shabbat & holidays - germantown jewish centre · 2019-10-17 · shabbat & holidays mazal...


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Page 1: SHABBAT & HOLIDAYS - Germantown Jewish Centre · 2019-10-17 · SHABBAT & HOLIDAYS MAZAL ... Sunday Workshop with Rabbi Gordon November 18 Kol D’mamah Jewish Meditation with Ari
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Sid August

on celebrating his 99th birthday on August 21st

Linda Cherkas & Chaim Dworkin

on the aufruf & marriage of their daughter

Elie Dworkin and her fiancé David Kadosh

Herb Levine

on the publication of his new book "Words for Blessing the World"

Naomi Klayman

on her special birthday

Oliver Moscow

son of Dan Moscow & Sharon Strauss, on becoming Bar Mitzvah

Akhila & William Shapiro

on the birth of their baby girl

Dan Bacine

on being honored by the Lawyers & Accountants Divisions of Philadelphia Israel Bonds

Leah & Norman Schwartz

on the birth (in Jerusalem) of their great-granddaughter, Esther Leshinsky, daughter of Chana & Shlomo Leshinsky,

and granddaughter of Tanya & Raphael Schwartz


Bernice Adelaide Goldstein, sister in law of Mindelle Goldstein

Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen and longtime member of GJC

Beverly Bradburn-Stern, stepmother of Richard Stern

Edgar Gutoff, father of Joshua Gutoff

Mark Feinberg, brother of Michael Feinberg and uncle of Josh and Ari Feinberg

Mitchell Berk, husband of Beth Stearman

November 3 & 4

Friday Night Kabbalat Shabbat Service & Saturday Charry Service welcomes Rabbi Idit Lev of Rabbis for Human Rights

November 10-12

Rabbi Elias Charry Memorial Weekend

with Rabbi Emeritus Leonard Gordon

Kol Zimrah

Friday Night Shabbat Potluck & Program

Musical Marching Minyan

9:30 AM Charry Memorial Shabbat Service & Portrait Dedication for Rabbi Gordon

Charry Memorial Kiddush & Afternoon Program

Sunday Workshop with Rabbi Gordon

November 18

Kol D’mamah Jewish Meditation with Ari Witkin

Shabbat Morning JAM

December 2

BBMM Shabbat

Charry Service: 2nd grade Siddur Ceremony

December 8-9

Stefan Presser Memorial Shabbat

Dorshei Derekh Friday Night Dinner

Dorshei Derekh and Charry Service: Stefan Presser Memorial Shabbat & Afternoon Program

Parashat ha-Shavua B’Ivrit

December 13: Hanukah 2 candles

GJC Celebrates! Hanukah

December 16: Hanukah 5 candles

BBMM Shabbat

Charry Service: Mazal tov to Eden Singer, daughter of Mark Singer & Leah Lande, on becoming Bat Mitzvah

Kol D’mamah Jewish Chant with Nina Peskin

Ramah ShabbaTeeny with Musical Marching Minyan

December 22

Kol Zimrah

Kabbalat Shabbat on Fridays at 6 PM unless otherwise noted

Shabbat Morning Services at 10 AM unless otherwise noted

Shabbat Morning Kids Space Kids are welcome to play Shabbat-friendly games in Room 305 - bring your own and some will be provided. Please respect the space, clean up after yourselves and put all games away after use.

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President's Message

by Chip Becker, GJC President

In a letter to the congregation following the High Holidays, I would expect to spend a lot of time thanking the dozens of people—both staff and members—whose work and dedication are necessary for the High Holidays to be happy and successful. Each of the last two summers, I have been slightly amazed at the sheer complexity of the production and have

appreciated the sustained intensity that our staff applies all summer long to the job of getting the synagogue ready for a few short days. And then there is the High Holiday Honors Committee, led by Josh Goldblum, which organizes the seemingly countless honors—no easy task. To say nothing of all the Torah readers, Haftorah readers, shofar blowers, and more. And bear in mind that GJC is not home to only one set of High Holiday services, but three sets, each one of which involves a complete set of readers and prayer leaders. The entirety of the enterprise is truly impressive.

So that is normally what I would expect to be ruminating about on a post-High Holiday Centre Call column. But instead I want to make two different announcements. The first has to do with the High Holiday appeal. All of you already are generous with GJC simply through your dues. Yet each year, the synagogue asks you to contribute above and beyond. The synagogue is strong, but the fact of the matter is that your contributions to this annual appeal comprise nearly 10% of our annual operating budget. Let me say briefly that the Appeal has already raised over $190,000, and I am truly grateful for the support and confidence that so many of you have displayed in the congregation. To those of you have donated thus far, I thank you. Your contributions help GJC strive for excellence as a religious institution, school, and community hub. They make it possible for the synagogue to be engaged in so many activities and to support its membership in so many different ways. To those of you have not yet participated, I hope you will do so! Your involvement will send such a positive message to fellow members, the staff, the institution as a whole, that we collectively care and are committed to this place. Last year nearly two-thirds of the congregation participated in the appeal. I hope this year we will meet or exceed that.

The second announcement—and this is what I’m really trying to get at—is that GJC recently has been the recipient of an extraordinary act of generosity. Michael Stein and Joanne Shanzer are known to many of you as children of Sid and Bunny Stein, z”l, who were long-time members of

GJC and loved by many in this community. Michael and Joanne wanted to make a gift go GJC to honor their parents. Like their parents, they believe strongly in Jewish education. They believe that all children should have the opportunity to be enriched by Jewish education regardless of their parents’ financial capacity. (Michael has pursued this concern over many years through his involvement with Jack Barrack Hebrew Academy.) Based on those beliefs, Michael and Joanne have agreed to make a $250,000 donation to GJC that will create The Sidney and Bunny Stein Religious School Scholarship Fund. This endowment fund will provide approximately $10,000 per year to support tuition assistance for those attending GJC’s religious school. As a further honor to their family, they are making this gift through the newly-created Max and Bella Stein Foundation—named for Sid’s parents.

I’m sure I speak for the entire congregation when I express my deep appreciation to Michael and his wife, Jennifer, and to Joanne and her husband, Bruce, for this wonderful gesture. Your generosity means a great deal to the synagogue and to the strength of its religious school. I also appreciate that your thinking about this gift included not just a desire to honor your parents, but also an analysis of whether GJC had the institutional strength to manage a gift of this magnitude. The synagogue will strive to be an excellent steward of your trust and confidence.

I also must thank our executive director, Nina Peskin, who worked with Michael and Joanne over many months as they considered how they wanted to honor their parents’ memory. In Nina, Michael and Joanne found a collaborator in fashioning a vision that was meaningful and impactful both for them and the synagogue. This gift could not have happened with Nina’s attention and care. Thank you, Nina!

Some of you knew Michael and Joanne as children at this synagogue. For some your acquaintance is more recent. I hope you will take a moment to acknowledge them on this occasion of generosity and appreciation. There is no getting away from the fact that Jewish institutions like GJC are costly to operate. Michael and Joanne are making sure that Jewish experience and Jewish education is accessible to everyone. It is a tremendous and important gesture. Thank you again! 3

PLANNED GIVING & NER TAMID Remembering Germantown Jewish Centre in your will, a trust, or retirement assets is a meaningful way to ensure that your commitment to our community continues to help our synagogue thrive for generations to come. For more information on how you can include GJC in your estate plans, please contact Nina Peskin at 215-844-1507 x12.

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Restoring the Bonds: Creating Space for Civility in Contentious Times by George Stern

Recently Debbie and I visited an old friend in western Pennsylvania, where he was raised and to which he returned after college and work outside New York City. I was taken aback by how divergent our views were on much of what had happened in America during the past year and a half, including the images and chanting that came out of Charlottesville. I think I did a passably decent job keeping my cool and trying hard to understand his thinking without expressing judgment (I certainly didn’t want to lose a friend). But my approach was by no means perfect.

