shadowrun d20 creation rules

Playable Character Races (Shadowrun book p25-31) Dwarf Elves Humans Orks Trolls Human Sub Races (Templates that can be added to the human race) Awakened (Described below) Mutants (d20 future p202) -2 Cha, roll once on the mutation chart and roll once on drawback chart Android (d20 future p175) HD d12, no human bonus feat, one free Weapon, Armor, or Equipment grafted into body (subject to GM approval) otherwise as described (add all racial features to human race) Synthetic (d20 future p176) HD d12, no human bonus feat, one free Equipment grafted into body (subject to GM approval) otherwise as described (add all racial features to human race) Demons (Described Below) (Pathfinder Races, found on Drow (Dark Elf) Goblin Tiefling (d20 Modern Race) Moreau (d20 Modern: Core p247) Playable Character Classes (Shadowrun book p32-107) Berserker (barbarian) Combat Mage Decker

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Shadowrun d20 Creation Rules - Homebrew game


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Playable Character Races (Shadowrun book p25-31)


Human Sub Races (Templates that can be added to the human race)

Awakened (Described below)

Mutants (d20 future p202)-2 Cha, roll once on the mutation chart and roll once on drawback chart

Android (d20 future p175)HD d12, no human bonus feat, one free Weapon, Armor, or Equipment grafted into body (subject to GM approval)otherwise as described (add all racial features to human race)

Synthetic (d20 future p176)HD d12, no human bonus feat, one free Equipment grafted into body (subject to GM approval)otherwise as described (add all racial features to human race)

Demons (Described Below)

(Pathfinder Races, found on

Drow (Dark Elf)GoblinTiefling

(d20 Modern Race)

Moreau (d20 Modern: Core p247)

Playable Character Classes (Shadowrun book p32-107)

Berserker (barbarian)Combat MageDeckerInvestigatorLeaderMagician Shaman (cleric)Physical adept SummonerRouge Warrior(Stargate SG1 Classes p154-167)ExplorerPointman

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Any d20 Modern Heroic classes (However, you must take a prestige class by level 3)

Determining Equipment

Equipment is bought by Units, starting characters will have 2,000 units.

Cost conversion for other books:

1001-SciFi-Weaponsmultiply all costs by x10 (also all weapons at GM approval)

D20 Future/Modern Books

Maximum Tech/PL level 7

Purchas DC conversion

DC 1-5 x 1 Unit

DC 6-9 x 10 Units

DC 10-15 x 100 Units

DC 16-19 x 500 Units

DC 20+ x 1000 Units

Equipment in Stargate SG1

Determined on a individual basis, based on similar equipment in other books.

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Demons are alien spirits from another dimension. Demons are forced to seek refuge in human bodies to escape the pull of the abyss or use life force to animate and shape nonliving matter. Demons don’t have the empathy to make them fear, doubt or even sympathize with humans. Demons view humans as prey to be hunted, played with, tortured and sucked dry.

Every demon also has a weakness, such as a need to soak in antifreeze, or suffers pain when a particular word is spoken and so on; nobody knows if this weakness is some aspect of their alien spirit, a flaw in the process that allows them to walk on Earth or something else entirely.

Demons exist to corrupt and destroy humanity, particularly the Awakened, so that this universe will crumble. Only a few demons are in the world, especially compared to the numbers of other supernatrals, so demons are cautious in their activities.

Demon Core Traits

Abilities: A demon gets a +2 bonus to any two ability scores, which you choose and can change each day. If you choose Intelligence, it does not affect your skill points.

Horrific Form: A demon is an alien spirit, and when it takes form in our world the spirit naturally reshapes its host body/materials. Because the demon is from a distant dimension unlike ours, this “natural form” is invariably hideous to behold. Each demon’s natural form is unique, and those humans who know of demons’ existence use these shapes to identify demons. Sample demonic true forms (as described by human witnesses and rare surveillance footage) are “aborted dragon fetus,” “burning skeleton covered in spiders,” “vagina centipede,” “fanged octopus thing,” “pus blob with bleeding eyes all over” and “flayed skin filled with maggots.”

Fear (Su): Any mundane mortal creature (not a supernatural in any way) who clearly seeing a demon’s true form must make a Will save (DC 10 + the demon’s Hit Dice + the demon’s Charisma modifier) or become shaken. If the witness rolls a on her save, she instead is frightened and flees for 1d6 rounds.

Repeat exposure inures a witness to this sight. A character gets a +1 bonus on her saves against this effect for each time she’s seen any demon’s true form.

Demons normally use their shapechanging ability (see below) to take different forms in the presence of other creatures so they don’t cause panic. Panic draws unwanted attention and eventually people with weapons who might actually hurt a demon.

