ships of the star fleet 3

SHIPS OF THE STARFLEET 2414 The Standard Reference Guide To The Vessels of Starfleet

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TNG era continuation of the series



    2414 The Standard Reference Guide To The Vessels of Starfleet

  • Ships of the Starfleet By The Red Admiral Starfleet Operations/Advanced Starship Design Bureau

  • Copyright 2414 Starfleet Department of Technical Services Memory Alpha Catalogue Data: UFPI ITP/SP SOTS2414 This edition of Ships of the Starfleet is authorized for viewing only in member star systems of the United Federation of Planets, its territories and possessions, affiliated star systems and select independent or neutral star systems.

  • This document and its entire contents Copyright 2012 MTD Publications All rights reserved. We request that no part of this document be reproduced in any form or by any means, or stored on any electronic server (ftp or http) without the written permission of the author. It is produced for purely informational and recreational purposes on a not-for-sale/not-for-profit, free-distribution basis. This publication follows the form and layout of the Ships of the Star Fleet publications published by Mastercom Data Center. Though inspired in part by these works, the publication is not intended as a copyright infringement in any way shape or form. This publication includes data and images from Paramount Pictures and various other sources. A complete list can be found in the Bibliography at the end. Any display of copyrighted materials is not intended as an infringement on the rights of the respective copyright holders in any way shape or form.


  • Table of Contents State of the Fleet8 Cutters Danube Class14 Pulsar Class16 Corvettes Pegasus Class19 Proxima Class21 Scouts Saber Class24 Nova/Nova II Class25 Destroyers Norway Class28 Defiant Class31 Luna Class33

    Valiant Class35 Galant Class37 Frigates Centaur Class40 New Orleans Class42 Lancer Class44 Cruisers Nebula Class48 Galaxy Class51 Akira Class53 Intrepid Class56 Sovereign Class58 Eagle Class60 Dauntless Class63 Prometheus Class66 Fleet Combatants Essex Class70 Excalibur Class73 Devonshire Class76 Bibliography79


    Overview The year is 2414. The last 4 decades have been some of the most challenging and violent faced by the Federation. Prolonged conflict with the Dominion (2373-76) followed soon by a massive Borg Invasion (2381) cost Starfleet dearly. Nearly 3,000 starships and over a million personnel were lost during this period, dealing a devastating blow. This period of volatility also extended into the astro-political realm. The alliance known as the Typhon Pactrather than providing a quasi-peaceful, counterbalance to the Federation Alliancewas devoted solely to opposing the UFP and its allies. Underscoring this fact were espionage efforts both industrial and otherwise as well as calculated diplomatic maneuvering. The protracted conflict that was fought between the two sides from 2385 to 2387 reaffirmed Starfleets position of technological and tactical superiority. The Hobus Supernova in 2387 served as a galactic reset button, not only for Starfleet, but for its allies and foes as well. With this monumental disaster serving to cool the astro-political scene greatly, Starfleets priorities shifted back to the traditional defensive/offensive/exploratorybetter known as the multi-missionparadigm. The advent of Quantum Slipstream Propulsionwhich revolutionized space travel in a manner similar to what Transwarp had promised to do, allowing a starship to traverse great distances in a fraction of the time it would take a ship with conventional propulsionwas a veritable game changer. Not only did it revolutionize how starships were designed and built, but how and where they were utilized as well. The Quantum Slipstream era brought with it a new golden age in Federation exploration and expansion spearheaded by two grand initiatives (Project Full Circle and Mission: Gamma) to explore the Delta and Gamma Quadrants respectively. With these initiatives well underway and with the aforementioned period of relative astro-political calm taking hold, Starfleet turned its focus inwardmoving swiftly to rebuild its shattered force with a renewed emphasis on overall strength and power projection. A gradual shift back towards a more militaristic posture had begun in the aftermath of the Dominion War, but it wasnt until well after the aforementioned invasion by the Borg, that this shift gained speed and a great deal or urgency. In an overall plan drafted by C-n-C Star Admiral Leonard Akkar and Starfleets Admiralty, specific shortcomings and deficiencies were addressed along with a multitude of other issues, in a wide-scale overhaul that has since been compared to that put forth by former C-n-C Lars Erik Valdemar a century prior. To support planned ship production and fleet rejuvenation, the plan attempted to halt further exacerbation of the fleets already painful manpower shortage through a complete top-down revision of Starfleet Academys entire curriculum and an easing of entrance standards, as well as increased research and development into technologies that would automate certain ship functions, or otherwise allow crew compliments to be scaled down across the board.

  • The years immediately following the wars conclusionapproximately 2376-2379saw the end of Galaxy and Nebula class production in favor of the more advanced and adaptable Sovereign class. Due to the unexpected, but extreme difficulty encountered in trying to adapt Quantum Slipstream Propulsion to Galaxy, selected vesselsalong with their Nebula class cousins (which shared the same technological underpinnings)gradually began to be phased out of service. The Sovereign classwhich now became the de facto fleet workhorsesaw its own production curtailed as Starfleet sought to balance out its cruiser lineup with increased numbers of the smaller, but proven Intrepid class as well as to make room for the larger, more sophisticated Eagle class Command Cruiser. Initially created to address the lack of dedicated command and control capability, Eagle was soon developed into a dedicated combat cruiser to fill the roles of both carrier and troop transport. 346 meters longer (1076 m vs 680m) that Sovereign, Eagle was comparably armed and devoid of all scientific/exploratory and many of the same personnel support facilities found on ships like Sovereign or Galaxy. Combined with a drastic reduction in the standard compliment (being rated for a mere 390 officers + crewmen) and enough room was freed up throughout both hull sections to create a massive super-hangar for up to a full wing of craft and barracks style accommodations for the pilots/flight crews as well as up to an entire regiment of marines. Produced on an as-needed basis, Eagle fulfilled the needs of both Starfighter Command and the Marine Corps, while also taking the burden of designing two all new separate, dedicated classes off of Starfleet and the ASDB. This would prove to be all that Starfleets already strained infrastructure could handlethe bulk of Starfleets existing assets and resources being divided between Transport Command and the Corps of Engineers who were tasked with ongoing reconstruction and redevelopment efforts. Beginning in 2385, starship production surgedwith 4 new classes entering production, all conceived in the mold of the Admiraltys plan for the future of Starfleet. The crown jewel of these was the Excalibur class Battleship (BB 99000). A 2500-meter long leviathan, Excalibur not only projected immense offensive strength and power, but served as a flying starbaseenvisioned to serve almost exclusively in unexplored areas well outside Federation space as well as in various frontier regions, for durations previously unheard of (in excess of 10 Earth Years). The class namesake served as a technological testbed from 2381-84; equipped with a still-experimental Quantum Slipstream Drive along with new Type XV Phaser Emitters. Due to the extreme size, resource & personnel requirements as well as a lengthy construction time (30 months), initial production was limited to just 6 examples with none currently on order. Starfleets first mass-produced Battleship and a leviathan in its own right, the 800 meter long Essex class (BB 75000) was intended to supplant the Excelsior (and Galaxy to a lesser extent) class in the fleet. Equipped not only with a Quantum Slipstream Drive, Essex also carried a punishing armament that included multiple Mark IV Torpedo Launchers, Pulse Phaser Cannons and the aforementioned Type XV Emitters. In a nod to Galaxy, Essex also featured saucer separation capabilityboth sections remaining warp capable. Lancer (FH 74900) was the first frigate class introduced by Starfleet since the short-lived New Orleans class in 2364. A smaller compliment to Essex, it was intended to supplant Miranda as well as hold the line against a shipbuilding strategy that unintentionally played up overall size as a key design attribute. With an impressive cargo capacity and evacuation limit for its size, a number of exampled gradually found their way into service with Starfleets Transport Command. Definitely the most unique of the 4 was the Dauntless class Cruiser (CA 101000). The first class aside from Defiant to feature an integrated engine/hull design, Dauntless was intended to compliment the Nova, Luna and Intrepid classes in their exploratory and scientific roles. A welcome development that addressed a major fleet shortcoming was the introduction of two new Destroyer classes in 2390 and 2392. An overlooked segment of the fleet throughout much of the 24th Century, Starfleets inattentiveness in this area was graphically highlighted during the Dominion Warin which the Defiant class, a proverbial secret weapon, played just a supporting role. Valiant was based on a prototype design for Defiant. Aggressively designed, it was slightly largerable to embark up to a fully equipped platoon of troopsand featured the same armament, but stronger, regenerative shielding and thicker armor. It also sidestepped the delay Starfleet faced in refitting existing Defiant class ships with Quantum Slipstream Propulsion, by incorporating the system in Valiant from the keel up. Galant on the other hand, was larger than both of the aforementioned classes. A Heavy Destroyer designed to replace the Norway class, it was somewhat smaller (215m vs 365m), but carried a heavier armament and was just as capableable to carry up to 500 metric tons of cargo (nominally given over to weapons stores) and embark up to a full company (120) of troops. A key component of the Admiraltys plan was a clear, cohesive, yet thoroughly modern defense strategy. Based on the concept of spherical defense devised during the 23rd Century, the strategy called for the deployment of starships in three layers (Inner Screen/Outer Screen/Picket), encompassing all charted Federation territory. Specific deployment strategies were to be supported by constantly updated, real-time intelligence along with highly complex probability studies allowing Starfleet to maintain the greatest possible flexibility in

  • its deployment choices. The one kink in that plan was the fact that Starfleet did not have any active classes smaller than a Destroyer (in size and capability) in service. The Danube (and later, Pulsar as well) class Runabout was available in sufficient numbers for in-system use as a cutter and the Saber class was utilized quite often in the perimeter action role, but they all failed to address the fact that Starfleet still lacked a modern corvette. This oversight was rectified in 2395 with the launch of the Pegasus and Proxima classes. Roughly similar in design, Pegasus was the smaller of the pair, at 103 meters in length and 74,909 metric tons displacement, while Proxima was larger165 meters in length and 120,000 metric tons displacement. Both were equipped with Quantum Slipstream drives, advanced sensor and communications equipment along with powerful weapons for their size (Type VIII Phasers and Quantum Torpedoes). The Devonshire class, while not the newest (launched beginning in 2391), is projected to be the last ship of its size (600m >) launched by Starfleet until at least 2460at which time ships of the Galaxy class will start to reach the end of their life cycles. The first Dreadnought launched in a century, Devonshire helped to bridge the size gap somewhat between Essex and Excalibur, emerging as a much more manageable flagship class.