That experience reinforced for me why it is so important that we figure out how to bridge the political and social chasms that last year’s election widened and enflamed. GJC’s Tikkun Olam Coordinating Team (TOCT) has had many conversations throughout the past year with our fellow congregants as we all tried to understand and cope with the issues that crowd our newspapers and airways and to reflect on what they mean for our GJC community and beyond. We know that we don’t all think the same way. I think many of us have been struggling with how to address issues and their moral implications for us as Jews, while maintaining the shalom bayit (“peace in the house”) that is so precious to us.

That’s why the TOCT, with the firm support of Rabbi Zeff and GJC President Chip Becker, used the annual Bregman program on Yom Kippur as an opportunity to introduce GJC members to a civic dialogue process currently being planned for use by us and other congregations. Behind the effort are: Chris Satullo, well-known Philadelphia journalist and co-founder of the Penn Project for Civic Engagement; Rev. Sandy Strauss, Director of Advocacy and Ecumenical Outreach for the Pennsylvania Council Churches; Teman Cooke, Rev. Strauss’ intern and a student at the Lancaster Theological Seminary; and yours truly. The goal is to engage congregations throughout the Commonwealth in carefully planned dialogues not unlike those that Chris has led in the past throughout the city on civic issues. As those of you who attended the discussion on Yom Kippur know, GJC is the first congregation at which the project has been shared publicly. The size of the crowd itself showed us that many people agree that the project holds important promise. Happily, reactions received since have been largely enthusiastic.

Reflecting on the divisiveness and lack of civility in current political discourse, Chris started his talk with these words: My task here on this most introspective of days is to propose a few things for you to ponder:

That these woods we Americans find ourselves in at this moment are very dark indeed, as dark as any experienced in my lifetime.

That to continue to trudge deeper into them would be the essence of folly and peril.

But also … that light still lives beyond the woods, and reaching it is not as hard or improbable as it might sometimes seem.

That what is required to begin this journey from wilderness to light is for people of faith to summon both the willpower and the good will that I know they possess.

And that it is our duty, as people of faith, to take on this work, to lead our confused, angry, wounded and wounding fellow Americans gently back into the light.

And that this healing might as well begin right here, in this sanctuary, this community.

Chris told us about what he considers to have been a surprisingly successful series of dialogues between students at the University of Pennsylvania and Cairn University, the latter a conservative Christian college in Bucks County.

The plan is to bring a similar process to GJC and to at least one other local congregation, after which the congregations will come together for a joint dialogue and for planning future ways for members to understand one another and work together for common goals.

Participants will discover personal benefits as well. The techniques demonstrated in the dialogues will also be helpful in restoring connections with friends and relatives that have been frayed by what seem to be profound disagreements.

Chris shared the basic approach thus: Drop the models of argument and debate. Try the

models of deliberation and dialogue. In argument and in debate, you seek to convert and to win, to prove you’re smarter, more virtuous, more in command of the facts, more right.... In deliberative dialogue, the goal is quite different from argument or debate. It is not to convert. It is not to win. It is to understand, and in that game, both sides of the conversation can win. There need be no loser. If you leave a conversation with a better understanding of why someone who strikes you as otherwise a decent sort could hold an opinion that you really dislike, that’s a win for both of you. Even more so if, if the other guy leaves the dialogue understanding the same about you.

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TIKKUN OLAM UPDATE (continued) Restoring the Bonds: Creating Space for Civility in Contentious Times by George Stern

If that happens, your chances of being able to collaborate or compromise with that person someday, some way, about something just got much higher. Start with story, not with positions, arguments or

labels. “Tell me a bit about yourself…” is a more productive opening bid than: “How could you vote for someone who is out to ruin America?”…

Frame questions as invitations, not confrontations: The goal of this tip is not to skirt problematic issues [or] to exalt civility over candor It’s one thing to say: “How could you vote for such a racist?” or “such a self-

serving liar?” It is another thing to say: “Just personally, I found what X did about Y kind of troubling. How did you react to that and think your way through it?”…

Tip. No. 4: Avoid “fact wars.” … Tip No. 5: Admit doubt. First, to yourself. Second, to

the other person….

The Tikkun Olam Coordinating Team and shul leadership believe that engagement in this process can help us bridge differences within the congregation, making it easier to talk about tough issues. In addition, this is an opportunity for GJC and other congregations to model how to restore frayed bonds and create opportunities for national healing. Stay tuned for next steps. And if you have questions or want to help us move forward, write to me at [email protected].

Want to help repair the world? With just a small time commitment?

Join your fellow congregants in hosting homeless families at GJC

from December 3rd to December 17th.

GJC will once again be welcoming temporarily homeless families who are clients of the Interfaith Hospitality Network to sleep in our classrooms and eat dinner in the Canteen Room for two weeks, beginning Sunday afternoon, December 3 until Sunday morning, December 17.

New volunteers are needed and welcome to help move the families in and out, cook a dinner meal, serve as evening and weekend hosts, and sleep overnight in the Youth Lounge when our guests are here.

If you are a new volunteer and would like to help fulfill the mitzvah of haknasat orchim - welcoming guests to our syna-gogue home - contact me, Debbie Stern, GJC-IHN chair, at [email protected] or 215–848–9503.

Presser Shabbat to focus on Sanctuary City with Councilwoman Helen Gym

Minyan Dorshei Derekh will be sponsoring the 11th annual Stefan Presser Memorial Social Justice Shabbat on December 9. Stefan Presser, who died in 2005, was a beloved member of Dorshei Derekh and legal director of the Pennsylvania ACLU. Our community carries forth Stefan’s legacy by offering educational programs that foster discussion on important social issues and inspire the values that Stefan held dear.

This year’s program will be an opportunity to learn about Philadelphia as a Sanctuary city and how we as a community can help to support immigrants living in Philadelphia. One of our speakers will be Helen Gym, who is the first Asian American woman to serve on Philadelphia's City Council. She has been a fierce advocate for public schools and has distinguished herself as a leader who works tirelessly on behalf of vulnerable populations in our city.

The program will begin at 1:00PM, preceded by Shabbat morning services at 10:00 AM and a light kiddush lunch at 12:30 PM. All are welcome to attend.

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Ari Witkin, 30, the new student rabbi at GJC and his wife, Liz Traison, 27, are no strangers to Mt. Airy. They returned here with fascinating resumes that reflect their values.

Born in Minneapolis, Ari attended Jewish Day School through 6th grade and then public school. His parents were “super Jewishly-engaged” in the Minneapolis Jewish community. “Our whole life revolved around the Jewish community,” he said.

He went to Goucher College outside of Baltimore, majoring in Religion and Peace Studies. After graduation, he served as an AmeriCorps member, engaging religious communities to support public schools and community development in 24 neighborhoods in Central Baltimore.

“I really wanted to work with religious communities in Baltimore and I was excited about it,” he explained. “It turned out to be a framework for what I did for the next two years.” He was hired to work for a partnership between the State’s Attorney’s Office, the Police Commissioner and the Archdiocese to address youth violence in Baltimore. How did it go? “Not great,” Ari answered. “The biggest problem was that it was not anyone’s top priority. I spent two years herding cats, trying to get the energy going to deal with this.”

Leaving Baltimore behind, Ari traveled to Uganda to live with the Abayudaya, a 100-year old Jewish community, for 4½ months. He then spent time in Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, Rwanda, and Tanzania.

Ari returned to Maryland and took a job at the Pearlstone Center, the Jewish Retreat and Conference Center outside Baltimore, working on their farm and developing curriculum. He created a seven-month apprenticeship for young adults and ran it his second year there. He left in January 2014, did some freelance fundraising and prepared to attend rabbinical school.

Ari had been thinking about rabbinical school since his undergraduate years, but none of the schools he visited felt right. That changed when he came to Philadelphia for the Hazon food festival. He decided to stop in at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. “I have a more traditional Jewish practice than many of my peers at RRC

but that was welcomed there, and I really felt like it was a place I could learn and grow.” he said. “I liked being pushed from a liberal perspective. Rabbi Zeff and I have a rather similar orientation in that way.”

