shepherdstown register (shepherdstown, va. [w. va.]). 1867-08 … · 2017. 12. 15. · the kdlior...

THE IIKUISTJSU. Verms i-ek year. so, win advance. S»\ey»\\ck^to\sn, W Ya: * » t* ... ; liATUKDAY \VG. W, 1887. i. ti i-n-Tnwmni' -.irir- nrn-riin ¦ hi ¦ ¦ ¦. i i..i \f y' Ab-F.NT. . The Kdlior t3 ab^-nt at lehc'tng tiie Virginia Lutheran Synod -»i .Now Maiktt, and if.anytlung disj leasing io orr.rea.k'rs occurs our columns give * l!i6»cr «.lljt.«& 1I10 . . ,^.'Srtie lie*, il. W. I'cdiugor « f il»o ^*ui»by teuau i'tiurcli is holding a Sacra- uaeiiul meeting at this place and *%».! hi*o services tins morning (Saturday) cl 101 o'clock and ako. «t night, and Sunday . morning and i. ght. The Uuv. Mt. lleal- tV, I »le of New Orbans, * lM as.-isl Mi. liedingc*. . r s.i .. Tl^d .|{cv. 1«1. VV. Ju. linger will preach «»4 i.'dg wood Scboohllnust , on Sunday afti rnoon, Aug. !Jth at 3 o'clock. £?> 'I'ho Itev. J. IV. Tongue hold a Du-!i fleeting n«*ar l.ettown ..o-innrro.'w (Suudap ) " We issue our paper a hu!o ja.lier ..Ins week to allow all bands '.0 tee the .Show." (ir^** A< rincN r. . On v'-iturday evening last, while Mr. Hubert Kion f.ucas was going down the. big bill to w~rd tho Poto¬ mac Mi. Is in a one horn" .wagon, the J.orso ran f jT and 'hrew 1»: i*j jut, severely remising h,ui. . J- I- ?.»ii«er, of Staunton, preached in the 1 ittherau Church ill this place en Tuesday night last. He is a great favori'3 with the ycun^ people c>f our town. Mu'llLAlKU Postal CuRBKSCY. A great many persons are at a loss to J^now how lo dispose of ragged and niu- ulaied currency that accumulates on their Jiand*. li if the easiest thing io tbe ipgilii.and without any expense. When you get three dollars worth ou baud put ;t in a small package, pin a paper band c.ound it w»th your name, post-office ad¬ dress and amount; then put it in an envel¬ ope and address it to the " Treasury of .the United Slates, Washington. D. 'V' in <\ lew days you will receive new cur- j.erry in return; it goes a::ti ,;etu:ns free of postage. The Maryland and Virginia Biidge 4 '.jiupany ha»c determined 10 rebuild ilie bridge ovt r the Potomac si. thii place, which was destroyed d u r *»;>» '.be Icte .war, and proposals ^ iU be received t.;;til the 1st ol Sr-p cmbcr for lhat purpose. 1 1 * . e.i. a:e all standing and nothing but ilie «uiJ wor!: n wanted. Tl.o-e wishing to nuke »i!l R. 1 i-*?'.'., President. (Jij- The t ut let Lock of the C. & ('anal, opposite to town is now gutting repaired sud in a short tune boats can tome out into the nvej and cross to ibis title and thus avoid the inconvenience, id iv experience J, in loading anil unload¬ ing. Tb»* Potomac Mills ( ompany bto now repairing the dam acrosj the river at that point, and raising it lughei. 1 be Cement Mills are kept constantly at work and hands are engaged in rebuilding tbe arge Mill. c-",»'''l'\vo young men, Bernard Brooks j and I'airi.k Kirh-. from Baltimore, were arrested in Alexandra on Tuesday even¬ ing ol h*t weil;, by t'ipt. V/, for Pleating a horse and buggy from Mr. Paul Sirjcsner, of Martins! urg.Wes: Virginia. They were committed to jail to, await a lequ.ieilion from Gov. Boreman. The' loyal voters of this county will hold a convention, at ibis place, to- I day, to nominate two candidates, for tbe Legislature and a candidate fo. County Superintendent of Free Schools. A can- d:da:a for the Stato Senate will also be iOjOt^ntfeJ '0i ,hi* d«8,ricl- .Jj-Some «f t!»s ycung ladies and gents j of "town and vicing hald a picnic at Lemon's spring on JVodp2«d3jr^.ast. (jr^ The U. S. Burial ( orps pwsed through this place on Thursday last with a large n-mber of coffin", for the removal of the Federal dead from the neighbor- , hood ol < 'umberland to Antietam Ceme¬ tery. (: >. During the nasi week, many of our farmers have threshed cud delivered their .rops of wheat, so a? to oecure tbe pres¬ ent rrice in anticipation cf ,a decline. Yhe market, however, etiil remains Crra. TVe y»v'ly of Wheat is considered fiir. ii^ou^ii iiyt as good a>> was anticipated. The colored people are building a J tiurch *n Clia^!estowt». 1 ho building is to be tf «|eod,,33 by 45 feet. Ki/BcrroNe.. An election took place in Tenne^ea lasl week. Brown- |()W was re-elected Governor by about 30.000 majority. Al| '.he Radical < on- gr^»#mcn were electej!. !n Kentucky on Monday, Helm the Deipocratic candidate w 43 elected Governor by .about 40,000 .mjoriiy. I £-,¦> Tins locality wji visited by re ' <? ism -j shower of ram on I hursday We»t V u. Court of Appeals. In the case of Nadenb iuscIi & Kiddle vs. Sharer and Martin, 1 rtiiii Berkeley county, Brown, J. «le!i ve» eil the opinion of the Couit, reversing the judgment ol the Court be. o'.v and awarding a new trial. A biief h!j»to,;y «»f litis case is as foils .vs Suit was brought by Sharer and AJarU« in if: e IJerkcley Circuit Court, against Nadenbiusch and lliudle, to recover the value o^ lumber seized and carried away lor the use of the rebel army. Judgment was* obtained