sgt. james r. aymann - one man’s fight against...


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Sgt. James R. Aymann

Mekong Delta Chu Lai


The Series – Episode Three

Revised and Updated











We believe that these stories are both timely and compelling.

We also would like to thank “Google Chrome” for the manner

in which they have presented this website! – “Thanks”

James R. Aymann (Jim) is a combat veteran of the Vietnam War

with a service connected disability and he celebrated his 71st birthday

a few months ago.

This website concentrates on Jim’s personal experiences with

corruption in Nevada State Government.

In the past year alone, (October 2015 – October 2016) this

website has had over 14,000 visits, to include Europe, Asia, Latin

America, Australia, New Zealand with a following from China,

Ukraine and Brazil.

To date, Jim has no accounting for visits by mobile phones and

backdoor visits that include phrases and this is without the aid of

press releases, networking, advertising etc.

Jim has also received hundreds of favorable emails in reference to

this website from all over the world.

Jim is currently in the process of updating and revising his website

and will be adding new episodes involving corruption in government at

all levels.


State integrity investigation is an unprecedented, data-driven

analysis of transparency and accountability in all 50 state governments.


Nevada received a failing grade of “F” and is fifth from

the bottom amongst all 50 states!


Public access to information, political financing, electoral oversight,

Legislative accountability, Judicial accountability, procurement, internal

auditing, lobbying disclosure, ethical enforcement agencies, ad infinitum

received failing grades in the State of Nevada!

To be blunt, Nevada industry, to include lawyers, in conjunction with

Nevada government at all levels is a labyrinthine sewer of corruption and

deception draining into a cesspool and that cesspool are the Nevada courts at all


Are you getting the picture yet?

There is a populist movement that is sweeping across this country!

This movement is deeply factionalized with progressive sentiments

at one end of the spectrum and reactionary sentiments at the other end

but the common theme and the common thread that runs through this

movement is the complete and total disgust by the populace involving

the corruption in the private sector and the corresponding corruption of

government at all levels that includes all branches.


In theory, if an individual has a collection of supportable facts ad

infinitum, then the opposing party in an adversarial setting is lying and

cannot prevail.

In reality, in the State of Nevada, supportable facts are

meaningless unless you are connected (big business, affluence, hotshot

lawyers, relatives etc.) you cannot prevail with any state institution in

the State of Nevada, end of story!

Every year tens of thousands of hard-working, taxpaying and

law-abiding Nevadans are victimized in an extremely predatory private


When these victims appeal to law enforcement or to virtually any

other county and/or state agency and ultimately to the court system at

all levels, they will be victimized again and again and again and

again ad infinitum!

The price of this corruption in Nevada takes a heavy toll!

First of all, James R. Aymann (Jim) is a pacifist and has always

abhorred all violence in all its forms.

The murder of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Officers Alyn Beck

and Igor Soldo and subsequently Joseph Robert Wilcox was both

repulsive and infuriating!

Officers Beck and Soldo were taking a meal break and Mister

Wilcox was shopping at a nearby Walmart all murdered at point-

blank range.

James R. Aymann (Jim) is a decorated and disabled combat

veteran of the Vietnam War.

Jim has been awarded a 70% service-connected disability.


There was a pool table in the basement of the old San Mateo, California

Police Department in the 1950s. James R Aymann (Jim) was an adolescent then

and was allowed to shoot pool with his friends for free.

A friendship ensued between Jim and numerous police officers that lasted

for decades.

After Jim returned from Vietnam and returned to civilian life in 1968, two

high school buddies turned him on to LSD.

Jim was naïve about psychedelics and drugs in general, but was very

interested in the concept of mind expansion especially after having personally

experienced the horrors of the Vietnam War.

Jim and his friends were in the back of a Corvair van, after half an hour

Jim said, “You’ve been ripped off.”

They lived in Belmont, an upper-middle-class community in the San

Francisco Peninsula.

The keys were in the ignition and Jim drove off and headed for San Mateo

on the “El Camino Real”.

