sijs learning newsletter - st ives junior

Summer term 2019 Number 1 03/05/2019 Dear Parents / Carers, It is hard to believe that we are now in the final term of this school year! The summer term is always a busy one, with lots of events and activities throughout the next few months. Years 4 and 6 are particularly excited about their imminent visits to Delaware outdoor centre and London! As we are hopeful of some more sunny weather to come, our sun safe guidance is attached to this newsletter for your information. Thinking of sunny days on the beach, we are grateful to the RNLI and beach lifeguards, who led an assembly last week all about staying safe whilst having fun in and around the water. It was lovely to see many parents at our maths morning this week. If there are any other areas where you feel a parent workshop would be helpful, please let us know. Thank you for responding to the parent questionnaire that was completed at the time of the parent teacher meetings. The results have all been collated and were overwhelmingly positive and the additional positive comments made were much appreciated by all the staff. It is our aim to always respond to parents’ views and to keep you informed as well as we possibly can, and so your views are really important to us. Some of the key areas were: All parents completing the questionnaire agreed that their child makes good progress, is taught well, is well looked after and is offered a wide range of interesting and enjoyable activities, with 99% agreeing that they feel safe in school, that the school is well led and managed, that pupils take responsibility for making good choices and that they are clear how to help their child with learning at home. Some of the areas that we will be addressing are: The school takes account of pupils’ views – 95% agreed with this statement, with 4% unsure. We will therefore aim to keep you and your children fully informed of how we respond to their views, often expressed through the pupil council. 91% of parents felt that the use of Seesaw, Facebook and the website motivated their child to want to share their learning. We will consider how we can make better use of these ways of sharing learning with you and would welcome any other ides that you or child might have on how this could be improved. If you have any ideas, issues or feedback at any time, please do get in touch as we are always keen to hear your views and to understand what works well for you and your child and what could be even better. MILE-A-DAY TO MARATHON Inspired by the London Marathon, SIJS will be taking part in their own marathon challenge! As part of Mile a Day, all adults and children have been set the challenge of completing a half or a full marathon by the end of the term. Every day during Mile a Day every child will record the number of laps they completed in their own personal logbook and keep a running total. In order to reach half a marathon children will need to cover 78 laps and for a full marathon 156 laps! When these milestones are reached certificates will be presented to them to recognise these wonderful sporting achievements. On your marks, set, go! SIJS Learning SIJS NEWSLETTER

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Page 1: SIJS Learning NEWSLETTER - St Ives Junior

Summer term 2019 Number 1 03/05/2019

Dear Parents / Carers,

It is hard to believe that we are now in the finalterm of this school year! The summer term isalways a busy one, with lots of events andactivities throughout the next few months. Years4 and 6 are particularly excited about theirimminent visits to Delaware outdoor centre andLondon! As we are hopeful of some more sunnyweather to come, our sun safe guidance isattached to this newsletter for your information.Thinking of sunny days on the beach, we aregrateful to the RNLI andbeach lifeguards, wholed an assembly lastweek all about stayingsafe whilst having fun inand around the water. It was lovely to seemany parents at our maths morning this week. Ifthere are any other areas where you feel a parentworkshop would be helpful, please let us know.

Thank you for responding to the parentquestionnaire that was completed at the time ofthe parent teacher meetings. The results have allbeen collated and were overwhelmingly positiveand the additional positive comments made weremuch appreciated by all the staff. It is our aim toalways respond to parents’ views and to keep youinformed as well as we possibly can, and so yourviews are really important to us.

Some of the key areas were:

All parents completing the questionnaire agreedthat their child makes good progress, is taughtwell, is well looked after and is offered a widerange of interesting and enjoyable activities, with99% agreeing that they feel safe in school, thatthe school is well led and managed, that pupilstake responsibility for making good choices andthat they are clear how to help their child withlearning at home.

Some of the areas that we will be addressing are:The school takes account of pupils’ views – 95%agreed with this statement, with 4% unsure. Wewill therefore aim to keep you and your childrenfully informed of how we respond to their views,often expressed through the pupil council.

