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SIIM -TR-A-01-11 SIIM Technical Report A Mapping of OMG IDL to TTCN-3 by Michael Ebner Schriftenreihe der Institute f¨ ur Informatik/Mathematik Serie A 12th July 2001 Medizinische Universit¨ at zu L¨ ubeck Technisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakult¨ at Email: [email protected] Phone: +49-451-500-3725 Fax: +49-451-500-3722

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SIIM -TR-A-01-11

SIIM Technical Report

A Mapping of OMG IDL to TTCN-3


Michael Ebner

Schriftenreihe der Institute fur


Serie A

12th July 2001


Universitat zu LubeckTechnisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultat

Email: [email protected] Phone: +49-451-500-3725Fax: +49-451-500-3722

A Mapping of OMG IDL to TTCN-3

Michael Ebner

12th July 2001


A widely used middleware for Internet based distributed systems is CORBA where interfaces are

described with IDL. TTCN is used as a standardised test description language in the telecom-

munication area. The current version of TTCN, version 3, is among others designed to test

CORBA based systems. This requires a mapping of IDL to TTCN-3 and therefore, a new map-

ping for TTCN-3 in contrast to the existing one for TTCN-2 gets necessary. This report provides

a mapping of IDL to TTCN-3 and a comparison to the TTCN-2 mappings.


1. Introduction 1

1.1. Interface Definition Language (IDL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2. Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.3. Remainder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2. Lexical Conventions 5

3. Preprocessing 6

4. IDL Specification 7

4.1. Module Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4.2. Interface Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4.3. Value Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4.4. Constant Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

5. Type Declaration 10

5.1. IDL Basic Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5.2. Constructed Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

5.3. Template Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5.4. Complex declarator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

6. Exception Declaration 16

7. Operation Declaration 16

8. Attribute Declaration 19

9. Names and Scoping 20

10.Conclusion 21

A. IDL Concept Mapping List 23

B. Derived TTCN-3 data types 25

C. Comparison of IDL, ASN.1, TTCN-2 and TTCN-3 data types 27

D. Complete Example 29

D.1. IDL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

D.2. TTCN-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

References 40

1. Introduction

Nowadays, conformance and functional testing is widely used in the telecommunication area.

However, testing of distributed systems based on Internet technology is not evolved that much.

This gets especially more and more important if we have a look on the increasing amount of

provided services and transfered data with Internet based technology. Furthermore, traditional

telecommunication services will develop to Internet based services to provide more powerful

services and to create new services. Testing of this new Internet based applications is crucial

for their success as it is in the telecommunication area.

A widely used middleware for Internet based distributed systems is the Common Object Re-

quest Broker Architecture (CORBA) which uses an object oriented concept (OMG 2001). The

interfaces of CORBA objects are described using the Interface and Definition Language (IDL)

(ITU-T 1997b, OMG 2000). In the telecommunication area the Tree and Tabular Combined

Notation (TTCN) is used as a standardised test description language (ETSI 2001a). In addi-

tion, the current version of TTCN, version 3, is also designed to test CORBA based systems to

satisfy the demand for testing Internet based distributed systems. Hence, TTCN-3 can be used

seamless to write tests for both application areas. TTCN is, for instance, used in the CORVAL2

(CORBA Validation 2) project to test interoperability of different Object Request Broker (ORB)

implementations (Leach 2000).

Thus, using TTCN to test CORBA based applications is a natural step in testing distributed

systems. Because TTCN requires informations about the application interface it is quite natural

if we could use the IDL definition for it. Hence, a mapping of IDL to TTCN to describe the used

interfaces gets required. This has already been done for TTCN-2, but TTCN-3 provides now,

for instance, synchronous communication and new data types. Therefore, a mapping of IDL to

TTCN-3 has to be designed to make use of this new features.

Using TTCN to test CORBA based applications requires a mapping of IDL to TTCN to describe

the used interfaces. This was also done formerly for TTCN-2 but TTCN-3 provides new features

as stated before (Li 1998, Mednonogov 2000, Mednonogov, Kari, Martikainen and Malinen 2000,

Schieferdecker, Li and Hoffmann 1998). Furthermore, it is intended to provide a direct data type

mapping where IDL data types are mapped directly to TTCN data types and not to ASN.1 data

types as it is used in (Mednonogov 2000, Mednonogov, Kari, Martikainen and Malinen 2000).

Therefore, the old mapping of IDL to TTCN-2 has to be redesigned to make use of these new

features. It was intended to describe a mapping which is independent of implementation details

wherewith it can be used in general. It is assumed that a CORBA/TTCN gateway executes

the concrete mapping between the TTCN test suite and the CORBA based System Under Test


IDL and TTCN-3 will be now described in more detail and afterwards the remainder of this

document gets explained.


1. Introduction

1.1. Interface Definition Language (IDL)

There exist several standards which define a Interface Definition Language (IDL). However,

the IDL specification in the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is the most

popular one and others are mostly derived from it (ISO/IEC 1999, ITU-T 1997b, OMG 2001).

Furthermore, we are interested in using it for CORBA and therefore, only CORBA IDL resp.

OMG IDL is mentioned here.

CORBA is a part of the Object Management Architecture (OMA), the framework defined by the

Object Management Group (OMG). OMA is a Distributed Object Management (DOM) architec-

ture. It gives an overview and a base for discussion about the expected components. The heart

of the OMA is the Object Request Broker (ORB) which is the communication infrastructure of

the whole framework for the distributed environment. It allows access to distributed objects

(see figure 1). The defined protocols and interfaces are common possibilities to communicate

with the ORB and to use standardised services, facilities and domain. The implementation as-

pects are not specified because in order to be OMG conform it is necessary to implement the

interfaces only. This makes it possible to choose non object-orientated programming languages

and to interconnect different languages across the ORBs.

Figure 1: A CORBAobject request

The object model of CORBA is the elementary part of the whole standard. It is derived from the

abstract Core Object Model of the OMA. It describes the view, called interface, on each object.

This view is described using the IDL of the OMG for CORBA (OMG 2001, chap. 3). It is a

language to describe interfaces in an implementation language independent manner. It shall not

describe implementation characteristics like behaviour, instances or relationships. Therefore,

the following constructs are defined:

Constants to assist with type declarations


1.1. Interface Definition Language (IDL)

Data type declarations to use for parameter typing

Attributes which allow getting and setting of a value of a particular type

Operations which take parameters and return values

Interfaces which group data type, attribute, and operation declarations

Modules for name space separation

Thus, each client can invoke remote operations on an object without knowing about the imple-

mentation details (see figure 1).

Therefore, IDL is a base of the whole CORBA standard and an important point in developing

distributed systems with CORBA. It allows the reuse and interoperability of objects in a system.

A mapping between IDL and a programming language is defined in the CORBA standard. IDL is

very similar to C++ containing pre-processor directives (include, comments, etc.), grammar as

well as constant, type and operation declarations. There are no programming language features

like, e.g., if-statements.

