signs of the children of perdition

SIGNS OF THE CHILDREN OF PERDITION 1st Lesson St. John 13:10 “ Jesus saith to him, Him that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all." 2nd Lesson St. John 17:12 “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled." Golden Text: St. Matthew 27:5 "And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed and went and hanged himself." The gospel delivered to you today is a short one; but at the same time there is no gospel that is brief or short. I want you to understand that before anything happens in the world, God has already known about it. It is for this reason that nobody should joke with the word of God. For everywhere a talkative is found, there must also be someone there, who causes him to talk. We are all witnesses to fact that Our Lord Christ selected twelve apostles for Himself, but one of them was a demon. The one with demonic intent was not so by chance for he had been predestined to be demonic, and Our Jesus Christ was aware of this fact. When see certain situations, we may regard them as mistakes or accidents. This is erroneous because with God, there is no such thing as accident. All things happen according to His divine will. To God, there is nothing like regret or remorse because He knows about all the things that will happen before they come to pass. I want to explain to you why people remain in this New Kingdom to fight, steal, fornicate and would not practice a

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Page 1: Signs of the children of perdition


1st Lesson St. John 13:10 “ Jesus saith to him, Him that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet

but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all."

2nd Lesson St. John 17:12 “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou

gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled."

Golden Text: St. Matthew 27:5 "And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed and went

and hanged himself."

The gospel delivered to you today is a short one; but at the same time there is no gospel that is brief or short. I want you to understand that before

anything happens in the world, God has already known about it. It is for this reason that nobody should joke with the word of God. For everywhere a talkative is found, there must also be someone there, who causes him to

talk. We are all witnesses to fact that Our Lord Christ selected twelve apostles for Himself, but one of them was a demon. The one with demonic

intent was not so by chance for he had been predestined to be demonic, and Our Jesus Christ was aware of this fact. When see certain situations, we may regard them as mistakes or accidents. This is erroneous because with God, there is no such thing as accident. All things happen according to His divine will. To God, there is nothing like regret or remorse because He knows about all the things that will happen before they come to pass. I want to explain to

you why people remain in this New Kingdom to fight, steal, fornicate and would not practice a single word of God. The reason for this is that it has

already been written about them.

They are the children of perdition. You will observe that even as a gospel is given that people should not steal fight, bear malice or hate one another, at

that same moment they keep committing all these vices.

Do not bother yourself about these, type of people because they have been predestined to behave in this manner. You will also find some people who

claim to have denied all the things of the world so as to serve God. But they

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would go about breaking into tithe boxes, committing adultery and fornication with peoples' wives and children, and extorting money from


These people should be left alone because, like Judas Iscariot, they were destined to behave in this way. At the same time, you find some girls who come here to serve God, but when they arrive, they engage in pursuing other women's husbands, stealing, fornicating about and causing untold

confusion. Forget about these, type of people because they are children of perdition.

You have heard that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the same, today, yesterday and forever. He is always, constant. Remember in His first advent, Christ selected twelve disciples and one of them was a demon. Now tell me, if Our Lord Jesus

Christ comes back again will there be no demon among His disciples? You will then discover the reason why many members of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star are still drinking, snuffing and taking, concoctions. This is so,

because this is what had been written about them as the children of perdition. You will also understand why so many people would come to

Brotherhood of the Cross and Star to encounter numerous problems, while others have their problems totally solved immediately they arrive here. Our

Lord Jesus Christ said, "While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost, but

the son of perdition, that the scriptures might be fulfilled.''

If the letter "C" meaning condemned has been written on your forehead, it does not imply that you will be lost, but that you are already lost. This is the

reason you should not imitate anyone who wears the white soutane and fornicates, steals and fights, because you do not know whether he is a child of perdition. The ways of God cannot be compared with any situation in the world. You will find that some people in the Brotherhood of the Cross and

Star indulge in sinful acts and this is so because this is what had been written of them. Salvation will come to the children of God, but the child of

perdition will never be saved.

This explains the reason the Bible says that if the two hands are joined together in prayers, a sinner will never escape punishment. Perhaps some people have a certain intuition, which tells them that if they steal, fornicate and fight and then pray that they will be forgiven. It is not surprising to note

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that from 1st January to 31st December every year, He teaches and, admonishes you to refrain from sins.

