shortcut keys by t.a.siraj

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  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME

    Windows Key

    Windows Key

    On either side of the spacebar, outside the Alt key, is a key with theWindows logo. Holding the Windows key down and pressing another

    key will initiate quite a few actions. Some of the more common are

    listed in the table below:

    Displays the Start Menu.

    + D

    Minimizes all windows and shows the Desktop.

    + D

    Opens all windows and takes you right back to where you were.

    + E

    Opens a new Explorer W indow . Probably one of the hottest

    Window s keyboard shortcuts. This one gets a lot of hoorahs!

    + F

    Displays the Find all files dialog box.

    + L

    Lock your Windows XP computer. Logoff in Windows Pre-XP.

    + M

    Minimizes all open windows.

    + Shift + M

    Restores all previously open windows to how they were before you

    Minimized them.

  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME

    + R

    Displays the Run command.

    + F1

    Displays the Windows Help menu.

    + Pause/Break

    Displays the Systems Properties dialog box.

    + Tab

    Cycle through the buttons on the Task Bar

    Control Key


    Depressing the Ctrl key while clicking allows multiple selections. Holding

    the Ctrl key down and pressing other key combinations will initiate quite afew actions. Some of the more common ones are listed below.

    Ctrl + A

    Select All items

    Ctrl + B

    Add or remove Bold formatting

    Ctrl + C

    Copy, places the selected/highlighted copy on the clipboard.

    Ctrl + C + C

    Opens the clipboard.

  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME

    Ctrl + F

    Opens the Find what: dialog box. Great for finding references on a webpage while using your favorite web browser.

    Ctrl + H

    Replace, brings up the Find and Replace dialog box. Great for global find

    and replace routines while working in normal and html views in yourfavorite WYSIWYG editors like FrontPage. You can also use this to find

    and replace content within your Word Documents, Excel Spreadsheets,


    Ctrl + I

    Add or remove Italic formatting.

    Ctrl + N

    Window, In Internet Explorer, opens a New Window. In Outlook, opens a

    New Mail Message. In most publishing programs like Word, opens a New


    Ctrl + O

    Open, brings up a browse dialog and allows you to select a file to open.

    Ctrl + P


    Ctrl + S


    Ctrl + U

    Add or remove Underline formatting.

    Ctrl + V

    Paste, inserts the copy on the clipboard into the area where your flashing

    cursor is positioned or the area you have selected/highlighted.

    Ctrl + W

    Close, will close the document currently open.

  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME

    Ctrl + X

    Cut, removes the selected/highlighted copy and places it on the clipboard.

    Ctrl + Y

    Redo last command. Many software programs offer multiple Redo's bypressing Ctrl + Y + Y + Y...

    Ctrl + Z

    Undo last command. Many software programs offer multiple Undo's bypressing Ctrl + Z + Z + Z...

    Ctrl + Esc

    Open the Start menu (or use the Windows Key if you have one).

    Ctrl + =

    Spell checker (pre WinXP).


    While dragging a file to copy the file.

    Ctrl + Shift

    While dragging a file to create a shortcut.

    Ctrl + Tab

    Allows movement (toggle) from one open window to the next in anapplication with more than one open window.

    Ctrl + F4

    Close a window in an application without closing the application.

    Ctrl + F5

    In Internet Explorer, Ctrl + F5 will Refresh the web page bypassing cache(all images and external file references will be reloaded).

  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME

    Alt Key


    Located on either side of the space bar. Holding the Alt key down and

    pressing another key will initiate various actions. Some of the more

    common ones are listed below:

    Alt + F4

    Closes the current active window. If there is no active window this opens

    the Shut Down dialog box.

    Alt + underlined letter in menu

    To carry out the corresponding command on the menu.

    Alt + left/right arrows

    In a browser moves forward or back through the pages visited in a


    Alt + Space Bar

    Displays the current window's system menu. This is the same as left

    clicking on the application icon at the top left of the window.

    Alt + Enter

    Displays a selected items properties. This can also be done with Alt +double-click.

    Alt + PrtScrn

    Captures the top window of the active application.

    Alt + Space Bar

    Displays the main window's system menu. This is the same as clicking on

    the application icon at the left end of the title bar.

