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My name is Nathan Thomas, and I’m delighted to welcome you to the Street

Hypnotist’s Handbook, Second Edition. Here you will find a collection of

hypnosis techniques and methods, with simple ‘how to’ instructions. This will

help you brush up on the fundamentals of hypnosis, give you some new ideas

for inductions, deepeners and suggestions, and provide you with some safety

guidelines, as well as hopefully getting your creative mind rolling on how you

can adapt, modify and invent these techniques yourself.

In this revised edition you will also find a collection of recommended resources

which I have made for you. As you can imagine, I get dozens of hypnosis

trainers banging on my door everyday asking me to review their products. I

have whittled down the list and will only point you towards the best of the


This is essentially a quick recipe book of hypnosis techniques, and assumes that

you already have a good understanding and knowledge of hypnosis, and have

already studied the basics. Refer to this book when you need fresh ideas, or

when you want to try out some new techniques or methods. Remember the

instructions given are just guidelines, feel free to modify these techniques as

they suit you, and remember that there is no right or wrong way to do

hypnosis, provided that what you are doing works. At all times, when doing

any induction or other techniques, make safety and the respect of your subject

your top priorities.

So, I know you’re keen to begin, so, without further ado, let’s kick it off!

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Instant and Rapid Inductions.

We’ll begin with instant and rapid induction techniques. Some of these will

also combine what are commonly called suggestibility effects. The essential

ingredient behind every one of these techniques is confidence in yourself and

your hypnotic ability. If you need help gaining this confidence, keep your eyes

peeled for a special resource at the end of this section. These step by step

instructions will give you the skeleton of the techniques, the real ‘magic’

comes from the way you do them.

You’ll notice that all these inductions are essentially the same, with shock,

surprise, confusion, loss of equilibrium, eye fixation and other principles being

used to make the trigger (the ‘sleep’ or ‘relax’ or ‘trance’ command) effective.

This is not the only way to do an instant induction, but it is the standard

method and is highly effective.

A trouble shooting section will be provided at the end.

The Hand Drop Induction

1. Sit your subject down

2. Have them press down upon one of your hands palm on palm

3. Lift your hand up against theirs to encourage them to press hard

4. Move your hand away suddenly, as their hand drops and their enter

shock firmly give your trigger (ie Sleep!) and begin your deepener.

The Arm Pull Induction

1. Sit your subject down or stand them securely and ensure they will not


2. Take a hold of their hand with yours, as if you were shaking hands

3. Give a firm but not violent or painful jerk to the arm, and then

immediately command sleep and move into a deepener, always ensuring

that they do not fall. You may want to use your other arm to secure their

neck and head to prevent whiplash as you do this.

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The Magnetic Hands Induction

1. Have your subject hold both their arms out about a foot apart, with their

palms facing each other.

2. Tell your subject to imagine their hands were magnetic plates, being

attracted to each other and being pulled closer and closer together

3. As your subjects hands get closer tell them that the moment their hands

touch they will immediately enter a deep trance.

4. Just before their hands touch rapidly (but not roughly!) clap their hands

together and then command sleep and enter a deepener.

The hand to face induction

1. Ask your subject to hold out their hand in front of them

2. Rapidly take hold of this hand and move it up in front of their face

3. Tell them that their hand is going to begin moving towards their face and

the moment it touches their face they will immediately enter a deep


4. Continue to loop this suggestion and the instant their hand touches their

face rapidly pull their arm downwards and command ‘sleep!’

The Handshake Induction (simple version)

Simply interrupt a normal handshake and lead into either the arm pull or hand

to face induction above.

The Handclasp Induction

1. Have the subject clasp their hands in front of them, very tightly

2. Ask them to imagine their hands are glued together to the point where

they cannot come unstuck

3. When their hands are successfully glued together push their hands

downwards firmly and command sleep, and enter a deepener.