You can see many people preaching against committing sins, but they themselves relish in sins. This is not surprising to God because such people

were destined to be the children of perdition. I am telling you, do not continue to sin and feel that the Father has not seen you. I have seen you all

you do, but I will make no comment, rather I will embrace you, because I know that you were a child of perdition since the foundation of the world.

This is the reason Paul said that we should not judge anyone until the Lord comes.

He said, "I do not know what condemns, but that cannot justify me for He that tempts me is the Lord."(This quotation is to be corrected).

If you warn a child of perdition that if he steals, he will perish, you will be surprised at the type of slap he will give you. In the same vein, if you ask a

child of perdition not to fornicate, he will quarrel with you. The reason is because he is a child of condemnation and his behavior has already been

chartered out for him. This is why Our Lord Jesus Christ allowed Judas Iscariot to do whatever he had to do. Our Lord Jesus Christ knew that Judas was not

one of His disciples, but a tempter. If Christ did not know that one of His disciples was a demon, why could He have said, "One of you will betray me?"

If Christ had sent Judas away, how could the word of God then be fulfilled?

Any person who is a child of God, once he comes to the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star will be completely changed from his former lifestyle and will be filled with the fear of God and he will also show complete reverence for

God. This is why it is said, "You do not believe in me because you are not one of my sheep. My sheep hear my voice and I know them."

If one is a child of God, whether in London, America, Asia or anywhere in the world, the moment he or she hears the word of God, he or she will abide by it. This gospel does not require prayer or fasting. Rather, it is what has been ordained from the foundation of the world. If one is a child of perdition, even

while the gospel is going on, the one will be pilfering. The children of

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perdition have no fear of God, neither is there any truth in them and the word of God has no foundation in them. The blood of Christ has no power

over them because they have been destined for damnation from the beginning of the world. Such people are so arrogant that they can speak to the Holy Father without any fear. If the children of perdition were not here,

there would be no sins here.

It is said, "Ye are clean, but not all, " so that these children of perdition may manifest themselves. This is to reveal to you that there is no word of God,

which will fail to be fulfilled. I have proved to you today that the word of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which is the truth, is fulfilled today in your midst. You may

hear of some people who boast that they were once in Brotherhood and I ask, when they were in Brotherhood how did they behave? Some have

remained here for twenty-five years without any confrontations, while others would come today and by tomorrow, they backslide, and this is because they

are the children of perdition.

The children of God have no problems as soon as they come into this Kingdom it does not require prayers or fasting before they become

absolutely free. The reason that some people claim to be members of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star but things are still not well with them is

because it is said, "Ye are dean, but not all." Those who are not clean are the children of perdition. The children of perdition remain in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star to break the tithe boxes collect, money from members and

non- members by fraudulent means.

The children of perdition could have been in Brotherhood for twenty-five years, yet they are fond of drinking, smoking, snuffing, taking medicines,

eating meat and fish, making charms juju, concoctions, telling lies and exhorting money from people.

Brethren, do you not see how the wisdom of God is beyond the wisdom of men. When the Holy Father meets these people, He will embrace them and call them wonderful people. Does this kind of embrace save them? It is not relevant whether the Father gives them all the material things of this world because in the end they will still perish. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, ‘‘do not think that I have come to judge the world because the world has already been judged.'' As it was in those days, Christ always said, "All of you are saved, except the son of perdition." Therefore, if anyone perishes in this

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Kingdom, it is not any body's fault it is because he was destined for perdition. It is said that the children of God would hear and practice the word

of God. You do not hear or practice the word of God because you are the children of perdition.

Do not be surprised when people come into the Pentecostal Hall and move about, read newspapers and sleep while the gospel is going on. A person who has murdered and is condemned to die is normally put on death row.

While awaiting his death, he will be given all good things because he is already condemned. So it is with the children of perdition. This is why Paul said, "Do not judge those who are within the Church, as for those outside,

God will judge them, because they are the children of perdition.” In this New Kingdom, the more you look, the less you see. If a certain person tells you it

will rain tomorrow and it rains, if the same person tells you that if you sin you will not inherit this Kingdom, why then do you harden your heart and

continue in sins? We should weep and lament on behalf of the children of perdition.

