shifting agricultural practices to produce sustainable

Environmental Research Letters LETTER • OPEN ACCESS Shifting agricultural practices to produce sustainable, low carbon intensity feedstocks for biofuel production To cite this article: Xinyu Liu et al 2020 Environ. Res. Lett. 15 084014 View the article online for updates and enhancements. This content was downloaded from IP address on 20/07/2020 at 16:54

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Environmental Research Letters


Shifting agricultural practices to produce sustainable, low carbonintensity feedstocks for biofuel productionTo cite this article: Xinyu Liu et al 2020 Environ. Res. Lett. 15 084014


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Page 2: Shifting agricultural practices to produce sustainable

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 084014


Shifting agricultural practices to produce sustainable, low carbonintensity feedstocks for biofuel production

Xinyu Liu1 , HoyoungKwon1 , Daniel Northrup2 andMichaelWang1

1 SystemsAssessment Center, Energy SystemsDivision, ArgonneNational Laboratory, Lemont, IL 60439,United States of America2 Former Technical Support Contractor fromBoozAllenHamilton SupportingDepartment of Energy’s AdvancedResearch Projects

Agency—Energy, Currently with BensonHill, Saint Louis,MO,United States of America

E-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: corn production, soil organic carbon, biofuel, regionalized life cycle analysis, cradle-to-farm-gate GHG emissions

Supplementarymaterial for this article is available online

AbstractThe carbon intensity (CI) of biofuel’s well-to-pump life cycle is calculated by life cycle analysis (LCA)to account for the energy/material inputs of the feedstock production and fuel conversion stages andthe associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during these stages. The LCA is used by theCaliforniaAir Resources Board’s LowCarbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) program to calculate CI andmonetarycredits are issued based on the difference between a given fuel’s CI and a reference fuel’s CI. Throughthe Tier 2 certification programunder which individual fuel production facilities can submit theirownCIswith their facility input data, the LCFS has driven innovative technologies to biofuelconversion facilities, resulting in substantial reductions inGHGemissions as compared to the baselinegasoline or diesel. A similar approach can be taken to allow feedstock petition in the LCFS so thatlower-CI feedstock can be rewarded.Here we examined the potential for various agronomic practicesto improve theGHGprofiles of corn ethanol by performing feedstock-level CI analysis for theMidwesternUnited States. Our systemboundary covers GHG emissions from the cradle-to-farm-gateactivities (i.e. farm inputmanufacturing and feedstock production), alongwith the potential impactsof soil organic carbon change during feedstock production.We conducted scenario-basedCI analysisof ethanol, coupledwith regionalized inventory data, for various farming practices tomanage cornfields, and identified key parameters affecting cradle-to-farm-gate GHGemissions. The resultsdemonstrate large spatial variations inCI of ethanol due to farm input use and landmanagementpractices. In particular, adopting conservation tillage, reducing nitrogen fertilizer use, andimplementing cover crops has the potential to reduceGHGemissions per unit corn producedwhencompared to a baseline scenario of corn–soybean rotation. This work shows a large potential emissionoffset opportunity by allowing feedstock producers a path to Tier 2 petitions that reward low-CIfeedstocks and further reduce biofuels’CI. The prevalence of significant acreage that has not beenoptimized for CI suggests that policy changes that incentivize optimization of this parameter couldprovide significant additionality over current trends in farm efficiency and adoption of conservationpractice.

1. Introduction

Since sustainable agriculture was described in the 1977and 1990 ‘FarmBills,’ there has been a growing interestamong the agricultural community in addressing theissue of ‘sustainability’ by developing and adoptingintegrated and innovative farming practices (NationalResearch Council 2010, United States Department of

Agriculture Office of the Chief Economist 2019).Several important farming practices, including con-servation tillage, cover crops (CC), and nutrientmanagement, have been shown to reduce greenhousegas (GHG) emissions, or lower carbon intensity (CI),in crop production (ICF International 2016). Recently,these practices have received particular attention fromthe bioeconomy community and agencies for corn



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production, since corn accounted for 96% of all feedgrain produced in the US in year 2018, and approxi-mately 40% of the corn grain is purchased by biofuelproducers who subsequently turn it into multipleproducts including ethanol, corn oil, and animal feed(United States Department of Agriculture EconomicResearch Service 2019). Accordingly, stakeholdershave worked together to conduct thorough CI evalua-tion for various farming practices, adopting the lifecycle analysis (LCA) approach to potentially rewardlow-CI feedstock production. The California AirResources Board’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)program adopted the LCA technique to calculate theCI of biofuels and issues credits to those that havelowerCI than baseline gasoline or diesel.

