· 2015-11-09 · tatiis to'....

l.'.l .'-Tiii i.. I § E » 5e"v'T: 'r^. lMv-..,-i . 7 „ V,' ■ 1 1 ... /"V Shoes ,,;..,'K. libvtoai t^uj In Buffalo laW ' g luitittgSS, ' — ‘ ' V ^* "• T-.vF:;' B 8 e#:bainl) hanReturn* iu Mlobl Stato o£ Oiiio City of .Toledo,■ LucasGounty. . W . iTrank J, Cheney makes", oath |hat Ireis tho senior -partner of !lif' tirm of F. J. Cheney & Co.; gati I tem.fop the o f iia JlFoaj . ------- - - • V r- T- th e tt«W pysitMi^yitirgd iito df» ! doiag btism ess i t r ^ -C% . of U ^ drt j;ttUs got BiiipToye^ W ,Z.:fffiegoro?.Eldreil' w a^^^ahd t F yiih-good htont holes-, an<l tope. We warrant every ..B ,, •■“• . ' - I’W1 given tim voptioi ;:df tntirglpg-: from service l< m hair"™" p a y , atmtiierprovitlcf^alsostipulateai ;. w^i &. jyues^ioury «»«*.«j - , % . iVaat it: aoV. etopldye. has beenj hoffio.iW 4Ht ^t'liiseton to O0 ^t|jared' by f a |, e r i p p |e 4 i h - ^ the] calling on hriends in town last "week. ..... .' . • ' Wm. A, Bueaerihury caniu I C ■ v /*: Weber,s. .' .... 'v .-■*■ ; W ;* , I ' ;: ^r' : ...' " ... , .x , .... ... ' >*?. his’Brst ballot h .^h^tow pc lioard xnofc. T tip b " , ‘d ay -s& W etoent of •a.pj Qounts agalm t the ’tow n. ^ , iJ AlfSx E /'S Bti-reu^Wyhaye returned' from Id ^Jassaehnsetfsr - frlendB o f 'Orson. i :: ?•. • V"' .v. • .• -.' w-.-:- . .■ • •; - POS^ELLY, • ; i> '',; ;:F ' . .;5LSlh'-Union Slt,:©fcim„2fi Y..J '•iw r - prafitirelitoiteiaho file treatinenf " ' " - ‘ **»■*- . -3 'll "S su ru of Of|E ao i f ) ft® f) DOLLARS for each" and every case of Catarrh .that cannot bo Guro. ^-Sworn to beforo ine, and. :sniiti 6 bi iii ffiy presents/.t& a.ffay ;1 of Lee.A. D.tiSC ;r - hF". f . . A 3 V. ■ 0 ilpa§on» ■ ; -'' F sft&L . i S a lts Calarfh, dhyoW ‘fateeh.' m tam aiiy and a w difec|fiy ok* j ; niijS - m&n. hi ‘.yogtfo'hu hho-t^m sy-lvaw^ U'^tra}:fot£<iiiwffyx& ted"' has] ,tnet wi th.lhn,;'j^.*iw nF' <<£' . the; Md'Shlk; thyidod to ! fagddrhy drag^ists- -%4 r . IvjrfT- • I - :• , -. > - ■ ' ' f VXS-tcV K'Jf -■ *-.yw. , . .9 ; Mrs . iLugusta Skiiuier yot Sail's Family Pills are the beat ;Wd 8 tff:ti;!il was -tho -1 ghesfc o f M ■ d'; ' ' W * t- Wheeler ibis-week. F~ ' Brank. Mohun has retumed froui^sfih.Y'hef&hO has. beep= y-isitingMs brotbor George.. ’. ,' Mtsa 0 & r i ^ e s d W :af.^^j jostee was tjie ^uesk of bsr attiW Airs. Helen >. Busimbury ’ this week - “ '" ' The Jportvillo foot ball team Seem tv bu m it, at ct,game |:?Hi.cAD6 T 9 HAP. a LAUGH^ t . theI j f i h r ; w | n * e i r death 1 'opFic'ERS^ ^ 6N 8 S-;:. otFgms.BWWluehoccur- ’ «, -— /• - tfffSaturday,Sic>'W.i' # a Ms n,w a, nnifars wmie w«« SAiitNiiaS hdiyiS'in JBaWsd^ a. shock nikcoTcr?-. .. ‘ ' A';;:..AA "^tere are fflah^ tmditioijs and ,9t<^ tics of paeitpatios at GiaaiSfoW?ifiad<S OKtisiost fnteresttas of tiiw is:tlintrf» { a kind^ancf T tatiis to'. tM hmiArd taWe> SHyriW jLitber.uBssidcs his wife' •’• jr^4* :HX^>irVe T£T>%»*-wevw^Csyte •1 U»KV imu» . flt to«"n **»• e tHHU fle-ywvs 1 ' 33 »■ •<■ * .; . Was sought to: wtiioh to set it np/Afcfl&t 4i» ’i<tf;Rtite9^ENuitii«' wider, rhei about -30 -yeafs or more ago. the heat-;n^U-bpth of Cuba snd Ruwvt ord lag was njr means of turuacesA ttiie werb In attendenbo,; Among^j C msmmsm r..v 'iSi EX^^^'.$iiSES 3FESB The H itk^T lstel Bead" is now scllinglqw rtiterctind trip excursion tiekeis fb klcjhighU^isconsin, iii& "" rer .«eV w . wk yw d *—» x , ?,-; played last Saturn ay afternoon pouri and .Vrkan'sas,: tlcketo'gooil •nith, the Ip'Mh SbliQol team of |tuning untU Dee^pber 5tb. Tbe Oleahthbfecofb WhB irto 11 in ;JSicka jHato Rdad short line jISfcr* f- 'I r1" r* «— 4 V - . 'o f disein’cAot ibei Nose, ,and: : ^ ;'r M is.ltB h m e rlm i w^Ved m ,r^~.. w .. . ..................... ' to^^etlioW an d |tuidays; by ay, houSdtobld; goods to: M'argtTe.ritB :CTm'4t o f''’S te a m i^ 4ke&:8ari»..#,;TiirK. ■ " ’ tf-nfeh «»*.! f- L :- " »,.v ~ 01 am, N.-Y. S,. . - i ^ ^ s ’d s E where slie wvU riiako her iutvrei |hdiii&': *. . * ' • : ■A /'r - j*;. I TVillM. Wheeler fromftbV Harvaurdlawbschooi.'phsaed a* ^ ^ ^ ^ g d v o McKinley J 169 W th his - Sirs. SL C. W heeler celebrated her oighteth birthday last Sat urday. The Autograpu extends IwyMfoC Yhe latgeafc majority congratulations to a most es- AVB - given any presidential tamatAo lady and hope she may - * - + : jn<»l/at\>»ntrf >»inri^cr m rxrt* *)A<Li^UC.i llC? WVU,^ VL V/iCL*tc ..EJttfc aud ro Borotmxy; X Y estop^t W estons* ^ ,fir^ were «* present., . -mealdtetiotea^d^el^^dpetatod; la-.