The eye lock induction

1. Have the subject close their eyes, and simply relax them to the point

where they just won’t open (should take less than 30 seconds)

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2. Tell them to relax and sleep deeply (as by that time they are already in


The ‘Stiff Arm’ Induction

1. Have the subject hold out one of their arms

2. Have them move all the tension from their mind and their body, and all

their doubts about hypnosis into that arm, making it stiff as a steel bar,

tight, rigid and unbendable

3. When they have confirmed that the arm is unbendable, say that when

you push down on it they are going to release all that tension and enter

a deep state of hypnosis.

4. Firmly grasp their arm as you command ‘release’ or ‘sleep’

and loosen it until all the tension is gone, then deepen quickly to

stabilize the incredibly deep state you have created.

My Inductions:

Two inductions I have created totally on the fly whilst filming for YouTube, just

a bit of fun which you may enjoy, and should give you an idea of how easy it is

to create inductions of your own:

The Nathan Finger Waggle Induction: (great for demonstrations and analytical

subjects, and shows how anything really can be an induction)

1. Have the subject hold both arms up and ask them to cup their right


2. Have them rotate their cupped hand quickly left and right

3. As they are doing this have them waggle the fingers on the other hand,

as fast as possible

4. Repeatedly ask them to swap hands, combine patterns, change over,

slow down and speed up, overloading them and confusing them all the


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5. Pull both their hands down and command ‘Sleep’ then deepen

The Thomas String Body Catalepsy Induction (AKA The String Induction)

1. Have your subject securely standing up, and ensure they will not fall

2. Have them put their hands out in front of them about a foot apart

3. Ask them to imagine tight but not uncomfortable string wrapping itself

tightly around their whole body in a strangely comfortable way

4. Keep talking about this comfortable string locking their arms and legs in

place (whist making sure they are secure and do not fall)

5. Test to make sure they are finding it gradually hard and harder to move,

but are still feeling safe and comfortable

6. When they are totally immobile due to this hypnotic string ask them to

imagine that all the tension of the string is secured in one line between

their two hands, and the second you cut that wire they will instantly

relax totally and fall into a deep trance, but their legs will continue to

support them and they will remain standing.

7. ‘Cut’ the wire, and pull their hands apart, command sleep and secure

them, then deepen.

So there you have just a few instant induction ideas, try them all out, and

integrate the advanced skills you are about to learn in the other sections of this

program into them to make them more hypnotic and effective, and of course

adapt and create your own techniques and just do what comes to you in the



If something seems to go wrong with one of your inductions just bear in mind

these simple ideas and options, which can also be applied to ‘failed’

suggestions or routines (as after all, an induction merely is just another type of


Always act confident

Sometimes be prepared to admit failure, but use it as an opportunity to

learn, ask the subject questions and find out what happened, explain

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that they may just not have been in the mood to be hypnotized at that


Act as if the induction worked, have them close their eyes and do your


Move smoothly into another induction without faltering

Utilize their every given response and direct it towards a successful

hypnotic outcome

Special Resources

1: My good friend Sean Michael Andrews creates the best instant

induction DVDs on the market. If you want to hone your skills,

these are the ones to go for. Click Here To Get Sean’s DVDs

2: Remember, Confidence Is Key to EVERYTHING you do here.

If you want the confidence of a master hypnotist, then check out

this special offer: Click Here For ‘The Confident Hypnotist’

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Here are some fairly standard deepeners to get you started. Remember the

best deepeners are always what just comes to you in the moment, so just talk,

and drop yourself into a trance and say what pops into your head. These

methods are just to get the ball rolling. With each deepener I have simply given

very basic and simplified examples. Do not use these as scripts. Use your own

words if you use these methods, and do it in a style that works for you. Also

remember I often don’t use these deepeners, I just talk and merge induction,

deepener and suggestion making it one powerful process, not a haphazard

collection of techniques. Use these as guidelines only and edit them as much

as you like.

