sibelco ceramics-brochure

There’s more to our minerals... than meets

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Post on 11-Jul-2015




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There’s more to our minerals...

than meets

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Global resourcesMinerals play an essential role in theproduction of high quality ceramics.

That’s why we’re as committed to quality as you are. Infact, Sibelco and its predecessors have suppliedpremium mineral products for over 300 years, helpingcustomers continually improve yields, increaseproductivity and deliver market-leading ceramics.

We work closely with customers to find the best raw material solutionfrom a multi-mineral portfolio including plastic clays, kaolins, fluxes,silicas, prepared bodies and specialised additives, all backed byoutstanding technical support.

Sibelco is one of the world’s leading providers of industrial minerals,delivering local solutions backed by truly global resources. In we havemore than 200 sites in over 40 countries across five continents –which means we can bring value to your business wherever you are.

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Local expertiseThe ceramics industry across Europe has differingmanufacturing needs which vary accordingto history, locally available raw materials andmarket demand.

And in order to meet those different needs, we’ve focussed onthe key ceramic markets not only with our infrastructureinvestments in quarrying, processing and distribution but alsowith our state-of-the-art technical facilities.

Using our local expertise, we’ve created four fully operationalceramic regional technical centres in Europe to give leading edgeapplication support to our customers in these key markets.They’re equipped for a vast range of technical procedures on allaspects of ceramic production, from raw material analysisthrough to customer body development.



Map Showing the Locationof the European CeramicTechnical Centres*.



*In addition to our dedicated application centres we also undertakeproject work for all other areas of ceramic whitewares.

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Combined with our expertise, our multi-mineral portfolio enables us to find the idealsolution for ceramic manufacturers in all the key market sectors.

Our markets

SanitarywareQuality sanitaryware depends on consistent raw materials, andwhether it’s sanitary porcelain (vitreous china), fine fire clay or fireclay our diverse portfolio meets all your mineral requirements.

TilesThe manufacture of Monoporosa, Monocottura, or Porcelain tilesneeds raw materials with the right properties to optimise each stageof manufacture including grinding, pressing and firing. Our tilemineral portfolio has unique properties which can assist in maximisingfactory performance.

TablewareTableware relies on the consistency and purity of raw materials,chosen for their properties during forming and firing as well astheir aesthetics. For artisticware, earthenware, stoneware, vitreouschina, bone china, hotelware or porcelain, we can supply a widerange of minerals or prepared bodies so you can get the best outof your manufacturing.

Structural ceramicsHigh specification roof tiles, bricks and other structural ceramics relyon consistent high quality raw materials. We can develop the idealcombination of raw materials from our comprehensive portfolio, whetheryou need to improve strength, increase frost-resistance or achieve aparticular look.

Refractory ceramicsThe refractory materials used in furnaces and kilns have to not onlyresist extremely high temperatures, but also physical wear andchemical corrosion. For such high technical performance, the qualityof the raw materials is crucial – so we’ll develop the optimumcombination of mineral products for your specific criteria.

Technical ceramicsFor Electrical Porcelain, Chemical & Metallurgical and Mechanical &Thermal ceramics, we can develop materials with the desired plasticityand shape retention, stability and dimensional accuracy, tensile andcompressive strength, resistance to abrasion or chemical attack andthermal shock resistance and stability.

Glazes and engobesOften critical to a product’s quality and aesthetics, glazes andengobes rely on minerals that are not only consistent duringprocessing but also offer flexibility for the final aesthetic design.Our portfolio includes minerals and specialist additives for use inall ceramic applications.

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Our specialist support teams of scientists andengineers are based in local on-site technicallaboratories, and supported by our European networkof specialist application Technical Centres.

Each team is dedicated to key applications including sanitaryware,tiles, tableware, glazes, structural ceramics, electrical porcelain andcraft pottery.

Our European Technical Centres focus on the primary ceramicapplications, with over 80 technical and application specialistscarrying out research and development, recommendation testingand evaluation on a wide variety of development projects every year.

technical supportSome of the key benefits of Sibelco technical support are:

• Complete raw material evaluation

• Ceramic formulation assessment and development

• Improved manufacturing yield through process andformulation optimization

• Manufacturing fault diagnosis support

Our Technical Centres deliver the very highest standards of technicalsupport for existing and new customers, and provide the idealplatform for research and development work into future minerals forthe ceramics industry.

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Looking after

It’s a responsibility we take very seriously. That’s whyenvironmental management, energy efficiency andcarbon reduction are at the core of our business.

For example, after mining ceases, we restore the land to its originalstate or, in many cases, to something even better. We work closelywith local communities to create restoration projects that will benefitall – and we’ve won many awards for them.

We’re also continuously working to reduce our environmentalfootprint, looking to make greater energy efficiencies and improveprocesses across all operations, even investing in a new CarbonManagement Programme to accurately assess and manage ourcarbon footprint. For us, energy efficiency is no longer a ‘campaign’but central to our organisation’s culture and future business model.

our environment

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We can help you create a step change in your business.To see how, simply contact us at: [email protected]

There’s more to our minerals than meets

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