-.;-' ie chhdidate. •" ':T y.; . ' . -.^V WtWhe job a t pitching leachbs in Quir- rtns tannery. - "" ' A, Yif. Hotton wont to Little Valley Wednestiny to , tiId the [ bhoMbiie; ‘ retumps _ with, tbej ^9hty;<isieife, .,— _l . Jp&n>j) 0 la.n wBo has beqB "ernployeflin the tannery •here jfot 'veaco has .bxcbptoil a" Uko j position In QOLean. iFnw K m gk, ?-L ■ ; THE PHQTOGRAMHFR, . . , l> ' $59 Fnlph .. , - ... Our .stdre is the-host fitted-, i^td equipped ip. AVestera -NewJ yYorferwMn in town raitke our ^ilaae your bead inartprs. ‘ If you jjddnpt Want-nnytMtig in. "the'liite- I’-b fD ru g s , ■TrnEEv8,>" S ta tio n e ry d r Silnhor uootls, v,e willheglati-to- '.#.' get-acdutirtted-aivybow. • . PHARMACY v "Mrs. A^'F Halbomb who' met .with ..such a. deplorable accident a week o r two ago .to doing" as: •well ns canWhopected:- ' IVV ,V /v /vl>/v , * /v /v j Mrs. Wm. Toomer and 'her f Parish Monday evening. .. 6u~ foot ball team went over celebrate many more. It is reported that Geo. Fatty by the company and.servo the best of meals at reasonable rats?^ While the dining cars serves meals on the popniar Individual club plan, 35 dents to 'Sl 00. The routeof the Nick el Pluto Road is along the south •shoreof the bmilixful.Lake Erie, through fbo celebrated grape region" T*.01' --- - - ----- — -— ImiUliiig/wliieli could only he reached by p-assing "througn one Of the others. After considering alt available places •this coal bln was linnlly selected as be- ing the place: least liable to detection, ffbr It must, he Remembered the table wag: nuanthorized. The 'table wag: bought In New York and sent to Garrisons, across the river, --- ifor there.was no IVest Shore railroad ergo, and ] in these days, One c^ld winter night - — - - •« ^'r-^ ir.#ic» ‘liAiilri/t"1ii» o. f-oorn t\f nvrtif rtm*n«<r stdnpf .Sfa, Ghnrtes OhMcchpUl and Mrs. HucbinW of Glean. Addis fexrf anl^faBtly and! ^ostnre-mornmB, x-ue town was »uuU . t e .mnhe<mmnA l source nfVreat Lepjojment to W cadets, ^ -keg of i h h e r y ^ W d W ' ^ S ' ^ KR. und., . lamps Aycre htmg from tiim ffipgf giy- t!7Tu'f.~n,v"”-** T fm. j! 1 » “»=> A!,»tuju ixou ia iaij Tlfc: members of tlteeplnb tiEd ^ ^ccht illness- -It 1«—w««w r\f " >iin rrn/|.' 1 ».—— I.3 A t -i A v 4- . " ^t x___, his.toavn being the present sup erMsorup to the time; of. Ms death. The family have our sincere sympathy. Mrs. Oakley Saryres of Bel fast is the guest of Mrs, James [Spencer. , " "Miss Evalyn Beil is improv or there at all hours of the day and night, when their presence- was not re-1 qulrcd elsewhere by their duties, and sit around smcTkfn*, drinking- and: tell- "— A— '—f -Ali/itvi- nli*iT>ii 1 " v # improving frdmBWtiiheBsF-^^ Mayo Lundrigam-Fv' ^ J5H. iuyuuki auumiugr u<.<Aktviu^ Ing AtorU-s yrhlle-two of them played Ruehford SpildaY, Go, Mr. Fatty has umde a goed beautiful and thriving a b * Landlord and we will be sorry1'""-1 —— -----— rt*““ to.hhVdthcm^o. . ". / . .'Ia.ih.e.gu6 ssing contest of the Cincinnata Enciuirer on the (.populationof the-TMted States, jas shown by tho late census ' Gl -P I .mw-nY s g HRKgf>fi within ■ dn$l townfare reached, among them .being Bunkirki fnmtsyiHes -Crqvolaml, EostOxia, 'and FortW ayn The Buffalo station of the siekcl B i^B oadfs lotted ^ m t o d a n r tne two , and inciugan Streets, agd afclucag- I officers, and they started quietly after Varf U.TrpiT Rfr T&iiion stairon is! the cadets.. On reaching the bnaement :i?8 , 5ufLQ 0 (LGuy,bi6 J^rpttynca^Test^mb . L. _ Tulle about mo interest being ,M t,m$,Maffection, ©na of pup citizens, t> man over 7 ? years Bticyms, ^ |^.0 when tie got \ip-, dre^cd him s'jtf came up town and stayed in thm^Os-office ittttili. 32. -o.'cieck The authorities soon became aware tlmt there -was fc billiard table some where in the barracks, for they could hear the balls clicking together, but they couhlnot find It.. The Cadets con tinued to. enjoy the privileges of the biltiard club for more than a year. , Finally one night soon after mld- j^nlpht, As two officers were returning ftom a Convivial evening at the mess, they san-'*Wo cadets, clad In their, nn- i derclothtng and. dressing gowns, emerge from the- north sallyport anti Jesse; Allen and family ef Cuba visited at hfelson Metcalfs (Sunday. '. -- ts .