves stat lines

Army Tech Level: Enhanced (D8) Army Motivation: High

Name40K Stat

TotalMobility Quality LV AV CL Special

Wolf Guard Battle Leader

29 6/D6x2 D10 2 D10 CO W=2

Blood Claw 20 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Blood Claw Biker 20 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Fenrisian Wolf 19 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Grey Hunter 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -

Iron Priest 28 6/D6x2 D10 2 D12 CO Tech Level D10. W=2

Long Fang 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Rune Priest 29 6/D6x2 D10 2 D10 CO Psyker. W=2Thrall 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Wolf Guard 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Wolf Lord 30 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO W=3Wolf Priest 29 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO W=2

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Agents of the Imperium stat lines

Army Tech Level: Enhanced (D8) Army Motivation: High

Name40K Stat

TotalMobility Quality LV AV CL Special

Arco-flagellant 19 6/D6x2 D8 2 D4 CO -Crusader 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO -Daemonhost 30 6/D6x2 D10 2 D4 CO W=4Death Cult Assassin

25 6/D6x2 D10 2 D4 CO W=2

Henchman 17 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Imperial Assassin 28 6/D6x2 D10 1 D4 CO W=2

Inquisitor 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO Equipped with porta-rack. W=2

Inquisitor Lord 24 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO Equipped with porta-rack. W=3

Priest 20 6/D6x2 D8 2 D4 CO W=2Storm Trooper 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO -Warrior Henchman 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO -

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Grey Knights stat lines

Army Tech Level: Enhanced (D8) Army Motivation: High

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialGrand Master 30 6/D6x2 D10 1 D12 CO W=3Grey Knight 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Brother-Captain 24 6/D6x2 D10 1 D12 CO -Grey Knight Terminator 24 6/D6x2 D10 1 D12 CO -Justicar 24 6/D6x2 D10 2 D10 CO -

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Battle Sisters stat lines

Army Tech Level: Enhanced (D8) Army Motivation: High

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialBattle Sister 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Canoness 25 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO W=3Celestian 20 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Celestian Superior 21 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Mistress 21 6/D6x2 D8 1 D8 CO -Palatine 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO W=2Seraphim 20 12/D12x2 D8 2 D10 CO Jump InfantrySeraphim Superior 21 12/D12x2 D8 2 D10 CO Jump InfantrySister Repentia 20 6/D6x2 D8 3 D8 CO -Sister Superior 19 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -

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Imperial Guard stat lines

Army Tech Level: Basic (D6) Army Motivation: Medium

Name40K Stat

TotalMobility Quality LV AV CL Special

Commissar 22 6/D6x2 D8 1 D6 CO High Motivation. Summary Execution [1]. W=2

Conscript 15 6/D6x2 D6 3 D6 CO Low MotivationGuardsman 17 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Hardened Veteran 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Hardened Veteran Sergeant

19 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -

Heroic Senior Officer 24 6/D6x2 D10 2 D6 CO W=3Junior Officer 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Ogryn 24 6/D6x2 D10 2 D6 CO W=3Ogryn Bone'ead 25 6/D6x2 D10 2 D6 CO W=3

Ratling 16 6/D6x2 D6 3 D6 CO USR: Infiltrate. Go To Ground [2]

Rough Rider 17 8/D8x2 D8 2 D6 CO USR: Fleet. CavalrySanctioned Psyker 15 6/D6x2 D6 2 D6 CO PsykerSenior Officer 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO W=2Veteran Sergeant 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Stormtrooper 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO -Stormtrooper Veteran Sergeant

19 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO -

Techpriest Enginseer 17 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO Tech Level D8


• [1] Summary Execution: If a Confidence Test is failed, the Commissar executes the Squad leader and assumes command. Confidence does not drop that turn

• [2] Go to Ground: Ratlings always count as In Position when in cover

The author does not own the most up-to-date Imperial Guard, Daemonhunters, Witch-hunters, or Chapter-specific Space Marine Codexes, so the above special rules may no longer be in effect. If you would like to contribute to this project, please see my contact details in the Epilogue section.

Back to Contents or Sample Unit Stat Lines.

Eldar stat lines

Army Tech Level: Enhanced (D8) Army Motivation: High

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialAutarch 30 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO W=3Avatar 41 6/D6x2 D12 1 D10 CO W=4Dark Reaper 21 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Death Jester 24 6/D6x2 D10 2 D4 CO -Dire Avenger 21 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO -Exarch 25 6/D6x2 D10 2 D10 CO -Farseer 25 6/D6x2 D10 1 D4 CO Psyker. W=3Fire Dragon 21 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO -Guardian 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Harlequin 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D4 CO -Howling Banshee 21 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO -Phoenix Lord 36 6/D6x2 D12 1 D12 CO W=3Ranger 19 6/D6x2 D8 3 D6 CO -Shadowseer 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D4 CO -Shining Spear 21 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Striking Scorpion 21 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Swooping Hawk 21 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO Jump InfantryTroupe Master 23 6/D6x2 D8 1 D4 CO -Warlock 20 6/D6x2 D8 2 D4 CO PsykerWarp Spider 21 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO Jump InfantryWraithguard 25 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO -Wraithlord 38 6/D6x2 D12 1 D10 CO W=3

The author does not own the most up-to-date Eldar Codex, so can't adapt any special rules to this SGII army. If you would like to contribute to this project, please see my contact details in the Epilogue section.

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Dark Eldar stat lines

Army Tech Level: Enhanced (D8) Army Motivation: High

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialArchon 31 6/D6x2 D12 2 D6 CO W=3Beastmaster 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Dracon 26 6/D6x2 D10 2 D6 CO W=2Grotesque 18 6/D6x2 D8 3 D4 CO W=2Haemonculus 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO W=2Hellion 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Hellion Succubus 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Incubi Master 24 6/D6x2 D10 2 D10 CO -Incubi 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Mandrake 21 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Reaver 24 6/D6x2 D10 2 D8 CO -Reaver Succubus 25 6/D6x2 D10 2 D8 CO -Scourge 21 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Sybarite 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Warrior 21 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Warp Beast 20 6/D6x2 D8 3 D6 CO -Wych 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Wych Archite 32 6/D6x2 D12 2 D6 CO W=2Wych Dracite 27 6/D6x2 D10 2 D6 CO W=2Wych Succubus 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -

The author does not own the most up-to-date Dark Eldar Codex, so can't adapt any special rules to this SGII army. If you would like to contribute to this project, please see my contact details in the Epilogue section.