91% of parents felt that the use of Seesaw,Facebook and the website motivated their child towant to share their learning. We will consider howwe can make better use of these ways of sharinglearning with you and would welcome any otherides that you or child might have on how thiscould be improved.

If you have any ideas, issues or feedback at anytime, please do get in touch as we are always keento hear your views and to understand what workswell for you and your child and what could beeven better.

MILE-A-DAY TO MARATHONInspired by the London Marathon, SIJS will betaking part in their own marathon challenge! Aspart of Mile a Day, all adults andchildren have been set thechallenge of completing a halfor a full marathon by the end ofthe term. Every day during Mile aDay every child will record thenumber of laps they completedin their own personal logbook and keep a runningtotal. In order to reach half a marathon childrenwill need to cover 78 laps and for a full marathon156 laps! When these milestones are reachedcertificates will be presented to them to recognisethese wonderful sporting achievements. On yourmarks, set, go!

SIJS Learning


Page 2: SIJS Learning NEWSLETTER - St Ives Junior

KEEPING UP TO DATEPlease can you make sure that, ifyou have changed your contactdetails, particularly mobile phonenumber, that you let us know sothat our details are up to date.This is really important for sharinginformation with you, as well as incase of any emergency.

TRIATHLONCongratulations to all of the SIJS children whotook part in the Intotri triathlon event held herelast weekend. It is always lovely to hear of thechildren’s successes out of school too and we werepleased to be able to offer our facilities for thisevent, along with the Infant School and LeisureCentre.


On Monday, year 3 pupils had a really excitingday being explorers. The day started off with avisit to Steeple Woods, where first we heard thestory of Juliane Koepcke, who amazingly fell twomiles from a plane and crashed into the Amazonrainforest, only to survive! Juliane then used hersurvival skills in the jungle for 11 days beforebeing rescued. We, like Juliane would have, thenstarted building our own shelters using only theresources in the woods. Our creative skillsdefinitely started to shine and no two dens lookedthe same! We also fully explored the woods bygoing on a scavengerhunt, finding weirdand wonderful plantsand objects. Back atschool in theafternoon, wedeveloped oursurvival skills furtherby making a teepeecamp fire out of twigsand finally we satback and enjoyeddelicious toastedmarshmallows!

NUMBERS COUNT!Many thanks to the parents and carers thatvisited school for our maths morning on Tuesday.The enthusiasm to find outmore about how we deliverthe maths curriculum wasmuch appreciated and thechildren enjoyed being ableto learn alongside theirguests. It was great to beable to share our belief thatwe can all 'do' maths andthat good maths is notabout how many answers we know, but how webehave when we don't know!

Mr Luke (Maths Leader)


Page 3: SIJS Learning NEWSLETTER - St Ives Junior

DIARY DATES07 - 09.05.19 Y4 residential visit to

Delaware Outdoor Centre

13 - 16.05.19 SATs week (and brainy breakfast) for all Year 6 pupils

20.05.19 Y3 parents’ meeting for Sleeping with Sharks visit to Eden and Plymouth

21 - 23.05.19 Y6 London visit

21.05.19 Y5 parents’ meeting for Porthpean camp

27 - 31.05.19 Half term break

06.06.19 - 07.06.19 Y3 Sleeping with Sharks visit

10 - 12.06.19 Y5 Porthpean camp

21.06.19 Hockey tournament at Penzance

24.06.19 INSET day – school closed for staff training

26.06.19 Taster day at St Ives School for Year 5

W/C 01.07.19 Final week for after school clubs

01 and 02.07.19 Moving up Days – Y6 pupils to St Ives School, other year groups to spend the mornings in their new classes for September)

02.07.19 Y6 parent welcome evening at St Ives School

09.07.19 Y3/4 Sports day (afternoon)

11.07.19 Y5/6 Sports Day (afternoon)

16.07.19 Open Afternoon

17.07.19 Reserve date for Y3/4 sports day

18.07.19 Reserve date for Y5/6 sports day

23.07.19 Y6 Leavers’ performance to parents

25.07.19 Last day of term

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CongratulationsWell done

W/E 26/04/19Year 3. Caitlin HarveyYear 3. Kerris GeorgeYear 4. Faith BakerYear 4. Oakley BoltonYear 5. Senara BeesonYear 5. Nellie KirkwoodYear 6. Thomas HardingYear 6. Fearne Slade