Some of the main principles in the use of deepeners (which is a general term

for intensifying the hypnotic state) are setting of hypnotic triggers,

creating expectation, the use of direct suggestion, pacing and

leading, embedded suggestions, confusion, relaxation, and fatigue of the

nervous system. All of these help to secure and intensify the state created by

your induction. Any hypnotic phenomena can be used as a deepener, which is

explained further in the 'Suggestions and Routines' section.

The Standard 10-1 Deepener

“I am now going to count from 10 to 1, and when I reach 1 you will be in a

deep state of trance, easily responding to all suggestions and feeling good and

comfortable as you continue to drift and go deeper. 10, beginning to relax

now, 9, going even deeper, 8 deeper and deeper, 7, focusing your mind, 6,

feeling peaceful and calm, 5 really noticing how easy it is to just allow yourself

to drift... 4 feel yourself totally relax as we go down to 3, and know that at 1

lies the deepest state of relaxation, 2 already in deep trance, and 1, deep

trance now, feeling good and preparing to easily accept all suggestions given.”

The elevator, staircase, pathway etc deepener

Combine the above 10-1 framework with some sensory descriptions and

internal visualisations of a stair case they are walking down, an elevator they

are riding or a path they are walking to a room of deepest peace and trance

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(have them relax in a chair in that room when they reach it, and drift further

down into trance) . The use of metaphors like this can enhance the power of

your deepeners, particularly if you engage them in the new scene, (‘and notice

the rail of the staircase, what is it made of? And how do the stairs feel

underneath your feet?’).

The rapid 3 2 1 deepener.

This deepener, like all the others but here in particular, requires great

confidence and personal power on your part for it to be effective, as it is very

brief, and uses very little language patterns or other hypnotic devices, it is pure

direct suggestion.

“I am not going to count from 3 to 1, and when I reach one you will be 50 times

deeper. 3, 2, 1, 50 times deeper.”

The zero deepener

“In a moment I will count from 5 to 0, and when I begin counting, I want you to

see that zero way off out there in the distance. As I begin counting I want you

to begin moving toward that zero, getting closer and closer with every number

I count, and on the other side of that zero is a wonderful and deep state of

trance. 5, getting even closer to that big, powerful zero, 4 relaxing, going

deeper, feeling good as we go to 3, closer and closer to deepest trance, 2 that

zero is so close now, 1 right in front of that 0 and 0, through that 0 and out into

the other side, noticing the changes this deepest trance brings.”

Simple Fractionation

Immediately following your induction do a quick '3, 2, 1, deeper, deeper, deeper' to stabilize the trance. Give the command that "every time I say 'sleep', as long as it is safe to do so, you will instantly enter deep trance, going 10 times deeper each time than the time before. Every time 10 times deeper." Now emerge them and use the 'sleep' command to re-induce. Do this 3 or 4 times. Simple Trigger Deepener

“Every time I touch you on the shoulder you will relax more and more, and go

deeper into a trance, focusing on my voice and noticing as the feeling you’re

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beginning to experience intensifies now (tap) deeper, (tap) deeper still (tap,

tap, tap) all the way down, and continuing to feel good and go deeper (tap)”

Most of the deepeners I use I invent on the spot, and with practice you will be

able to do the same.

More Resources:

You’ve been living under a rock if you haven’t heard to buzz

about Jeff Stephen’s amazing new hypnosis training course.

Jeff is the one who taught me how to turn even one or two

words into a failsafe deepener, and he is now widely

regarded as one of the top hypnotists on the planet.

Click Here To Watch Free Video Lessons and Secure Your

Copy Of Jeff’s Advanced Hypnosis Training Course.

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Suggestions and Mini Routines

Here are some ideas to get you started about what you can do with people

when you have them in hypnosis. These are only the very basic suggestions, as

more advanced ones will be covered on future lessons. I tend to link all

suggestions I give to the subject feeling good, and being happy and successful.