- - .- -- . way In .front of the barracks, Instant ly the thought of the billiard table tlishotl tiirong'h tha mtods -of the two -rt » f ^e-X=~-'V^'. - I- -ASUAVKA«?»^-*«S*S* +-*+>-4 wse»»%v>» w*.. th e W h B hretr Sfc Vaiion 1 the cadets. On reaching the basement " ‘ - - Ainn^mnd,. | fioorway of the sixth division the two | cadets entered; aiBttlre-officers? arriv ing a. moment later, saw them clinlb over a pile of coal and enter an opfin door, throngh which, came gonnds ‘i t laughter and conversation and tlte clicking of bails; While the air was la den "With fragraht tobacco smoke. The ofllcers paused for a moment and held n whispered consnltation. Finally deciding tlint-tbcy. would tell Tfyour licliot agent cannot gim yon information 'deiTreH7 calt.on o addrcssB, j , xioore, Gqnl. xXgen ■Yidxd Pl.ife Bond, 291 Main Si BeffuK Nv Y.vOfC. C. Bowry, 1 iP^’4, Ho'iandfr. Y. _____ I* fjl, IN * Y •••'.. i ':.fjM«iTSBisgviiKU, .rinsotiq kon "nis -y yy a-te^onlcq' ItaunEtUS la O.fa slot* to. *' Aprttpt UiolrWa: "iuiil siirtousdliig -i-’w *K>ft l.ive-fri.llt L)X * «*t>r**jat fiW-ia moirwa »un Bii«uu-.iu ..l6, . F i 6".'-. *o8»tios-’, IWifikt-A-phTyoarp *c'f6, payaVlB ap? Vs triad ioSOO h to, I i ■ffe^Hc)y. -bf'alxfiHfi Amploymcnt witli tinXi&Unl V - V IrV- ornettoniWCs. ' -RatoWixcBA cxcbitiikciX, fin-1 FtTliilr L'teUw r'u d wiL* i -• VVH^‘ VO-11. ^ - -r * vj-* avv t«.vsy»*4. . to Balmont elGc^On da>HoV^^H’g5*ting t i i 6 i f rbut jjfut? flic team tlmte. The eco'rP xygsltate'rest -whatlsXt, - '■ -iAXaf iffinvor of Beltaent. -ft ' . - : . " . "Sr.i. hjm oi :* « * K •««*« Liel.l V till W SUVA** VV1SAW MV *T-M WAS. lowing night and' enjoy the fun of a. Rev. Pierce and "wife attended Quartley meeting at Elton last [Sunday. ; f .' v ’»• . . . Jlyrtia Letirn of Abbotts is the guest of Ella C09I. Jbrtry Whitney isi mofing to s s y s s t i S i ^ e s E ^ ”?:- - Mrs E. M. in, Hanford Conti * called thero t>y , the Boriotis^illoess of iiec srsterj Mrs, Henrietta Mqtt®gh*m. Jacob Spencer Is makiog: several improvements on the , place which be -purchased ■#-] Matthew Strait. The Elections RetxxniB Show: ii'inany ueciumg uuil uuiy- “w ouiu ten That the Imckawanna Railroad the otbcHflTrdura oE tliclr discovery and has been elected America^ ilOst .have nil oil them.come down toe fql- ln i.-bielMemd If tno omfo ‘•'ble Rnilr'-eul If trie resuli f Si -i 5-i v iV.c, iCuiil r: ■•V* -. oipeTtoniUCs. ' •RatottixceF vxehftiiEeit, fin-1 fi Ylt'U™ yUU wux* til'., a.i.l .-lietjE i f o y t t • . W«.*.'I"v . • . ‘.“F-:: elMs^-n-XartoSca stiuhveij; eiWolovn- R *• ferly'hf P<rvU i>i^ h u t UvOr Ll A .. fstk.ygextUtfBunUtog, ChlMg0,.nnvMmC nvAVcj.yAlig x3 VAxi$%siwixgAti rgn■=&$>on m i ^ 6 •J?t* v " ' hint ©msfl MrtEnst-m fn tu u stnto to i t'tx e A l. J", TiU •-tliUlif >: vhW#««rn*m m tisfoqwwsnn ' nut urn* . n d dxxj fiaTi^on-dhe clS>, they1 withdrew and ! of the election suited you take a t 1 -ill **.A ^nt»vxw. 1 . ** - »,i F ’.- ***-*«■ VIA* v**v '-*>**<1 --I-v .. — ----------- ------------- - --- w ent home- .Next (lay all the officers a t the post Wef-e Informed of the dls- covcry, *nid it •^‘as^rrangotl thtit tliG raid, slrouhlloccnr at midnight. | —-All uil^lit.havc,.gomi. YvCll, xuul the. officers" might hate had fpElv tittre ftm, 1 had-it not been tlmt there-were three > - M— — y - X™ . -H-Ae." *%f 4 *#- #T tc i v'nu:i w ith. y v •- .v-.ii* uc-11 ..Tier wey *; •-■■ '’ '■ e; mey, •-W— - --..-r .•>- . A - U VflW- . w: vl,‘ i>i‘l|iiu A ta draw .. •,."'•• *x c*. ,< -.v if,- jij, t „fF' ..^Utw». >-v-. i... 'w,v>, Fu> i -yii. S -. TMii, pife. Asatirud siffc s-fiEJ^r-scyngsu vEumss ,tois c i - , ^ ... !., - hi' w Wist Offlaa )itosg»ln"'ai. thU sentoxto-1 -pfie A*. L X-iU ’-uIiJlh >-i ill . - ■ '-H-Xii-i- -,-li.i n.4-trix^U a V .-h" ^ .«* . r-^tatf-WV- iifsH'.-hihhiOf >,. r t r r -----•-• ^ .••• 1 a fatty food to enrich wAt1***' v*«.*.• ^VMV «.v«. - I other two Went on and .wore discover- , I'cd by thu-officers. The" third., coming ; ' aiqng' a mtimtilt iatcr, saw the f,ffiet>rs ’ #■ and quietly followed .them, observing ■* alL thclr movements and listening t» their whispervu eoiwcmattoa. . When they wfthdtew. he wvpi ftr uud ] - I- '-I' --r •< ----------- _ f J . itoutWtt ViyubSg: ^ ^OF yeaiH* S-iubi;jt.otA'blD- f?i. . '- Wstitir^JmygvWcropto'.fiuent witir lumsuat 11 ' - et^icrvuuiite?, ^jXjn'ewaeeS ettettcmgitU fin- smauwr s. a ,1 »ov™-ro 6 " "K-v.' ........