W/E 03/05/19Year 3. Benjy CummingYear 3. Rose EwingYear 4. Molly RoweYear 4. Eben LesterYear 5. Scarlett YatesYear 5. Annie McGuireYear 6. Loreena Hardman-ChadwickYear 6. Chloe Hatch

W/E 26/04/19Class 1. Caitlin HarveyClass 1. William BannerClass 2. Zane ChallingsworthClass 2. Brian WoottonClass 3. Morgan RichardsClass 3. Oliver PaxtonClass 4. Alicia KingClass 4. Andrew Houghton-EvansClass 5. Tyler BarrettClass 5. Lilly HoskingClass 6. Ben BarnettClass 6. Penny BoneClass 7. Jake MooreClass 7. Isla CareClass 8. Oscar HartClass 8. Jack Vaughan

W/E 03/05/19Class 1. Joe NovellClass 1. Lucy CareClass 2. Blossom BurdettClass 2. Freya LeeClass 3. Lucas TaylorClass 3. Ruby RawlingsClass 4. Arthur StevensClass 4. Brody AshClass 5. At the beachClass 6. At the beachClass 7. Amelie KantarisClass 7. Diogo AlgarvioClass 8. Chloe HatchClass 8. Ella Hall

Special Certificates and Purple Tickets

Page 5: SIJS Learning NEWSLETTER - St Ives Junior

OOvveerrvviieeww AAPPRRIILL 22001199

OOuurr sscchhooooll iiss ccoonncceerrnneedd aabboouutt pprrootteeccttiinnggssttaaffff aanndd ppuuppiillss ffrroomm ssuunnbbuurrnn aanndd ffrroommsskkiinn ddaammaaggee tthhaatt ccaann bbee ccaauusseedd bbyy tthheehhaarrmmffuull uullttrraa--vviioolleett ((UUVV)) rraayyss iinn ssuunnlliigghhtt..SSkkiinn ccaanncceerr iiss tthhee mmoosstt ccoommmmoonn aanndd tthheeffaasstteesstt ggrroowwiinngg ffoorrmm ooff ccaanncceerr iinn tthheeccoouunnttrryy.. TThhee SSoouutthh WWeesstt,, aanndd CCoorrnnwwaallll iinnppaarrttiiccuullaarr,, hhaass tthhee hhiigghheesstt rraatteess ooffiinncciiddeennccee ooff aannyywwhheerree iinn tthhee ccoouunnttrryy..

AAss aallmmoosstt aallll sskkiinn ccaanncceerr iiss ccaauusseedd bbyy tthheessuunn,, iitt iiss eennttiirreellyy pprreevveennttaabbllee.. TThhee sscchhoooollbbeelliieevveess tthhaatt bbyy eennccoouurraaggiinngg ssuunn ssaaffeebbeehhaavviioouurr aatt sscchhooooll aanndd tteeaacchhiinngg cchhiillddrreennaanndd ppaarreennttss//ccaarreerrss aabboouutt tthhee rriisskk ooffssuunnlliigghhtt,, wwee ccaann pprreevveenntt cchhiillddrreenn ffrroommbbuurrnniinngg aanndd ccoonnttrriibbuuttee ttoowwaarrddss pprreevveennttiinnggsskkiinn ccaanncceerr..

TThhee eexxppeerriieennccee ooff ccoouunnttrriieess lliikkee AAuussttrraalliiaaaanndd NNeeww ZZeeaallaanndd sshhooww tthhee nneeeedd ttoo hhaavvee aaccoommpprreehheennssiivvee aapppprrooaacchh ttoo ttaacckklliinngg ssuunnssaaffeettyy aatt sscchhooooll.. IItt rreeqquuiirreess ccoommmmiittmmeennttffrroomm eevveerryyoonnee iinnvvoollvveedd –– ppuuppiillss,, tteeaacchheerrss,,ssttaaffff aanndd ppaarreennttss//ccaarreerrss..

