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< i I he cnttuiEntered ttot TWELFTH Tlalt I Class Matter NUMRElf 9 LOUIS LANDRAM Publisher ONETER DOLLAR A YEAR amass CORN rLarTEas and CULTIVATORS OlleJlorse SUPERIOR DISC CORN PLANTER See our 1Jqj 1t CULTIVATOR J R HASELDEN J A Beazley Co Funeral Directors 4 Arterial and Cavity Embalming A Specialty Eiull Line of Furniture and Carpets R L Davidson Attorney At = Law 4 Life insurance policies bought for Cash or loaned on for sums of 500 upward r u De of and L t i- I SI I Conns All kind of a I Capital wagon the best wagon made Sold by Gaines Bros We buy old gold and silver Thomp- son ¬ the Jeweler 2t The regular monthly meeting of tli Club will be held th first Tuesday night in each month Come boys aud eat all you want Just think we sell you fresh and crakers at the low price u lets Blue Grass Grocery Co A limited number of Lan stroth Bee lives for sale at Lea ells Planing Mill Also a lot of chicken feed 5304t i The Blue Grass Grocery is for cut prices Our cut prices this Week arc a surprise to many Best Cream Cheese locks Xow is the time to have your cis ¬ tern cleansed and T Hatcher can do a perfect job without taking out all the water Give him a call tf Ladies call at the Blue Grass Gro ¬ cery and examine our can goods We sell time finest grade of can fruit on the market 21 Ib can Bartlet pears at 5c per can All other goods in propor ¬ tion Blue Grass Grocery Co A Actv Name Liberty Bell is the name of the flour we are now making to sell at 50c per sack Like all of Wards Hour it is equal to any brand of its grade White Swan and Gilt Edge still retain their high standard of excellence Your grocer will supply you Bates the Miller Another Confab At the request of General Agent Stone Messrs John lT Farra and Louis Landram went to Louis villa today to confer with that ollicial the change of trains on this branch of the road So many stories have been circulated as to what the company is going to do that rIlE RKCOUD will quote Mr Stones exac language viz We have not decide- what we will do and still have the matter under IV believe the change will be made an when put in effect Lancaster will have as good railroad as any town in the state J YOU WILL FIND- A FULL LINE OF SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE IN OUR STORE SUCH + J i44H4tt4ittift4t4ttfftf0 Woolen Dress Goods Taffeta Silks Plea Soire Silk Foulard Silks Silk Tissue Silk Grenodinis Handsome Line Trimmings t Ginghams Lawns Dimities India Linons Paris Muslins- Embroidered Suisses tWhite Quilts Lace Muslin Curtains f Carpets Mattings J J machinery repaired Commercial Binge- snaps headquar- ters J Passenger consideration connections AS and jegarding Ff 4tf4 + ttif + ftt + + fNft- z + + f liens Clothing Boys Clothing Childrens Clothing r t Z We have a line of Odd E Pants left from Suits will Close Oil Cheep- s EE Furnishing Goods Hal fand Caps Mens Gov f Ladies Misses and Chi E drens I Shoes and Slippers Of all grades li Trunks and Telescopes ttti tt t t till i 1 t tt + ++ t + ++ TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I THE I LDGANDRY GOODS CO JScrivens Drawers at GOc Ward Sympson llebcrlings greenhouse is the pret tiesfc place in town The Capital the best farm wagon made sold and warranted by Gaines Bros madrac pique and corded madras cloth J Joseph For the Farmers lnsurancf you one per may 23tf We sell line table syrup at 20ets per gallon and old rio coffee at lOcts The Blue Grass Grocery Co Notwithstanding the high price of hogs now prevailing we will sell you pure loaf lard at the low priceof Sets Blne Grass Grocery Co Richmond Appreciated It Climax The Richmond party was royally entertained and returned Sat urday eloquent in thqir praises of Lancaster and her clever hospitable citizens If you want to hear some soulstir ing music and preaching that will put you on the right road to live a better life attend the services being held at the Christian church Go curly and hear the music The painting at the Presbyterian church was not dry Sunday and through the kindness of the Meth odist brethren services were held in the latter church Dr McDonald preaching in the morning and Dr McKee at nignt onTlerco The regular lirst team of Central University came down Saturday and were bested by the local lads to the tune of three to two It was a warm game from start to finish The Rich ¬ mond buys were gentlemen and the scrapping sometimes indulged in at base ball games was conspicuous by its absence A Ilumlaome Tub of Iaintiiiir tintd on Presbyterian church The work tva Jd an skilled in their line The ceiling is a beautiful skyblue the side walls be- ing ¬ of a lighter color The pews and other woodwork are finished in oak and shine like a new pin The work is worth going to sec Cape the Climax The most artistic and successft- souvenir edition that has come to 0 desk is that gotten out by the W ii thbook the press work cannot be excelled The work reflects great credit the Courier job ofllce while the rea ing matter shows much hard labor a careful preparation We late our good friend Judge John I Wcstover and wish him many nto years of prosperity He makes leis Courier one of the topnotchers Kentucky newspapers and the peop of his section of the state should fe proud of his untiring efforts Toll Gate Troubles In Boyle County It seems impossible to keep a toll- gate on the strip of road in Boyle between Garrard and Iledgeville Four guards were placed there for sev ¬ eral nights who kept the raiders from the little hut but these guards we removed and Friday night the h was blown to atoms by dynamite It was replaced and Monday night ti raiders set lire to it and burned notI only the hut but the pole also A collector is now on duty with a rope which he stretches across the road in day time but puts carefully away inhe his inside pocket at night The com- pany ¬ is anxious to dispose of the road but very wisely objects to furnishing charges They e are Conning Father Abraham tOfficial notice has been received from the delegation Louisville busi- ness ¬ men that their special train will arrive in Lancaster Wednesday morn ¬ ing June 19th The delegation is composed of members of the Louisville Board of Trade time Commercial Club and Merchants and Manufacturers Association There will be about 125 in the delegation they will come in a train of Pullman sleepers and bring a line band of music They leave Lou ¬ isville Tuesday morning the 18th go to Shelbyville Lawrenceburg Nicho lasville Richmond and spend the night at Estill Springs Early the next the train will run to 4Lancaster arriving at probably ten oclock Several hours will be spent here after which they go to Stanford Danville Lebanon and back home that night The local Club is making preparations to entertain the visitors- and make their stay pleasant A com ¬ mittee has been appointed to look af- ter the matter and the program will be published in full in next issue of THE RECORD s New wheels at SSOOanoXf 1000 and so on at Conns Carriages repaired painted and trimmed at Conns C Let us show you our lincshirts and Underwear Ward C Sympson The recent rains have put garden truck to growing lilac Jacks beau stank i Japalac makcs old furniture like new and jest finish for floors at 21iS Dont fail to get prices on Surrey Buggy Phaeton Harness and Saddle ¬ ry at Conns cheaper than the cheap- est ¬ Ward C Sympson have just received a new lot of Peters Shoe Cos Shoes All the very latest and uptodate A look will convince you Must GoA complete line of Bug ¬ gies road Wagons c must go You need our vehicles we want your mon- ey ¬ Conns Carriage House If you have property for sale or want a place see Davidson Lan dram who can save you much time and money They have anything want in the property line for sale a reasonable prices A Pretty Flower Miss Fannie Bishop has a geranium which now has liftylive blooms It is unusually pretty and is attracting much attention She has a many lovely lowers which arc we worth going to see Dr Goldstein Coining Those needing glasses fitted in the very best and most scientific manner will be delighted to know that Dr Goldstein the eminent optician will visit Lancaster and beat the Garrard Hotel June 11 next Tuesday He toil ly be in town a day or so and you had better call early Sec ad elsewhere in this issue It Another Survey to be bade Secretary John M Farra retained a letter from President Spencer Tues day stating that as soon as the engi nccrs were through work in Boyle and Lincoln countics they would be sent at once to make locating line thro Garrard county It is thought they tit m ucouis thas t muL oc way roa we get G as sure as the sun shines Push It Alon Now that the Commercial Club is in lighting trim TIlE RECOUD respect- fully calls its attention to the fact that not one thing has ever been d one watertl 1ePu so some years ago 1There is no disputing the fact that is system is needed more than any other improvement The town is wholly without protection from lire drinkd asnd Cityu Sti notre a to require them to shoot or give up bele onceel may benefit of the summer months in which to lay pipes The people have said at the polls that they wanted this improvement so buckle on your armor gentlemen and sec that it is forthcoming Luskre utAfter a lingering illness Geo D- Lusk died at the home of his father figse city Monday afternoon As was stated in a recent issue of TIlE RECOUD he has been in declining health for more than a year For the past few weeks has lingered at deaths door and the end was expected at any time Mr Lusk was the second son of Judge Win Lusk who was one ot the most widelyknown citizens of Uarrard county He was twentyeight years of age and in January two years ago was married to Miss Georgie young est daughter of Col and Mrs Jno W Miller Beside the heartbroken young wife he leaves two sisters Misses Elisa and Jane and one brother Will to mourn his taking away He united with the Presbyterian church several years since and was a regular attendant at the services There was never biggerhearted boy than George Lusk nor one who was more ready to do a favor For several years he was engaged in the Internal Revenue service and was on duty un til bad health forced him to retire lie realized the serious nature of his illness and last week sent for Dr J L McKee who came from Danville and spent many hours talking with him He was respected and highly thought of by all who knew him andj everyone in the community extends deepest sympathy to the loved ones he leaves behind Dr McKee conducted funeral services at the Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon at four oclock after which the remains were interred at the Lancaster Cemetery IIeberlin s greenhouse Is indeed a thing of beauty If you want the bestfCutfee on the market go to T Currey You can net all kinds of fresh veg a tables and strawberries at T Carreys Currey Sells good goods as cheap a you pay for