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Show Racism the RED Card Project Summary

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Show Racism the RED CardProject Summary

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Introduction by Project Coordinator 1

Resources 1

Scotland 2

Wales 5

Schools Competition 6

North East Schools Work 6

Events 8

Patrons 9

Management Committee, Scottish

and Welsh Advisory Committees 9

Contact Details 10

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Introductionby Ged Grebby – Project Coordinator

Welcome to another first for our campaign: A ProjectSummary. The aim of this summary and theaccompanying DVD is to allow organisations an insightinto the work of our anti-racist educational campaign.Hopefully through these two new resources, we candevelop our partnerships and explore ways in which wecan work more productively together to fight racism.

Show Racism the Red Card is an anti-racist charity,which was established in January 1996. The aim of ourorganisation is to produce anti-racist educationalresources, which harness the high profile ofprofessional footballers to combat racism. Oureducational materials are very accessible and havebeen highly successful over many years. Footballersare role models for young people who will listen tothem and learn from them. We have added to therange and quality of our resources over the years, butthe central resource remains our Show Racism the RedCard film, which features professional footballers.

The organisation has built up a pool of professionalfootballers as patrons and one of the highlights of ourwork remains the interaction of the players with youngpeople at our events at Football Clubs. In Scotland, wealso have the job of trying to combat racism in football.

The campaign has expanded from our North East ofEngland base and now has offices in Cardiff andGlasgow. We have also expanded our base of rolemodels, to work with actors and other professionalsports people. Our staff and management committeehave developed a three-year business plan andstrategic vision. As part of our discussions we havereconfirmed our mission statement.

Mission StatementShow Racism The Red Card is an anti-racisteducational charity. We aim to combat racism throughenabling role models, who are predominately but notexclusively footballers, to present an anti-racistmessage to young people and others.

Show Racism The Red Card acknowledges that racismchanges, as do the experiences of Black and MinorityEthnic communities in the UK. Our message andactivities therefore need to be able to respond to suchchanges as and when appropriate.

We achieve this through:

• Producing educational resources

• Developing activities to encourage people, includingyoung people, to challenge racism

• In parts of the UK, challenging racism in the gameof football and other sports.

This project summary should be used in conjunctionwith the campaign DVD which accompanies it. ThisDVD includes video footage of our campaign, ourlatest Annual Reviews and guides for Councils andFootball Clubs working with our campaign. The aimof producing these resources is hopefully to increasethe number of partners we have working with ourcampaign. With your help we will be able to spreadthe anti-racist message even further and combat thegrowth of racism in society.

Resources• SRTRC DVD/video and Education pack - £20

• Scottish video and Education pack - £15

• A Safe Place video and Education pack - £10

• Campaign DVD

• Magazine - 100 for £50

• Posters

• Guide for Councils

• Guide for Football Clubs

• Pin Badges - £0.18/each

• Button Badges - £0.10/each

• T shirts - £8

• Stickers

• Carrier Bags

• Wristbands - £1

• Display boards of young peoples artwork and poetry

• Website


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SCOTLANDReports by Billy Singh, Tommy Breslin andZoobia Aslam.

Show Racism the Red Card established an office inScotland in 2003. We have three full time members ofstaff and 6 volunteers. We also employ a number ofex-professional footballers on a sessional basis todeliver our anti-racist workshops in schools.

Racism within football in Scotland has been on thedecrease but there has been a steady increase inreported incidents within society in general (over 5000in 2005/2006). To date we have delivered over 180anti-racist educational workshops in 5 local councilsand our aim is to deliver to all local authority areas inScotland.

As well as our school workshops we hold stadiumevents at all Scottish Premier League clubs and manyothers from the Scottish Football League throughoutthe season. We encourage fans to report racistincidents at football matches to us and we work veryclosely with the clubs, football authorities and thepolice to eradicate racism in and around stadiums.

Show Racism the Red Card Scotland is a partner of theFootball Against Racism in Europe (FARE) network.With our European colleagues we hold a fortnight ofaction every October. This involves all 42 professionalclubs as well as grass roots organisations beinginvolved in anti-racist initiatives. During this time wealso distribute small grants for the development ofcommunity based projects around anti-racism.

