short answers & essay help. the american system was a plan to unite the various parts of the...

Chapter 7 Review Short Answers & Essay Help

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Chapter 7 ReviewShort Answers & Essay Help

The American System

The American System was a plan to unite the various parts of the U.S. through a system of banking, taxation, and transportation.

It was proposed by President Madison, and supported by Henry Clay from KY (The West) and John C. Calhoun from SC (The South).

America was divided into three areas each specializing in different industries– Textiles in the North, Plantations in the South, and Farming in the West.

Missouri CompromiseWhen Missouri applied to be a state, it was at a time when there was a tenuous balance between slave and free states in the nation

Illinois was added as a free state and Alabama was added as a slave state bring the count to 11-11.

The North felt the South was trying to extend slavery, and the South thought the North was trying to stop slavery.

Henry Clay stepped in and compromised to admit Maine as a free state, Missouri as a slave state, and set a national boundary.

This boundary was set at 36⁰30’ north latitude.

North of the line was free, South was slave.

The Native American Problem The two views towards Native

Americans was that they needed to either be displaced or converted.

Some tribes had already converted to the white European culture, and these included the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Seminole and Creek tribes– also known as the five civilized tribes.

Jackson did not agree with assimilation and began the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

He negotiated treaties with government money or forcibly removed the natives with federal troops. The Cherokee proved to be the most difficult.

Jackson v. B.U.S

Jackson loathed the B.U.S and viewed it as a “monster” that benefited the privileged few.

Because the federal tax revenue was placed in the B.U.S, the stockholders (wealthy) received the interest from this tax money. Basically making money off taxes.

Jackson waged a personal war on the B.U.S. by setting “pet banks” up to keep government funds.

These banks put the B.U.S. out of business since Nicholas Biddle needed this money to operate. When angry businessman demanded Jackson open the bank, he sent them to Biddle.

The Growth of the North & SouthThe use of interchangeable

parts and the rise of the mechanized factory led to mass production in the North.

In the South, the cotton gin allowed for the “cotton kingdoms” to easily clean the short-staple cotton. This increased the production of raw materials.

These two industries were inextricably linked.

As the Northern textile industry sped up, so did their need for Southern cotton.

The Northern factories and farms did not require slaves, so this led to abolition and moral views towards it.

The tensions ensued with both the Tariff of Abominations and Missouri Compromise.

HW: Study for Ch7 test and make sure to pre-write the essay!

Bring your class job sheets to me before you leave. New Jobs to be handed out!

If you did not complete the research work, you will have a failing grade for research and a Sunday Study Hall.

Have a great day!