against them for $2300, from which judgment Nadenbousch and Kiddle appealed. The defendants in error (Sha- rtr and Martin.) obtained a rule or onlf'r Jim, at a former term of lbs Appelate Court, to pursuance of thesis to prevent the prosecution of suits :ad ib'j suing out process by persons cngsgo'i in rebellion, dismissing the case, unl'ss the Plaintiff* in error. (Nadenbousch and Riddle.) should take the oaths prescribed, known as the ..Suitor's oath," as mentioned above. Judge I. .own, after reviewing the arte of t^e Legislature in relation to "Suitor's oaths" comes to the conclusion that the Legislature did not intend that a trial should he defeated, in the one case, w hen on« of the ITuntifls was loyal and took the oath required; and thnt in the other case, a rehearing should not bo defeated when one of the defendants was loyal and took the prescribed oath; "but Ijial rlie suit should be dismissed where the defen¬ dants «»r any one of them took and filed the preliminary oaths of loyal y, unless tho plaintiff* or som* one of them, should take and file the oath of loyalty required of them. !t wil! -be perc< i veil that tho question ol the constitutionality of the acts prescribing "the suitor's oaih," wa3 not raised by counsel, nor decided by the court. Sr*» tho caso of ],ickliJrr and others, vs. 1'ulk and others, from Jefferson county, on n mition for n writ of restitution, Max- well.J. delivered the opinion of the Court, overruling the motion. This was a mo¬ tion of tho plaintiff* to restore the church anil parsonage to the partieti who held the property, when tho writ of supersedeas wai>' granied. Our attention lias been called, by a fiiend in Jefferson county, Va , to the fol¬ lowing notice which appeared in soice of the papete : "In the Surratt trial, a few days since, Gen. K. G. Lee, of tho Confederate ar¬ my, was introduced as a v.ttnees for the de'ence, when three or four persons were brought fcrw&rd,who testified they would not believe Cen. Lao cn oath." Tl:i<» is a mistake, sr.d does injustice lo a high-souled Virginian and a gallant o.'Ii- cei of the la'" Confederate army. The petaon referred to is John Lee, a I'enn- sylvanian, who z witness fo: t!ic prosecution. " . j The examination o: tho witnesses who impeached tho testimony ol John Lee ««s heard just before (Jen. f ee was introdu¬ ced by the counsel engaged in delence of Surratt. Ilrnce the blunder, which seems to bo father inexcusable. Cen. E. C. Lee, is a native of Jefforson county, and son of 1£. 1., F.sq., whose house, it may be remembered, was turned by or- dt r of Cien. Havid Ifu.iter. Edmund 1. Loe is 3 cousin, we believe, ol Geo. 11. K Lee. The abovo statement is n.ade in j'isticc to an injured gentleman, w^ose character, as we happen to know, is above suspicion. . Lynchburg \ 'ir gin inn. Berkeley Items. \\ o clip the following items 'roin the Martinsburg / nlon of las ( week : Narrow Escape. . Cn Friday morn¬ ing last, some children , while playing ot ibe residence of Wm. I), Uurkha>t, Esq., bet fi.e to a window shade. By the prompt action of Mrs. Burkhart the flames were extinguished, but the casings bear tha marks of the flames. Map Doos.- Some of our friends from Ope.juan township inform us that several dogs have been killed recently by the cit¬ izens of that township. On Monday evening last, a p a * t y cf men belonging to Camp Collins, engaged in an affray near the Depot. Chief Couchman was promptly on hand and captured two of the ringleaders named I eary arid Larking. They were taken before Mayor Robinson, who committed Leary to jail to await the action of tho grand jury, and Cned Larking $2,50 and cost. Wo understand, that one day last week, Mr. John 1\ Kearfoot was thrown fyop a wagon, and lud tho cap of his knee severe¬ ly injured. We havo not learned the par¬ ticulars in the ease. Cam/ Mesjino. . Kev. W. T. D. Cletnm, P. E., of Winchester Confer¬ ence, M. E. Church, will commeuee a Camp Mee ing, August 29th, on '.fie old camp groun 1, near Bunker Hill, Berke¬ ley county, and continue one week. The Polish Colony in Spottsylva- nia. . The Polish Colony in this county, founded by the active exertions of Gen. Tochman, is represented to bo in a most flourishing condition. It is composed mainly t if not entirely, of exiled Poles, . men and women too nolle for a despot's security, and tirerefore banirhed from tho land that gave them birth. ..New Poland" is composed of jorne seventeen families, and each family has about 100 acres of land. They took pos* ecssionn of their homes too lale Ijsi year to put in a. wheat crop . and as is gener¬ al! known, so poor as to be unable to surround themselves with even some of the necessaries of life, and of course not many of its comforts. Each of t!:e families has already acqui¬ red a horse, a cow, hogs, two ploughs, axt», shovel, spade, &.C., A:c. They put out an oat crop which will afloid ample food for their stock with the Lay that h3s been already harvested. They have grown largely oi potatoes, beans, peas, &c., «fcc. Their coin is flourishing; and altogether, they may be said to have been eminently successful thus far. To economise is to draw in as much as possible. The ladies apply this art to their persons, an ! the rasult is a very srn:i!l waste. editorial Mievities. 