    Alt + Space Bar + C

    After the system menu is displayed (see above), this combination willclose a window. This works the same way as Alt + F4 but requires less


  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME

    Alt + - (hyphen)

    Displays the current window's system menu. This is the same as leftclicking on the application icon at the top left of the window.

    Alt + Tab

    Displays a list of open application windows. Keeping Alt depressed and

    selecting Tab cycles through the list. Releasing selects the highlightedapplication window.

    Alt + Ctrl

    The Application key has an image of a mouse pointer on a menu (between

    the Alt and Ctrl keys ( ) to the right of your Space Bar). Depressing thiskey will display the selected item's shortcut window. This is the menu that

    is displayed by right-clicking.



    Equivalent to clicking the Cancel button. In PowerPoint the Esc key will

    stop a running slide show. On a web page with animations, the Esc key

    will stop the animations. On a web page that is loading, the Esc key willstop the page from loading. The keyboard combination Ctrl + Esc will

    open the Start Menu.


    While working in an application, depressing this key will bring up the

    applications help menu. If there is no open application F1 will open

    Windows Help.


    Choose this key to rename a selected item or object.F3

    Depressing this key will display the Find: All Files dialog box.

  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME


    Selects the Go To A Different Folder box and moves down the entries in

    the box (if the toolbar is active in Windows Explorer)


    Refreshes the current window. In Internet Explorer, F5 will Refresh the

    web page.


    Moves among panes in Windows Explorer.

    F7 Check MS WORD Shortcut Keys




    Activates menu bar options. Use right and left arrows to select menus anddown arrows to display pull down menus.(Check MS WORD Shortcut Keys)


    In Internet Explorer this key will allow you to toggle between full screenviewing mode and normal viewing mode.


    Print Screen/SysRq

    Usually located at the upper right hand corner of your keyboard next to the

    Scroll Lock and Pause/Break keys. Often abbreviated PrtScr, the Print

    Screen key is a useful key supported on most PCs. In DOS, pressing the

    Print Screen key causes the computer to send whatever images and text

    are currently on the display screen to the printer. Some graphics programs

    and Windows, use the Print Screen key to obtain Screen Captures.


    This key can be used to move forward through options in a dialog box.

    Ctrl + Shift + Tab can be used to move backward through the options.

    Ctrl + Tab allows movement from one open window to the next in an

    application with more than one open window.

  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME

    Alt + Tab displays a list of open application windows. Keeping Altdepressed and selecting Tab cycles through the list. Releasing selects the

    highlighted application window.

    Caps Lock

    Locks the keyboard in "Capitals" mode (only applies to Alpha keys). The

    Caps Lock key should be used with caution. Using ALL CAPS is a

    usability no-no as many have difficulty scanning text that is ALL CAPS.Also, when sending email in all caps, this could be misconstrued as

    shouting at someone.


    The obvious use of this key is to allow selection of capital letters whendepressing the alphabet characters, or selecting the characters above other

    non-alpha keys.

    Depressing the Shift key while inserting a CD-ROM will bypass auto play.

    Shift + Delete to permanently delete a selected item, bypasses the RecycleBin.

    Space Bar

    Insert a space between words. It is suggested that you utilize Tabs (or other

    formatting commands) to put distance between elements. Using the spacebar to insert visual space works but would not be considered a best practice

    in page design. Double spaces between sentences are no longer required.

    This is a carryover from the days of fixed width fonts on a typewriter suchas Courier, Orator, Prestige Elite, etc.

    Pressing the Space Bar while viewing a web page in Internet Explorer will

    scroll the page downwards. Shift + Space Bar will scroll the page upwards.


    Creates a new Paragraph

    ( ) or what is referred to as a HardReturn. In any dialog box a selected button or command can be selectedby depressing this key. Selected buttons can be recognized by their darker

    (dotted) borders, or what is referred to as Focus.

  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME

    Shift + Enter

    Creates a new Line Break
    ( ) or what is referred to as a SoftReturn.

    Shift + Arrow

    Shift + Arrow Up, Down, Left or Right. Position your cursor at the

    beginning of the area you wish to highlight for copying. Now use the up,

    down, left or right arrow keys to select areas of content to be highlighted,copied, pasted, etc.


    While working with text, use this key to delete characters to the left of theinsertion point.



    Depress and hold the Ctrl key as you select Home to go to the first line of adocument.

    Page Up

    In a browser window use the Page Up key to move up one full screen on aweb page.