    The Fleet Today Starfleet as it stands today is in remarkable shape, given the challenges and setbacks faced over the last three decades. Currently maintaining a standing force of 7,650 vessels,

    recent construction trends have tended to favor Cruisers and larger Patrol Combatants (Dreadnoughts, Battleships)addressing perceived offensive/defensive deficiencies and strengthening overall deterrencebut have shifted to become more balanced, including Cutters, Corvettes, Scouts and Destroyers in the overall mix in an effort to achieve a more well-rounded fleet makeup.

    Cruisers Cruisers, held in high regard for their ability to balance size with capability, continue to remain the focal point of Starfleet strategy. A total of 483 vessels of this type, divided

    between 8 classes, are currently active; the 20 existing ships of the Nebula class, 28 existing ships of the Galaxy class, 131 ships of the Akira class, 79 ships of the Intrepid class, 84 ships of the Sovereign class, 8 ships of the Eagle class, 13 ships of the Dauntless class and 120 ships of the Prometheus class. This total is not expected to change significantly until at least 2462, by which time ships of the Nebula and Galaxy classes will have started to reach the end of their life cycles. The retirement of all 48 ships is projected to be completed by 2480. Production of the Eagle classa specialized combat cruiser developed for use by Starfleets Marine Corps and Starfighter Commandis expected to remain at as needed status for the foreseeable future, while full scale production of the exotically-designed Dauntless isnt expected to begin until 2417 at the earliest.

    Frigates Frigate production, never having been a serious priority for Starfleet, is expected to remain constantwith the production rate of the highly adaptable Lancer class remaining at 4

    per year. Existing ships of the Centaur (60) and New Orleans (32) classesdespite their age and other engineering related issuesare slated for retirement by 2437 at which time the Lancer (currently at 116 ships) will have reached sufficient numbers.

    Destroyers Earning the renewed attention of both the Admiralty and the ASDB, Starfleets Destroyer force is expected to remain in the spotlight for the foreseeable future. It currently stands at

    790 total examples, divided between the Norway (214), Defiant (282), Luna (108), Valiant (120) and Galant (66) classes. The continued classification of Luna490 meters long, displacing 2,900,000 metric tons and embarking 350 officers and crewmenas a Heavy Destroyer remains contentious, as its size and compliment alone would better fit a Frigate or Cruiser instead. Starfleet Command has thus far refused to reclassify Lunacurrently a key part of the exploration initiatives covering the Delta (Project Full Circle) and Gamma (Mission: Gamma) Quadrants. Norway remains the oldest Destroyer class in active service, with production slated to end in 6 months in favor of the Galant class.

    Scouts The second largest component of Starfleets overall force, 2,364 ships of this type are currently active; 1,704 ships of the Saber class; 300 ships of the Nova class and 360 ships of the

    Nova II class. Of all Federation Starship classes currently produced, Saber holds the record for maintaining the longest active production runfirst introduced in 2343. Even after being re-engineered to incorporate Quantum Slipstream propulsion, the class remains remarkably easy to produce in quantity and holds a durable, reliable reputation, serving primarily in the scouting/reconnaissance, patrol and perimeter action roles.

  • Corvettes Despite the large number of Sabre class ships still active, Starfleet returned to the subject of the Corvettewhich in traditional naval parlance, refers to a small, maneuverable, but

    well armed ship used for general patrol and escort duties. Since the retirement of the famed Akyazi class in 2320, no dedicated class existed to perform these dutieswhich themselves, gained new prominence as Starfleet reevaluated its overall offensive/defensive strategy in the wake of its experiences with both the Dominion and the Borg. In 2395, both the Pegasus and Proxima classes were introduced. 103 and 165 meters in length respectively, both retained fairly conventional designs and were comprehensively equippedfeaturing Quantum Slipstream drives, bio-neural computer systems and Quantum Torpedoes. Currently, 380 examples of each are in service, complimented by the Sabre and Nova/Nova II classes in the patrol and perimeter action roles.

    Patrol Combatants Classifications not used since the late 23rd Centuryhaving become increasingly at odds with the peaceful, multi-mission ethos of Starfleetboth the Dreadnought and Battleship

    have made surprising returns. The Essex class Battleship was the first. An 800 meter long behemoth armed to the teeth, bearing an aesthethic resemblance to both the Ambassador and Galaxy classes and being the first regular production class to incorporate Quantum Slipstream propulsion, the introduction of Essex in 2385 also marked the gradual shift of Starfleet back towards a predominantly militaristic posture that characterized the late 23rd Century. The Excalibur class was and still remains the largest ship designed and launched by Starfleet to date. A 2,500 meter long leviathan, it was developed in the late 2370s as a technology testbed and entered limited production in 2384serving as a command ship and mobile starbase of sorts in extremely remote and explored regions. Currently, just 6 of these ships are in service with no further production planned.

    The Devonshire class came about as a response to Excalibura ship that could serve much the same purpose and in the same manner, but was considerably easier and less taxing

    to build and deploy. Its classification as a Dreadnought was due moreso to its size and compliment rather than its armament and overall mission profile. The class, introduced in 2392, has seen much success in service, with 33 examples currently operational.

    Compared to Others

    When compared to the other spacefaring powers in the galaxy, Starfleet maintains a sizable advantage, if not for the diversity in the types of starships they field, then the technology they employ. Of its allies, the Klingon Defense Force is the closest technologically speakingand with Starfleet taking the brunt of the losses during the Borg Invasion of 2381the closest numerically as well, in terms of active vessels fielded. The surprising (some would say, alarming) transformation of the Talarian Navy from a backwater colonial force into a first-rate superpower fielding some of the largest starships in known space has presented a welcome, if somewhat unexpected challenge to traditional Starfleet strength. The Cardassian Guard, receiving engineering and technological assistance from both Starfleet and the KDF, came in a strong fourth, despite its still-decimated infrastructure and industrial base. Despite the destruction and devastation wrought in the Romulan Empires home systemthe loss of their homeworld and with it, a blow to their industrial production capacitythe non-aligned Imperial Navy came away remarkably unscathedsuffering more losses in the aforementioned Borg Invasion as well as the subsequent war between the Typhon Pact and Federation Alliance. Their current strength remains unknown, however based on historical analysis, it can be reasonably inferred they are within close proximity to both Starfleet and the KDF. Both Starfleet and civilian analysts regard the Typhon Pact as being one to two orders of magnitude beneath the Federation Alliance in overall strength. However, among the states that make up the pact (Tzenkethi Coalition/Breen Confederacy/Gorn Hegemony/Tholian Assembly/Holy Order of the Kinshaya), the Gorn Navy is generally regarded to be the strongest. Having built their ships large and imposing since the latter half of the 23rd Century, their skillful use of common weaponry (disruptors, torpedoes) in the design of their starships together with a naval doctrine that favors force projection have made them an opponent to be feared and respecteddespite the limited amount of overall territory they currently control. Comparing then, Starfleet to these powers is somewhat misleading as their strength lies not in the development and deployment of traditional naval forcesStarfleets technological superiority making that a near certainty. With the Breen and Tholians concentrating on diplomatic/political subterfuge and blatant espionage and the rising militancy of the Andorian Empires dominant political faction, Starfleet must continue ensure that its forces are trained, equipped and deployed in such a way so as to defend against various forms of asymmetric warfarewhat analysts believe to be the dominant threat for the foreseeable future.