'I lie cost of supporting th>» army in t!ie Southern S ta 33 during t c present ye:r is esumaied, by the Treasury Da- partment at $35,000,000 to $10,000,000. The laiest novelty in New York is a "lomling house bureau," where they pron ise to furni-h peopie with first class board at all p: ices. Ellsworth, Kansas, is nearly depopula¬ ted in consequence of cholera. Tliere were frrm three to ten deaths daily for l.» day?. , Baby Bates, a Kentucky giant, r.carly S feet high, is to be seen in i^uiney, III A son of the l'rince de Join viile is at the Brevort House, I^'ew Vork: President Johnson lias requested Sec- retary Stanton to resign hi® position as Secretary of War. In ea*e Sir. Sianton goes out of the Cabinet, General Grant will be appointed to perforin the duties of Secretary of War until the President shall have time to consider who he will name as the successor of ilr. Stanton. The people of Maryland are now seri¬ ously considering the queftion of ceding that considerable portion of the State known as the "Eastern Shore" to IVm- bj Ivacia. The Hi. Hev. Hichard Wilmer, As¬ sistant Bishop of the Diocese of Alabama, formerly Hector of Grace Church in Mer¬ ry v i 1 1 e is now on a visit to his fried e in Clarke, . The Hev. J. M. Athir.?on, D. D. Fres- J idem of Hampden Sydney College, preached in the Presbyterian church in : Charleston n, Sunday last, and will re¬ main a short tunc in the county. Eighty cases of yellow fever are re¬ ported at Galveston, ar.J twelve deaths from the same disease at Corpus Chrisli. The Republicans leaders in Richmond, Botts and Hauxburst, have quarreled. Tl.e litter has refused to servo on tfie jury « ith the former. An editor thus indulges his delinquent subscribers : "We don't want money | desperately bad, but cur creditors do, and they 110 doubt owe you. If you pay us, we'll pay thein, and they'll pay you." Col. McDonald, of the Chair of Miner- olngy and Geology, V. M. I , is in 1I12 lower Valley collecting specimens, and will make a tour of the State this year with the view to discover and exhibit the rare mineral wealth of Virginia. The corner elor.o of the new Masonic Temple, at Bridgcwater, Rockingham Co, will be Uid on the 14th of August, by M. W. G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, E. H. Lane, assisted by others, lion. II. A. Wise is expected to deliver an i»ddiej9 on that occasion. A Fair will be held end a pinnc. prepared in the af¬ ternoon. An old taJy in Kr.&x county, Tennes¬ see, on reading Governor Brownlow's bulletin, staling his health to be in a fa- voraLIo condition, burst out with, "Well, folks, I tell yon what it is. if Brownlow don't die spon, he'l! ^o to hell alive." A German writer estimates that an acre of good buckwheat will yield four¬ teen pounds of honey daily. "Have you not mistaken the pew sir ? blandly said a Sunday Chesterfield to a stranger who had entered it. "1 beg pardon," euid the intruder, rising to go out, "1 fear I have ; 1 took it for a Christian's." The human heart, uke a well, if utterly closed in from tho outer world, is sure to generate an atmosphere of death. Driving tandem is described to be the driving of two or more horses ono ahead the other. Ii is Latin word, which means "at length," and has rather a far- fetched application. By order of the post commander at Houston, Texas, the captain of a steam¬ boat from that port gave "first-class ac¬ commodations to three colored men com¬ prising a board of registrars, but not until after 'great excitement.' Major Whiting. quartermaster in charge of '.he work, teports that up to this time 70.300 bodies havo been re-buried in iho cemeteries embraced within operations of the Army of the Cumberland. On the 31st of October next it will be three hundred and fifty years sinco Lu¬ ther nailed the ninety-five Theses on the door of the Castlo Church at Wittenberg. It will accordingly comple.e the seventh Jubilee of the Reformatted which histor¬ ically dates from that day. E:;-Gov. Brown, of G9orgia, i3 writing letters in lav<jr of reconstruction un'Jer the military bill, nnd against the policy advo¬ cated by ex-Senator Hill. Ex-Gcvcrnor Perry of South Carolina, has written an- other letter advising opposition to recon- struction on the Congressional plan. Freedraen who have recently returned to Charleston from Liberia give discour¬ aging accounts from that country, end let¬ ters from other parties warn the;r friends.a- gainst emroigration. Father W, Ii. Holman, the oldest Methodist minister in Kentucky, died at Centre villc, Ind., on Friday. Last week the Connecticut Legislature, in the lower branch, passed the negro suf¬ frage amendment to the Constitution of the State by a