For example with an arm levitation “and as your arm lifts you can feel good

knowing that it is a signal from your unconscious telling you that you can be

successful, you can achieve your goals and you truly can be happy in your own

life.” This helps to make the hypnosis experience more powerful and positive

for the subject.

Once again these are just some very basic ideas for simple things you can do

with hypnosis. Please be sure to think of your own, and adapt them to be more

suited for the occasion you are in, i.e. to do things that make them more

entertaining, inspiring, educational, or transformational depending on the

circumstances. Always be sure that you respect your subject, and never do

anything to put them in any danger or to make them feel any pain or fear.

When leading into a suggestion it helps to say something like “and you will not

be scared, you will in fact be inspired and motivated by this demonstration of

the incredible power of your own mind, and feel comfortable with what your

unconscious is showing you.” As well as being a matter of ethics and safety,

you’ll also find that this increases the effectiveness of your suggestions.

Remember, what you can do with hypnosis is virtually unlimited. Do not

restrict yourself to what I share here. Also make sure you undo all these

suggestions when you are finished!

Arm levitation

This is a great deepener and convincer / tester, and is also useful in

piggybacking other suggestions and as a platform to lead into more advanced


Have them imagine that one of their arms is becoming light, very light, as if

1000 strong helium balloons were tied to their wrist and pulling their arm up,

and their arm is beginning to rise higher and higher and higher. As their arm

rises give suggestions about it meaning they are going deeper into trance etc,

and use it as a platform for other suggestions

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Eye Lock

Can be used as an induction, as mentioned earlier, but also a great deepener

and convincer. Simply have them imagine their eyes are relaxed to the point

that they simply won’t open, as if they were totally glued shut.

Hand Stick

Place their hand on either a table or a wall and tell them that their hand is

stuck, tightly locked down and firmly attached to the surface, glued there and

locked to the point where, no matter how hard they were to try and unstick it,

it would simply stick tighter. This is both an entertaining suggestion and useful

for building toward advanced phenomena by piggybacking other suggestions.


Have the subject forget their name, or age or a particular number. Use a

reference experience such as the ‘tip of the tongue’ phenomenon (having a

word or something you should know on the tip of your tongue but not being

able to find it) to prepare their mind, and then use direct and indirect

suggestion to have them forget what the number, name word or thing that you

want forgotten.

Remember to give their name (or whatever it was) back at the end!

Hypnotic Laughter

Tell them that something normal, like a book or a hat or every word another

friend says etc is hilariously funny, the funniest thing they have ever come

across, and they will laugh harder and harder and harder every time they hear

/ look at it.

Hypnotic Journey

Take them on a hypnotic journey through their enhanced imagination, either

with you guiding them along or their unconscious creating the story and you

merely enhancing it with your questions.

This is a great opportunity for you to explore unconscious creativity, and for

you to help them change by way of metaphor.

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Essential Course:

Igor Ledochowski literally invented the term ‘street hypnosis.’

I know his course has been talked about 100 times before, but you would

be foolish to miss this opportunity to learn directly from a living legend.

Click Here For The Hypnosis Worlds Top Selling Course Of All Time

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An awakener is the term used for what we do to emerge someone from

hypnosis. Make sure you say your awakener from a state of energy and

cheerful alertness, as you say your deepeners whilst being in a state or

relaxation (more information on how to change your state will be covered in

other lessons) and make sure you do put the time in to give good long

awakeners, otherwise you can leave your subjects feeling dazed and confused.

You can say or do anything you like to emerge someone from hypnosis, but the

best awakeners tend to include the following:

Removal of all suggestions given during hypnosis that the subject does

not want to keep with them.

Creating the feeling of being energized and alert

Clearly telling the subject that now is the time to ‘come back.’