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Orks stat lines

Army Tech Level: Basic (D6) Army Motivation: Medium

Name40K Stat

TotalMobility Quality LV AV CL Special

Ard Boy 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO USR: Furious Charge. Mob Rule [2]Big Mek 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO Tech Level D8 plus reroll. W=2Burna Boy 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Flash Git 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO W=2Gretchin 13 6/D6x2 D6 3 D4 CO Low Motivation. Minesweepers [1]

Kommando 20 8/D8x2 D8 2 D6 CO USRs: Infiltrate, Move Through Cover

Loota 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -

Meganob 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D12 CO USRs: Furious Charge, Slow and Purposeful. Mob Rule [2]. W=2

Mek 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO Tech Level D8

Nob 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO USR: Furious Charge. Mob Rule [2]. W=2

Ork Boy 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO USR: Furious Charge. Mob Rule [2]

Painboy 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO USR: Grants Feel no Pain to the unit it is with. Equipped with Urty Syringe. W=2

Runtherd 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO W=2Stormboy 18 12/D12x2 D8 2 D6 CO Jump InfantryTankbusta 18 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -

Warboss 28 6/D6x2 D10 2 D6 CO USR: Furious Charge. Mob Rule [2]. Waaagh! [3]. W=3

Weirdboy 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO Psyker. W=2

• [1] Minesweepers: Gretchin Mobz may clear minefields (not normally possible in SGII) but lose 3D6 Grots in the process.

• [2] Mob Rule: Boyz Mobs with more than 11 Boyz are Fearless. This normally applies to all Orkz but this limitation is for a bit of game balance.

• [3] Waaagh!: Declared by the Warboss once per game on any activation after the first. All Furious Charge units get Fleet of Foot on that turn but if the combat move roll is a 1, a Boy takes a wound (Impact D8 vs. Armour Value).

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Tau stat lines

Army Tech Level: Superior (D10) Army Motivation: Medium

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialBroadside Shas'ui 20 8/D8x2 D8 2 D12 CO W=2Broadside Shas'vre 22 8/D8x2 D8 2 D12 CO W=2Crisis Shas'el 25 6/D6x2 D10 2 D10 CO W=3Crisis Shas'o 29 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO W=4Crisis Shas'ui 20 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO W=2Crisis Shas'vre 19 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Ethereal 21 6/D6x2 D8 1 D4 CO W=2Fire Warrior Shas'la 15 6/D6x2 D6 2 D8 CO -Fire Warrior Shas'ui 16 6/D6x2 D6 2 D8 CO -Gun Drone 16 6/D6x2 D6 2 D8 CO -Kroot 19 6/D6x2 D8 2 D4 CO -Kroot Hound 19 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Krootox Rider 25 6/D6x2 D10 2 D6 CO W=3Marker Drone 17 6/D6x2 D8 3 D8 CO -Shaper 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO W=3Shield Drone 13 6/D6x2 D6 3 D4 CO -Sniper Drone 17 6/D6x2 D8 2 D8 CO -Spotter 16 6/D6x2 D6 2 D8 CO -Stealth Shas'ui 17 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Stealth Shas'vre 19 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Strain Leader 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO W=4Vespid Stingwing 20 6/D6x2 D8 3 D6 CO -

The author does not own the most up-to-date Tau Codex, so can't adapt any special rules to this SGII army. If you would like to contribute to this project, please see my contact details in the Epilogue section.

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Necrons stat lines

Army Tech Level: Superior (D10) Army Motivation: High

Name40K Stat

TotalMobility Quality LV AV CL Special

Flayed Ones 23 6/D6x2 D8 1 D10 CO USRs: Infiltrate, Move Through Cover. Terrifying Visage [1]

Destroyer 21 6/D6x2 D8 1 D10 CO -Immortal 21 6/D6x2 D8 1 D10 CO -Lord 28 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO W=3Warrior 20 6/D6x2 D8 1 D10 CO Phase Shift [2], Wraithflight [3]Wraith 28 6/D6x2 D10 1 D4 CO -Pariah 23 6/D6x2 D8 1 D10 CO USRs: Fearless. Soulless [4]Scarab Swarm

16 6/D6x2 D6 1 D6 CO USRs: Vulnerable to Blasts/Templates. W=3

Nightbringer 42 6/D6x2 D12 1 D8 CO W=5Deceiver 39 6/D6x2 D12 1 D8 CO W=5Tomb Spyder 23 6/D6x2 D8 1 D10 CO USR: Fearless. Artificer [5]. W=2

• [1] Terrifying Visage: enemies shift Quality die down one in assault combat

• [2] Phase Shift: Grants 3: Invulnerable save on D6

• [3] Wraithflight: treat all terrain as clear/good but can't stop in impassable terrain.

• [4] Soulless: Causes fear (TL2) in all units within 8"

• [5] Artificer: Make Scarabs. Needs Tech Level roll (TN3). If failed the Spyder takes a wound.

• We'll Be Back (optional): A wounded/damaged Necron (other than Scarab Swarms) may attempt to self-repair on its unit's next activation. Make a Tech Level test, Target Number 3. Modify this with a Threat Level of +1 if hit by Blast or Gets Hot! weapons, +2 hit by Power, Heavy or Melta Weapons, +3 if hit by Ordnance Weapons. If successful (i.e. roll higher than 3+TL) the Necron gets back into the fight.

• Phase Out (optional): If the We'll Be Back rule is in use, any Necron squad reduced to 25% of it starting strength has its Confidence immediately drop to Routed and vanishes from the battlefield.

The author does not own the most up-to-date Necron Codex, so the above special rules may no longer be in effect. If you would like to contribute to this project, please see my contact details in the Epilogue section.

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Squats stat lines

Army Tech Level: Enhanced (D8) Army Motivation: High

Name40K Stat

TotalMobility Quality LV AV CL Special

Squat 18 4/D4x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Champion 22 4/D4x2 D8 2 D6 CO -Minor Hero 28 4/D4x2 D10 1 D8 CO W=2Major Hero 33 4/D4x2 D12 1 D8 CO W=3Warlord 33 4/D4x2 D12 1 D8 CO W=3Warlord Exo 33 4/D4x2 D12 1 D10 CO W=3Hearthguard 21 4/D4x2 D8 1 D8 CO -Hearthguard Exo 21 4/D4x2 D8 1 D10 CO -Engineer Guildmaster

28 4/D4x2 D10 1 D8 CO Tech Level D10 with reroll. W=2

Ancestor Lord 38 4/D4x2 D12 1 D8 CO Psyker. W=4Warrior 18 4/D4x2 D8 2 D6 CO -

There has been no official Squat Codex ever (as far as I am aware). The above stats are derived from RT and 40K Second Edition, just before the Squats were annihilated. If you would like to contribute to this project, please see my contact details in the Epilogue section.