Shapechanging (Su): Demons can change shape, taking on the appearance of any human or humanlike creature (elf, lizard-man, “little green man” alien, typical devil with horns and a tail and so on) of Small or Medium size. The change is only cosmetic; the demon does not get any special powers of the new form and retains its own ability scores. The demon can even imitate a specific person (as a disguise or deception), though the change is not detailed enough to duplicate fine details such as fingerprints, voice scans and retina scans; this sort of disguise gives the demon a +10 bonus on Disguise checks to pretend to be that person. Changing shape is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

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Although shapechanging is easy for a demon, it is taxing. A demon can stay in a form other than its true form for up to one hour, after which the demon reverts to its true form and must remain that way for an hour. Shorter periods of shapechanging require shorter recovery periods (equal to the time spent in another form or 10 minutes, whichever is greater). The demon can change from one human form to another without assuming its true form in between, as long as the total time spent out of its true form is one hour or less.

Darkvision: Demons can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Demonic Powers: Demons have access to certain alien powers called Cants. Every time the demon would gain a feat, they may instead choose a Demonic Cant. (described in separate PDF)

Demon Weaknesses

Every demon has a craving and a bane — something the demon craves in order to remain healthy, or something to avoid as if it were deadly poison. With a craving, the demon must indulge it every day or the demon will grow weaker and takes damage whenever confronted with the bane.

The demon’s craving or bane never changes.

Knowing a demon’s craving is a way to appease the demon; knowing its bane is a way to control the demon. Because demons cannot hide their reactions to banes, mortals who know about demons sometimes use banes to help positively or negatively identify demons they encounter. (“The roses didn’t bother it at all; it can’t be Aborted Dragon Fetus.”)


Cravings are usually common substances the demon must consume or use in large quantities, though some demons crave rarer materials in smaller quantities. Common substances are things readily available for purchase, even in large quantities. Uncommon substances are available only in moderate quantities or from specialized locations. Rare substances are heavily restricted, available only in tiny quantities or available only from a small group of people.

Sample common substances: Alcohol, ham, horse urine, puppies, antifreeze.

Sample uncommon substances: Expensive wine, human blood, pedigree bulldogs, 19th-century books, gold, cocaine.

Sample rare substances: Virgin’s blood, uranium, Mage blood, pandas.

A demon that fails to indulge its craving takes a –1 penalty on attacks, saves and checks for each day that passes since the demon last sated its need. These penalties go away once the demon sates its craving.

A demon needs a new sample of the craving every time it indulges; a demon that needs antifreeze can’t simply keep a bathtub of it in its apartment and soak every day — the demon needs new antifreeze every day.

A demon may indulge its craving regardless of its current physical form. Mr. Antifreeze can soak in antifreeze as a human or in his natural form. The act of serving the need makes the demon immune to the substance’s harmful effects (if any) for that time; a uranium-craving demon doesn’t get radiation burns when feeding his craving, though the demon is as vulnerable to radiation as anyone else at other times.

A craving is always a detriment, though careful management means it can be just an annoyance.


A bane may be a substance, a condition or even a word. Some demons cannot stand the touch of salt, or rum or silver. Some cannot cross water, or bear the light of the full moon or

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see their reflections in mirrors. Some grow nauseous at the sound of the word “yellow,” or weaken at hearing “molecule” or collapse in pain when someone shouts “Belgium.”

Using a bane against a vulnerable demon gives at a penalty on attacks, saves, and checks for 10 minutes. The penalty’s severity depends on the bane:

a common bane imposes a –1 penalty, uncommon –3 and rare –6.

This penalty stacks with itself, but a creature can use a bane to harm a demon only once per minute. The bane has a visible effect on the demon (though in human guise the demon may blame its reaction on bad food or something similar).


Demons require an alien kind of energy called Anima to use some of their special abilities. Their home dimension is rich in this energy, but Earth is a wasteland; humans are the only reliable source. Demons store this Anima within their life force or soul, which they call their “Matrix.”

Anima cannot be captured with mundane devices (such as batteries) and can’t be channeled into physical objects (such as a house’s electrical wiring) except under specific circumstances.

Spending Anima, for whatever purpose, does not take an action. Certain Cants take a standard action to activate and require the demon to spend Anima, but the expenditure of Anima takes no time in itself and the demon can do it even on someone else’s turn.

Maximum Anima: A demon can store Anima equal to 10 plus its Constitution modifier; if the demon gains Anima in excess of this number, the extra Anima is wasted.

Starting Anima: Demons start 1 + Con in Anima (new demons are drained by the process of breaking into this world).

Anima per Round: Demons can spend one Anima per round, no matter what effect(s) they want to achieve. A demon can take the Demonic Will Cant to improve this rate.

Demons can use Anima for several effects.

Activate Cants

Some Cants require Anima; others do not. See each Cant’s description to see if the Cant requires Anima, and how much.