In February of 2013 Liz, who was working for Hazon, somewhat unexcitedly went to Pearlstone for a beit midrash shabbaton. “I just wanted to have a weekend at home, but they made me go,” Liz recalls, smiling, “and then I met Ari.”

They married about two weeks before leaving for a year in Israel. Ari is in his fourth year at RRC and will graduate in May 2019. The GJC internship is the latest in a series of challenging and rewarding experiences emanating from RRC.

Liz and Ari had a honeymoon year in Israel, he said. “Liz has spent a lot of time in Israel and I hadn’t been there since I was a teenager. We connected with communities with which she already had relationships; her friends adopted us into their group. We landed and went straight to Shabbat dinner in Jerusalem.”

This year, after spending June taking a road trip in Alaska, Ari and Liz returned to Mt. Airy and settled in. Ari is studying full time in a masters program at Penn in non-

profit leadership, studying part time at RRC and working part time at GJC as a part of the clergy team involved in leading services, pastoral care, and educational programming.

Liz was born in Detroit and grew up in the suburbs in a very Jewishly-engaged Conservative household. She attended Jewish day school through high school and went to Camp Ramah in Canada. In high school, she was very active with the Orthodox NCSY youth group. She continued what she calls her orthodox phase when, after high school in 2008-9, she decided to attend an Orthodox seminary in Israel, Midreshet Lindenbaum. “My parents weren’t happy that their daughter was going there, wearing skirts, becoming more observant than they were,” she said.

Liz returned to the U.S. and attended one year at the University of Michigan. She returned to Israel for a year and studied at Hebrew University’s International School. She didn’t take to it, and began taking classes at the main university. She then started doing organic farming.

She returned to Michigan, majored in History and Jewish Studies, and finished college in three years. She got a job at Hazon, a Jewish environmental organization, and moved to New York. “I went around the country doing

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food and nutrition work, writing curricula, and teaching classes.”

She stayed three years. “In 2014, I knew I was going to move to Philadelphia and I wanted to take some time off to figure out my next step. During the next 6 months, I went to Ethiopia and back home, and nannied for two friends.” After moving to Philadelphia in May 2015, she began working at Einstein Hospital for a program called A Better Start, and remained there for 1½ years. “I taught nutrition in underserved public schools, and in food pantries. I’d teach people how to cook if they don’t have electricity, a fridge, if they only have a hotplate. What can you make? A can of beans, a can of corn and tomatoes. Use that to make a salsa, or the base of a stew or salad, so you can get extra nutrition.”

Ari’s and Liz’s wedding in Detroit reflected their values. “We didn’t serve any meat, and made a point to have sunflowers which are the symbol of the nuclear disarmament movement. Also, the caterer served the kimchi I made at home,” Liz said. “The food for the night before the wedding was prepared by a woman who operates a food truck that uses only produce from Detroit urban gardens.”

In Israel, while Ari was engaged in his studies, Liz had a Dorot Fellowship, a leadership program for Jewish North

American leaders. “I worked for a pretty well known chef, Ezra Kedem. In addition to cooking, I worked as the farm manager and taught cooking at the Kol Yisrael Haverim School in Jerusalem to deaf Arab and Israeli students. I spoke Hebrew to the translators who would sign in Arabic.”

Liz is now studying to be a registered dietician, and is working towards a masters degree in nutrition education at Immaculata University. “I see myself as a bridge between the integrative and holistic nutrition world and the more standard nutritional approach found in the U.S. Ready-to-eat food has take people out of the kitchen. I want to bring people back into the kitchen, even if the kitchen is just a hotplate. (“We only had a hotplate in Israel and we made amazing meals on it,” Ari commented.)

Ari is happy to be involved with GJC community. “I love that GJC is a community with so many engaged and knowledgeable people. I feel that as much as I have to teach here, there is even more that I can learn,” he said. “I love that we are able to do the real work of building community and holding space for different varieties of authentic Jewish expression. It’s obvious from when you first walk in the door that it is a special place.”

Do all men think and behave alike? Depends whom you ask. I think there are a lot of differences between people but I also believe that there are trends and themes. These may be at a core and influence some behavior. This spring Dr. Rob Garfield, an authored expert on men's relationships will help explore the subtleties of our interactions.

There's a lot to do before then: Our next JRA food preparation and distribution is on November 12.

December 3 and 10 will be the days the Hanukiyah will once again be raised on the front lawn. I hope to see you then. We start at 9 AM on the lawn in front of the sanctuary entrance. Hanukah starts on December 13 and we'll need people to get candle sponsorships and support the lightings.

On Sunday January 7 we'll be hosting a program entitled "The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Hearing Multiple Perspectives.” This will be a discussion between local ZOA and J-Street folks and will be orchestrated to deliver light without heat, I hope. This is, like all Men's Club events, open to all.

Please mark your calendars.


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nedivot lev continued

Women’s Club has changed our name to Women of GJC. We believe that our name change will help congregants view our group and our mission as more inclusive and contemporary. During the past few years, we have been attempting to build relationships with more women throughout the synagogue who may not have been involved with our activities and events. We feel this process has brought us success, and we view it as ongoing.

We have many places around the synagogue that identify us as Women’s Club of GJC. They represent our 70-plus year history as a group of women who have provided many services to the GJC community. Our mission has always been one of promoting the welfare of the synagogue and its congregants through organizing, sponsoring and funding programs, projects and services that benefit everyone at GJC. Many plaques around the synagogue including the outside benches, the Torah covers and many, many more additions to GJC have the name Women’s Club of GJC. These will not change. We hope that our new name will be forever entwined with our legacy to GJC as Women of GJC continues to evolve within our tradition of service to GJC.

Our Building Beautiful campaign of refurbishing the playground is moving along well. The Early Childhood parents are actively involved in planning for the playground as well as fundraising. The playground will, as a result, become even more fun and dynamic! Our entire GJC community benefits from this project. It is never too late to support this effort with a contribution. Some of the improvements include: A Fire Truck play structure & a Mud Kitchen A new Hand Rail from top to bottom of playground hill Other small improvements such as rebuilding the box

around the tree in the middle of the playground area

Creation of new “Tot Lot” playground, behind the existing playground, that will include its own playhouse,

sandbox, and small climbing structure

Our Welcome Back event in October, featuring Shai Ben-

Yaacov, was well attended and informative. Shai, a GJC member and producer of WHYY’s Newsworks Tonight, brought us up to date on the important players and issues in local and regional politics.

Sunday, December 3rd at 11 AM is our next program with a presentation on gerrymandering (fair partitioning of voting districts) which is a very timely topic as the United States Supreme Court and Pennsylvania and other states get ready to rule on whether to address this constitutional issue. Representatives from Fair Districts PA will explain the redistricting process and its impact on social policy in Pennsylvania and nationally. They will demonstrate how the current process undermines democracy, suggest a solution, and offer ideas on how all citizens can support and encourage change. Fair Districts PA is a non-partisan coalition of citizens and organizations seeking to reform Pennsylvania redistricting rules by taking the process out of the hands of party leaders and putting that process into the hands of an impartial, transparent, and accountable citizens’ commission.

Torah Fund pins are available; contact Marcy Fish [email protected]. This year’s theme, Mah tovu, (“how good!”) is a phrase that originates in the Torah. It is a spontaneous exclamation of appreciation and joy. This year’s honoree is Peninah Berdugo, whom we very much appreciate for all her dedication and work for Women

of GJC. Mark your calendar for May 6th Torah Fund Brunch.

We hope you will join us for our upcoming programs. Speaking of joining, if you wish to join Women of GJC as a dues paying member, please fill out the attached form below.


by Sandy Meyer and Vilma Lieberman

Please send your check payable to Women’s Club of GJC for $45.00 to: Addie Lewis Klein - Dues, Women’s Club of GJC, 400 W. Ellet Street, Phila., PA 19119 Or PayPal ($46.65) accepted on the GJC website: Connect> Women’s Club> Strength Through Women’s Club (add your name/contact info when using PayPal)




Preferred Phone:_______________________________

Over 90 years of age? No payment required. New GJC member as of June 2017, membership is complimentary for one year.