In its current design, the LCFS allows for indivi-dual biorefineries to receive additional LCFS credits bylowering the CIs of their biofuels (Tier 2 pathway),creating a strong incentive for each biorefinery tominimize its GHG emissions by tying the plant’s rev-enue directly to its carbon footprint. On the otherhand, the LCFS program does not account for varia-tions in upstream feedstock GHG emissions (i.e. farminput manufacturing and feedstock production), eventhough these activities contribute 36% to the well-to-wheels GHG emissions of corn-based bioethanol(Energy Systems. Argonne National Laboratory 2018)and show regional variations in energy consumptionand fertilizer/chemical use (i.e. farming inventory)associatedwith diverse farming practices.

Several studies have addressed the regional varia-tions in GHG emissions of feedstock production. Forexample, Pelton (2019) compiled county-level nitro-gen (N) fertilizer share and application rate to quantifyspatial GHG emissions from US county-level cornproduction. Smith et al (2017) documented county-level variability in yield, water consumption, and typesof N fertilizers used, with the purpose of designingtransparent supply chains. Neither study has con-sidered the effects of land management and soilorganic carbon (SOC) changes, which have beenrecognized as powerful carbon emission/sink sourcesin the agriculture sector (United States EnvironmentalProtectionAgency 2019).

To this end, Qin et al investigated the impacts ofland management change (LMC) on the SOC stocksand the overall GHG emissions from corn-stover bio-fuel, by employing a process-based model to simulatespatially explicit (i.e. US county-level) SOC dynamicsunder various farming practices (Qin et al 2018).However, this study did not consider the variations inGHG emissions introduced by regionalized farminginventory. On the other hand, ICF International(2016) evaluated the potential of land managementpractices (LMC) to increase SOC stocks and dealt withregional variations in farming inputs. However, theyutilized an empirical approach to estimate a national-average SOC sequestration value associated with til-lage conversion under corn farming (West and

Post 2002) and applied it to ten farm productionregions in theUS, while tillage practice can have differ-ent effects on SOC stocks in different regions becauseof local factors.

We aim to provide a complete quantification of CIthroughout the cradle-to-farm-gate activities by con-ducting scenario-based analysis for selected farmingpractices, leveraging regionalized life cycle inventorydata, and using spatially explicit SOC modeling tools.The impacts of these scenarios on the variations offeedstock GHG emissions are then evaluated in com-parison with national estimates. Moreover, key GHGemission sources during the cradle-to-farm-gateactivities for feedstock production have been identi-fied. This information can enable feedstock producersto adopt regionally appropriate practices to minimizetheir emissions. Linking LCA information to farm-gate CI could allow Tier 2 certification of farms andprovide strong incentives to adopt low-CI practices.

2.Materials andmethods

2.1. Localizedmodel and cradle-to-farm-gate GHGemissionsIn this study, we applied the Greenhouse gases,Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies(GREET)model to conduct feedstock-level CI analysis(Energy Systems. Argonne National Laboratory 2018).GREET is widely used by regulatory agencies, indus-tries, and research organizations to evaluate energyconsumption, GHG emissions, criteria air pollutantemissions, andwater consumption.

The system boundary of our analysis is limited tocradle-to-farm-gate activities, since we aim to quantifyCI at the feedstock level. Three GHGs, namely CO2,CH4, and N2O, are considered (table 1), while directsoil CH4 emissions are excluded from our analysissince they are not significant (ICF International 2016,Locker et al 2019). The biogenic carbon uptake duringthe growth of corn grain is also excluded because it isassumed to be released back to the atmosphere duringconsumption (e.g. combustion of corn-based ethanol)(Canter et al 2016). The energy and material flowsassociated with upstream fertilizer/chemical manu-facturing and feedstock production stages are the keycomponents of cradle-to-farm-gate GHG emissions.Energy is consumed in planting, harvesting, and dry-ing biomass. Fertilizers are used to boost the yield,while herbicides and pesticides are applied to reduceweed and insect damage. More details on fertilizer/chemical use data collection are available in the sup-porting information (SI) available online at