As Jim was driving, he was talking to his friends and glancing at them in

the rearview mirror.

Suddenly while he was still driving, he saw himself with his friends in the

rearview mirror, then all of a sudden he was actually sitting with his friends and

looking at himself from the rear as he was driving the van.

Jim pulled off onto a side street and parked the van and rejoined his friends

in the back.

The conversation shifted to metaphysical concepts.

Ten years earlier, Jim spent the summer with some homeless men in the

Mission District of San Francisco.

Jim discovered the “City Lights Bookstore” and had frequent conversations

with Lawrence Ferlinghetti, the owner.


He read books by Immanuel Kant, Karl Jung, Jiddu Khrishnamurti, Nikos

Kazanzakis etc.

Jim was 12 years old.

Jim was explaining concepts involving endless time and space, infinity,

theories involving the formation of the universe, destiny etc.

Then he started describing the relationship that he had with a Vietnamese

Shaman that was a Taoist.

Unintentionally, Jim started describing some of the horrors of the Vietnam

War that he had recently experienced.

His friends started saying, “Shut up Jim” but it was too late, his friends

were having a “bad trip”.

Coincidentally, Mills Hospital was a few blocks away.

Jim took his friends through the double swinging doors of the emergency


The emergency staff at this hospital were great, his friends were

experiencing panic attacks and were hyperventilating.

Jim finished filling out the forms and asked, “What do I owe you for saving

my friends lives”?

The fee was nominal so Jim added a donation, but Jim was also informed

that they had to stay to fill out a report when the police arrived.

An officer with the San Mateo Police Department showed up and turned out

to be one of Jim’s friends.

We’ll call him “Barney”, he checked out the van and wrote a ticket for a

“faulty taillight”.

LSD was not yet illegal.

Jim’s friends drove away and then he had breakfast with Barney


While they were eating, Jim recanted how he had personally went to the

Judge Adjutant General’s Office at MACV headquarters in Vietnam to submit

some complaints involving Army Personnel and how he had several “out of body

experiences”, similar to what he had just experienced, after he had been

subsequently given an injection.

Being the superb cop that he was, Barney asked Jim many questions

including descriptions of the individual that gave Jim that injection.

Barney informed Jim that this individual was not with the military but was a

member of an agency and that this agency had in fact used hallucinogenic drugs

on individuals for various reasons.

Jim was so naïve, he used to fill his canteen with the water in rain barrels in

the Vietnamese villages and had also experienced several bouts of food poisoning.

(Army food)

He thought that was the source of the hallucinations for one full year.

Barney was undoubtedly correct in his assessment of the source of Jim’s

bizarre hallucinations while he was in combat in Vietnam!

How do you survive something like that?

After being transferred from the Mekong Delta to the 196th Light Infantry

Brigade Jim was promoted to “fire team leader” responsible for the lives and

safety of up to a dozen fellow soldiers!

Jim attributes his survival in Vietnam to pure dumb luck!

Costa Mesa California was the sailboat building capital of the United States.

Jim moved there a few years later to learn the boatbuilding business.

He had insomnia and would frequently walk to the beach at night.

On numerous occasions he would be rousted by the police for absolutely no

reason. (Field interview)

Jim’s experiences with the police of the beach cities was completely

different than that of the police in the San Francisco Peninsula.


Huntington Beach Riot – Labor Day 1986

These cops were brutal, please note, this was nonracial, the people that lived

in these cities were white!

There was a deep underlying hatred for the police in these cities.

This hatred erupted on the Labor Day Weekend at Huntington Beach in the

form of a full-scale riot in 1986.

Las Vegas, Nevada Two years later, Jim was offered a lucrative temporary job for the

completion of a mega resort in Las Vegas Nevada.

Jim considered it a paid vacation with no intention of staying more than just

a few months.

Law enforcement in Las Vegas, Nevada was a major upgrade from what he

had been accustomed to in the beach cities in California.


Jim’s experiences with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department

was very positive and reminiscent of his experiences with the police in San

Mateo California.