inferior goods at uthc i places I want your butter and eggs for which will pay the highest price it cash or groceries TCurrey Seed Corn Pure white and yellow seed corn fo sale Apply to II AB Marksbury and Son Dont judge a man by the amount of weeds in front of his house you might form too adverse an opinion of him Mabe he has no hoe Good coat I have plenty of firstclass coal on hand which will be sold at very low prices Give me a trial order F B Kcmper Mr Long received a letter yester peoplt c o the Louisville business men should they desire to use same while on their trip through the state lxlaor atedeeeer Dead Mr D Yandevcer one of Stan dieI was 1 Tuesday The Masonic order of which he was a devoted member con ¬ ducted the last sad rites Stenography and Typewriting Miss Leona Hobbs who recently graduated in shorthand and type writ ¬ 1pig at Midway College has an olliee the Telephone Exchange where slit is prepared to do work of this kind with neatness and dispatch Charges are reasonable and satisfaction guar ¬ anteed If you have typewriting to do take it to her tf A Screen Loose Somivchcre The Livingston Colonel which should have reached our desk last Fri- day ¬ came in yesterday at noon Many other exchanges make about as slow me which guts to show that news ¬ papers receive very slight attention by some postal clerks If the paper ch would report a few of these mat ¬ to the ollicials at Washington some little 2x4 employees would be re ¬ lieved of the responsible position of having the government of the entire nation rest upon their shoulders Organdies Lawns and Dimities at Ward Sympson Extra nice country hams 9 to IGlbs each at Ward C Sympson Ward C S nipsun will not bother orders ¬ SSee Gaines Bros before buying a new binder mower brake ¬ er or seed buncher 1iIlicn you want anything in our line just ring up 100 and it will be deliver- ed ¬ promptly Ward C Sympson apr ¬ pea ranee the crop promises to be unusually buga crop 1 anted A few secondhand chenille portiers or table covers Apply at TIm REC OKD otlice tf Policemen Turner and Siler hat received orders to begin killing dogs found without tax checks Tiat your purp labeled or he will go c way of all unpaidfor canines We furnish wall paper ready trim ¬ med to put on the wall We can please you in both style and price Dont forget we have the largest stock in Central KentuckyJ Beazley S Co A Kls mane Saturday forad burg nine and the home boys on the nextSatunlayrIte such an excellent game some weeks ago and a large crowd will see it Important OTectliijr Friday Kiuht The Commercial Club held its regu ¬ lar monthly meeting Tuesday but as some matters of importance are to be acted on this week and certain in for motion cannot be obtained until to morrow the meeting adjourned until tomorrow Friday night at 70 oclk It behooves every public spirited man to be at this meeting Iarricd in this Cityo Mr Fred Yeager and Miss Kate West were married in this city Tues day night at the residence of Mr F B Kemper on Lexington street The ceremony was performed by Rev B A Copass Immediately after the ceremony time ceuple drove to his home near Bryantsville Mr Yeager is a prosperous young farmer and his bride a very attractive and accomplsh young lady TIlE RECOUD extends congratulations A nice line of of glass and queens ware at T Curreys XewGarrard rThe prettiest wall paper in town is shown at Beazleys Call and see sam¬ pIes Avoid delay and trouble during har vest by buying a valuable Deering machine Sold by Gaines Bros Always on top in quantity and quality and at the bottom in prices T Currey Successful and Enjoyable The protracted meeting at the Christian church is proving to be the most interesting held in Lancaster in recent years Interest in church mat ¬ verys strolling to the Sunday services as though they were doing the Lord a excellentc sermons of Re Allen R Moore have had the effect of bringing not only ethe members of his church but many others to the realization of the fact that they were far from the straight and narrow way Interest in the meeting is so great that most all the business houses close and all hands go to church There is nothing of the sensational about the meeting Rev Mr Moore sticking strictly to the ging ne can understand An enjoyable musicI ¬ pecially enjoyable the choir being made up of some of the best singers- in the county Mrs Belle Burnside presides at the organ If you will at- tend ¬ one of these services we will venture the assertion that you will miss very few of the rest of them More Local on page 3 t C diO < OOOOOO i OOC I 7 New Shirts in Town I Nor I S 2 Shirts and youll feel like a different man cool as a cucum- ber 2 f soft as a government jobnot as hard to get for they cost X r only 50c 75c < T T 1 and T 150 Many new patterns some are pure white some are pleated French Percales Chev youhave suggestion SEE OUR LINE OF THIN UNDERWEAR What a relief to change the heavy scratchy winter un ¬ derwear for the soft cotton summer garments Here are the fineLisle white so soft so perfect in fit and elastic that they infuse vigor and make you feel like a new man Prices lower than ever I = SWELL HOSIERY = The swellest hose imaginable are here We smile when o a man asks for fancy hose Plaids new ones dots stripes fetc It will pay you to call and see our fancy hose youll 5 need them as this will be a great low shoe season All prices 2 from 1 Oc to 50c per pair I H T LOGAN H The OnePrice Cash Clothier and Furnisher I r V y