In GREET, N2O emissions related to corn farmingare calculated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli-mate Change’s (IPCC’s) 2006 approach using emis-sion factors (EFs) from various N sources (Dong et al2006). Two sources of N inputs to soil are considered,


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namely, N from fertilizer application and N in cropresidues left in the field after harvest. The content of Nin crop residues is estimated using the harvest indexand N contents of above- and below-ground biomass(Wang 2007). The N2O EFs are taken from the IPCCreport (Dong et al 2006) or the literature review (Xuet al 2019).

GREET also considers the potential impact of SOCchanges associated with farming practices in its GHGaccounting. In the present study, spatially explicit SOCEFs were calculated using a process-based model (i.e.parameterized CENTURYmodel) that simulates SOCdynamics under various LMC. The parameterizedCENTURYmodel was developed as an inverse model-ing tool and it was calibrated for a long-term field trialin the US (Kwon and Hudson 2010) and North Amer-ican croplands (Kwon et al 2017). Using themodel, theSOC change rates are quantified for a 30 year time per-iod in the 0–100 cm soil layer. One key assumption isthat only current farmland can be adapted for differentfarming practices or LMC, while the non-farmlandcannot, since the conversion of which to corn produc-tionwould cause land use change-inducedGHG emis-sions that have already been incorporated in biofuelLCAs (Qin et al 2018). More details on SOCmodelingand associated data sources are provided in the SI.

Farm management scenarios have large effects onboth upstream GHG emissions and LMC-inducedSOC changes (Liu et al 2019b); therefore, outputs fromGREET and SOCmodeling were combined to providea more comprehensive portfolio for assessing theGHG impacts of biofuels.

Note that all benefits and burdens associated withthe implementation of scenarios are allocated to corngrain, since we treated corn stover as waste left in thefield to reflect the current and near-future practice.The cradle-to-farm-gate GHG emissions, presented inthe unit of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) per bushel of corn,were converted to the unit of CO2e permegajoule (MJ)corn ethanol by applying the corn-grain-to-ethanolconversion rate (0.35 bushels of corn per gallon ofethanol) and the lower heating value of ethanol

(80.5MJ per gallon) as the volume-to-energy unit con-version factor. We conducted this unit conversionsince CI is commonly measured in the unit of CO2eper unit of energy.

2.2. Landmanagement practicesWeconducted analyses for a total of 192 scenarios withthe baseline scenario depicting the business-as-usual(BAU) farming practice (table 2). SOC change iscalculated as the relative change in SOC levels betweena farm adopting alternative farming practice and BAUpractice (Qin et al 2015). A negative SOC EF indicatesnet soil carbon gain, while a positive one indicates netSOC loss, compared to BAU. The national-averageinventory for corn production was also estimated byapplying corn acreage planted in each state as weight-ing factors and used as the comparison base.

2.2.1. Crop rotationwith cover crops (CC)The two-year rotation of corn and soybean adopted asBAU practice in this analysis results in higher corn andsoybean yields compared to the respective monocul-tures (Behnke et al 2018). The county-level yieldinformation for both crops was collected from USDANASS (United States Department of Agriculture 2019)and utilized as inputs for SOC modeling with theassumption that their yields were recorded under thecorn-soybean rotation. This assumption is justified bythe prevalence of corn-soybean rotation inmost of USMidwestern states, particularly those that producelarge amounts of ethanol (Green et al 2018).

Winter CC planting in a corn-soybean rotation isgaining popularity as a conservation practice thatimproves SOC stock and provides agronomic andenvironmental benefits to subsequent cash crops(Marcillo and Miguez 2017). Winter rye (Secale cerealeL.) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) are consideredin this analysis. The latter is a legume crop and can fixN from air into soil and provide an N benefit in theform of reducedN fertilizer requirement. TheN bene-fit from a legume CC can be as high as 45 kg N/ha(United States Department of Agriculture Natural

Table 1.Key components of cradle-to-farm-gate GHG emissions and their associated data sources.