Data Types IDL supports the most basic data types from C++but there are no int and

references in IDL. Instead, string, boolean and any are available. Some data types have a

different specification like char which is a type on its own in CORBA. The constructed types

enum, struct, array and union are similar to C++. The template type sequence is a variable

length array of elements of one, but any, IDL type. The type string is like sequence but it only

supports ASCII ISO-Latin characters. any is like Object in Java a placeholder for any possible

IDL type.

Modules and Interfaces The main concept behind IDL are interfaces. Each interface may

contain constants, types, attributes, exceptions and operations for one object. A module is a

method to separate name spaces and may contain any IDL construct. Each IDL construct is

automatically public according to the object orientated concept. (Multiple-) Inheritance is only

permitted for interfaces and not for modules. It is not forbidden to derive interfaces in a cycle.

Attributes and Operations Each client knows the IDL interface specification of each object

containing all information about the object. Attributes are like variable definitions but they

behave like operations in CORBA. Each read-write attribute gets a set- and get function and

each read-only attribute gets a get function. The main part of an interface are the supported

operations. An operation declaration consists of an operation attribute that specifies the invoca-

tion semantics, the type of the operation result, the operation name, a parameter list, optional

exceptions and optional context expressions.

Exceptions are an easy programming concept to handle the distributed system’s character-

istics, especially errors. The context expression allows the client to transfer context specific

information, like security context information for the security service.


1. Introduction

1.2. Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN)

Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN) is the third part of the Conformance Testing

Methodology and Framework (CTMF) standard for the specification of test suites for confor-

mance testing. Currently, the new version of TTCN, called TTCN-3, was finally standardised to

replace TTCN-2 (ETSI 2001a, ISO/IEC 1998b).

TTCN is designed for functional, black-box testing and to describe Abstract Test Suites (ATS)

which are independent of a concrete test platform. Therefore, special interfaces between a System

Under Test (SUT) and the ATS defined via TTCN are required to make a test suite executable.

First, there has to be an Abstract Test System Interface (ATSI) which defines the view of the

ATS. The access points between ATS and SUT are called Point of Control and Observation

(PCO). Secondly, there is a Real Test System Interface required which maps the ATSI to the

SUT (see figure 2).

Test configuration in TTCN is done by a Main Test Component (MTC), the master of the

test execution. The MTC controls all other test components called Parallel Test Component

(PTC). PTCs can be dynamically created whereas the MTC is created automatically by each

test case execution. Test components in TTCN-3 communicate with each other via ports1 which

are modeled as infinite FIFO queues to store incoming calls. Communication between Test

Components and test system is also done via ports2 (see figure 2).

TTCN-2 was designed to test networks which are conform to the ISO Open Systems Intercon-

nection (OSI) Reference Model. However, TTCN-3 improves concepts of TTCN-2 and introduces

new concepts to be a test description language for reactive system tests over a variety of commu-

nication platforms such as CORBA based platforms. Therefore, OSI terminology and concept like

Abstract Service Primitive (ASP) and Packet Data Unit (PDU) and conformance testing pecu-

liarities have been removed as far as it is required to achieve this goal. Additionally, constraint

handling is replaced by templates which provide parameterisation and matching mechanism.

Another important feature in TTCN-3 is the enhanced communication concept which supports

now procedure-based communication to provide synchronous communication beside the old

message-based communication which is asynchronous. Through this enhancement writing tests

for systems using IDL, like CORBA based systems, gets much easier. Beside these modifications

a test execution control part, module and grouping concept, new data types, etc. are introduced

to provide, e.g., better control and grouping mechanism. Use of data types defined via ASN.1

is also possible in TTCN-2. However, TTCN-3 has integrated some ASN.1 data types into the

language itself.

As the name TTCN states, a tabular form is used in TTCN-2 for the user. However, TTCN-

3 abandons the tabular form for the user and uses instead a text-based language which is

comparable to an implementation language like C. This new core language is used as base for

document interchange and for a tabular representation format, too (ETSI 2001b). A graphical

representation format is also planned.

If TTCN-3 is used for testing systems with interfaces specified via IDL this interface definition

can be used as ATSI. Therefore, the mapping suggestion in the next sections could be used to1in TTCN-2 via Communication Points (CP)2in TTCN-2 via PCOs


1.3. Remainder

Figure 2: Conceptual view of a typical TTCN-3 testing configuration

generate ATS parts automatically. This would effect definitions like data types and signatures

for procedures. Hence, interface modifications could be seamless introduced into the static part

of TTCN test suites which would improve consistence and allows easier testing of CORBA based

systems. Further information concerning TTCN-2 and TTCN-3 can be found in (J. Grabowski,

Wiles, Willcock and D. Hogrefe 2000, Schieferdecker and Grabowski 2000). Especially dynamic

aspects have not been considered so far because they are not that important for the mapping

of IDL to TTCN.

1.3. Remainder

The further document is structured similar to the IDL specification document (OMG 2000) to

provide easy access to the mapping of each IDL element. Each mapping consists of rules to map

an IDL element and rules which have to be considered in the IDL definition to prevent conflicts

with TTCN-3 rules. Furthermore, there can be suggestions how to use the provided features of

IDL interfaces in TTCN-3, for example, the possibility of raising an exception and the exception

type definition is defined in IDL but not catching of exceptions itself.

2. Lexical Conventions

The lexical conventions of IDL define the comments, identifiers, keywords and literals conven-

tions which are described below.


3. Preprocessing

Comments Comments can be defined in IDL and TTCN-3 by using the pair “/*” and “*/” for

comment blocks or “//” for end of line comments like defined in ISO C++ (ISO/IEC 1998c).

Identifiers Identifiers in IDL and TTCN-3 consist of alphabetic, digit and underscore characters

where the first character must be an alphabetic character and all characters are significant.

However, there is no case distinction in IDL but the spelling has to be consistent throughout

the whole definition. TTCN-3 uses case sensitive identifiers and therefore, the IDL rule defines

a sub set of the TTCN-3 rule.

Keywords It has to be made sure that no TTCN-3 keywords (see in (ETSI 2001a, app. A.1.5))

are used as identifiers in the IDL definition if a seamless mapping has to be guaranteed. However,

identifiers can be renamed, for example, by appending a special prefix or suffix in case of a

conflict with keywords in TTCN-3.

Literals The definition of literals differ slightly between IDL and TTCN-3 why some changes

have to be made. Table 1 gives the mapping for each literal type.

Literal IDL Convention TTCN-3 ConventionInteger no ”0” as first digit no ”0” as first digitOctet ”0” as first digit ’FF96’O1

Hex ”0X” or ”0x” as first digits ’AB01D’HFloating 1222.44E5 (Base 10) 1222.44E5 (Base 10)Char ’t’ ”t”Boolean TRUE, FALSE true, falseString ”text” ”text”Wide string ”text” ”text”Fixed point 33.33D Not available (see section 5.3, page 15)

Table 1: Literal mapping

IDL uses the ISO Latin-1 character set for string and wide string literals and TTCN-3

uses ISO/IEC 646 for string literals and ISO/IEC 10646 for wide string literals (ISO/IEC

1990, 1993, 1998a).

