#shrm13 @ kevincsnyder

#SHRM13 @KevinCSnyder Kevin Snyder, Ed.D.

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#SHRM13 @ KevinCSnyder. Kevin Snyder, Ed.D . Why will they listen to me?. What problem will I help them solve?. #SHRM13 @ KevinCSnyder. The Results of Poor Communication. Decreased Morale Lower Productivity Hostile Workforce Culture Disengagement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation

#SHRM13 @KevinCSnyder

Kevin Snyder, Ed.D.The following slides outline the SHRM 2013 presentation and explain some important benefits of effective communication and HOW we communicate.1#SHRM13 @KevinCSnyder

Why will they listen to me?

What problem will I help them solve?

We need to be thinking of communication in terms of OUTCOME, rather than what we need to say. When we ask ourselves these two questions, Why will they listen to me? and What problem will I help them solve? then our approach and purpose for communication will be enhanced and become more effective.2

The Results of Poor CommunicationDecreased MoraleLower ProductivityHostile Workforce CultureDisengagementInhibited TeambuildingEmployee Attrition/TurnoverConfusion/Lack of ClarityDATA DUMP! Here are common results from ineffective communication. As you can see, it has bottom line results that impact our workforce cultures, relationships, and ability to achieve desired goals.3#SHRM13 @KevinCSnyder

Majority of the workforce by 2015!

Generation Y (i.e. The Millennials, Net Generation, Digital Natives, your High Potentials, etc.) will be the MAJORITY of the workforce population by 2015. Why is this important? Because they have grown up with technology and how they communicate, and lead, will be significantly different than how previous generations have communicated and led. The next few slides will go into more details.4#SHRM13 @KevinCSnyder

Again, Generation Y has grown up with technology --- everything is fast-paced and focus is more on instant gratification. I want it NOW is a very common mindset amongst this generation. (If you are facilitating this, provide examples . Your kids, 5#SHRM13 @KevinCSnyder

This used to be a phone it basically did one thing!!6#SHRM13 @KevinCSnyder

The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has actually taken place.Dont confuse ACTIVITY with PRODUCTIVITY

Now our phones can practically do everything --- in fact the #3 usage of a phone NOW is to actually talk on it. #2 is email/internet and #1 is TEXTING!!Because we are communicating less face-2-face than ever before, think about how technology has impacted how you communicate in the workplace. Yet remember, the single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that is has actually taken place!!7#SHRM13 @KevinCSnyder

I shared a few examples of this in the presentation HOW you say it can have more meaning than WHAT you say. Think about an argument youve been in or a misunderstanding or the vice, think about how nicely/compassionately/professionally someone has shared constructively feedback with you. Because they shared it effectively, the meaning was enhanced by HOW they said it. (Contact me to help identify examples!)8

Many times, we go into meetings and enter into conversations with a WHAT mindset. Meaning, WHAT is it that I need to say? However, when we enter into a meeting or a conversation (as well as a presentation!), then we cannot forget that the WHY and HOW are equally, if not more, important. WHY am I communicating this? HOW will I be communicating this information. The point: when we focus on the WHY and HOW, we become more effective communicators! 9#SHRM13 @KevinCSnyder

I didnt say that Kelly Clarkson just walked into the back of the room.

This was a FUN example of how changing your vocal inflection can result in completely different meanings of the exact same message. For example, putting vocal inflection emphasis on the parenthesis below, youll understand:I didnt say that Kelly Clarkson just walked into the back of the room.I didnt say that Kelly Clarkson just walked into the back of the room.I didnt say that Kelly Clarkson just walked into the back of the room.I didnt say that Kelly Clarkson just walked into the back of the room.I didnt say that Kelly Clarkson just walked into the back of the room.I didnt say that Kelly Clarkson just walked into the back of the room.

* Again, HOW we say something can provide completely different meanings.


Communications Activity This slide introduces the concept of the Jetfighter Communications Activity. You could begin the conversation by asking questions such as Why is communication important?, What are the benefits of effective communication?, Someone explain to me a situation where they experienced effective communication from a co-worker/supervisor?, ?, Someone explain to me a situation where they experienced INEFFECTIVE communication from a co-workher/supervisor?, etc. Contact me if youd like to discuss various way of introducing this activity. I highly recommend some sort of tone-setting discussion on the importance of communication before launching into this exercise! A few open facilitative questions is all you need!Also, Ive facilitated this different ways; sometimes you can have them sitting already in a jetfighter formation or you can have them move into the correct seating formation after you explain the directions. Completely up to you! Participant size can be anywhere from 12-120 . Its 6 people/group (includes messenger) so its nice when you have 3+ groups.