Never mind when you are stopped and abused for wearing the white soutane, do not worry because these people harassing and persecuting you, they are the children of perdition. When people accuse you of worshiping a

human being, eating groundnuts and bananas, that you drink blood and your church is worshiping Beelzebub, do not be perturbed because these are the

children of perdition.

A person who is of God will never speak evil against the children of God or against God. The children of God in the world will wait for the call of God.

When, it comes, they will respond to it. For example, how can a person who is baptized into this New Kingdom accept vision from a charm remover to go

and bathe by twelve midnight? What is the need of such practice, is it not the sign of the children of perdition?

It is said, "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. But he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that

believe, they shall speak in new tongues, they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them, they shall lay hands on

the sick and they shall recover."

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How is it that after the Holy Father has prayed for a person, he afterwards goes to the Christ's Servants, and Christ’s Students to request for more

prayers? Such a person is not only a child of perdition, but an insane person. When you come here you are told not to fornicate, not to tell lies or steal.

But another person will advise you to ignore these instructions. If you listen to such advice, then you are a child of perdition and those who give this type of advice are also the children of perdition. The Father says that there is no

juju, no witchcraft or mermaid, and that the only thing in existence is Jehovah God and His Christ. When you leave here, the visioners will tell you

that witchcraft and juju are worrying you. They will suggest coming to sanctify your house for a huge amount of money. They may offer to dig up

charms from your house.If you pay these people any money, you are a child of perdition as well. Such people always do the exact opposite of whatever the Father says, and this is because they are the children of perdition. All those who are the children of God will never violate the instructions of the Father. This shows them as the children of God. The children of perdition will never come to the Pentecostal

Assemblies. They remain in the out stations duping members and taking people’s money. The children of perdition would claim that those who are

always before the Father are unbelievers.

Most of the Christ's Servants and Christ's Students when they come for Pentecostal Assembly will remain in their quarters and would never come

into the hall. Such people are the children of perdition, whereas, the children of God will come here all the way from London, America, Ghana, Cameroun, etc., to receive the word of God, the children of perdition would stay away and roam about in the world. Nobody can convince the children of God to

commit fornication or take drugs, no matter the situation. For the children of perdition, committing fornication and taking drugs are their stock in trade.

Why is it that if two people are sick and both come before the Holy Father for prayers, one will become well, while the other remains sick?

The reason is that the one who gets well is a child of God, while the other is a child of perdition. The one that is a child of God has implicit faith in the Holy Father, he believes that by mere seeing of the Father, he will become well.

A child of perdition, with his doubting mind, will only go to the Father as a matter of formality, thinking that the Father is just a man like himself. His

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whole mind will be focused on native doctors and necromancers. This is why he would not recover. The children of perdition do not believe or fear God. There are so many of them in the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, and

very soon you will see what will happen to them. But the day you make the mistake to reveal to them that they are the children of perdition, they will

not mind killing you. The children of perdition always claim that they do not fear anybody and are prepared to go before the Holy Father and speak their minds. What would induce a person who has roamed the world, indulging in vices and then comes to see this Kingdom of God, to return to sinfulness?

I want you to observe the children of God, when they come into the Pentecostal Hall; they will sit in reverence and will not hold discussions with other brethren. They will not sleep while the gospel is going on, but will take note of everything that the Father says and will endeavor to put them into


The children of condemnation come to Brotherhood to cause trouble, steal, fornicate and confuse people. These people feel that when they come here that the Holy Father will tell them that they are the children of perdition.

Instead, the Father will embrace them and they will go away thinking that the Father does not know what they are doing. The wicked people believe

that the Holy Father is a fool and does not know about their nefarious activities. Such people are given all the blessings, so that they will believe

that the Father loves them more than the others. The Father does this because He knows that they all will perish in the end.

How can someone who sees this type of Kingdom and witnesses the power here, but later would go to visioners and charm removers to be told that

their house has been sold to witches?

When such people come here to lament that huge amounts of money have been taken from them, I would ask them whether they were beaten, and the

money snatched from them?

When anyone comes to Brotherhood he will be warned about those things that he should not do, such as taking another person's wife or husband.

When they disobey these instructions, and the repercussion comes to them, they will complain that they have not derived any benefit from Brotherhood.