Coaching with a Conscience:A Safe Place

In Scotland we have a working partnership with theSPFA to deliver educational workshops combined withfootball training sessions. Players and Managersincluding Gerry Britton, Derek Ferguson, Brian Irvine,and Alan Mahood and Jim Duffy have been busydelivering these workshops throughout Scotland. Wehave called these workshops: “Coaching with aConscience: A Safe Place” programmes and they aredelivered in partnership with the local authority toeducate school students about issues surroundingasylum. Our pilot project demonstrated that this seriesof workshops is effective in educating young peopleabout these issues and changing negative perceptionsand behaviours to positive understandings.

Each workshop consists of an educational sessiondelivered by a footballer, the session includes ascreening of the A Safe Place film in combination withan exploration of the issues raised. The students aregiven an opportunity to ask questions take part in ashort quiz. SRTRC football posters and magazines aredistributed at the end of the session. The educationalsession is followed by an enjoyable football trainingsession, which is also facilitated by the footballer.

The school is encouraged to build on these sessionsand is provided with A Safe Place Video and EducationPack that teachers can use to further educate thestudents about racism in a positive and engagingmanner.

In addition to this project, we have united with localauthorities and local football clubs to developeducational workshops that tackle racism. Theseworkshops are modelled on the Coaching with aConscience programmes and utilise Show Racism theRed Card films, which explore racism in a moregeneral sense.

Please see the ‘Good Practice Guide for Councils’ onthe accompanying DVD for a case study detailing howShow Racism the Red Card works in partnership withCity of Edinburgh Council amongst others.

East Ayrshire Council united withKilmarnock FCEast Ayrshire Council united with Kilmarnock FC andShow Racism The Red Card to deliver these workshopsto all primary schools within their area. Kilmarnock FCcommunity coaching staff delivered the educationalworkshops and coaching sessions. Players joining thecoaches to demonstrate further support enhanced theworkshops. All students received Show Racism TheRed Card resources including a wristband andKilmarnock FC squad poster.

The Coaching with a Conscience project can betailored to meet specific needs of local authorities.

For further information and a copy of the ‘Coachingwith a Conscience: A Safe Place’ pilot project report,please call us on 0141 332 8566 or [email protected]

Above Right: Clockwise from topMotherwell FC, Hibernian FC, Dundee United FC


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The Fortnight of ActionDuring October of each year Show Racism the RedCard organises a Fortnight of Action. This time ofconcerted action encourages community groups,schools and professional football clubs amongstothers to positively engage with Show Racism the RedCard in sending out a message that there is no placefor racism in football or in wider society.

In Scotland all of the clubs playing at the professionallevel take part. The involvement of the SFL and SPLclubs makes this the highest profile event in the ShowRacism the Red Card (Scotland) calendar. The clubs allparticipate in a centre circle Red Card display intandem with an anti-racist public address systemannouncement prior to kick-off. The clubs are alsoencouraged to run a Show Racism the Red Card storyon their website, in their printed magazines and matchday programmes. All SPL clubs are provided withSRTRC T-Shirts to wear during the pre-match warm up.

Queens Park, St Johnstone, Gretna and Dundee Unitedhave all run anti-racist workshops as part of their youthand community training programmes during the Fortnightof Action. Supporters Trusts for Ayr United, Albion Rovers,St Mirren, Dundee United and Falkirk have all developedanti-racist actions with their clubs. Many grassroots teamsin Renfrew, Glasgow and Edinburgh held centre circle RedCard displays prior to kick off. These actions areparticularly popular and create a sense of unity from thegrassroots through to the professional levels.

A growing number of schools are involved inorganising actions, these actions have taken the formof anti-racist workshops, fun runs and footballtournaments. Many community groups acrossScotland utilise our Fortnight of Action grant schemeto develop enjoyable educational projects. TheFortnight of Action aims to act as a catalyst for furtheranti-racist actions throughout the rest of the year.

For further information please call us on 0141 332 8566or email [email protected]


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Communities UnitingShow Racism the Red Card can provide schools,educationalists, community workers, communitygroups and others with a wide range of resources toassist in facilitating anti-racism projects. We regularlyorganise stalls at community based events andfestivals including the Melas in Glasgow, Edinburghand Newcastle. These information stalls are essentialin raising awareness and encouraging participationwith the campaign.