vote of 100 to 80. Gen. A. L. Long, late Chief Artillery, 2d Corps, has purchased a farm in Bed¬ ford county, near Big Island, for $2,300, and will make his home there. The f blic debt is going up at the rate of over twenty four millions a month. That is only two hundred and forty mil¬ lions a year 1 Cheap enough, certainly, for 3 grand experiment cf turning white men negroes, and changing the Amer¬ ican into African system of government. The Hunnicutt-Uo'.ta convention that essembled in Richmond Ya., on the 1st instant "to organize Uie Republican Par¬ ty in Virginia," broke up in a row with¬ out doing anything. Botts and the co- operaiionists were indignantly spurned py ihe Hunnicutt party. General Pope has issued an ore'er that no civil court shall entertain any action against officers or soldiers for acts done in accordance with orders from the mili¬ tary authorities or by their sanction. If II ¦! mm, il MI ¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ Ihe L'ttHe of Mrs Surratt. Ti e W asliington correspondent of the N- w York Times writes : The recommendation for mercy fur Mr*. Surratt, made by some of the mem¬ bers of the military commission which tried the assassinating cou.-pTitcrs, lias at last been unear'.hed, anJ ;eads as fol¬ lows : .'The undersigned, members of the military Aothmis-ion deiaihu to try Ma¬ ry K. Surratt 3nur others for the conspira- cy ant! t: e murder of Abraliam Ivncoln, late President of the United Slates, &.C., respectfully pi ay the President, in consid¬ eration of the pc x and age cf siid Mary E. Surralt, if heo in, upon ail the facts in the case, find i C consistent with his sense of duty to the country, to commute the sen¬ tence i>f death which the Court have been constrained to pronounce to imprisonment in the penitentiary for life. Respectfully submitted. "D. Hunter, Major General, President; Aug. Kautz, Brigadier and Brevet Major Goneral ; R. S. Foster, Brigadier and Brevet Major General ; James A. Ekin, Bre\c*. Brigadier General ; Claries, il 'i'omp-ir.s, Brevet Colonel and Acting Quartermaster. The recommeodatipn was drawn up by Hun. John A. Bingham, Judge Advo¬ cate, and the following members of the court refused to sign it : Generals Lew. Wallace, A. P. Howe and T. M. Harris and Colonel D. R. Glendenmng. This recommendation is written on a sheet of fools-cap, which is joined to the sheet on which the approval of the dcath-scntence is signed by President Johnson. The recommendation to mercy, it has ) already hem shown, never reached Presi¬ dent Johnson. It is understood that Mr. Johnson un¬ equivocally tieuies thai the paper and findi.'igs of the cot.rt in the assassination trial were first submitted Jo liie Cabinet before he signed t:is approval cf the ac¬ tion of of the court. He says the official record was presented to him hy General Holt, and wu signed in his presence i that at that time n > recoramen isiion for commutation of rentence of Mrs. Surratt was attached to the papers. Hook Notices. Tjik Oi.d Guard. . The Old Guard for Au- ;r;st is now read)-, besides the story of Mr. Siuims and John Esten Cooke's battle sketch, wehavoa variety of articles. One, entitled "The South and ITcr Faltering Men," by tho editor, will attract general attention. . The Basis of American Civilation," by Dr. Van Evrie, is one of the best from his pen. There ' is a good selection of other articles, which, with Editor's aud Iiook Tables,mak-i up a frood num- ber. Subscribers to The Old (Jyrrd for tho rest of the j car pet a steel plato portrait of Jackson or Lee. It is for sale by ali ^'ew» Agents, price 25 cents. Bj mail, ?3 per year. Van Evrie, Uorton it Co., l'u'.lishers. The Lady's Friekd. . The July number of tliii magazine opens with a Steel 1'Jatc of unu¬ sual interest and beauty . a lovely Cinderella, sit tin/ sad and neglected by ihe kitchen fire, her haughty sisters disappearing throvgh the door- way. The ( ulored Fashion Plate, as usual, is an elegant and faithful transcript of the pre- raiiiii : modes; and the wood cut-, illustrating articles of dr* s: and teaching fancy work, mmt be of great value to thd ladies. Tho Si i!<ftc , "Kiss the Little Ones for Me,'1 looks the kind of song to be popular. Address Deacon Si Pe¬ tersen. 319 W alnut Street, Philadelphia. iLj * ! 1 the Lditor please sci;u us ;he Au¬ gust number. Gcdey's Ladv's Book.. The August number opens with a buautilul Steel Mngrhving . "First Break in the Family," . followed by tho usual brilliant Fcsbion Plates. &c. Godey possesses the talent of keeping up the reputation he hai so long enjoyed, and each number seems to sur¬ pass all preceding ones. One copy one year, !?3.00. Address L. A. Godey, N. E. corner Sixth and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia. 2C/" Dont be afraid to invest 10 cents, it may secure you £10,000. Wo have received the sccond number of "The Pen and Pencil," a new illustrated 'Veekly, brim full of Illustra¬ tions and entertaining reading matter. Kvery purchaser of which will secure a ticket free. en¬ titling hi in to participate In the distribution of 350,000 in Greenbacks. Sold by all newsdeal¬ ers, price 10 cents with Ticket, (by mail 13cts.) T. K. Dawley Co., Publi:heis, 21 &. 