short film moodboard


Upload: michaellam1997

Post on 28-May-2015




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Page 1: Short film Moodboard
Page 2: Short film Moodboard

Moodboard Analysis-

The plot for this short film follows a young man called Aiden who is depressed as he is colour blind and can only see the colour red, he discovers that contact lenses are being developed to cure colour blindness and he volunteers to test them out leading to him being able to see all the colours through his eyes but is this for better or worse?The moodboard contains many pictures that directly relate to the colour red but also to the short film itself, I feel that each picture represents an important aspect of the film and the colour red.I have chosen four images that relate to eyesight as I feel it is an important element in the film where eyesight is what allows Aiden to see the colours he desired. I have also however, included images that help to fortify the many different associations of red.

Page 3: Short film Moodboard

This image was chosen as it represents the importance of colour and how we view the world through it. The significance here is that colour is directly linked to your eye and so it can be considered a persons portal or connection to the outside world. The eye is an important theme in my short film as it plays the role of linking the main character to the colours of the world.

Page 4: Short film Moodboard

In my short film, Aiden experiences a colour high that leads to him becoming blind. This is when he was overwhelmed with colour and became high and unable to control his desire for it. I felt that this image helps to show Aiden’s happiest moments when he was experiencing all the colours during the highlights of his life.This image shows a tunnel surrounded by colour that represents Aiden’s wonderful journey but at the end of the tunnel is darkness not light.

Page 5: Short film Moodboard

These two images were chosen as they represent darkness and being blinded without access to colour, this happens to Aiden at the end of the short film and so I felt these images were appropriate in displaying his loss.The use of black and white also suggests a lack of creativity and sense of blandness that highlights the importance of colour in life, black and white also helps to portray a dark and depressing tone that matches Aidens at the end of the short film.

Page 6: Short film Moodboard

This image was chosen as Red is a colour that is often linked with fire. Fire can represent many things such as passion and desire as well as war and destruction. Red can also represent these things and this image perfectly portrays the veracity, authenticity and vitality that the element of fire and red are associated with.In my short film, Aiden (the main character) is blinded by his desire to see colours but ends up becoming blind, this picture can represent the destruction of his vision and his burning passion to obtain his desire for colour.

Page 7: Short film Moodboard

This image shows a blood covered skull that I think represents death which is a popular association to the colour red. This relates to the story as at the end when Aiden is blinded it could be considered his death as their is a significant loss of what he desired the most. The red blood covering the skull could also represent Aiden’s longing and desire for red when he is blind as his head is filled with thoughts of red similar to how the red is covering the skull.