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NEWS FROM HAZAK (55+ programming) by Helen Feinberg & Coleman Poses (HAZAK co-chairs)

L’Shanah tovah to all! HAZAK’s program year began, semi officially, in August with Sam Feinberg’s annual presentation of “Opera Under the Stars.” (Now held indoors for technical reasons.) The event was well-attended, as always, and we had the opportunity to see old friends and meet new people.

Our first fall program will be on Wednesday, November 1st, when we will be showing “Waltz with Bashir,” a graphic/comic film about Israel and Lebanon; Ken Weiss will lead our discussion after the film. If you’ve participated in a film discussion with Ken before, you know this is not-to-be missed.

Next, on Sunday morning, November 19, at 10:00 AM, Herb Levine will present and discuss his new book of poetry, WORDS FOR BLESSING THE WORLD, published by Ben Yehuda Press. Minyan Masorti and Men’s Club are co-sponsoring this event. Books (autographed, of course!) will be available for purchase.

Our monthly book group meets the second Wednesday of each month (including summer months) at 10:00 am. Our choice for October was “Startup Nation” by Dan Senor and Saul Singer. On November 8 we will be discussing “Hillbilly Elegy” by J.D. Vance. The book for December 13 will be

selected at the October 11 meeting, and will be listed on the GJC website soon thereafter.

Also, in mid-December , HAZAK will be taking a trip to the Fabric Museum and Workshop at 11th and Arch Streets. Please check the GJC website and your email for more details in November!!


HAZAK programs are planned for those age 55+, and are geared to both reflect common interests and get us to “stretch” to try new activities as well. Our well-attended book group meets monthly all year long. HAZAK also sponsors book talks by local authors, as well as speakers on topics of particular importance to our interests. We host Sam Feinberg each August to discuss opera, and we show great films! We also take day trips to cultural and natural sites in the area, often to places members have never been. HAZAK is for all of us to stay connected to GJC and to each other: to venture out and experience parts of our city we haven't seen before, to read, learn and talk together, to keep us strong. We hope you will join us. Membership is $10/year.




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The ECP has been bustling with creative energy with many opportunities for the children to explore and discover. Using a multi-sensory approach, the children have been exploring the Autumn season by painting with fall colors, taking walks outside, and taste testing different fruits from the around the world that grow on trees. Some of the favorite fruits were Asian pears and figs. The ECP has also been enjoying our Monday morning Havdalah led by our very own Dubonim teacher Anna Goldberg. The entire school looks forward to this weekly ritual when we all come together to sing together and welcome a new week and say goodbye to Shabbat. It is truly a special time.

I am excited to announce the ECP has achieved our first STAR as part of the Keystone STARS program! Keystone STARS is a program of Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning. Keystone STARS is a responsive system to improve, support, and recognize the continuous quality improvement efforts of early learning programs in Pennsylvania. As a Keystone STAR “1” School we have demonstrated our program’s commitment to continuous quality improvement for the children and community we serve.


ECP is a special place for young children from 6 months of age through 5 years of age and for their families. Through the lens of Jewish culture and tradition, our children learn about themselves, and the world around them in a program which emphasizes learning through doing. The Early Childhood Program nurtures and respects individuality, while encouraging the children to develop a sense of community and friendship. The preschool follows the yearly cycle of the Jewish holidays. Jewish culture, traditions, and values are woven into our curriculum. Through Mitzvot (commandments), Tzedakah (charity) and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), the children learn to respect themselves, others and the world they live in. We are committed to teaching and promoting respect and understand-ing of all persons. GJC’s Early Childhood Program is open to all!

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A Snapshot of Yom Kippur 5778

It is 6:15 PM on Yom Kippur evening. Throughout the GJC building, rooms pulse with the sounds of song and prayer. The time has come for Neilah, the concluding service, which our tradition teaches is the most sacred of the five services that make up our Yom Kippur worship. This year, like each year, during Neilah, I find myself in a different kind of setting. As the daveners raise their voices in the haunting and hopeful melodies of the service, I am on the playground with 10-15 children who are running, and playing and sliding down the slide in a way that looks like any other day. To the untrained eye, this group looks like any other group of children playing on a playground – children who at this holy time, on this holy day are disconnected from the spiritual moment that their parents and the adult members of their community are tapping into. But, as the sun begins to set, everything changes.

“Rabbi Alanna?” a young girl asks, “the sky looks like it might be time. Is it time yet?” “Yes,” I reply. “I think it is.” And with that, I begin singing the niggun (wordless melody) often used for p’tach lanu sha’ar (open the gates for us), a central piece of the Neilah liturgy. The children stop what they are doing and gather, as they have been expecting to do, on the tires on the sloping hill beside the playground. In a circle, we sing, I tell stories, and children share prayers and reflections for the end of Yom Kippur. We raise our own voices in the haunting and hopeful melody of Ashamnu (a piece of the viddui, confessional, prayer) and now the playground pulses with the sounds of song and prayer.

At 7:15 PM, the sky is becoming quite dark and it is nearly time for the stars to begin to show. We leave the playground and make our way indoors to join the rest of the GJC community for the final blast of the shofar that will end this holiest of days. The children join Rabbi Zeff and the leadership of the community on the bimah for Shofar and for the blessings of Havdallah. In that moment at the very end of Yom Kippur, as I look at the intergenerational picture on the Bimah, adults and children arm-in-arm singing and swaying together, that I am especially proud of the community we are building at Germantown Jewish Centre.

“The humblest of stones has become the chief cornerstone.” [‘Rosh Pinah’] (Psalm 118:22)

GJC expresses its deep gratitude for the generous support of its congregants who have chosen the Rosh Pinah (Cornerstone) level of membership. Their contribution provides crucial support, enabling us to serve the entire GJC community. We cannot adequately thank the following members for their commitment to Germantown Jewish Centre:

Marcy & Dan Bacine

Jane & Richard Baron

Marta & Chip Becker

Michael Beer

Peninah & Albert Berdugo

Harold Berger

Dveera Segal & Brad Bridge

Dayle Friedman & David Ferleger

Sarah Braun & Shai Gluskin

Myra & Gert Jacobsohn

Linda & Jake Kriger

Barbara Jaffe & Howard Langer

Chris & Steve Levin

Rachel Falkove & Michael Masch

Barbara & Dick Menin

Cyrilla Rosen

Allyson & David Schwartz

Denise Scott Brown & Robert Venturi Patty & Steve Segal Stefanie & Alex Seldin

Jessica & Mathieu Shapiro

Betsy & David Teutsch



Sarah Kolker & Robert Sprinkle

Eric & Karen Nachimson

Mindi Snoparsky & James Lammendola

Joanne & Bruce Shanzer

Michael & Jennifer Stein

Samuel Krasnow & Allison Hoffman

Daniel & Erin Torday


EDUCATION CORNER by Rabbi Alanna Sklover

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Adina Abramowitz & Naomi Klayman, in honor of the Dorshei Derekh community for all their support and concern for them and for their family this year

Dan & Marcy Bacine

Craig Barkan & Amy Schrager, in memory of Craig's grandmother, Libby Barkan

Richard & Jane Baron, in honor of Dr. Cheryl Bettigole, for all she does in health care for the underserved

Michael & Frances Baylson, in honor of Chip Becker

Lonnie Beer, in honor of Rabbi Zeff's leadership

Michael Beer, in honor of the GJC staff

Albert & Peninah Berdugo Harold Berger, in memory of his beloved wife Renee and their parents

Lizanne Berger, in memory of Eric Berger, Joan Marcus Berger, and Mildred & Myers Marcus

Michael Blackman, in memory of Uncle Norman Duffy

Josh Bolton & Natalie Lyalin, in honor of the ECP teachers and staff, for their care and dedication to kind and excellent work

Chana Bonn Ned & Caren Borowsky, in honor of Chip Becker

Lawrence & Ellyn Charap, in memory of Stanley Charap, Jess Novick, and Monte Specker