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Chaos Space Marines stat lines

Army Tech Level: Enhanced (D8) Army Motivation: High

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialAbaddon 39 6/D6x2 D12 1 D12 CO W=4Ahriman 29 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO W=3Aspiring Champion 23 6/D6x2 D8 1 D10 CO -Aspiring Sorcerer 23 6/D6x2 D8 1 D10 CO PsykerBerzerker 24 6/D6x2 D10 2 D10 CO -Biker Champion 23 6/D6x2 D8 1 D10 CO -Chaos Biker 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Chaos Lord 30 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO W=3Chaos Space Marine 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Chaos Spawn 22 6/D6x2 D8 1 D4 CO W=3Chosen 22 6/D6x2 D8 1 D10 CO -Daemon Prince 36 6/D6x2 D12 1 D10 CO W=4Fabius Bile 30 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO W=3Greater Daemon 33 6/D6x2 D12 1 D4 CO W=4Huron 30 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO W=3Khorn 34 6/D6x2 D12 1 D10 CO W=3


Lesser Daemon 19 6/D6x2 D8 1 D4 CO -Lucius 32 6/D6x2 D12 1 D10 CO W=3Noise Champion 24 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO -Noise Marine 23 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Obliterator 24 6/D6x2 D10 2 D12 CO W=2Plague Champion 22 6/D6x2 D8 1 D10 CO -Plague Marine 21 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Possessed 24 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO -Possessed Champion 25 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO -Raptor 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Skull Champion 25 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO -Sorcerer 29 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO Psyker. W=3Terminator 23 6/D6x2 D8 1 D12 CO -Terminator Champion 24 6/D6x2 D10 1 D12 CO -Thousand Son 22 6/D6x2 D8 2 D10 CO -Typhus 30 6/D6x2 D10 1 D12 CO W=4

The author doesn't have any of the Chaos Codex supplements so can't adapt any of the special rules here. However, Chaos players may wish to try this random generation chart instead. Roll a D8 for each squad or character on the following chart depending on the Chaos affiliation of the army.

D8 Roll

Khorne Nurgle Slaanesh Tzeentch Independent

1Animosity Psychology

Confusion Psychology

Panic Psychology

Fear Psychology Stupidity Psychology

2-6 No Gift No Gift No Gift No Gift No Gift

7 Rage USRImmune to all Diseases and Poisons

Hit and Run USR

Cause Fear (TL1) Psychology

Counter-attack USR

8Frenzy Psychology

Feel No Pain USR

Hatred Psychology

PsykerNight Vision/Enhanced Senses USR

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Chaos Daemons stat lines

Army Tech Level: Basic (D6) Army Motivation: Medium

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialBeast of Nurgle 19 6/D6x2 D8 1 D4 CO W=2Bloodcrusher 24 6/D6x2 D10 1 D8 CO W=2Bloodletter 20 6/D6x2 D8 1 D4 CO -Bloodthirster 41 6/D6x2 D12 1 D8 CO W=4Daemon Prince 35 6/D6x2 D12 1 D4 CO W=4Daemonette 20 6/D6x2 D8 1 D4 CO -


Flesh Hound 19 6/D6x2 D8 1 D4 CO -Fury 17 6/D6x2 D8 1 D4 CO -Great Unclean One 33 6/D6x2 D12 1 D4 CO W=5Keeper of Secrets 44 6/D6x2 D12 1 D4 CO W=4Khorne Herald 27 6/D6x2 D10 1 D4 CO W=2Lord of Change 34 6/D6x2 D12 1 D4 CO W=4Nurgle Herald 23 6/D6x2 D8 1 D4 CO W=2Nurglings 16 6/D6x2 D6 1 D4 CO W=3Pink Horror 16 6/D6x2 D6 1 D4 CO -Plaguebearer 16 6/D6x2 D6 1 D4 CO -Screamer 16 6/D6x2 D6 1 D4 CO -

The Chaos Gifts chart above can be used to add some character (beyond teeth and claws) to the daemons.

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Tyranids stat lines

Army Tech Level: Basic (D6) Army Motivation: High

Name40K Stat

TotalMobility Quality LV AV CL Special

Biovore 18 6/D6x2 D8 3 D6 CO W=2Broodlord 33 6/D6x2 D12 1 D8 CO Synapse Creature [1]. W=3Carnifex 27 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO W=4Gargoyle 18 6/D6x2 D8 1 D6 CO -

Gaunt 18 6/D6x2 D8 3 D6 CO USR: Move Through Cover. Low Motivation if out of Synapse range.

Genestealer 23 6/D6x2 D8 1 D6 CO USRs: Fleet, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover

Hive Tyrant 31 6/D6x2 D12 1 D10 CO Synapse Creature [1]. W=4

Hormagaunt 20 6/D6x2 D8 3 D6 CO USR: Move Through Cover. Low Motivation if out of Synapse range.

Lictor 27 6/D6x2 D10 1 D6 CO W=2Ravener 26 6/D6x2 D10 1 D6 CO W=2

Ripper Swarm

18 6/D6x2 D8 1 D6 CO USR: Move Through Cover. Low Motivation if out of Synapse range. W=3

Spore Mine 6 6/D6x2 D4 3 D4 CO -Tyrant Guard 29 6/D6x2 D10 1 D10 CO W=2Warrior 22 6/D6x2 D8 1 D6 CO Synapse Creature [1]. W=2Zoanthrope 22 6/D6x2 D8 1 D12 CO Synapse Creature [1]. W=2

• [1] Synapse Creature: controls lesser Tyranid beasts. Range = Quality Die type. Controlled creatures have High Motivation.


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All the Xenos stat lines here are based on Rogue Trader.

