shaking the tree newsletter

Jabulani Africa Ministries is now a registered non-profit. Donations Receipt to Validate TAX DEDUCTIBILITY of Donation : Issued in terms of section 18A of the Income Tax Act of 1962, as amended. The donation received will be used exclusively for the objects of Jabulani African Ministries in carrying out public benefit JAM Newsletter September 2012 1 Last month, JAM partnered together with Ocean’s of Mercy and Westside Family Church for a month long outreach touring through many different communities in South Africa. The outreach was called “Shaking the Tree,” and it was a program targeted toward teenagers and young adults in the communities where all of our ministries are currently active. The team presented a drama depicting creation, Jesus' ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection, as well as a modern day example of how Jesus can help young people overcome any obstacle or temptations they may be facing. 'Shaking the Tree' was developed as part of JAM, Westisde, and Oceans of Mercy’s joint desire to combat HIV/AIDS and destructive behaviors including premarital sex and drug & alcohol abuse by presenting the gospel and offering every young person who sees the presentation the opportunity to be introduced to Christ or to deepen their relationship with Him. The drama was created by Pastor Schaun Colin, founder of Oceans of Mercy and global impact pastor at Westside Family Church in Lenexa, Kansas. Created to encourage relationships between the team and the audience, the presentation was performed to worship music and included break out sessions where audience members could talk about what they saw and ask for prayer. Each location that we visited is now a part of a 10 week follow up curriculum designed to truly disciple these young people and grow them in their faith and relationship with Jesus. The curriculum digs deeper into specific aspects and topics brought up in the presentation, as well as biblical foundations of faith. We as JAM feel so honored to have been a part of such an amazing, God fearing group of people, and Spirit led outreach. There is no doubt that “Shaking the Tree” was from God himself. Please continue to pray for our leaders across the country who are busy with the follow up curriculum in these communities. Pray that the young people would grab hold of Jesus with everything they have!

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Page 1: Shaking the Tree Newsletter

Jabulani Africa Ministries is now a registered non-profit. Donations Receipt to Validate

TAX DEDUCTIBILITY of Donation :Issued in terms of section 18A of the Income TaxAct of 1962, as amended. The donation receivedwill be used exclusively for the objects of Jabulani

African Ministries in carrying out public benefit

JAM Newsletter September 2012


Last month, JAM partnered together with Ocean’s of Mercy and Westside Family Church for a month long outreach touring through many different communities in South Africa. The outreach was called “Shaking the Tree,” and it was a program targeted toward teenagers and young adults in the communities where all of our ministries are currently active. The team presented a drama depicting creation, Jesus' ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection, as well as a modern day example of how Jesus can help young people overcome any obstacle or temptations they may be facing. 'Shaking the Tree' was developed as part of JAM, Westisde, and Oceans of Mercy’s joint desire to combat

HIV/AIDS and destructive behaviors including premarital sex and drug & alcohol abuse by presenting the gospel and offering every young person who sees the presentation the opportunity to be introduced to Christ or to deepen their relationship with Him. The drama was created by Pastor Schaun Colin, founder of Oceans of Mercy and global impact pastor at Westside Family Church in Lenexa, Kansas. Created to encourage relationships between the team and the audience, the presentation was performed to worship music and included break out sessions where audience members could talk about what they saw and ask for prayer. Each location that we visited is

now a part of a 10 week follow up curriculum designed to truly disciple these young people and grow them in their faith and relationship with Jesus. The curriculum digs deeper into specific aspects and topics brought up in the presentation, as well as biblical foundations of faith. We as JAM feel so honored to have been a part of such an amazing, God fearing group of people, and Spirit led outreach. There is no doubt that “Shaking the Tree” was from God himself. Please continue to pray for our leaders across the country who are busy with the follow up curriculum in these communities. Pray that the young people would grab hold of Jesus with everything they have!

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“Shaking the Tree” testimoniesOur Shake the Tree team has truly experienced unity and cooperation; as it says in 1 John 3:18 “Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.” Along with being a blessing it is a testament to the prayers poured out by each and every team member on this outreach.After a brief stop in Blou Krans, where 10 members of our team jumped off the world’s highest bungee, our next stop was Port Elizabeth. After sharing our drama with the school in the township Motherwell the girls in the school showed us some traditional dancing. We then had the opportunity to visit a brand new community center opened by women in Motherwell, as well as

one of Ocean of Mercy’s orphan homes Door of Hope. It was exciting to see the ongoing ministries in this area.Sunday we attended church in Seaview, a squatter’s camp, where we presented part of our drama and JAM’s Thinus van der Merwe was invited to give a message. The team had an amazing time playing with the kids in the community, and went away greatly encouraged by the congregation and the entire community.We then went to nearby Port Alfred where we shared our presentation of the gospel message at Alex High School. The students from the new Ocean of Mercy mission school Jehovah Shalom were also in attendance. After our presentation a team

member shared a powerful testimony, and despite obvious hesitation among the high school students to be the first person to ask for prayer one girl in the back row stood up; within seconds half the auditorium was on their feet. It was the overwhelming response of a school that wanted to know Jesus. We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to show the students the story of Christ’s life and resurrection, and to pray with them over personal struggles in their own lives as well as the chance they have to be new in Christ.