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How do such people hope to derive any benefit when they have come here to commit sins?

Others come here to indulge in all manner of vices and they would go to the Father for prayers; they will derive no benefit because they have not

repented from their sins. Such people would return to native doctors and necromancers because they feel that the Father favors some people more

than others.

Brethren, the word of God is very deep, and when I observe your behavior, I become very sorrowful. Some people wonder why the Holy Father does not send away the very wicked ones from this Kingdom. And such people will retort, "Any time that I am reported to the Father, I will set Brotherhood

aside and deal with the person concerned." Is such a person not a child of perdition?

When you openly rebuke a person for his evil ways, he will turn around to hate you. Is this type of person not a child of perdition? When you preach the gospel as taught by the Holy Father to the children of perdition they will feel

that you are preaching against them and will plan evil against you.

When someone stands up to testify about how God has blessed him, the children of perdition will be so offended and demand to know whether he was the only person loved by God. They will make unnecessary noise to

confuse the one testifying. All these signs expose the children of perdition, because all those who give testimony are testifying to the glory of the Holy

Father, who is the owner of this Kingdom.

When a person uses his wealth to demonstrate his gratitude to God, the children of perdition will be bitter and allege that the person is trying to use

his wealth to influence God to love him. These kind of people are always scandalizing others, they are angry at all times and they abuse and say all

sorts of evil against other people. They also would link up with those who are fond of sins, because they are the children of perdition. They are not even

afraid of speaking evil words against our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Who are these people, other than the children of perdition?

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1st Lesson: John 13:10Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet but is

clean every whit: and ye are clean, but no all."

Brethren, have you heard the lesson read out to you? It is said that you have been washed, but not all of you are clean. Why do you, say that you are a child of God but you go to the hospital for medication. You claim to know

God, and then why do you go to the native doctor or soothsayer? For what reason do you go to such a place? Why do you say that you have the fear of God and yet you are drinking, smoking, snuffing and eating meat? Why are

you going against all the instructions of God and yet you would claim to be a child of God? The children of perdition are those who oppose the doctrines of

God. Whatever name you would like to give to the children of perdition whether devil, Satan, Lucifer or demon, they are all those who oppose the instructions of God. I give this gospel from January 1st to December 31st.

why then should a person who claims to be a child of God not practice these teachings? You have been told not to smoke, snuff, take tablets, fornicate consult native doctors, or indulge in falsehood, etc., because these things

are not good, and you have been warned about the consequences of doing them, yet you still indulge in these things. These are signs of the children of

perdition. When Peter cut off the ear of the servant of Caiaphas, the high priest, Our Lord Jesus Christ told him to return his sword to its sheath, for all those who live by the sword will die by the sword. In this Kingdom you know

that what is greater than guns, knives etc., is here, yet, when you are rebuked for your sins, you threaten to use knives and gun to kill the person

who has rebuked you.The only people who can do these things are the children of perdition.

Do you think that our Lord Jesus Christ could not have made a single statement to make Judas Iscariot disappear? But had our Lord Jesus Christ dismissed Judas Iscariot, how could what had been written come to pass?

The children of perdition go from Lagos to Enugu, looking for charm removers who will extract charms from their bodies. They are always

unstable in their ways, while the children of God do not believe in charms or witchcraft. Their only belief is in God. The children of perdition do not care

about the word of God, rather they are looking for visions, charm removers, where they can steal, fornicate, or make easy money. The children of God, even though they were fornicators, etc. while in the world, when they come here and are told not to fornicate, tell lies or steal, immediately they hear

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these instructions they will not do them again. When you preach to a person and the person hardens his heart, and does not want to hear, leave him

alone because be is a child of perdition.I know the character and behavior of every individual in the whole

Brotherhood world. It is said that "He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all." All those

who are the children of perdition will always say, do not follow that man, because He once made a statement which did not come to pass." They will say come let us go to the native doctor. But it is said that who ever believes

will never taste of death.