Warp Creatures stat lines

Name 40K Stat Total Mobility Quality LV AV CL SpecialAstral Hound 20 6/D6x2 D8 2 D4 CO PsykerEnslavers 24 6/D6x2 D10 1 D4 CO Psyker. W=3Psychneuein Adult 28 6/D6x2 D10 1 D4 CO Psyker. W=2Psychneuein Grub 12 6/D6x2 D6 1 D4 CO PsykerVampires 34 6/D6x2 D12 1 D4 CO Psyker. W=3

Alien Creatures stat lines

Name40K Stat

TotalMobility Quality LV AV CL Special

Ambull 26 6/D6x2 D10 2 D8 CO Can tunnel and deployed as hidden. W=3

Carnivorous Sand Clam

19 6/D6x2 D8 3 D4 CO Deploy as hidden

Catachan Devil Small

30 6/D6x2 D10 1 D6 CO W=4

Catachan Devil Medium

36 8/D8x2 D12 1 D6 CO W=6

Catachan Devil Large

44 10/D10x2 D12 1 D6 CO W=8

Catachan Face Eater

14 6/D6x2 D6 1 D4 CO Deploy as hidden

Crawler 14 6/D6x2 D6 3 D4 CO Deploy as hiddenCrotalid 19 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO May appear at random. W=3Cthellean Cudbear

31 6/D6x2 D12 1 D6 CO W=3

Dinosaur Small 26 6/D6x2 D10 3 D4 CO W=5Dinosaur Medium

31 6/D6x2 D12 3 D4 CO W=6

Dinosaur Large 34 8/D8x2 D12 3 D4 CO W=7

Ferro-beast 20 6/D6x2 D8 2 D6 CO Attacks metal-bearing enemies. W=2

Giant Insectoid Small

17 4/D4x2 D8 2 D4 CO May fly

Giant Insectoid Medium

21 6/D6x2 D8 2 D4 CO May fly. W=2

Giant Insectoid 25 8/D8x2 D10 2 D4 CO May fly. W=3


Large Giant Spider Small

20 4/D4x2 D8 1 D4 CO Fling webs as per Webber

Giant Spider Medium

24 6/D6x2 D10 1 D4 CO Fling webs as per Webber. W=2

Giant Spider Large

28 8/D8x2 D10 1 D4 CO Fling webs as per Heavy Webber. W=3

Grox 26 6/D6x2 D10 2 D6 CO W=3/td>Gyrinx 15 6/D6x2 D6 2 D4 CO Psychic petsHorse Riding 14 8/D8x2 D6 3 D4 CO May be ridden

Horse Draught 16 8/D8x2 D6 3 D4 CO May pull Ordnance weapons but shift Mobility down one die (to D6). W=3

Horse War 16 8/D8x2 D6 3 D4 CO May be ridden and can attackLashworm 9 6/D6x2 D4 3 D4 CO Attacks cover 2 range from baseRiding Lizard 26 8/D8x2 D10 3 D4 CO May be ridden. W=3Yamnan Mimic 15 6/D6x2 D6 3 D4 CO Shape changers!Ptera-squirrel 15 6/D6x2 D6 3 D4 CO May flyRazorwing 17 6/D6x2 D8 3 D4 CO Flyers acting in flocks

Rippy-fish 12 6/D6x2 D6 1 D4 CO Swimmers acting in Swarm shoals. Vulnerable to Blasts/Templates

Swarm 4 6/D6x2 D4 1 D4 CO Vulnerable to Blasts/Templates

Sunworm 20 4/D4x2 D8 3 D4 CO Attack by electric shocks. Slow moving. W=3

Alien Plants stat lines

Name40K Stat

TotalMobility Quality LV AV CL Special

Catachan Brainleaf

11 4/D4x2 D6 3 D4 CO Deploy as hidden. W=3

Creeper 19 0 D8 3 D4 CO Attacks cover a 6 range from base. W=3

Floater 2 4/D4x2 D4 3 D4 CO Float on winds or in random direction

Gas Fungus 9 0 D4 3 D4 CO Release 2 poison gas clouds if wounded

Rain Spores 9 0 D4 3 D4 CO Poison spores scatter over 3 area

Spiker 14 0 D6 3 D4 CO Attack Range 6. Wounded models turn into Spikers. W=2

Spinethorn 14 0 D6 3 D4 CO Count as poor terrain and cause wounds with Impact D6

Sponge Weed 5 0 D4 3 D4 CO Count as Difficult terrainTangle Fungus 5 0 D4 3 D4 CO Count as Difficult terrain


Thermotropic Vine

5 4/D4x2 D4 3 D4 CO Count as Difficult terrain drawn to heat

Venus Mantrap 35 0 D12 3 D4 CO 20-30m tall. Six attacks. Wounds cause entrapment. W=4

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Space Marines SGII Weapon Stats

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialAssault cannon D12 D12 Heavy 24 RendingAstartes grenade launcher (Frag)

D6 3 Rapid_Fire 24 Blast

Astartes grenade launcher (Krak)

D10 3 Rapid_Fire 24 -

Autocannon D12 D12 Heavy 48 -Auxiliary grenade launcher (Frag)

D6 1 Assault 12 Blast Close Only

Auxiliary grenade launcher (Krak)

D10 1 Assault 12 Close Only

Bolt pistol D8 1 Pistol 12 Close OnlyBoltgun D8 3 Rapid_Fire 24 -Conversion beamer D10 D8 Heavy up to 18 BlastConversion beamer D12 D10 Heavy 18 to 42 BlastConversion beamer D12 D12 Heavy 42 to 72 BlastCyclone missile launcher (Frag)

D10 D8 Heavy 48 Blast

Cyclone missile launcher (Krak)

D12 D12 Heavy 48 -

Deathwind launcher D10 D8 Heavy 12 Large Blast Close Only

Dragonfire bolts D8 3 Rapid_Fire 24 Ignores CoverFlamer D8 1 Assault Template TerrorFlamestorm D12 D8 Heavy Template TerrorHeavy bolter D12 D10 Heavy 36 -Heavy flamer D10 1 Assault Template TerrorHellfire round D4 2.5 Rapid_Fire 24 Poisoned (2+)Hellfire shell D6 D4 Heavy 36 Blast Poisoned (2+)Kraken bolt D10 3 Rapid_Fire 30 -Lascannon D12 D12 Heavy 48 -Meltagun D10 2 Assault 12 Melta Close OnlyMissile launcher (Frag) D10 D6 Heavy 48 BlastMissile launcher (Krak) D12 D10 Heavy 48 -


Multi-melta D12 D10 Heavy 24 MeltaPlasma cannon D12 D10 Heavy 36 Blast Gets Hot!Plasma gun D12 4 Rapid_Fire 24 Gets Hot!

