shellgame byphilipk.dick


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Post on 04-Dec-2015




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O’Keefe, awoken by a sound, runs for his gun and set off the alarm bells for the military camp. O’Keefe reports that the enemy was attempting to pump nerve gas into his home. Daniels instructs everyone to prepare their gas masks. Horstokowski points out that the attacks on the camp are getting more frequent, but the failure of the radar to identify the source of the most recent attack suggest that there is an enemy plant within the camp. Fisher searched the road and when he gets up is suspected and searched. Horstokowski is sure he was hiding something in the bog and that someone is a spy for Terra.At the Pattern Conference, which runs the camp, all nine representatives are prepared for the worst. One is prepared to catapult himself from the room. Another, Siblerman, is wearing an elaborate suit of armor. One member reports that an earlier attack on the water supply was only the beginning and that the next attack would involve a bacterial agent. Tate expresses doubts that the attacks are coming from Terra, or at least from the remnants and survivors of the ship that brought all of them to Betelgeuse II.