As racism continues to increase, we look at newavenues to reach young people and enhance ourcampaign. We are now developing links in the world ofmusic and have been part of Billy Bragg’s Hope NotHate tours and received support from Jerry Dammers,Snow Patrol and Chumbawamba amongst others.Music festivals are increasingly popular and we arenow involved in major summer music festivalsincluding T in the Park and the Belladrum Tartan HeartFestival at which we promote our message.

Scottish Schools CompetitionThe Scottish schools art competition is an integral partof the Show Racism the Red Card Scotland Calendar.Show Racism the Red is fundamentally an educationalcampaign focusing on educating both children andadults against the menace of racism. The Scottishschools art competition therefore fits perfectly with thework being undertaken at large in Scotland.

The Scottish Show Racism the Red Card video andeducation pack has been distributed to every school,both primary and secondary throughout Scotland withthe help of the Scottish Executive. This allows schoolsto produce artwork and creative writing by studying thematerials supplied, enabling pupils to contributemature and thought provoking entries. Participants cansubmit visual art, poetry or multimedia entries, whichare then judged by a panel of independent judges.

The Schools competition has been run in partnershipwith the EIS, Scotland’s largest teaching union. TheEIS have supported the competition throughout andhave played an essential part in the growth andpopularity of the competition.

Scotland’s football clubs have also been great supportersof the competition. The prizes donated have steadilyincreased year on year, and with the stars of Scottishfootball adorning the prize giving ceremony every yearthe Scottish schools art competition has embedded itselfinto the Scottish schools and football calendar.

For further information please call us on 0141 332 8566or email [email protected]

Above Left: Joe Shaw of Newcastle Falcons Rugby Clubwith Gary Lightbody and Paul Wilson of Snow Patrol


SPL Players Jose Goncalves, Andy Driver, and Michael Stewart with Stranraer Manager Gerry Britton and youngfans at City of Edinburgh Council Launch

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WALESBy Sunil Patel – Wales Campaign Coordinator

Show Racism the Red Card in Wales established aCardiff Office in October 2006 when I came into postas the new Wales Co-ordinator. The campaign inWales has started to make a big impression. In ashort space of time, a number of activities have takenplace reaching out to the people of Wales and we havehad a great response to our work.

Football club events were held with both Cardiff Cityand Wrexham FC and the new season will see theseevents extend into the Welsh Premier Leagues withsome clubs already lined up to host our events.

Posters were produced with Cardiff City, Swansea CityFC, Wrexham and the Wales International football squadwith over 25,000 posters being distributed during theseason, which have been extremely popular with youngpeople. We are also in the process of producing posterswith the Wales under 19 Football team and our first everCricket club poster with Glamorgan Cricket Club.

The Show Racism the Red Card schools competition2007 in Wales was highly successful, 52 schools tookpart with over 10,000 school children watching ourDVD. We had great prizes donated by the clubs andthe Football Association of Wales with the prize givingceremony held at the Millennium Stadium.

The schools competition in Wales will see more and moreschools entering future competitions with the backing wehave from the teaching unions in Wales. We have alsoreceived a good response from Welsh Rugby Clubs, someof the well-known stars of the national team have helpedtowards raising our profile in Wales and we will continueto work with the clubs in spreading our message.

The rest of the year will see the campaign in Walesworking with more clubs from the Welsh Premier leagueas well as clubs at grassroots. The campaign will also belooking to encourage participation and representation ofethnic minorities into Welsh football and we will beworking with our partners towards capacity buildingwith the aim of contributing towards seeing more ethnicminorities participating in the game in Wales andworking towards ‘showing racism the red card’.

Show Racism the Red Card


Sunil Patel, Wales Campaign Coordinator with boxer Amir Khan and Sanjay Vedi of SRTRC Wales Advisory Committee

Wales International Footballers Rob Earnshaw andDanny Gabbidon meeting Sadie Holmes, a winner inthe Wales Anti-Racist Schools Competition 2007

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Anti-Racist Schools CompetitionBy Gavin Sutherland – Campaign Worker for England

We run a schools competition in the UK each year. Thecompetition has consistently been a great way tointroduce young people and teachers to our resourcesand is a good way to begin addressing racism withpupils. The competition asks schools to register andshow participating pupils a copy of the Show Racismthe Red Card film.

