sheikh abdullah-a biography

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The story of Sheikh Abdullah's life is a love story. It is the story of a man who loved Kashmir and "whose entire life” in the words of Shamim Ahmed Shamim , one of Kashmir’s most perspicacious journalists "was an expression of this love". It is a story of his trial and tribulations, his successes and failures, of storms that he weathered and halcyon days. Above all, it is a story that deserves to be read and reread for its sheer human interest by all who have a place in their heart for the blighted paradise that is Kashmir.”It is also a story of trust and betrayal. How his trusted companions Bakshi Ghulam Mohammed and G.M Sadiq betrayed him at a crucial juncture when the Constituent Assembly of the State was about to frame a constitution for its citizens. They sold his dreams to the controlling power for petty personal gains; the proverbial forty pieces of silver, and crucified him at the altar of their personal greed and ambitions for eleven long years.It is also a story of bitter rivalry. In" Atish e Chinar" Sheikh Abdullah says, "I sometimes think that in his subconscious mind Nehru considered Kashmir as a beautiful woman and considered me his biggest rival. Getting a rival out of his way could have been the psychological reason for his lifelong actions against me".Finally, it is also a story of reconciliation as according to Sheikh Abdullah in his last years Nehru bitterly regretted his actions. After Sheikh Abdullah’s release in 1964, he expressed his sincere sorrow and regret to the Sheikh, and very sincerely asked for his help in solving the complex problem. "Unfortunately" observes Sheikh Abdullah "history is merciless and death snatched from him the chance to make amends for what he had done."



    The Crucial Petriod 1905-1939


    BY M.Y.TAING and other historical documents and reference works))

  • First Published By


    1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Copyright 2009 Syed Taffazull Hussain. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

    transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by Wordclay U.S.A on 7/23/2009.

    ISBN: 978-1-6048-1603-7 Cover: Artists impression of Sheikh Abdullahs Funeral Procession .Painting by Aslam. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

    Publishing History:

    1. First published by Wordclay on 7/23/2009.

    2. Updated and Revised December2013

    P.D.F of this edition can be downloaded from


    The Crucial Petriod1905-1939


    BY M.Y.TAING and other historical documents and reference works)



  • Syed Taffazul Hussain 2009

    All rights reserved This book is, dedicated to the youth of Kashmir who will not rest until they realize the dream envisaged in the Naya Kashmir Manifesto to make Kashmir a Nation where individual freedom and collective responsibility conjoin to bring about a flowering of human potentiality ; A Switzerland of Asia where diverse creeds and cultures intermingle and where borders become irrelevant. A Nation worthy of respect of the comity of Nations that historians tell us it once was in the distant past.

  • Look...If you try to find me only in books and files of documents you

    will lose your way...My life has been tempestuous like the ocean...No

    one man can grasp it in its entirety...take my advice...limit the scope

    of your enquiry. ] Sheikh Abdullahs advice to his biographer M.Y.Taing

    who wanted to write his biography which was published after his death

    under the title Atish e Chinar

    Was Sheikh Abdullah a successful politician? There can be more than

    one opinion about it. Was Sheikh Abdullah a good man? This is a

    moot question. One thing beyond dispute is his patriotism. He loved

    Kashmir to distraction. He could sacrifice the worlds kingdoms for

    the sake of Kashmir. His entire life has been an expression of this

    love. It is for the sake of this unfathomable love for Kashmir that

    Kashmiris turn a blind eye to his faults and see only his virtues. -

    Shamim Ahmed Shamim. Kashmiri Politician and Journalist

    We look like a geography but

    just scratch us

    and we bleed history..

    Are we real or

    did someone invent

    us -Miriam Waddington in CANADIANS

  • 1


    PREFACE ......................................................................................................... 4

    PREFACE TO THE UPDATED EDITION ........................................................... 8

    2THE GATHERING STORM ......................................................................... 13


    4BACKGROUND: DEMANDS IN THE MEMORANDUM ............................... 25

    4THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE .................................................................. 29

    4PROMETHEUS UNBOUND ........................................................................ 39

    5THE CONFRONTATION ............................................................................. 47

    6AN HONORABLE AGREEMENT ................................................................. 56

    7A MACHIAVELLIAN PLOT .......................................................................... 61

    8 REVOLT AND REPRESSION .................................................................... 67

    9A MEMORANDUM ...................................................................................... 72

    10THE GLANCY COMMISSION.................................................................... 80

    11BACK IN JAIL ........................................................................................... 87

    12THE ROTI AGITATION.............................................................................. 96

    13 DAWN OF A NEW AGE ......................................................................... 101

    14A DIVIDED HOUSE ................................................................................. 107


    15 PRAJA SABHA: KASHMIRS FIRST LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY ............................................................................ 121

    16INFLUENCES ......................................................................................... 126

    17 CHANGING PERSPECTIVES ................................................................ 140

    18A CLASH OF IDEAS ............................................................................... 158

    BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 148

    INDEX ........................................................................................................... 147

    APPENDIX .................................................................................................... 163

  • 3



    The story of Sheikh Abdullah's life is a love story. It is the story of a

    man who loved Kashmir and "whose entire life in the words of

    Shamim Ahmed Shamim , one of Kashmirs most perspicacious

    journalists "was an expression of this love". It is a story of his trial

    and tribulations, his successes and failures, of storms that he

    weathered and halcyon days. Above all, it is a story that deserves

    to be read and reread for its sheer human interest by all who have

    a place in their heart for the blighted paradise that is Kashmir.

    It is also a story of trust and betrayal. How his trusted companions

    Bakshi Ghulam Mohammed and G.M Sadiq betrayed him at a

    crucial juncture when the Constituent Assembly of the State was

    about to frame a constitution for its citizens. They sold his dreams

    to the controlling power for petty personal gains; the proverbial forty

    pieces of silver, and crucified him at the altar of their personal

    greed and ambitions for eleven long years. It was a just retribution

    that the controlling power did not even give his betrayers the

    chance of satisfying their vanity by using the title of Prime Minister,

    for a few years after his arrest they themselves were made to

    downgrade it to Chief Minister.

    It is also a story of bitter rivalry. In" Atish e Chinar" Sheikh Abdullah

    says, "I sometimes think that in his subconscious mind Nehru


    considered Kashmir as a beautiful woman and considered me his

    biggest rival. Getting a rival out of his way could have been the

    psychological reason for his lifelong actions against me".

    Finally, it is also a story of reconciliation as according to Sheikh

    Abdullah in his last years Nehru bitterly regretted his actions. After

    Sheikh Abdullahs release in 1964, he expressed his sincere

    sorrow and regret to the Sheikh, and very sincerely asked for his

    help in solving the complex problem. "Unfortunately" observes

    Sheikh Abdullah "history is merciless and death snatched from him

    the chance to make amends for what he had done."

    We are fortunate in that only a few years before his death Sheikh

    Abdullah entrusted the noted Kashmiri writer M.Y.Taing with the job

    of committing to writing his recollections, which were published

    after his death under the title Atish e Chinar. It is based on

    extensive interviews that Taing had with Sheikh Abdullah. It

    provides valuable information on Sheikh Abdullah's family

    background, early life, ringside glimpses of happenings in Kashmir

    at a crucial juncture in its history, and his viewpoint about the

    political events in Kashmir in which he himself played a central role.

    People often refer to it as his autobiography as Taing claimed that

    he only acted as an amanuensis. Sheikh Abdullah himself in his

    foreword to the book refers to it as his memoirs.

    Autobiography, or Biography or Memoirs, call it what you will Atish

    e Chinar present's a number of difficulties for the reader. First, it is


    written in a flowery style, with couplets and comments interposed

    every now and then, that serve no purpose other than to distract

    the serious reader. Second, there are grievous errors in the

    chronology of the reported events, for instance, the date of that

    session of the Muslim Conference which changed its name from

    Muslim Conference to National Conference is given as 10-11 June

    1938 when the actual date is 10-11 June 1939. Third, the book as a

    whole shows a lack of coherence, indeed M.Y.Taing himself in his

    introduction writes that these memoirs are not constrained by a

    methodology and show a stream of consciousness

    approach.Fourth the book is written in Urdu and unfortunately

    reading books written in the Urdu language is no longer fashionable

    among Kashmiri youth. We must recognize this unpalatable truth.