Plasma pistol D12 2 Pistol 12 Gets Hot! Close Only

Shotgun D8 2 Assault 12 Close OnlySniper rifle D10 D6 Heavy 36 SniperStorm bolter D8 2 Assault 24 -Thunderfire cannon (Surface) D10 D12 Heavy 60 BlastThunderfire cannon (Airburst) D10 D12 Heavy 60 Blast Ignores CoverThunderfire cannon (Subterranean)

D10 D10 Heavy 60 Blast Tremor

Typhoon Missile launcher (Frag)

D10 D8 Heavy 48 Blast

Typhoon Missile launcher (Krak)

D12 D12 Heavy 48 -

Vengeance round D10 3 Rapid_Fire 18 Gets Hot!

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Orks SGII Weapon Stats

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialBig shoota D8 3 Assault 36 -

Boomgun D12 D12 Ordnance 36 Large Blast. Vehicle/Platform Mounted

Burna D8 1 Assault Template TerrorDakkagun D10 2 Assault 18 -Deffgun D12 D12 Heavy 48 -Grot blasta D6 1 Assault 12 Close OnlyGrotzooka D10 D10 Heavy 18 Blast. Vehicle/Platform MountedKannon (frag) D10 D6 Heavy 36 Blast. Vehicle/Platform MountedKannon (shell) D12 D10 Heavy 36 Vehicle/Platform Mounted

Killkannon D12 D12 Ordnance 24 Large Blast. Vehicle/Platform Mounted

Kustom mega-blasta

D12 2 Assault 24 Gets Hot!

Lobba D10 D8 Heavy 48 Blast. Vehicle/Platform MountedRokkit launcha D10 2 Assault 24 -Shokk attack gun D12 D10 Heavy 60 Large BlastSkorcha D10 1 Assault Template TerrorShoota D8 2 Assault 18 -Snazzgun D8 1 Assault 24 -Slugga D8 1 Pistol 12 Close OnlyZzap gun D12 D6 Heavy 36 Vehicle/Platform Mounted


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Imperial Guard SGII Weapon Stats

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialAutocannon D12 D12 Heavy 48 -Bastion-breacher Shells

D12 D12 Heavy 48 Blast

Boltgun D8 3 Rapid_Fire 24 -Bolt Pistol D8 1 Pistol 12 Close OnlyChem Cannon D8 D4 Heavy Template Poisoned (2+) Terror

Demolition Charge D12 2 Assault 6 Large Blast. One Shot Only. Close Only

Eradicator Nova Cannon

D12 D8 Heavy 36 Large Blast

Executioner Plasma Cannonn

D12 D12 Heavy 6 Blast Close Only

Exterminator Autocannon

D12 D12 Heavy 48 Twin-linked

Flamer D8 1 Assault Template TerrorGrenade Launcher (Frag)

D6 1 Assault 24 Blast

Grenade Launcher (Krak)

D10 1 Assault 24 -

Heavy Bolter D12 D10 Heavy 36 -Heavy Flamer D10 1 Assault Template TerrorHeavy Stubber D10 D8 Heavy 36 -Hellfury Missiles D10 D6 Heavy 72 Large Blast. One Shot OnlyHot-shot Lasgun D8 3 Rapid_Fire 18 -Hot-shot Laspistol D8 1 Pistol 6 Close OnlyHydra Autocannon D12 D12 Heavy 72 -Inferno Cannon D12 D8 Heavy Template TerrorLascannon D12 D12 Heavy 48 -Lasgun D6 3 Rapid_Fire 24 -Laspistol D6 1 Pistol 12 Close OnlyMeltagun D10 2 Assault 12 Melta. Close OnlyMelta Cannon D12 D10 Heavy 24 Melta. BlastMissile Launcher (Frag)

D10 D6 Heavy 48 Blast

Missile Launcher (Krak)

D12 D10 Heavy 48 -

Mortar D10 D6 Heavy 48 Blast. BarrageMulti-laser D10 D10 Heavy 36 -Multi-melta D12 D10 Heavy 24 Melta


Multiple Rocket Pod D10 D6 Heavy 24 Large BlastPlasma Cannon D12 D10 Heavy 36 Blast. Gets Hot!Plasma Gun D12 4 Rapid_Fire 24 Gets Hot!Plasma Pistol D12 2 Pistol 12 Gets Hot! Close OnlyPunisher Gatling Cannon

D10 D12 Heavy 24 -

Ripper Gun D8 3 Assault 12 Close OnlyRipper Pistol D12 3 Pistol 12 Sniper. Close OnlyShotgun D6 2 Assault 12 Close OnlySniper Rifle D8 D6 Heavy 36 SniperStorm Bolter D8 2 Assault 24 -Vanquisher Battle Cannon

D12 D10 Heavy 72 -

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Imperial Agents SGII Weapon Stats

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialAutocannon D12 D12 Heavy 48 -Bolt pistol D8 1 Pistol 12 Close OnlyBolter D8 3 Rapid_Fire 24 -Combi-stake crossbow

D6 2 Assault 24 Wounds psykers on 2+ with no save

Exorcist missile D12 D12 Heavy 48 -Flamer D8 1 Assault Template no cover save TerrorFirearms D8 3 Rapid_Fire 24 Gets Hot!Grenade launcher (frag)

D6 1 Assault 24 Blast

Grenade launcher (krak)

D10 1 Assault 24 -

Heavy bolter D12 D10 Heavy 36 -Heavy flamer D10 1 Assault Template no cover save TerrorHeavy stubber D10 D8 Heavy 36 -Hellgun D6 3 Rapid_Fire 24 -Hellpistol D6 1 Pistol 12 Close OnlyHunter-killer missile D12 D10 Heavy Unlimited -

Inferno pistol D12 2 Pistol 6 2D6 armour pen. within 3 Close Only

Lascannon D12 D12 Heavy 48 -Las pistol D6 1 Pistol 12 Close Only

Melta gun D10 2 Assault 12 2D6 armour pen. within 6 Close Only

Missile launcher (frag)

D10 D6 Heavy 48 Blast


Missile launcher (krak)