The video explores different aspects of racism, so thework does not have to have a football theme. Thepupils then produce a piece of visual artwork, poem,short story or video against racism.

The school will then have the task of picking its ownwinning entry. Due to the large response to thecompetition each year we can only accept one entryper school.

A panel of judges will pick the winners Nationally andShow Racism the Red Card will organise a prize-givingceremony to present the winners with their prizes.Winning entries will be selected in each age group, withprofessional footballers presenting the prizes at theprize-giving ceremonies. In the past these prizes haveincluded match tickets and autographed football itemssuch as shirts or footballs, as well as a framed certificate.The entry judged to have won the competition nationallywill receive a prize for their school too.

Entries in the Schools Competition could also bepublished in future editions of the Show Racism theRed Card magazine or turned in to posters. SRTRChave recently decided to make all the entries in themost recent competition into a permanent touringexhibition. This exhibition is available to publicbuildings and organisations, wishing to display it on aloan basis, free of charge.

For more information on the competition or on theexhibition, please contact Gav Sutherland on0191 291 0160 or [email protected]

North-East EnglandCommunity Education Team:Project SummaryBy Sarah Soyei, North East England CommunityEducation Coordinator

We have been able to deliver a programme ofcommunity anti-racist education in the North East ofEngland since June 2004, thanks to the support of theFootball Foundation, UNISON, and many LocalAuthorities.

We visit schools and youth groups with the followingaims:

• To familiarise young people with a range of factsand skills that will enable them to challenge racism.

• To increase young peoples understanding of issuesof diversity and identity, their rights andresponsibilities

• To promote young peoples involvement as activeand responsible citizens in a growing multi-racialsociety

Our staff team includes ex-Sunderland stars GaryBennett and Kieron Brady and the work is greatly aidedby a team of volunteers.

Gary Bennett was one of the first black footballers inthe North East, he played for the Black Cats for 11years and was their captain for 5, before moving on tobecome the manager of Darlington FC for 2 years.Kieron was said to be a truly exciting natural talentbefore injury sadly caused his early retirement fromfootball when he was only 21.

We deliver classroom workshops alongside footballtraining sessions with the young people. We havediscovered that the football training and presence ofex-professional players add an extra dimension to thework and increase the enjoyment and participation ofthe young people.

Whilst the main focus of our work is delivering anti-racism workshops to young people in schools andyouth groups across the North East, we also work inthe community delivering more high profile events.

Amongst other things we organise• Stalls at community events throughout North East


• Events at Premier and Football League clubs in theNorth East

• Anti-racist Community events aimed at uniting localboroughs against racism and promoting communitycohesion. The first of these was “Walker United” inconjunction with Walker Central Football Club andother local community organisations


Left: Baljeet Ghale,NUT President with2007 Anti RacistSchools CompetitionOverall Winner RyanTanner

Above Right: PeterBeardsley with youngpeople from NorthTyneside at JJB SoccerDome Event


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• Teacher Training conferences• Anti-Racist Soccer Schools in conjunction with grass

roots football clubs• Anti-racist football tournaments

When we launched the work we were delivering hour-longworkshops in each school, but after finding this timeincreasingly short we now deliver two hour or longerworkshops wherever possible. During the first hour theyoung people watch the DVD and engage in activities anddiscussion around the issue of Racism. During thesecond hour they take part in a quiz, produce their ownwork with an anti-racist theme, undertake some role-playwith freeze-frames and the session concludes with aquestion and answer session between the young peopleand Gary and Kieron around football and racism.

As well as our main anti-racism workshops we alsorun workshops using our “ A Safe Place” video. Theseworkshops are aimed at dispelling the mythssurrounding Asylum Seekers and Refugees. Theseworkshops are extremely important in today’s climatewhere newspapers and politicians help to feed themisunderstandings and resentment that many peoplehave towards asylum seekers and refugees. It is notsurprising that many of the young people we meet arevery confused about the issue.