Heal Wounds

A demon can use Anima to heal itself. A demon can spend one Anima to heal 10 hit points or two ability damage from a single ability. A demon can spend two Anima to heal one point of ability drain. A demon can heal itself in this way while unconscious.

Ignore Craving or Bane

A demon can spend one Anima to override the demon’s craving for one day. This effect keeps the craving penalty from accruing that day but does not give the demon one Anima (as the demon would get if it actually indulged its craving).

A demon can spend one Anima to ignore the penalties from one exposure to the demon’s bane. This effect doesn’t prevent additional penalties if the bane confronts the demon again.

Regaining Anima

A demon can linger over a human corpse that has been dead for no more than 10 minutes, psychically prodding its energy field to see if it has any Anima; after 10 minutes, the demon makes a d20 roll, and if the result is a 20, the demon recovers one Anima from the corpse.

A demon automatically regains one Anima once per day if the demon indulges its craving.

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Demons can give or trade Anima with each other as standard actions; all they have to do is touch each other for a moment and make the exchange. Some demons can steal Anima from dying mortals (see the Murderous Recharge Cant); others learn how to make pacts with mortals to gain Anima in exchange for favors (see the Infernal Pact Cant).

Awakened (Human)

An Awakened Human is a normal person that has had their mind awakened to the worlds beyond. Native Americans are a perfect example of a Awakened. They have a natural affinity to tune into magic and connect with spirits.

Superior Magic: Awakened receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level when determining the power of their spell (for all factors within the spell). In addition, Awakened receive a +4 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.

Feat Restriction: The human bonus feat gained at level 1 must be a Magic or Spirit based feat.

Spirit Powers (Sp): An Awakened with Intelligence or Wisdom of 8 or higher gains Spirit Powers. These abilities are as spells cast by an 8th level sorcerer (Save DC 13 + spell level). The table below lists the abilities available according to the Hit Dice of the Awakened. These abilities are cumulative, a Awakened with 3 HD can use detect thoughts as well as suggestion.

HD Spirit Powers HD Spirit Powers

1-3 Detect Thoughts 3/day

7-9 *Telepathy at will

4-6 Suggestion 3/day 10+ Charm Monster 1/day

*Telepathy (Su): A Awakened can communicate with any creature within 60ft that has a language.

Detect Spirits (Sp): The Awakened spirit guide perceives nearby spirits. At will, the Awakened can use detect spirits as a spell-like ability. It functions just like detect undead, except it detects creatures that are considered spirits.

Spirit Guide: All Awakened have a spirit guide, a personification of the spirit world. In some sense a Awakened and her guide are one being, both knowing and seeing and experiencing the same things. Unlike a familiar, a spirit guide is not a separate entity from a Awakened. She is the only one who can perceive or interact with her guide. It exists only inside her own mind and soul.

The Awakened's spirit guide confers greater awareness of her surroundings, and grants her the Alertness feat. The spirit guide grants additional abilities at 5th and 10th level (see Follow the Guide and Guide Magic, below).

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Spirit Guide Characteristics

Badger Orderliness, tenacity

Bear Strength, endurance

Buffalo Abundance, good fortune

Cougar Balance, leadership

Coyote Humor, trickiness

Crane Balance, majesty

Crow Intelligence, resourcefulness

Eagle Perception, illumination

Elk Pride, power, majesty

Fox Cleverness, discretion

Hawk Awareness, truth

Lizard Elusiveness

Otter Joy, laughter

Owl Wisdom, night

Rabbit Conquering fear, safety

Raccoon Curiosity

Scorpion Defense, self-protection

Snake Power, life force, potency

Spider Interconnectedness, industry

Turtle Love, protection

Vulture Vigilance, death

Wolf Loyalty, interdependence

The exact form of the spirit guide is chosen by the Awakened at 1st level, usually for the qualities it represents, as shown above. The exact form of a spirit guide is purely personal preference, and confers no special advantages or disadvantages.

Follow the Guide (Su): At 5th level and higher, a Awakened's spirit guide helps her maintain control of her mind. If a Awakened is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails her saving throw, she can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. She only gets this one extra chance to succeed on her saving throw.

Guide Magic (Su): Starting at 10th level, as a free action, a Awakened can assign her spirit guide the task of concentrating on a spell or spell-like ability that is maintained through concentration. The Awakened can act normally while her spirit guide concentrates on the spell. A spirit guide can concentrate on only one spell at a time. If necessary to maintain the spell, the spirit guide makes Concentration checks for the Awakened, using the Awakened's normal Concentration modifier. A spirit guide does not have to make Concentration checks for circumstances such as the

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Awakened taking damage. The spirit itself is not present for anyone to interrupt or otherwise interact with.