D12 D10 Heavy 48 -

Mortar D10 D6 Heavy 48 BlastMulti melta D12 D10 Heavy 24 2D6 armour pen. within 12Plasma cannon D12 D10 Heavy 36 Blast Gets Hot!Plasma gun D12 4 Rapid_Fire 24 Gets Hot!Plasma pistol D12 2 Pistol 12 Gets Hot! Close OnlyShotgun D6 2 Assault 12 Close OnlySniper rifle D8 D6 Heavy 36 2+ to hit 4+ to wound

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Chaos Marines SGII Weapon Stats

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialStorm bolter D8 2 Assault 24 -Autocannon D12 D12 Heavy 48 -Blastmaster (Varied Frequency)

D10 2 Assault 36 pinning

Blastmaster (Single Frequency)

D12 D10 Heavy 48 Blast pinning

Boltgun D8 3 Rapid_Fire 24 -Bolt Pistol D8 1 Pistol 12 Close OnlyDoom Siren D10 1 Assault Template TerrorFlamer D8 1 Assault Template TerrorHeavy Bolter D12 D10 Heavy 36 -Heavy Flamer D10 1 Assault Template TerrorLascannon D12 D12 Heavy 48 -Meltagun D10 2 Assault 12 Melta Close OnlyMissile Launcher (Frag) D10 D6 Heavy 48 BlastMissile Launcher (Krak) D12 D10 Heavy 48 -Multi-melta D12 D10 Heavy 24 MeltaPlasma Cannon D12 D10 Heavy 36 Blast Gets Hot!Plasma Gun D12 4 Rapid_Fire 24 Gets Hot!

Plasma Pistol D12 2 Pistol 12 Gets Hot! Close Only

Reaper Autocannon D12 D12 Heavy 36 Twin-linkedSonic Blaster D8 2 Assault 24 or Heavy 3Battlecannon D12 D12 Ordnance 72 Large BlastDemolisher Cannon D12 D12 Ordnance 24 Large BlastHavoc Launcher D10 D8 Heavy 48 Blast Twin-linked

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Eldar SGII Weapon Stats

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialAvenger shuriken catapult D8 2 Assault 18 - Bright lance D12 D10 Heavy 36 LanceD-cannon D12 D10 Heavy 24 BlastDeath spinner D8 2 Assault 12 Close OnlyDragon's breath flamer D10 1 Assault Template TerrorExarch deathspinner D8 4 Assault 12 Close OnlyFirepike D10 2 Assault 18 MeltaFlamer D8 1 Assault Template TerrorFusion gun D10 2 Assault 12 Melta Close OnlyFusion pistol D10 2 Pistol 6 Melta Close OnlyHawk's talon D8 3 Assault 24 -Lasblaster D6 2 Assault 24 -Laser lance D10 1 Assault 6 Lance Close OnlyEldar missile launcher (krak) D12 D10 Heavy 48 -Eldar missile launcher (plasma) D12 D6 Heavy 48 Blast PinningPrism cannon (focussed) D12 D12 Heavy 60 BlastPrism cannon (dispersed) D12 D8 Heavy 60 Large BlastPulse laser D12 D12 Heavy 48 -Ranger long rifle D12 D12 Heavy 36 Sniper PinningReaper launcher D12 D10 Heavy 48 -Scatter laser D10 D12 Heavy 36 -Singing spear D10 D12 Assault 12 Close OnlyShadow weaver D10 D8 Heavy 48 BlastShrieker cannon D8 3 Assault 24 PinningShuriken cannon D8 3 Assault 24 -Shuriken catapult D8 2 Assault 12 Close OnlyShuriken pistol D8 1 Pistol 12 Close OnlySpinneret rifle D8 1 Assault 18 PinningStar lance D12 2 Assault 6 Lance Close OnlyStarcannon D12 D10 Heavy 36 -Sunrifle D6 4 Assault 24 PinningTempest launcher D12 D8 Heavy 36 BlastTriskele D10 3 Assault 12 Close OnlyVibro cannon D10 D6 Heavy 36 PinningWraithcannon D12 D6 Assault 12 Close Only

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Dark Eldar SGII Weapon Stats

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialBlaster D12 2 Assault 12 Close OnlyDark Lance D12 D10 Heavy 36 -Destructor D8 1 Assault Template TerrorDisintegrator (maximum) D12 D10 Heavy 36 BlastDisintegrator (sustained) D12 D8 Heavy 24 -Shredder D8 1 Assault 12 Blast Close OnlySplinter Cannon D8 4 Assault 24 -Splinter Pistol D6 1 Pistol 12 Close OnlySplinter Rifle D6 3 Rapid_Fire 24 -Stinger D6 3 Assault 12 Close OnlyTerrorfex D6 3 Assault 12 Blast Close Only

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Tau SGII Weapon Stats

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialBurst Cannon D8 3 Assault 18 -Flamer D8 1 Assault Template TerrorIon Cannon D12 D12 Heavy 60 -Kroot Rifle D8 3 Rapid_Fire 24 -Kroot Gun D12 4 Rapid_Fire 48 -Markerlight D12 D10 Heavy 36 -Missile Pod D12 3 Assault 36 -Plasma Rifle D12 3 Rapid_Fire 24 -Pulse Rifle D8 3 Rapid_Fire 30 -Pulse Carbine D8 1 Assault 18 PinningPulse Pistol D8 1 Pistol 12 Close OnlyFusion Blaster D10 2 Assault 12 Melta Close OnlyRailgun (solid) D12 D12 Heavy 72 -Railgun (submunition)

D12 D8 Heavy 72 Large Blast Hammerhead only

Rail Rifle D12 D8 Heavy 36 PinningSeeker Missile D12 D10 Heavy Unlimited -Smart Missile System D10 D12 Heavy 24 -Vespid Neutron Blaster

D10 1 Assault 12 Close Only

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Tyranids SGII Weapon Stats

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialAcid Spray D10 1 Assault Template TerrorBarbed Strangler D8 1 Assault 36 Large Blast PinningBrainleech Worms D8 4 Assault 18 -Bio-electric Pulse D8 4 Assault 12 Close OnlyBio-plasma D12 2 Assault 12 Blast Close OnlyContainment Spines D8 4 Assault 18 -Cluster Spines D8 1 Assault 18 Large BlastDeathspitter D8 3 Assault 18 -Devourer D8 3 Assault 18 -Flamespurt D10 1 Assault Template TerrorFleshborer D8 1 Assault 12 Close OnlyFleshborer Hive D8 4 Assault 12 Close OnlyFlesh Hooks D8 2 Assault 6 Rending Close OnlyHeavy Venom Cannon D12 3 Assault 36 BlastImpaler Cannon D12 3 Assault 24 -Ripper Tentacles D8 4 Assault 6 Close OnlyRupture Cannon D12 4 Assault 48 -Spike Rifle D6 1 Assault 18 -Spore Mine Cysts D10 4 Assault N/A Large BlastSpore Mine Launcher D10 1 Assault 48 Barrage Large Blast