The quality of the law enforcement was a major consideration in extending

his stay in Las Vegas, Nevada

Police corruption and police abuse in Las Vegas, Nevada had been a

common topic of conversation throughout the years.

Initially, Jim presented many arguments in support of and defended the Las

Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

In February 2007, Jim drove to the Broad Acres Swap Meet in North Las

Vegas to replace some hand tools that were stolen.

Jim was in a rush, he had just smogged his pickup truck and had to be at

work in one hour.

Jim returned to his pickup truck less than 15 minutes later and it was gone!

Jim contacted the North Las Vegas Police Department by telephone.

Jim waited for over three hours and the police never responded!

Jim took a bus to his house and drove his other vehicle to the North Las

Vegas Police Department.

Jim filed a police report, then after three weeks he received a postcard from

the North Las Vegas Police Department indicating that the pickup truck was

located at Quality Towing also in North Las Vegas.

Jim’s pickup truck had been stripped so badly that he walked past it three

times before he recognized it.

He told Quality Towing to keep it!

The North Las Vegas Police Department informed Jim that there would

be no investigation regarding the theft of his pickup truck because a violent

crime had not been committed!

Several months later Jim was contacted by Quality Towing with a demand

that he pay $1700 for storage or risk having this charge reported to the various

credit reporting agencies!


The fact was that Jim had posttraumatic stress disorder since serving in

Vietnam but like the vast majority of combat veterans, this was never diagnosed!

The anxiety attacks that Jim experienced as a result of this repetitive

victimization to include the North Las Vegas Police Department had become so

severe that his primary care physician with the Veterans Administration set up an

appointment with a VA mental health psychiatrist.

Jim was diagnosed with having PTSD and was awarded a 70% service-

connected disability 40 years after he returned from Vietnam! (A disgrace)

Jim now regards the horror stories that he has been repetitively hearing for

years concerning law enforcement in Las Vegas as possibly being the truth!

Jim now has several of his own horror stories regarding law enforcement in

Clark County Nevada.

This transpired in the City of Las Vegas, Nevada arguably the most corrupt

city in the United States.

Jim has been a law-abiding and taxpaying resident of Las Vegas since 1989.

Jim is 71 years of age. By legal definition, Jim is an older and

vulnerable person.

Robert Perry White of Las Vegas Nevada at the behest of his sister Alana

Geneva Peterson of Torrance California attacked Jim while he was walking to

retrieve his car in his driveway.

To be perfectly clear, Alana Geneva Peterson initiated the vicious and brutal

attack on Jim Aymann.

Her brother Robert Perry White was merely the weapon.

Three separate telephone calls were made to 911 emergency.

Jim made the first at 2:02 PM; Alana Geneva Peterson made the next 911

emergency phone call one minute later at 2:03 PM.

911 Emergency Calls


**Alana Geneva Peterson’s Voluntary Statement

Jim made the third 911 emergency call at 2:35 PM.

Jim contacted 911 emergency at 2:02 PM.

A recording of this emergency call clearly indicates that Jim was incoherent

and in pain.

The 911 emergency operator was rude and did not allow Jim to explain

what had transpired.

Alana Geneva Peterson contacted 911 emergency one minute later at 2:03


A recording of her emergency call clearly indicates that she was familiar

with the person that attacked Jim!

Alana Geneva Peterson referred to Jim’s attacker as “and my

friend…” and “a friend of mine”

In her written statement to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department

less than one hour later, she states,

“A man, who introduced himself as Vince “a stranger came running around

the corner when he heard the commotion”.

Jim submits that Alana Geneva Peterson referred to his assailant as a

“friend” twice in her 911 call, then referred to him as a “stranger” who

mysteriously appeared then disappeared in her police report less than one hour


In a counterclaim, Alana Geneva Peterson states, “The actions of counter

defendant (Jim) caused a harmful and offensive contact with counterclaimant in

that he came so close to her that he spit saliva on her face.”