Previously we only delivered the “A Safe Place” workshopto secondary schools. However the success of the schemein Glasgow, where they have been delivering this workshopto 10 and 11 year olds with great results, has inspired usto open the workshop to these ages in the North East. It isalso a good way to follow up the original workshop andbuild upon the work that we have already delivered.

Partnership working andinformation sharingAs time goes by we are working increasingly closely withother organisations in the local area that are involvedwith Race and Asylum issues. These partnershipsenable us to further increase the scope and impact ofour work, visit schools we may not otherwise have beenable to access and gain knowledge of other peoplesresources and ways in which we can improve ours. Wehave worked in partnership with the North East RefugeeService, Positive Images, the Children’s Society, L’Afriquea Newcastle, Save the Children, and Sunderland Anti-Bullying Alliance amongst others.

Our closest partnership is with Community Connection –a small department within Newcastle CSV. CommunityConnection was set up to support and encourage AsylumSeekers into volunteering, they provide ESOL lessons,childcare, information and pastoral support to asylumseeking volunteers. As a result of this they realised theimpact that these volunteers could have in educatingyoung people and we now visit schools together with otherorganisations to run citizenship days where, alongside ourworkshops, the young people have the opportunity to hearthe volunteers tell their stories of how and why they cameto the country. This is not only beneficial to the youngpeople but also the volunteers themselves who alwayscome away from the sessions with a real high.

By working together we can deliver a more cohesive, indepth and varied education programme to help youngpeople increase their understanding of the issuesaround race, diversity and inclusion.

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Sharing Good Practice Our work in the North East and partnerships withlocal councils has attracted interest from all over theUK; Glasgow, Edinburgh and Nottingham Councilshave already begun their own projects and QPR,Carlisle and Milton Keynes football in the communityschemes have expressed an interest in developing asimilar scheme in their areas.

We have developed guides advising organisations ofthe ways in which they can best engage with ShowRacism the Red Card’s resources. There are twoguides, one for football teams and one for councils inwhich we have shared the experience that we have hadin the North East in order for people to set up similarschemes in their own areas.

Looking ForwardThe Community Education team is continuallyexpanding and developing. As well as the areasmentioned above we are currently

• Working in partnership with Durham Council tostrengthen our resources on Travellers and developworkshops on this issue

• Working in partnership with North and SouthTyneside Councils to develop a Gold Standard forRace Equality Scheme for local schools

• Organising monitoring events with young people tohelp to evaluate and improve our work

Show Racism the Red CardEducational Events at FootballClubsBy Gavin Sutherland, Campaign Worker for England

Show Racism the Red Card holds regular educationalevents for young people at Football clubs throughoutthe UK. In their simplest form our events involveinviting a group of about 100 young people from thelocal area to the club where they will watch our anti-racist DVD and pose questions on racism to a panel,which would comprise of footballers from local teams,prominent community members and Show Racism theRed Card staff.

SRTRC have recently increased the amount of eventsat football clubs we hold and are looking to continueto contact new clubs we have not worked with before,to arrange more events.

Reports of SRTRC events at football clubs can befound on the accompanying DVD and

In addition to the standard event we have also hadmusicians, rappers, poetry readings, football jugglersand ground tours on different occasions. Events can betailored to the needs of the club and any partnershiporganisations which have helped to organise the event.

Many clubs also provide a signed club football, shirt ormatch tickets for the event, which we award to theyoung person asking the best question on the day. Inaddition, most clubs offer a tour of the stadium for theyoung people at the end of the event to finish off theday, and even gain some new fans.

We send several boxes of our materials to the clubbefore the event. Usually this constitutes posters,magazines, badges and carrier bags that are handedout to the audience.

If you require any more information or you wish toenlist the help of Show Racism the Red Card to set upan event in your area please contact Gav Sutherlandon 0191 291 0160.