3. Preprocessing

IDL preprocessing is defined by the ISO C++ standard (ISO/IEC 1998c). TTCN-3 does not

support preprocessing wherefore only the include statement can be supported directly and all

other preprocessing statements are not considered so far here.

The include preprocessor statement of IDL can be mapped onto the import statement of

TTCN-3 to use definitions from other files. All other preprocessor statements, which are mostly1Octet literals require an even number of hexadecimal digits as given by the octetstring definition


text replacements, are not matched to TTCN-3 because the IDL specification should be used

after preprocessing it.

Furthermore, users could use IDL definitions by importing it and using the language option.This could look like this

import all from IDLDefinition language "IDL";

However, this is not always possible because as stated in the TTCN-3 document (ETSI 2001a,

sec. 7.5.10) import allows only import of types if module is written in another language as

TTCN! This whould prevent, for instance, use of constants.

4. IDL Specification

IDL specifications consist of type, constant, exception, interface, module and value declarations.

Beside basic and constructed data types IDL provides the object oriented types interface and

valuetype. This object oriented types cannot be mapped straight forward because they contain

structural information which has to be considered in the TTCN configuration architecture and

by the CORBA/TTCN gateway.

The module, interface, value and constant declaration are described now and the type and

exception declaration as well as the bodies of interfaces are described later.

4.1. Module Declaration

IDL uses modules as main grouping and scoping unit. TTCN-2 mappings use modules to define

nested test groups whereas TTCN-3 owns an module concept which can be used to map module

on it.

IDL TTCN-3module identifier { body } module identifier { body }

4.2. Interface Declaration

Interfaces describe objects with all their access methods by using operations and attributes.

Additionally, interfaces can contain local type definitions like exceptions and constants which

can be used by its operations and attributes. A mapping for interfaces should provide a similar

scoping and grouping mechanism as well as an appropriate handling under TTCN as in IDL.

Because of lacking an object model in TTCN, interfaces have to be flattened and all interface

definitions are stored in one group. Hence, import of single interface definitions from other

modules via the importing group statement gets possible. Using module would not be appropri-

ate because the module concept from IDL has to be considered as well as the module concept

of TTCN.

The test configuration concept of TTCN-3 requires use of component and port resp. PCO.

According the TTCN-2 mappings, interfaces are best mapped to PCOs. Hence, they are mapped

to ports in TTCN-3. Hereby, components are used as a collection of interfaces resp. objects.


4. IDL Specification

IDL TTCN-3interface NamingContext { body } group NamingContextInterface {

type port NamingContextprocedure { ... }


An interface defines an own type in IDL which represents the interface entity. Additionally,

IDL defines an own type object where all interfaces are derived from. Because the port reference

cannot be used inside signature definitions another mechanism has to be used to represent the

interface reference. TTCN-2 mappings use stringified Interoperable Object References (IORs) or

integers. TTCN-3 does not provide special support for it. In order to be consistent to CORBA

stringified IOR is preferred, too.

Interfaces can make use of inheritance from other interfaces which can also be abstract. TTCN

provides no object oriented concepts which provides inheritance wherefore all inherited elements

have to be rolled out. Thus, they have to be handled as defined in the interface itself. In case

of multiple inheritance elements have only to be inherited once!

Forward references of interfaces resp. ports can also be used in TTCN. Local interfaces require

no further special mapping wherefore they can be treated as normal interfaces.

One interface can be instantiated many times but it can only be executed properly if the

corresponding port is connected to a component. Therefore, whenever a component gets created

all corresponding ports resp. interfaces resp. objects are instantiated, too. Furthermore, it is

not possible to dynamically change the number of objects for a component wherefore a new

component has to be created. The instantiation location depends on the component which has

to be matched properly by the test system. A further discussion of this problem can be found in

the TTCN-2 mappings (Mednonogov 2000, Mednonogov, Kari, Martikainen and Malinen 2000).

It makes no difference for the mapping if requested3 or provided4 interfaces are required by the

test system and SUT. Hence, TTCN can be used on client and server side without modifications

to the mapping rules.

The concrete matching of interface operations, attributes, exceptions, types and constants are

described in the following sections.

4.3. Value Declaration

The valuetype is local like a struct but contains also inheritance, operations and attributes

like an interface (OMG 2001, chap. 5). If valuetype is used as parameter it will be passed

as object-by-value wherefore it can be seen as interface which is passed by value. However,

valuetype is more similar to struct because only the values will be transmitted. Thus, it is

mapped like a struct where inheritance is treated by rolling it out as it is also defined for

interfaces and given operations are mapped to external functions. If there is only one variable

for valuetype, it can be mapped like given by the type mapping with a special attribute, the

encode statement, for this type as described in section 9.

3test system requires interface which is provided by SUT4test systems provides interface which is required by SUT


4.4. Constant Declaration

The examples below show how to map valuetype and were used from (OMG 2001, sec 5.3, sec.

IDL TTCN-3valuetype StringValue string;

valuetype EmployeeRecord {// note this is not a CORBA::Object// state definitionprivate string name;private string email;private string SSN;

// initializerfactory init(in string name, in string SSN );


type charstring StringValuewith { encode "IDL:valuetype

and IDL:string" }

group EmployeeRecordValuetype {type record EmployeeRecord {

charstring name,charstring email,charstring SSN


external functionEmployeeRecord_init(

charstring name,charstring SSN );


4.4. Constant Declaration

Constant declarations can be easily transformed to TTCN-3 by use of literal (see table 1) and

operator mapping for floating-point and integer values (see table 2).

Operator IDL TTCN-3Unary floating-pointpositive + +negative − −Binary floating-pointaddition + +subtraction − −multiplication ∗ ∗division / /Unary integerpositive + +negative − −bit-complement ~ not4b

Operator IDL TTCN-3Binary integeraddition + +subtraction − −multiplication ∗ ∗division / /modulo % modshift left << <<shift right >> >>bitwise and & and4bbitwise or | or4bbitwise xor ˆ xor4b

Table 2: Operators for constant expressions


const long number = 017; // 017 == 0xF == 15

const long size = ( ( number << 3 ) % 0x1F ) & 0123;


5. Type Declaration


const IDLLong number := 9;

const IDLLong size := ( ( number << 3 ) mod ’1F’H ) and4b ’0123’O;

5. Type Declaration

IDL provides type declarations for values and constants as seen in the sections before (see

section 4.3 and 4.4) and basic data types, constructor types, template and complex types. Their

mapping to TTCN-3 will be shown in the following subsections.

A construct for naming data types and defining new types by using the keyword typedef is

provided by IDL. This can be done under TTCN-3 via the keyword type, too.

