shaping sheep


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Post on 23-Mar-2016




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Sharing Gods blessing with the skimboarding


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As part of Inca Link’s vision states (, God’s desire for us is to reach Latin American youth, particularly in Peru. We are thankful for God’s blessing as we continue to disciple children and adolescents, sharing the love of Christ through adventure. The Lord has opened a new door for us to share what He taught us during the SKIMBOARD ministry in Trujillo (the coastal city where we are currently ministering) with youth in the Peruvian jungle.

In October 2013, we will visit a jungle town called Chazuta to be a channel of blessing to more youth through a program of team building activities, devotional time, practicing skim-boarding, and donating ten skim-boards, hand-made by our young disciples from Trujillo.

Thanks to this opportunity to grow, we will begin “SHAPING SHEEP” as our small workshop to make skim-boards, stren-gthening the discipleship program and blessing more youth with an experience in the love of Christ.

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As part of Inca Link’s vision states (, God’s desire for us is to reach Latin American youth, particularly in Peru. We are thankful for God’s blessing as we continue to disciple children and adolescents, sharing the love of Christ through adventure. The Lord has opened a new door for us to share what He taught us during the SKIMBOARD ministry in Trujillo (the coastal city where we are currently ministering) with youth in the Peruvian jungle.

In October 2013, we will visit a jungle town called Chazuta to be a channel of blessing to more youth through a program of team building activities, devotional time, practicing skim-boarding, and donating ten skim-boards, hand-made by our young disciples from Trujillo.

Thanks to this opportunity to grow, we will begin “SHAPING SHEEP” as our small workshop to make skim-boards, stren-gthening the discipleship program and blessing more youth with an experience in the love of Christ.

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shaping the

The first week of October we will be visiting the peruvian jungle to share a new experience with the skimboarding. Thanks God, we will share devotionals, moments of reflection and experience a little more of this sport. We are proud that our boys are preparing handmade skimboards to donate them and pray for our friends in the jungle that God can continue making disciples there.

We invite you to participate with us in this new adventure for our ministry, praying for us and sharing it with more people. Soon we will be showing pictures of this new experience for our ministry, we invite you to visit us on facbook: "Inca thakhi" or our website:

Shapin Sheep is our first workshop to teach kids and adolescents to prepare their own tools for discipleship with adventure sports trough the process of making boards and organized devo-tionals sequences. We are starting with the skimboards and we continue praying God let us continue this with more sports.

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shaping the

The first week of October we will be visiting the peruvian jungle to share a new experience with the skimboarding. Thanks God, we will share devotionals, moments of reflection and experience a little more of this sport. We are proud that our boys are preparing handmade skimboards to donate them and pray for our friends in the jungle that God can continue making disciples there.

We invite you to participate with us in this new adventure for our ministry, praying for us and sharing it with more people. Soon we will be showing pictures of this new experience for our ministry, we invite you to visit us on facbook: "Inca thakhi" or our website:

Shapin Sheep is our first workshop to teach kids and adolescents to prepare their own tools for discipleship with adventure sports trough the process of making boards and organized devo-tionals sequences. We are starting with the skimboards and we continue praying God let us continue this with more sports.

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you canHOW


1 Praying-God guiding the organization of this trip-The life of the kids and adolescentes who will be reached in the jungle-Wisdom and direction for the team-Support for the ministry

2 SharingSharing about this discipleship in your church, community, school etc.We are thankfull if you let others participatein this experience.Remember to share = to helpwe invite you to cheack us on facebook : Inca Thakhi

4 DonatingFor spends to travel to the jungle:$150

For donations visit: option

5 Giving & CollectingEquipment you are not using for outdoor activities or sport. This could benefit others and give them the chance to enjoy an outdoor discipleship

For more information checkGOD " Gear for Outdoor Discipleship"

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you canHOW


1 Praying-God guiding the organization of this trip-The life of the kids and adolescentes who will be reached in the jungle-Wisdom and direction for the team-Support for the ministry

2 SharingSharing about this discipleship in your church, community, school etc.We are thankfull if you let others participatein this experience.Remember to share = to helpwe invite you to cheack us on facebook : Inca Thakhi

4 DonatingFor spends to travel to the jungle:$150

For donations visit: option

5 Giving & CollectingEquipment you are not using for outdoor activities or sport. This could benefit others and give them the chance to enjoy an outdoor discipleship

For more information checkGOD " Gear for Outdoor Discipleship"

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