Activity DirectionsExplain the rules:You have three(3) songs to land the jetfighter plane or else you (crash).You will be given directions on HOW to land the plane.Chain of command:(A can only communicate with B, B can communicate with anyone, and C-D-E can only communicate with B. C-D-E cannot communicate amongst themselves.All communication must be in written format; you are not allowed to speak. You will be given small notes of paper to write your messages. The format for those messages must be in To and From format. If not, your message will NOT be delivered.Each of you will have a Messenger; when you write your message, raise your hand and the messenger will ensure that your message is written properly and they will deliver your message.Again, you have 3 songs to complete this activity and this must be done in silence. Any questions?12

Activity Directions

No talkingOnly communicate through notesMust raise hand for messengerThree songs!

You might want to list directions on the slide, such as here.13

Ready?Ensure everyone has slips of paper, pen/paper, and their directions. This should take roughly one minute.14


Play the first song and watch your jetfighter team become slightly frustrated! I recommend walking around the room and observing. You could even have an Observer as a person watching the dynamic in the room. Normally, no planes begin to land until the middle of the 2nd song. I have had groups where no one landed until the 3rd song you might want to add a 4th song just in case. You are the facilitator so you can control the exercise! You want at least one plane to land though. As planes begin to land, announce it to the group, i.e. Plane #1 has Landed!15How did this game make you feel?Who felt frustrated? Once 3 songs are over (remind them at the ending of each song and do a final countdown at 30 seconds!), then you will want to bring the group back together to process the exercise. Here are the two common questions I ask the group, making note of WHO (i.e. A, B, C-D-E) is speaking. Keep asking Why or Tell me More

16Please read your directionsOnce you feel that enough discussion has taken place, go ahead and have them read their directions. I recommend starting with either C-D-E (just one of them), then B, then A. As directions are being read, participants will realize that NOT EVERYONE WAS GIVEN THE SAME DIRECTIONS!!17Group questionsAs Pilots sitting in the A seat, what strategies could we have implemented to prevent communication breakdown?As C-D-E passengers, what could we have done since we find ourselves in the back, lacking information?These are the two power questions I have the entire group answer, OR I have them break up into small groups (i.e. their planes) to answer. If I facilitate these two questions as small groups, then I have them report back to the larger group with a spokesperson. (This is where you could easily lengthen the activity) And dont forget to talk about the B position; many times they are so busy and they dont know WHY! Also, when/if they realized how to land the plane, they didnt forward that communication down further. You needed everyone to land that plane!18PILOTS A Seat

~ Dont assume everyone knows what you know~ Ensure everyone knows the objective~ Acknowledge you need everyone to get to safety~ Delegate/ask for helpOnce the large/small groups have reported, go through the next following slides to highlight some of the take-a-ways!These are some tips to outline for the pilots 19Co-Pilot/Navigator B Seat

~ Be clear about what the objectives are~ Ask Head Honcho for clarification and help~ Let Passengers know what you knowTips for the Co-pilot or Navigator (whatever you decide to call the B seat position.)20Passengers C-D-E

~ Be clear about what the objectives are~ Ask Mechanics for clarification and help~ Dont just sit there Get Involved!Tips for the C-D-Es!21

Communicate differently based on what we know

We need everyone in the planeAs professionals, we find ourselves in each seat at that same timeHere are some highlighted ending thoughts An ending powerful question I ask is for the group to provide a scenario where they sit in each seat at the same time! Meaning, depending on the type of participant group (lets say the participants are managers), then they are in the C-D-E position when working with the CEO/President/VP but in the A position when talking with their direct reports/employees. So you see, the same individual could be seated in all seats at the same time. Get them to provide examples of how this relates to their work.22Jet fighter activity directions are on the next few slides!

Or you can visit my website, www.kevincsnyder.com/resources to download the directions and powerpoint

* Note: I have 2 communications exercises; Jetfighter and Roller Coaster.

Activity Directions

No talkingOnly communicate through notesMust raise hand for messengerThree songs!


Contact me for any questions on how to facilitate/process this activity!

Kevin Snyder, Ed.D.Kevin@InspirActiveSolutions.comwww.InspirActiveSolutions.com Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn: KevinCSnyder

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.InspiractiveSolutions.com

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#SHRM13 @KevinCSnyder