5.1. IDL Basic Types

Mapping IDL basic data types to TTCN data types is straight forward because IDL data types

are similar to ASN.1 data types which are used as data type base in TTCN, too (ITU-T 1997a,

Open Group 2000). TTCN-3 provides more predefined types than TTCN-2 wherefore a better

mapping can be provided.

Integer and Floating-Point Types Integer mapping does not differ between TTCN-2 and

TTCN-3 where integer with range limitations are used for a proper mapping. This looks like

in the following example:


type integer IDLShort ( -32768 .. 32767 );type integer IDLLong ( -2147483648 .. 2147483647 );type integer IDLLongLong ( -9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807 );

type integer IDLUnsignedShort ( 0 .. 65535 );type integer IDLUnsignedLong ( 0 .. 4294967295 );type integer IDLUnsignedLongLong ( 0 .. 18446744073709551615 );

TTCN-2 has no float type wherefore floats could only be mapped onto the ASN.1 real type. In

TTCN-3 there is now an unlimited float type available where float, double and long double

from IDL can be mapped on. However, there is still no range limitation available wherefore the

range limitations has to be kept in mind.


5.1. IDL Basic Types

Char and Wide Char Type The IDL char and wide char type represent a single and wide

character5. TTCN-3 introduces the character types char and universal char wherefore IDL

char and wchar can now be mapped properly on it. However, TTCN uses ISO/IEC 646 as

character set for char and ISO/IEC 10646 for universal char wherefore the IDL specification has

to be limited to ISO/IEC 646 resp. ISO/IEC 10646 or an appropriate translation has to be used

(ISO/IEC 1990, 1993).

IDL TTCN-3const char letter = ’A’;const wchar wideLetter = ’A’;

const char letter := "A";const universal char wideLetter := "A";

Boolean Type The IDL boolean type can be mapped directly to the TTCN-3 boolean type.

IDL TTCN-3const boolean isValid = TRUE; const boolean isValid = true;

Octet Type octet is not mapped onto an integer type because it has the special feature that

it will not change its internal ordering if transfered between different system architectures. To

represent it octet is mapped to octetstring.

IDL TTCN-3const octet data = 0x55; const octetstring data = “55”H

Any Type In IDL it is possible to represent each possible IDL type with the any type. There is

no corresponding type in TTCN available wherefore another construct is required. One solution

could be using a union type to store all possible data types. The union type comprises all

required types wherefore this types has to be known in advance. To prevent this limitation

a union type for all possible types in TTCN used by the IDL mapping rules could be defined.

However, it is only possible to use basic data types and well defined constructed types wherefore

no generic constructed types for set, record, union, etc. are supported. For instance, it is not

possible to provide entries for all possible kinds of set by using a generic set. Therefore, the

user could define his own restricted any type in TTCN by using a union type containing only

all possible types of the concrete application and not all thinkable types. This new any type has

to be mapped to a full any type by the test system. However, this requires a careful handling

of any types because type definitions could be missing.

The mapping described in (Mednonogov, Kari, Martikainen and Malinen 2000) is fixed on ASN.1

and therefore, it has problems in distinguishing types which are mapped onto the same ASN.1

type. There is no support of the any type given but they suggest use of the design pattern

decorator if any type is used. Another mapping provides only basic types for the any type and

let structured types open for further study (Li 1998).

TTCN-3 provides no new feature which would solve the problem of mapping the any type

properly. Therefore, only a restricted any type could be used at the moment. However, using

5Any character set can be used for type wide char


5. Type Declaration

any in an interface can nowadays be seen as a gap in a good system resp. interface specification

resp. design. Thus, use of the any type should be prevented was is also done in ASN.1 (ITU-

T 1997a, sec. E.3). Therefore, the any type should not occur because, if tests via TTCN are

executed, the interfaces should be quite stable without use of the any type. Nevertheless, there

are scenarios where the any type has to be used. An example is an application which forwards

data without looking into it.

CORBA provides use of a dynamic management of any values but it is not appropriate to use

this concept for a mapping of the any type (OMG 2001, chap. 9).

An any type for basic types could look like the one below where the type kind is stored in a

separate variable:

TTCN data type for CORBA anytype record IDLAny {

IDLTCKind kind,IDLAnyValueHelper value_ }

type union IDLAnyValueHelper {

IDLShort short_,IDLLong long_,IDLLongLong longLong_,IDLUnsignedShort ushort_,IDLUnsignedLong ulong_,IDLUnsignedLongLong ulongLong_,

float float_,

IDLOctet octet_,IDLFixed fixed_,

char char_,universal char wchar_,charstring string_,universal charstring wstring_,

boolean boolean_,charstring object_ }

type enumerated IDLTCKind {tk_null, tk_void,

tk_short, tk_ushort,tk_long, tk_ulong,tk_longlong, tk_ulonglong,

tk_octet, tk_boolean,tk_float, tk_double, tk_longdouble,

tk_char, tk_wchar,tk_string, tk_wstring,

tk_any, tk_objref,

tk_struct, tk_union, tk_sequence,tk_enum, tk_array, tk_fixed

tk_alias, tk_except, tk_TypeCode,tk_Principal, tk_value, tk_value_box,tk_native, tk_none,tk_abstract_interface }

The types double and long double has to be distinguished via the type kind and the values

have to be stored in float_.

The mappings without integer mapping are summarized in table 3. Integers are all mapped to

integer with according range limitation.

5.2. Constructed Types

IDL provides the three constructed types struct, union and enum. Recursive construction of

types is only permitted with the sequence template type (see section 5.3).

There is no fundamental difference between mapping to TTCN-2 and TTCN-3 for most con-

structed types given because new data types in TTCN-3 are directly introduced from ASN.1.


5.2. Constructed Types

CORBA IDL TTCN-2 TTCN-3float — floatdouble — floatlong double — floatboolean BOOLEAN booleanoctet OCTET STRING octetstringchar GraphicString, char

IA5String(SIZE(1))wchar GraphicString, universal char

BMPString(SIZE(1))any CHOICE union

Table 3: Mapping rules for basic types

Hence, only a closer mapping to this new data types gets possible. This concerns, for exam-

ple, sequence, sequence of, enumerated and choice which are used as record, record of,

enumeration and union. Hence, TTCN-2 mapping can mostly be used for TTCN-3, too (see

table 4).

Struct Struct is used to collect data in one place. Because of the importance of ordering inside

struct it is always mapped to ASN.1 sequence. This ordering is until now not mentioned in

the IDL specification but it is indirectly mentioned in the CORBA document, for instance, in

the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) specification and type code specification (OMG 2001,

chap. 15). Therefore, mapping onto the new data type record in TTCN-3 can be used.

IDL TTCN-3typedef struct NC {

string id;string kind;

} NameComponent;

type record NameComponent {string id,string kind


Discriminated Unions Unions can store different types in one place but only one at the same

time. Under IDL union is discriminated wherefore the actual type has to be specified, too. They

can be mapped directly to the TTCN-3 union type where the type information is not necessary.

