short film pitch


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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Short film pitch


Page 2: Short film pitch

Our idea. audienceA mock-umentory style short film which will be taking the ‘mickey’ out of shows like ‘educating Yorkshire’, where the cameras are following a certain set of students and teachers. They’ll be a number of stereotypical characters that you find in schools e.g. geeks and the popular’s as well as this they’ll be the over the top teachers who secretly to the camera tell it how it is about the students. The film is set over one day at a school, to show what its really like behind the doors of a sixth form.

Our target audience is 15-20 years old, teenagers who have experienced school life and will be able to relate to what is happening. Therefore its going to be a 15 as its going to have some minor swearing init. Our film will appeal to this audience range because on screen will be characters around the same age and they’ll be able to laugh along with them and feel like their there because they’ve recently left school or are at school now.

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concept Our concept is based on Sacha Baron Cohen film Borat. This film is a

mockumentaory based on a character who’s from Kazakhstan and goes to America to film and interview unsuspecting Americans who think he has no idea about the American culture. Our film we be like this as ours is also a film which is mocking other films and programmes of the same thing.

Also our idea is based on David walliams and matt Lucas ‘come fly with me’ TV show which was a mockumentaory which was a spoof of shows like ‘airline and airport’. Our Short film will be spoof of shows like educating Yorkshire, but instead of it being a programme it’s a film set over a day in a sixth form block in Doncaster.

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Ideas for Scenes

There's a teacher who's teaching a lesson an keeps making references to bee’s e.g. ‘make like a bee, buzz off, And buzz on with your work. The teacher using PowerPoints with bees on. The teacher then runs to students who need help with her hands behind her back and buzzing. The teacher wants to go outside to teach but the students don’t. The scene ends with the camera zooming in through the window showing the teacher smelling the flowers and buzzing.

Outside there's a group of lads, bantering and being your stereotypical ‘boys’ making snarky comments to each other. They end up fighting, overdramatically when a teacher comes out and shouts at them. And then cuts to the teacher being interviewed where he bares all and says how much he disapproves of these lads.

The opening shots/credits. Will be a Montague of different students and teachers doing funny things e.g. selling chewing gum as if its drugs.Teachers pouring alcohol into their morning cuppa tea and more over the top/exagerrated things people do in the morning before the bell goes for school. This to set the scene and will get the audiences interested.

The girls are in focus in the school toilets putting on layers of make up and gossiping and boys. They hear a flatulent girl in the cubicle behind them and start giggling and taking the micky and swearing lightly. The girl who had the poo walks and the girls laugh in disgust at her. a member of staff walks into the toilet so the girls hide in the same toilet which the girl has the poo in trying to be quit as possible. The girls scream loudly as there's a floater in the toilet and in reference to the smell and all fall out the cubicle and get caught by the teacher. The teacher is then interview in the room and she’s saying how the girls out disgusting and takes the mickey out of their make up as well.

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We’ve had a positive feedback from the questionnaires we handed out, with 90% coming back and saying our idea for our short film is a great and they would watch it. And we’ve been given some ideas from teenagers who have experience school life, so we've took their ideas and exaggerated their stories to make it more humorous for our short film.