Steve & Linda Corsover, in honor of Rabbi Zeff and Nina Peskin for the wonderful music they have brought to GJC

Nan Daniels, in honor of her grandchildren, Tessa and Ian

Vinny DiLorenzo & Andi Brockman, in memory of their mothers and fathers

Henry & Kathy Donner Robert Dudnick & Anna Herman, in honor of Rabbi Zeff

Art & Lynne Ellis Sheila Erlbaum, in memory of George, Miriam & Nathan Erlbaum and Neely Snyder

Richie & Linda Feder, in memory of Linda's father, Jack Ripps

Maurice & Maxine Feldman, in honor of their children and grandchildren

Stuart & Shari Feldman David & Betty Ann Fellner, in memory of their parents Gabi and Werner Fellner

David Ferleger & Dayle Friedman, in honor of their children, Anya, Anat and Avram

Maxine Field Justin Fink & Sandra Masayko, in honor of Rabbi Zeff, and in celebration of GJC's music programs

David & Marcy Fish Jacob Fisher & Ronnie Rubin, in honor of Rabbi Zeff

Jeff & Karen Freedman, in memory of their parents, David & Edith Freedman and Philip & Marcia Gould

Michael Slifker & Michelle Friedman, in memory of Michelle's father, Herman Friedman, and Michael's mother, Rose Ann Slifker

Mindelle Goldstein, in honor of Rabbi Zeff and the entire wonderful GJC staff

Jim Goodman Corri Gottesman, in blessed memory of Rina Chana Goldberg, niece

Allan & Jane Greenspan, in honor of Rabbi Zeff

David Hahn & Barbara Weiss Ted & Betsy Hershberg, in celebration of the birth of their granddaughter, Rosie Jane Hershberg

Mitch Hirsch & Sylvia Lifschitz, in honor of the upcoming wedding of Josh Hirsch & Stacey Snyder

Andrea Jacobs, in honor of community and friends, old and new, found at GJC

Tamar Jacobson, in memory of her mother, Beryl Kate Lieberman, who died earlier this year just one week short of her 100th birthday

Don & Harriet Joseph, in honor of GJC and Dorshei Derekh for the community and the joy they have brought them

David Zvi & Yael Kalman, in memory of Yael's father, Rabbi Marvin Richardson

J. Daniel Kanofsky & Deborah R. Liss, in memory of their parents, Philip & Mollie Edelstein Kanofsky and Aaron A. & Phyllis Pullman Liss

Dean Kaplan & Barbara Mattleman, in honor of Barbara’s parents, Marciene and Herman Mattleman Marty & Carol Kaplan, in memory of Marc David Kaplan

Sam & Connie Katz, in honor of their grandchildren, Asa & Zadie and James & Annie

Neil Kitrosser & Diane Ajl, in memory of their beloved parents, Adele & Samuel Ajl and Beatrice & Benjamin Kitrosser

Nilmini Klur, in honor of GJC and the rabbis who have stood by her during incredibly difficult times

Isador & Myra Kranzel, in honor of the marriage of Maxine Margolies and Alan Soffin

Ned Kripke & Karen Schiller Kripke, in honor of their grandson, Jordan Jacob Kripke

Peter & Peshe Kuriloff, in memory of all their parents, may they rest in peace: Manny, Gay, Ruth, George, Arthur and Freddy


Todah rabbah to everyone who generously gave to the High Holiday Appeal! Below is a list of gift dedications, represent-ing the many ways each of us connects to Judaism and to this beautiful community. If you have not yet but would like to contribute, please contact the office! We will list your name and dedication in the next issue of the Centre Call!

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HIGH HOLIDAY APPEAL (continued) Judah Labovitz & Ellen Ufberg, in honor of the birth of Olivia Pearl Webb, Ellen's new granddaughter

Ed & Dena Lake, in honor of their granddaughter, Clara

Howard Langer & Barbara Jaffe Greg Lattanzi & Haviva Goldman, in honor of Rabbi Zeff, Rabbi Sklover, and the Religious School and ECP staff who helped Denis get to his Bar Mitzvah

Pesha Leichter, in honor of the amazing GJC staff who are so capable and giving

Doug Lerner & Ken Cohen Steve & Chris Levin Hillary & Judd Kruger Levingston, in honor of their family and friends at GJC

Barbara Lissy, in honor of the communities of GJC

Paul Minkoff, in memory of Hilda Minkoff

Dan Moscow & Sharon Strauss David & Nahariyah Mosenkis Cat Niallon, in memory of her dear friend Will Drelles, who especially loved Friday night services at GJC

Don Perelman & Elise Singer Josh & Nina Peskin, in honor of the GJC community

Ellyn Phillips, in honor of the birth of her granddaughter, Alana Conwy Ann Phillips, daughter of Amy Phillips and Elia Einhirn

David Picker & Ann Trail Dan Hoffman & Abby Pozefsky, in memory of their parents

Mike & Carol Robinson, in honor of Rabbi Zeff

Jack & Susan Rome Cyrilla Rosen, in memory of her husband, Irving Rosen

Benjamin & Juliet Rotenberg, in honor of Rabbi Zeff and his family

Paul Rudick & Denise Wolf, in honor of Phill Goldberg, for mentoring Levi in blowing the shofar

Charles & Martha Schleifer David & Allyson Schwartz Elliot Schwartz, in memory of his wife, Carol Schwartz

Norman & Leah Schwartz, in honor of their newest great-

grandchild, Esther Leshinsky, daughter of Chana & Shlomo Leshinsky (Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel) and granddaughter of Raphael & Tanya Schwartz (Telz-Stone, Israel) Robert Venturi & Denise Scott Brown Steve & Patty Segal, in honor of Stephen's mother, Hattie Segal, on her 101st birthday

Richard & Lesley Seitchik Sally Siddiqi, in loving memory of Robert Ritt Ream

Joan Silver, in honor of her dear longtime friends at GJC who have meant so much to her

Michael & Shelley Spear, in honor of the Torah readers, D'vrei Torah givers, davening leaders, and staff, for making the High Holidays so meaningful Howard Spodek, in memory of his parents and brother

George & Debbie Stern, to a year of good health

Donna Tartasky Howard & Ronit Treatman, in celebration of this wonderful community

Rivkah Walton, in memory of "Grandma Fla" and "Grandpa Dave" (David & Florence Horn)

Ken & Susan Weiss, in honor of Rabbi Zeff

Adam Zeff & Cheryl Bettigole Bob Zimring

Thank you also to our donors who wish to remain anonymous.

High Holidays 5778 in Minyan Masorti - Todah Rabbah!

Davening Leaders

Neil Actor Bill Kavesh

Louie Asher Herb Levine

Peninah Berdugo Yitzchak Kornfeld

Sarah Braun Jake Kriger

Lawrence Charap Ned Kripke

Linda Cherkas Eve Pinkenson

Amy Cohen Dan Werlin

Nini Engel Bob Zimring

Shai Gluskin Minna Ziskind

Yael Kalman

Torah Readers

Neil Actor Sarah Miller

Kathy Amrom Miri Pomerantz

Chana Bonn Sherry Pomerantz

Art Ellis Ivan Rosenberg

Lynne Ellis Ivan Wolnek

Nini Engel Patty Wright

Aryeh Friedman Minna Ziskind

Reena Friedman

Judy Groner

Barbara Jaffe


Kathy Amrom

Liz Bloch-Smith

Elana Hollo

Tamar Magdovitz

Charlie Miller

Hideko Secrest

Ellyn Specker

Barbara Weiss


Chana Bonn

Ned Kripke

Judd Levingston

Ivan Rosenberg


Albert Berdugo

Judy Groner

Sylvia Lifschitz

Bob Pomerantz


Linda Cherkas

Ned Kripke

Becca Miller

Sarah Miller

Divrei Torah

Ken Cohen

Aaron Finestone

Joel Fish

David Hahn

Chava Weissler

Kol Nidrei Torah Holders

Kathy Amrom

George Amrom

Ivan Rosenberg

Rina Rosenberg

Becky Wolnek

Ivan Wolnek


Chip Becker

Dick Menin

Eve Pinkenson

Dveera Segal


Neil Actor

Chana Bonn

Aaron Finestone

Ned Kripke

Eve Pinkenson

Ivan Rosenberg

Dan Werlin

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WE ARE ALL EARS (or “Lipstick on My Shofar”) by Susan Weiss

Many stories in the Torah—and in life—help us to step off our comfortable, well-worn path to experience and awaken our senses. It provides an opportunity to hear and see things with new eyes. I want to take this time to share with you what being one of your Ba’alat Tekiyah meant to me and to thank you all.