  • Cutters Danube 2,450 Pulsar 540 Corvettes Pegasus 380 Proxima 380 Scouts Saber 1,704 Nova (2368-89) 300 Nova II (2390-) 360 Destroyers Norway (DH) 214 Defiant (DD) 282 Luna (DH) 108 Valiant (DD) 120 Galant (DH) 66 Frigates Centaur (Existing Only) 60 New Orleans (Existing Only) 32 Lancer (FH) 116 Cruisers Nebula (CA; 2355-79; Existing Only) 20 Galaxy (CH; 2362-79; Existing Only) 28 Akira (CB) 131 Intrepid (CL) 79 Sovereign (CH) 84 Eagle (CC) 8 Dauntless (CA) 13 Prometheus (CT) 120 Patrol Combatants Essex (BB) 16 Excalibur (BB) 6 Devonshire (DN) 33 Total 7,650

    Cutters (CU) 2,990 Corvettes (CO) 760 Scouts (ST) 2,364 Destroyers 790 Destroyers (DD) 402 Heavy Destroyers (DH)


    Frigates 208 Frigates (FR) 92 Heavy Frigates (FH)


    Cruisers 483 Light Cruisers (CL)


    Cruisers (CA) 33 Heavy Cruisers (CH)


    Battlecruisers (CB)


    Command Cruisers (CC)


    Attack Cruisers (CT)


    Patrol Combatants


    Dreadnoughts (DN)


    Battleships (BB) 22 Total 7,650


  • DANUBE CLASS RUNABOUT The most important small craft development in over a century, the introduction of the Danube class in 2368 successfully bridged the gap between small craft and starshipsproviding a warp-capable craft that had all the multi-mission functionality of a starship, but in a package that was only somewhat larger than the shuttlecraft of the day. A design study begun by the ASDB in 2363 aimed to produce a small craft capable of fulfilling a wide range of missions, most notably scientific transport, research and study as well as intelligence gathering, tactical reconnaissance and special operations support. Such a craft would need to be warp-capable, with a standard operating range at least double that of existing personnel shuttles and be capable of sustained independent operations. To support disaster relief, emergency response, special ops insertion/extraction and other associated mission scenarios, it was also deemed essential to make the craft large enough to support a reasonable number of passengers. The ASDBs design, which was finalized in late 2364, was the first small craft design to make modularity a priority. Aft of the cockpit, Danube consisted of the propulsion assembly and could equip any number of large, swappable multi-mission modules that ran the gamut from additional sleeping bunks and medical accommodations to cargo storage and specialized scientific equipment. Going further, Danubelike the larger Nebula (CA 60140) classcould be equipped with a number of specialized external modules mounted dorsally that, depending on configuration, could augment the crafts communication, sensor or tactical capabilities. Launched in 2365, the prototype (CU 72000) underwent extensive flight-testing and conducted strenuous shakedown trials at the Saturn Flight Range. Upon their successful completion, full class production commenced and the class was well dispersed throughout the fleet by 2368.

    Given Danubes range and capabilities, it was the first choice for commanders of starships and installations located in various frontier regions, including Deep Space Nine. In 2369 after Starfleet assumed command of the station at the behest of the Bajoran Provisional Government, the Starship Enterprise (CH 1701-D) offloaded three of these runaboutsthe Rio Grande (CU 72452), Ganges (CU 72454) and Yangtzee Kiang (CU 72453). Piloted by Commander Benjamin Sisko and Lieutenant Jadzia Dax, the Rio Grande was the vessel responsible for the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole and the first Federation vessel to travel to the Gamma Quadrant.

    A year later, the Rio Grandeagain, piloted by Commander Siskowas conducting

    a planetary survey in the Gamma Quadrant when it became the first Federation vessel to encounter the Dominion. After Sisko and his party were captured by the JemHadar, the Mekong (CU 72617) and Orinoco (CU 72905) escorted the Starship Odyssey (CH 71832) on an emergency rescue mission. Despite the two runabouts having been equipped with extra stores of Photon Torpedoes, they and the Galaxy class Odyssey were quickly overwhelmed by a trio of JemHadar Attack Shipsthe Mekong sustaining severe damage and the Odyssey destroyed. Though the Danube class attrition rate remained rather high for the next decade, the Rio Grande was the only one of Deep Space Nines original 3 runabouts to survive the tumultuous decade.

    By 2380, Danubes production had become so prolific, that it began to find

    increasing use in various intra-system roles, including patrol and interdiction. This led Starfleet Command to change its classification type from runabout (which differed little from shuttlecraft) to cutter.

    In the Borg Invasion of 2381, starships that formed the spearhead of Starfleets

    response to the initial invasion had wisely offloaded their Danube class craft in exchange for more potent starfighters. The runabouts then, participated in predominantly defensive

  • operationsacting as early warning platforms for planetside colonies and settlements, as well as helping to evacuate smaller stations and other spaceborne installations. In the Invasions aftermath, with the Borgs devastation extensive and Starfleets existing resources stretched thin, Danubes sheer numbers were a great assetrunabouts taking on patrol, command and control, transport and humanitarian relief duties, among many others, on a system-by-system basis.

    In 2396, the Danubes perceived successorthe Pulsar class entered service and

    brought with it significant technological advances. A mere 6 years earlier when the Valiant (DD 98940) class was launched, the notion of Quantum Slipstream propulsion equipping anything smaller that a Destroyer was considered ludicrous in the extreme. In 2395 though, the launch of the Pegasus and Proxima corvette classeshalf the size of Valiantproved that it could be done and it didnt take long then for the momentum to engulf certain small craft types.

    In a shrewd, but predictable move to boost force strength, Danube class production

    was halted for a period while the ASDB completely overhauled the base designincorporating necessary changes to not only support the new propulsion system, but advanced sensor and communications equipment as well as more powerful shield generators and weapon emplacements that equipped Pulsar.

    Currently it is estimated that of the 2,450 Danube class runabouts active, a full third

    roughly 817have not been upgraded to this new standard. Starfleet Command has set 2417 as the definitive deadline by which time all existing examples are

    Class Classification Service Number Active Length Beam Height

    Danube Cutter/Runabout 2368- 2,450 23m 14m 6m



    159 metric tons 1 + 40 passengers

    6 Type IV Phaser Emitters 2 Micro Torpedo Launchers Standard Deflector Shield System total capacity 56,700 TerraJoules Light Duranium/Trititanium Single Hull

    Armament Defense Systems

  • PULSAR CLASS RUNABOUT Succeeding the venerable Danube (CU 72000) class in the majority of front-line applications, the Pulsar class has reaffirmed the relevance and utility of small craft as part of Starfleets overall deployment doctrineproviding enhanced support and maximum flexibility across the entire multi-mission spectrum. Conceived in 2394, Pulsar was the product of a development project that aimed to address Danubes speed limitations and tactical deficiencies and more generally, to provide a flexible medium-long range support platform that would be better able to match the capabilities of the new generation of starships then entering service. The period immediately following the end of open hostilities with the Typhon Pact saw Starfleet focusing on two main areas of concern: rebuilding and redevelopment of infrastructure and overall fleet strength (numerically and tactically). Whereas Danube was the product of a more idealistic, exploration-focused design ethic that placed an extra emphasis on technology, Pulsar was decidedly no-nonsense--focusing strictly on combining technology, tactical strength and multi-mission functionality in a single, efficient end product. Aesthetically, Pulsar was streamlined a great deal compared to Danube. From a dorsal/ventral perspective, the design bore a great deal of similarity to 20th century Earths Space Transportation System operated by NASA. The main body, 41 meters in length, had a smooth coke-bottle shape, tapered sharply at the fore end, with the engine nacelles mounted dorsally at the reartaking a cue from the Raptor class starfighter. The cockpit design was borrowed directly from the Flyer class shuttlecraft and featured a two-tiered layout with space for up to four crew members, though as with Danube, Pulsar was designed to be operated by as few as one crew member. The pilot/navigator was situated on the lower tier, front and center, surrounded on three sides by control consoles, while up a narrow ramp to the rear were the remaining three stations

    helm/operations and mission operations to port and starboard respectively, with a station for a flight engineer aftwards. All stations are highly configurableone proposed layout having the forward station configured for the tactical/weapons officer, with the pilot/navigator occupying the portside aft station. Moving aft from the cockpit, was a small antechamber with personnel hatches to port and starboard and an ingress/egress ramp in the center of the floor. Continuing on was another compartment of equal size that contained a 2 person transporter platform in the center, equipment storage along the starboard bulkhead and a head to port. A large crew compartment was featured nextwith three double-bunk staterooms and a small survey lab followed up by the standard aft compartment of Danubefeaturing 2 more double-bunks recessed into the bulkhead along with a conference table and requisite food replicators. All told, Pulsar was capable of embarking up to 60 passengers in an emergency compared to the 40 of Danube. The most notable feature of Pulsar was its completely redesigned drive system. A common and accepted drawback of small craft new and old was their lack of FTL (faster-than-light) propulsion, or in included, FTL propulsion that was severely constrained in terms of acceleration as well as nominal cruising and overall top speeds. This could be attributed to both technology and engineering issues, however since the introduction of Danube in 2368, considerable strides had been made in both fieldsthanks to Quantum Slipstream Propulsion. Intended to propel starships at speeds and across distances previously unimaginable, the revolutionary new propulsion system required not only engines of a vastly sophisticated design and that were meticulously engineered, but a computer system more powerful and complex than anything previously employed. Advancements in engine design and computer operation began trickling down to the small craft arena after those two