Leaving the subject feeling great

Here’s an example:

“I am now going to count from 1 to 3, with ever number I count you will find

yourself becoming more alert and aware, returning to pleasant and cheerful

state of normal consciousness feeling happy and relaxed. Everything will now

be totally back to normal except that you will feel really good and find that life

just looks so much brighter because of your hypnotic experience. 1, beginning

to emerge now, 2 stretch out and feel good, 3 wide awake, fully alert,

refreshed and feeling wonderful!”

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I am now going to give you some safety guidelines which you should always

keep in mind when doing hypnosis. These are just simple do’s and don’ts which

should ensure you don’t encounter any mishaps or disasters. Here I will also

explain how to deal with some of the very rare problems which sometimes

happen to hypnotized people.

As a general rule, always have people securely seated when doing

hypnosis. Only do standing hypnosis when you are sure you could catch

them just in case they fell, and be sure to constantly give suggestions to

the effect that they will remain standing securely no matter what.

Always remove all suggestions immediately after you have finished and

return people totally back to normal except for suggestions to ‘feel

happy’ and ‘be successful’ and other safe and benign suggestions which

will have no surprising, risky or adverse effect and that the subject has

consented to beforehand.

Never use hypnosis to do anything immoral or illegal

Do not do anything that is beyond your skill or training

Never use hypnosis to cure pain, ie a headache unless they are under

safe and controlled circumstances. My official advice to you is to never

use hypnosis for pain control, as pain is an important signal and always

has a purpose.

Don’t be cruel or negative. That is don’t hypnotize people to feel pain or

suffering or any kind of discomfort

Do not be violent when doing your inductions, be as gentle as possible.

Be careful working with people with neck or back problems or other


Never hypnotize anyone who is on medication, or who has a known

psychiatric dysfunction

Always stick with your hypnotized people and be prepared to jump

straight in and emerge them immediately to safety just in case.

At this stage, avoid regressions or any kind of advanced remedial

therapeutic techniques, this will be covered more in the Hypnotic

Problem Solver Set and other lessons.

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If for some reason your subject should seem to experience an

abreaction, that is become distraught or upset in hypnosis and react

badly, simply say something to the effect of “You are safe, returning now

to a normal state of consciousness, everything is totally back to normal,

you are safe and fine and fully awake now.”

If they should not emerge from trance upon your instructions do not

worry. Trance is a natural state and they cannot get ‘stuck’ in it. Simply

be firm, confident and authoritative and command them to emerge. Or,

if the circumstances are right, just allow them to enjoy the state for a

few more minutes. Some people give hypnotic threats ie ‘if you do not

emerge now I will make it so you can never be hypnotized again.’ I

would not recommend this except as a last resort, and never carry out

the threat. If all else fails just wake them as if you would a sleeping

person. I have hypnotized many, many people, and this has never

happened to me ever. I mention it just in case you ever run into this


Control the crowd if you are doing this in public, and make sure they do

not abuse or harm the hypnotized person.

Remember if you exercise common sense and respect your subjects, as well as

following these guidelines, you should be fine.

I hope you have enjoyed this very concise Street Hypnotist’s Handbook, and I’ll

see you very soon!

Nathan Thomas


If you want to meet me in person, and get some face to face hypnosis training,

then check out

We’ve got some great stuff on offer, and some awesome free videos and


(Keep Reading For More Free Resources...)

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FREE Hypnosis Resources

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If you are not yet a member make sure you sign up now so that you can begin

receiving the free street hypnosis lessons and be kept up to date with

additional resources available only to subscribers.

Once you have made sure you are signed up, check out the resources below.

Seven Free Lessons On Instant Hypnosis Induction

I can hardly believe I’m giving all this away for free, but you will just

LOVE these seven hypnosis lessons.

The KeysToTheMind Hypnosis Resource Blog.

Listen to exclusive interviews with some of the best hypnotists in the

world and check out the free articles on all aspects and styles of


The International Association For Teenage Hypnotists

If you are a teenager or young adult looking to interact with fellow

young hypnotists and access a host of additional free resources then join

the IATH.

Make sure you check out all the links above.