-- ,"^"F . " J J * - . 0 . difnn-han. C. GHllflglisibxb. . 11 ' ,tiilifegliam'SStin, ^ |-v __-‘daiit^ffctorB , XUuiutoctmCrs ot ana, Sviileti ht 5 *■ *.£. ^ J d iiie r WrkfortiiutcheSiSchodls ^pilefick, Acdfiemsfesi tletels ‘dad • • V Abwhfiihgs and^i^iniis af fveiy *. .Srihil-M u iuuH in ciii it-n, ^v. •, u uca rucy wnnutw . uc "cpi i;i :,u-i l^atfF1 o f tiiVH- -> o r j«> r.,.u, s»- bju-tg'i-itij lot''' I . - . - w- ^ ,^v •• • ^nircnra" aU itj "seetfir- cswetis .to, * i t h , ,,)■ i,..,*,,,,, 8 » # h « e . t e It f c f e A « f ? J 5 S S S * « r iiC : -*• > r— ' - , - - - — "•z. _ •« w ^ i i t a w i i A » . :« X lA -V ^;;F-$W yuB 0rt!S of SititSCry' "z'.'j -tilYO J-roiiipt. Osrefofatfd Skllllui AttcntloD, A,. —• - - ,■- ■Or-AX^. i4-i- IDr. a i> l0 & So uTt^1 vaiij lo i' .. * 6r*4v.'»isaih win luorp. .•.•)'tii ry. ahd, sfcfebeSh ft *'*— >* . .. tetrtsui^.iv’evtxti.txs % #\ *** tbr.xm oat of " - » . ___ _______ $.i The Mtifjsacriecl iA Gixina thu 'fasti (feriiiihi-V - "•. . ' , " . ; Mtllio Iloidcn- came - hruue from iScdo ivor last week. She : hoti to oloso heF EtohvrguVfpn' oiiFaccouu'E "or" soavict . fover breaking out in thc pldee. ' v Aiu "b"K, Wright in wo. are piaces, in ale lt *itoa.xrix.;A h•! , - Stiys hv is notable to get cm < . t, be»l yet itu-l experts to have a..|'W 1 tiff,laxeti and he'a~ r-' i: jHe i<r jitc. i,fe fesr nfatii' Bvtf.tiu L .-: ■homo for the past thfud or fouh years. s ts te s COD (LIVER OIL WmHrmpmsmj&oiFUHmsotiA vg l y t i g h t j ift t * “ *■ » * * ' - 'B 4 M E B .. . 1 is e W tiy w b a i | Tie-" otoatiionafy ram ial \yili ^rii-pohcm ly 5 ; the kn- - ftS At/rm JlVP P till\ W -* A IV ->*v***> '**>^ 3 **V VHY . V***v X **> ***•»*l*i»* 1 ^ 1 , ranged and crept stealthily down the* 'f j urea way and into the sixth •divlslbu- < "f i Hearing no sound, o f eljckiug balk, I : some Wcame skeptical vtnti couciaded- J the AvUoio:thing wasffi hoax, buthever- [i thcless they pushed on and" ClimbAt. over the pile ot coal. Opening tlio j door, they wetb. greeted with. 3 . glow o f1 irgbt, but ..stilt no w ind. On entering; they • found tbe roffu? deserted, but: tiier^ wore the lilllhmi table, an almost WtitM^bfd keg of- beeiv sSWuhl-potincffi of tobacco, some cliahs' wml ‘ffislly p ! note, oil the table, addressed to the ori- ht>h 6 ; './ ... kto^srert ____, ___ ,... 1 - 'L (Fox, M y. Fa4.Agent R-.ffalttiS^ ! I »IP *niill^lEfr * C o o c l :H g h le s |{ M ' " •OEAUTHY iill^SSlSSs i> - : -" ; • "has w.i3 » n ; * l u :- t Vffam 4 i-o (> by P iu honor cf.j i lzy L, Ho\yeaLiOt>g'Vrhu U n -*- .« ". . wi lleriaa a rqurlcii of ^rcat ability. § usuaHy accomjiaay: actinia* ^,1 iThutiv E;'8vmWhti!.tiymg to (f SCOTT'S m utSlO N Iga |1 .ccrs-dn. duty a t W est $ffilntT gffiiffmoes- w.-is to the, effect th at ns too officers: of the post had been So kind as to permit the club to continue its ex|stcnve for J, ------- i g-...-^r , , ___ i.- A rv wUritlm f^itrpt Vie |«i*Sl|$- * to them (the officers) the table aha. all [ Its apptirtetiancesAdis I t .w as deeuiexl' •expedient to wlffil'np tbc -elhB,san','tirs.. Tluwrote was slgned-“-The Executive lrt 6 sm 0 tee ^ L _ , „" 11 :.' nine | ; | | *fGe£hi£ig' Cordial v \ ( -S remcmbtLffiatiffiout' o « ii tkkrf•ttfcF! * ^ childteaffietiefc** tfay art t W > j: 4 t p r o p o ' I §'jb 6 *vny^:; 6 #t^p-. .. - * BROWN’S TEErHim lKHNNAL■ riu, wom iiqwt ti. thW. w3k*. THEFAMbtis !•'' 1 t r r :;i [i" J f ■■ WlBSkW* ' ryv: K < kA; R met I l~ S r ! v f ^ 'h S k w meafekt tiUmbdr..of. raees^cvef r , IQ ; x va , wnn by a jockey In one season was tho khbol w s^ j S # by Fred: Archer, 188 & V " ' ini.T .. ......... ..... Fi"! t i ^ tsassS^i. ___ ___ EcfUoxVia sltk. . v ............. ... /oupmoW w .v KcVcrthelH^s art i» Yph can .get ft in tills wa^. iW ^Aaye kfrtiwn pet* 11 , **;*<«, 1sons id gain a pound a I Darke-I never saw-a' ehildr telth suchj r d& m t i faking i t I x lt^g 6 ^ ?**'*• ttine^-ilnw- do yoti gtiotmt W M } MSEtSTT?' jYarke-ahtnk of the nurtiCT s)Ch>s.l f j* . .Sec, an.l - 1 . 00 , ull dru -kU, scurfh-Soy ■•pi <&«*: ’^ " n i k |<r mdHtiafpet'ji * iW ^r-" I , ; •- lr 4 -^-- 1 |L^*Ii ^4 - 2 | 262' iti UIWRIE 1 IM ., 5 , 'IOytii 50 ,Y?A*fc . ... " I*..' ■ .IV mm F-- ;.w y " ’FA’.... - Ct -G ■V/