  • attributes had been refined for the smallest ships yetthe Pegasus and Proxima class corvettes. A correspondingly powerful reactor not only provided power to the engines and other essential systems, by to 6 Type VII Phaser Emitters and 2 forward-firing Micro Torpedo Launchers. The most powerful weapons of this type that have been installed aboard a small craft, they put Pulsar on the same level as many of the older starship classes deployed during the Dominion War, including the Miranda classthe greater total power output from the advanced reactor core increasing the amount of raw energy able to be directed through the emitters. Naturally, along with the more powerful weapons was an improved Deflector Shield System, capable of absorbing an additional 11,200 TerraJoules over that equipping Danube (67,900 vs 56,700). The sensor suite also received a great deal of attention. Like with the phaser emitters, Pulsars sensor arrays compared favorably with those employed aboard some starshipswith maximum range and resolution setting far eclipsing those aboard any current or previous craft in the same size class. Passive scanning, detection and tracking capabilities were a fairly new development. Devised for and intended to upgrade existing (and new build) Defiant (DD 74205) and equip new Valiant (DD 74300) class Destroyers, these functions strengthened Pulsars hand a great deal. In spaceborne operations, the craft gained a sharper defensive edgereportedly being tested with top-secret interphasic cloaking technology, though this has never been confirmed. On the ground and in many planetary atmospheres, Pulsar became an enhanced support tool for ground troop formations, scientific expeditions, humanitarian missions and many other rapid-response scenarios. Entering service in 2396, Pulsar replaced Danube in most front-line, deep-space applications. Rather than retire the older class, the ASDB stripped Danube down, removed the old propulsion, computer and sensor systems and replaced them with their newer counterparts from Pulsar. Given Danubes high-numbers in servicethis effectively quadrupled Starfleets capabilities in this arena and also freed up larger starships for other uses.

    Class Classification Service Number Active Length Beam Height

    Pulsar Cutter/Runabout 2396- 540 41m 18m 5m

    Mass Compliment

    189 metric tons 1 + 60 passengers

    6 Type VII Phaser Emitters 2 Micro Torpedo Launchers Standard Deflector Shield System total capacity 67,900 TerraJoules Light Duranium/Trititanium Single Hull

    Armament Defense Systems


  • PEGASUS CLASS CORVETTE The smallest starship class (not falling into the small craft category) to be launched in recent memory, the Pegasus class represents a strategic shift by Starfleet towards a more balanced, flexible deployment plan. Brought about by the Admiraltys long-term offensive/defensive strategy, it called for the construction of numerous smaller classesprimarily cutters, corvettes and destroyerswhich had long since fallen out of favor in favor of larger cruisers and other such capital ships that had widely valued multi-mission capabilities. The addition of cutters (typified by the Danube and Pulsar runabout classes), corvettes and additional destroyers would greatly expand Starfleets patrol capabilities as well as give it a viable perimeter-action forcefreeing up larger frigates & cruisers for other duties and allow them to be deployed/concentrated further in around key star systems and towards the Federations core. A mere 103 meters long and just 5 desk thick, Pegasus supported a compliment of 40with the ability to support a platoon of marines if necessary. Despite its diminutive size, it packed incredibly advanced technology. Quantum Slipstream Propulsion allowed these ships to operate in remote regions far from outside support and for durations that would have been unheard of with previous classes. Sophisticated sensors and electronic warfare equipment similar to that in the Eagle class Command Cruiser made it an ideal patrol vessel and battlefield scout, while Type VIII Phasers and Quantum Torpedos gave it the power to confront and engage ships three and four times its size, making it a valuable front line asset. In keeping with the concept of spherical defensewhich had these ships and others of similar size/profile (cutters, scouts etc) form the initial picket line, Pegasus class

    ships were produced primarily at production bases in remote systems on the Federations outer rim, Grazer, Keldanis Prime and Ramatis being examples (the only production baser closer in to the Federations core were the Antares III Starship Yards). This both expanded and helped further decentralize a good portion of the Federations industrial basea prudent move in the face of the destruction wrought by the Dominion and the Borg. Production began in 2395 alongside the slightly larger Proxima corvette class and despite other shipbuilding programs then underway, proceeded at an aggressive 10 ships per year.

  • Class Classification Service Number Active Length Beam Height Decks

    Pegasus Corvette 2395- 380 103m 39m 21m 5

    Mass Compliment

    74,909 metric tons 40 + 60 passengers

    6 Type VIII Phaser Emitters 2 MK II Torpedo Launchers Standard Deflector Shield System total capacity 429,790 TerraJoules Standard Duranium/Trititanium Double Hull

    Armament Defense Systems

  • PROXIMA CLASS CORVETTE The larger companion to the Pegasus class, the Proxima class Corvette was intended to bring depth and increased capability to the perimeter action role, which had grown to encompass patrol, scouting/reconnaissance and escort duties as well. Spherical defense may have been simple in conceptthe strategic organization of fleet units and other elements in defense of Federation territoryhowever it required a number of different ship types to populate the three layers which encompassed that territory. Corvettes, along with Cutters, Scouts and Destroyers comprised the outermost (picket) layer. However, in the last 50 years Starfleet only made token forays into this area and subsequently, up until roughly 20 years ago ships of these types were in woefully short supply. Rather than just design and mass deploy a single Corvette class, Starfleet instead decided to split the duties between two classes so as to boost operational flexibility should certain assets not be available or required elsewhere. The design that became Proxima was originally intended to become the replacement for the Nova class Scout, but with Starfleet instead choosing to produce the Nova II variant, Proxima was instead reclassified as a Corvette. As such, the two were extremely close in size, with Proxima having a slightly smaller beam and 1 less deck. Fairly conventional in appearance, it was typified by a broad, crescent-shaped primary hull and a comparatively small navigational deflector dish. 165 meters in length and displacing 125,000 metric tons, Proxima supported a compliment of 60 officers & crewmen and, as with Pegasus, featured enough space for up to a full platoon of marines. Like Pegasus and to a lesser extent, Nova, Proxima was surprisingly well equipped given its diminutive sizedesigned around a Quantum Slipstream drive system, featuring computer, sensor and electronic warfare equipment either based off of or lifted directly from larger

    classes such as Essex and Eagle and armed much more strategically than vessels of comparable size/typefeaturing Type IX Phasers and Mark II Torpedo Launchers. Outside of the aforementioned spherical defense responsibilities, Proxima is expected to become the principal support platformseparate from any other deployed forcesfor a number of remote outposts and starbases in the near term.

  • Class Classification Service Number Active Length Beam Height Decks

    Proxima Corvette 2395- 380 165m 59m 28m 7

    Mass Compliment

    125,900 metric tons 40 + 60 passengers

    3 Type IX Phaser Emitters 2 MK II Torpedo Launchers Standard Deflector Shield System total capacity 689,700 TerraJoules Standard Duranium/Trititanium Double Hull

    Armament Defense Systems


  • SABER CLASS SCOUT The smallest ship to be launched since the Oberth class in 2269, the Saber class Scout was the product of the same fleetwide modernization effort which also produced the Norway, Steamrunner and Akira classes, among others. Tasked with developing a replacement for Oberth (which had ended production just 9 years earlier in 2338), designers came up with their third highly unconventional design (following Steamrunner, preceding Norway). The primary hull section was roughly pentagonal in shape, with the forward half of the warp nacelles embedded on either side of the hull and extending outwards, while the engineering section extended aft from the primary hull in a roughly V-shaped tail. Slightly longer than Oberth (190m vs 150m) and with a crew requirement half the size (40 vs. 80), designers had slightly more room to devote to the scientific suite which was Sabers main focus. A number of laboratories as well as sophisticated sensors allowed the class to carry out all of the same mission types, while advances in propulsion technology contributed to an increased operating range. Saber was the better armed of the two, mounting 4 Type VII Phaser Emitters (quite powerful, considering the class diminutive size) and a pair of torpedo launchers. Entering service in 2343, these ships could usually be found operating within a few light years distance of a space station or outpost, both on the frontier and closer to the Federations core. The class as a whole played a key role in the Dominion War, operating as forward reconnaissance platforms in advance of larger battle groups and fleets. Production continues to this day, almost 75 years after the class original introduction, albeit with modernized components and systems. Four examplesDa Vinci/ST 81623, Khwarizmi, Musgrave, TPorahave been retained for special use, currently serving with the Starfleet

    Corps of Engineers.

    Class Classification Service Number Active Length Beam Height Decks

    Saber Scout 2343- 1,704 190m 250m 41m 11

    Mass Compliment

    310,000 metric tons 40

    4 Type VII Phaser Emitters 2 Standard Torpedo Launchers Standard Deflector Shield System total capacity 189,000 TerraJoules Standard Duranium Single Hull

    Armament Defense Systems


    Starfleets shipbuilding emphasis in the 24th century was centered around a multi-mission philosophy that dictated larger and larger designs to both incorporate and better make use of technological advances which began appearing at a breakneck pace. Dedicated classes, whether peaceful in nature or not, were further de-emphasized as time went on, despite the introduction of the Saber class Scout in 2343 and the Akira class Battlecruiser in 2363.

    Despite this fact, there was still a clear need for ship classes with a narrow mission focus as newer, larger designs took longer to build, were more resource intensive and required more manpower to operate. One area that demonstrated this need was that occupied by the Oberth class Scout.

