shiver magazine

H w u o m l a f n Should it stay or should it go. pg.8 Why Grace fell for a wolf. pg.5 Free eddtion Trusday, 7 Febauary, 2011

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Should it stay or should it go. pg.8 Why Grace fell for a wolf. pg.5 Free eddtion Trusday, 7 Febauary, 2011 should it stay or should it go pg.11 Amazing Graces’ life pg.9 should it stay or shuld it go pg.10 Quote of the book pg.3 Mysterious Mercy Falls pg.6 p.2 I couldn’t remember what the sky look like.”- Grace Brisbane “There was no sun; there was no light. I was dying. pg.4


Page 1: Shiver magazine

Hwuomlafn Should it stay or should it go. pg.8Why Grace fell for a wolf. pg.5

Free eddtionTrusday, 7 Febauary, 2011

Page 2: Shiver magazine

I couldn’t remember what the sky look like.”- Grace Brisbane

Greetings Grace pg.5Quote of the book pg.3

contents of Table


Mysterious Mercy Falls pg.6

This love is Ours pg.7

This Love is Ours con pg.8

should it stay or shuld it go pg.10

should it stay or should it go pg.11

Amazing Graces’ life pg.9

Page 3: Shiver magazine

I couldn’t remember what the sky look like.”- Grace Brisbane

“There was no sun; there was no light.

pg.3 p.3

I was dying.

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Grace is a 17-year-old girl that lives in a small house with her parents beside the woods in Mercury Falls. When she was a little girl, she got attacked by a pack of extraordinary wolves. These wolves can morph in to human form with the changing of the temperature. After the at-tack a unaged wolf called Sam that has always loved her, took pity on her and took her back to the lifeless home. Ever since then shaken mother has been there physically, but has left her men-tally. Grace had to learn to care for herself with her dad never coming in time with other parents from work and brain dead mother failing to do basic things. Her obsession with the wolves lead her to learn that she was supposed to change and be a wolf like the rest of the pack and only come back to human form when it is warm. But something went wrong and she stays herself truly human, not half and half like the rest of the wolves that got bitten.


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When Jack Culpeper turns into a wolf everyone thinks he died, except for Grace Brisbane who knows the truth. After Tom Culpeper, Jack’s father, goes hunting a wolf appears behind her in human form. This was caused when they thought he died, because of the wolves attacked him and supposedly killed him, because of this his father tried to kill the wolves and his sister wanted them dead too Sam had ap-pered in human form at Graces house starting our story.

Q and A with Grace Brisbanse

Q: Why are you so fascinated by the wolves Grace?A: Ever since that young wolf Sam saved me I just could not forget him. Those yel-low eyes always followed me since the at-tack. I just feel a compulsion to be around why I am not sure I just do. But He’s my wolf so that could be part of it. Q: Why you didn’t change?A: So if get bitten you are unstable at first and keep switching back and forth but latter it comes and goes with warmth and cold. I was lucky and did not change like every one else. I am thought to have the cure to this but I don’t know. I hope to learn why thing are the way they are, but the truth is that I don’t know. It’s like when everyone wants to know how to win on the lottery guaranteed but without buying the ticket.

Q: What does Sam think Jack is going to do when he is a wolf, maybe kill some more people or make more pack mem-bers?A: I think he is really scared that Jack will not understand what happened and try to kill someone by accident when they get scared and shoot. I also have reason to believe that Jack will tell the world about the wolves.Q: How did you recognize Sam when he became human after the shooting?A: I met him at my house after the shoot-ing. So, I recognize the smell of him that the wind carried in my direction, and the fact that he tends to sulk around by my house when he was a wolf. That’s how I knew.

Q: Why did Jack’s disappearing made everyone think that wolfs are dangerous?A: They thought that the “wolves” had killed Jack. Isabel now knows that Jack is alive, but still a wolf. But she is the gossip girl, so soon everybody will know the truth about the wolves.