All those who sin are slaves to sin that is why the children of perdition cannot forsake sins, neither will sin ever forsake them. People keep on asking why is it that though one is a Brotherhood member yet things are still not right with him? Brethren, those who receive good things in Brotherhood are the ones

who come here and refrain from all manners of sinfulness. Did our Lord Jesus Christ not say that a son who hears His words but does not practice them will not be saved? Any person who hears the word of God but refuses to practice is likened to one who builds a house on a sandy foundation. When the storm

comes, it will be blown down. All those who hear the word of God and put them into practice are like those who build their houses, on a rock, and when the storm comes, the house will not be shaken, because it is built on a solid

foundation. From the time of Adam to the time of Christ, the gospel that people received, were borrowed. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THAT MANKIND IS


The teachings of Moses were adulterated, that was why it included the burning of candles and the counting of rosary beads.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, in His own advent, went to the temple, therefore, His teachings were slightly adulterated. THE TEACHINGS IN BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR DO NOT COME FROM MAN, THE WESTERN WORLD, AFRICA OR THE ANGELS. IT IS THE KIND OF TEACHING THAT HAS NEVER

EXISTED. If it were not so, why should Our Lord Jesus Christ say "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit, when He, the Spirit of truth is come He will guide you into all truth for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall he speak, and He will show you things to come." What did Our Lord Jesus Christ teach about drinking alcohol or mineral? What did He teach about enrolling in secret

societies and cults of the world? What did He teach about medications? What did He teach about marriage, and maintaining a good home? Christ's mission

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was to speak only in parables, and without parables, He would not speak. When the Jews asked Him that Moses said that a person could divorce his

wife Our Lord Jesus Christ told them that in the beginning God created a man and a woman and decreed that a man shall leave his mother and father and join himself to a woman and they will become one flesh and that what God

has joined together let no man put asunder.

When He was asked of a woman who married seven husbands, and they questioned Him whose wife she would be on the day resurrection, Our Lord Jesus Christ answered, "The children of this world marry and are given in

marriage: But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage:

Neither can they die any more: for they are equal to the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection." Has there been a

time in the history of Christendom that a leader emerged to inform the world that the tree in the center of the Garden of Eden was no other thing than

fornication or sexual intercourse? Man is the farm, planted by God and the city built by God. God is the word that dwells in human beings and human beings are the house of God. Therefore, we should not inject anything into

our bodies, neither should we take drugs, fornicate commit adultery or drink. If you do these things you have defiled your bodies. Our Lord Jesus Christ used Paul to reveal these facts to the world, but the world rejected these teachings. Since the children of perdition always oppose the word of God,

they did not accept the teachings of Paul the Apostle.

Have you ever heard that Our Lord Jesus Christ did forbid anyone from drinking or making wine? He made wine and also drank it. Now that I have come, have I ever said that you should drink wine? Once, you take a sip of alcohol or mineral (soft drinks), I do not say that you will perish you have

already perished. We should not go to native doctors or soothsayers because God has cursed them and if they inject any powder into your body, you have defiled the body of Christ and you stand condemned. When Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke about the things of the world, the people did not understand

Him, how much more when He speaks about the things of the Spirit. Who in the world is aware of the fact that fornication defiles the temple of God and that a man was not created for a woman or vice versa, but that God created

both of them for Himself. Therefore, it was the plan of God that the Holy Spirit should overshadow women in the same way that He overshadowed

Mary and made her to conceive a holy child: it was not the plan of God for a man to touch a woman. When human beings began to defile themselves

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under the auspices of marriage, the Holy Spirit deserted them, and that is why suffering sickness and death came into the world.

I have never asked you to go to a mountain, top, or the seashore to pray. God is within you.

Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke in advance when He said that a time will come when those who worship God will worship Him in Spirit and in truth. When

you make references to the bethels, I do not know what a bethel is, because you are the bethel. Since you are always moving with God and God is within

you. I have brought you the recondite wisdom of God, but the children of perdition will not accept. Abraham was asked to travel for three days and nights and sacrifice a goat. What was the need for this when God does not

eat goat meat? Since man is the house of God, everything created by God is within you. The word is dwelling within you. Jacob called the place where he was "Bethel" because it was a place of salvation. That place of salvation is within you. Whatever is not inside you does not exist, whether it is angel,

spirit or God. Philip asked Our Lord Jesus Christ to show him the Father and he would be satisfied. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, "Have I been with you all

this time, yet you do not know me Philip? How sayest thou then show me the Father? When you see me, you have seen the Father. The words that I speak,

I do not speak on my own, but it is the Father who speaks in me.” The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and all the angels of God are in you.