Please note, at no time did Alana Geneva Peterson mention Jim “spitting

saliva on her face” during her 911 call or in her police report.


It is Jim’s contention that this is clearly an add-on by her lawyer

Alexander Mazzia so that Alana Geneva Peterson could countersue.

Alana Geneva Peterson had no injuries whatsoever!

Another contradiction in her 911 emergency call, Alana Geneva Peterson


“Well, the neighbor started swinging on me” and “He’s caught him

swinging at me in the alley”

Please note this was a driveway and not an alley!

In her police report she states,

“Jim tried to frighten me by running up to my face screaming and lunging

towards me.”

Then in her counterclaim, Alana Geneva Peterson claims that Jim came so

close to her that he “spit saliva on her face.”

Jim called 911 emergency a second time after half an hour.

Jim wanted to speak with the police prior to going to the hospital!

The red pickup truck was gone and Alana Geneva Peterson had left.

Jim was in pain and was having difficulty staying conscious.

This 911 emergency operator was sympathetic and actually allowed Jim to


When the police finally arrived, Jim was unaware that they were actually

responding to Alana Geneva Peterson’s call to 911 emergency and not to his call

to 911 emergency.

A David Rojas was the reporting officer.

He completely misquoted Jim’s statement in his report.

Jim has to wonder why the police do not use audio recorders to ensure the

accuracy of verbal statements, but we all know the reason why. (Control and

manipulation of the truth)


The address that Officer Rojas submitted in his report was completely

different from the location where the incident occurred!

This report submitted by this police officer was grossly inaccurate!

David Rojas did arrange for an ambulance to take Jim to the hospital.

A retired German couple was vacationing in Las Vegas at that time. The

attack upon Jim took place in the driveway behind their garage.

Angelika and Joachim Goes Video

They were both looking out their front window waiting for friends to come

by and pick them up.

They witnessed and testified under oath that Alana Geneva Peterson with

her mother and her two daughters were interacting with two men that arrived in a

red pickup truck.

Alana Geneva Peterson, under oath, has repeatedly denied the existence of

the two men that arrived with her in the red pickup truck.

Angelika and Joachim Goes testified under oath as to what they had

witnessed at a deposition and then again at a hearing at great expense to Jim.

Jim was in great pain and unable to eat solid foods for over one week.

Jim was able to determine that Alana Geneva Peterson had a brother living

in Las Vegas by the name of Robert Perry White.

He immediately became Jim’s primary suspect as the person who had

attacked him.

The handling of this “event” by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police

Department was flawed from the start.

In his first conversation with this “Detective”, 18 days after he was attacked,

Jim correctly offered Robert Perry White as the most likely suspect in this very

first telephone conversation with this “Detective”.

Detective Jill James informed Jim that because there were no witnesses

there would be no investigation!

What was Jim, he was there!


In contrast to Alana Geneva Peterson’s version, Jim’s version is not


In fact, Jim’s version is devoid of any contradiction and is in fact the

complete and total truth!

Please note, Jim volunteered to submit to a polygraph in that very first

conversation with Detective Jill James, her response - silence!

The fact that the victim in this brutal attack is an older and vulnerable law-

abiding and long-term citizen of the state of Nevada is meaningless to Detective

Jill James and to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department!

Jim was then unaware of the content of Alana Geneva Peterson’s 911

emergency call and her voluntary statement.

Jim’s friends in law enforcement have unanimously indicated that Alana

Geneva Peterson should have been arrested for submitting false statements to the

police involving a felonious crime against an older and vulnerable person!

After repeated requests and subsequent demands by Jim to his lawyer Paul

C Ray to subpoena all records and documents pertaining to event # LL

090208001971, lawyer Paul C Ray finally served a subpoena duces Tecum to the

custodian of records of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

This subpoena was for “Any and all records, files, and documents,

including 911 call records and transcripts pertaining to the incident at 733

Greenbrier Townhouse Way, Las Vegas, NV 89121 on February 8, 2009 at

approximately 1400 hrs.; James Richard Aymann, victim; Alana Peterson,

witness; Richard Lee Burch Jr. witness.”

