side event omae imagen - asme

With over 50 organizations and R&D agents in a radius of less than 60 kilometres, the Basque Country is one of the regions in the world with a larger concentration of companies in the Oil&Gas supply chain. In this session, a brief introduction to the Oil&Gas Basque Industry value chain will be followed by short presentations of key organisations such as Tubacex , Vicinay , Euskal Forging , Errek a Fastening Solutions or Tecnalia which will also be showing some of their latest technological advances. After the meeting, coffee and pastries will be served and attendants will have the opportunity to network with the speakers. OMAE’S SIDE EVENT 19th June 16:00 - 18:00 Oil&Gas Basque Industry: Technology for an offshore future Oil & Gas Industry

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Post on 25-Jan-2022




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With over 50 organizations and R&D agents in a radius of less than 60 kilometres, the Basque Country is one of the regions in the world with a larger concentrationof companies in the Oil&Gas supply chain. In this session, a brief introduction tothe Oil&Gas Basque Industry value chain will be followed by short presentations of key organisations such as Tubacex , Vic inay , Euskal Forging , Erreka Fastening Solutionsor Tecnal ia which will also be showing some of their latest technological advances.

A f t e r t h e m e e t i n g , c o f f e e a n d p a s t r i e s w i l l b e s e r v e d a n d a t t e n d a n t s w i l l h a v et h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o n e t w o r k w i t h t h e s p e a k e r s .


19th June

16:00 - 18:00O i l & G a sB a s q u e I n d u s t r y : Te c h n o l o g y f o r a n o f f s h o r e f u t u r e

Oil &Gas Industry