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Post on 28-Aug-2018




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Ihe cnttuiEntered ttot

TWELFTH Tlalt I Class MatterNUMRElf 9


amassCORN rLarTEas





See our1Jqj 1t CULTIVATOR


J A Beazley Co

Funeral Directors

4 Arterial and Cavity Embalming

A Specialty

Eiull Line of

Furniture and Carpets

R L DavidsonAttorney At = Law

4 Life insurance policies bought forCash or loaned on for sums of

500 upward


u De




t i-ISII

ConnsAll kind of a

I Capital wagon the best wagon madeSold by Gaines Bros

We buy old gold and silver Thomp-son


the Jeweler 2t

The regular monthly meeting of tliClub will be held th

first Tuesday night in each month

Come boys aud eat all you wantJust think we sell you fresh

and crakers at the low price u

lets Blue Grass Grocery Co

A limited number of Lan strothBee lives for sale at Lea ells PlaningMill Also a lot of chicken feed

5304t iThe Blue Grass Grocery is

for cut prices Our cut pricesthis Week arc a surprise to many BestCream Cheese locks

Xow is the time to have your cis ¬

tern cleansed and T Hatcher cando a perfect job without taking outall the water Give him a call tf

Ladies call at the Blue Grass Gro ¬

cery and examine our can goods Wesell time finest grade of can fruit on themarket 21 Ib can Bartlet pears at 5c

per can All other goods in propor¬

tion Blue Grass Grocery Co

A Actv NameLiberty Bell is the name of the

flour we are now making to sell at 50cper sack Like all of Wards Hour it isequal to any brand of its grade WhiteSwan and Gilt Edge still retain theirhigh standard of excellence Yourgrocer will supply you

Bates the Miller

Another ConfabAt the request of General

Agent Stone Messrs John lT Farraand Louis Landram went to Louisvilla today to confer with that ollicial

the change of trains on thisbranch of the road So many storieshave been circulated as to what thecompany is going to do that rIlERKCOUD will quote Mr Stones exaclanguage viz We have not decide-what we will do and still have thematter under IV

believe the change will be made anwhen put in effect Lancaster willhave as good railroad asany town in the state