    Commissioned over a nearly 70 year period from 2269 to 2338, these ships filled varying roles ranging from scouting & reconnaissance to short-range mapping and planetary surveys. By the mid 24th century however, the Federations expansion made the speed, range and capability limitations of the Oberth all too clear. The Saber class was intended to partially supplant the Oberth, but couldnt accommodate many of the advanced sensors and science facilities ideal for such a shipeither because of its size or because of power considerations. The Cheyenne class, developed around the same time, was much larger and featured a more powerful reactor core, however, notorious and persistent problems plagued its warp drive and quad-nacelle arrangement.

    Starfleet and the ASDB remained in something of a quandary until the late 2360s. Mission requirements for the Defiant class had been altered to the point where the original, pathfinder design was considered to be totally unusable. The ASDB did determine however, that with the included reactor core, propulsion systems and some moderate modifications, the design would be ideal for a science vessel.

    Codenamed Nova, design modifications began in 2367 and included the removal of the two forward torpedo launchers and the replacement of the phaser emitters and deflector shield system with less powerful units to facilitate the installation of more powerful sensor arrays and various science labs. Additionally, engineers replaced the isolinear computer system with a bio-neural system. Originally conceived for the Intrepid class which was under development, the system was still experimental, but promised an exponential increase in processing power as well as energy efficiencyideal for a design which was now basically a large mobile sensor platform.

    The prototype Nova (STX 72380) was launched 8 months later and the class itself was certified for full fleet production in 2368. In service, Nova class ships proved themselves extremely worthy successors to their Oberth class forebearers and soon became a common site throughout the Federationusually operating from Space Stations or Outposts on missions ranging between 6 and 24 months in duration.

    In 2370, the Equinox (ST 72381) vanished on a mapping mission near the Badlands. It was later discovered to have been transported to the Delta Quadrant and was discovered thre in 2376 by the Starship Voyager (CL 74656) which had been transported there itself a year after the Equinox. Unfortunately, the ship was destroyed by an alien species in retaliation for the actions of the Equinox crew which resulted in the deaths of many members of that species.

    Throughout the Dominion War and the protracted conflict with the Typhon Pact, Nova class ships performed admirably in scouting and reconnaissance-related roles. In 2378, along with ships of the larger Luna class, they played key roles in Mission GammaStarfleets initiative to explore the Gamma Quadrant.

  • In 2381, Nova was one of a number of ship classes selected to participate in Starfleets parallel initiative to explore the Delta Quadrant, Project Full Circle. However, the still-experimental state of Starfleets Quantum Slipstream Propulsion technology necessitated further R&D work that stretched on until late 2384. The Federations return to a state of war in 2385 and stretching to 2387 further delayed the deployment of this technology (without which, Full Circle could not occur). Production of the class was halted in late 2386 so retrofitting of existing ships could take place and the Nova class design could be modified in-kind to accommodate this new technology. Production was resumed in early 2388, with Cygnus (ST 73617), Revere (ST 73595) and Columbia (ST 73621) joining other Starfleet assets already in the Delta Quadrant.

    Late in that same year, Starfleet Command compiled a list of changes and improvements gathered from in-field performance appraisals that would utilize technology not initially

    available. The changes and improvements requested were so extensive that rather than compile them into a complex refit program, the ASDB designated vessels built to this upgraded standard as members of the new Nova II sub-class. Externally, Nova II retained the same design, but was somewhat larger221 meters in length and displacing 170,000 metric tons vs 165m and 127,000mT for Nova.

    Beginning production in 2389, Nova II featured vastly upgraded sensor systemsincorporating upgrades and improvements intended for the Luna classlarger and more

    sophisticated laboratory facilities and technological upgrades intended to keep Starfleets premier scout class on par with comparable explorers, the aforementioned Luna class most notably.

    Class Classification Service Number Active Length Beam Height Decks

    Nova/Nova II Scout 2368-89 (Nova); 2390- (Nova II) 300 (Nova); 360 (Nova II) 165m (Nova); 221m (Nova II) 62m (Nova); 83m (Nova II) 34m (Nova); 46m (Nova II) 8 (Nova); 11 (Nova II)

    Mass Compliment

    127,000 metric tons (Nova) 170,000 metric tons (Nova II) 80 (Nova); 107 (Nova II)

    Nova 11 Type VIII Phaser Emitters 2 Standard Torpedo Launchers Nova II 11 Type IX Phaser Emitters 2 MK II Torpedo Launchers Standard Deflector Shield System total capacity 688,500 TerraJoules (Nova) 922,172 Terra Joules (Nova II)

    Standard Duranium/Trititanium Double Hull

    Armament Defense Systems



    Part of the same fleet-wide modernization project that gave rise to the Akira (CB 62497), Saber (ST 61940) and Steamrunner (CL 52130) classesand that was also noted for its highly unconventional designsthe Norway class broke with the century-old, single-nacelle destroyer design tradition and revolutionized the very concept of what a destroyer was and could be, its legacy going on to have a heavy influence on the later Luna (DH 80101) class. The proliferation of fleet picketsperimeter action ships, light cruisers, corvettes and clippersin the years following the introduction of the Saladin class (DD 500) in 2224, caused Starfleet to gradually let its deployment doctrine and construction programs loose their meaning and direction. Larger cruisers and fleet combatants were deployed farthest out on extended duration exploratory and defense missions, frigates and other midsized vessels carried out patrol and intelligence gathering operations in frontier and other borderspace regions, while smaller vesselssuch as destroyerswere built often as an afterthought, used in low-priority or supporting roles. As the years went by, destroyer types became more numerous and varied and they slowly evolved into highly specialized vessels, used not only in supporting roles, but also on exploratory missions and more often than not, they formed the first line of defense in many regions as well. With the dawn of the 24th century however, the role of the modern destroyer became deemphasized in favor of larger frigates and cruisers built to a flexible multi-mission standard. The primary class in service at this time was Defender (DD 22012)a single-nacelle design built in the Saladin tradition, using Ambassador class components. Intended as a singular replacement for a number of classes built during the Linear Warp era, Defender was produced in great numbers and proved both more popular and more capable in service than the Freedom (DD 68700) classso much so, that production was canceled after just 4 years (2356-60). Defender though had both age and a general lack

    of flexibility counting against it by 2360 however, proving Starfleet could no longer ignore the fact that a replacement was sorely needed. With the Norway class, the ASDB maintained a single hull design, but instead of a standard saucer, the Norways hull was roughly triangular in shape with smooth, rounded corners. At the fore end, centrally located and embedded within a recessed housing was the main deflector dish. The bridge module was similarly embedded on the dorsal side of the hull, providing enhanced protection and contributing to a lower overall sensor profile. Surrounding it on three sides was a specially designed, reinforced hull section that served as a mounting point for the warp nacelles, which themselves were attached on support pylons that extended aft to some length, from the rest of the ship. Externally, the design eschewed any sense of aesthetics in terms of strict functionalitythough Norway was able to maintain extremely favorable warp field dynamics as well as enhanced agility, a destroyer hallmark to be sure. Internally however, was where designers and engineers concentrated the bulk of their efforts.

    With a stated compliment of 190 officers and crew, a 500 person emergency evacuation requirement and the overall design being just 11 decks thick, the ASDB had their work cut out for them. Crew accommodations were surprisingly good, atypical for a destroyer, though support facilities were limited. With space remaining at a premium, designers opted to install two large cargo bays instead of a larger number of smaller bays. On a typical mission, a varied load of weapons stores, spare parts and other consumables occupied one of the bays while the other was used for either the transport of cargo, or for emergency medical use.

  • The rest of the internal volume was occupied by science and medical facilities. Unusual for a ship of this type, Norway followed in the steps of the earlier Exeter (CB 2200) class and featured a limited, but quite robust scientific capability typified by three highly adaptable laboratories and an advanced (for the day) astrometrics baywhich had value tactically, as well as scientifically.

    While these multi-mission capabilities did receive a good deal of attention, Norway

    also excelled as a fleet combatant. Her armament comprised 6 Type IX Phaser Emitters and 2 forward mounted MK I Torpedo Launchers, with a standard deflector shield system providing protection. When combined with her aforementioned speed and agility, she more than surpassed the Admiraltys expectations for a next-generation destroyer.

    Entering service in 2363, Norway gained instant acclaim from crews and

    commanders alike for its vast improvement in accommodation standards (when compared to the older Defender (DD 22012) and Miranda (FH 1830) classes) as well as its capabilities vis--vis various threat force vesselsnamely the VMelak class of the Imperial Romulan Navy and the Galor class of the Cardassian Guard.

    Despite the Romulans self-imposed isolation following the Tomed Incident of 2311,

    the destruction of the Starship Enterprise (CH 1701-C) by several of the former at Narendra III in 2345 marked the beginning of a period of uncharacteristic adventurism along the Neutral Zone. During the Nostveg wargames of 2365 that took place near Khitomer, KDF and Starfleet forces (including the 12th Fleets 3rd Destroyer Squadron) were shadowed by a Romulan squadron operating out of the fleet base at Glasko. Unbeknownst to the Romulans, the entire area was being monitored by Starbase 234. Upon detecting the Romulan ships in the Neutral Zone, a covert message was sent to the USS Defiance (DH 64927) who subsequently transferred the data to the IKV Lukara, lead ship of the KDFs 11th Strike Group. Breaching the Neutral Zone from two separate directions, the Romulans attempted to retreat back into their own space, but were caught in a modified pincer maneuver and quickly destroyed.