Three years ago I took on the challenge to learn to blow the shofar. Albert and Peninah Berdugo gifted the beautiful shofar to me. Phil Goldberg encouraged and tutored me for weeks through the calls and provided technical tips on the mechanics of the shofar blasts. The past two years, he blew shofar with me, through the month of Elul during morning minyan. I read and studied on my own and met with Rabbi Sklover for additional study. I wanted to be more than a horn blower and to bring kavanah to the experience. My husband and neighbors have put up with my morning and evening practice. Dick Menin cut and reformed the mouth section of my shofar. Chuck and Martha Schleifer provided time and space at their home so I could meet with Chuck’s trombone teacher for additional skill. I am very appreciative of their kindness and support. It was all of you that made it so moving. Who knew it takes a community to make a Balat Tekiyah.?

My shofar blowing wasn’t perfect. I swear it had been perfect while standing in my pajamas each morning for practice. But standing on the bimah, knowing I had a responsibility to our community to sound the alarm, I was nervous and my mouth dry (not good for a horn player). “If

the Shofar is blown in the city, will the people not tremble?” (Amos 3:6) This “people” was trembling.

I was surprised to learn that there is no blessing for the shofar blower to recite, but that we all say the blessing for the mitzvah of hearing the shofar. Playing the shofar is not the mitzvah but hearing it is the blessing. I spent a lot of time studying this piece of the ritual. Oy, more pressure!

In years past, I would listen to the sound of the shofar with my ears as the blessing calls us to do. This year I heard the shofar with my heart and soul. It was the alarm, the wake-

up call. It had the sound of the cries of those who suffer and those of women in labor. It tugged at the heart as Sarah and Hagar feared for their children. I did not simply sound the shofar, I heard it with you with our collective ears and senses as a shared expression of our community.

Thank you to all for again providing me this opportunity and bringing such meaning and joy to my Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. I will be practicing next summer and hope to hear the call again with you next year. May this year be filled with joy and happiness for you and all loved ones.

PS: The best part was leaving the bimah to be met by young girls who took my hand and said, “That was good!” Hearing from parents that their children are practicing to sound the shofar. My seven-year-old twin granddaughters, who now want to be Ba’alot Tekiyah. I can’t wait for all to join us make a joyful sound.

High Holidays 5778 in Dorshei Derekh Todah Rabbah!


Rabbi Avruhm Addison

Rabbi Fredi Cooper

Rabbi Dayle Friedman

Andrea Jacobs

Kami Knapp

David Mosenkis

Leiah Moser

Rabbi Deborah Waxman

Elyse Wechterman


Rabbi Debrah Cohen

Rabbi Fredi Cooper

Michelle Friedman

Andrea Jacobs

Tamar Kamionkowski Nami Lieberman

David Mosenkis

David Nerenberg

Barb Pearson

Dina Pinsky

Jakob Slifker

Rabbi George Stern

Shofar Blowers

Kami Knapp

David Mosenkis

Jacob Slifker

Rabbi George Stern


Christina Ager

Rabbi Tamara Cohen

Sonia Voynow


Andrea Jacobs

Ruth Loew

High Holidays 5778 in Kol D’mamah - Todah Rabbah!

Rabbi Tamara Cohen

Jonathan Harmon

Martha Lask

Herb Levine

Steve Masters

Gina Michaels

Dina Pinsky

Rivkah Walton

Leah Weisman

Ari Witkin

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Honors Committee

Stuart Feldman

Debbie Fishman

Josh Goldblum

Dena Lake

Tamar Magdovitz

Eve Pinkenson

Molly Weingrod

Honors Ushers

Marcy Bacine

Rachel Falkove

Stuart Feldman

Shari Feldman

Helen Feinberg

Debbie Fishman

Josh Goldblum

Connie Katz

David Kraut

Dena Lake

Chris Levin

Tamar Magdovitz

Mitch Marcus

Barb Menin

Jim Meyer

Beth Rosenbaum

Stefanie Seldin

Jessica Shapiro

Mathieu Shapiro

Berel Sternthal Howard Treatman


Rabbi Fredi Cooper

Mark Fallon

Reena Friedman

Hillary Kruger

Rabbi Judd Levingston Natalie Lyalin

Dan Mangold

Mark Pinsky Will & Akhila Shapiro

Sally Siddiqi Rabbi George Stern

Davening & Leading

Abraham Gafni


Josh Goldblum

David Kraut

Judah Labovitz

Beth Rosenbaum

Mathieu Shapiro

Howard Treatman


Nan Daniels

Beth Rosenbaum

Jimmi Rotenberg

Naomi Rotenberg

Mati Zeff

Torah Readers

David Axelrod

Noah Boyer

Gabe Cohen-Spiller

Lucy Cohen-Spiller

Sonia Dishler

Aryeh Friedman

Maya Goldshaw

Rabbi Seth Goren

Sam Katz

Serena Levingston

Dan Livney

Lauren Mermelstein

Jim Meyer

Eve Pinkenson

Noah Rudick

Chuck Schleifer

Patty Segal Jake Shapiro

Mathieu Shapiro

Caleb Shapiro Mendelsohn

Jessie Singer

Bregman Program

Chris Satullo

Rev. Sandtra L. Strauss


Ned Borowsky

Phill Goldberg

Levi Rudick

Susan Weiss


Debbie Aron

Elayne Blender

Caren Borowsky

Eleanor Brownstein

Linda Cherkas

Steve Corsover

Nan Daniels

Sonia Dishler

Quinn Donover

Sandra Donover

Lynne Ellis

Nini Engel Ari Feinberg

Helen Feinberg

Maurice Feldman

Maxine Feldman

Betty Anne Fellner

Janet Filante

Mitch Hirsch

Marsha Hyman

Naomi Klayman

Ed Lake

Beth Rosenbaum

Laurance Rosenzweig

Selma Schlee

Chuck Schleifer

Berel Sternthal Judy Sussholtz

Ken Weiss

Esther Wiesner

Max Woessner

Patty Wright

Music Director

Rabbi Adam Zeff


Martha Schleifer


Dan Bacine

Marcy Bacine

Elayne Blender

Ilene Blitzstein Poses

Andrea Brockman Yona Dansky

Vinnie DiLorenzo

Lynne Ellis

Barry Farber

Helen Feinberg

Rochelle Fellman

Walt Fellman

Justin Fink

David Fish

Marcy Fish

Debbie Fishman

Phill Goldberg

Nina Gordon

Elana Hollo

Lynne Jacobs

Dena Lake

Ed Lake Della Lazarus

Chris Levin

Barbara Lissy

Barb Menin

Dick Menin

Jim Meyer

Sandy Meyer Andi Moselle

Nan Myers

Jeff Needleman

Linda Needleman Cat Niallon

Curt Pontz

Leslie Pontz

Judy Schwartz

Norm Schwartz

Hideko Secrest

Lily Seldin

Alex Shapiro Jessica Shapiro

Marilyn Silberstein

Bev Somerson

Joan W. Stern

Maani Waldor

Germantown Jewish Centre would like to offer

a special thank you to Women of GJC and Frank

Krafchik of Centre Catering for generously

sponsoring kiddush for all on Rosh ha-Shanah Day 1

and to

the Cherkas-Dworkin family for co-sponsoring

kiddush for all on Shabbat Sukkot in honor of the aufruf of their daughter

Elie Dworkin and her

fiancée David Kadosh.

