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  • 8/2/2019 Short Story123


    Walker 1

    Kyle Walker

    Kisker, 8th hour


    The Monster Within

    As I am lying in my bed, worrying about my Comm. Arts paper that is partially due Thursday, an

    idea comes to mind. A story about my cat wouldnt be as gallant as a story about someone I knew. I

    could portray them however I choose, like a puppet attached to strings. The perfect person, I think to

    myself, would be none other than Elizabeth Gillespie. Continuing with the thought of her, I then idealize

    the format of my story. I chuckle with every thought that comes to mind because her personality is

    versatile with every setting.

    It is 8:45 p.m. on a Sunday, having enjoyed every bit of my weekend, I am sad to see it go. The

    bed beneath me is like a magnet, preventing me from even lifting a finger towards the completion of

    this story. I remember my disastrous short story from last year, praying it wouldnt be as bad as this one.

    I never had a good grip on storytelling. My mother always says, You are as left-brained as your father. I

    cant deny that, no way. I rise from my bed, wishing I hadnt, and slowly make my way to the next room

    with the computer. I deliberately sit down, and begin to type.

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    Walker 2

    Whish, wish. The wind blew ever so slightly in the Forest of Children. The leaves rustled, the

    branches cracked, but none of the children stirred in the night. Elizabeth was a child who often

    did not sleep. She had dreams of something ominous, something wicked, something words could

    not describe. Sometimes, these dreams would wake her in the dead of night, and she would be

    covered in sweat from head to toe.

    It was morning in the Forest of Children; the sun was gleaming over the horizon. There, it

    was warm all day, and warm all night. Plants grew year round, and everything lived. In the land,

    there were no adults, just children who were very short, and were able to fly. They usually wore

    clothing made of plants, which would attract bugs at times.

    Children were already awakening from a goodnights rest. Elizabeth loved to play

    among the children, but her excessive talkativeness would agitate most of them. Seldom would

    she ever be seen not having fun, only when she wasnt in a goodattitude. Her mouth was her

    most noticeable feature, aside from her flowing, dirty-blonde hair, since it produced such a noise

    that would shake the forest at times.

    Its story time! Elizabeth shrieked at the top of her lungs throughout the forest, hoping

    to congregate as many children as possible. Elizabeth was quite the story teller. One has to be

    prepared for what she might think of next.

    Sit down! Im about to tell a story!She exclaimed. Everyone immediately stopped their

    side conversations in fear of a damaged ear-drum.

    Thank you verymuch. Now todays story, children, will be The Princess and the

    Shopping Cart. There once was a Princess and a shopping cart. The Princess loved to shop. She

    would usually shop for make-up, magazines, umclothes and hair-care products, too. Every time

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    she would shop, the shopping cart would get very tired. It would cry and cry every time he went

    because there would be too many items in his back. So one day, the shopping cart had the

    Shopping Monster confront the Princess.

    Whats the Shopping Monster? asked a nave child.

    Wait a minute! Elizabeth responded annoyingly.

    The Shopping Monster is a ferocious monster that takes shopping away from anyone

    who shops too much! The next day, the Shopping Monster went to the Princesss home.

    Princess, you have gone out of control! Buying this, buying that; who are you? If I find

    out that you hurt The Shopping Cart one more time, then I have no choice but to take

    you cart away forever! cried the 50 foot tall monster.

    All of the children shrieked as if it were true, since the children were relatively small and got

    whatever they desired.

    Be quiet! Its not over! Elizabeth said a couple of times before the children were able to

    calm down.

    Thanks, guys. You made me forget what I was going to say! Elizabeth was known for

    having short tempers as well. As a result, she flew off into a tree to sit alone. Behind her, the

    children were begging her to come back, but she was insistent.

    Elizabeth sat on the branches of a far off tree, where no one could bother her. There, she

    tried to visualize the rest of her story. I remember having this as a dream I never knew how it

    ended. Oh, this is useless. Just as her thought had ended, she heard a peculiar noise. The noise

    sounded like a loud thump among the bushes, so she went to investigate.

    The noise was farther than she thought it was, and she had to fly instead of walk

    because the vegetation was beginning to become too thick for her small body to fit through. The

    loud thumping continued monotonously, like the beating of her heart. When Elizabeth landed in

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    the place where the sound was coming from, nothing was there. Besides the fact that everything

    was unfamiliar to her, everything seemed in its place. The thumping noise grew louder, and

    closer, to a point where she couldnt take it.

    Hello? Is anyone there? Elizabeth yelledanxiously. She thought no one could have

    possibly heard her out there.

    There was no answer, so she yelled again. After the second time, the mysterious noise

    had stopped, and what seemed to be a 50 ft. tall man stepped out from behind a tree.

    Hello there, maam. What a pleasant surprise. How may I be at your service?said the

    giant. He was warm and welcoming towards Elizabeth, which made her feel at liberty to freely

    speak with him.

    Yes, can you tell me where that awful noise is coming from?

    What noise? All I can hear is the thud of my hammer.