    Thus, there is a need to present the facts as portrayed in the book,

    which are vital to understanding the recent history of Kashmir and

    the evolution of political thought in the valley, in lucid English. This

    book is an attempt to do the same and it is for the readers to judge

    how successful I have been in this attempt.

    My purpose in writing this biography is to develop awareness of a

    chapter of our turbulent history as seen by a man who was one of

    the main actors in the story. I have therefore omitted to mention

    personal grouses that have no bearing on the main theme, like

    Sheikh Abdullahs grouse that his friend Molvi Abdul Rahim refused

    him a small loan claiming that he himself was hard up. While such

    anecdotes are important in bringing out the human face of the

    Kashmiri leaders, somewhat endearing when we compare them

    with modern Khadi clad leaders who rake in millions with a savoir


    faire that leaves us gasping, they are not the proper concern of this


    Finally I would like to mention that I have not hesitated to consult

    other sources like Tareekh e Hurriyat e Kashmir By Rasheed

    Taseer(1973) ,Bonfire of Kashmiryat by Sandeep Bamzai(2006),

    original articles, and material available on the web for providing

    background information and correcting the chronology wherever a

    need was felt to do the same.

    This book is an update of the book Sheikh Abdullah (A

    biography) ISBN 978-1-6048-1309-8 which did not cover important

    events post 1934 that were to shape Sheikh Abdullahs life and

    cast a long shadow over the subsequent course of events in

    Kashmirs history. In this book three additional chapters have been

    added to cover events from 1934-1939.

    It was in these five years that Sheikh Abdullah formally expressed

    his view that politics should be based on humanistic rather than

    communal considerations . In keeping with this view he

    successfully convinced the members of his party to change its

    name from Muslim Conference to National Conference.

    The acceptance of a secular rather than communal politics gave a

    unique identity to the subsequent political history of Kashmir which

    was in sharp contrast to the politics of communalism that had taken

    over the rest of the Indian Subcontinent. It set apart the political

    struggle of the Kashmiris from that of the other people of India.

  • 8


    To make this book available to a wide audience especially the

    youth of the Jammu and Kashmir State I have requested Google

    Books to put a freely downloadable digital edition on their website

    under Creative Commons license.This license allows distribution of

    this book and commercial use provided there is attribution in each

    case but prohibits derivative works.Terms are available here:

    This edition is revised and updated as of December 2013. Apart

    from the correction of many typographical errors I have included

    important information on the genesis of the Reading Room Party

    based on the information in the State Archives and the recent

    controversy about the date of birth of Sheikh Abdullah for which the

    relevant sources are included in the bibliography.Background

    Chapters provide more information on the Silk Factory Workers

    Agitation and the memorandum submitted to Lord Reading after it.

    The addition of an updated table of contents and an index will

    greatly improve the usefulness of this book.Although I have

    avoided references and footnotes in the text to make it more

    friendly for young readers reference to every factual statement in

    the text can be found in the sources given at the end. It is my hope

    that this book will make an important period of the history of Jammu

    and Kashmir State accessible to the interested reader.

    Syed Taffazull Hussain

    Monday 23rd Of December 2013

  • 9


    Family Background

    Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah was born on the fifth of December

    1905 (As middle class muslim families( unlike the hindus whose life

    was governed by horoscopes) did not maintain birth records and

    entered the recollected date at a later period when it was needed

    for admission to schools etc this date may only be taken as an

    approximate date! According to Taing his actual year of birth was

    1903.) in the village of Soura on the outskirts of Srinagar just

    eleven days after the death of his father Sheikh Mohammed

    Ibrahim, a middle class manufacturer and trader of Kashmir

    Shawls. In his own words, he was born an orphan. Sheikh Ibrahim

    like the poet Iqbal was the descendant of a Kashmiri Hindu (Pandit)

    named Ragho Ram Koul who converted to Islam in 1722 A.D at the

    hands of the saint Mir Abdul Rashid Baihiqi and after conversion

    changed his name to Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah. Thus, Sheikh

    Abdullah was the namesake of the progenitor of his family branch.

    According to Sheikh Abdullah, his stepbrothers mistreated his

    mother, and his early childhood was marked by utter poverty.

    His mother was keen that her children should receive a proper

    education and so as a child he was first admitted to a traditional

    school or Maktab where he learnt the recitation of the Koran and

    read some basic Persian texts like Gulistan, Bostan, Pandnama etc


    from his teacher Akhund Mubarik Shah. Here he also developed

    the habit of saying his prayers five times a day according to Islamic

    ritual and this habit according to him persisted all his life. In 1911

    he was admitted to a primary school run by Anjuman e Nasratul

    Islam located in the nearby locality of NowShehra. Dissatisfied

    with the teaching in that school he decided to shift to another

    school in the nearby locality of Vicharnag. The headmaster of his

    school refused to give him a discharge certificate. Sheikh Abdullah

    in the first protest of his career protested against this injustice and

    even approached the Inspector of Schools for redress of the same

    but without success. However, the headmaster of the Vicharnag

    School Mr. Hisamuddin agreed to admit him to his school without a

    discharge certificate and he studied there for two years. His elder

    stepbrothers then stopped his further education and he was first set

    to work in the family workshop embroidering shawls and later

    asked to sit on a grocers shop as a sales boy. Fortunately, their

    family barber Mohammed Ramzan prevailed upon his uncle to

    send him back to school. He passed the fifth class examination

    from Vicharnag School and then obtained admission in

    Government High School Bagh Dilawar Khan in the locality of

    Fateh Kadal. He had to walk the distance of ten miles to school and

    back on foot but in his own words the joy of being allowed to

    obtain a school education made it seem a light work.

    Nevertheless, he did regret that the time he had to spend in going

    back and forth from school robbed him of the opportunity to take

    part in sports, like other students. He was a studious boy and


    passed his Matriculation examination from the Punjab University in


    Higher Education

    After Matriculation, he got himself enrolled in Sri Partap College

    (S.P.College) the leading college of Kashmir. Because of extreme

    poverty he had to walk the distance of about fifteen miles from

    Soura to S.P.College and back and so developed an enlargement

    of the heart, a condition that doctors call Cardiomegaly , (perhaps

    an early sign of beriberi brought about by malnutrition and severe

    exercise). He was admitted in the Mission Hospital in Srinagar,

    where under the treatment of the famous Neve brothers he made a

    complete recovery from the disease. His illness moved his elder

    brother Sheikh Maqbool to agree to pay for his stay in the college

    hostel from where he passed his Intermediate (F.Sc.) Examination.

    He applied for nomination to the M.B.B.S course but was

    unsuccessful as of the twenty-three students nominated for the said

    course twenty-two were Hindus. In the S.P.College in those days,

    teaching stopped at the intermediate level and so Sheikh Abdullah

    had to get himself admitted to some college outside the valley for

    obtaining the B.Sc Degree. He first applied for admission to the

    Prince of Wales College at Jammu but the Principal of the college

    behaved rudely with him and rejected his application for admission

    as during his interview he spoke of the right to education of persons

    belonging to the Muslim community. Finally, he managed to obtain

    admission in Islamiya College Lahore from where he completed his

    B.Sc. Degree.


    After completing his graduation, he again applied to the State

    Government for a scholarship for pursuing higher studies but was

    not successful. So marshalling his own resources he obtained

    admission to the M.Sc. Chemistry course in Aligarh Muslim

    University and obtained Masters Degree in Chemistry on 12 April

    1930. He was the first Kashmiri Muslim to have obtained Masters

    Degree in Chemistry and so full of hope he again applied to the

    State Government for grant of scholarship for pursuing the Doctoral

    course in Chemistry in England. The government rejected his

    application on the flimsy ground that he was more than 24 years of

    age in April 1930.

    According to Sheikh Abdullah, these early experiences convinced

    him that "Kashmiri Muslims had as little hope of obtaining justice

    from the feudal Dogra ruler, as of obtaining milk by squeezing a


  • 13


    That all was not well in Kashmir was evident to Sheikh Abdullah from

    some events that took place while he was still a college student. In

    the spring of 1924, the laborers of the Government Silk Factory for

    the first time made an organized protest against the working

    conditions in that factory. They assembled in the parade ground of

    Hazuribagh to launch a struggle for acceptance of their demands.

    The government responded by calling troops who attacked the

    unarmed laborers with spears wounding a large number of them.