Source GHG Data Source

Corn residue left in soils N2O 141.6 gNper bushel,

1% (direct)+0.225% (indirect) (Wang 2007)Nitrogen fertilizer application N2O 1% (direct)+0.325% (indirect) (Xu et al 2019)Manure N2O 1% (direct)+0.425% (indirect) (Wang et al 2012)Urea fertilizer/lime CO2 CO2 emission due to urea and lime application to field (Energy Systems. Argonne

National Laboratory 2018)Soil carbon emissions CO2 Spatially explicitmodeling using the parameterizedCENTURYmodel (Kwon et al 2017,

Qin et al 2018)Inputmanufacturing CO2,N2O,


UnitedStatesDepartment ofAgriculture (USDA)Agricultural ResourceManagement Sur-

vey (ARMS) (UnitedStatesDepartment ofAgriculture EconomicResearch Service 2010)and theGREETmodel (Energy Systems.ArgonneNational Laboratory 2018)

Energy consumption CO2,N2O,


USDAARMS (United StatesDepartment of Agriculture Economic Research Ser-

vice 2010) and theGREETmodel (Energy Systems. ArgonneNational

Laboratory 2018)


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Table 2.Baseline and alternative farmingmanagement scenarios considered.

Management Baseline scenario Alternative scenario and environmental impacts Key information

Crop rotationwithwinter cover

crops (CC)Corn (year 1) -soybean (year 2) Corn/rye - soybean Increase residue carbon and nutrients in soils and reduce soil


County-level yields; national-average

energy use forCCs

Corn/rye - soybean/vetch

Yield trend Constant (a 10 year average from2006 to 2015)

Increase (a historical trend from1951

to 2015)Increase residue carbon and nutrients in soils County-level yields

Nitrogen fertilizer use Constant rate Reduced rate Account forN credit of 45 kg ha-1 from vetch legumeCC County-level N application rate

and type

Tillage type National average Three tillage types (conventional tillage,reduced tillage, no till)

Related to soil carbon sequestration and energy uses in tillage


State-level energy use for each til-

lage type

Manure application No application Application Improve soil quality by adding organic carbon andnutrients County-levelmanure application rate

and type

New corn genetics (deep-root-ing corn)

No adoption Adoption Improve productivity and/or input utilization efficiency

of corn

Deep-rooting crop varieties

Enhanced-efficiency fertilizer (nitrifi-cation inhibitor)

No adoption Adoption Increases yield by 7%while reducing fertilizerN2O emission

by 30%




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Resources Conservation Service 2014). Qin et al (2015)has implemented winter rye CC into the GREET bycompiling the data on energy and material consump-tion due to winter rye cultivation and county-level ryeyields (Feyereisen et al 2013). We collected the sametype of information for hairy vetch CC (Undersanderet al 1990, PennState Extension 2010).

2.2.2. TillageTillage practices are classified by the percentage ofresidue remaining on the soil surface after planting.The rest of the residue is tilled back into the soil, sincewe assumed no stover harvest from the field. USDAreports the share of corn-planted area and the percent-age of residue remaining for four tillage types, namely,conventional tillage (CT), reduced tillage (RT), mulchtillage (MT), and no tillage (NT).

To reduce the complexity of CI calculation andSOC modeling, we combined the RT and MT cate-gories in the USDA classification into a single RT cate-gory (more details are available in the Tillagesubsection of SI). Correspondingly, USDA’s nation-averaged and state-averaged share of different tillagetypes can be applied in this analysis (table S5 in SI).

Compiling regionalized inventory on tillage shareis necessary because different tillage practices incurdifferent energy use rates. The diesel fuel requirementsfor various farming operations were obtained(University of Nebraska–Lincoln Institute of Agri-culture and Natural Resources 2019) and the averagediesel use rate was calculated for each tillage type (i.e.CT, RT, NT) (table S6 in SI). Note that the energy userate for CT is almost 3.5 times as high as that for NTpractice, providing the justification for incorporatingthis variation.

2.2.3. Enhanced-efficiency fertilizer (EEF)N fertilizer management practices are crucial toimproving crop yields and reducing N losses. Whileoptimal rate, type, timing, and placement of Nfertilizer are important factors, efforts have beenmaderecently to develop stable EEF. It is reported that from2005 to 2010, the use of EEF increased from 8.5% to12.5% (Baranski et al 2018).