High Holidays 5778 in the Charry Service - Todah Rabbah!

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DANCING Sundays at 10:00 AM:

Nov 5, 12 & 19, Dec 3, 10 & 17

Taught by our wonderful, experienced dance teacher, Grant

Shulman, GJC's Israeli dance group welcomes dancers of all ages and

levels. We begin each session with 45 minutes of beginner dances,

followed by instruction, review, open dancing and requests with increasing levels of difficulty. GJC's dance group is proud to be friendly and inclusive.

For more information, please contact Tamar Magdovitz at

[email protected].




Karolina’s Twins by Ronald Balson

December 12

The Seven Good Years by Etgar Keret

January 9

The Family Orchard by Nomi Eve

February 13

In the Darkroom by Susan Faludi

Tuesdays at 7:15 PM in the Quitman Library

Drumming from the Heart: Women’s Drumming Circle with Maureen “Moe” Jerant Sunday, November 5 at 11 AM

Join drummer Moe Jerant as she introduces you to the fun, joy and healing power of the drum and drum circles. Be part of a unique, one of a kind energetic creation. Drum circles are a safe, fun and transformative space to let loose, reduce stress and access your inner power. Bring an open mind, a willing spirit and some creative energy. No previous drumming experience is necessary. A brief drum lesson will start the session. Drums provided! $25 GJC member/$30 non-member


Aging Well by Moving Smartly Women’s Drumming Circle with Patty Segal, GJC member & Golden Ager

Wednesday, December 6 at 10 AM, $5

This workshop will guide you through some gentle spinal motions and “core” engaging exercises that you can also do in your home. During this workshop we will engage in both seated and standing exercises to assist you in moving with mindful intention while at the same time building strength when practiced on a regular basis. Participants will receive a handout outlining the exercises covered in class to assist in their home program. GJC thanks Patty Segal for generously donating her time and expertise to offer this class at a reduced price.

The Four Tribes of Modern Israel with Ari Witkin, GJC Rabbinic Intern

Tuesdays at 7:30 PM, November 7, 21, 28 & December 5

Based on President Rubin Rivlin's description of Israel's four tribes, this five-part series will explore Israeli society and culture through the experience of each of these groups. At each session we will learn about the culture, politics, and experience these sectors of society: Haredim (Ultra Orthodox), Dati Leumi (religious-zionist), Chilonim (secular), and Arab. $80 GJC members/$95 non-members


Israel Programming: The Balfour Declaration with Dr. Reena Friedman & Rabbi Robert Tabak

Sundays at 10:00 AM, December 3 & 10

Session 1: The Balfour Declaration & American Jews: Reaction & Responses

Session 2: The Balfour Declaration in Philadelphia: Hope & Rejection

November 2 will mark the 100th anniversary of Britain’s Balfour Declaration, which marked a key turning point in modern Jewish history. This two-part series will explore American Jews’ responses, with a particular focus on reaction in the Philadelphia Jewish community. Through primary source documents and photos of the time, we will capture the drama of this historical moment, and discuss its contemporary significance. $40 GJC members/$55 non-members

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6 PM Latke Dinner & Concert (& Dancing!): $36.00, children (12 & under) $10.00

advanced registration & payment necessary by Tuesday, December 19

7 PM Concert (& Dancing!) Only: Advanced purchase tickets: $18.00 / Pay at door: $20.00 / Children 12 & under are free

advanced tickets can be purchased online until Friday, December 22

Germantown Jewish Centre presents

KLEZMAS EVE! Dance Party

with the Ken Ulansey Band & Dance Master Steve Weintraub




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CONTRIBUTIONS from AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2017 Sincere thanks and appreciation to those who remember to honor their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions.




Adult Education Fund Henry Donner in memory of Harry Donner, father

Phyllis Kauffman in memory of David Kauffman, husband

Ed Lake in memory of Mary Lakernick, mother

Hershel Richman in memory of Esther Richman, mother

Moira Rosenberger in memory of Rose Geller, grandmother

Bess Schick Fund Dena Lake in memory of Abraham J. Rosenman, father

Mariann Schick in memory of Mary Zack, grandmother

in memory of Saul Zack, grandfather

in memory of Bessie Schick, mother

in memory of David Schick, father

in memory of Miriam Elise Dratman, goddaughter

Chesed Fund Heshie & Fredi Cooper in memory of Carl Norden, husband of Joyce Norden

Rachel Falkove in memory of Leah Greenberg Solomon, aunt Abby Pozefsky in memory of Bea Pozefsky, mother

in memory of Leo Pozefsky, father

Children's Services Fund

Ellen Reese in memory of Jacob Reese, father

Early Childhood Program Fund

Marcy & Dan Bacine in honor of Harold Berger, on receiving the inaugural Lifetime Commitment Award from the University of Pennsylvania Law School

Susan Haiman & Albert Bensoussan

in memory of Bernice Adelaide Goldstein, sister-in-law of Mindelle Goldstein

Judah Labovitz in honor of Olivia Pearl Webb

Floral Fund Pearl Raz in memory of Daniel Raz, father

Gloria Salmansohn in memory of Bernice Adelaide Goldstein, sister-in-law of Mindelle Goldstein

General Fund Sam & Helene Feinberg in memory of Bernice Adelaide Goldstein, sister-in-law of Mindelle Goldstein

Ann Itzkowitz in memory of Therese Posnansky, mother

Steve & Chris Levin in memory of Jack Ripps, father of Linda Feder

Judd & Hillary Kruger Levingston in memory of Jack Ripps, father of Linda Feder

Judd & Hillary Kruger Levingston in honor of Aviva & Yoni Reinfeld, on the births of their twins, Zev Yosef and Meechal Etka

Tamar & Sam Magdovitz in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Jo & Daryl Mancinelli in memory of Jack Ripps, father of Linda Feder

Florence Manson in appreciation of Malkah Binah Klein

Jim & Sandy Meyer in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Ellen Reese in memory of Lee Reese, mother

Gary Stein in memory of William Stein, father

Denise Wolf & Paul Rudick in honor of Alex & Stefanie Seldin, on their special birthdays

in memory of Beverly Bradburn-Stern, step-mother of Richard Stern

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Contributions continued

Hazak Fund Rosalie & Sid August in honor of Sid August, on his 99th birthday

Sonia Dishler in memory of Hannah Brickman, aunt Lynne & Art Ellis in honor of Sid August, on his 99th birthday

Sam & Helene Feinberg in memory of Shirley Jamison, sister of Harold Jacobs

in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Dena & Ed Lake in honor of Maxine Margolies, on her wedding

Joan Silver in memory of Bernice Adelaide Goldstein, sister-in-law of Mindelle Goldstein

Lucille Weber in memory of Evelyn Applebaum, aunt in memory of Aaron Weber, husband

Interfaith Hospitality Network

Louie Asher in honor of Zachary Hahn, son of David Hahn & Barbara Weiss, on his graduation from Central High School

in honor of Isaac Spear, son of Michael & Shelley Spear, on his graduation from Central High School and matriculation at the University of Pennsylvania

in honor of Ned & Karen Kripke, on the birth of their grandson, Jordan

in honor of Jake & Linda Kriger, on the birth of their granddaughter, Kassia

Barbara Breitman in memory of Chaim Rothstein

Rachel Falkove in memory of Sidney Falkove, father

Frieda Sanders in memory of Justin Panzer, grandson

Israel Affairs Fund Dena & Ed Lake in honor of Anne Shlay, on her marriage

Judy Schwartz in memory of Sydney Schwartz, husband

Israel Garden Fund Sylvia Lifschitz in memory of Ruth Seltzer, mother of Gail Tunick