Spinefists D6 4 Assault 12 Twin-linked Close Only

Stinger Salvo D10 4 Assault 18 -Stranglethorn Cannon D8 1 Assault 36 Large Blast PinningStrangleweb D6 1 Assault Template Pinning TerrorThorax Swarm (Electroshock Grubs)

D8 1 Assault Template Terror

Thorax Swarm (Desiccator Larvae)

D4 0.5 Assault Template Terror

Thorax Swarm (Shreddershard Beetles)

D6 1 Assault Template Rending Terror

Venom Cannon D10 1 Assault 36 Blast

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Necrons SGII Weapon Stats

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialGauss Flayer D8 3 Rapid_Fire 24 -Gauss Blaster D10 2 Assault 24 -Gauss Cannon D12 D10 Heavy 36 -Heavy Gauss Cannon D12 D12 Heavy 36 -Gauss Flux Arc D12 D12 Heavy 12 Close OnlyParticle Whip D12 D12 Ordnance 24 BlastStaff of Light D10 3 Assault 12 Close Only

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RT Weapon Stats

A list of few weapons that have been missed from later editions of Warhammer 40,000.

Weapon Impact Firepower Type Range SpecialAutogun D8 2 Rapid_Fire 32 SGII Low-tech assault rifle Handflamer D8 1 Assault 4 Terror, 3 shots only, Close Only

Webber -- -- Pistol 8 Hits immobilised for rest of game, Close Only

Heavy Webber -- -- Heavy 24 2" area. Hits immobilised for rest of game

Graviton Gun -- -- Assault 16 1.5" area, Hits shift MOV DOWN ONE for rest of game

Crossbow D8 0.5 Primitive 32 Optionally Move or Fire due to low ROF

Bow D6 1 Primitive 24 - Handbow D6 1 Primitive 16 -

Musket D4 0.5 Primitive 24 Optionally Move or Fire due to low ROF

Antique Pistol D4 0.5 Primitive 12 Close Only

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APPENDIX 4: statline_generator Bash script

This is a script used to convert 40K statlines to SGII statlines. The 40K statlines need to be in a CSV file (comma separated values) in the format shown below.

I hope this is of interest to the UNIX/Linux types out there.

#!/bin/bash## Usage:# statline_generator mystats.csv > sg2_statlines# The csv file should be of the form#CODEX SPACE MARINES,WS,BS,S,T,W,I,A,Ld,Sv,Special#Space Marine,4,4,4,4,1,4,1,8,3,-

#set -vx

check_leadership(){ld40k=$1if [ $ld40k -le 6 ]then lv=3elif [ $ld40k -le 9 ]then lv=2else lv=1fireturn}

check_quality(){stats40k=$1if [ $stats40k -le 10 ]then quality=D4elif [ $stats40k -le 16 ]then quality=D6elif [ $stats40k -le 23 ]then quality=D8elif [ $stats40k -le 30 ]then quality=D10elif [ $stats40k -gt 30 ]then quality=D12 returnfireturn}



sv40k=$1case $sv40k in -) av=D4;; 6) av=D6;; 5) av=D6;; 4) av=D8;; 3) av=D10;; 2) av=D12;; *) av=D4;;esacreturn}

## 40K Statline Variables#NAME=""; WS=""; BS=""; S=""; T=""; W=""; I=""; A=""; LD=""; SV=""

## SGII Statline Variables#base_move="6/D6x2"; base_co="CO"; total_stats=""; lv=""; quality=""; av=""

cat $1 | while read LINEdo NAME=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` echo $NAME | grep CODEX > /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] then echo echo "$NAME STAT LINES" echo continue fi WS=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` BS=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $3}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` S=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $4}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` T=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $5}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` W=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $6}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` I=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $7}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` A=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $8}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` LD=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $9}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` SV=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $10}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` SPEC=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $11}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` total_stats=`expr $WS + $BS + $S + $T + $W + $I + $A` check_quality $total_stats check_leadership $LD check_save $SV echo NAME: $NAME \ 40kstats: $total_stats \ M: $base_move \ QUAL: $quality \ LV: $lv \ AV: $av \ CL: $base_co \ SPEC: $SPECdone


Back to Contents or Sample Unit Stat Lines.

APPENDIX 5: statline_generator_xenos Bash script

This is a script used to convert 40K Aliens statlines to SGII statlines. The 40K statlines need to be in a CSV file (comma separated values) in the format shown below. It is similar to the statline_generator script with an additional field for the creature's special ablilities (if any).

I hope this is of interest to the UNIX/Linux types out there.

#!/bin/bash## Usage:# statline_generator_xenos my_alien_stats.csv > alien_statlines# The csv file should be of the form# CODEX XENOS STATLINES,WS,BS,S,T,W,I.A,LD,SV,SPECIAL# Ambull,5,0,5,5,3,5,3,8,4,Can tunnel and deployed as hidden#set -vx

check_leadership(){ld40k=$1if [ $ld40k -le 6 ]then lv=3elif [ $ld40k -le 9 ]then lv=2else lv=1fireturn}

check_quality(){stats40k=$1if [ $stats40k -le 10 ]then quality=D4elif [ $stats40k -le 16 ]then quality=D6elif [ $stats40k -le 23 ]then quality=D8elif [ $stats40k -le 30 ]then quality=D10elif [ $stats40k -gt 30 ]then quality=D12 returnfireturn}


check_save(){sv40k=$1case $sv40k in -) av=D4;; 6) av=D6;; 5) av=D6;; 4) av=D8;; 3) av=D10;; 2) av=D12;; *) av=D4;;esac return}

## 40K Statline Variables#NAME=""; WS=""; BS=""; S=""; T=""; W=""; I=""; A=""; LD=""; SV=""

## SGII Statline Variables#base_move="6/D6x2"; base_co="CO"; total_stats=""; lv=""; quality=""; av=""

cat $1 | while read LINEdo NAME=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` echo $NAME | grep CODEX > /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] then echo echo "$NAME STAT LINES" echo continue fi WS=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` BS=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $3}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` S=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $4}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` T=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $5}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` W=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $6}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` I=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $7}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` A=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $8}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` LD=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $9}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` SV=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $10}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` SPEC=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $11}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` total_stats=`expr $WS + $BS + $S + $T + $W + $I + $A` check_quality $total_stats check_leadership $LD check_save $SV echo NAME: $NAME \ 40kstats: $total_stats \ M: $base_move \ QUAL: $quality \ LV: $lv \ AV: $av \ CL: $base_co \




Back to Contents or Sample Unit Stat Lines.