Here, we have evaluated one type of EEF—nitrifica-tion inhibitor that slows down the nitrification processwhere fertilizers are broken down to produce nitratesandN2O (ICF International 2016). According to ameta-analysis (Thapa et al 2016), nitrification inhibitorreduced N2O emissions compared to conventional Nfertilizer by 30% and increased crop yields by 7%. Thesevalues are leveraged when compiling the regionalizedinventory and modeling SOC change, by adjusting thecrop yields and N2O EFs. Nevertheless, GHG emissionsfrom the production and transportation of nitrificationinhibitor are excluded from this analysis, since theircontributions to the cradle-to-farm-gate emissions areminor (ICF International 2016).

2.2.4.ManureAnimal manure can be used as an organic fertilizer toimprove soil quality by adding organic carbon andnutrients (e.g.Nandphosphorus). County-levelmanureapplication rates and types were used for SOCmodeling(Xia et al 2019). Manure application has already beenimplemented into the GREET model by compiling thedata on energy consumption duringmanure transporta-tion and application. The transportation distance formanure was estimated to be 0.367 mile and thetransportation energy intensity was 10,416 Btu/tonmanure/mile (Qin et al 2015). In term of application, itis assumed that 73.7% of the manure is applied viaspreading and the rest is applied through direct injection(Energy Systems. Argonne National Laboratory 2018).Besides, the information on nutrient contents in differ-entmanure types is also collected.

Manure N has a higher N2O EF (1.425%) (DeKlein et al 2006) as compared to fertilizer N (1.325%)(Xu et al 2019). The trade-off between SOC accumula-tion andN2O emissions formanure application is cap-tured in our analysis. On the other hand, the nutrientsin manure may reduce the inorganic N and phos-phorus fertilizer input, but this possibility has not beenconsidered.

2.2.5. New crop geneticsImproving productivity and/or input utilization effi-ciency of feedstocks is another important technologythat has the potential to reduce the CI of biofuels.Recently, Paustian et al (2016) evaluated the potentialof deep-rooting crop varieties to sequester SOC andreduce N2O flux; in this work, the CENTURY modelwas employed to estimate reference SOC stocks andsimulate their changes associated with four hypotheti-cally altered root growth scenarios. In the presentstudy, we have incorporated the deep-rooting cornvariety into the SOC modeling by adjusting rootdistributions, such that an additional 20% of corn rootbiomass in the 0–30 cm soil layer is moved to a deeperlayer.

2.2.6. Yield trendThe yield of corn affects the yield of ethanol. If higherper-acre yield is achieved with the same level of per-acre chemical inputs, the CI of a MJ of ethanolproduced from the field is lower. We analyzed twoyield trend scenarios: constant and increasing yield.The constant-yield scenario assumes yield based onthe 10 year average of county-level corn yield recordsfrom 2006 to 2015, while the increasing-yield scenarioestimates yield using a simple regression equationderived from county-level corn yield records from1951 to 2015 (table S7 in SI).

There are additional management practices avail-able to improve the feedstock CI but are not con-sidered in the present analysis. More descriptions areprovided in SI.


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3. Results and discussion

3.1. Changing farming practice impacts feedstockCI3.1.1. Farming energy andmaterial inputsOn the basis of national-average inventory data, feed-stock production emits 28.5 g of CO2e per MJ ofethanol produced. Our results using regionalizedinventory data compiled for the nine corn-farmingstates demonstrate a large degree of CI variation(figure 1). Compared to the baseline, Ohio has 12%higher GHG emissions while Minnesota has 13%lower. This is because an average Ohio corn groweruses more farm inputs and energy to produce a bushelof corn; whileMinnesota farmers use less (table S2).

When compared to the baseline scenario, the yieldincrease scenario reduces the CI by 22%, as expectedbecause the increase in yield means that fewer inputsare required for each bushel of corn. Similarly, CIreduction is observed when nitrification inhibitor isused, since its application is associated with a 7% yieldincrease and a 30% reduction in N2O emissions fromN fertilizer (Thapa et al 2016).

If a vetch CC is planted after soybean in addition tothe previous corn-rye year, more GHGs are emitted.This is because of the additional energy, fertilizers,and herbicides required for vetch cultivation, evenafter accounting for the N benefit from a legume CC.Similar trends are observed when comparing thescenarios where only rye CC is used and where man-ure is applied, since both scenarios require additionalapplication of energy.