    The Cardassians on the other hand did not bother to waste effort disguising their

    activities. Hostilities between the Federation and the Union remained white-hot right up to the establishment of a ceasefire in 2366. In 2365, a mere 7 months following the Nostveg incident with the Romulans, a supply convoy departing the Federation colony world of Ronara Prime was attacked and destroyed by a Cardassian battle group. The incident, recorded by the nearby Argus Array, prompted the massing of the 9th Fleet at Starbase 129. The 2nd and 5th Destroyer squadrons were detached and sent to the area of the Hugora Nebula, where the USS Denmark (DH 64908) and USS Olympia (DH 64911) discovered that the Cardassians had established a base on a small asteroid inside the nebula from which covert reconnaissance and other activities were coordinated.

    While surveying the area, the Cardassians emerged and executed a lightning strike

    destroying the Olympia and severely damaging Denmark before 7th fleet arrived, destroying the asteroid base and either destroying or driving off the bulk of the battle group.

    Subsequent to Starfleets first contact with the Borg in 2365 (in system J-25 by the

    Starship Enterprise (CH 1701-D)), a great deal of Starfleets emphasis shifted to developing

    and employing a viable defense. In 2367, despite being combat proven, no Norway class ships were diverted to Wolf 359 to face the invading Borg cubeStarfleet instead electing to deploy larger ships including the Ambassador class USS Yamaguchi (CH 26510) and the Nebula class USS Endeavor (CA 71805).

    With the ultimate failure of the New Orleans (FR 57290) classand its removal from

    front line service by 2368Norway gained an additional measure of importance. Still primarily operating with the 9th (2nd & 5th Squadrons) and 12th (3rd Squadron) fleets along the Cardassian DMZ in 2373, they were witness to the Cardassian slaughter of the Maquis in August and were central to a massive rescue operation in October when the Cardassian Guardbacked by the JemHadarembarked on their Final Solution for the Maquis, exterminating what was left of the paramilitary group, leaving just 400,000 survivors.

    They played a key role in the subsequent war between the Federation Alliance and

    Dominionfaring much better than older classes such as Miranda (FH 1830) and Excelsior (CH 2000). With speed and maneuverability being just two of Norways strong points, these destroyers often found themselves leading cavalry raids and performing hit-and-run strikes against various targets alongside ships of the Defiant (DD 74205) class. Along with the fleet as a whole, the Norway class suffered heavy losses in late 2375the Canberra (DH 64914) and Iowa (DH 64912) lost with all hands at the Second Battle of ChinToka while the Defiance (DH 64927), North Carolina (DH 64910) and Warspite (DH 64913) were destroyed when Starbase 451 was overrun.

    As part of Starfleets overall defensive/offensive buildup following the war, the

    Norway class received tactical (Type X Phasers, MK II Torpedo Launchers) upgrades in 2380 along with computer and propulsion (to support Quantum Slipstream) upgrades in 2386. Despite expanded production of the Defiant (DD 74205) class beginning in 2378 and the introduction of the Valiant (DD 98940) and Galant (DH 92410) classes in 2390 and 2392 respectively, Norway class production continuedofficials citing the high number of elderly Miranda class ships that needed to be replaced.

    With the proliferation of Valiant and Galant plus other frigate (Lancer/FH 74900) and

    cruiser (Intrepid/CL 74600; Dauntless/CA 101000) classes since then, production of Norway is slated to end in the next 6 months, with the most recent examples produced expected to be retired by 2497 at the latest.

    Norways legacy however, will continue to live on with the Luna (DH 80100) class. Introduced in 2379, Luna was intended to moderate the growing militarism within the fleet. Originally intended as a light troop transport/shuttlecarrier, the success of Norway in various scientific roleseven given its suite of onboard facilities and systemsconvinced Starfleet Command of the value a ship with these capabilities would have. Indeed, thanks to the pioneering work of Norway, Luna currently stands at the forefront of Starfleets scientific and exploratory endeavors as one of the most advanced vessels of its type currently fielded.

  • Class Classification Service Number Active Length Beam Height Decks

    Norway Heavy Destroyer 2363- 214 355m 220m 51m 12

    Mass Compliment

    604,958 metric tons 185; 480 evac. limit

    Armament Defense Systems

    2363-2380 6 Type IX Phaser Emitters 2 MK I Torpedo Launchers 2380- 6 Type X Phaser Emitters 2 MK II Torpedo Launchers Standard Deflector Shield System total capacity 945,500 TerraJoules Standard Duranium/Tritianium Single Hull


    One of several design proposals developed to defend against the Borg in the period between initial contact (2365) and the Battle at Sector 001 (2373), the Defiant class concept called for a small, compact vessel that was comprehensively armed and capable of extreme endurance in all conceivable mission scenarios. A secondary objective for the project was to develop, implement and test a full spectrum of systems that could be implemented in the Sovereign class project that was in an earlier stage of development. What resulted was a ship that was compact, yet completely unorthodox in design, devoted solely to combat and packing a lethal amount of firepower that was unrivaled by any starship launched by Starfleet up to that point. Angular and somewhat boxy in design, Defiant class ships are 3 decks thick (4, if the bridge level is included). Whereas traditional designs featured the Warp Nacelles on support pylons that were swept outward to varying degrees, on the Defiant, the engines themselves were installed in housing that protruded outwards on either side of the hullimproving warp field dynamics a great deal. The interior is extremely spartan, similar to Klingon designs in this respect. The crew is housed in bunk-style accommodations, with only the Captain and First Officer receiving their own quartersquarters that are cramped and furnished with only the bare essentials compared to those onboard the Galaxy class. A communal mess hall, medical bay, transporter room, engineering compartment and a small shuttlebay occupy the rest of the interior volume. Befitting the class combat-oriented (Borg Busting), the armament is extremely impressive. 4 Pulse Phaser Cannonsweapons which fire highly concentrated bursts of directed energywere installed along with 4 MK IV Torpedo Launchers. These launchers

    were the first on any Starfleet vessel able to fire Quantum Torpedoszero-point energy weapons that produce a much more violent, destructive reaction compared to standard Photons. The Defiant was also the first class to feature ablative armoran expendable hull layer capable of dissipating incoming weapons fireas well as an experimental deflector shield system that placed shield modulation frequency under the control of the ships main computer. The computer would continuously evaluate incoming weapons fire and alter modulation frequencies to provide the optimum defense. The prototype vessel Defiant (DDX 74205) was assigned to Commander Benjamin Sisko in 2370. Sisko, a veteran of the Battle at Wolf 359, was also the first Starfleet officer to make contact with the Dominion. The results of that disastrous first contact (primarily the loss of the USS Odyssey/CH 71832) demonstrated to Starfleet the potential value this Borg Buster held and Sisko was subsequently ordered to take the Defiant on a search to contact the highly reclusive Founders (the leaders of the Dominion). That first mission was equally disastrous, with the Defiant being overpowered and boarded in short order. Intense testing following this mission resulted in both the deflector shield and structural integrity systems being redesigned. Full-scale production commenced soon after the prototype was declared fit for duty and the class gradually began spreading throughout the fleet. In 2372, the Defiant departed Deep Space Nine and hurriedly rendezvoused with a Federation battle group sent to stop a Borg Cube near the Typhon star system. The resulting battle (Battle of Sector 001) saw many of the ships destroyed and the Defiant

  • heavily damaged herself. The Breen later destroyed the tough little ship in 2375 at the Second Battle of ChinToka. In 2374, the Horizon (DD 75668) and Moscow (DD 75655) joined the USS Spector (CB 63898) in retaking the USS Prometheus (CTX 59650) after it had been hijacked by agents of the Romulan TalShiar.

    The Defiants small size, minimal crew requirements and outstanding performance in the field have led to a continued production run, even with the advent of the closely related Valiant (DD 98940) class. Starfleets emphasis on fleet diversity & resilience ensures that these vessels will be a common sight throughout the space lanes for many years to come.

    Class Classification Service Number Active Length Beam Height Decks

    Defiant Destroyer 2370- 282 171m 134m 30m 4

    Mass Compliment

    355,000 metric tons 50

    Armament Defense Systems

    1 Type X Phaser Emitter 4 Pulse Phaser Cannons 4 MK IV Torpedo Launchers Standard Deflector Shield System total capacity 2,376,000 TerraJoules Heavy Duranium/Tritianium Single Hull plus 20cm Ablative Armor

  • LUNA CLASS HEAVY DESTROYER A contradiction in terms, not only in form, but also in function, the Luna class has nevertheless gone on to join other classes such as Nova II, Intrepid and Dauntless to form the backbone of Starfleets exploratory arm. Concieved in late 2369, following the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole, Luna was intended expressly to carry out scientific research and exploratory missions in the Gamma Quadrant. The eminently peaceful nature of the ship and the development project however, made it one of the first projects halted by Starfleet Command following the disastrous first encounter with the Dominion and JemHadar in 2371. Designed by Dr. Xin Ra-Havreii at the Utopia Planitia Shipyards, Luna was unlike any starship previously conceived. The design was based loosely on that of the Gettysburg classa heavy destroyer design which never made it past the preliminary stagebut much larger, at 450 meters in length, only slightly smaller than the Akira class. The reason for the increase in size was the unprecedented 32 science labs driving Lunas development. In essence, Luna was to science, what Olympic was to medicinea highly sophisticated, specialized vessel with but a singular focus. Extremely adaptable and featuring sophisticated environmental control systems, vessels so equipped could undertake studies and perform specialized missions once thought impossible for all but the largest starships and starbases. Supporting the science capability was an extremely sophisticated and complex sensor system. Based on the system in use aboard the Eagle class Command Cruiser, engineers extensively modified the system, more than quadrupling the bandwith and in turn, using that to help greatly enhance the systems transpectral capabilitiesa great asset when studying various nebulae, gaseous and gravitational anomalies and other volatile subspace phenomena.