Nevertheless, TTCN-3 provides the function isChosen() to get the actual type of the union


IDL TTCN-3union MyUnion switch( long ) {

case 0 : boolean b;case 1 : char c;case 2 : octet o;case 3 : short s; };

type union MyUnion {boolean b,charstring c,IDLOctet o,IDLShort s }


5. Type Declaration

Enumerations In both languages enumerations can be used on the same way.

IDL TTCN-3enum NotFoundReason {

missing_node,not_context,not_object };

type enumerated NotFoundReason {missing_node,not_context,not_object }

CORBA IDL TTCN-2/ASN.1 TTCN-3struct SEQUENCE recordenum ENUMERATED enumerationunion SEQUENCE record

Table 4: Mapping rules for constructed types

5.3. Template Types

IDL supports the template types sequence, string, wide string and fixed type. Their mapping

is summarized in table 5.

Sequence IDL sequence is used to provide support of one-dimensional arrays with a fixed

maximum size and a length. In contradiction to fixed arrays (see section 5.4) only the valid

sequence entries will be transmitted and the empty entries will not and therefore, use of un-

bounded sequences is possible, too. This makes a matching onto arrays in TTCN impossible

wherefore only set of and record of are available. To keep the ordering of sequences the type

record of has to be chosen to provide an appropriate matching to TTCN.

IDL TTCN-3typedef sequence<NameComponent> Name; type record of NameComponent Name;

String and wstring string and wstring are sequences of char and wchar. In TTCN-2,

characterstring uses several different predefined types which are all replaced in TTCN-3

by two characterstring types which use ISO/IEC 646 and ISO/IEC 10646 character en-

coding. Therefore, string and wstring have to be mapped to charstring and universal


IDL TTCN-3const string name = "My String";const wstring wideName = "My String";

const charstring name := "My String";const universal charstring

wideName := "My String";


5.4. Complex declarator

Fixed Types The fixed type represents a fixed-point decimal number. There is no correspond-

ing type for fixed type in TTCN available whereby a new type has to be created. Because of

the similarities between TTCN and C the solution from the C language mapping of IDL (OMG

1999, section 1.14) is used. It maps the fixed type to a struct which stores the number in

a char array and the digit and scale number in extra variables. In TTCN-3 it can be realised

via a record and a charstring to store the number. A record is preferred against a set

because of the initialiser notation for records which makes use of fixed types under TTCN-3

more convenient.

IDL TTCN-3typedef fixed<12,7> Fix; type record IDLFixed {

IDLUnsignedShort digits,IDLShort scale,charstring value_ }

var IDLFixed fix :={ 12, 7, "12345.1234567" };

See the definition of IDLUnsignedShort and IDLShort on page 10.

CORBA IDL TTCN-2/ASN.1 TTCN-3sequence SEQUENCE OF record ofstring GraphicString, charstring

IA5Stringwstring GraphicString, universal charstring

BMPStringfixed —1 record

Table 5: Mapping rules for template types

5.4. Complex declarator

The last kind of type declarator are the complex types array and native.

Arrays IDL array can be mapped directly to the TTCN array type because they provide the

same functionality.

IDL TTCN-3typedef long NumberList[100]; var IDLLong NumberList[100];

Native Types native types are used to allow implementation dependend types. TTCN-3

provides the type address to address entitities inside a SUT. Hence, address can be used for

mapping of native and concrete implementation is left to the user.

IDL TTCN-3native MyNativeVariable; address MyNativeVariable;

1Mapping of this type was not considered.


7. Operation Declaration

6. Exception Declaration

In IDL exception is used in conjunction with operation resp. procedure calls to handle excep-

tional conditions during performing an operation call. Therefore, a special struct like exception

type is provided which has to be associated with each operation which can raise this exception.

TTCN-3 supports also the use of exceptions with procedure calls by binding it to signature

definitions but provides no special exception type wherefore exceptions are defined like struct

by use of record. TTCN-2 has no support of exceptions thus it is realized by using PCOs with

asynchronous communication to get exception information from the test system.

The part exception definition is shown in the following example and use of exception binding

in signature definitions and exception catching is shown in context of operation declaration in

the section 7 on page 18.

IDL TTCN-3exception NotFoundException {

NotFoundReason why;Name rest_of_name; };

// definition of an exception typetype record NotFoundException {

NotFoundReason why,Name rest_of_name }

// definition of a template for the// defined exception typetemplate NotFoundExceptionNotFoundExceptionTemplate (NotFoundReason par1, Name name) := {why := missing_node,rest_of_name := name }

7. Operation Declaration

Beside attributes, operations are the main part of interface definitions in IDL and are used,

for instance, in the CORBA scheme as procedures which can be called by clients. Procedure calls

in general are supported by TTCN-3 via the synchronous communication operations which are

used in conjunction with ports and components as stated earlier. Operations under IDL consist

of invocation semantics, return results, identifier, parameter list, optional raise expression and

optional context expression. The matching of all this parts to TTCN-3 will be described now.

Operation Attribute IDL supports an optional oneway attribute which implies best-effort

invocation semantics without a guarantee of delivery but with a most-once invocation semantics.

oneway operations have to provide no out parameters and the return type void. Furthermore,

no raise expressions are allowed but standard exceptions can still be raised. If no attribute

is given the invocation semantic is at-most-once in case of an exception and exactly-once if it

returns successfully.

Message or procedure based ports could be used for oneway procedures because both would

be a valid mapping from IDL point of view. However, use of procedure based ports for oneway

procedures is recommended because the IDL specification makes no guarantee that oneway calls


are non-blocking or asynchronous. Furthermore, CORBA implements oneway procedures via

synchronous communication, too. Hence, best mapping of both kind of operations is given by use

of synchronous communication wherefore no distinction for oneway procedures gets necessary.

However, it is not the same for CORBA wherefore the IDL information in the interface repository

can be used to detect oneway operations and to handle them appropriate. Furthermore, use of

the extension statement could be used to mark oneway operations what should be preferred.

By the way, CORBA supports also the Asynchronous Method Invocation (AMI) to provide non-

blocking requests. It is realized by a client-side mapping which makes no or only small server side

changes necessary. Therefore, special methods will be produced in addition to provide the new

functionality. This new methods use still the synchronous communication mechanism wherefore

no modifications in IDL have been necessary. However, there was a new IDL introduced called

implied IDL which is generated from the IDL specification with the additional operations for

the client side and is used to generate the client implementation stubs.

Introduction of AMI leads to the fact that a client is also a server if the callback model is used.

This model requires a reply handler which is invoked by the server. Hence, mapping of IDL to

TTCN-3 gets necessary from client and server perspective. Therefore, CORBA exceptions, as

defined in the section before, can also be raised by the tester.