Finally, tillage intensity changes the cradle-to-farm-gate emissions. The NT practice consumes less

energy and incurs less GHG emission compared to theaverage tillage practice. Since we assumed that chan-ging to deep-rooting corn would not result in addi-tional farming energy inputs, its GHG emissionsremain the same as with the baseline scenario. It isimportant to reiterate that the discussion here(section 3.1.1) deals with farming energy and materialinputs only. The net cradle-to-farm-gate GHG emis-sionwill be discussed separately in section 3.1.3.

3.1.2. LMC-induced SOC changeUsing the parameterized CENTURY model(section 2.1), the effects of farming practices/technol-ogies on SOC changes can be quantified. Figure 1indicates that diverse land management practices canchange the SOC stock. Practices and scenarios thatlead to an increase in corn yield (i.e. yield increasescenario and nitrification inhibitor application sce-nario) contribute positively to SOC sequestration (i.e.negatively to SOC emissions). This finding is reason-able, since the SOC results are represented as relativechanges compared to the baseline scenario, wherecorn yield is assumed to be constant.

The implementation of CC(s) contributes posi-tively to SOC stocks. The corn/rye-soybean systemcan sequester, on average, 9 g of CO2 perMJ of ethanolproduced. If a corn/rye-soybean/vetch rotation isused, an additional 17.6 g of CO2 can be sequestered,clearly showing the positive effect of CC on SOCpreservation.

In terms of the tillage type, NT practice con-tributes positively to SOC preservation, since it dis-turbs the soil less, leading to a net CO2 sequestration of

Figure 1. Impacts of farming practices on the followingGHGemissions: (1) emissions related to farming energy andmaterial inputs(includingN2O emissions due to LMC); (2)CO2 emissions due to LMC-induced SOC change; and (3) overall cradle-to-farm-gateGHG emissions, calculated by combining the first two. To see the effect of each individual landmanagement practice, one practice isvaried at a time in the simulations. Each graph represents the specific practice that has been varied compared to the baseline scenario.To examine regional variation, the bar height reflects the national-average inventory, while the error bars represent the adoption ofeach practice at the state level.


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4.6 g compared to the baseline value. The applicationof manure can also increase the SOC storage by 11.6 gperMJ of ethanol produced from corn harvested fromthat field. Deep-rooting corn adds more root biomassto soil, thus also helping to improve SOC content. Onthe basis of these results, the best practice for SOCconservation is no-till, deep-rooting, corn/rye-soy-bean/vetch rotation, with manure and nitrificationinhibitor application, under a yield increase scenario.

Figure 2 shows large variations in the relative SOCsequestration achieved across Midwestern counties byshifting from baseline to best practice in terms of SOCconservation. The largest within-state variation wasfound in Nebraska, where the difference is 4453 kgCO2 per hectare per year. Even for the state that has thesmallest within-state variation, i.e. Minnesota, the dif-ference can still be as large as 2058 kg CO2 per hectareper year. By converting the units and distributing thisimpact to the resulting fuel, we calculate that changingpractice results in a 43 g difference in CO2 emissionperMJ of ethanol produced using the national-averagecorn yield of 166 bushels per acre. These results indi-cate the necessity of conducting localized assessmentfor SOC changes, since they are greatly impacted bylocal environmental parameters.

While sophisticated process-based models areapplicable to provide SOC quantification with lesscost, the premise behind this assertion is that thesemodels can be continuously calibrated and validatedwith databases of regional variations in managementpractices and their impacts on SOC changes for bio-fuel feedstock production. It should also be noted thatSOC modeling results are simulated under certainassumptions (e.g. a 30 year-averaged climatic condi-tion) and scenarios (e.g. constant yield versus

increasing yield) related to model inputs, and thusshould be interpreted with caution. Although longersimulation period or changing future climatemay leadto different results, this 30 year simulation under cur-rent climate conditions provides sufficient justifica-tion for further evaluation through agronomic andpolicy experiments. Alternative climate scenariosrequire additional measurements and are beyond thescope of this simulation.

Alternatively, meta-analytic approaches similar tothe IPCCTier 1methodology (DeKlein et al 2006) canhelp to address themagnitude and uncertainty of SOCchanges in agriculture to some degree (Paustian et al2016). Eventually, field-measured SOC data may beused for CI certification.