    Well, can you stop?! Its bothering me! Do you know how loud that is? Its pretty loud if

    you ask me. I mean, out here in the middle of nowhere, I can hear youElizabeth ranted on.

    The giant was taken aback by her remarks, but he quickly realized she had not paid any attention

    to it.

    ared to death! Why cant you j The giant interjected, Are you lost? Would you like

    something to eat?

    I dont know, I think Im lost. I am starving! Where is the food?

    The giant snickered. He knew she had been walking a ways and was happy to help.

    Elizabeth, however, just wanted to rest and be merry. The giant led Elizabeth to an open field

    with a castle made of logs in the middle. It was quite a sight.

    What a lovely place. You live here?

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    Sure I do, the thing is a beauty. I keep itin good shape just in case people like you

    happen to stumble along looking for a place to stay.They both made their way into the castle,

    which was very spacious, considering Elizabeth to be only 4 feet tall.

    I will get some bread and cheese and lemonade for us to eat before bed, the giant said

    with delight.

    Elizabeth was so hungry that she stuffed her face until she could no more, unlike the

    giant who didnt seem to eat much. She slept soundly that night on a full belly, and woke up not

    hungry at all.

    Mister, may I bathe here? I stink badly. Oh, and I need an extra pair of clothes,

    Elizabeth groaned infuriatingly.

    Sure, come with me,replied the giant.

    They both made their way down a long corridor to a metal door at the end of it. The

    Giant opened it and Elizabeth could not believe her eyes. Behind that door was everything she

    could have ever imagined.

    I want everything in here! I want it all!

    Now, child, you can have anything you want, my treat, but be careful of how much you

    get. There is a consequence for getting too much. Elizabeth couldnt hear a word he said. Her

    heart was beating vigorously in her chest because of what lay before her.

    Before you go,the giant mentioned, you may need this. He wheeled an average-

    sized cart right in front of Elizabeth, his name was Stuffer.

    Hes very fragile; you have to take good ca Before he could finish, she was already

    flying through the isles, stuffing her cart with whatever she desired.

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    By the time Elizabeth was done grabbing what she could get her hands on, her cart was

    awfully full. As she was pushing the cart with all her might, she heard a whimpering, but she was

    too preoccupied to take notice.

    Once in the room, Elizabeth was fortunate to manage to get all of her stuff out of the

    cart. She assorted everything, but did not use any of it. Like on Halloween, when you sort out

    your candy and admire the pile, but not eat any of it. I guess its a prideful thing.

    Next day, Elizabeth begged the giant to go shopping again. He said the very same thing

    the day before, Be careful of how much you get. There is a consequence for getting too much.

    Of course, Elizabeth paid no attention. This time, she got more than the amount she took last

    time. It felt like Christmas to her, the feeling of joy.

    That night, the giant had a word with Elizabeth.

    Stuffer has said to me that you have been hurtful to him. Youve been getting too many

    things, young lady. He sounded like an authority figure to her.

    I promise it was not on purpose. I will not do that anymore,she said it in fake,

    apologetic tones. In all honesty, she just wanted to shop even more.

    Okay, well, just listen to me. One more time, and there will be no more shopping.

    Those words hit Elizabeth like a brick wall. They sounded eerily familiar.

    Laterthat night, Elizabeth was in the guest rooms bed thinking about what the giant

    had said. It replayed in her mind like a song does on a radio station more than 7 times during the

    day. She drifted off to sleep listening to it. `

    Elizabeth woke with a fright. She had turned on the light to cool herself down. What had

    just happened? She scoped the room, as if in fear something was going to pop out at her, when

    something caught her eye. It was a picture of The Giant, and a beautiful lady. Who is she? Why is

    she with him? Something clicked. The lady looked exactly like the princess in her dream.

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    Everything from the color of her eyes to the clothing she was wearing. How could this be?

    whispered Elizabeth. I have to get out of here, she thought. This is where the Princess had

    stayed. There were also other pictures of both men and women along the wall that she hadnt

    noticed before.

    All of a sudden, she heard large footsteps. Elizabeth knew it was The Giant. He was

    looking for her. All she could do was sit there and wait for the worst. The door opened gradually,

    and she could here the heavy breathing of The Shopping Monster.

    Where are you Elizabeth? Dont you want to shop one last time?

    Elizabeth, where are you? Elizabeth!

    Elizabeth jolted from her sleep. She could hear the faint, familiar voices of her friends.

    Ive been sleeping hear the whole time?

    It was almost dark when she made it back to The Forest of Children with her friends.

    Thank you, guys, I probably would have woken up and not known where to go.

    No problem, we just wanted to hear the rest of your story, Alex said with enthusiasm.

    Actually, I was thinking of telling you a new story, one that is better than The Princess

    and the Shopping Cart. It is calledElizabeth and the Shopping Cart.

    It is Wednesday, around 9:30 p.m., and I just finished my story. I lay back in the chair feeling

    half-drained and fatigued, but having a sense of accomplishment. Before you ask, I did not make up The

    Princess and the Shopping Cart. It was an inspiration to my story, the one Elizabeth portrayed many

    times better.

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