Woolen Dress Goods

Taffeta Silks

Plea Soire Silk

Foulard Silks

Silk Tissue

Silk Grenodinis

Handsome Line Trimmings

tGinghams Lawns

Dimities India Linons

Paris Muslins-

Embroidered Suisses

tWhite Quilts

Lace Muslin Curtains

f Carpets Mattings


machinery repaired















liens Clothing

Boys Clothing

Childrens ClothingrtZ We have a line of Odd

E Pants left from Suits will

Close Oil Cheep-


Furnishing Goods Hal

fand Caps Mens Gov

f Ladies Misses and Chi

E drens

I Shoes and Slippers

Of all grades

li Trunks and Telescopes




JScrivens Drawers at GOc WardSympson

llebcrlings greenhouse is the prettiesfc place in town

The Capital the best farm wagonmade sold and warranted by GainesBros

madracpique and corded madras clothJ Joseph

For the Farmers

lnsurancfyou one permay 23tfWe sell line table syrup at 20ets per

gallon and old rio coffee at lOcts TheBlue Grass Grocery Co

Notwithstanding the high price ofhogs now prevailing we will sell youpure loaf lard at the low priceof SetsBlne Grass Grocery Co

Richmond Appreciated ItClimax The Richmond party was

royally entertained and returned Saturday eloquent in thqir praises ofLancaster and her clever hospitablecitizens

If you want to hear some soulstiring music and preaching that will putyou on the right road to live a betterlife attend the services being held atthe Christian church Go curly andhear the music

The painting at the Presbyterianchurch was not dry Sunday andthrough the kindness of the Methodist brethren services were held inthe latter church Dr McDonaldpreaching in the morning and DrMcKee at nignt

onTlercoThe regular lirst team of CentralUniversity came down Saturday andwere bested by the local lads to thetune of three to two It was a warmgame from start to finish The Rich ¬

mond buys were gentlemen and thescrapping sometimes indulged in at

base ball games was conspicuous by itsabsence

A Ilumlaome Tub of IaintiiiirtintdonPresbyterian church The work tvaJd anskilled in their line The ceiling is abeautiful skyblue the side walls be-


of a lighter color The pews andother woodwork are finished in oakand shine like a new pin The workis worth going to sec

Cape the ClimaxThe most artistic and successft-

souvenir edition that has come to 0desk is that gotten out by the W ii

thbookthe press work cannot be excelledThe work reflects great creditthe Courier job ofllce while the reaing matter shows much hard labor acareful preparation Welate our good friend Judge John IWcstover and wish him many ntoyears of prosperity He makes leisCourier one of the topnotchersKentucky newspapers and the peopof his section of the state should feproud of his untiring efforts

Toll Gate Troubles In Boyle CountyIt seems impossible to keep a toll-

gate on the strip of road in Boylebetween Garrard and IledgevilleFour guards were placed there for sev ¬

eral nights who kept the raiders fromthe little hut but these guards weremoved and Friday night the hwas blown to atoms by dynamite Itwas replaced and Monday night tiraiders set lire to it and burned notIonly the hut but the pole also Acollector is now on duty with a ropewhich he stretches across the road inday time but puts carefully away inhehis inside pocket at night The com-pany


is anxious to dispose of the roadbut very wisely objects to furnishingchargesThey e are Conning Father Abraham

tOfficial notice has been receivedfrom the delegation Louisville busi-ness


men that their special train willarrive in Lancaster Wednesday morn ¬

ing June 19th The delegation iscomposed of members of the LouisvilleBoard of Trade time Commercial Cluband Merchants and ManufacturersAssociation There will be about 125in the delegation they will come in atrain of Pullman sleepers and bring aline band of music They leave Lou ¬

isville Tuesday morning the 18th goto Shelbyville Lawrenceburg Nicholasville Richmond and spend thenight at Estill Springs Early thenext the train will run to

4Lancaster arriving at probably tenoclock Several hours will be spenthere after which they go to StanfordDanville Lebanon and back homethat night The local Club is makingpreparations to entertain the visitors-and make their stay pleasant A com ¬

mittee has been appointed to look af-

ter the matter and the program willbe published in full in next issue ofTHE RECORD