3.1.3. Overall cradle-to-farm-gate GHGEmissionsThe cradle-to-farm-gate GHG emissions are calcu-lated by combining those from LMC-induced SOCchange and those due to energy and material con-sumption. The combination of these two sets yields acomprehensive assessment of biofuel GHGemissions.

For the scenario involving both rye and vetch CC,the CI of feedstock production could be as low as 7.5 gCO2e/MJ, a 74% reduction compared to the baselinescenario. This finding again confirms that LMC has alarge impact on the overall cradle-to-farm-gate GHGemissions.

Figure 1 also demonstrates the comparative mag-nitude of input-induced variation versus manage-ment-induced variation. By comparing the regionalvariations (i.e. the height of the error bar) to thenational-average value for each scenario, we can inferthat variations due to regionalized inputs and spatiallyexplicit SOC modeling can be at least as great as the

Figure 2. Spatially explicitmodelingwith parameterizedCENTURYmodel for additional SOC sequestration achievedwhen shiftingfrombaseline to best practice, at county-level resolution.


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national-average values. This indicates the need for aland management practice database with high spatialresolution in order to support CI certification at thefield level.

3.2. IdentifyingGHGemission hotspots andopportunities in feedstockCIFigure 3 presents the highest-, average- (i.e. baseline),and lowest-emitting practices using national-averageinventory from the 192 practices considered.

With the average-emitting practices, N2O emissionscontribute 47% to the cradle-to-farm-gate GHG emis-sions. This is because of the high global-warming poten-tial of N2O (265 g CO2e/g N2O) as compared to CO2.N2O emissions originate from fertilizer and biomassN inputs to soil. Therefore, reducing N fertilizer inputwhile maintaining the yield is a highly effective way toreduce the cradle-to-farm-gateGHGemissions.

The results for the lowest-emission scenario showthat increased SOC offers great opportunities for CIreductions. Further analyzing the results from thelowest-emitting practices reveals the trade-offbetween N2O loss and soil carbon accumulation. Thelowest-emitting practices result in more N2O emis-sions, even after taking into account the N benefitsfrom the vetch CC. This finding is mainly due to thereturn of additional CC biomass to the soil, whichincreases the amount of N input to the soil and leads tomore N2O emissions. Under the model parameters

used in this study, the added biomass contributes toSOC accumulation and leads to a net reduction inGHGemissions.

N fertilizermanufacturing accounts for 25%of thecradle-to-farm-gate GHG emissions, making it thesecond largest contributor. This fact suggests that it isimportant to track the amount and share of N fertili-zers used. Planting a legume CC is a good option, sinceit offers N benefits, which reduces the GHG emissionsdue to N fertilizer manufacturing by 50%. New tech-nologies that use renewable electricity to powerammonia synthesis or increase biological fixationthrough application of microbial amendments or Nfixing traits in grain could dramatically cut or elim-inate this portion of emissions.

Other main contributors include LMC-inducedCO2 emissions and farming energy inputs; each con-tributes roughly 11% to the cradle-to-farm-gate GHGemissions. LMC-induced CO2 emissions have twocomponents: CO2 emissions from urea applicationand CO2 emissions from lime application. Therefore,reducing the urea share in theN fertilizermix and onlyapplying lime when necessary could reduce theseemissions. Regarding farming energy inputs, produ-cers can reduce the tillage intensity to reduce theenergy consumption. The last category considered is‘other chemical manufacturing,’ which accounts for7% of the cradle-to-farm-gate GHG emissions withthe average-emitting practices.

Figure 3.Highest-, average-, and lowest-emitting practices using national-average inputs (the black points indicate the net emissionvalues). No regional variations are shownhere, for the sake of showing differences among practices. The bars are segmented to showthe contribution from each category of farming practice. The average emitting practice indicates the baseline scenariowhile the lowestemitting practice is no-till, deep-rooting, corn/rye-soybean/vetch rotation, withmanure and nitrification inhibitor application,under a yield increase scenario.


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When all emissions and SOC changes are com-bined as shown in figure 3, the lowest-emitting prac-tices result in a net GHG sequestration of 15.9 g MJ−1,owing to substantial SOC sequestration.