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Elevator buttons and morning airStranger’s silence makes me wanna take

the stairsIf you were here, we’d laugh about their

vacant staresBut right now, my time is theirs

Seems like there’s always someone who disapproves

They’ll judge it like they know about me and you

And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do

The jury’s out, but my choice is you

So don’t you worry your pretty little mindPeople throw rocks at things that shine

And life makes love look hardThe stakes are high, the water’s rough, but

this love is ours

You never know what people have up their sleeves

Ghosts from your past gonna jump out at me

Lurking in the shadows with their lip gloss smiles

But I don’t care ‘cause right now you’re mine

And you’ll say don’t you worry your pret-ty little mind

People throw rocks at things that shine

And life makes love look hardThe stakes are high, the water’s rough, but

this love is ours

And it’s not theirs to speculate if it’s wrong and

Your hands are tough but they are where mine belong in

I’ll fight their doubt and give you faith with this song for you

‘Cause I love the gap between your teethAnd I love the riddles that you speak

And any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored

‘Cause my heart is yours

So don’t you worry your pretty little mindPeople throw rocks at things that shine

And life makes love look hard

And don’t you worry your pretty little mind

People throw rocks at things that shineBut they can’t take what’s ours, they can’t

take what’s oursThe stakes are high, the water’s rough, but

this love is ours


This love is ours

Page 7: Shiver magazine

In a normal world love is always treated at first like an abysmal thing to be kept cloak-and-dag-ger, but later is embraced. However, initially the two lovers must by tested by everyone’s teasing and nagging including mean remarks from their parents. This idea is proven and shown in the song Ours written and sung by Taylor Swift. In this song two people are in love, except nothing ever goes for them, but against them. In the song everyone is disapproving of their love. Taylor writes, “People throw rocks at things that shine.” This reinforces the fact that people don’t like it when couples come to gether. They don’t like it because they don’t have the same happiness as the new couple. Because of this they have a jealous feeling. This is stated by Taylor in “Stranger’s silence makes me wanna take the stairs. If you were here, we’d laugh about their vacant stares. But right now, my time is theirs.” These lines show us that people are often jealous when they see people first fall in love because they themselves are not in love.

My first figurative piece of speech “People throw rocks at things that shine”.This one is an idiom. Why? Because it is an unrealistic saying, do we throw rocks at Audi R8s? Really, who would? This relates to my novel because the two love birds in mine story shine like stars and Shelby and her parents and Sam’s Family all are verbally throwing rocks at them be-cause they are shining and they don’t like it when those two are together, My second quote from the song is that ”The stakes are high, the water’s rough, but this love is ours.” This is a less direct metaphor aimed at the chances for them staying together are very low and they will get tossed around at problems that are going to pull them apart mentally or/and physically. My third, but not the worst figurative language is “You never know what people have up their sleeves.” This is an Idiom again. “This means be ready for the unexpected and the unexpected will not be ready for you’”- from my ski team. This relates for my novel because just as they think they are done with troubles then Grace’s best friend goes missing. In the novel things from Sam’s past try to scupper their relationship. This is shown when Shelby attempted to come and assassinate Grace because she was preventing Shelby from marrying Sam. “ Ghosts from your past are gonna jump out at me.”-from the song.

This song has the same story line as my novel. Two people in love are being fought by almost ev-eryone, so it works well. The vacant stares is like: “We are not 13 any more you can’t run in to the woods with the wolfs Grace,”-Olivia- from story. The video also works well with the story. Grace comes into the school with a bunch of kids that don’t care. Only the janitor and Rachel are lively. Rachel walks in the class with kids acting like it’s blue Monday and Olivia gives her the rundown on what she missed, like the guy in the video that is right beside her, and she has tons of work. At the end of video, or a day in the book, the two love birds come back together and end the day happily. “Sam was there waiting in the truck as I came out of the school”- from book. Another part that is relevant to the novel from the song is when Shelby attempted to come and assassinate Grace because she was preventing Shelby from marrying Sam. “ Ghosts from your past are gonna jump out at me.”-from the song.