Above: SRTRC Workshop at GeorgeStephenson High School, North Tyneside

Top Right (L-R): Ex Sunderland playerKieron Brady with Andrew Taylor, James Morrisson

and Abel Xavier of Middlesbrough FC

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Patrons and ManagementCommittee

English Management Committee:Sue Abbott; Nadeem Ahmad; Sumati Bala;Simone Doyle; David Foster; Derek Gardner;David Kendrick; Martin Lightfoot; Kevin MilesPete Widlinski

Scottish Advisory Committee:Veronica Rankin - EIS; Tony Higgins – FIFPro; Fraser Wishart; Kevin O’Neill - Unison;Eileen Dinning – Unison; Derek Kirkwood - SFA

Welsh Advisory Committee:Jon Beynon – Welsh Assembly Government; Sara Butlin – Welsh Assembly Government;(Secondment from Sports Council Wales); John Deakin – The Football Association of Wales; Dawn Hayes – Unison; Andrew Howard – The Football Association of Wales; John Griffiths – National Assembly for Wales; Tom Overton – Sports Council Wales; Sanjiv Vedi – Welsh Assembly Government; Neil Ward – Welsh Football Trust

PatronsJohn Aldridge, Sam Allardyce, Darren Ambrose, SholaAmeobi, Viv Anderson, John Barnes, Earl Barrett,Warren Barton, Dave Bassett, Dave Bennett, GaryBennett, John Beresford, Luther Blissett, Graham

Branch, Craig Brown, Steve Bruce, Lee Clark, SteveCoppell, Steve Cotterill, Kenny Cunningham, EugeneDadi, Robbie Earle, Paul Elliot, Jason Euell, RioFerdinand, Curtis Fleming, Danny Foster, HowardGayle, Alain Goma, John Hendrie, Colin Hendry, CraigHignett, Shaka Hislop, Gerard Houllier, Mark Hughes,Chris Hughton, Andrew Impey, Chris Kamara, DavidKelly, Jeff Kenna, Ledley King, Gary Lineker, LomanaLua Lua, Brian McClair, Alex McLeish, Jon Newsome,David O’Leary, Martin O’Neill, Gary Pallister, GavinPeacock, David Platt, Chris Powell, Spencer Prior, NiallQuinn, Peter Reid, Laurent Robert, Sir Bobby Robson,Bryan Robson, Glenn Roeder, Sam Saunders, FrankSinclair, Trevor Sinclair, Jim Smith, Walter Smith, EfeSodje, Graham Taylor, Stan Ternent, Jason De Vos,David Wetherall, Bobby Williamson, Danny Wilson,Calvin Zola.

Scottish PatronsMarvin Andrews, Craig Beattie, Rainer Bonhof, GerryBriton, Craig Brown, Richie Byrne, Mo Camara, XanderDiamond, Stuart Duff, Paul Elliott, Craig Gordon, JamesGrady, Michael Hart, Mark Hateley,Colin Hendry, JimJefferies, Neil Lennon, Craig Levein, Jim Leishman,David Marshall, Gordon Marshall, Stuart McCaffrey,Jamie McAllister, Derek McIness, Alex McLeish, JackieMcNamara, Jackie McNamara (Snr.), Tony Mowbray, IanMurray, Hamed Namouchi, Robbie Neilson, Pat Nevin,Barry Nicholson, Colin Nish, Phil O'Donnell, StevenPressley, Nigel Quashie, Mark Reynolds, Colin Samuel,Brent Sancho, Jason Scotland, Gary Smith, JamieSmith, Walter Smith, Michael Stewart, Andy Walker,Mark Walters, Derek Whyte.

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Contact Details

Head Office:

PO Box 141, Whitley BayTyne and Wear NE26 3YH

Tel: 0191 291 0160Fax: 0191 297 1555

Ged Grebby, Project [email protected]

Paul Kearns, UK Office [email protected]

Gavin Sutherland, Campaign [email protected]

Sarah Soyei, North East Community Education [email protected]

Scottish Office:

Show Racism the Red Card ScotlandGMB UnionFountain House1-3 Woodside CrescentGlasgow G3 7UJ

Tel: 0141 332 8566Fax: 0141 332 8566

Billy Singh, Scottish [email protected]

Zoobia Aslam, Scottish Campaign [email protected]

Tommy Breslin, Scottish Campaign [email protected]

Welsh Office:

Show Racism the Red Card WalesFAW TrustIndoor Arena, Vale ResortHensol Park, HensolPontyclun CF72 8JY

Tel: 01443 228873 ext. 19

Sunil Patel, Welsh [email protected]

Reg Charity No: 1116971Reg Company No: 5834708


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