23 Ana Street, New York. , Savage. Affairs in Mcxico are in a high state of ferment. Escobedo, General-in-Chief, addressed a letter to Gov. Gomez of Nu- which the following language is used in regard to all strangers in the country : "Tho execution of tha traitors, which I had the satisfaction of directing, is good food for digestion. It will satisfy the Eu¬ ropeans, and Yankess, too, that to trifle with Mexicans is death hy the law. Had wo complied with tho request of the Yan¬ kees to dpare the filibustero and his asso¬ ciate would have been taken for cowardice, and the next thing would have been a request to give up our lands, our mines and our women. After this we shall be allow9d to worship our own God, till our own soil, work our own mines, and not have our women defiled by Yankee libertines. "There is no danger of the Yankees interfering with us so long as the South- err. States are kept out of the Union; be¬ sides the black men would side with us, and may at any time pronounce against the whites. Hefore we get through with the foreigner?, the Yankees will think we arc in earnest, and the time will come when their notables will be begging for their own head?, ir.stetd of begging for tire Austriacs." Respbct to t.'i k Chief of Rebels. . A lady writing from Liberty, Bedford county, »peaking of a reccnt visit of Gen. Lee to that place says : "As he rode through the Tillage, on his departure, the citizens assembled, and while he was passing along the streets every man raised his hat and stood with bowed head. The General also raised his hat, and in this silent tribute of the people to their favorite General, was in¬ deed beautiful. A gentleman riding with the General the time says 'that he felt like weeping, it being such a solemn trib¬ ute of respect . so silent and sad . not a voice wa&raised . 'twas the heartfelt love of a conquered people for a beloved hero.' " The Paris (Illinois) Titnes says there are two men in that county over 100 years of age. One of them, John Eagan, an Irishman, who fought in the revolu¬ tionary war, is in his 1 0 4 ill year ; the other, John Garvin, zlao an Irishman, is 110. Editorial Brevities. General Sickles has ordered the po«t commander at Raleigh, .North < "aroiina, to notify Governor Worth that the ad¬ journed August session of the North Car¬ olina Legislature is postponed until fur¬ ther orders. General Sickles has suspended all jury trials in North Carolina, on account of non-compliance wiili General Order No. 32 ordering a revision of the jury lists. Dispatches from Tennessee stats that the "troubles down there between the whites and freedmen still exist. .Mr. Thaddeus Stevens speaking of the belligerent rights on the part of the South, by the Yankee Government, said that "the hanging of Mrs. Surratt was crutl, unnecessary murder," but it is no use to find fault with it now. It cannot be help¬ ed, and I suppose was done to gratify a moibid appetite for blood on the part of some excited people North." O. P. Baldwin, Esq., of Virginia the well-known and popular writer and geH- tleman, it is said, is now writing the ed- i:oria!s in the Baltimore Sun. Ill the counties of Clarke, Frederick, Rockingham and Augusta, the number of whiteB registered is 9,031, and the num¬ ber of blacks, 3,502. Secretary Stanton refuses to resign his position in the Cabinet at the request of the President. Mrs. Jeflerson Davis and daughter, passed through Baltimore on Tuesday last en route for Canada. The Surratt case was given to tho jury on Wednesday last. General Sheridan has removed tho Mayor and Alderman of tho town of Lako Charles, Louisiana, and appointed others in their place. A recent letter from Hon. Thaddeus Stevens to a Radical fiiend in this city I states that a bill will be presented at the opening of the November Congressional session for confiscating the property of all Southern ex-slaveholders who dismiss the Ireedmen for voting the Republican ticket. Senator Wilson, it is understood, strongly fators this course. The names of such ex-rebels arc to be collected by tho military commanders fi»r reference. A Methodist exhorter recently, bewail¬ ing the coldness of his (lock in religious matters, said very curtly the church mem* bers of iaie attended too much to. the con¬ version of sfSTCO-lhirties. , One thousand dollar confederate bonds are used a9 newspaper wrappers in Tex¬ as. A mocking bird was sold in Nashville, Tenn., for $200. Agassiz says the Florida reefs were 70,000 years in being formed. Cholera and small-pox are ravaging the English army in India. In Nevada and Colorado, female ser. vants receive $50 a month. The supply is limited, and 6ome one writes to the Boston Transcript to "send the ^irla along." No distinction made in regard to