should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such...

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  • 8/10/2019 Should Wealthy Nations Be Required to Share Their Wealth Among Poorer Nations by Providing Such Things as Fo


    Phm B t

    M SV: 1317710020


    Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by

    providing such things as food and education? Or is it the responsibility of the governments of

    poorer nations to look after their citizens themselves?

    Money from rich countries has trapped many African nations in a cycle of corruption, slower

    economic growth and poverty. -according to Dambisa Moyo , a former economist at Goldman

    Sachs. Why? The money goes into the government officials like President Frederick Chiluba, Mobutu

    Sese Seko. Therefore, wealthy nations should not be required to help the poorer because of few

    benefits and dependency .

    Giving aid results in few benefits . Aid is spent on the governments projects that benefit local

    elites or politicians private interests instead of reaching the people in need of it. Claire Andre and

    Manuel Velasquez claimed that : Between 1978 and 1984, more than 80% of 596 million of food

    aid sent to Somalia went to the military and other public institutions. Dambisa Moyo also added that

    according to corruption watchdog agency Transparency International, Mobutu Sese Seko, Zaire's

    president from 1965 to 1997, was reputed to have stolen at least $5 billion from foreign aid.

    The intention of aiding the poorer countries is to overcome the difficulties they are facing . In

    contrast, it causes dependency on rich countries. Ethiopia, which has been dependent on foreign food

    aid for more than three decades, is one of the largest recipients of food aid in the world. The head of

    the District Agricultural Office explained that due to availability of food aid for many years, farmers

    have developed a dependency syndrome and have become reluctant to improve their lives. As a

    consequence they are not willing to use their potential to improve their livelihood by themselves.

    (Aschale, 2012)

  • 8/10/2019 Should Wealthy Nations Be Required to Share Their Wealth Among Poorer Nations by Providing Such Things as Fo


    To sum up, aid is not always effective. Aid cannot achieve the end of poverty. ( Easterly,

    2009, p.368) . Instead, the rich countries should stimulate the self-efforts of themselves to overcome

    the troubles.

    Word count: 295


    Dambisa , M . ( 2009 , March 21) .Why Foreign Aid Is Hurting Africa. Africa News . WSJ Asia .

    Retrieved from

    Easterly, W. (2009) The White Mans Burden: Why the wests efforts to aid the rest have done so

    much ill and so little good. New York: Penguin Books. Findley, M.G., Powell, J., Strandow,

    D.,& Tanner, J. (2010). The L

    Claire , A.,Manuel , V., World Hunger: A Moral Response. Santa Claure University. Retrieved from

    Aschale, S. (2012, November 27) Food aid and dependency syndrome in Ethiopia: Local

    perceptions.The Journal of Humanitarian Assistance.Retrieved from
  • 8/10/2019 Should Wealthy Nations Be Required to Share Their Wealth Among Poorer Nations by Providing Such Things as Fo


    Phm B t

    M SV: 1317710020


    Should students work part time during university studies?

    Nearly 4 out of 5 college students are working while attending school.- according to

    findings by Citigroup and Seventeen Magazine from a 2013 survey of over 1000 students (1). Why

    do so many students work ? Is working part time helpful for the students ? Yes. It is necessary that

    students work part time during college because it reinforces the subject knowledge and develops good

    work habits.

    Many people may say that working part- time undermines performance at school such as the

    decline in grades and attendance because students cannot balance the time between job and studying

    It can lead to the likelihood for students to drop out of the school . They may be right to some certain

    extent. It is common knowledge that a part time job often takes from two to three hours and students

    who work 20 hours or less report roughly similar grades as do students who do not work at all

    (Doug,2009) (2) . In contrast, part time jobs is aid for students to increase specialised knowledgein

    the choosen field . Due to poor conditions and facilitiesat the university , students do not have much

    chance of practice what students studied. In other words, working part time allows students to

    practice for the 'real world (Natalie &Alexa,2014) (3). In addition to applying theory of subjects,

    working part time also helps students gain experience, therefore, the students can find a job after

    graduation. The job market is quite competitive , so work experience can distinguish a student from

    the others. The most important factor contributing to the success of employability is work

    experience, not degree subjects studied according to a survey of 500 employers when they hire

    graduates.( Alexandra, 2006).(4)
  • 8/10/2019 Should Wealthy Nations Be Required to Share Their Wealth Among Poorer Nations by Providing Such Things as Fo


    Some people still maintain that working part-time causes bad habits such as: lateness in the

    class, laziness in doing homework or sleepiness in the class because it simply takes up the time.

    However, such an argument completely ignores the fact that students are working in a professional

    environment, which means good work habits: promptness, reliability, efficient management of time.

    The students become more organized and better planners because they can fit a part time job into

    school schedule and weigh priorities in order meet the deadline. These skills are among the most

    important factors deciding whether a student is hired or not . Good management of time gives the

    student an advantage over his colleagues . He gets assigned to more important projects in the future.

    Therefore, your chance of career success is much higher thanks to gaining skills from a part time job.

    To sum up, working part time offers more benefits than harm because it provides not only

    knowledge but also necessary skills that greatly contribute to future success. Tamsen Butler, the

    author of the Complete Guide to Personal Finance for Teenagers , says There are merits to having a

    job. (5)

    Word count: 482

  • 8/10/2019 Should Wealthy Nations Be Required to Share Their Wealth Among Poorer Nations by Providing Such Things as Fo



    Citigroup , (2013, August 7 ) New Citi/Seventeen Survey: College Students Take Control of Their

    Financial . Retrieved from the citigroup website:

    Doug ,G. ( 2009, June 8). The Impact of Student Employment. Retrieved from

    Natalie, G., Alexa, J.M. Should universities ban part-time work students. Retrieved from the guardian



    Alexandra, S. Experience, not degree, comes first for employers. Retrieved from The guardian


    Should students get jobs during college? Retrieved from
  • 8/10/2019 Should Wealthy Nations Be Required to Share Their Wealth Among Poorer Nations by Providing Such Things as Fo


    Altho ugh it is true that part t ime work enables students to

    be f inancial ly independent to some extent whi le gaining w ork

    exper ience , their level of dedicat ion and comm itment for

    their stud ies is wh at that gets ser ious ly affected.


  • 8/10/2019 Should Wealthy Nations Be Required to Share Their Wealth Among Poorer Nations by Providing Such Things as Fo
