shrove tuesday

SHROVE TUESDAY (Pancake Tuesday)

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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How to make pancakes Institut Els Pallaresos


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SHROVE TUESDAY(Pancake Tuesday)

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SHROVE TUESDAY•Shrove Tuesday is a Christian tradition.•In the UK, it is called PANCAKE TUESDAY.•Pancake Tuesday marks the first day of LENT, which is the 40 days and 40 nights before EASTER.•The date of Pancake Tuesday changes every year because it is 40 days before Easter, and Easter is a different date each year.•This year Pancake Tuesday is Tuesday 12th February.

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•People traditionally made Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday to use up all the eggs, flour, sugar and milk before they began to FAST for lent.•People all over the UK cook pancakes in their homes on Pancake Tuesday, and TV shows sometimes have Pancake Competitions on TV.

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•People in England like to have competitions on Pancake Tuesday•The two main types of Pancake competitions:•> Pancake Flipping Contests•> Pancake Races

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•To Flip a pancake, is to toss it up in to the air, so that it turns over in the pan.•The aim of the pancake flipping competition is to see how many times the contestants can flip their pancake within a certain time. E.g 2 minutes•

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•In some parts of England, every Pancake Day people hold Pancake Races’, where they run through the streets with their frying pans and toss their pancakes.•The rules of the competition mean that you have to wear an APRON and a BANDANA.•

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HOW TO EAT PANCAKES?•Traditionally pancakes on Pancake Tuesday are eaten with sugar and lemon.•However, now people choose to put different things on their pancakes such as Nutella, or honey.•The Pancakes are more similar to Crêpes, than American style pancakes.

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•120 g plain flour•2 eggs•300 ml milk•cooking oil, for __________ Method:

1._______ the flour into a bowl and make a hole in the centre. Add the eggs and ________. Gradually add in the milk, collecting the flour from around the edge, until you have a smooth batter. 2.________ and leave to stand in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. 3.4._________ a little oil in a frying pan, tilting the pan to ________ the oil evenly. 5.6._________ in just enough batter to thinly coat the base of the pan. Cook the batter for 1-2 minutes until golden on one side. _________, and cook the other side until golden. 7.8.Transfer to a plate and keep them warm.9. 10.Repeat with the remaining batter to make eight pancakes.

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To cover something is to

put a lid on top of it, to keep the heat inside it.

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TO FLIP/TOSS:To flip or to toss a

pancake is to throw the pancake up in the

air, out of the pan, and to catch it again.

The pancake needs to be turned over on to

the other side, so that both sides will be


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TO SIFT:To sift means to use a sieve to filter flour, to removes any lumps

from the flour.

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To whisk, means to mix all the ingredients

together with a whisk, so that you

end up with a smooth liquid.

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TO SPREAD:To spread is to smooth the product out, so that it is even and covers the whole surface.

For example:Spreading butter or jam on toastSpreading oil into a pan

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To heat something up, is to turn

something cold, into something

hot, usually when talking about cooking food.

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To pour means to transfer a

liquid from one container to


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FRYING:To fry something,

is a way of cooking, in a

special pan called a Frying Pan.

We make pancakes in a frying pan.