When anything happens to you, do not run away because God is always with you. I have led you to the wisdom of truth. When the children of God hear these words, they are completely free. Let the second lesson be read. This will explain why some members of Brotherhood are afflicted with diverse

problems and poverty.

2nd Lesson St John 17:12“While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou

gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled."

The second lesson relates to the first lesson, which says, "You are all clean but not all." Judas Iscariot thought he was very wise when he extorted money from people. He thought that Our Lord Jesus Christ did not know what he was doing. When I say that all of you are saved, you begin to wonder why you are still confronted with problems if you are really saved. This is so because you

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are a child of perdition. As for the children of this new kingdom, they have no problems at all because the Father who rules over them is the greatest. The people of the world are struggling in vain because no one can snatch a child

of God from His hands. All the children of God, both born and unborn are saved, except the children of perdition. All of you that the Father has given to me are saved. This salvation does not require prayer or fasting. You were

all saved, right from the beginning of the world. The children of God had been selected and destined for this Kingdom, right from the foundation of

the world, except those of perdition. There is no situation, which can compel a child of God to backslide from this kingdom, except the child of perdition. The scripture says that they go away from us because they are not of us. If they had been one of us, they would have remained. Some people make

excuses that they backslide from Brotherhood because we worship a human being. This excuse is not genuine because the presidents, governors and

commissioners who are worshiped by their followers are also human beings. Some people say that they would have remained in Brotherhood but for the fact that we remove our shoes before entering the bethel. If this is so, what about when you go to native doctors, or to mourning houses and when you play your cultural dances, do you not remove your shoes? Some say they cannot remain in Brotherhood because fornication, going to hospitals and

drinking are not allowed.

If they were the real children of God they would be happy because Our Lord Jesus Christ likened the Kingdom of God to a costly pearl, hidden in a field

which, when a person finds it, he goes and sells all that he has to acquire the field. This gospel will be of help to those who proudly claim that they are holding high position in their churches. When they hear and practice this gospel, they will receive salvation. All those who say that the services in Brotherhood are too long or that it is their wives or husbands who have

caused them to leave Brotherhood, all these excuses are vain, for the real reason is because they are the children of perdition.

Anybody who does not pay tithe to God must pay tithe to Satan. The fornication and drinking, which you say you cannot refrain from were here in

the world when you came, and when you die, you will leave them behind. You will discover that a person cannot make good use of something that was not meant for him. Do not argue the word of God with anyone. Any person

who wants to argue about the word of God, When the children perdition come to your house they will hate you whether you give theshould be given food and drink and allowed to go away because he is the child of perdition food or not. This is so because they are tempters: They prefer to go about

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begging from other people. They do not see the evil in themselves but they only see the evil in others. They are not afraid of creating confusion in the New Kingdom of God. They would collect money from people under false

pretenses. Anybody who truly belongs to this New Kingdom would hear the instructions of God and abide by them. This is why the scriptures say that

many are called, but few are chosen. Children of perdition have been called, but because they do not belong and since they cannot practice the word of God, they are not saved, and so, when they come to you, do not drive them

away, feed them, since it has pleased the Father to reveal them to you today. When you hear them boast about how much they have done for

Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, do not quarrel with them because they are the children of perdition. Such people have their own origin from the serpent, which deceived Eve. All those that my Father has given to me, I

have kept. None of them will perish, except the child of perdition. All of you in this New Kingdom are saved, except the children of perdition. Do not pray

any longer. Do not allow anyone to give you false visions that juju or witchcraft is worrying you.

Tell the whole world that the Father says that we are all saved. The children of God do not imitate anybody. They only abide by the instructions of their


Golden Text St. Matthew 27:5"And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed and went

and hanged himself."

Brethren, have you heard the golden text that has been read to you? Who committed suicide? Was it not the same person who betrayed Our Lord Jesus Christ and the same person went about collecting, money from people? Did our, Lord Jesus Christ not bless twelve of them? Why was it that it was only

Judas Iscariot who became the child of perdition? The Christ's Students were almost five hundred in number, but today there are only a handful is

remaining. The remaining few have been strengthened by the Holy Father, even though some of them have decided to leave. The same thing applies to the members here. Out of the number who were with me at Eton Street, only

a few remain. The rest have been backsliding into the world. Why is it so? This is because; all of them are the children of perdition. All those who come

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to Brotherhood, but refuse to practice the word of God, cannot withstand any temptation.