    The laborers took out a big procession to protest this outrage and

    this was the first such procession in the State. The sight of laborers

    raising slogans against the excesses of the Maharajahs government

    deeply affected the young Sheikh Abdullah.


    Another disturbing event took place only a few months later in

    October when the British Viceroy Lord Reading and Lady Reading

    came on a visit to Kashmir. The Kashmiri Muslims at that time were

    seething with anger against the injustice done to them at the hands

    of the Maharajahs government. Some leading Muslim citizens

    decided to petition the Viceroy against these injustices as his

    cavalcade passed in a procession of boats upon the river Jhelum

    that flows through Srinagar. They very secretly drafted a seventeen

    point petition in which they made a number of demands like right of

    ownership of land for peasants, giving Muslims their due share in


    government jobs, abolition of Begar (forced labor),provision of

    educational facilities, and the return of Mosques, taken over by the

    government, back to the Muslims etc. They took great care to keep

    the petition a secret from the common public. As the Viceroy with

    Lady Alice passed through the locality of Khanqah e Moalla a group

    of Muslims started waving black flags and shouting Petition to

    attract the attention of the Viceroy. The people managed to present a

    copy of the petition to the Viceroy. The Viceroy following protocol

    forwarded this petition to the Maharajah. To save appearances the

    Maharajah forwarded it to his Council of Ministers which made a

    committee of three members headed by Mr.B.J.Glancy, which

    included his close relative Raja Janak Singh to enquire into the

    allegations. The committee found no substance in it and filed the

    petition and that was the end of the matter.(See Chapter 4,p25)


    Having dealt with the petition the government now started punishing

    the signatories of the petition. It arrested and exiled Khawaja

    Saiduddin Shawl, who belonged to a rich Muslim family. Khwaja

    Noor Shah Naqashbandi who was a tehsildar, was forced to resign.

    Agha Syed Hussain Jalali was deprived of his position as Zaildar ,

    and exiled . His jagir was also confiscated. Mirwaiz Ahmadullah, was

    removed from the list of courtiers and was reprimanded. The

    government pardoned the other petitioners after they submitted an

    apology. Sheikh Abdullah felt that their banishment did not cause a

    public disturbance because of their failure to involve the common

    people in this matter.



    Khawaja Saduddin Shawl and Khwaja Noor Shah Naqashbandi after

    being exiled from Kashmir took up residence with Mian Nizamuddin

    at Lahore. Mian Nizamuddin was the scion of a very respectable

    Kashmiri family of Lahore. Sheikh Abdullah had also gained

    admission in the Islamiya College located in the same city. As this

    was the first time that he was away from his family, he felt homesick

    and so whenever he had time he went to Mian Nizamuddins house

    to spend some time with his exiled compatriots.

    One day the two complained that the Kashmiris had forgotten them.

    Sheikh Abdullah disagreeing with them said, While submitting the

    memorandum you kept the public unaware of your project and they

    could not even understand why you have been exiled. Had you

    mobilized public opinion before submitting the memorandum the

    government would not have dared to exile you. Mian Nizamuddin

    and some others present there supported Sheikh Abdullahs view.

    The Khwaja Sahibs retorted angrily Let us see how you will do it

    Sheikh Abdullah replied God willing I will show what I can

    accomplish at the proper time!

    Sheikh Abdullah recollects that this verbal exchange ignited a spark

    of determination in his heart to fight for the rights of the Kashmiris.

    The daily sight of wretched Kashmiri laborers working for a pittance

    and occasionally dying uncared for on the roadside, their unclaimed

    bodies handed over to Medical Colleges for dissection by Medical

    Students, reinforced this determination.

  • 16



    The agitation of the workers of the Government Silk Factory which

    so affected Sheikh Abdullah deserves a closer look. Ravinderjit

    Kaur has made an indepth study of the files of that period in the

    State Archives of Kashmir and National Archives of India and

    material on record in the files reveals how the police and the

    District Administration twisted facts to justify the massacre of

    innocent boys as young as eight to ten years old employed in the

    factory all of whom were Muslims(In those days young boys were

    sent out to work as children in general and Muslim children in

    particular had little opportunity to go to school).

    Unrest In The Factory

    The workers of the factory had gone on strike as far back as the

    26th of March 1920 and had submitted this representation to the

    Chief Minister Raja Hari Singh(who became the Maharajah on the

    death of Maharaja Partap Singh in 1926).

    By the direction of the late Director and by the Governor of His Highness

    Maharaja Sahib Bahadur and his Minister our daily rates had been

    increased upto annas four and now owing to the scarcity of all things we

    were in great hope, that we shall get progress in the rate as

    deceased,Incharge Director was efforting about this.Now-a-days when


    public coolies are getting high rates and all officers and common servants

    of the State are granted high rates and all officers and common servants of

    the State are granted allowances by the State for the famine, we are the

    unlucky employees of the Silk Factory to whom instead of increasing rates

    decreased by the present Incharge Director,for which we submitted him a

    request,he answered that I will beat you,if you will come to my office,for

    this case and I will close the factory for ever If the State will not decide

    our case,we shall be obliged to leave the work of this factory praying for

    your long life and prosperity(Jammu and Kashmir Archives File No.26 of


    Reeling silk was the job of skilled workers and hence the reference

    to increase in wages of unskilled coolies while the worker's wages

    had been reduced. From the above representation it seems that

    because of the efforts of a former Director the wages of the workers

    had been increased to four annas per diem but after his (sudden)

    death some person whom the workers detested was appointed as

    an Incharge Director.The repeated use of the term Incharge

    Director shows that the workers considered him unfit for the post

    and it also appears that he was a bully and as per another

    representation was also corrupt as the workers complained of

    being forced to pay bribes to officers of the Factory out of their

    meager wages. On July 19 1924 the Deputy Director Sericulture

    lodged a complaint with the District Magistrate in which he alleged


    The labourers(meaning workers) gave out open threats that they would

    set fire to the houses of some officers of the Department and would not


    spare their persons too if they could catch hold of them.He further alleged

    that All Communications of the office with outside were cut off and it

    became impossible even to send a message to the District Magistrate or

    the Police.

    Following the complaint and taking into view the urgency of taking

    action as requested by the Deputy Director Sericulture military

    troops were ordered to be moved to the Silk Factory on 20th of

    July. The Colonel Commandant was requested to place the Infantry

    and Cavalry in immediate charge of the factory.Twenty five of the

    total of twenty seven persons who seem to have been involved in

    this crisis were arrested and four of them were lodged in Police

    station Shergarhi while the rest were taken to Central Jail.Next day

    on the 21st of July about two thousand persons gathered outside

    Shergarhi Police Station demanding release of the arrested

    persons. The police on the pretext that the protestors were trying to

    force their way into the police station opened fire on them killing ten

    of them on the spot and injuring twenty as per the official version.

    The wounded were taken to the mission hospital by the local

    people while the dead bodies of those killed were taken away by

    the police in a lorry.(National Archives of India,Foreign

    Department,Political,1924 No19(2)) Some people even sent two

    telegrams to the Viceroy clarifying that the protest was against

    bribes demanded by the officials of the factory from the poor

    workers (Because of the lopsided employment policy of the State

    Government the workers were all Muslims and the employees

    Hindus as Muslims were practically excluded from government

    jobs. Thus the word Hindus in the telegrams refers to government


    officials and Muslims/Mussulmans to workers). The two telegrams

    stated that:

    1.Kashmiri Silk Factory Mussalman coolies(meaning workers) approached

    of bribery of Hindus.Instead of consideration about thirty imprisioned,rest

    marshaled out.Deaths yet unknown,wounded about sixty. Maharaja tries to

    hush up whole case.Kindly soon release from tyranny

    2.Muslims of Srinagar respectfully invite your excellency prompt action to

    ruthless and most inhuman charges of cavalry amongst the innocent,

    armless(meaning unarmed) and quiet(meaning peaceful) workers of the

    Silk Factory including children aged eight to ten years at the instance of

    the callous hearted Governor and Revenue Member culmination of the

    show of brute force has been reached,terrorism is the order of the day.Here

    Mussalmans are panic stricken.They earnestly implore your excellency to

    deliver the long agonizing poor but loyal Muslims of Kashmir from present

    Dire Calamity. .(National Archives of India,Foreign

    Department,Political,1924 No19(2))