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Page 1: · 2015-11-09 · tatiis to'. tM hmiArd taWe> SHyriW jL itber.uB ssidcs h is w ife

l . '. l .'-Tiii i..

I§ E »5e"v'T: 'r .

lMv-..,-i . 7 „ ■ V ,' ■ 1

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,,;..,'K. libvtoai t^uj In Buffalo laW' g luitittgSS, ' — ‘ '

V^* "• T-.vF:;' B 8e#:bainl) hanReturn*iu Mlobl

Stato o£ Oiiio City of .Toledo,■ LucasG ounty . . W

. iTrank J , Cheney makes", oath |h a t Ire is tho senior -partner o f !lif' tirm of F. J . Cheney & Co.;


I tem.fop the of iia JlFoaj. ------- - - • V r- T - t h e tt« W p y s i tM i^ y i t i r g d i i t o d f» !d o i a g b t i s m e s s i t r ^ - C % . o f U ^ drt j ; ttUs g o t B i i ip T o y e ^

W , Z . : f f f i e g o r o ? . E l d r e i l ' w a ^ ^ ^ a h d

t F yiih-good h ton t holes-, an<l tope. W e w arrant every. . B , , ■•■“• . ' ■ ■ -I’W1 ’ ’

g i v e n t i m v o p t i o i ;:d f tn t i r g lp g - : from service l< m hair"™" p a y , atm tiierprovitlcf^alsostipulateai

; . w ^ i &. j y u e s ^ i o u r y « » « * .« j - , % . iV a a t i t : a o V . e to p ld y e . h a s b e e n jh o ffio .iW 4Ht ^ t ' l i i s e t o n to O0^ t | j a r e d ' b y f a | , e r i p p | e 4 i h - ^ t h e ]

c a l l i n g on h r i e n d s i n t o w n l a s t"week. ..... .' . • '

W m . A , B u e a e r i h u r y c a n i u

I ■ C ■ v /*:

W eber,s.. ' ... .'v .-■*■; W;*,I ' ;: r': . . . ' " . . . , .x , .... . . . ' > * ? . ■

his’Brst balloth . ^ h ^ t o w p c l io a r d xnofc. T t i p b " , ‘d a y - s & W e to e n t o f •a .p jQ o u n ts a g a l m t t h e ’t o w n . ^ , iJ

A lfS x E / ' S B t i - r e u ^ W y h a y e r e t u r n e d ' f r o m Id J a s s a e h n s e t f s r -

f r l e n d B o f 'O rso n .


:: ?•. • V"' .v. • .• -.' w-.-:- . .■• •; -POS^ELLY, • ; i> '',;

;:F ' . .;5LSlh'-Union Slt,:©fcim„2fi Y..J

'• iw r - prafitirelitoiteiaho file treatinenf" ' " - ‘ **»■* - . -3

'l l "S su r u o f O f |E a o i f ) f t® f ) D O L L A R S f o r e a c h " a n d e v e r y c a s e o f C a t a r r h . t h a t c a n n o t b o


^-Sworn to beforo ine, and. : s n i i t i6b i i ii f f i y p r e s e n t s / . t & a . f f a y ;1 o f L e e . A . D . t i S C ;r - h F " . f . . A 3 V. ■0ilpa§on» ■ ; -''F sft&L . i

S a l t s Calarfh, d h y o W ‘fateeh.'m t a m a i i y a n d a w d i f e c | f i y ok*

j; niijS - m&n.h i ‘.y o g tf o 'h u h h o - t ^ m s y - l v a w ^ U'^tra}:fot£<iiiwffyx& ted"' has]

,tnet wi th.lhn,;'j^.*iw nF' <<£'. the; yipplpyM .tt- M d'Shlk; thyidod t o !

fagddrhy drag^ists- -%4r.IvjrfT- •I - :•• , -. > - ■ ' ' f VXS-tcV K'Jf -■ *-.y w. , . .9; Mrs . iLugusta Skiiuier yot S a i l 's Fam ily P ills are th e beat;Wd8tff:ti;!il was -tho-1 ghesfc of M ■ d'; ' 'W * t - W heeler ibis-week. F ~' Brank. Mohun h a s re tu m ed

fro u i^ s f ih .Y 'h e f& h O h a s . beep= y-isitingM s brotbor G eo rg e .. ’ .

,' M tsa 0 & r i ^ e s d W : a f . ^ ^ j jostee w a s tjie u esk o f b s r attiW Airs. H elen >. B usim bury ’ th is week - “ '" • ’ '

T h e Jportvillo foot ball team Seem tv bu m it, a t c t,gam e

|:?Hi.cAD6T9 HAP. a LAUGH t .theI ■■ j f i h r ; w | n * e i r death 1 'opFic'ERS ^ 6N8S -;:. o tF g m s.B W W lu eh o ccu r -

’ «, -— /• - tfffSaturday,Sic>'W.i' # a Msn,w a, nnifars wmie w«« SAiitNiiaS hdiyiS'in JBaWsd a. shock

nikcoTcr?-. .. ‘ ' A';;:..AA" ^ t e r e a r e fflah^ tm d itio ijs a n d ,9t< tics o f paeitpatios a t GiaaiSfoW ?ifiad<S

OKtisiost fn te re s tta s o f t i i w is :tlin trf» { a k in d ^ a n c f Tt a t i i s to'. t M hm iArd taWe> SHyriW j L i t b e r . u B s s i d c s h i s w i f e ' •’•

jr^4* :HX^>irVe T£T>%»* -wevw^Csyte•1

U»KVimu». flt to«"n **»•'» etHHUfle-ywvs 1 ' 33 »■•<■ * .;. Was sought to: wtiioh to set it np/Afcfl&t 4i» ’i<tf;Rtite9^ENuitii«' wider, rhe i

about-30-yeafs or more ago. the heat-; n^U-bpth of Cuba snd Ruwvt ord lag was njr means of turuacesA ttiie werb In attendenbo,; Among j C

m s m m s mr..v

' i S iE X ^ ^ ^ '.$ i iS E S 3FESB The H itk ^ T ls te l B ead" is now

scllinglqw rtiterctind trip excursion tiekeis fb klcjhighU^isconsin, iii&

"" rer.«eV w .w k yw d *—» x , ?,-;

played las t Saturn ay afternoon pouri and .Vrkan'sas,: tlcketo'gooil •nith, the Ip'Mh SbliQol team of |tu n in g untU Dee^pber 5tb. Tbe O leahthbfecofb WhB i r t o 11 in ; JSicka jHato Rdad short line

jIS fc r*f- 'I r1" r* «— 4 V -

. 'o f disein’cAot ibei Nose, ,a n d :

: ^ ; ' r M i s . l t B h m e r l m i w ^ V e d m , r ^ ~ . . w .. . .....................' t o ^ ^ e t l i o W a n d |tu id ay s; b y a y , h o uS d tob ld ; g o o d s to : M 'argtTe.ritB :CTm'4t o f ' '’S t e a m i ^

4 k e & :8 a r i» . .# , ;T i ir K . ■ " ’ tf-nfeh «»*.! f - •L :- " »,.v ~ 01am, N.-Y.