At Babangu High School during the call for prayer I felt like there was someone I was supposed to pray with; there was a pull on my heart. After the presentation I was praying over the crowd and asking God to show me who He wanted me to pray for, but the students dispersed before I received an answer. Rather than approach students I waited, and a

girl approached me and asked if I knew anything about dreams. I told her I didn’t, but I would love to hear what she was concerned about. After telling me about a disturbing recurring dream she was having this young girl broke down into tears. We prayed for a release from the dreams and the protection of the Holy Spirit over her life as well as for her family life, which was a struggle between an absent mother and a volatile and alcoholic father. I also made sure she connected with the leaders of the follow up studies when she expressed interest in attending. Through this outreach I have had the opportunity to pray with many young girls from abusive homes, and the truth of Romans 8:28

which states “God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” has been spoken into my life. The difficulties I experienced growing up have allowed me to be authentic in my prayers for so many young women, and I feel privileged that these girls shared their lives with me and allowed me to offer these prayers.

-Amanda Blair (JAM intern)

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At Zwenie, one of the first things that stands out are the breathtaking views from the school. There are literally 360° views as the school is on a hilltop. The students were younger as it was a primary school. This adds an interesting dynamic to the presentation of the drama. It feels as if the younger kids have fewer walls up compared to the teens. I just love looking into the faces of the kids as I act out Adam in the Garden

of Eden. I can’t help but wonder what is going through their minds as they are watching God’s story unfold. One of the prayers that I found myself praying over and over again is that the kids would be able to understand that they are the lead co-actors in this epic story and that this loving Father God did all those things, including dying on a cross, so that they can have a relationship with Him. Soon after I finish the prayer for the kids I am made

aware of how often I take God’s awesome redemptive act for granted. The cherry on the top was watching the elder men, who were part of the community, watch the drama. This was so encouraging to see the older generation take interest in the younger generation. This gave me a renewed hope for the surrounding communities of Bambisana. -Jonathan Baston

There are many more amazing testimonies from our Shaking the Tree outreach... read more on our team blog

The show at Prince Albert High School was quite the adventure for me. I arrived thinking it would be just another show in front of a big group of kids. But it was far from that. While we were setting up sound, Git called me over to talk to him. He asked if I would give my testimony to the kids since I am the same age as them and could easily relate to them. I was very nervous when Git told me this because I had never given my testimony before. But I knew God had it on my heart to step out of my comfort zone and bring the kids closer to Christ. So I agreed to do it and went backstage to think about

what I was going to say. Before I knew it the show had begun and I was on stage playing my part in the play. Suddenly we ran into a speed bump. The order of events in the drama got mixed up, and I was just sitting on stage wondering what to do. Luckily, everyone stayed in character and we got back on track to finish the play. After the play I was called out to give my testimony. So I took a deep breath and walked out on stage. Despite the nerves on the inside it went very smooth and it seemed to really impact the kids. After the second drama and worship, I was given the opportunity to pray over a young

man in the school. So a day that was filled with nerves and new adventures turned out to be very rewarding and one of the most memorable performances yet. -Jason ‘beautiful day‘ Biesma

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As a ministry, JAM’s purpose is to train and

disciple young Africans in becoming Godly

servant leaders who can impact their communities

for Christ.

My name is Jaco Swanepoel, and in 2009 I joined JAM. Word's cannot describe what I learned in my JAM year, but I will put some of it in a few words for you. It was a wonderful year for me, I didn't know what missions was, or how you must engage with different cultures. On my JAM year God started to do a lot of things through me. He really broke my heart so much for the things that break His heart. You know that is a big thing to pray for; for God to break your heart for the things that breaks His

heart. It can be easy to sing it in the worship in the morning at JAM, but are we really willing to pay the price in the evening on an outreach to Sir Lowry’s or on the streets in Bellville doing street ministry? One of the biggest things God taught me on JAM was that God's heart is between the street people, broken people, people that are alone. It's as if He keeps that part of His heart there and we must just go there and find it!Also the thing that I learned a lot is that you must surrender your

life to God. Let go and Let God be your everything, everywhere. Unity between people in my JAM year was also a very important part in my life that I still talk a lot about, because where there is unity between people that is where God commands blessing over people's life. I also learned a lot about loving different type of people in my JAM year and for sure I learned how to love unconditionally with and for people, and that was and is amazing.

A previous JAMmer’s testimony about their JAM year experience...

Apply Now for JAM year 2013! Visit our

website for more information about what this

service year is all about and to download an

application. Contact Tessa (071.891.8942) or

Dereck (084.265.3671) with any inquiries.