color. On one occasion Mr. James T. Brady, of New York, was defending a case, when the judge m;>de several ruling* very much Against the defendant ; whereupon Mr. Brady blandly inquired : "May jt please your honor, who's engaged on the other side of this case besides the juJgs ?' The New Orleans mint, which has been idle since tho commencement of the rebellion, is about to resume operations. It will commence by coining nickels. Edward J Royce, the colored man who is believed to have been choaen President of Liberia on the 7th of May last, was a barber in Ohio previous to his emigration to Liberia in 1810, and ie said to be very intelligent. The port of Wilmingion is threatened with obstructions which may seriout-ly impair its usefulness. Immense banks of sand have been discovered in various pla¬ ces, carried tbitjjer from the mountains by the '.cemer.dcus reins of last month. A well-dressed, clean looking colored man W3s recently driven from tho table of a firs t class hotel in Niles Michigan. Nature will tell, even in Radical Yankee land. Swinton, the Northern historian of the "Army of the Potomao," expressly fixes the responsibility for the non-exchange of prisoners upon the Federal Commander- in-chief, who, he says, for eighteen months refused to entertain a proposition looking to each an exchange. Ex-Governor David li. Porter died at his residence ai Harrisburg yesterday af¬ ternoon, in tho 79th yea: of ins tge. The Barnum, Van Amburgh fcCastel- lo combinaiion is now giving exhibitions in the Valley ol Virginia. Tho Grand faster of Maryland lias accepted the invitation to lay with Mason¬ ic Honors on the 17th of September, the Corner-stone of the Monument to be erec- cd on the grounds of the Antietam Cem¬ etery. A merchant's advice in selecting a wife was, "get hold of a pieco of calico that will wash." The original meaning of chignon is cabbage . oh, ladies ! Snooks says the words "No Cards are affixed to marriage notices, bccause the parties played all their cards before marriage. Flour is selling in Staunton Va., at ?7 per barrel. There is ; man in Kanawha county W. V'., thit ha~ a beard 33 luches long. On the 1st instant Captain Ames of the 1 0 : h cavalry, with fony-four men, started in pursuit of a band of in«iian aiders who had been committing outrafes near Fort Harker. After a hot pursuit of forty-five miles our troops overhauled about seven¬ ty-five Indians on the Sabine river, and a fight ensued, when the Indians were re¬ inforced by about two hundred braves, all armed with Spencer carbines, and com¬ manded by two white men. Captain Ames wss surrounded, but fought his way out and fell back towards Fort Hayes closely pursued by the Indians for a dis¬ tance o! fifteen mile;. ..Marsc Iloliert " General Robert E. hee has been on a visit to the Greeubriar White Sulphur S'r ngs. A correspondent s3>s : Gen. 1 ee arrived bere on his famous gray Vo .?, which he rode all the way from hexing- ton. On his approach to the hotel a Granger *ot*ld have liken turn for a plain Vircfoia Urmcr. He looks remarkably well, and although his b«r »3 has not otherwise change., so rnuc 1 appearance as not to be read'.l} '«ogn zed bv those who knew hi® before the war. hike Wasbiogtoo. Laf^eue, an other rebel patriots ol the Involution. L is respected and beloved eren by ihos# who were engaged against him in the late unhappy struggle. There was no ex citement or furore on the General . a". yal, but every one hero treated him wi the most profound respect and the greal- e«i courtesy. On his appearance in the ball room he received the respect and smiles of the ladies from all parts of the country, but retired early to Ins cottage in the Baltimore row, where he was serena¬ ded about 13 o'clock *y Professor Uosen- bere's Baltimore band. The General is accompanied by his wife, daughter and son. the former of whom is quite an in¬ valid, and has ;o be removed from the cottage to the and batha cn a chair placed on wheele. Dreams.. Judge Pierrepon», attorney for the prosecution in the gurratl trial, in the course of h;s remarks alluded to a cir- cumstance that occurred upon the last day of Mr. Lincoln's life. Upon that day the President calhd his cabinet to¬ re her. and he was very anxious to hen Irom General Sherman. General Gron , Who was present, said that nothing but good news would be heatd from Sherman. Mr. hincoln was still troubled an oppressive fear, and related a dream t.i >t he had had tho previous night. That samo dream had visited him «ho night before the disaster at Stone river, at Chancellor«ville,and upon the eve of other disasters. He felt that some evil was to como over the govcrnmant, and he cou.d not get rid of the feeling. The incident was as in support of an argument that Mr. Tierrepont was making to show that no t»reat evil ever cama upon a countiy with¬ out a warning by dream cr otherwise from Providence. Sasford Conover.. On Thursday R- T. Merrick, Ksq., in his argument for the defence in the trial of John