All that was provided for Jim was the 911 emergency recordings.

Jim’s lawyer Paul C Ray did absolutely nothing to remedy the situation.

He had in fact already conducted depositions at great expense to Jim

prior to receiving any information from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police


Lawyer Paul C. Ray and the law firm of John Peter Lee turned out to be

tricksters, cheats and liars of the worst order.

Episode 4


With the upcoming trial looming, Jim served the Las Vegas Metropolitan

Police Department with his own Subpoena Duces Tecum.

The response to this subpoena by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police

Department clearly constituted a cover-up of their actions and non-actions

involving their refusal to investigate the brutal attack on Jim’s person!

Included with this response was a letter from Susanna S McCurdy –

Director of Police Records Bureau.

State of Nevada, County of Clark – Affidavit: October 29, 2013

“I Susanna S McCurdy, being duly sworn, on oath, depose and say: that I

am the records director of official police records maintained by the Las Vegas

Metropolitan Police Department.”

“That I am in receipt of your Subpoena Duces Tecum served to us on

October 18, 2013, requesting the diligent search for any and all documents and

911 call records pertaining to event number 090208 – 1971”

“That the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department has redacted

privileged private personal information in which a reasonable person would have

a legitimate expectation of privacy.”

“Therefore the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department objects to

the subpoena on the foregoing grounds pursuant to NRCP (45) (2) (B).”

“That I have provided true, correct copies of all responsive documents

under my hand, and not privileged by law, except as otherwise indicated above, 19

pages in all.” –

Susannah S McCurdy – Director of police records Bureau.

Jim considers this overt refusal to comply with the subpoena for all

documents and all records as nothing less and nothing short of a cover-

up by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.


Jim submits that the actions and non-actions of Las

Vegas Metropolitan Police Department constitutes a cover-up

of their actions and non-actions involving the felonious crimes

committed by Alana Geneva Peterson and her brother Robert

Perry White against James R Aymann (Jim).

This cover-up of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police

Department’s misdeeds involving the vicious and brutal attack

on Jim was also subsequently covered up by Judge Joanna S.

Kishner six weeks before the trial!

Please refer to Episode Nine of this website which

includes video recordings of court hearings involving this

brutal attack!

Episode 9



Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, James Aymann, combat

veteran of the Vietnam War, service-connected disability, the Las

Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, corruption, cover-up,

combat veteran of the Vietnam War, older and vulnerable person,

Alana Geneva Peterson, Torrance California, Alexander Mazzia Jr.,

reporting officer David Rojas, Angelika and Joaquim Goes,

Detective Jill James, Robert Perry White, violent crimes division,

polygraph, Las Vegas lawyer Paul C. Ray, Paul C. Corruption, Las

Vegas lawyer John Peter Lee, John Peter Lee corruption,

John Peter Lee Ltd., John Peter Lee Ltd. corruption, subpoena, Susanna S

McCurdy, 911 emergency calls, judge Joanna S. Kishner, populist

movement, sweeping across this country, factionalized, progressive

sentiments, reactionary sentiments, complete and total disgust by

the populace, corruption in the private sector, big business,

corruption of government at all levels, state integrity investigation,

Nevada gets F grade in 2015 state integrity investigation, legislative

accountability, judicial accountability, labyrinthine sewer of

corruption and deception, cesspool, Nevada courts at all levels, are

you getting the picture yet?, Collection of supportable facts,

adversarial setting, cannot prevail, supportable facts are

meaningless, big business, affluence, hotshot lawyers, hard-working,

taxpaying, law-abiding, Nevadans, victimized, extremely predatory

private sector, law enforcement, any other County and/or state

agency, court system, Alana Geneva Peterson, left lying unconscious

in his driveway, 911 emergency call, denied under oath, two men

and the red Ford F150 Ford pickup truck


Jim Aymann with

Tracy and thanks to

“Google Chrome”