S , .. - i ^ ^ s ’dsE

where slie wvU riiako her iutvrei |hdiii&': *. . * ' • : ■ A /'r - j*;. I

TVillM. Wheeler fromftbV Harvaurdlawbschooi.'phsaed a*

^ ^ ^ ^ g d v o McKinley J169

W th h is - Sirs. SL C. W heeler celebrated h e r oighteth birthday la s t S at­u rd ay . The Autograpu extends

Iw yM foC Y he latgeafc m ajo rity congratulations to a m ost es- AVB - given any p residen tia l tamatAo lady and hope she m ay

- • * - + ‘ : jn < » l/a t\> » n trf >» in ri^cr m r x r t*

*)A<Li^UC.i llC? WVU,^ VL V/iCL*tc..EJttfc aud ro

B o ro tm x y ; X Y e s t o p ^ t W e s to n s * ^ ,fir^

w ere «* p resen t., . -m ea ld te tio tea^d ^el^^d p e ta to d ;


ie chhd idate . •" ':T y.; . ' . - .^ V

WtWhejo b a t p itch ing leachbs in Q uir-rtn s ta n n e ry . - "" '

A, Yif. H o tton w o n t to L ittle V alley W ednestiny to , tiId t h e [ bhoMbiie; ‘ re tu m p s _ w ith , tb e j

^9h ty ;< isie ife , .,— _l.J p & n > j )0la .n w B o h a s b e q B

"ernployeflin th e ta n n e ry •here jfot 'veaco h a s .bxcbptoil a" Uko j position In QOLean.

i F n w K m g k ,

?-L ■ ;

T H E P H Q T O G R A M H F R ,

. . , l> ' $59 Fnlph

.., - ...

Our .stdre is th e -h o s t fitted-, i ^ td equipped ip. AVestera -N e w J yY orferw M n i n to w n raitke o u r ^ilaae your b e a d inartprs. ‘ I f you

j jd d n p t Want-nnytMtig in. "the'liite- I’-b fD rugs, ■TrnEEv8,>"S tationery d r

S iln h o r uootls, v,e w illh e g la ti-to - '.#.' get-acdutirtted-aivybow. • .


"Mrs. A^'F H albom b w h o ' m et .with ..such a. deplorable acciden t a week o r tw o ago .to doing" as: •well ns can W h o p ec ted :- 'IVV,V/v/vl>/v , * /v /v j

Mrs. W m . Toom er and 'h e r

f Parish Monday evening... 6 u ~ f o o t b a l l t e a m w e n t o v e r

c e l e b r a t e m a n y m o r e .

It is reported that Geo. Fatty

by the company and.servo the best of meals at reasonable rats?^ While the dining cars serves meals on the popniar Individual club plan, 35 dents to 'Sl 00. The routeof the Nick el Pluto Road is along the south

•shoreof the bmilixful.Lake Erie, through fbo celebrated grape region"

T*.01' — ---- —- ----- — -—Im iUliiig/wliieli could only he reachedb y p-assing "througn one Of the others. A fte r considering a lt available places •this coal b ln w as linnlly selected as be- i n g th e place: least liable to detection,

ffb r I t m u s t , he Remembered th e tab le wag: nuanthorized.

T he 'tab le wag: bought In New York and sen t to Garrisons, across the river,

--- i f o r th e re .w a s no IVest Shore ra ilroad e r g o , a n d ] in th ese days, One c^ld w in ter n ight- — - - •« 'r- ir.#ic» ‘liAiilri/t" 1ii» o. f-oorn t\f nvrtif rtm*n«<r

stdnpf .Sfa, Ghnrtes OhMcchpUl and Mrs. HucbinW of Glean. Addis fe x r f anl^faBtly and!

^ostnre-mornmB, x-ue tow n was »uuU . t e . m n h e < m m n A l source n f V r e a t L e p jo jm en t to W cadets, ^ -keg ofi h h e r y ^ W d W '^ S '^ KR. und., . lamps Aycre htmg from tiimffipgf giy-t!7Tu'f.~n,v"”-**T fm . j! 1 » “»=> A!,»tuju ixou ia iaijTlfc: members of tlteeplnb tiEd ^ c c h t illness-

-It 1«—w««w r\f" >iin rrn/|.' 1 ».—— I.3At-iAv4- . " t x___,

his.toavn being the present sup erM sorup t o th e tim e ; of. M s d ea th . The fam ily have o u r sincere sym pathy.

Mrs. Oakley Saryres of Bel fast is the guest of Mrs, James

[Spencer. , ""Miss Evalyn Beil is improv

or there a t a ll hours o f th e d a y and n ight, when their presence- w as n o t r e - 1 qulrcd elsew here b y th e ir duties, and s it a round smcTkfn*, drinking- and: tell-

" — A—'—f - A l i / i t v i- n l i* iT > i i1 "

v # improvingf r d m B W ti ih e B s F - ^ ^

Mayo Lundrigam-Fv' ^J5H. iuyuuki auumiugr u<.<AktviuIng A torU-s yrhlle-tw o o f them played R u e h f o r d S p i ld a Y ,

Go, Mr. F a tty has umde a goed beautiful and thriving a b *Landlord and we w ill be s o r ry 1'""-1 —— -----— rt*““to .hhV dthcm ^o. . ". /

. .'Ia.ih.e.gu6ssing contest of the Cincinnata Enciuirer on the

(.populationof the-TMted States, j as shown by tho late census ' Gl -P I .mw-nY s gHRKgf>fi w ithin ■

dn$l townfare reached, among them .being Bunkirki fnmtsyiHes-Crqvolaml, EostOxia, 'and FortWayn The Buffalo station of the siekclB i ^ B o a d f s l o t t e d ^ m t o d a n r tn e tw o , a n d in c iu g a n S treets, a g d a fc lu c a g - I officers, and they sta rted quietly a f te r

V a rf U.TrpiT Rfr T&iiion s ta iro n is ! th e c a d e ts .. On reaching th e bnaem ent

: i?8,5ufLQ0(LGuy,bi6 J^rpt t ynca^Test^mb . L. _Tulle about mo interest being

,M t,m$,Maffection, ©na of p u p citizens, t> man over 7? years

Bticyms, ^| .0 when tie got \ip-, d re^cd him s'jtf came up town and stayed in thm^Os-office ittttili. 32. -o.'cieck

T he authorities soon became aw are tlm t there -was fc billiard tab le some­w here in the barracks, fo r they could h e a r th e balls clicking together, b u t th e y c o u h ln o t find It.. T he Cadets con­tin u ed to . enjoy th e privileges o f the b iltiard c lub fo r m ore than a year.

, F ina lly one night soon a f te r mld- j^nlpht, As tw o officers w ere re tu rn ing

f to m a Convivial evening a t th e mess, th ey san-'*Wo cadets, c la d In their, nn -

i derclothtng and. dressing gowns, em erge from the- n o rth sa llyport a n ti

Jesse; Allen and family ef Cuba visited at hfelson Metcalfs

(Sunday. ' .