This love is ours connection


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I am from the shady secret infested forest, not the “warm” house.Shaped by the recondite yellow eyes.

The dense arcane frozen forest,And cool the slow summers that everyone slides to.

I am from a normal shady mid-class person.That swung with friends back and forth like a heartbeat,

while prattling on like the shock that makes the heart move.One day a rock grey wolf took me from my snug safe swing to a cold

snowy unforgiving forest.I am from the mulling wolfs that slowed the world till it stopped.

And the fruity yellow eyed wolf that shined brighter that a diamond.

I am from Sam and from beckI am from the peppermint hot chocolate

From the school,and the killing cold nightsFrom the rusting bronco

And the silent sliver moon gazing upon this sad world

Am I am from the yellow eyes following me everywhere I dare goand the wolf that shape most of my little life.

The depressed bleeding boyTo huge happy human.

Amasing Grace


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Ideas are a great thing, it took us to the ends of knowledge and to the moon, but some people are blind to it. My respect for Shiver as a project is so cold the book shivers. The level of writing past the prologue is loathful. The prologue is the only part that can be used in grade eight as school based example. The rest of the book is lacking figurative language. There is inappropriate content spread throughout the book. The plot of the book never dares to change, resulting in lack of interest for the expecting reader. The last and worst thing that makes this book fall through is, that they have to introduce something new every few chapters to keep you reading, which works however only for a little bit. Unfortunately, this little bit is not enough to switch worlds with reality.

The author, Maggie Stiefvater had obvious troubles trying to keep the story interesting causing a terrible plot-plotting problem. The plot was like trying to get a bunch of kindergarteners to focus; extremely tiring. The exact same thing happens for the book in terms of plotting plots. This is an extremely low level of writing to be an exemplary book for school. She repeated everything like I did about the plot-plotting problem. The author could have cre-ated an unseen kind of writing within her novel. However, if ev-ery two chapters are about Grace phoning Olivia during school, or Sam picking her up, it leaves no reason for the reader to keep on reading because it is quite apparent he or she will miss noth-ing. There is no point going to school every day of the week if the teachers never change the intensity of the lesson. The story line never wavers from a day today lifestyle that was established at the very start of the novel. No one likes driving in a straight line. I keep on reading this from Sam or Grace, “ I looked for a place to drop of Grace at school.” Get the picture.

Should it stay or should it go


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If you’ve ever seen Disaster LA Volcano, this book is like the romance version of it. First the wolves maul her, then she falls in love, then a kid goes missing, then some one tries to kill the wolves, then they live happy, and then they explain to a girl what happens, and then they go to a candy store. This novel was exactly like this last sentence; the same problem Stiefvater made in the book. People get tried if you keep on trying to keep change the rules in a game, same with a book. If you have three big main ideas instead of 20 small ones in a book, the book with three main ideas will get a far higher rating then the one with 20 small ones. That is why people love Eragon one or two main problems that the story is build upon. Sam shows this when he said “You don’t know everything that’s going on. There’s a Awful lot of stuff going on.”


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Should Stiefvater take a writing lesson? I think so. Her writing past the first part is brutal. This can be compared to a race course in ski racing. At first there are no groves or ruts in the course, this is like good writing like her first few pages, like this “They were licking me, biting me, worrying my at my body, pressing in.” This is because you can have a smooth run or understanding of what’s happening. Later when the 150 racer goes, it is a total gong show, the ruts are stopping guys strait in their tracks and they are flying all over the place. Try to guess what is happening in the story form this, it is not what you think “Squinting at his face in the dim light, I real-ized suddenly his eyes were afraid.” That is the level of writing is, the descriptive language is gone. It is left to the reader to think up every-thing. In other books there is a great descriptive language so I can un-derstand where they are in a town. In Shiver they go to the candy shop and then go somewhere else that I don’t know. In other books they go to get food then they go to a certain place in the castle and the writer gives you a general map of the place they are at. It says in Eragon that the dragon hold is at the top of Trojenhem, in Shiver only Stiefvater know where that is.


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