Through an emission reduction program like theLCFS with CO2 priced at $160 per metric ton(California Air Resources Board 2019), valuable poten-tial credits could be a strong incentive to encouragelow-CI farming practices. Relative to the national-aver-age cradle-to-farm-gate GHG emissions under thebaseline scenario, a farmer implementing the lowest-emitting practices could be rewardedwith $279/acre inthe LCFS market. Further, regional variations thatcome from the regionalized farming energy and mat-erial inputs, and localized factors (i.e. soil and climatecharacteristics), may offer additional regionalized LCFSincentives.

4. Conclusions

Our analysis reveals remarkable differences in baselinevalues and suggests that farmers in the same regionthat use different practices may provide feedstockswith vastly different CI. Regulations such as the LCFSoffer a platform to recognize these opportunities toencourage farming inmore favorable regions and withlower-CI farming practices, to reduce the CI ofbiofuels in particular and agricultural GHG emissionsin general. Furthermore, the regional variations andLMCs would have positive effects on other environ-mental attributes, providing co-benefits (Liu et al2018a, Liu et al 2018b, Liu et al 2019a, Liu andBakshi 2019, Rugani et al 2019). Some of the co-benefits that are particularly important to agriculturalactivities include soil fertility improvement, weedcontrol, and nutrient runoff regulation. Thus, reward-ing these practices under LCFS will achieve these co-benefits as well as CI reductions.

The goal of policy is to hasten trends and incenti-vize behavioral change. The additionality of a policychange refers to the ability of the policy to create addi-tional change beyond a trend that already is occurringdue to benefits outside of the policy. Because of the co-benefits to practice change, there may already be atrend toward broader adoption.

We feel that it is unlikely that a Tier 2 policychange would not create additional adoption of con-servation practice. This is because none of these prac-tices (no-till, etc) are new and these co-benefits arewidely documented, which allowed us to perform thisstudy. The fact that there is still significant acreage athigher CI than the local potential indicates significantadditionality could be achieved with this incentivestructure. To directly assess a new policy’s effective-ness, regulators and researchers should monitor addi-tionality through counterfactual analysis. The detailsof this research can be undertaken by future studies inestimating the economic impact of practice change,

forecasting adoption of conservation practice based oncurrent and past trends, and comparing geographicdifferences in biofuelmarkets.

This study is based on statistical data, approx-imation to finer regional resolution, and processmodel simulations to show CI reduction potentials ofa future field-level certification system. Future systemscapable of direct measurement of farm emissions willgenerate even more enticing options to incentivizeoutcomes rather than practice. Since all emissions aredriven by local biological conditions in the soil andcropping systems, local monitoring can replace inven-tory-based systems and allow farmers to optimizetheir system forminimal emissions. The real-time, on-site monitoring system, e.g. chamber-based flux mea-surement (Maurer et al 2017), will offer insights ontradeoffs between yield, input applications, and agro-nomic practice leading to the generation of extremelylow-CI practices, besides providing needed data forverification of Tier 2, field-level certification for LCFSand similar regulations.

Inclusion of biorefineries in Tier 2 CI systems hasdriven significant innovation at the plant level, includ-ing improved milling, drying, heat generation, yeast,co-product handling, and others. In much the sameway, Tier 2 certification at the farm level will createincentives for the entire agriculture input sector toinnovate around lower CI. This policy could drivebroad innovation in agriculture including providers ofgenetically modified crops, input manufacturers, bio-engineers working on N-fixing organisms, data plat-forms, and precision agriculture sensors. Given thereach of the ethanol industry and the rapid adoption ofvaluable technology by farmers, new policies areexpected to spur significant innovation and drivedramatic reductions in cradle-to-farm-gate GHGemissions.


This research was supported by the US Department ofEnergy Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energyunder Contract No. 18/CJ000/01/01. The views andopinions of the authors expressed herein do notnecessarily state or reflect those of the United StatesGovernment or any agency thereof. Neither theUnitedStates Government nor any agency thereof, nor any oftheir employees, makes any warranty, expressed orimplied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibilityfor the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of anyinformation, apparatus, product, or process disclosed,or represents that its use would not infringe privatelyowned rights.

Data availability statements

Any data that support the findings of this study areincludedwithin the article.


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Xinyu Liu


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