    With these sophisticated systems and facilities in place, there was precious little power or interior volume left over to devote to high power phaser banks, extra shield generators or hot-rodded engines. Therefore, Luna was initially equipped with equivalent systems from the smaller Intrepid and older Ambassador class. Development was halted however, before the systems outfitting could be evaluated and further refined.

    Following the wars conclusion in 2376, a general trend towards a more robust

    defensive/offensive capability took hold throughout the fleet. With Luna, this involved completely overhauling the power systemsinstalling a more powerful reactor core capable of greater power output as well as redundant high capacity power transfers between the core, EPS network and various shipboard systems. While this did indeed take a great deal of stress off of Lunas power generation and distribution network, it provided only a modest increase in the amount of raw power available for use by other shipboard systems.

    The initial, Block I, configuration saw Luna equipped with Type IX Phasers, MK II

    Torpedo Launchers, a Standard Deflector Shield System and a standard warp drive. Completely ignoring its size, Starfleet took these capabilities into account along with its intended mission profile and classified Luna as a Heavy Destroyerplacing it under even the smaller, more powerful Intrepid class. Of the initial 12-ship production orderproduced between 2377-81all were produced to this configuration.

    In late 2387, with Quantum Slipstream Propulsion beginning to spread throughout the fleet, engineers at the ASDB finalized the Block II configuration, which is the standard to which all Luna class vessels are currently built, or operate. The configuration includes a larger, more powerful reactor core and bleeding-edge computer systems to support the new propulsion system, more powerful fusion reactors, type X phasers, MK III torpedo launchers and regenerative shielding.

  • Despite current astro-political conditions, the high expectations that Starfleet and the Federation Council have placed on the current exploratory initiatives ensure that production will remain constant for the foreseeable future.

    Class Classification Service Number Active Length Beam Height Decks

    Luna Heavy Destroyer 2377- 108 450m 307m 84m 21

    Mass Compliment

    2,962,823 metric tons 350

    Armament Defense Systems

    Block I (2377-87) 5 Type IX Phaser Emitters 4 MK II Torpedo Launchers Block II (2387-) 5 Type X Phaser Emitters 4 MK III Torpedo Launchers Standard Deflector Shield System total capacity 1,819,881 TerraJoules (Block I) Regenerative Deflector Shield System total capacity 1,853,564 TerraJoules (Block II) Standard Duranium/Tritianium Double Hull


    One of Starfleets newer Destroyers, Valiant would appear to be little more than a highly evolved upgrade of the original Defiant class design. On the contrary though, so profound was Defiants impact once it entered active service that it prompted a fundamental shift in the way Starfleet thought of these small starship types.

    The gradual decline in prominence of Destroyers, Corvettes and other vessels in this general size class had its roots in the late 23rd Century. The Saladin (DD 500) class established a successful design blueprint that was gradually refined and expanded through the decades resulting in a number of successful and very capable classes entering serving with the fleet. As time went forward however, emphasis shifted towards more capable frigates and then larger, multi-mission cruiser types.

    To the fleets credit, the Saladins basic design lived on in the Defender (DD 22000) and Freedom (DD 68700) classes of the mid 24th Century. These ships however were generally considered to be inadequatelittle thought having been given to the application of technology together with design and mission profileand as such, were not the key players that many were expecting them to be.

    Fast forward to 2365. Development of the Defiant class was initiated in response to the Federations first encounter with the Borg at J-25. Developed chiefly as an offensive/first-strike weapon for use against the Borg, the prototype was still months away from completion when the Borg made their first incursion in 2367. Once emerging from the dockyards in early 2368 and then finally entering fleet production in 2369, she proved to be the proverbial answer to Starfleets prayers. Defiant was blindingly fast and surprisingly well armedhaving the maneuverability of a strike fighter and packing the armor and firepower of a dreadnought.

    The class performance during the Borg Incursion of 2373 and then the Dominion War further validated its utility and cemented it as an essential part of the fleetopening the door for other starships of similar size and design.

    The initial concept of a second modern Destroyer class was conceived in 2382subsequent to Starfleets issuing of the Perimeter Defense Directive and the rise in activity by Orion and Nausicaan pirates. However, Starfleet had much more pressing needsespecially given the extremely weakened state it found itself in in the aftermath of the Borgs final incursion just a year earlier.

    This concept didnt re-emerge until 2387when Starfleet shipbuilding began to expand dramatically. Lessons learned during the protracted conflict with the Typhon Pact (2385-87), the emergence of Quantum Slipstream Propulsion as a viable technology and Starfleets recently announced exploratory initiatives for both the Delta and Gamma Quadrants all influenced the development of Valiant.

    When it came to the design of this new Destroyer however, the ASDB already had the majority of their work doneValiant was originally one of the proposals submitted and taken under consideration midway through Defiants development process. The design itself remained basically the same, with refinements made to give it a more aggressive appearance.

    The biggest hurdle to overcome was technological integration into the design. Valiant was the smallest vessel thus far slated to be fitted with a Quantum Slipstream Drive. Installing the reactor core and engines was fairly routine, however, modifying the Defiants

  • computer system to work with the drive was extremely complex and time-intensive, amounting to what was essentially a total redesign.

    Once completed in late 2388, extensive simulations and actual flight testing of the

    prototype were undertaken at the Saturn Flight Range to evaluate the drive systems performance and enduranceengineers hoping to keep Valiant from becoming overpowered to the point of dysfunction as Defiant was upon her launch.

    From there, development gained speed. The weapon systems incorporated into the design of Valiant were similar to those incorporated into Defiant (4 Pulse Phaser Cannons, 1 Type X Phaser Emitter and 4 MK IV Torpedo Launchers), though due to the vast increase in power afforded by the new reactor core, these weapons were reengineered to operate at much higher power levels, thus giving them more raw damage potential.

    Providing protection is a Regenerative Deflector Shield System (as opposed to the older, Auto-Modulating system aboard Defiant) and an astonishing 35cm of high-density ablative hull armor (compared to Defiants 20cm).

    Being slightly larger (187m long/6 decks) than Defiant (171m long/4 decks), the Valiant class supports an enlarged compliment of 60 officers + crewmen, with room for up to an entire platoon (60) of troops.

    Entering full fleet production in 2390, Valiant class ships were deployed to fleets and bases along the Federations outer rim and other frontier regions. The reemergence of the Kazon and their harassment of Starfleet forces deployed in the Delta Quadrant led Starfleet Command to consider the class for duty there, but ultimately went on to choose the Gallant class for that task instead.

    The class was instead chosen for deployment to the Gamma Quadrant as part of Starfleets Mission Gamma. Though the decision to deploy what was essentially a dedicated warship to the Dominions native quadrant ignited controversy, Starfleet was quick to point out that the Dominion had allowed Starfleets exploratory and scientific efforts to resume unfettered since the end the war in 2376.

    Class Classification Service Number Active Length Beam Height Decks

    Valiant Destroyer 2390- 120 187m 192m 39m 6

    Mass Compliment

    362,769 metric tons 60

    Armament Defense Systems

    4 Pulse Phaser Cannons 1 Type X Phaser Emitter 4 MK IV Torpedo Launchers Regenerative Deflector Shield System total capacity 4,458,000 TerraJoules Heavy Duranium/Tritianium Single Hull plus 35cm High Density Armor


    Part of the new generation of starship designs which made its debut with the Exeter & Lancer classes in 2385, the Galant class was born out of several needs: -To provide a Heavy Destroyer, larger than the Defiant and Valiant classes, to compliment ships-of-the-line which continued growing in size -To maintain parity with the Klingon Defense Forces and the Imperial Romulan Navy -To incorporate advanced technologies developed and employed on the Excalibur and Essex classes.

    When crafting the design, size was the key factor in play for the ASDB. Obviously, the Galant was going to be larger than the Defiant/Valiant, however, what designers didnt want to do was make the ship too big. To keep that in check, the dimensions of the Miranda class were set in stone as their extreme upper limit.

    Aside from size, most of the pioneering work on interior layouts and systems integration aboard modern destroyers had been pioneered with the Defiant and further refined by the Valiant classes.