New wheels at SSOOanoXf1000 andso on at Conns

Carriages repaired painted andtrimmed at Conns C

Let us show you our lincshirts andUnderwear Ward C Sympson

The recent rains have put gardentruck to growing lilac Jacks beaustank


Japalac makcs old furniture likenew and jest finish for floors at21iSDont fail to get prices on SurreyBuggy Phaeton Harness and Saddle ¬

ry at Conns cheaper than the cheap-est


Ward C Sympson have just receiveda new lot of Peters Shoe Cos ShoesAll the very latest and uptodate Alook will convince you

Must GoA complete line of Bug¬

gies road Wagons c must go Youneed our vehicles we want your mon-ey


Conns Carriage House

If you have property for sale orwant a place see Davidson Landram who can save you much timeand money They have anythingwant in the property line for sale areasonable prices

A Pretty FlowerMiss Fannie Bishop has a geranium

which now has liftylive blooms It isunusually pretty and is attractingmuch attention She has amany lovely lowers which arc weworth going to see

Dr Goldstein CoiningThose needing glasses fitted in the

very best and most scientific mannerwill be delighted to know that DrGoldstein the eminent optician willvisit Lancaster and beat the GarrardHotel June 11 next Tuesday He toil

ly be in town a day or so and youhad better call early Sec ad elsewherein this issue It

Another Survey to be badeSecretary John M Farra retained a

letter from President Spencer Tuesday stating that as soon as the enginccrs were through work in Boyle andLincoln countics they would be sentat once to make locating line throGarrard county It is thought theytitm ucouisthas tmuLocway roa we get G

as sure as the sun shines

Push It AlonNow that the Commercial Club is in

lighting trim TIlE RECOUD respect-fully calls its attention to the factthat not one thing has ever been d onewatertl1ePu so

some years ago1There is no disputing the fact that

is system is needed more than anyother improvement The town iswholly without protection from liredrinkdasndCityuStinotrea to

require them to shoot or give upbeleonceelmaybenefit of the summer months inwhich to lay pipes The people havesaid at the polls that they wantedthis improvement so buckle on yourarmor gentlemen and sec that it isforthcoming

LuskreutAfter a lingering illness Geo D-

Lusk died at the home of his fatherfigsecity Monday afternoon As was statedin a recent issue of TIlE RECOUD hehas been in declining health for morethan a year For the past few weeks

has lingered at deaths door andthe end was expected at any timeMr Lusk was the second son of JudgeWin Lusk who was one ot the mostwidelyknown citizens of Uarrardcounty He was twentyeight yearsof age and in January two years agowas married to Miss Georgie youngest daughter of Col and Mrs Jno WMiller Beside the heartbrokenyoung wife he leaves two sistersMisses Elisa and Jane and one brotherWill to mourn his taking away Heunited with the Presbyterian churchseveral years since and was a regularattendant at the services There wasnever biggerhearted boy thanGeorge Lusk nor one who was moreready to do a favor For severalyears he was engaged in the InternalRevenue service and was on duty until bad health forced him to retirelie realized the serious nature of hisillness and last week sent for Dr JL McKee who came from Danvilleand spent many hours talking withhim He was respected and highlythought of by all who knew him andjeveryone in the community extendsdeepest sympathy to the loved ones heleaves behind Dr McKee conductedfuneral services at the Presbyterianchurch Tuesday afternoon at fouroclock after which the remains wereinterred at the Lancaster Cemetery

IIeberlin s greenhouse Is indeed athing of beauty

If you want the bestfCutfee on themarket go to T Currey

You can net all kinds of fresh vega tables and strawberries at T Carreys

Currey Sells good goods as cheap ayou pay for inferior goods at uthc iplaces

I want your butter and eggs forwhich will pay the highest price itcash or groceries TCurrey

Seed CornPure white and yellow seed corn fo

sale Apply to II A B Marksbury andSon

Dont judge a man by the amountof weeds in front of his house youmight form too adverse an opinion ofhim Mabe he has no hoe