Parameter Declarations The parameter attributes in, inout and out describe the trans-

mission direction of parameters and can be mapped directly to the communication parameter

attributes in TTCN-3 because they have exactly the same semantics.

return, out and inout parameters of operations have to be catched by a getreply statement

in TTCN-3 which should be given in the call context. IDL makes the following restriction for

passing parameters:

When an unbounded string, wstring or sequence is passed as an inout parameter,

the returned value cannot be longer than the input value (OMG 2000).

Hence, this has to be kept in mind by writing test cases and by the test environment.

Raises Expressions A raise expression specifies all raisable exceptions by an operation and

can be mapped directly to TTCN-3 because it can be given by the procedure signature definition

by specifying an exception. Nevertheless, each operation can raise a standard exception.

Context Expressions context expressions provide access to local properties for the called

operation. This properties consist of a name and a string value. As used in (OMG 2001, sec.

4.6) the context expression can be matched by redefining the operation with the context

parameters included into the operation parameters. This is done in a TTCN-2 mapping intro-

ducing an additional array parameter, too (Mednonogov 2000, Mednonogov, Kari, Martikainen

and Malinen 2000). The additional parameter should consist of a sequence containing for each

context parameter a struct containing two string variables for the context name and value.


7. Operation Declaration


// not found exception is defined in section ‘‘exception declaration’’

string remoteProc1( in long Par11, out long Par12, inout string name1 )raises( NotFound )context( ‘‘MyContext1’’ );

// oneway procedure: no return value and no inout or out allowed!!!oneway void remoteProc2( in long Par21, in long Par22, in string name2 );


Operation definition

type record IDLContextElement {charstring name,charstring value_


type record of IDLContextElement IDLContext;

signature RemoteProcSignature1(in IDLLong Par11, out IDLLong Par12,inout charstring name1, in IDLContext context )

return stringexception( NotFoundException );

signature RemoteProcSignature2(in IDLLong Par21, in IDLLong Par22,in charstring name2 )

with { extension "IDL:oneway" };

type port RemoteProcPort procedure {out RemoteProcSignature1;out RemoteProcSignature2


type component CorbaSystem {port RemoteProcPort PCO


Operation usage

// not found exception is defined in section ‘‘exception declaration’’

var IDLContextElement contextElement := {name := "MyContext1", value_ := "MyContextValue" };

var IDLContext idlContext := { contextElement };


template RemoteProcSignature1 RemoteProcTemplate1 := {Par11 := 0,Par12 := 1,name1 := "my name",context := idlContext


template RemoteProcSignature2 RemoteProcTemplate2 := {Par21 := 2,Par22 := 3,name2 := "my other name"


var CorbaSystem myCorbaSystem := CorbaSystem.create;connect(self:MyPCO, MyCorbaSystem:PCO);myCorbaSystem.start; RemoteProcTemplate1 ) {[] MyPCO.getreply(RemoteProcSignature1:{-,*,*} value *) -> value MyResult1

param(MyPar12, MyName1) sender MySender1 {}[] MyPCO.catch( RemoteProcSignature1,

MyNotFoundExceptionTemplate ) {verdict.set(fail);stop;

}} RemoteProcTemplate2 );

// raising an exception can be done on this way but it is not used// because only the SUT should raise this exception!!!var NotFoundException myNotFoundException := {why := missing_node,rest_of_name := "noname"


MyPCO.raise( RemoteProcSignature1, myNotFoundException );

8. Attribute Declaration

An attribute is like a set and get operation pair to access a value. If an attribute is readonly

only the get operation has to be provided! Therefore, attribute mapping is given by the operation



attribute string object_type;



9. Names and Scoping

signature RemoteAttribGetSignature() return charstring;signature RemoteAttribSetSignature( in charstring object_type );

type port RemoteProcPort procedure {out RemoteAttribGetSignature;out RemoteAttribSetSignature


type component CorbaSystem {port RemoteProcPort PCO


var CorbaSystem MyCorbaSystem := CorbaSystem.create;connect(self:MyPCO, MyCorbaSystem:PCO);CorbaSystem.start();

// {

[] MyPCO.getreply( value * ) -> value MyResult {}

// catch all exceptions[] MyPCO.catch {

verdict.set( fail );stop;


// settemplate RemoteAttribSetSignature RemoteAttribSetSignatureTemplate := {

object_type := "my name"} RemoteAttribSetSignatureTemplate );}

9. Names and Scoping

The name definition scheme of IDL does not collide with the name definition in TTCN-3. Scoping

is more restrictive in IDL than in TTCN-3 wherefore the IDL scoping rules have to be mapped ap-

propriate to allow a seamless mapping. IDL uses nested scopes for modules, interfaces, structures,

unions, operations and exceptions and identifiers are scoped in types, constants, enumeration

values, exceptions, interfaces, attributes and operations. The hierarchical scopes in TTCN-3 are

module, control part of module, function, testcase and statement blocks within control part

of module, function and testcase.

Furthermore, TTCN-3 supports no overloading of identifiers wherefore no identifier name can

be used more than once in a scope hierarchy. However, IDL allows redefinition of self defined

types if defined inside a module, interface or valuetype. Hence, identifiers have to be mapped

by using their path name including all interface and valuetype name as designated in IDL

and TTCN. The use of module names is not necessary because they are reflected by the TTCN

module structure. As separator a underscore shall be used and existing underscores shall be

doubled. Use of path names was also suggested by the TTCN-2 mappings.


To indicate the special treatment of TTCN statements derived from IDL, TTCN-2 mappings are

using special naming schemes. This simplifies coding and type differentiation. TTCN-3 provides

a new mechanism to attach attributes to language elements. Use of this attributes make code

more readable and require no special naming scheme. The encode attribute is used to define

encoding rules to type definitions. Therefore, the encode attribute can be used to indicate the

derivation of types from IDL and the special treatment for encoding by the test system resp.

CORBA/TTCN gateway. For example, this could look like

type integer IDLShort ( -32768 .. 32767 ) with { encode "IDL:short" };

type record NameComponent {MyString id,MyString kind } with { encode "IDL:struct" };

This requires an own naming scheme to tag all types. It is suggested to use the type name and

if necessary add special attributes like valuetype via the keyword and.

The encode attribute can only be used for type definitions and therefore, the extension at-

tribute has to be used for other language elements like signature definitions. It is suggested to

use the IDL keyword which represents the special handling like oneway for signature definitions.

Several attributes shall be concatenated via the keyword and as used for encode attribute.

Names of new types which are especially defined for the IDL mapping and their use in conjunc-

tion with IDL shall always begin with the word IDL to provide better distinction to TTCN and

own types.

10. Conclusion

This report provides a mapping of IDL to TTCN-3 where rules are given and explained to map

elements. It is not always possible to provide satisfiable mappings because mapping for the any

type is not really solved. Also, mapping for interface and valuetype is not powerful enough

in order to use all IDL features in a proper way. However, this is no limitation in using it but for

convenience. The use of ASN.1 to map type any and to use inheritance seems to be interesting

which is left open for further study.