    While working with text, use this key to delete characters to the right of the

    insertion point. This key can also be used to delete selected files. If you usethe keyboard combination Shift + Delete the item is permanently deleted,

    bypassing the Recycle Bin.


    Depress and hold the Ctrl key as you select End to go to the last line of adocument.

  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME

    Page Down

    In a browser window use the Page Down key to move down one fullscreen on a web page.

    Up Arrow

    Navigate in a document to the line above. Hold the Ctrl key down as youpress this key to move to the beginning of the second line above.

    Right Arrow

    Navigate in a document one character to the right. Hold the Ctrl key downas you press this key to move one word to the right.

    Down Arrow

    Navigate in a document to the line below. Hold the Ctrl key down as you

    press this key to move to the beginning of the second line below.

    Left Arrow -- Navigate in a document one character to the left. Hold the Ctrl key

    down as you press this key to move one word to the left.

    Keypad Keys

    Num Lock

    If you want to use the numeric keypad on the right end of the keyboard to

    display numbers, the Num Lock key must be selected (usually a lightabove the Num Lock will indicate that it is on). If you want to use thekeypad to navigate within a document, turn off Num Lock by pressing the

    key (the light will go off).

    * (Asterisk)

    In Windows Explorer this expands everything under the current selection.

    Caution: do not try this with the C Drive icon selected.

    - (Minus Sign)

    In Windows Explorer this collapses the current selection.

    + (Plus Sign)

    In Windows Explorer this expands the current selection.

  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME

    Keyboard shortcuts specific to MS Word

    Ctrl+NOpen a new word document


    Cut- Removes the selection fromthe active document and places it

    on the clipboard.

    Ctrl+OOpens a previously saved


    Copies the selection to the


    Ctrl+WCloses the active window,

    but does not Exit Word.Ctrl+V

    Paste - Inserts the contents of the

    clipboard at the insertion point(cursor) or whatever is selected.


    Saves the active document

    with its current file name,

    location and format.Ctrl+A

    Selects all text and graphics in the

    active window.

    Ctrl+P Prints the active file, alsogives the opportunity to

    change print optionsCtrl+F

    Find - Searches for specified textin the active document

    Alt+F4Exit - Closes MicrosoftWord.


    Bold - Formats selected text;

    make text bold, or remove boldformatting


    Undo the last action. This

    selection can be repeated

    several times.Ctrl+I

    Italic - Formats selected text;

    make text italic or remove italic


    Redo - After an action has

    been undone, it can bereinstated in the document.


    Underline - Formats selected text;

    make text underlined or removeunderline

    Less commonly used keyboard combinations

    Increase selected text in increments like

    the drop down font menu (Thanks Daniel)



    Decrease selected text in increments like

    the drop down font menu




    Increase selected text one pointCopyformats

    Decrease selected text one pointPaste


    Change case of the lettersSingle space


  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME

    Underline words but not spacesSet 1.5 linespacing

    Double underline textDouble

    space lines

    Center a paragraphDelete oneword to theleft

    Justify a paragraph

    Delete one

    word to the


    Left align a paragraphRight align aparagraph

    Indent a paragraph from the leftInsert a line


    Create a hanging indentReduce ahanging


    If text is already selected and you want to extend the selection area

    Extend selection one character to the left


    selection one

    character tothe right

    Extend selection to the end of a word


    selection tothebeginning of

    a word

    If you want to move the cursor

    One character to the rightOnecharacter to

    the left

    One word to the rightOne word to

    the left

    To the end of a documentTo thebeginning of

    a document

  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME


    Escape - Esc is used to back out of situations. When you find yourself in a place where

    you don't want to be, try the Esc key. In PowerPoint this key will stop a running slide

    show. The keyboard combination Ctrl + Esc will open the Start menu.


    While working in an application, depressing this key will bring up the

    applications help menu. If there is no open application F1 will open Windows



    Choose this key to rename a selected item. Alt + Ctrl + F2 to open a new document in MS Word

    Ctrl + F2 to open print preview in MS Word


    Depressing this key will display the Find: All Files dialog box.

    Shift + F3 will change case in MS Word. Continue to press F3 (with the Shiftkey depressed) to toggle through all choices.


    Holding down the Alt key while depressing F4 closes the current active window.If there is no active window this opens the Shut Down dialog box.