    Even today police allegations unless proven in a court of law are

    not given any credence but the police reports in the case of the

    Silk Factory Agitation were so incredible that not only were they

    never brought before a court but were hidden from public view in

    secret files serving only to justify the police action and sweep the

    allegations of bribery and corruption of the employees of the Silk

    Factory under the carpet. Indeed as far back as 1920 an unsigned

    petition posted to the Maharaja and professing support for the

    Khilafat agitation was taken by the police as evidence of public


    support for Khilafat Movement by Kashmiri Muslims(See page 200

    of Political Awakening in Kashmir;by Ravinderjit Kaur for a facsimile

    of the unsigned petition). The police reports in the Secret Abstracts

    of Intelligence and Confidential weekly Diary of the Superintendent

    of Police Srinagar of 1924 made the far fetched allegation that the

    workers of the Silk Factory were communal supporters of the

    Khilafat Movement. Allegations were made that the Muslim workers

    of the Silk Factory formed a ring against Hindu employees of the

    factory in general and the Hindu Filature Officers in particular. It

    was also alleged that they demanded that the Hindu employees be

    removed and replaced by Muslims.The police further alleged that

    about one hundred Muslims started conspiring against the Hindu

    employees of the factory at Rambagh Srinagar. It was also alleged

    that some Ex-Inspector Atta Mohammed had gone to the Director

    warning that if the Hindu employees are not removed the workers

    would go on strike. Thus the police by these baseless

    allegations,none of which were ever brought to a court, tried to

    project the protest against corruption by the workers of the Silk

    Factory as a communal incident and took no cognizance of the

    serious allegations of corruption in the Silk factory that was made

    by its workers. (Extracts from the confidential dairy of the

    Superintendent of Police Srinagar period ending 24th May 1924,

    Jammu and Kashmir Archives File No.B of 1924/ The secret

    abstract of intelligence for the year 1924,Jammu and Kashmir

    Archives,File No.B of 1924.)



    In 1924 the Dogra Sabha in Jammu and Yuyak Sabha in Kashmir

    were agitating against the employment of Non Kashmiris in

    government services as they felt that it was responsible for creating

    unemployment among the educated youth of their communities.

    Gwash Lal Koul the fire brand leader of Hindu Yuvak Sabha a few

    months later threatened the government with dire consequences if

    it did not agree to their demands.This was a period when

    Maharajah Partap Singh had been effectively divested of his power

    and power was transferred to a council headed by the Senior

    Member(Chief Minister) Raja Hari Singh (who later became the

    Maharaja on the death of Partap Singh) but was still unsure of his

    power.In 1924 June the Resident Sir John Wood directed Maharaja

    Pratap Singh to abstain from the meetings of the council and leave

    Raja Hari Singh to preside over the council.Mr.B.J.Glancy(See

    below) was also appointed as a member(Minister)of the

    council.(Ravinderjit Kaur Political Awakening In Kashmir,p108)

    These factors along with the allegations of corruption in the Silk

    Factory have to be considered in assessing the reasons for the

    unwarranted show of force by the administration for it would have

    weakened the case of Hari Singh for appointment as the next



    Sir John Barry Wood the then British Resident in Kashmir refused

    to buy the police view that the agitation was of a communal nature.


    In his letter to the Political Secretary to Government of India he


    It will be desirable to remedy any real grievances and to promote some of

    the educated Musalman workers to posts of responsibility(Johnwood to

    J.P.Thompson 4th August 1924,National Archives of India,Home.)

    Department,Political,1924,File No:25,Fortnightly Report for Second

    half of August).

    Thus the Resident was of the view that to prevent future unrest the

    grievances regarding corruption should be addressed and the

    lopsided policy of the State Ruler in appointing only Non Muslims to

    responsible posts should be rectified by appointing educated

    workers of the Silk Factory to responsible posts. Mr.B.J.Glancy the

    president of the grievances commission established in 1931 must

    have kept this in view when making his recommendations about

    giving special attention to recruitment of Muslims in Government


    Indeed a Muslim Hakim Ali B.A. P.B.D.S(Milan)was appointed as

    an officer in the factory in 1930 six years after the Resident's

    suggestion and rose to the top post of Director of the Sericulture

    Department of which the factory was a part) in July 1942( Civil

    List(1945) No119 ,p 98)


    The agitation in the summer of 1924 by the workers of the

    Government Silk Factory is a landmark in the struggle of the people

    of Jammu and Kashmir towards greater empowerment under

    Maharajahs rule. It was the first time in the history of the Dogra


    Rule that ordinary workers raised their voice against corruption and

    denial of rights by their employers.

    This was also the first time that the protest was suppressed by an

    inordinate show of force and use of firearms against unarmed

    workers in which many workers were shot dead and their bodies

    taken away instead of being handed over to their families for

    decent burial.

    It was also the first time when the police tried to give a communal

    color to the workers agitation by trying to show it as a Hindu Muslim

    conflict but this allegation could never stand up in a court of law

    and indeed was so unfounded that the police kept it out of public

    view in their secret files. While the agitation was suppressed the

    pent up resentment remained simmering below the surface as

    there was no educated leader among the workers who could lead

    the agitation to a proper conclusion.

    Seven years later in 1931 a group of highly educated Muslim

    leaders including Molvi Abdul Rahim M.A.(Phil)LL.B,Sheikh

    Abdullah M.Sc.(Chemistry) and Chaudhary Ghulam Abbas

    B.A.LL.B chanellized this discontent to lead an uprising demanding

    greater empowerment for the people of the State. Again on the

    13th of July 1931 many protestors were killed in police firing and

    the police again tried to give it a communal color but this time the

    attempt was thwarted by the above mentioned leaders who

    established a political party the Muslim Conference and forced the

    government to set up a grievances commission under the

    presidency of J.B. Glancy which not only opened up the doors of


    education and employment to Muslims but also led to the first ever

    establishment of an elected legislative assembly the Praja

    Sabha.(See Below)


    The 21st of July deserves to be celebrated along with the 13th of

    July as a landmark in the struggle of the people of Jammu and

    Kashmir State for greater empowerment and Democracy. It is

    indeed an important landmark in the struggle for their rights by

    workers all over the world.

  • 25


    The Memorandum submitted to Lord Reading(See Chapter2 )

    made the following demands(Jammu and Kashmir Archives,File

    NoT/81 of 1924):

    1.The grant of proprietary rights to the Muslim peasants to the

    land which had been forcibly snatched from them.

    2.The grant of Muslim representation in the State Council

    according to the number of Muslims in the population of the


    3.The grant of adequate representation to the Muslims in the

    services and employment of the State in order to give Muslims

    effective representation in the services,all future vacancies be

    made available to them; and in case Muslims with requisite

    qualifications were not locally available,uslims from outside

    Kashmir be appointed till such a time as the local talent was


    4. The appointment of a tribunal to enquire into the complaints and

    to award punishment to weed out corruption from the services.

    5.The appointment of Muslims on the important posts, of

    Governor,Superintendent of Police,Assistant Superintendent of

    Police,and Superintendent of Customs and in case Muslims


    with requisite qualifications were not available Englishmen be

    appointed to the posts.

    6. The appointment of a tribunal consisting of at least two law

    knowing and impartial judges, one of whom was to be an

    Englishman to conduct the trial of labourers of the Silk Factory

    7.The appointment of Muslims to the higher administrative posts in

    the factory, as the entire labor force of the Silk Factory

    consisted of Muslims.

    8. The liquidation of the Department of Shali,the removal of

    restrictions on the import of foodgrains from outside the State,

    and restriction of food rationing to poor people in Srinagar in

    order to reduce the burden on the peasants who had to pay the

    revenue in the form of Shali.

    9.The appointment of a Muslim or English expert in Education,

    introduction of compulsory free primary education,appointment

    of more Muslim teachers and inspectors and grant of

    scholarships to Muslims for higher education in India and


    10. The abolition of forced labor and its replacement by

    contractual labor.

    11.The restoration of land to their respective owners from whom it

    had been forcibly and illegally seized.


    12. the appointment of an elected Legislative Assembly for the

    drafting of of a Constitution for the state and the grant of

    adequate representation to Muslims in it.

    13.The grant of Government contracts particularly those relating

    to forests, roads and construction to State nationals in general

    and Muslims in particular.

    14.The restoration of mosques and other religious properties

    under the control of the Government and their protection from

    encroachment by non-Muslims

    15.The appointment of a Board consisting of Muslims to

    adminster the funds spent on the repairs of Jamia-Masjid and

    other historical shrines.

