sheeji kathuria curriculum vitae


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Curriculum Vitae

Sheeji Kathuria


Masters of Information Science August 2011

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Thesis: “Content Analysis of Social Tags on Intersectionality for Works on Asian Women: An Exploratory Study

of LibraryThing”

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology; Minor Women’s Studies, magna cum laude May 2006

The University of Georgia


Assistant Professor, Social Sciences Librarian, Mississippi State University January 2014-Present

Mitchell Memorial Library, Mississippi State, Mississippi

Provide instruction and consultation services for Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, and Political

Science and Public Administration departments

Develop and maintain subject and course specific research guides

Build collections for Sociology and Psychology departments

Collect and analyze Research Services Department patron data using LibAnalytics

Coordinate and organize campus outreach efforts

Provide in-person and online reference services to Mississippi State University patrons

Reference and Instruction Librarian, University of Alabama, Huntsville March 2012-January 2014

M. Louis Salmon Library, Huntsville, AL

Instruct first-year and upper-level information literacy courses in various departments

Design subject and course-specific online research guides

Develop unique outreach events to specific user groups

Arrange and coordinate library outreach efforts in university-wide and local community events

Manage and maintain library’s social media presence (Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

Provide online reference services through online chat (LibChat) and knowledge base (LibAnswers)

Develop and manage collections for English, Communication Arts, and General Reference

Coordinate reference desk schedule

Reference Librarian, Georgia Perimeter College November 2011-March 2012

Alpharetta, GA

Conduct reference in-person, on the phone, and online (LibraryH3lp)

Provide circulation services using automated system Voyager

Contribute to collection development selections

Process incoming books and periodicals

Write for library blog

Library Volunteer, Mills Springs Academy September 2011- March 2012

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Alpharetta, GA

Conduct collection development on Young Adult fiction

Provide circulation and reference services to students

Design book displays around seasonal holidays

Practicum Student, Hodges Library Research Services Department May-August 2010

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

Researched and designed Women’s Studies LibGuide

Assisted in instruction and orientation for summer program students

Developed and implemented outreach programs for local youth groups in East Tennessee

Designed “Life of the Mind 2010” webpage using HTML and Dreamweaver

Conducted weeding of Women’s Studies Collection, comparing collection with JSTOR and Worldcat


Member, American Library Association (ALA), 2011-Present

Member, Mississippi Library Association (MLA), 2014-Present

Member, Southeastern Library Association (SELA), 2014-Present

Membership Committee for Asian Pacific American Librarians Association, 2012-Present


Member, Alabama Library Association (ALLA), 2012-2013

Membership Committee for Alabama Association of College and Research Libraries, 2012-2013

Chair of Hospitality Committee, International Festival of North Alabama, 2012-2013

SXSW Interactive Festival Liaison, Austin, TX 2011


Graduate Assistant on Newcomer Participation in Cyberlearning Environments 2010-2011

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

National Science Foundation (NSF) Funded project

Developed annotated bibliographies on open source software (OSS) user communities

Collected user postings of open source software communities such as Mozilla Firefox, Koha, and Java

Coded and analyzed data using grounded theory analysis

Wrote data collection and methodology narratives for conference and journal submissions

Graduate Assistant on Southern Appalachian Information Node (SAIN) 2010

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

United States Geological Survey (USGS) Funded project

Developed annotated bibliographies on use cases, user scenarios, and user personas

Designed twenty five specific user personas and scenarios for usability of SAIN database

Recommended formal usability changes for SAIN site based on user personas and scenarios

Presented the user personas and scenarios to research team at quarterly meeting (September 2010)

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Graduate Teaching Assistant to Dr. Carol Tenopir 2009-2010

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

Managed and distributed secure passwords to department faculty, staff, and graduate students for Factiva,

Dialog, LexisNexis, Westlaw

Created PowerPoint presentations for international and domestic information and library conferences for

NASIG, VALA, and ICAL among others

Copyedited scholarly publications and legal resources such as faculty bylaws

Provided Dialog reference services to graduate students

Researched, compiled trends, and acknowledged in 2010 Database Marketplace article in Library Journal

Undergraduate Sociology Research Assistant 2005-2006

The University of Georgia, Athens, GA

Produced graphs in Microsoft Excel after acquiring data from STATA

Collected and reviewed resources on race and gender wage gaps for literature review

Third author on final journal paper


Hamblen Richardson, Hillary and Sheeji Kathuria 2014. “Created Equal: Continuing the Civil Rights

Conversation at Mississippi State University” Mississippi Libraries (forthcoming).

Singh V, Kathuria S, Johri A. Newcomer integration and learning in technical support communities for

Open Source Software. ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work Annual Conference.


Renzulli, Linda A., Linda Grant and Sheetija Kathuria. 2006. “Race, Gender, and the Wage Gap:

Comparing Faculty Salaries in Predominately White and Historically Black Colleges and Universities”

Gender & Society. 20:491-510.


Mississippi Library Association in Vicksburg, MS (Forthcoming October 2014)

o Panel titled “Created Equal: Civil Rights Outreach @ Mississippi Academic Libraries”

Tennessee Library Association Annual Conference in Murfreesboro, Tennessee (March 2011)

o Presented “A Content Analysis of Social Tags: A Case Study on Intersectionality”

Southern Sociological Society Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana (March 2006)

o Presented Published Paper “Race, Gender, and the Wage Gap: Comparing Faculty Salaries in

Predominately White and Historically Black Colleges and Universities”


Mississippi State University Libraries eResource & Emerging Technologies Summit (July 2013)

o Presented Poster “New Technology Assessment and Adoption”

Joint Conference of Librarians of Color (JCLC) in Kansas City, Missouri (September 2012)

o Accepted Poster “Content Analysis of Social Tags on Intersectionality for Works on Asian

Women: An Exploratory Study of LibraryThing”


Graduate Assistantship, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (2009-2011)

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Diversity Scholar, Association of Research Libraries (2009-2011)

Scripps Minority Scholarship, Scripps Network (2010)

Phyllis Jenkins Barrow Scholarship, University of Georgia (2006)


Huntsville Community Free Clinic (May 2013-December 2013)

Mississippi State University LGBTQ Awareness Safe Zone Ally - Completed training February 10, 2014


Course Management System – Blackboard, Angel

Integrated Library System – Voyager, SirsiDynix

Microsoft Office Software – Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher

Screencast and Podcast Production Software – Audacity, iTunes, Jing, Camtasia, Panopto

Web – Drupal, HTML, Dreamweaver, Springshare, WordPress, Prezi


Imports Resource Proofer 2008-2009

burton+Burton, Athens, GA

Indexed search terminologies for company database and website

Reviewed back-end of company database for improving information retrieval on user side

Reviewed company print catalog and website for pricing and accurate representation

Calculated shipping costs on incoming products from China using freight, duty, and inspection fees

Organized shipments into 40 Ft. containers coming from China, Indonesia and India

GIS Technician 2006-2007

Plum Creek Timber Company, Inc., Athens, GA

Digitized land sale legal deeds (i.e. warranty deeds, covenant deeds, easements, etc.)

Developed metadata schema for company repository, Central Title System (CTS)

Manipulated timberland spatial data using ArcInfo and ArcGIS

Initiated organization system for preservation of print legal deeds once digitized and electronically


Customer Service Associate 2006

Goshen Trading, Inc., Atlanta, GA

Corresponded with customers regarding shipment notifications, claims, and general furniture inquiries

Produced sales contracts and commercial invoices for various international furniture retail stores

Managed account receivables and account payables

Created weekly reports to update President on status of weekly shipments, warehouse inventory, and


Trained and supervised summer student interns