APPENDIX 6: weapon_converter Bash script

This is a script used to convert 40K Weapon statlines to SGII weapon profiles. The 40K statlines need to be in a CSV file (comma separated values) in the format shown below.

I hope this is of interest to the UNIX/Linux types out there.

#!/bin/bash## Usage:# weapon_converter myweapons.csv > new_sgii_weapons# The csv file used should be of the form# "CODEX ORKS",,,,,,# Name,Range,Strength,AP,Type,ROF,Special# "Big shoota",36,5,5,"Assault",3,##set -vxget_bases(){s=$1 case $s in 1) impact=D4 ; firepower=0.5 ; support_firepower=4 ;; 2) impact=D6 ; firepower=1 ; support_firepower=4 ;; 3) impact=D6 ; firepower=1 ; support_firepower=6 ;; 4) impact=D8 ; firepower=1 ; support_firepower=6 ;; 5) impact=D8 ; firepower=1 ; support_firepower=8 ;; 6) impact=D8 ; firepower=1 ; support_firepower=8 ;; 7) impact=D10 ; firepower=2 ; support_firepower=10 ;; 8) impact=D10 ; firepower=2 ; support_firepower=10 ;; 9) impact=D12 ; firepower=3 ; support_firepower=12 ;; 10) impact=D12 ; firepower=3 ; support_firepower=12 ;; esacreturn}

shift_impact(){wh40kstat=$1base_impact=$2#echo shift_impact $wh40kstat $base_impactcase $wh40kstat in "-") case $base_impact in D4) impact=D4;; D6) impact=D4;; D8) impact=D6;; D10) impact=D8;; D12) impact=D10;; esac ;; 6);; # No shift for these APs 5);; # No shift for these APs 4) case $base_impact in D4) impact=D6;; D6) impact=D8;;


D8) impact=D10;; D10) impact=D12;; D12) impact=D12;; esac ;; 3) case $base_impact in D4) impact=D6;; D6) impact=D8;; D8) impact=D10;; D10)_impact=D12;; D12)_impact=D12;; esac ;; 2) case $base_impact in D4) impact=D8;; D6) impact=D10;; D8) impact=D12;; D10) impact=D12;; D12) impact=D12;; esac ;; *Heavy*) case $base_impact in D4) impact=D6;; D6) impact=D8;; D8) impact=D10;; D10) impact=D12;; D12) impact=D12;; esac ;; *Ordnance*) case $base_impact in D4) impact=D6;; D6) impact=D8;; D8) impact=D10;; D10) impact=D12;; D12) impact=D12;; esac ;; *);;esac}

shift_firepower_rof(){wh40kstat=$1base_firepower=$2#echo shift_firepower $wh40kstat $base_firepowercase $wh40kstat in 0.5) firepower=$base_firepower;; 1) firepower=$base_firepower;; "Rapid"|2) firepower=`echo "($base_firepower + 1)" | bc`;; 3) firepower=`echo "($base_firepower + 2)" | bc`;; *) firepower=`echo "($base_firepower + 3)" | bc`;;esacreturn}



base_firepower=$2#echo shift_firepower $wh40kstat $base_firepowercase $wh40kstat in "Rapid_Fire") firepower=`echo "($base_firepower + 1)" | bc`;; "Pistol"|"Assault") firepower=$base_firepower;;esacreturn}

shift_support_firepower_rof(){wh40kstat=$1base_firepower=$2#echo shift_support_firepower $wh40kstat $base_firepowercase $wh40kstat in "0.5"|1) support_firepower=$base_firepower;; 2|3) support_firepower=`echo "($base_firepower + 2)" | bc`;; *) support_firepower=`echo "($base_firepower + 4)" | bc`;;esacif [ $support_firepower -gt 12 ]then support_firepower=12fireturn}

shift_support_firepower_type(){wh40kstat=$1base_firepower=$2#echo shift_support_firepower $wh40kstat $base_firepowercase $wh40kstat in "Heavy") support_firepower=$base_firepower;; "Ordnance") support_firepower=`echo "($base_firepower + 2)" | bc`;;esacif [ $support_firepower -gt 12 ]then support_firepower=12fireturn}

check_range(){e="$1"#echo check_range $ecase $e in Pistol) rangelimit="Close Only";; 12) rangelimit="Close Only";; 6) rangelimit="Close Only";; Template) range="Template";; *) rangelimit="";;esac return}




cat $1 | while read LINEdo NAME=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` echo $NAME | grep CODEX > /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] then echo echo "$NAME SGII WEAPON STATS" echo continue fi RANGE=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` STRENGTH=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $3}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` AP=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $4}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` TYPE=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $5}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` ROF=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $6}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` SPECIAL=`echo $LINE | awk -F, '{print $7}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` get_bases $STRENGTH case $TYPE in Heavy|Ordnance)# echo weapon type $TYPE shift_impact $AP $impact shift_impact $TYPE $impact shift_support_firepower_rof $ROF $support_firepower shift_support_firepower_type $TYPE $support_firepower firepower=D$support_firepower ;;

*)# echo weapon type $TYPE shift_impact $AP $impact shift_impact $TYPE $impact shift_firepower_rof $ROF $firepower shift_firepower_type $TYPE $firepower ;; esac check_range $TYPE check_range "$RANGE" if [ "$rangelimit" = "Close Only" ] then SPECIAL=`echo $SPECIAL Close Only` fi if [ "$RANGE" = "Template" ] then SPECIAL=`echo $SPECIAL Terror` fi if [ "x$SPECIAL" = "x" ] then SPECIAL="-" fi


echo "$NAME IMP: $impact FP: $firepower TYPE: $TYPE RNG: $RANGE SPEC: $SPECIAL"done

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