shale gas supply chain business 2 business forum venango technology center june 28, 2011

Shale Gas Supply Chain Business 2 Business Forum Venango Technology Center June 28, 2011

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Shale Gas

Supply Chain

Business 2 Business Forum

Venango Technology Center

June 28, 2011

Outline• Basics• Marketing• Teaming• Supply Chain Draft• Export• Preparedness

SGSC Similar To• Government Contracting

– Maze– Who are the POC– What are SGB looking for– What are their requirements– How do I get them to recognize me

SG Phases• Drilling & Well Placements

• Pipelines/Process Facility

• Maintenance of Lines & Wells

Basics• Start small and work your way up• Invest Time• Invest Money• Be Persistent• Market Research• Relationships• Get use to “NO”

“The line between failure and success is so fine that we are often on the line and do not know it.”

Elbert Hubbard

American Writer & Business Person


Marketing• How?

– Government Marketing Concept

SWOC Analysis• Strengths

– Commercial client track record– Reputation– Financing– Logistics– Project Management– Geography– Teaming

SWOC Analysis• Opportunities

– New Companies – Looking Local– Urgent - environmental/disaster– Negative media– Local & State Agenda

SWOC Analysis• Capability means you can do it.• Competency is capability + past

performance• Core Competencies

– Do NOT be a Jack of All Trades

Competency Statement• Show Logo• Contact Info• Core Competencies• Past Performance• Differentiators from Competitors• Company Data

Pre-Marketing• Basic Research on Primes

– Websites– Teams focus on Agencies (Regulations)– Comfortable with existing supply chain

Marketing• Value Proposition

• Competency Statement

Marketing• Limited Resources

– People– Time– $$$

• Trust Your Gut

Marketing• White Paper

– Expert– Don’t Pitch– Case Studies– Target Audience– Free access– Help Create Customer list

Marketing• E-Mail

– Practice Anti-Spam Techniques– Short Sound Bites– High Value Content– White Paper Delivery

Marketing• Website

– Most recent project/deal on front page– Two languages– Competency Statement PDF– Easy Navigation– Bullet Format– Past Performance/History

Marketing• Relationship

– LISTEN– Business 2 Business/Matchmaking– Personal Thank You cards

Marketing• Social Media

– LinkedIn Connections– Twitter Contact– Facebook Community

– Can ask which ones they use or visit

Teaming• Subcontractor• Joint Venture/Partnership• Mentor Protégé

Teaming Failures• Cultural differences (business/personal)• Unclear leadership• Clash of management styles• Imbalance of expertise or investment• Unclear distribution of work• Payments

Joint Venture/Partnership• Help get contracts quicker• Bonding• Same Philosophies• In Writing • Relationship Breaks Apart?

Joint Venture/Partnership• Price• Financial Strength• Personnel Experience• Low Turnover• Location• Responsive

Mentor/Protégé• Check with SGB• Follow same format as JV/Partnership

SG Supply Chain Draft

• Challenges• Central Contractor Registration (CCR)• Dynamic Small Business Search

(DSBS)• Prime Point of Contacts


• How to connect to Primes & vice-versa (Matchmaking)

• Mobile operations• 24/7 operations• Lack of local supply chain• Insurance• Safety/Drug Testing• Proper training of suppliers

Supply Chain Challenges

• One-stop shop – Suppliers & Primes• Need EIN # and D&B #• Free Service• Help in doing Credit Check• Support Services – PTACs• Nationwide System

• County, Region, Zip Code• Key Words• NAICS• Diversity• Joint Ventures/Partners• Detail Information

– Bonding/Insurance– Past Projects


• One Stop Shop – Primes

• Time Saver

• Matchmaking Events

Prime POCs



Export• World is Flat• Great Opportunity• Culture the Critical Piece

• A Plus for Prime Contractors• International Purchase of


Preparedness• Disaster

– Natural• Flood• Hurricane• Tornado• Earthquake

– Cyber/Security– Power

Preparedness• Business Resumption Plan

– 80-20 Rule– Workforce– Vital Documents– Equipment Needs– Relocate– Lack of Insurance/Slow Pay– Reviewed Annually at least


•Customer Loyalty NOT Customer Satisfaction!



• Carl Knoblock• 412.395.6560 x106

[email protected]