Good coatI have plenty of firstclass coal on

hand which will be sold at very lowprices Give me a trial order F BKcmper

Mr Long received a letter yesterpeoplt co

the Louisville business men shouldthey desire to use same while on theirtrip through the state

lxlaor atedeeeer DeadMr D Yandevcer one of StandieIwas 1

Tuesday The Masonic order ofwhich he was a devoted member con ¬

ducted the last sad rites

Stenography and TypewritingMiss Leona Hobbs who recently

graduated in shorthand and type writ ¬

1pig at Midway College has an ollieethe Telephone Exchange where

slit is prepared to do work of this kindwith neatness and dispatch Chargesare reasonable and satisfaction guar ¬

anteed If you have typewriting todo take it to her tf

A Screen Loose SomivchcreThe Livingston Colonel which

should have reached our desk last Fri-day


came in yesterday at noon Manyother exchanges make about as slow

me which guts to show that news ¬

papers receive very slight attentionby some postal clerks If the paper

ch would report a few of these mat ¬

to the ollicials at Washingtonsome little 2x4 employees would be re ¬

lieved of the responsible position ofhaving the government of the entirenation rest upon their shoulders

Organdies Lawns and Dimities atWard Sympson

Extra nice country hams 9 to IGlbseach at Ward C Sympson

Ward C S nipsun will not botherorders¬

SSee Gaines Bros before buying anew binder mower brake ¬

er or seed buncher

1iIlicn you want anything in our linejust ring up 100 and it will be deliver-ed


promptly Ward C Sympsonapr ¬

pea ranee the crop promises to beunusually bugacrop

1 antedA few secondhand chenille portiers

or table covers Apply at TIm RECOKD otlice tf

Policemen Turner and Siler hatreceived orders to begin killing dogsfound without tax checks Tiatyour purp labeled or he will go cway of all unpaidfor canines

We furnish wall paper ready trim¬

med to put on the wall We canplease you in both style and priceDont forget we have the largest stockin Central KentuckyJ

Beazley S Co

A Kls mane Saturdayforadburg nine and the home boys on the

nextSatunlayrItesuch an excellent game some weeksago and a large crowd will see it

Important OTectliijr Friday KiuhtThe Commercial Club held its regu¬

lar monthly meeting Tuesday but assome matters of importance are to beacted on this week and certain in formotion cannot be obtained until tomorrow the meeting adjourned untiltomorrow Friday night at 70 oclkIt behooves every public spirited manto be at this meeting

Iarricd in this CityoMr Fred Yeager and Miss KateWest were married in this city Tuesday night at the residence of Mr FB Kemper on Lexington street Theceremony was performed by Rev BA Copass Immediately after theceremony time ceuple drove to hishome near Bryantsville Mr Yeageris a prosperous young farmer and hisbride a very attractive and accomplshyoung lady TIlE RECOUD extendscongratulations

A nice line of of glass and queensware at T Curreys

XewGarrardrThe prettiest wall paper in town is

shown at Beazleys Call and see sam¬pIes

Avoid delay and trouble during harvest by buying a valuable Deeringmachine Sold by Gaines Bros

Always on top in quantity andquality and at the bottom in prices

T Currey

Successful and EnjoyableThe protracted meeting at the

Christian church is proving to be themost interesting held in Lancaster inrecent years Interest in church mat ¬verysstrolling to the Sunday services asthough they were doing the Lord aexcellentcsermons of Re Allen R Moore havehad the effect of bringing not onlyethe members of his church but manyothers to the realization of the factthat they were far from the straightand narrow way Interest in the

meeting is so great that most all thebusiness houses close and all hands goto church There is nothing of thesensational about the meeting RevMr Moore sticking strictly to thegingne can understand An enjoyable

musicI ¬

pecially enjoyable the choir beingmade up of some of the best singers-in the county Mrs Belle Burnsidepresides at the organ If you will at-tend


one of these services we willventure the assertion that you willmiss very few of the rest of them

More Local on page 3



New Shirts in Town INor IS

2 Shirts and youll feel like a different man cool as a cucum-ber 2f soft as a government jobnot as hard to get for they cost

Xr only 50c 75c <


T 1 and T 150 Many new patterns someare pure white some are pleated French Percales ChevyouhavesuggestionSEE OUR LINE OF THIN UNDERWEAR

What a relief to change the heavy scratchy winter un ¬derwear for the soft cotton summer garments Here are thefineLislewhite so soft so perfect in fit and elastic that they infusevigor and make you feel like a new man Prices lower thanever


The swellest hose imaginable are here We smile wheno a man asks for fancy hose Plaids new ones dots stripesfetc It will pay you to call and see our fancy hose youll5 need them as this will be a great low shoe season All prices2 from 1 Oc to 50c per pair

I H T LOGAN HThe OnePrice Cash Clothier and Furnisher