    Repeat an action with F4. For example, if your last action was to format a word as

    Bold, you can repeat the procedure by highlighting another word and depressing

    F4. This continues to work until your next action.


    Select this key to refresh the contents of a dialog box, such as the Save As orOpen dialog boxes, or in a window such as a Windows Explorer window.

    Open the Find and Replace dialog box in MS Word

    F5 + Ctrl + Shift to insert a bookmark in MS Word

    Use this key to start a slide show in MS PowerPoint

  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME


    F6 + Ctrl + Shift to move to a previous window in MS Word

    F6 + Ctrl + Alt to move to a previous window in MS Word


    Perform Spell and Grammar check in MS Word

    F7 + Shift when a word is highlighted to access the thesaurus in MS Word




    Activates Menu Bar options. Use right and left arrows to select menus and down

    arrows to display pull down menus.

    F10 + Shift - Depressing this key combination will display the selected item'sshortcut window. This is the menu that is displayed by right-clicking.


    In Internet Explorer this key will allow you to toggle back and forth betweenfull screen view (all toolbars compressed into one thin line) and normal view

    In Excel this key will make a chart using data that you have highlighted


    Open a new document in MS Word

    F12 + Ctrl + Shift to print in MS Word

    F12 + Shift to Save in MS Word

    F12 to open the Save As dialog box in MS Word

    Print Screen - Don't look at your printer after pressing this key. This sends a copy ofwhatever is on the screen to the clipboard. One common use of this action is to paste theclipboard into Paint to copy a portion of an image for use in another application. If you

    wish to copy only the active window, hold down the Alt key, then tap on the PrintScreen key. It will copy only that window that is active, not the whole desktop.

  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME

    Scroll Lock

    * (Asterisk)

    Ctrl + Shift + * to select the current region around an active cell in MS Excel.This can be quite useful in creating charts.

    Hyphen (dash)

    Ctrl + - (Hyphen) to bring up the Delete dialog box in MS Excel


    Ctrl + [ to decrease font size of highlighted text one point at a time (MS Wordand MS PowerPoint)


    Ctrl + ] to increase font size of highlighted text one point at a time (MS Word and

    MS PowerPoint)


    Ctrl + P to print in many applications

    Ctrl + P to bring up the pen if you are in a PowerPoint show


    E to erase whatever you drew using the pen in a PowerPoint show


    Ctrl + A to select all in many applications

    Ctrl + A to replace the pen with the arrow pointer if you are in a PowerPoint


  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME


    Ctrl + B to make selected text Bold B to make the screen Black if you are in a PowerPoint show


    Ctrl + W to close a window

    W to make the screen White if you are in a PowerPoint show


    Ctrl + Z to undo (to Zap an error)


    Ctrl + X to cut selected text or images


    Ctrl + C to copy selected text or images


    Ctrl + V to paste text or images that have been cut or copied


    Ctrl + S to save a document


    Ctrl + D to make a favorite in Internet Explorer

  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME

    Ctrl - Depressing the Ctrl key while clicking allows multiple selections. Holding the Ctrl

    key down and pressing another key will initiate quite a few actions. Some of the more

    common are listed in the table below:

    Ctrl + A to select all itemsCtrl + C to copy selectedtext or items

    Ctrl + V to paste thecontents of the clipboard

    Ctrl + P to print Ctrl + Z to undoCtrl + X to cut selectedtext

    Ctrl + Esc to open the

    Start menuCtrl + = to bring up spell

    checker (pre Win XP)

    Ctrl + B to add/remove

    Bold formatting

    Ctrl + I to add/remove

    Italic formatting

    Ctrl + Shift + *(Asterisk)

    to select the current regionaround an active cell in

    MS Excel. This can be

    quite useful in creating


    Ctrl + W to close theactive window

    Ctrl while dragging a fileto copy the file

    Ctrl+ Shift whiledragging a file to create a


    Ctrl + P to display the pen

    in a PowerPoint show

    Ctrl + A to display the

    arrow in a PowerPointshow

    Ctrl + B to turn the screen

    Black in a PowerPointshow

    Ctrl + W to turn the screen

    White in a PowerPoint


    Ctrl + S to save the current

    documentCtrl + U to add/remove

    Underline formatting

    Ctrl + 9 to hide rows inMS Excel (add Shift to thesequence to unhide.)

    Ctrl + Tab allows

    movement from one openwindow to the next in an

    application with more thanone open window.