    16.The appointment of a Commission composed of impartial

    European Officers to inquire into the grievances of the Muslims

    in regard to the Zuljinnah procession, the incident at Khanqah-

    i-Shah--Hamadan and those relating to Islamabad and


    17.The Resident be made answerable for the plight of the

    Muslims as their rights were insecure and trampled down by

    the local authorities.


    The signatories of the Memorandum included(See Chapter3)

    1. Mirwaiz Ahmadullah.

    2.Mirwaiz Hamadani

    3.Mufti Sharif-ud-din

    4.Saad-ud-d-n Shawl.

    5 Agha.Syed Hussain Jalali Zaildar (Secretary of the group)

    6.Khwaja Hassan Shah Naqshbandi Jagirdar

    7.Khwaja Noor Shah Naqshbandi Tehsildar

  • 29


    Sheikh Abdullah returned to Kashmir after obtaining the masters

    degree in Chemistry on 12 April 1930. A month before, Sir

    Elbion Bannerjee had been appointed as Prime Minister by the

    Maharajah but he resigned only a few days later to protest

    against the refusal of the Maharajah to issue orders to stop the

    unjust treatment meted out to Kashmiri Muslims under his rule.

    To stave off the bad publicity resulting from Sir Elbion

    Bannerjees allegations the Maharajahs government invited

    applications from Muslim candidates for award of scholarships.

    Sheikh Abdullah being the first Muslim M.Sc. in Chemistry also

    applied for a scholarship but as mentioned in an earlier chapter

    was unsuccessful.

    At around the same time the government formed a Civil Services

    Recruitment Board for recruiting persons to government jobs.

    While constituting this Board the authorities took care to put

    hurdles in the way of Muslim candidates. Recruitment was by a

    competitive exam but all the paper setters and examiners were

    Hindus. Examinees could choose Hindi and Sanskrit as optional

    subjects but not Urdu, Persian or Arabic, in which Muslims were

    proficient. Further Muslim candidates had to submit proofs of

    their belonging to a respectable family. Finally, the government

    could refuse appointment without assigning any reason.


    The cult of Reading Rooms

    As the number of educated Kashmiri youth both Hindu and

    Muslim increased they started to form small associations called

    Reading Rooms. In 1922 more than half a dozen Reading

    Rooms were functioning in Srinagar where the educated youth

    could read and discuss academic issues.Permission from the

    government was needed to form these associations.The District

    Magistrate was authorized to give this permission subject to an

    exhaustive verification process including verification by the

    police which took a long time.In 1922 three Muslim youth namely

    Mohammed Sikander, Mohammad Yahya Rafiqi and Ghulam

    Ahmed Zahena applied to the District Magistrate for permission

    to open a Reading Room for the exclusive benefit of the

    Muslims so that they could have a place for studying literature

    chiefly on religious subjects(J & K Archives File Number 830 of


    The permission to open a Reading Room Party in Fateh Kadal

    locality was finally given in 1930.The same year G.A.Ashai

    applied for permission to form an Islamia School Old Boys

    Association with himself as President and forty members

    including Sheikh Abdullah and Molvi Yusuf Shah who were all

    products of the Islamia School.This association of Sheikh

    Abdullah with G.A.Ashai was to prove very important in Sheikh

    Abdullahs subsequent career(see below).


    Mubarik Shah Naqshbandi was elected as the Secretary and

    Peerzada Ghulam Rasool Shah Headmaster Islamiya High

    School as Chairman of the Reading Room Party of fateh Kadal

    referred to in the preceeding paragraphs.(J & K Archives File

    Number 830 of 1922). However Mubarik Shah Naqshbandi

    succeeded in getting appointed as a judge in 1930 and

    Peerzada Ghulam Rasool Shah also was unable to continue as

    President for some reason. This led to the appointment of new

    office bearers namely Mohammed Rajab as President and

    Sheikh Abdullah as Secretary of the party.

    The political genius of Sheikh Abdullah lay in his ability to

    convert an innocuous study group into a powerful political party

    which brought about a sea change in the politics of Kashmir.

    The Reading Room Party

    Jobless and unemployed Sheikh Abdullah and his other

    educated unemployed muslim friends became members of The

    Reading Room Party as described in the previous paragraph

    and established a reading room in the house of Mufti Ziauddin at

    Fateh Kadal locality of Srinagar. This was a place where they

    met and discussed topical issues that included matters ranging

    from securing employment to the wretched conditions of the

    inhabitants of Kashmir and especially the Kashmiri Muslims

    under the autocratic feudal rule of the Maharajah.This party

    elected Mohammed Rajab as the President in place of Peerzada

    Ghulam Rasool Shah and Sheikh Abdullah as the General

    Secretary in place of Mubarik Shah Naqshbandi.Hakim Ali,


    Peerzada Ghulam Rasool, Peerzada Ahmad Shah Fazili, Hakim

    Ghulam Murtaza and Mufti Jalaluddin were among the members

    of this party.

    The Reading Room Party now decided to take steps to draw

    wider attention to the plight of the Kashmiris and especially

    Kashmiri Muslims under the feudal Dogra rule. They started

    sending dispatches to some Urdu newspapers published from

    Lahore, and also developed links with Mr.Rajni Pam Dutt the

    editor of the progressive journal Indian States, published from


    Advice from a guest

    Around this time the Khateeb of Calcuttas Jamia Masjid

    Maulana Azad Subhani was invited as a distinguished guest by

    the party members to their reading room. Maulana Azad

    Subhani was a believer in and supporter of struggle against

    injustice and he while appreciating their efforts advised the youth

    to start a mass movement for their rights. Somehow, the

    government came to know of this and started searching for the

    Maulana but by that time, he had left the State. However, this

    incident moved the government to put the activities of the

    Reading Room Party under strict surveillance.

    Submission of a memorandum

    Sometime later Sheikh Abdullah in a session of the party drew

    the attention of the members to the governments new

    recruitment rules, which were loaded against persons belonging


    to the Muslim community and suggested the necessity of making

    a representation against the unjust provisions of the new

    recruitment rules. The party decided to submit a memorandum to

    the Regency Council that was entrusted with the job of running

    the government during the absence of the Maharajah, who was

    on a visit to London.

    It was decided to take the help of Mr. Ghulam Ahmed Ashai,

    who was a well educated Muslim reputed to be a very intelligent

    and capable person, in drafting the memorandum. He was

    previously serving as Inspector of Schools in the Maharajahs

    government but sometimes back had been forcibly retired on

    some trumped up charges. Ashai agreed to write a draft of the

    memorandum, and after its drafting the group started a signature

    campaign to obtain signatures of the public on this

    memorandum. The government took serious note of these

    activities and appointed two inspectors of the intelligence

    department Hakeem Habibullah and Abdul Kareem for keeping a

    watch on these youth.

    After obtaining sufficient signatures, they sent the memorandum

    by post to Mr. Wakefield the Chairman of the Regency Council.

    A few days later Sheikh Abdullah was pleasantly surprised to

    receive a letter from the Council acknowledging the receipt of

    the memorandum and asking the group to send two

    representatives for appearing before the council and discussing

    the memorandum. This letter created a sensation not only

    among the members of the Reading Room Party but also other


    educated Kashmiri Muslims. Consequently, a large gathering of

    educated Muslim youth assembled at the residence of Ghulam

    Ahmed Ashai and after considerable discussion decided that

    Sheikh Abdullah and another young lawyer Abdul Aziz Fazili

    should appear before the Council.

    The submission of this memorandum also created a stir among

    some Muslim beneficiaries of the Durbar and some of them like

    Munshi Assadullah Vakil, Mufti Shareefuddin, Mirza Ghulam

    Mustafa and Khawaja Abdul Rahim Banday pretending to be

    more loyal than the King indignantly demanded that the persons

    who had submitted the memorandum should be punished.

    A meeting with the Council

    Sheikh Abdullah and his companion went to the Government

    Secretariat for this momentous meeting. They had to wait in a

    waiting room while the Council deliberated in its chamber.