-- ts.- - .- ■ -- .w ay In .fron t o f th e barracks, In s tan t­ly th e thought o f th e billiard tab le tlish o tl tiirong'h th a m tods -of th e tw o

-rt » f e-X=~-'V '. - I- -ASUAVKA«?»-*«S*S* +-*+>-4 wse»»%v>» w*..t h e W h B h r e t r S fc V a iio n s ta t io n .i s 1 th e cadets. On reaching th e basem ent

" ‘ - - A in n ^m n d ,. | fioorway of th e six th division th e tw o| cadets entered; aiBttlre-officers? a rriv ­

in g a. m om ent la te r, saw them clinlb over a pile o f coal and en te r a n opfin door, th ro n g h which, cam e gonnds ‘i t lau g h te r a n d conversation a n d tlte c lick ing o f bails; While th e a i r w as la­den "With f ra g ra h t tobacco smoke.

T h e ofllcers paused f o r a m om ent a n d held n w hispered consnltation. F in a lly deciding tlin t-tb cy . w ould te ll

T fyour licliot agent cannot gim yon information 'deiTreH7 calt.on o addrcssB, j , xioore, Gqnl. xXgen ■Y idxd P l.ife B o n d , 2 9 1 M ain S i BeffuK Nv Y.vOfC. C. Bowry, 1

iP^’4 , Ho'iandfr. Y. _____

I*fjl, IN * Y •••'.. i

■ ':.fjM «iTSB isgviiK U , .r in s o tiq kon "nis -y yy ■ a-te^onlcq' ItaunEtUS la O.fa slot* to.*' Aprttpt UiolrWa: "iuiil siirtousdliig-i-’w *K>ft l.ive-fri.lltL)X * «*t>r**jat fiW-ia moir wa »un Bii«uu-.iu..l6 , .

F i 6".'-. *o8»tios-’, IWifikt-A-phT yoarp *c'f6, payaVlB ap? Vs triad ioSOO h to,I i ■ffe Hc)y. -bf'alxfiHfi Amploymcnt witli tinXi&Unl V - V -»I r V - ■ ornettoniWCs. ' -RatoWixcBA cxcbitiikciX, fin-1 F tT lii lr L 'teUw r 'u d w iL * i

-• VVH^‘ VO-11. ^ - -r * vj-*avv t«.vsy»*4. .to Balm ont elGc^On da>H oV ^^H ’g5*ting t i i 6 i f rb u t jjfut? flic te am tlmte. The eco'rP xygsltate 'rest -whatlsXt, - '■-iAXaf if f in v o r o f B eltaen t. -ft ■ ' . - : . " ." S r .i . h jm ™ oi : * « * K • « « * «

Liel.l V till W SUVA** VV1SAW MV *T-M WAS.lo w ing n ig h t and' e n jo y th e fu n o f a.

Rev. Pierce and "wife attended Quartley meeting at Elton last

[Sunday. ; • f . ' v ’»• . . .Jlyrtia Letirn o f Abbotts is

the guest of Ella C09I.Jbrtry Whitney isi mofing to

s s y s s t iS i^ e s E ^ ”?:- -Mrs E. M. in, Hanford Conti * called thero t>y , the Boriotis^illoess of iiec srsterj Mrs, Henrietta Mqtt®gh*m.

Jacob Spencer Is makiog: several improvements on the , place which be -purchased ■#-] Matthew Strait.

The Elections RetxxniB Show:ii'inany ueciumg uuil—uuiy- “w ouiu ten That the Imckawanna Railroad the otbcHflTrdura oE tliclr discovery and has been elected America^ ilOst

.have nil oil them.come down toe fql- ln i.-b ielM em d I f tnoo m fo ‘• 'b le R nilr'-eul I f t r ie r e s u l i

f Si -i 5-i v iV.c, iCuii l r : ■• V*-. oipeTtoniUCs. ' •RatottixceF vxehftiiEeit, fin-1 fi Ylt'U™ y U U w ux* t i l ' . , a . i . l .-lietjE i f o y t t • . W«.*.'I"v . • .

‘.“F-:: elMs -n-XartoSca stiuhveij; eiWolovn- R *• fe rly 'h f P<rvU i>i h u t UvOr LlA .. fstk.ygextUtfBunUtog, ChlMg0,.nnvMmC n v A V c j .y A l i g

x3VAxi$%siwixgAti rgn■=&$>on m i ^ 6 •J?t*v " ' h in t ©msfl MrtEnst-m fn tu u stnto to i t ' t x e A l . J", T iU •-tliUlif >:

vhW#««rn*m m tisfoqwwsnn 'nut urn* . n d dxxj

fiaT i^on-dhe clS>, they1 w ithdrew a n d ! o f t h e e le c tio n s u i te d y o u t a k e at 1 -ill **.A ^nt»vxw. 1 . ** - »,i F ’ .-***-*«■ VIA* v * * v '-*>**<1 - - I - v . . — ----------- ------------- - ---

w e n t home- .N ext (lay a ll th e officers a t th e p o st Wef-e Inform ed o f th e dls- covcry, *nid i t • ‘a s^ rra n g o tl th tit tliG ra id , slrouhlloccnr a t m idnight. |—-All uil^lit.havc,.gom i. YvCll, xuul th e . officers" m ig h t h a te h a d fpElv tit tre ftm , 1 h a d - it not been tlm t there- w ere th ree >

- M — —y - X™ . -H-Ae." *% f 4*#- #T

■ tc i v 'n u : i w i t h . y v•- .v-.ii* uc-11 ..Tier wey *;

•-■■'’ '■ e ; m ey ,•-W— - --..-r .•>-. A

- U VflW -

. w: v l,‘ i>i‘l |iiu A t a d r a w .. •,."'•• *xc*. ,< -.v if,- jij, t „ f F ' ..^U tw ». >-v- .

i... 'w ,v > , Fu> i - y i i . S -. T M ii, p i f e . A s a t i ru d s i f f cs-fiEJ r-scyngsu vEumss ,tois c i - , ^ . . . !., - hi' wWist Offlaa )itosg»ln"'ai. thU sentoxto-1 - pfie A*. L X-iU ’-uIiJlh >-i ill . - ■ '-H-X ii-i- -,-li.i n.4-trix^U a V.-h"

.«* . r- tatf-WV - iifsH'.-hihhiOf

>,. r t ■ r r -----•-• ^ .••• 1a f a t t y f o o d t o e n r ic h

wAt1*** ' v*«.*.• ^VMV «.v«. -I o th er tw o W ent on a n d .wore discover- , I 'cd by thu-officers. The" third., com ing ;' aiqng' a m tim tilt ia tc r , saw th e f,ffiet>rs ’ #■

a n d q u ie tly followed .them, ob se rv in g ■* alL th c lr m ovem ents and lis ten ing t» th e i r w hispervu eoiwcm attoa. .

