shambhu dayal global school class third masti ki pathshala(2020-21) · 2020-06-09 · (page no)...

SHAMBHU DAYAL GLOBAL SCHOOL CLASS – Third Masti ki pathshala (2020-21) From 9th June to 4th July

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  • SHAMBHU DAYAL GLOBAL SCHOOLCLASS – ThirdMasti kipathshala(2020-21)From 9th June to 4th July

  • INSTRUCTIONS:-Holiday homework is compulsory for all the students.

  • Some useful tips for summer vacationSome do’s and don’ts during summervacation:

    Do’s• Eat a nutritious diet with plenty of water. Include citrus fruits like orange,

    lemon grapes and vegetables which are rich in vitamin C, vitamin D (cheese,

    egg yolks) and zinc - containing foods (legumes, lentils, beans and nuts).

    • Wear light cotton clothes.

    • Wash your hands frequently, always with soap and water for at least 20

    seconds or frequently use alcohol-based hand rub.

    • Protect yourself and others.

    • Be a leader in keeping yourself, your school, your family and your


    • Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow and avoid touching your nose,

    face,eyes and mouth.

    • Share what you have learnt about preventing diseases with your family and

    friends, especially with younger children.

    Don’ts:• Don’t have close contact with sick person.

    • Don’t share cups, eating utensils, food or drink with others.

    • Don’t participate in large gatherings.

    • Don’t waste time being lazy.

    • Don’t dirty your place of living.

    • Don’t have junk food.

    • Don’t watch too much T.V.


    Complete these pages in your Reader book-(Page No) 15,17,18,19,28,29,30,31

    Complete these pages in your grammar book-(Page No) 1,2,3

    Activities-Make a dictionary of your own in a scrapbook.1.Make a list of 20 things you see in your home.2.Arrange the words in alphabetical order. 3.Write the meanings of these words.4.You can also add some pictures as its your own dictionary.

  • Some useful tips for summer vacationSome do’s and don’ts during summervacation:

    Do’s• Eat a nutritious diet with plenty of water. Include citrus fruits like orange,

    lemon grapes and vegetables which are rich in vitamin C, vitamin D (cheese,

    egg yolks) and zinc - containing foods (legumes, lentils, beans and nuts).

    • Wear light cotton clothes.

    • Wash your hands frequently, always with soap and water for at least 20

    seconds or frequently use alcohol-based hand rub.

    • Protect yourself and others.

    • Be a leader in keeping yourself, your school, your family and your


    • Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow and avoid touching your nose,

    face,eyes and mouth.

    • Share what you have learnt about preventing diseases with your family and

    friends, especially with younger children.

    Don’ts:• Don’t have close contact with sick person.

    • Don’t share cups, eating utensils, food or drink with others.

    • Don’t participate in large gatherings.

    • Don’t waste time being lazy.

    • Don’t dirty your place of living.

    • Don’t have junk food.

    • Don’t watch too much T.V.

    5. Make it more beautiful.a) Imagine yourself in a unknown place and lost. What will help you get back to your home safely? b) Following is some information about yourself that you should know. ▪Name,▪Date of birth ,▪Father's name,▪Mother's name,▪House address ,▪Phone number .▪This is information will help you in case you get lost in crowd or get separated from your parents /teachers. This will also help you reach back home if you find yourself in a place that you do not know. Make an ID badge along with your photograph.

  • Some useful tips for summer vacationSome do’s and don’ts during summervacation:

    Do’s• Eat a nutritious diet with plenty of water. Include citrus fruits like orange,

    lemon grapes and vegetables which are rich in vitamin C, vitamin D (cheese,

    egg yolks) and zinc - containing foods (legumes, lentils, beans and nuts).

    • Wear light cotton clothes.

    • Wash your hands frequently, always with soap and water for at least 20

    seconds or frequently use alcohol-based hand rub.

    • Protect yourself and others.

    • Be a leader in keeping yourself, your school, your family and your


    • Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow and avoid touching your nose,

    face,eyes and mouth.

    • Share what you have learnt about preventing diseases with your family and

    friends, especially with younger children.

    Don’ts:• Don’t have close contact with sick person.

    • Don’t share cups, eating utensils, food or drink with others.

    • Don’t participate in large gatherings.

    • Don’t waste time being lazy.

    • Don’t dirty your place of living.

    • Don’t have junk food.

    • Don’t watch too much T.V.

    c) Read the oxford story book which you get in your syllabus and give review about that story on A4 size sheet.

    ❑Tales of Mystery and The call of the WildImagination

  • Subject : Hindi

    लिखित कार्य (व्र्ाकरण) आओ अभ्र्ास कार्य - ककताब कार्य पूरा कररए |(पषृ्ठ संख्र्ा)8,9,13,14,17,18

    हिन्दी भाषा माधुरी - ककताब कार्य पूरा कररए |(पषृ्ठ संख्र्ा)6,7,8,9,13,14,15,21,22,23,24

    गततविधध कार्य –(1) सब जानते िै की िम covid-19 से िड़ रिे िैं तो इस जगं

    से बचने के लिए घर पर अधधक प्रर्ोग में आने िािे Hand Wash को विध्र्ार्थी अध्र्ावपका की सिार्तासे साबुन द्िारा बनाना सीिेंगे और उसका videoबना कर भेजेंगे |

    (2)विद्र्ार्थी िॉकडाउन में लमिे अपने अनुभि पर तर्था अपनी िाइफ में आए पररितयन पर एक कविता बना कर videoकेमाध्र्म से प्रस्तुत करेंगे |


    Activities :

    1. Prepare a tic-tac-toe game in which all horizontal rows add up to 9.

    2.Prepare a candle using your tangram pieces

  • 3. Measure heights of all your family members and then arrange them in ascending order.