H. Surratl, alluded to Sanford Conover. the purjurer, as having manipulated witnesses for the prosecution, among whom were . . Cleaver end Ki^hard Montgomery, lo those who aro acquainted with the evi¬ dence offered by Hoaro and Snivel, the tools of Sanlord Conover, in the auemp ,o fasten the crime of lha assaas.nat.on conspiracy Jeffer.on member the adroit cunning with these men were manipulated by Conover. The statement of Mr. Merrick, may ap¬ pear almost incredible, but it is o positive fart, that the execution of tho sentence o Conover was delayed at the special re- que«t of .he counsel for the prosecution until all the evidence to be ottered by the Government had been given tn the case of John II. Suriatt. The fact that Con¬ over was not removed until the cone hi- sion of the examination of witnesses for tho United States would seem to confirm the assertion of Mr. Merrick. . national fntcllig'encer. On Sunday last. Ucv. T. II. McC-Ilie, pastor of the Presbyterian church in Nashvilie, had an appointment to preach at Cleveland, Tennessee. He was me bv a crowd of about fifty negroes, headed by three white men, the leader of whom was Captain tfavid -NcWm. a prorautent radical, and son of T. A. K- Nelson Captain Nelson told him he cou.d not preach there. vCI)C illrttliCtG. Shepherdstown Market. Cmrtcltd xcetkhj by !>¦ S- lltnlch. FLO UK, - - $11.00 a 12.00 WHEAT, (Red) . £1,90 a 2,00 CO JIN, - . 8f* a 90 OATS, - . 55 a GO WOOL, . 28 a 30 BUTTER, - - 15 a 20 EG£S. . . 1 21 a 15 BACON', . - 14 a 18 LARD. - - ? 12] a 12 J POTATOES, . 1,25 a 1,50 LUMBER. - . 3.00 a 4.00 SHINGLES, - - 12,00 aly.OO . | It A I MM OUE M.IKKET. FLOUR . Was quiet to day, and lit* pprKra1 anticipation of lower prices. We in ar l ot n'« further iiles f»»r »xp<»rt, and nothing worthy of remaik for local wants. We q<toie prices as before, though nominal. Howard Street Super and Cut Exira, $9O0all 00; Howard Street Extra Shipping $11 00al2 00 ; Howard Street high grades fcl3 00al3 25 Howard Street Family tl 1 00al4 25. WHEAT. . Receipt* to-day 217 1 but. white and 12.800 bu&he red ; market openid e:eady, but grew languid, and clos¬ ed dull at a decline cf 5 to 10 cent* per bushel, a good deal being left over unsold. The millers generally aro supplied suffi¬ ciently with grain to cover a'l the flour contracted for, hence the abatement in the demand. Included iq the tales to day were 1000 bu»ha white at $2 45i2 75 ; 500 buihs do. at f2 23*2 32 ; G000 bis. red ranging as to quality from 52 15 to 255, bulk at $2 40*2 53 . at the close quote for choice red $2 50a2 55, iud good to prime $2 35«2 45. CORN. . 4400 bushs white and 4100 bushs yellow embraced the offerings ; market was both dull and lower; inclu¬ ded in the sales were 2500 bbshs white at tl 1 4a 1 18 ; 450 bushs yellow at II 13 al 14. OATS.. 11.300 builn were received; demand brisk, foot up 7500 bushs 71a78 cts, mostly 75a77 eis for new. RYE.. 350 buaha eoid at $1 40, and 358 do. at 31 45 per bushel. GOLD. . Uuotationa in Baltimore at 140 a 1 40^ ; anil opened in New York at 140< and closed at 140. cirri ciqcs. ._ 1 .'t la Mariinsbur^, un ti c * 4 n';.. Rev. H. ( MeDaniel, Jcrc niah S-tuh' of Columbus, Ohio, and Jennie Sii imp, of Berkeley county. Dcatljs. Oa Sunday morning last, at his test- denee nesr Rinehan's School House, .\ir. John Miller, an aged and respectable cit- izen. Ilia remains vfcre interred by ihe Sons of Temperance in the Ciermaa Re- formed graveyard at ibis place. On the 25th ult., Emma Susan, in¬ fant daughter of William and Augusta Shuart, of Berkeley county. CIRCUIT COURT OF Jefferson County, West Va. April Term, 1807. IT ia ordered by the Court that C. E. Stubbs a Master Commissioner o! this Court, do alate and settle the accounts of all the Receivers of this Court both the general and special; and ot all persons to whom any money has been loaned under the orders of the Court both the general and special; and of all persons to whom any coney has been loaned under the orders of the Court; or who have money ' subject to the lulure order of the Court, and which remains undisbursed, iu all re¬ spects as prescribed by soction 25 cf chaptcr 179 of the Code of 1800. And also the accounts of such Receivers of the late Circuit Court and County Court o| JetTerson County, \ irgim». and of per¬ sons to w hom any money has been loan¬ ed under orders of said Courts; or who havo money subject to orders of said Courts whilst they existed but since they ! ceased to exist, subject to the orders jf this Court and which remains unimburv ed. That to facilitate and aid in such ¦cttle- ments, the Clerk uf this Court ehall fur¬ nish said Commissioner with a copy of this order with the list aud statement prescribed and required by sections 15 and 25 of chapter 170, and tliai Commis¬ sioner also ascertain and report as to the tiufTiciency of the bonds of Receivers and . other bonds as required by said section 25. And that such Receivers if they hate failed to make and tile the