    Sometimes later, the council called in the Education Minister

    Agha Syed Hussain. When he came back, he shook hands with

    the two youths and advised them to put their complaints before

    the council fearlessly. He also invited the two to come to his

    residence after the meeting and apprise him of the result of the

    meeting. They were now called in to present themselves before

    the council. After they had taken their seats, the members

    submitted them to a barrage of questions, but they faced this

    psychological onslaught courageously without getting



    Mr. Wakefield and the Revenue Minister Mr.Wattal then lectured

    the two youths on the beneficence of the government towards

    the Kashmiri Muslims, and how the Muslims by opposing it were

    proving themselves as ungrateful subjects. As proof of the

    governments generosity, he mentioned that recently the

    government had appointed three Muslims in the Accountant

    Generals office. Sheikh Abdullah gathering all his courage

    replied that from available facts it was clear that the government

    wanted to prevent the educated Muslim youth, who had recently

    returned after obtaining their degrees, from getting government

    jobs. He said Muslims did not seek undue favors but asked for

    only what was justly due to them and it was in the governments

    own interest to accept their just demands. He put forward data to

    support his arguments, and as it could not be refuted, Mr.Watal

    trying to intimidate him roared, We will teach you a lesson.

    Sheikh Abdullah calmly replied that if the government

    disregarded their representation and did not rectify the flawed

    rules it would have to face the consequences. Enraged,

    members of the council terminated the interview.

    After the meeting

    A few days later, the news leaked out that the Chairman of the

    council Mr. Wakefield had been favorably impressed by the

    manner in which they had presented their case and had

    expressed this to his personal assistant Khalifa Abdul Hakim

    who was a resident of Jammu. Jammuites had somewhat

    greater freedom than Kashmiris and some young Muslims of


    Jammu had even formed an association called Young Mens

    Muslim Association. Chaudhary Ghulam Abbas, Mistri Yaqoob

    Ali and Sardar Gauhar Rahman, were among the prominent

    members of this party. When these young men heard about the

    favorable impression that the two youth had made on Mr.

    Wakefield they sent their representative Mr. Abdul Majeed for

    developing contacts with them. Sheikh Abdullah and his friends

    now felt that there was a need to intensify their struggle and

    decided to start a newspaper campaign to create public

    awareness about the plight of the Kashmiri Muslims. However, at

    that time Kashmir did not have a proper newspaper. From

    Jammu a Hindu paper Ranbeer founded by Mr. Mulk Raj Saraf

    was published and its main aim was to justify and support the

    policies, whether right or wrong of the Hindu Maharajah.

    A few newspapers were published from Lahore in the nearby

    State of Punjab that had Muslim editors, but if they ever chanced

    to publish any article against the Maharajahs government their

    entry into Kashmir was promptly stopped. The Kashmiri

    Diaspora in Punjab had founded an organization called The

    Kashmir Conference for projecting the problems of Kashmiri

    expatriates of Punjab. The famous poet Sir Mohammed Iqbal

    was among its founder members and he highlighted the plight of

    the Kashmiri people in his poems.

    Sheikh Abdullah now started collecting statistics about the

    proportion of Muslims employed in various government offices

    and then made use of these statistics to write articles projecting


    the discrimination of Muslims in matters of government

    employment, which in a State having no industry was the main

    source of decent livelihood for the educated city dwellers.

    Perhaps even more important, government employment was an

    index of the empowerment of a community, as all power vested

    with the Maharajah and the officials of his government. He wrote

    these articles with the help of Ghulam Ahmed Ashai and then

    sent them to Mr Abdul Majeed Qureishi (a representative of the

    aforementioned Jammu Young Mens Association). Mr. Abdul

    Majeed Qureishi translated these articles from English into Urdu

    and then sent them to the prominent paper Inqlab published

    from Lahore. Mr.Ghulam Rasool Meher and Mr.Abdul Majeed

    Salik were the fearless editors of this paper .As soon as the

    Maharajahs government banned the entry of this paper its

    editors would change its name so that it reached Kashmir under

    another name. Sheikh Abdullah and one of his friends

    Mohammed Rajab who was also unemployed would take the

    bundle of papers to a local school (Islamiya School) and

    distribute the papers free of cost among the teachers and

    students of the school. The paper became immensely popular

    and although its nominal price was only one paisa it would sell

    for as much as two rupees.

    This newspaper campaign though short lived played a key role

    in raising public awareness about the problems facing the

    Kashmiri people.


    A harsh routine now governed Sheikh Abdullahs life. Early in the

    morning, he would leave his room and visit different offices on

    his bicycle, collecting figures about employment of Kashmiri

    Muslims in different government offices. Most of the time he had

    to satisfy his hunger with a little bread purchased from some

    roadside baker but sometimes he would be invited to Ghulam

    Ahmed Ashais house for lunch. He would return tired to his

    room at dusk after finishing his days chores and then cobble

    articles for publishing in sympathetic newspapers. Meanwhile his

    family too had pinned their hopes on his getting a good

    government job after getting his University Degree and so help

    in improving their financial condition. Succumbing to the force of

    circumstances he finally decided to obtain government

    employment His application for a job in the education

    department was fruitful and in the early spring of the year 1931

    he got employment as a science teacher in Government High

    School Bagh Dilawar Khan at the then comfortable salary of

    Rupees eighty per month

  • 39


    Sheikh Abdullahs home in Soura was six miles away from his

    place of employment. In those days when public transport was

    not, so easily available this was a considerable distance and so

    he obtained lodgings in the locality of Fateh Kadal, which was

    adjacent to his place of employment. A rich person of the locality

    considering his status as a schoolmaster, allowed him to occupy

    a room above his garage without rent.

    Nearby in the same locality an eminent Kashmiri polymath and

    lawyer Molvi Abdullah was giving daily public lectures at his

    house that were very popular among the educated youth. Sheikh

    Abdullah too started attending these lectures. In Atish e Chinar

    Sheikh Abdullah writes that his lectures touched topical national

    issues and his sincere words filled the hearts of his listeners with

    concern. His lectures would strike a spark of consciousness

    regarding public issues in the heart of his listeners and then he

    would nurture the spark until it became a raging fire. He was

    deeply concerned about the miserable state of his compatriots

    and his sincerity struck a sympathetic chord in the hearts of his

    audience. It was at these lectures that Sheikh Abdullah met and

    became friends with his son Molvi Abdul Rahim who was

    studying law at Lucknow University. Later the two were to

    become close political collaborators.


    Condemnable Incidents

    Jammu around this period witnessed a series of incidents that

    greatly hurt the sentiments of the Muslims of the State. The Muslim festival of Bakar Eid fell on Wednesday 29 April 1931.

    When the Imam Munshi Mohammed Ishaq started reading the

    prayer sermon or Khutba after the Idd prayers in the Municipal

    Ground Jammu a Dogra sub inspector Babu Khem Chand

    moved forward on the orders of the DIG Chaudhary Ram Chand

    and haughtily asked the Imam to stop reading the sermon. The

    police officer accused him of making remarks against the

    government. This incident caused widespread resentment

    among the Muslims of Jammu who took this as interference in

    their religious affairs. The incident was strongly condemned in

    protest meetings of the Jammu Muslims.

    This incident was still fresh in the minds of the Jammu Muslims

    when a constable Labhu Ram desecrated a copy of the Koran at

    the police lines Jammu after removing it from a box belonging to

    a Muslim constable who was busy performing his P.T. in the

    ground outside. As the news of the desecration spread among

    the Muslims of Jammu, it rubbed salt into their already wounded

    feelings. To add insult to injury the administration prevented

    Muslims at Daghore, a locality fifteen miles distant from Jammu,

    from saying their Friday prayers.


    The backlash

    These repeated insults provoked the Jammu Young Mens

    Muslim Association to publish a poster detailing these insults

    and asking the Muslims throughout the State to hold strikes and

    demonstrations to protest these incidents. This party had already

    established contacts with Sheikh Abdullahs Reading Room

    Party and so sent a big bundle of these posters to him.