    INSTRUCTIONS:-Holiday homework is compulsory for all the students.Do the written part of holiday homework in your Environmental Studies notebook.

    Q.1 Perform the Surya Namaskar everyday to increase your immunity against diseases and write four health benefits of Surya Namaskar which you observed in your body.

    Instructions for Sun Salutation:1. Namaskar (Salute) : Start in a standing position, facing the sun. Both your feet should touch each other, palms joined together, in prayer pose.

  • 2. Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) : With a deep inhalation, raise both arms above your head and tilt slightly backward arching your back.

    3. Padangusthasana (Hand to Foot Pose) :With a deep exhalation, bend forward and touch the mat, both palms in line with your feet, forehead touching your knees.

    4. Surya Darshan (Sun Sight Pose) :With a deep inhalation, take your right leg away from your body, in a big backward step. Both your hands should be firmly planted on your mat, your left foot between your hands, head tilted towards the ceiling.

  • 5. Purvottanasana (Inclined Plane) : With a deep inhalation, take your right leg away from your body, in a big backward step. Both your hands should be firmly planted on your mat, your left foot between your hands, head tilted towards the ceiling.

    6. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose):With a deep exhalation, shove your hips and butt up towards the ceiling, forming an upward arch. Your arms should be straight and aligned with your head.

    7. Sashtang Dandawat (Forehead, Chest, Knee to Floor Pose) :With a deep exhalation, lower your body down till your, forehead, chest, knees, hands and feet are touching the mat, your butt tilted up. Take a normal breath in this pose.

  • 8. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): With a deep inhalation, slowly snake forward till your head is up, your back arched concave, as much as possible.

    9. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose):Exhaling deeply, again push your butt and hips up towards the ceiling as in position 6, arms aligned straight with your head.

    10. Surya Darshan (Sun Sight Pose):Inhaling deeply, bring your right foot in towards your body, in a big forward step. Both your hands should planted firmly on your mat, right foot between your hands, head tilted towards the ceiling.

  • 11. Padangusthasana (Hand to Foot Pose) :Exhaling deeply, rise up and touch the mat, keeping both your palms in line with your feet, forehead touching your knees.

    12. Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) :Inhaling deeply, raise both your arms above your head and tilt slightly backward.

    13. Namaskar (Salute) :Return to stand facing the sun, both feet touching, palms joined together, in prayer pose.

  • Q.2 Plastic is useful for many things. But a lot of plastic items are designed to be used only once, and then thrown away. This causes big problem for our Mother Earth. Try a fun way to reuse a plastic bottle and turn them into hanging Planter or a creative planter.

    Q.3 Look for the plant products inside your home. Make a list of all the things that have been made from plants.

    Q.4 “Stay healthy stay safe and fight outbreak” Make a list of indoor activities which you have done during Covid-19 while staying at home.

  • Q.5 Make a ‘bird bath’ in this summer vacation. Take a flat container and place it on the balcony slab, roof or outside your home. Put some fresh water in it everyday for the birds. Write your experience as how you felt looking at the birds quenching their thirst also click photos of the same.

    Q.6 Fill the exercise given in the following page number in your EVMS book.•Page No. – 5, fill up•Page No. – 7, A(fill up)•Page No. – 8, C(word grid)•Page No. – 11, (fill up)•Page No. – 16, (A & B)•Page No. – 17, (D & E)•Page No. – 25, (A & B)•Page No. – 26, (D)•Page No. – 29, (fill up)•Page No. – 33, (A)•Page No. – 34, (C)

  • Subject : Artificial Intelligence

    ACTIVITY 1 : Make 10 and more different words of 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ... letters, from the word "ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE".

    For example : CAT, FACE , LEGAL ... so on.ACTIVITY 2 : Cut different shapes from color paper and make any one character of your choice from the shapes. for example you can refer the below image.

  • Subject : Computer Science

    Q1. Every family plans for family trip during summer vacations. So now you have to write all the steps you follow while helping your mother in packing luggage for trip. (There should not be more than five steps).

    Q2.If you draw the computer and colour it in your note-book then how you draw the computer in sequential order and colour it then?(draw these steps in order in note-book and colour it).

    Q3. Make a card on drawing paper in which you have to draw something related to FATHER’S DAY in a MS-Paint. Write few Lines how you wish your father?



    Do the written part of holiday

    homework in your GK notebook.

    Q.1 Play these indoor games with your family members & complete the table.




    Game Name of Player Winner

  • Q.2 Make a poster on stop pollution.

    Q.3 Fill the following exercise in your General knowledge book.Page No. - 7Page No. - 9 Page No. - 10Page No. - 15Page No. - 17Page No. – 19

    Q.4 Play the energy saver game (page no.- 12) with your family members & complete the following table.

    Name of players Winner

  • Subject : Art

    Dear students, make your first name latter According to image with easy steps.Materials required: Wool, scissor, fevicol, cardboard, ribbon, decorative materials.

  • Happy Holidays.

    Thank You.