    Ctrl + F4 to close a

    window in an applicationwithout closing the


    Ctrl + Enter while in Internet Explorer - Enter only the domain name then depressCtrl before striking Enter/Return. IE automatically fills in the complete URL for a

    .com address.

    Ctrl + - (Hyphen) to bring

    up the Delete dialog box inMS Excel

    Ctrl + C + C to open the


    Ctrl + 0 to hide columns in

    MS Excel (add Shift to thesequence to unhide.)

    Ctrl + arrow (in Excel) - In a large worksheet this combination allows you to

    quickly move left, right, up, or down. Starting from cell A1, depressing Ctrl and

    pressing the right arrow moves to the cell in row 1 adjacent to the first empty cell.Ever wonder how many rows are in a worksheet? On a blank worksheet hold down

    the Ctrl key and press the down arrow.

  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME

    Keyboard shortcuts specific to MS Excel

    Ctrl+N Open a new workbookquickly.


    Cut- Removes the selection

    from the active document andplaces it on the clipboard.

    Ctrl+OOpens a previously saved


    Copies the selection to the


    Ctrl+WCloses the active window,

    but does not Exit Excel.Ctrl+V

    Paste - Inserts the contents ofthe clipboard at the insertion

    point (cursor) or whatever is



    Saves the active document

    with its current file name,location and format. Ctrl+A

    Selects all on the active



    Prints the active file, also

    gives the opportunity tochange print options


    Find - Searches for specifiedtext in the active document

    Alt+F4Exit - Closes Microsoft


    Bold - Formats selected text;

    make text bold, or remove

    bold formatting


    Undo the last action. This

    selection can be repeated

    several times.


    Italic - Formats selected text;

    make text italic or remove



    Redo - After an action hasbeen undone, it can be

    reinstated in the



    Underline - Formats selectedtext; make text underlined or

    remove underline

    Less commonly used keyboard combinationsTo use any of these combinations hold down the first key(s) and tap the last key

    one time.

    Release the held keys when the action is completed

    Select the

    next sheet

    in theworkbook

    Select the


    sheet in theworkbook

    Move to



    workbookor window

  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME

    Completea cell entry

    and move

    to the rightin the


    Complete acell entry

    and move

    to the left inthe


    Move tothe


    workbookor window

    Move tothe next


    or window

    Start a newline in the

    same cell

    Complete a

    cell entryand move

    down in



    Move to

    the next


    or window

    Start a


    Cancel a

    cell entry

    In print


    move to

    the firstpage when



    In print


    move to thelast page


    zoomed out

    In print


    move to

    the lastpage when



    In printpreview,

    move tothe first

    page when


    Complete a

    cell entry

    and moveup in the




    unlockedcells on a


    Insert a



    Insert a new


    Prints the

    active file,

    also givesthe


    to change


    Create a

    chart thatusescurrent


    Select theentire row

    Select the


  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    Prepared By: S i r a j Fugro ME

    Create achart that

    uses the


    Enter the


    Enter the


    Insert ahyperlink

    Fill downFill to theright

    In a cell

    with ahyperlink,




    Apply the






    Apply thepercentage


    Apply thecurrency


    Select the


    around the

    active cell

    Hide rowsHidecolumns

    Insert theAuto Sumformula

    un hiderows

    un hidecolumns

    Display the



    dialog box

    Completea cell entry

    and move

    up in theselection

    Createnames from

    row and


    Show, orhide, the



    Displays all

    formulas in


    repeat to


  • 8/14/2019 Shortcut Keys by T.A.Siraj


    If text is already selected and you want to extend the selection area

    Extend selection onecharacter to the left in the

    formula bar, or one cell to

    the left in the worksheet

    Extend selection onecharacter to the right in the

    formula bar, or one cell to

    the right in the worksheet

    Extend selection to the lastnon blank cell to the right

    or above a selected cell.

    Extend selection to the tothe last non blank cell to the

    left or below a selected cell

    If you want to move the cursor

    One character to the right inthe formula bar or one cell

    to the right in the worksheet

    One character to the left inthe formula bar or one cell

    to the left in the worksheetOne word to the right in the

    formula bar

    One word to the left in the

    formula bar

    To the end of a documentor to the right edge of the

    formula bar

    To the beginning of adocument or to the left edge

    of the formula bar