    Sheikh Abdullah decided to send two men to every locality of the

    city for pasting the posters throughout the city. One of the men

    would paste the posters and the other would keep a watch with

    instructions to inform him, if, the man pasting the bills was


    As luck would have it, police arrested Mohammed Ismail, the

    man pasting posters in the very locality where Sheikh Abdullah

    lived. He, was being taken handcuffed to the Police Station

    Zaina Kadal, when Sheikh Abdullah hearing the sound of

    commotion looked out of the window and saw him with a large

    crowd following him. When people saw Sheikh Abdullah they

    insisted, that he too should accompany them. Sheikh Abdullah

    had only recently been appointed to a government job, and so

    hesitated briefly before deciding to accompany the crowd. As

    they reached the Police Station, the officers there got frightened

    on seeing the sizable and angry crowd and set Mohammed

    Ismail free. This encouraged the demonstrators, who now

    started taking him in a procession to the Jamia Masjid. More and


    more people joined the demonstrators and by the time they

    reached the mosque, about fifteen thousand people had

    assembled there. Two more companions of Sheikh Abdullah

    namely Molvi Abdul Rahim and Ghulam Nabi Gilkar had joined

    him by that time. The three started addressing the gathering

    when two CID inspectors in uniform entered the mosque. Such

    was the fear of the police among the Kashmiri people that on

    seeing them the people ran away helter-skelter and of the mob,

    only three hundred remained even as Sheikh Abdullah and his

    three companions exhorted them not to flee from the police. The

    police officers then declared that they had come only to make a

    report of the proceedings. Sheikh Abdullah now started his

    speech and after reciting the Koran said We will not sit

    peacefully till those guilty of the sacrilege are punished and as

    long as Muslims are denied their rights the educated Muslims

    will not stop their agitation. This bold announcement electrified

    the listeners. By the time he had finished speaking about fifteen

    thousand persons had reassembled at the mosque. They took

    him back to his lodgings in a procession and insisted on his

    making another speech before they dispersed. The people

    started whispering that Master Abdullah was not a human being

    but an angel who had descended in human form to help the

    Kashmiris. Some others said that he was Rustam who had been

    reborn in Kashmir. Sheikh Abdullah himself felt that a great and

    irresistible power was controlling him and he himself was an

    insignificant agent of this power.


    High praise from a Mirwaiz

    The next day he attended his duties as usual. A few days later,

    the Mirwaiz of Kashmir Mohammed Yusuf Shah invited him to

    speak at the Jamia Masjid and introduced him to the assembled

    people as My leader. The institution of the Mirwaiz was a

    much-respected institution in those days and this introduction

    helped develop a bond of affection between him and the public.

    He now started addressing the people every Friday at the Jamia

    Masjid, the citys largest mosque, after the Mirwaiz had delivered

    his sermon. His two companions Molvi Abdul Rahim and Ghulam

    Nabi Gilkar would also accompany him and the trio would draw

    the attention of the people to their abject condition and exhort

    them to struggle for their rights. Finally, the people would take

    Sheikh Abdullah to his lodgings in a procession raising slogans.

    The government reacts

    It was not possible for the government to remain a silent

    spectator to this show of spine by a downtrodden people. The

    District Magistrate pasted a notice on the gates of the Jamia

    Masjid that forbade the making of speeches inside the mosque

    without prior permission from the District Magistrate. A four-

    member committee headed by the Governor managed the Jamia

    Masjid. The government asked the committee to address the

    people assembled for Friday prayers in Hazratbal and support

    the government to counter the speeches of Sheikh Abdullah and

    his companions. On Friday, Sheikh Abdullah and his


    companions too came to Hazratbal and as the Governor started

    speaking, he and his companions deluged him with a barrage of

    questions. The Governor was unable to give satisfactory replies

    to the questions and instead threatened to arrest the youths.

    This angered the congregation and they started pelting stones at

    him. Frightened, he, and his four, committee members ran away

    and took refuge in a nearby house.

    A big crowd now started following Sheikh Abdullah who led them

    in a procession to the Jamia Masjid where in defiance of the

    District Magistrates orders he and his companions made

    speeches condemning the government and the committee

    members sent by the government to Hazratbal.

    Meanwhile Master Abdullah as he came to be known became

    a popular figure. Crowds started to assemble near his lodgings

    just to look at him. Some even plucked his hair to keep as a

    memento. The government getting wind of this came up with a

    plan to deal with the situation. It decided to transfer Master

    Abdullah to some school in a far of town hoping that without his

    leadership the unrest would subside of its own. With this in view

    it issued orders transferring Master Abdullah to the remote

    town of Muzaffarabad.

    Resignation and after

    Sheikh Abdullah refused to obey the transfer orders. He was

    asked by the Director of Education Mr.McDermit to come to his

    office to explain the reason for his refusal. Mr.McDermit was an


    Irishman who knew Sheikh Abdullah as previously he was the

    Principal of S.P.College where Sheikh Abdullah had studied for

    his F.Sc. degree.

    With tearful eyes, Sheikh Abdullah told Mr.Mcdermit that during

    duty hours from ten A.M. to four P.M. he always attended

    conscientiously to his duties. However earning money was for

    him only a way to keep alive and was not the purpose of his life.

    The purpose of his life was to struggle to obtain justice for his

    oppressed people, and he had made a solemn vow that he

    would either succeed in restoring their dignity and human rights

    or else sacrifice his life in the struggle.

    Leaving government service was no small matter for Sheikh

    Abdullah who was very poor and had made a great effort to

    obtain his Masters degree without any aid or scholarship. It was

    a supreme sacrifice but with a heavy heart, he handed over his

    resignation to Mr.McDermit. Mr.Mcdermit, was moved to tears,

    by this sacrifice of a sensitive young man for his ideals, and

    requested him to reconsider his decision. A few days later, the

    Education Minister Nawab Khusro Jung called him to his office.

    He affectionately asked him to reconsider his decision but

    Sheikh Abdullah replied that no inducements would tempt him to

    leave his cause. In a few days, the government issued orders of

    his dismissal. Instead of accepting his resignation, the

    government dismissed him and thus gave vent to its resentment.


    Sher e Kashmir

    To celebrate his release from bondage his companions called a

    public meeting at Khanqah e Moalla. When he arrived, he found

    a huge crowd had assembled to hear him. Addressing them, he

    apprised them of the reasons for his resignation and then

    spontaneously burst into tears as he announced of his

    resignation from government service. He emotionally declared

    that the sacrifice of the government job was not a big thing as he

    was ready even to sacrifice his life for the cause that he

    espoused. His speech filled the hearts of the people with fervor

    and renewed determination. Filled with affection for him they

    literally carried him on their shoulders. Probably it was while

    reporting this that the Lahore paper Inqilab used the moniker

    Sher e Kashmir (Lion of Kashmir) for him and this title remained

    with him for the rest of his life.

  • 47


    Sheikh Abdullah and his companions now started holding

    regular public meetings all over the city. Huge crowds would

    assemble to listen to their speeches and the number of

    assembled listeners would occasionally exceed fifty thousand.

    Meanwhile Maharajah Hari Singh returned from his tour of

    Europe and on July 9 1931 issued a statement declaring that his

    religion was justice. The statement also had this barely veiled

    threat for the protestors

    Whenever I have found that any of you have been led into

    wrong action, I have always tried to make you see the error of

    your ways and to win you over to the right path by reasoning and


    I am not a believer in false ideas of prestige, for I hold that just

    action is a sign of strength and not of weakness. But should,

    God forbid, all appeal to reason fail, I must discharge in effective

    manner the supreme responsibility which rests on me for the

    maintenance of law and order.

    I cannot allow my Government to be coerced by threat into

    unjust action and it is my duty to protect the law-abiding sections

    of my people from encroachments on their lawful rights.

    The immediate burden of maintaining law and order necessarily

    falls on the Magistracy and the Police whose duty it will be to


    see that the law is upheld at all costs, and where the law is

    defied, its authority will be restored.

    It is the duty of the Police to act impartially and with calm

    judgement in such emergencies and I wish to assure them that

    they will be supported by myself and my Government in the due

    discharge of their duty and will not be sacrificed to unjust

    clamour or intrigue.

    The Maharajah on the advice of his Political Affairs Minister

    G.E.C. Wakefield also expressed his desire to hold talks with a

    representative delegation of the Muslim residents of the State.

    The Young Mens Muslim Association of Jammu nominated the

    following four members for the talks 1) Mistri Yaqoob Ali. 2)

    Sardar Gohar Rahman 3)Chaudhary Ghulam Abbas Khan and

    4) Sheikh Abdul Hamid Advocate. A small committee of their

    party had chosen these members. Sheikh Abdullah and his

    companions decided to adopt a different procedure. They

    decided to choose their members at a public meeting and obtain

    public approval for the chosen delegates. Sheikh Abdullah, was

    influenced while taking this decision by remembering how the

    people quickly forgot Khawaja Saiduddin Shawl and his

    companions after their exile from the State, because they had

    failed to obtain public support for their protest. Another reason

    was the desire to get leaders of different factions of the Kashmiri

    Muslims to endorse the chosen delegates to prevent any future

    controversy. Khwaja Ghulam Ahmed Ashai and Khwaja

    Saiduddin Shawl (who had returned from exile) played a key role


    in making the leaders of the different factions who were bitter

    rivals to agree to sit on a common stage.