Pearl Raz in memory of Daniel Raz, father

Kiddush Fund Patricia Segal in memory of Caryl Bateman, mother

Marta Sivitz in memory of Anna Brand, mother

Minyan Masorti Memorial Shabbat Fund

Tamar & Sam Magdovitz

Ellen Reese & Gary Stein

Wendy Weingarten

in memory of Henrietta Goldfarb, mother of Cindy Blum

in memory of Margalit Berdugo, mother of Albert Berdugo

in memory of Martin Weingarten, husband

Music Fund Eleanor Brownstein in memory of Freda Brownstein, mother

Helen, Michael & Ari Feinberg in gratitude to Rabbi Adam Zeff & Nina Peskin, for their transformative High Holiday singing

Dena Lake in memory of Claire Rosenman, mother

Elliott Seif in memory of Celia Seif, mother

Margaret Shapiro & Howard Bilofsky

in honor of their two grandchildren entering college

Joan Silver refuah shleimah to Maurice Feldman, for a speedy recovery

Joyce Videlock in memory of Marilyn Wainer, mother

Prayerbook & Ritual Items Fund

Debbie Aron

Phyllis Kauffman

in memory of Samuel Aron, father

in memory of Max Tatarsky, father

Gloria Salmansohn in memory of Rubin Salmansohn, husband

Joan Silver in memory of Sol Kopeland, father and grandfather

Rabbi Zeff's Discre-tionary Fund

Marcy Bacine

Nessa Baron

in memory of Mae Ehrenthal, aunt in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Charles & Marta Becker in memory of Gabriel Becker, son

Page 22: SHABBAT & HOLIDAYS - Germantown Jewish Centre · 2019-10-17 · SHABBAT & HOLIDAYS MAZAL ... Sunday Workshop with Rabbi Gordon November 18 Kol D’mamah Jewish Meditation with Ari



Contributions continued

Rabbi Zeff's Michael Beer in honor of Alex & Stefanie Seldin, on their special birthdays

Discretionary Fund in honor of Rabbi Adam Zeff & Nina Peskin

Lila Booth in memory of Bernard Wolfman, brother

Nan Daniels in honor of Marilyn Kraut, on her special birthday

Elaine & Lee Dushoff in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Janet Elfant in memory of Avriel Keogh, son

in memory of Martin Elfant, father

Sheldon Eveloff in memory of Louis Eveloff, father

in memory of Mollie Eveloff, mother

Maxine & Maurice Feldman in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Mindelle Goldstein in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Marcus Kaplan in memory of Herman Harry Kaplan, father

Dena & Ed Lake in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Lisa & Michael Lefkowitz in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Rose Lifschitz in honor of Sylvia Lifschitz & Mitchell Hirsch, for their safe return

refuah shleimah to Sonya, daughter of Ailda, for a speedy recovery

in honor of Stacey, for her safe return

Laura Marshall in memory of James Marshall, grandfather

Linda Needleman in memory of Melvin Goodfriend, father

Dave & Arline Olim in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Ellyn Phillips in memory of Alan Phillips, husband

Sandy Sacks in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Joan Silver in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Bev & Ira Somerson in memory of Bernice Adelaide Goldstein, sister-in-law of Mindelle Goldstein

in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Joan N. Stern in memory of Minnie Stern, grandmother

Religious School Fund Maxine & Maurice Feldman in memory of Bernice Adelaide Goldstein, sister-in-law of Mindelle Goldstein

Rabbi Shai Gluskin in honor of Isaac Levy, son of Jonathan Levy & Claire McCusker, on his graduation from Masterman High School

Tikkun Olam Fund Tamara Cohen & Gwynn Kessler

in honor of Ameet Ravital, on his Bar Mitzvah

Howard & Yona Diamond Dansky

in honor of Amy Cohen & Mark Spiller, for their vast generosity and deep friendship

GJC Israeli Dancers in memory of Clara Benamy, mother of Elana Benamy

Lynne Jacobs in memory of Bernard Jacobs, father

in memory of Leo Silverblatt, father-in-law

Steve & Chris Levin in honor of Maxine Margolies, on her marriage to Alan Soffin

Joyce Lieberman in memory of Murray Lieberman, father

in memory of Lillian Lieberman, mother

Tamar & Sam Magdovitz in memory of Jack Ripps, father of Linda Feder

Genie & Ameet Ravital in memory of Beverly Bradburn-Stern, step-mother of Richard Stern

Margaret Shapiro in memory of Ruth Segel, mother

Ann Trail in memory of Omi Trail, mother

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Contributions continued

Torah Restoration Fund

Evelyn Caplin

Bernice Meyers

in memory of Barney Nierenberg, father

in honor of Joan Silver

Eve Pinkenson in memory of Doris Baxter, aunt

in memory of Bessie Blumenthal, grandmother

Women's Club Marcy & Dan Bacine in memory of Bernice Adelaide Goldstein, sister-in-law of Mindelle Goldstein

in honor of Marilyn Kraut, on her special birthday

Marilyn Barr in memory of Irma Greenstone, mother

Frances Gold in memory of Morris Malmaud, cousin

Linda Kugler in memory of George Kugler, father

Jim & Sandy Meyer in honor of Marilyn Kraut, on her special birthday

in memory of Bernice Adelaide Goldstein, sister-in-law of Mindelle Goldstein

in honor of Maxine Margolies, on her wedding

Youth Activities Nancy & Larry Abrams in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Fund Estelle Alexander in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Nessa Baron in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Melanie Bennett in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Lizanne Berger in memory of Cy Cohen, in honor of their friendship

Alissa & Ed Blumenthal in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Judith & Michael Burgstein in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Malcolm & Elaine Ecker in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Ross Enders in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Shelley Garten & Joe Coffey in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Rachel & John Kamieniecki in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Eve & Yale Pinkenson in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Curtis & Leslie Pontz in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Curtis Pontz in memory of Jeanette S. Pontz, mother

Cyrilla Rosen & Family in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Karen Sarnacki in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Karen Strauss in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Ann Tydeman-Solomon in memory of Cy Cohen, husband of Rennie Cohen

Germantown Jewish Centre extends thanks and gratitude to the Wolfe Family Foundation for their generous support in all GJC programming.

Page 24: SHABBAT & HOLIDAYS - Germantown Jewish Centre · 2019-10-17 · SHABBAT & HOLIDAYS MAZAL ... Sunday Workshop with Rabbi Gordon November 18 Kol D’mamah Jewish Meditation with Ari

Germantown Jewish Centre

400 West Ellet Street

Philadelphia, PA 19119 Inside Centre Call

Rabbi’s Message ......................... page 1

Shabbat & Holidays. ...................... page 2

What’s New in the Mishpoche ...... page 2

President’s Message ...................... page 3

Tikkun Olam@GJC ......................... page 4

Stefan Presser Shabbat .............. page 5

Member Spotlight ...................... page 6

Men’s Club ................................. page 7

Women of GJC ............................ page 8

HAZAK News ............................... page 9

Early Childhood Program. ........ page 10

Religious School........................ page 11

New Members .......................... page 11

High Holiday Appeal ................. page 12

Lipstick on My Shofar ............... page 14

People of the Book, Israeli Dancing

and Upcoming Classes .............. page 16

Lots for Tots............................. page 17

Klezmas Eve ............................. page 17

Hanukah .................................. page 18

Charry Memorial Weekend ...... page 19

Contributions............................ page 20

Ph. 215-844-1507 F. 215-844-8309

Charles L. Becker P R E S I D E N T

Adam Zeff R A B B I

Nina Peskin E x E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R

Rabbi Alanna Sklover D I R E C T O R O F L I F E L O N G L E A R N I N G

Gloria Geissler F I N A N C E D I R E C T O R

Jodi Gordon E A R LY C H I L D H O O D D I R E C T O R

Kate Lawn P R O G R A M D I R E C T O R

Leonard D. Gordon R A B B I E M E R I T U S

Vilma Lieberman & Sandy Meyer W O M E N of GJC C O - P R E S I D E N T S

David Fish & Dick Menin M E N ’ S C L U B C O - P R E S I D E N T S

affiliated with the United Synagogue of

Conservative Judaism

If you are interested in writing for The Centre Call, we would

love to hear your ideas! Please contact Kate Lawn at

[email protected]. The deadline

for every issue is the 1st of the previous month.





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