Furthermore, some mappings could not be very exactly because of lacking support in TTCN-3,

for instance, double and long double. The latter ones can only be matched to float which has

no exact size definitions. Operations, attributes and exceptions can be mapped well to TTCN-3

because synchronous communication with an IDL like syntax and semantics was introduced

especially for this case.

CORBA specific parts like variable handling if used as inout parameters are not considered in

TTCN because they should be done by the compiler or interpreter and/or the underlying test

system. Nevertheless, if IDL is not precise enough, e.g., the oneway attribute for operations, the

CORBA specification was used as reference.


10. Conclusion

There was no discussion about technical implementation details. However, projects based on

TTCN-2 have shown that it is possible to use TTCN-2 and CORBA together. Furthermore,

TTCN-3 gives support to synchronous communication wherefore implementing test suites gets

easier, too. Nevertheless, introduction of AMI in CORBA requires testing of the asynchronous

and synchronous functionality of the SUT.

If TTCN-3 is used to test CORBA systems, the language mapping of TTCN-3 should be equiv-

alent to the IDL language mapping.

To sum up, in contrast to TTCN-2, mapping to TTCN-3 is more comfortable and powerful.

However, the report has not considered the concrete mapping for compilers and test environ-

ments to existing systems. Hence, this has to be done later for each desired application area

like CORBA systems.


A. IDL Concept Mapping List

Table 6 lists the mapping of keywords and concepts of IDL to TTCN-3 keywords or concepts.

Literal and operator mapping can be seen in section 2 and 4.4.


Object charstring

TRUE true

abstract has to be rolled outany record, union, enumerated

array1 array

attribute get (and set) operationboolean boolean

char char

const const

context additional procedure parameterwith own type

enum enumerated

exception record

fixed record with integers and charstringfloat, double, long double float

in in

inout inout

interface group, port

local2 —long integer3

long long integer3

module module

native address

octet octetstring

oneway operation with encode attributeoperation1 signature for procedureout out

raises exception

readonly only a get operation for the attribute

1This is a IDL concept and not a keyword2This keyword requires no special treatment because it makes no difference for its corresponding statement.

The difference has to be made by the user, used tools and/or test environments.3integer with according range limitation


A. IDL Concept Mapping List

IDL TTCN-3sequence record of

short integer1

string charstring

struct set

typedef type

union, switch, case union

unsigned long integer1

unsigned long long integer1

unsigned short integer1

valuetype record, function (or directly)wchar universal char

wstring universal charstring

Table 6: Conceptual List of IDL Mapping

1integer with according range limitation


B. Derived TTCN-3 data types

Table 7 lists the derived TTCN-3 data types. They can be used if a direct mapping to a

TTCN-3 data type was not possible. Nevertheless, it is also possible to define special TTCN

data types for all IDL data types.

IDL TTCN-3 (basic) TTCN-3 (derived)

any record, union, IDLAny, IDLAnyValueHelper,

enumerated IDLTCKind

fixed record with integers IDLFixed

and charstringlong integer1 IDLLong

long long integer1 IDLLongLong

octet octetstring IDLOctet

short integer1 IDLShort

unsigned long integer1 IDLUnsignedLong

unsigned long long integer1 IDLUnsignedLongLong

unsigned short integer1 IDLUnsignedShort

context2 --3 IDLContextElement, IDLContext

Table 7: Derived TTCN-3 data types

1integer with according range limitation2context is no data type3Mapping of context was not considered.


B. Derived TTCN-3 data types


C. Comparison of IDL, ASN.1, TTCN-2 and TTCN-3 datatypes

Table 8 lists a comparison of IDL, ASN.1, TTCN-2 and TTCN-3 data types and is based on

the documents (Li 1998, Mednonogov 2000, Mednonogov, Kari, Martikainen and Malinen 2000,

Open Group 2000).

































































































































































1Mapping of this type was not considered.2integer with according range limitation3superseded in ASN.1 from 1997 (ITU-T 1997a)


C. Comparison of IDL, ASN.1, TTCN-2 and TTCN-3 data types


D. Complete Example

The following example shows how a mapping would like if a complete IDL and TTCN-3 specifi-

cation, inclusive a test case, is used. It is only intended to give an impression how the different

elements have to be mapped and used in TTCN-3.

Some parts are used from the CORBA standard like the Naming Service with slight modifications

to cover more IDL elements.

D.1. IDL

module ttcnExample{

// ***********// Basic Types// ***********const long number = 017; // 017 == 0xF == 15const long size = ( ( number << 3 ) % 0x1F ) & 0123;const float decimal = 15.7;

const char letter = ’A’;const wchar wideLetter = ’A’;

const boolean isValid = TRUE;const octet anOctet = 0x55; // limited to 8 bit

const string myName = "my name";const wstring wideMyName = "my name";

typedef string MyString;

// *****************// Constructed Types// *****************typedef struct NC {

MyString id;MyString kind;

} NameComponent;

union MyUnion switch( long ) {case 0 : boolean b;case 1 : char c;case 2 : octet o;case 3 : short s;


enum NotFoundReason { missing_node,not_context,not_object };

// **************// Template Types// **************typedef sequence <NameComponent> Name;


D. Complete Example

typedef sequence <NameComponent> Key;

typedef fixed<12,7> Fix;

// ******************// Complex Declarator// ******************typedef long NumberList[100];

native MyNativeVariable;

// ********************// Valuetype Definition// ********************

valuetype StringValue string;

valuetype EmployeeRecord {// note this is not a CORBA::Object// state definitionprivate string name;private string email;private string SSN;

// initializerfactory init(in string name, in string SSN);


// ********************// Interface Definition// ********************interface NamingContext {

attribute string object_type;readonly attribute Key external_form_id;

exception NotFound {NotFoundReason why;Name rest_of_name;


MyString bind( in Name n,inout Object obj,out Object myObj )

raises( NotFound )context ( "Hostname" );

oneway void rebind( in Name n,in Object obj );

}; // end of interface NamingContext

}; // end of module ttcnExample

D.2. TTCN-3

// ************************************


D.2. TTCN-3

// Module with General IDL Declarations// ************************************

module IDLDefault {// ************// Integer Type// ************type integer IDLShort (-32768 .. 32767) with { encode "IDL:short" };type integer IDLLong (-2147483648 .. 2147483647) with { encode"IDL:long" };type integer IDLLongLong (-9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807)

with { encode "IDL:longlong" };

type integer IDLUnsignedShort ( 0 .. 65535 ) with { encode "IDL:ushort" };type integer IDLUnsignedLong ( 0 .. 4294967295 ) with { encode "IDL:ulong" };type integer IDLUnsignedLongLong ( 0 .. 18446744073709551615 )

with { encode "IDL:ulonglong" };

type octetstring IDLOctet with { encode "IDL:octet" };

// **********// Fixed Type// **********type record IDLFixed {

IDLUnsignedShort digits,IDLShort scale,charstring value_ } with { encode "IDL:fixed" };