W hen th ey w fthdtew . he w vpi ftr uud ]

- I-'-I'

--r •< ----------- _

f J . itoutWtt ViyubSg: OF yeaiH* S-iubi; jt.otA'blD- f?i. . '- Wstitir JmygvW cropto'.fiuent witir lumsuat 11 ' - et^icrvuuiite?, jXjn'ewaeeS ettettcmgitU fin-

sm auw r s . a ,1»ov™-ro6 "

" K - v . '........-- ,"^"F . "J J * - . 0. difnn-han. C. GHllflglisibxb. .

1 1 ' , t i i l i f e g l i a m ' S S t i n , ^|-v __-‘daiit ffctorB, XUuiutoctmCrs ot ana, Sviileti ht5 *■ * .£ . J d i i i e r W rkfortiiu tcheS iS chodls

^pilefick, Acdfiemsfesi tle te ls ‘dad • • V Abwhfiihgs a n d ^ i^ in i i s a f fv e iy

*. .Srihil-M u iu u H i n c iii it-n, v. •, u u ca rucy w n n u tw . uc " c p i i;i :,u-i

l^ a tfF 1 o f tiiVH- -> o r j«> r.,.u, s»-b ju - tg 'i - i t i j l o t ' ' '

I . - . - w- ,^v „ • • • nircnra" aUitj "seetfir- cswetis .to, *i t h , ,,)■ i , . . ,* , , , , , 8 » # h « e . t e

I t f c f e A « f ? J 5 S S S * « r i i C :

-*• > r—' - , - - - — "•z. _ •« ’

w ^ i i t a w i i A » . :« X l A-V

^ ; ;F - $ W y u B 0 r t ! S o f S it i tS C ry '"z'.'j -tilYO J-roiiipt. Osrefofatfd Skllllui AttcntloD,

A,. — • - - ,■ -■Or-AX . i4-i-

IDr. a i> l0 & So

uTt^1 vaiij lo i ' .. * 6r*4v.'»isaih win luorp. .•.•)'tii ry. ahd, sfcfebeSh ft *'*— >* . ..

t e t r t s u i ^ . i v ’ e v tx t i . tx s % # \ * * * t b r . x m o a t o f " -» . __________ $.i The

Mtifjsacriecl iA Gixina thu 'fa s ti ( fe r i i i ih i -V - "•. . ' , " . ;

Mtllio Iloidcn- came - hruue from iScdo ivor l a s t week. She

: hoti to oloso heF EtohvrguVfpn' oiiFaccouu'E "or" soavict . fover breaking out in thc pldee. ' v

Aiu "b"K , W right in wo. are

p i a c e s , i n a l e lt * i t o a . x r i x . ;A h •! ,- Stiys hv is notable to get cm <. t, be»l yet itu-l experts to have a..|'W 1 tiff,laxeti and he'a~ r-' i: jHe i< r jitc. i,fe fesr nfatii' Bvtf.tiu L .-: ■homo for the past thfud or fouh years.

s t s t e s„ COD (LIVER O ILW m H r m p m s m j& o iF U H m s o tiA

vg ly tig h t j ift t * “ *■ » *

* ' - ' B 4 M E B

— .. . 1 is e W t i y w b a i |

T ie-" o t o a t i i o n a f y r a m i a l \ y i l i ^ r i i - p o h c m l y 5; t h e k n -- ftS At/rm JlVP P till \ W

-* AIV- >*v***> '**>3**V VHY. V***v X **> ***•»* l*i» *11, ran g ed an d c rep t stealth ily dow n the*

' f j u rea w ay and into th e s ix th •divlslbu- < "f i H earing no sound, o f eljckiug b a lk , I

: som e W came skep tical vtnti couciaded- J th e AvUoio:th in g wasffi hoax, b u th ev e r- [i th c less th ey pushed on a n d " Clim bAt.

o ver th e p ile o t coal. O pening tlio j door, th ey wetb. greeted with. 3. glow o f 1 irgbt, b u t ..stilt no w in d . On entering; th e y • found tb e roffu? deserted, bu t: t i ie r^ w ore th e lilllhm i table, a n a lm ost W titM ^bfd k eg of- beeiv sSWuhl-potincffi o f tobacco, some cliahs' w m l ‘ffislly p ! note, o il th e table, add ressed to th e o r i -

h t> h 6; '. /

. . . k t o ^ s r e r t ____,___ ,...

■ 1 - 'L

(Fox, M y. Fa4.Agent R -.ffalttiS^ ! I »IP *n iill^ lE fr

* C o o c l : H g h l e s | {M ' "

•OEAUTHY iill^S S lS S s

i> - : -" ; •" h a s w.i3» n ; * lu :- tVffam 4 i-o (> by

P i u h o n o r c f .j

i lzy L , H o \y e a L iO t> g 'V rh u U n -*- .« " . . w illeriaa a rqurlcii of ^rcat ability. § usuaHy accomjiaay: actinia* ,1 iT hu tiv E ;'8 v m W h ti!.tiy m g to ( f SCOTT'S m u tS lO N Ig a |1

.ccrs-dn. d u ty a t W es t $ffilntT gffiiffmoes- w.-is to the, effect th a t n s to o officers: o f th e p o st h a d been So k ind a s to p e rm it th e club t o continue its ex |stcnve fo r

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to th em (the officers) th e tab le aha. a ll [ I ts apptirtetiancesAdis I t .w a s deeuiexl'

•expedient to w lffil'np tb c -elhB,san ','tirs.. T lu w ro te w a s slgned-“-The E xecu tive

l r t 6s m 0t e e ^ L _ , „" 11 : . 'nine

| ‘ ; || *fGe£hi£ig' Cordial v \ (

-S remcmbtLffiat iffiout' o«ii tkkrf •ttfcF! * ^ childteaffietiefc** tfa y a r t t W > j:

4t p r o p o ' I

§ 'jb 6* v n y ^ :;6# t ^ p - . . . - *■ BROWN’S TEErHim lKHNNAL ■

r i u , wom i iq w t t i .

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l~ S r ! v f ^ 'h S k w m eafek t tiUmbdr..of. ra e e s^ c v e f r , IQ ; x v a , wnn by a jockey In one season w as tho k h b o l w s ^ j S # by Fred: A rcher, 188& V

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a r t i»Yph can .get ft in tills wa^. iW ^A aye kfrtiwn pet* 11 , **;*<«,

1 sons id gain a pound a I ‘ Darke-I never saw-a' ehildr tel th suchjr d & m t i faking i t I x l t ^ g 6 ^ ?**'*•

ttine^-ilnw- do yoti gtiotmt W M } MSEtSTT?' jYarke-ahtnk of the nurtiCT s)Ch>s.l f j * .

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