    The final design, emerging in 2390, consisted of a dagger shaped hull sweeping out to port and starboard, mounted on the ends of which were the warp nacelles. Extruding in from the nacelles and back towards the ship were large pods that provided a direct power feed to the Pulse Phaser Cannons housed within. Helping to provide structural support to the nacelles and boosting the Galants overall structural integrity were two

    large, reinforced pylonsreminiscent of the Mirandas rollbarthat extended in from each nacelle and attached to either side of the raised bridge module. Mounted ventrally on those pylons were two pods--(1 port/starboard)--which contained 2 of the ships 5 Torpedo Launchers (both forward facing). 2 Aft Launchers were placed underneath the hangar bay, while the last launcher was forward facing, mounted on the hulls ventral surface Completing the armament are 9 Type XII Phaser Emittersmaking Galant the most powerful ship of its size when full fleet production began in 2392.

    Not only was armament a primary focus, but maneuverability as well. Defiant set the benchmark standard for all modern Destroyers and ships in her size class. Able to outmaneuver JemHadar Attack Ships and keep up with Breen Frigates at the very least, this initially caused problems for the Galants designers. However, the smooth, tapered design of the hull along with the design and placement of both the warp and impulse engines aided greatly in overall warp field efficiency and when combined with internal tweaks, resulted in the ship being vastly more maneuverable than a Defiant at warp and on par at impulseremarkable, given her larger size and increased capabilities.

    Quantum Slipstream Propulsionthe impetus behind Starfleets rapid modernization during this periodwas included by default, though engineers had encountered a moderate degree of difficulty in adapting a drive system developed for larger capital ships, to a comparatively miniscule Destroyer (even after having incorporated it into the smaller Valiant class).

  • Despite its size and advanced capabilities, Galant class ships maintained a standard compliment of just 60 officers and crew. The extra interior space was given over to weapons stores and supplies and could also accommodate up to an entire company (120) of Marinesthough in cramped conditions.

    A nominal small craft loadout for a Galant class ship included 1 Pulsar class Runabout and 2 Type 9 Shuttlecraft. However under certain circumstances, ships could be refit to accommodate up to a full flight (4) of fighters.

    A number of these ships, eventually adding up to a full squadron, were assigned to Project Full Circle in 2395. The Kazon, a nomadic, warrior race which the USS Voyager (CL 74656) had sporadic contact with during its first 3 years in the Delta Quadrant, had gradually been stepping up their harassment of the Starfleet expeditionary force since its arrival a decade earlierculminating in a bloody assault on forces assigned to the construction of the Federations first Starbase in the quadrant. As hostilities continue to escalate, its expected that more Galant class ships will call the Delta Quadrant home.

    Class Classification Service Number Active Length Beam Height Decks

    Galant Heavy Destroyer 2392- 66 215m 168m 37m 9

    Mass Compliment

    446,345 metric tons 60

    Armament Defense Systems

    9 Type XII Phaser Emitters 4 Pulse Phaser Cannons 5 MK IV Torpedo Launchers Regenerative Deflector Shield System total capacity 3,774,600 TerraJoules Heavy Duranium/Tritianium Single Hull plus 30cm High Density Armor


  • CENTAUR CLASS FRIGATE Starfleets replacement for the Okinawa class and a compliment to the large number of Miranda and Kearsarge II class ships in service, the Centaur was fielded over a 17 year period from 2325 to approximately 2352 and still serves in a limited capacity today. Starfleets shipbuilding doctrine during these early years of the 24th century was centered chiefly around larger cruisers such as Renaissance (CA 9778), Ambassador (CH 10521) and Korolev (CH 41050). Unconventional designs of smaller size (Sabre, Steamrunner, Norway) which began to enter service saw widely varying degrees of success while various technological and engineering problems made wide-scale deployment of other designs (Freedom, Cheyenne) difficult. Centaur however, had none of the quirks, nor any of the problems of the aforementioned classes, designers and engineers striving for simplicity and functionality. Based on the Excelsior (CH 2000) class, the Centaurs design was made of up three parts: the primary hull (saucer), a basic warp nacelle assembly, using Excelsiors FTWA-1 warp nacelles and the weapons pod. The weapons pod, taken from the Miranda class and featuring 4 standard torpedo launchers, was mounted on the underside of the saucer and actually served as the mounting point for the nacelle pylons as well. The saucer itself was also heavily modified to contain the necessary engineering and support facilities. A strong armament, comparable to Miranda, combined with outstanding maneuverability and a relatively high nominal cruise speed for the time (Warp 7), gave the class a tremendous value proposition and would go on to directly contribute to the high production run.

    Centaur class ships were utilized heavily during the Federation-Cardassian War,

    outgunning and outmaneuvering Hideki class corvettes while being able to successfully engage and defeat larger Galor class destroyers one-on-one. This, despite the relatively poor standard of shipboard accommodations, helped the class gain a reliable, rugged reputation.

    Alongside her larger Excelsior class progenitors, the Centaurs received regular

    upgrades and refits well into the early 2370s. During the Dominion War, these ships once again played a pivotal roleacting as

    fleet pickets alongside smaller classes like Mirandaand paid a heavy price. Not only were they faced the Cardassians once more, but also the Dominionwhose attack ships, though only slightly more maneuverable, outgunned their Starfleet counterparts by a significant margin.

    Surviving vessels were initially slated to be retired en masse beginning in 2378, but due

    to their relatively high numbers, were retained until a replacement for the New Orleans (FF 57290) class could be developed. That replacementthe Lancer (FH 74980) class Heavy Frigateentered service in 2385 and currently sits at 116 examples. Due to the production targets specified by Starfleet Command, it is currently estimated that surviving Centaur class ships wont be retired until 2437 at the earliest.

  • Class Classification Service Number Active Length Beam Height Decks

    Centaur Frigate 2325- 60 210m 127m 33m 8

    Mass Compliment

    479,527 metric tons 175

    Armament Defense Systems

    9 Type VIII Phaser Banks 4 Standard Torpedo Launchers Standard Deflector Shield System total capacity 892,800 TerraJoules Standard Duranium Single Hull

  • NEW ORLEANS CLASS FRIGATE The 5th and final design produced based on the Galaxy (CH 70637) classthe others being the Nebula (CA 60147), Cheyenne (CL 71610), Freedom (DD 68710) and Challenger (CL 57530)the New Orleans joined these ranks to serve as a capable frigate-type counterpart, attempting to blend the idyllic multi-mission design ethos with a measure of militarism that had once been a stable of Federation starship design. The early 2360s saw Starfleet move away from a long-held tradition of using its ships predominantly for offensive power projection. Of course, they still served that purpose, but it was largely marginalizedthe pendulum swinging the other way and starships becoming complex, highly specialized tools of scientific discovery and exploration. This was true even as the Federations war against the Cardassian Union became more destructive and bitterculminating in the infamous scorched earth campaign carried out by Commodore Edward Sherman. The introduction of the Norway (DH 64900) class in 2363 would seem to satisfy the need for which New Orleans was developed though355 meters in length and armed with 6 Type IX Phaser Emitters and a pair of MK I Torpedo Launchers. Indeed, with Norway and her highly capable brethren (Akira, Steamrunner, Saber) in service, many questioned the need for and wisdom of constructing New Orleans and her related classes. In the end, as is often the case, it came down to simple politics, with New Orleans backers championing the promise that flexibility and interoperability with her larger progenitors would bring. Designed fairly conventionally, New Orleans bore a slight resemblance to the Nebula class, with a broad saucer appearing to connect directly to the sleek, ovoid shaped secondary hull. Unlike Nebula though and going along with Galaxy, her warp nacelles extended out and uplining up roughly with the dorsal phaser emitter. Like Norway, New Orleans was equipped with 6 Type IX Emitters and 3 MK I Torpedo Launcherstheir bolt on, modular nature being a nod to the earlier Defender class Destroyer. In shakedown

    trials of the prototype (FFX 57290), propulsion, computer and sensor performance scores were markedly higher than either Norway or Defender, thanks to incorporated technology borrowed from Galaxy and Nebula. These scores and other information collected led to full fleet production beginning in 2364. Initital in field performance was promising. The Rutledge (FF 57295) served with the 12th Fleet along the Cardassian Border in the period immediately leading up to the establishment of the Federation-Cardassian Treaty (2366) and was the first starship to respond to the distress call sent by the colony on Setlik IIIengaging Cardassian forces of Jagul Hanno. The New Orleans (FF 57290) and Savannah (FF 57293) participated in Starfleets subsequent reprisalpart of the task force assembled around the carriers Ark Royal (CV 2202), Yamato (CV 2205) and Northampton (CV 2209) that destroyed a Cardassian space station and a number of supply depots before enforcing a blockade of the Beloti star system. In 2367, the Kyushu (FF 65491) was diverted from its patrol route along the Romulan Neutral Zone to the Wolf system, part of the hastily assembled task force formed by Admiral John Patrick Hanson to meet an invading Borg Cube. Along with the USS Gage, USS John C. Stennis and Hansons command, the USS Melbourne, the Kyushu was destroyed before the arrival of the squadron led by the USS Saratoga. In the aftermath of this disastrous battle, production of the class slowedwith resources and yard space devoted to several Borg Busting designs, while at the same time, the ASDB undertook a study examining the offensive/defensive capabilities of the Galaxy class and its offshoots. The ultimate failure of the Galaxy class to stop the Borg along with the loss of the Nebula class Melbourne, the severe damage dealt to the Endeavor and the destruction of the Kyushu