When a person comes to Brotherhood and tries to abide by the instructions, no matter the magnitude of temptation that confronts him, the Father will

not allow him to fall a victim. The question now is, did Judas live to enjoy the thirty pieces of silver that he took for betraying Christ? Another question is,

since he was the treasurer did he exhaust all the money in the treasury before he went to collect the thirty pieces of silver? What was the benefit

gained by Judas Iscariot after abandoning all that he had to follow Our Lord Jesus Christ but in the end, he gained nothing? What happened to Judas

Iscariot had long been prophesied in the book of Psalms. It had been written that they would cast lots and another person would take his office. Whatever we observe in Brotherhood had been preordained from the foundation of the world. We have already said that it is pointless to go and caution a child of perdition against sin because once you tell him not to steal or fornicate he will do exactly that. Upon all the mighty works performed by Our Lord Jesus Christ, Judas was not afraid to misappropriate the money in the treasury.

The children of perdition do not have the fear of God in them because they are condemned people. Some people come here to do the work of God and yet they steal, fornicate and cause trouble all over the place. Such people

are the children of perdition. Others would come in here, and since they are the children of God, when they hear the gospel, they would refrain from all manner of sinfulness. This is why our Lord Jesus Christ said that the people will not fail to ask Him that He, as a physician should heal Himself. That He should repeat all the great works that He was known to have been doing in

other places. Christ replied that Elijah only performed his miracle on one widow. In the days of Elisha, only Namaan was cleansed of his leprosy, while there were so many lepers in the country. When Christ said this, the people

became furious and wanted to stone Him, but He disappeared from their midst.

People keep asking ''Why is it that your problems are increasing? "Why not go to the Holy Father to be healed? The person would say that he had done

so, but his problems were still mounting. The Father says that He is not responsible for such problems. Many paupers testify that they became

money magnate as soon as they came to the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. Others who were wealthy would say when they came in to the

Brotherhood they became beggars. All these things happen because they were destined to happen; therefore we should not blame anyone or

blaspheme against the name of God, because everything that happens is

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according to the will of God. There can be five people traveling in a car and if accident occurs four persons would die, while one is saved. This is according to the will of God. You can see that all things will pass away but not an iota of the word a God will pass away unfulfilled. Some people curse and abuse

members of Brotherhood that they drink blood, though they have never been here. Such people are of children perdition. Some say, they love

Brotherhood, but for the fact that they have to be baptized again, arguing that they have been baptized by water being sprinkled on their foreheads.

And no matter how you preach that baptism must be by immersion, they will not accept. Leave them alone because such people are the children of

perdition. When our Lord Jesus Christ said all of you are clean but not all, He was referring to Judas Iscariot. Before Our Lord Jesus Christ recruited Judas Iscariot, He knew that Judas was the child of perdition. If what happened to Judas did not come to pass, how would the prophesy in the book of Psalms be fulfilled? Who killed Judas Iscariot? Was it the Jews or Christ? No. This

happened so that what had been written may come to pass.

Did Judas kill himself? The answer is no. The voice of God came upon Isaiah saying, "Whom shall I send on an errand and who will go for; me? " Isaiah said, "Behold I am here, send me." God said, “Go and tell them, but I will

block their ears so that they will hear but not understand, they will see and will not perceive so that they will not repent and be saved.” Anyone who

does not hear and practice the word of God should not be blamed because he was created for destruction. Left to me, I would not like anyone to perish. I would like everybody to be saved, but what about what has been written about the child of perdition? I have been telling you that this work is not

done by me or you, but what had been written is what is being fulfilled. Do not be annoyed with your children, wife husband or neighbors. Remember the gospel of today and take care of yourself. All that we have to do is to give thanks to the Father. If we are able to practice the gospel, the ability

comes from God, but if we cannot practice the gospel and fall, the ability still comes from Him.

Brethren, I will not take you any further. A stroke of the cane is sufficient for a wise man. Let those who have ears to hear, let them hear. May God bless

His Holy words. Amen.Thank you Holy Father.