report lequir- ed by tbo 19th section of said chapter 179, llut they make and furnish such re¬ ports and statements to smd Commission¬ er for his aid in making the required set- i dements and to be returned with his re¬ port to a future trrm of this Court. A true copy . Testo : WM. A. CHAP I. INF., c. c. n. Per J. 1). Fay man, i». c c. c. JVTOTICE is hereby given that at my 1\ ofiice in Shcplierdstown, on the VlOtli day of August, 18C7, I will proceed lo execute the above, at which lime and place all persons to whom the above order may refer will please attend and make a settlemen t. C. E. STUBBS, Commissioner. August 10, 18G7. tf Free Press copy for 2 weeks and return bill lo this otlice. HAY, Sirawr and Fodder (.'utters on hand and for solo by aug 10 Snyder -V I. ink, Nuffield*. Groceries. Groceries. UJ E havejutt received a full ilork of Groceries, embracing Granulited, Soft and l!ar<] (rushed, Light and Dark Drown Sugar*, ai from 121 to 22 ccnts per pourd; C ofTec at 25, 2H and 30 cente par pound, Willow, (!edar, Tin and oili¬ er ware*; Tubacco and Segars, (or asle by aug 10 COST & WAG NEK. ~ SCHOOL NOTICE MISSES FAN NIK <fc ELLA HAK- i'EK will return* their SCHOOL on ibo la/ Monday in September, 1H17. The English branches will be taught aa heretofore by Miss Fannio Harper, and Music by Mua hlla Harper. Thankful lor the liberal patronage ex¬ tended to them hitherto, they would glad to have . continuance of the favor, and will endeavor to make their School acceptable to all. Term* mado known on application. bbepberdato wn, Aug. 10, 1807. 3t IMPORTANT NOTICE TO FARMERS. WE bare now on hand and fur tale, the cele¬ brated GUM-SPRING DRILL , Willoujrhby's i'at«nt,with and without GUANO ATTACHMENT. All peraoni who wUh to supplied with lh<( unequalled I'nll,should Itus their orders with us early, us numbers were left out last year on account of being loo lata. Persons need not be afraid to risk theae Drills bacausc of lha false statements winch have bean made of the Guano swelling, and other state¬ ments bj the friend* of other Drills. Thoae who have tried U.ii Drill, are ready to teatify to it« superiority; and we ourselves have ®a*d the Drill for years to our entire »atnfaclion,and will warrant them to do perfect work in tho roughest and atott uneven iand. We arc now prepared to furnish the Sea Fowl Guana, warranted pure. Alao Hradley's Patent Super Pboaphato of l.ime, Clatter, hr. Ceraont in want of the above articles will let ut have tii«ir order? early to aa to £et it 10 time. SNYDER k LINK, Sole Ajrents for JetFerson Couety . Duff.elds, August 10, 11:67. The Keystone Cider Mill. \'OW on hanl and for tale, the KEYSTONE CIDER MILE, which we guarantee to run eatier, grind fa»ter, and it the strongest and moat durable Mill id use. SNYDER te LINK. Duflields. August 10, WOOI, WANTED . will pay tho highest market price f"r WOOL, in lode. Morgan, Strode if Co. 11 e ITLES. Bell-Metal, Porcelain and 3L Orais Kettle*, for sale by I). Humphrey $ t,- Co., July 27 Charlestown. IJAlLS furnished to the m«!e at Haiti- ii more city pricce. R. Shafer.

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  • THE IIKUISTJSU.Verms i-ek year. so,win advance.

    S»\ey»\\ck^to\sn, W Ya:*

    » t* ... ;liATUKDAY \VG. W, 1887.

    i. ti i-n-Tnwmni' -.irir- nrn-riin ¦ hi ¦ ¦ ¦. i i..i

    \fy' Ab-F.NT..The Kdlior t3 ab^-nt atlehc'tng tiie Virginia Lutheran Synod -»i.Now Maiktt, and if.anytlung disj leasingio orr.rea.k'rs occurs n» our columns give

    * l!i6»cr «.lljt.«& 1I10 . .

    ,^.'Srtie lie*, il. W. I'cdiugor « f il»o^*ui»by teuau i'tiurcli is holding a Sacra-uaeiiul meeting at this place and *%».! hi*oservices tins morning (Saturday) cl 101o'clock and ako. «t night, and Sunday

    . morning and i. ght. The Uuv. Mt. lleal-tV, I »le of New Orbans, * lM as.-isl Mi.liedingc*. . r s.i ..

    Tl^d .|{cv. 1«1. VV. Ju.linger will preach«»4 i.'dg wood Scboohllnust , on Sundayafti rnoon, Aug. !Jth at 3 o'clock.

    £?> 'I'ho Itev. J. IV. Tongue holda Du-!i fleeting n«*ar l.ettown ..o-innrro.'w(Suudap )

    " We issue our paper a hu!o ja.lier..Ins week to allow all bands '.0 tee the.Show."

    (ir^** A< rincN r..On v'-iturday eveninglast, while Mr. Hubert Kion f.ucas wasgoing down the. big bill to w~rd tho Poto¬mac Mi. Is in a one horn" .wagon, theJ.orso ran f jT and 'hrew 1»: i*j jut, severelyremising h,ui.. J- I- ?.»ii«er, of Staunton,preached in the 1 ittherau Church ill thisplace en Tuesday night last. He is agreat favori'3 with the ycun^ people c>four town.

    Mu'llLAlKU Postal CuRBKSCY.A great many persons are at a loss toJ^now how lo dispose of ragged and niu-ulaied currency that accumulates on theirJiand*. li if the easiest thing io tbeipgilii.and without any expense. Whenyou get three dollars worth ou baud put;t in a small package, pin a paper bandc.ound it w»th your name, post-office ad¬dress and amount; then put it in an envel¬ope and address it to the " Treasury of.the United Slates, Washington. D. 'V'in