// ********// Any Type// ********type union IDLAnyValueHelper {

IDLShort short_,IDLLong long_,IDLLongLong longLong_,IDLUnsignedShort ushort_,IDLUnsignedLong ulong_,IDLUnsignedLongLong ulongLong_,

float float_,

IDLOctet octet_,IDLFixed fixed_,

char char_,universal char wchar_,charstring string_,universal charstring wstring_,

boolean boolean_,charstring object_


type enumerated IDLTCKind {

tk_null, tk_void,

tk_short, tk_ushort,


D. Complete Example

tk_long, tk_ulong,tk_longlong, tk_ulonglong,tk_octet, tk_fixed,

tk_float, tk_boolean,tk_double, tk_longdouble,

tk_char, tk_wchar,tk_string, tk_wstring,

tk_any, tk_objref,

tk_struct, tk_union,tk_sequence, tk_array,tk_enum,

tk_alias, tk_except,

tk_TypeCode, tk_Principal,tk_value, tk_value_box,tk_native,tk_abstract_interface,


type record IDLAny {IDLTCKind kind_,IDLAnyValueHelper value_

} with { encode "IDL:any" };

// ************// Context Type// ************type record IDLContextElement {

charstring name,charstring value_


type record of IDLContextElement IDLContext with { encode "IDL:context" };} // end of module IDLDefault

// **************************// Module with TTCN-3 Example// **************************

module ttcnExample {

// **************************// Import All from IDLDefault// **************************import all from IDLDefault;

// ********************************// Mapping of the IDL Specification// ********************************


D.2. TTCN-3

// **********************// Mapping of Basic Types// **********************const IDLLong number := ’17’O ;const IDLLong size := ( ( number << 3 ) mod ’1F’H ) and4b ’0123’O;const float decimal := 15.7;

const char letter := "A";const universal char wideLetter := "A";

const boolean isValid := true;const IDLOctet anOctet := ’55’H;

const charstring myName := "my name";const universal charstring wideMyName := "my name";

type charstring MyString with { encode "IDL:string" };

// *****************// Constructed Types// *****************

// ******// Struct// ******type record NameComponent {

MyString id,MyString kind

} with { encode "IDL:struct" };

// *****// Union// *****type union MyUnion {

boolean b,charstring c,IDLOctet o,IDLShort s

} with { encode "IDL:union" };

// ***********// Enumeration// ***********type enumerated NotFoundReason {

missing_node,not_context,not_object }

// ********// Sequence// ********type record of NameComponent Name with { encode "IDL:sequence" };

type record of NameComponent Key with { encode "IDL:sequence" };

//******// Fixed// *****// see using of fixed in testcase below


D. Complete Example

// ******************// Complex Declarator// ******************// see using of array in testcase below

// see using of native in testcase below

// ********************// Valuetype Definition// ********************type charstring StringValue

with { encode "IDL:valuetype and IDL:string" };

group EmployeeRecordValuetype {type record EmployeeRecord {

charstring name,charstring email,charstring SSN

} with { encode "IDL:valuetype and IDL:struct" };

external function EmployeeRecord_init(charstring name, charstring SSN);}

// ********************// Interface Definition// ********************group NamingContextInterface {

// attribute object_typesignature ObjectTypeGetSignature() return charstring;signature ObjectTypeSetSignature( in charstring object_type );

template ObjectTypeSetSignature ObjectTypeSetSignatureTemplate := {object_type := "my object type"


//// attribute external_from_id//signature ExternalFormIdGetSignature() return Key;

// exception notFoundExceptiontype record NotFoundException {

NotFoundReason why,Name rest_of_name


template NotFoundExceptionNotFoundExceptionTemplate ( NotFoundReason par1, Name name ) := {

why := missing_node,rest_of_name := name


//// bind procedure//


D.2. TTCN-3

signature BindSignature( in Name n, inout octetstring obj,inout octetstring myObj,in IDLContext context ) return MyString

exception( NotFoundException );

template BindSignature BindTemplate (charstring object, IDLContext con ) := {

n := "name",obj := object,myObj := *,context := con


//// rebind procedure//signature RebindSignature( in Name n, in charstring obj )

with { extension "IDL:oneway" };

template RebindSignature RebindTemplate ( charstring object ) := {n := "name",obj := object


type port NamingContext procedure {out ObjectTypeGetSignature;out ObjectTypeSetSignature;out ExternalFormIdGetSignature;out BindSignature;out RebindMessageType ;


// component is necessary for test casetype component CorbaSystemInterface {

port NamingContext PCO;}

// somewhere has MyMTC be defined

// *******************// Testcase Definition// *******************testcase MyNamingServiceTestCase() runs on MyMTC system CorbaSystemInterface {

// examples to show how above defintions can be used inside a// testcase definition

var CorbaSystemInterface myCorbaSystem := CorbaSystemInterface.create;connect( self:NamingContextPCO, myCorbaSystem:PCO );myCorbaSystem.start;


D. Complete Example

//// Fixed Type//var IDLFixed fix := { 12, 7, "12345.1234567" };

//// Array//var integer numberList[100];

//// Native//var address MyNativeVariable;

//// Procedure Calls//var charstring myResult1;var Key myResult2;var MyString myResult3;var charstring object, myObject, resultObject, resultMyObject;

var IDLContextElement contextElement := {name := "Hostname",value_ := "disen"


var IDLContext contextParameter := { contextElement };

//// procedure get object_type// ObjectTypeGetSignature ){

[] NamingContextPCO.getreply( ObjectTypeGetSignature value * )-> value myResult1 {}


//// procedure set object_type// ObjectTypeSetSignatureTemplate );

//// procedure get external_from_id// ExternalFormIdGetSignature ){

[] NamingContextPCO.getreply( ExternalFormIdGetSignature value * )-> value MyResult2 {}


//// procedure bind (with template)//


D.2. TTCN-3 BindTemplate( object, contextParameter ) ){

[] NamingContextPCO.getreply( BindTemplate( * ) value * )-> value myResult3param( resultObject, resultMYObject ) sender mySender {}

[] NamingContextPCO.catch( BindSignature,NotFoundExceptionTemplate )




//// procedure bind (without template)//

BindSignature:{ myName, object, myObject, contextParameter } ){

[] NamingContextPCO.getreply( BindSignature:{ -, *, myObject }value * ) -> value myResult3

param( resultObject, resultMYObject ) sender mySender {}}

//// procedure rebind// RebindSignature:{ myName, object} ); // or use a template

//// raising an exception//

// this would be used to raise an exception inside of procedure bind// if defined by TTCN-3 (if used on server side).var NotFoundException myNotFoundException := {

why := missing_node,rest_of_name := "noname"


NamingContextPCO.raise( BindSignature, myNotFoundException );

} // end of testcase MyNamingServiceTestCase

} // end of module ttcnExample


D. Complete Example




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