    A public meeting

    They held the public meeting on 21 June. A mammoth crowd

    assembled at the venue of the meeting. The people were

    delighted when Mirwaiz Molvi Yusuf Shah embraced his bitter

    rival Mirwaiz Ahmadullah Hamadani and shook hands with Molvi

    Abdullah who at that time was a prominent member of the

    Ahmadi sect (From which he later parted ways). This in spite of

    the two being poles apart in their religious beliefs. This show of

    unity filled the crowds with a new fervor. Sheikh Abdullah now

    made his speech. He said that now the time had come to launch

    a do or die struggle for their rights. Then all the assembled

    leaders took an oath on the Koran that they would not betray the

    national cause .Finally the name of seven delegates were

    announced and the public approved them by raising loud

    slogans. The seven delegates were 1).MirWaiz Molvi Yusuf

    Shah.2) MirWaiz Molvi Ahmadullah Hamadani 3) Agha Syed

    Hussain Jalali 4)Khawaja Ghulam Ahmed Ashai 5) Munshi

    Sahabuddin 6) Khawaja Saiduddin Shawl and 7) Sheikh

    Mohammed Abdullah. The organizers now retired to a room in

    nearby Hamadania Middle School to have tea and for mutual

    discussions. It was now that destiny intervened in a most

    unpredictable manner that upset all the plans and calculations of

    the organizers.


    Abdul Qadeers indiscretion

    Unknown to the organizers a native of Panjab Abdul Qadeer was

    present among the audience. He was a cook in the employ of

    one Major Butt of the Yorkshire regiment who had come to

    Kashmir to spend his summer vacations and was staying in a

    houseboat near Naseem Bagh. Abdul Qadeer used to come for

    Friday prayers to Hazratbal where he was fond of making

    speeches to the assembled worshippers. A few weeks back he

    had met Sheikh Abdullah at Jamia Masjid and expressed his

    support for his struggle. Sheikh Abdullah had appreciated his

    support as the spontaneous feeling of a person in spite of his

    being illiterate and a foreigner. As the organizers left the stage

    Abdul Qadeer found the temptation to address the mass

    gathering too great to resist. Addressing the huge gathering, he

    said, O Muslims time has come for you to respond to a slap with

    a blow. Memorandums and representations are useless. They

    will not help to procure justice for you or solve the matter of the

    sacrilege of the Koran. Then pointing towards the Maharajahs

    palace, he said, Raze this palace to the ground.

    Abdul Qadeers arrest

    The organizers were unaware of Abdul Qadeers speech and

    after the crowd had dispersed, went back to their homes. Those

    days the popularity of Sheikh Abdullah had reached its acme

    and he had difficulty moving about as everywhere people used

    to assemble around him raising Slogans of Sher e Kashmir


    Zindabad. He and his companions were busy addressing daily

    meetings when a rumor circulated that the government was

    about to make arrests. Sheikh Abdullah, Molvi Abdul Rahim and

    Ghulam Nabi Gilkar fearing arrest went to a neighbors house to

    spend the night but learnt next day that one Abdul Qadeer, had

    been arrested from Nasim Bagh locality.

    A few days later, charges were framed against him for

    instigating Mutiny against the State. Now that the government

    charged him with supporting the peoples struggle Sheikh

    Abdullah and his companions, felt obliged to defend him. The

    government fearing public unrest decided to hold his trial in the

    Central Jail instead of a public court. On 12 July Sheikh

    Abdullah, Molvi Abdul Rahim and Ghulam Nabi Gilkar

    addressing a big public meeting in the Gawkadal locality of

    Srinagar condemned the government for not trying Abdul

    Qadeer in open court. They asked the people to be ready for any


    As the trial of Abdul Qadeer was fixed to start the next day i.e.

    the 13th of July they requested the people to not to come that

    day to the venue of the trial so as to avoid any untoward incident

    . At that time, they little realized that destiny would realize the

    sacrifice for which they had asked the people on that very day

    just a day before the much better known Bastille Day of France

    or that like the Bastille Day in France it would one day be

    celeberated as a public holiday in Kashmir.


    .The massacre

    Sheikh Abdullah and his companions had requested the crowd

    to stay away from the venue of the trial at Central Jail Srinagar.

    Unfortunately, three self-styled leaders Syed Maqbool Baihaqi,

    Syed Mohiuddin Andrabi and Mohammed Yahya Rafiqi

    reportedly instigated the mob to go the venue. The result was

    that on the day of the trial a big crowd assembled outside the

    Central Jail. Molvi Abdullah was entrusted with the job of

    defending Abdul Qadeer before the trial court. As Molvi Abdullah

    entered the Jail, a big crowd forced their way inside but later left

    at Molvi Abdullahs request.

    In the afternoon when it was time for afternoon prayers a large

    crowd entered the Jail premises for saying prayers. As the

    people started arranging themselves, someone informed the

    Governor, Raizada Trilok Chand who arrived with a posse of

    armed police. He started arresting the people who were

    peacefully standing outside the gates. This irritated them and

    they started pelting stones. The Governor ordered the police to

    open fire and they started firing at the persons praying inside the

    compound of the jail. The police shot dead a person who was

    saying the Azan on the wall of the jails compound. Another

    person jumped up and resumed the Azan. He too was shot and

    killed, but was immediately replaced by another man. This, gory

    drama went on until twenty-two of the worshippers were killed,

    and scores injured


    The enraged people ransacked and set on fire the police

    barracks inside the Jail premises. The people then made a flag

    from the shirt of a martyred person and started removing the

    injured and dead on Charpoys to the city.

    Unaware of what was taking place Sheikh Abdullah was sitting in

    his lodgings at Nawab Bazar with Molvi Abdul Rahim when a

    distraught person jumped into the room and informed them of

    the massacre. He also told them that a big crowd was coming

    towards the city with the dead and the wounded. Sheikh

    Abdullah asked Molvi Abdul Rahim to go and stop the crowd

    from proceeding beyond Jamia Masjid as there was danger of

    communal violence if they entered the Hindu areas of the city.

    Sometimes later Molvi Abdul Rahim returned and said that the

    mob refused to heed his requests and was taking the injured to

    the hospital at Maharajgunj. They had also started looting shops

    in Zaina Kadal and Bohri Kadal. Sheikh Abdullah now himself

    rushed to take stock of the situation.

    From enquiries, it transpired that some Punjabi Hindu

    shopkeepers of Maharajganj had refused to shut their shops

    when asked to do so by people carrying a dead body and some

    wounded persons. They jeered at the Muslim mourners, which

    enraged them and they attacked their shops. Some antisocial

    persons getting an opportunity started looting them. Armed

    cavalry soon reached the place and started indiscriminately

    arresting and beating the Muslims. On reaching the Jamia

    Masjid, Sheikh Abdullah first directed the people to arrange the


    dead bodies properly, and then attempted to console the

    bereaved. They had no medicine or bandages for dressing the

    wounds of the wounded. Outside the armed police was busy

    arresting and beating people in the Maharajganj locality and

    there was no possibility of taking the injured to the hospital.

    The dying mans bequest

    It was then that a dying man beckoned Sheikh Abdullah to come

    near him. When he came near him, he said Sheikh Sahib we

    have done our duty. Now it is your responsibility. Tell the people

    not to forget their commitment to the cause After saying this, he

    breathed his last.

    Sometime later Nawab Khusro Jung entered the Mosque in

    army uniform. As he started to speak, Sheikh Abdullah rebuked

    him, saying, After this massacre we will not be satisfied with

    mere words. We will avenge their blood and not rest until we

    have succeeded in restoring their rights to the people. The

    martyrs have entrusted this job to us

    Arrest of Sheikh Abdullah

    Early in the morning, the Maharajahs army surrounded the

    mosque with machine guns. Brigadier Sutherland came to the

    mosque with the Superintendent of police Mr.Thapa and directed

    Sheikh Abdullah to come out. As he came out he was arrested

    and taken to Badami Bagh Cantone