IImmppoorrttaannccee ooff ssuunn ssaaffeettyy iinn tthhee sscchhooooll ddaayy

PPuuppiillss ssppeenndd oonn aavveerraaggee 220000 ddaayyss ppeerr yyeeaarraatt sscchhooooll,, wwhhiicchh iinncclluuddeess tthhee ppeeaakk UUVVttiimmeess ((1111 aamm ttoo 33 ppmm)).. WWhhiillsstt aatt sscchhooooll,,mmaannyy ssppeenndd aa lloott ooff ttiimmee oouuttssiiddee ((wwaallkkiinnggttoo aanndd ffrroomm sscchhooooll,, wwaaiittiinngg ffoorr bbuusseess,,bbrreeaakk,, lluunncchh ttiimmee,, qquueeuueeiinngg ffoorrlleessssoonnss//ccaanntteeeenn,, ttrriippss,, ssppoorrttss ddaayy eettcc))

OOuurr PPoolliiccyy

(1) Using a high factor sunscreen(SPF 30+)

PPaarreennttss//ccaarreerrss aarree aasskkeedd ttoo eennssuurree aallllppuuppiillss aarrrriivvee aatt sscchhooooll wwiitthh ssuunnssccrreeeenn ooffSSPPFF 3300 aapppplliieedd oonn aallll eexxppoosseedd aarreeaass,, nneecckk,, aarrmmss aanndd lleeggss.. AA hhiigghh ffaaccttoorrssuunnssccrreeeenn iiss rreeccoommmmeennddeedd dduuee ttoo yyoouunnggcchhiillddrreenn hhaavviinngg ssuucchh ddeelliiccaattee sskkiinn aanndd aahhiigghheerr ffaaccttoorr tthhaann ffoorr aadduullttss iiss nneecceessssaarryyttoo pprrootteecctt tthheemm,, eessppeecciiaallllyy aass bbrreeaakkss//lluunncchhooccccuurr dduurriinngg ppeeaakk UUVV ttiimmeess.. AAllll ssttaaffff aarreeeexxppeecctteedd ttoo ffoollllooww tthhee ssaammee gguuiiddeelliinneess..

AAllll ppaarreennttss//ccaarreerrss aarree aasskkeedd ttoo sseennddcchhiillddrreenn ttoo sscchhooooll wwiitthh ssuunnssccrreeeenn lliibbeerraallllyyaapppplliieedd eeaacchh mmoorrnniinngg aanndd tteeaacchheerrss aannddssuuppppoorrtt ssttaaffff wwiillll hheellpp aass nneecceessssaarryy aannddeennccoouurraaggee yyoouurr cchhiilldd ttoo rree--aappppllyy aattlluunncchhttiimmee bbeeffoorree ggooiinngg oouutt ttoo ppllaayy..

IItt iiss nnoott oouurr ppoolliiccyy ttoo pprroovviiddee ssuunnssccrreeeenn iinnsscchhooooll dduuee ttoo ppoossssiibbllee aalllleerrggiicc rreeaaccttiioonnss bbyy

cchhiillddrreenn ttoo ccrreeaammss.. OOuurr eexxppeeccttaattiioonn iiss tthhaattppaarreennttss//ccaarreerrss wwiillll pprroovviiddee aaddeeqquuaattee aannddaapppprroopprriiaattee ccrreeaamm aanndd ccllootthhiinngg ffoorr tthheeiirrcchhiilldd//rreenn..

(2) Use of sun hats

PPaarreennttss//ccaarreerrss aarree aasskkeedd ttoo eennccoouurraaggee aallllppuuppiillss ttoo wweeaarr ssuunn hhaattss eevveerryyddaayy ttoo,, ffrroommaanndd dduurriinngg sscchhooooll dduurriinngg AApprriill ttooSSeepptteemmbbeerr.. DDuurriinngg sscchhooooll hhoouurrss aallll ppuuppiillss,,tteeaacchheerrss aanndd ssttaaffff wwiillll,, wwee hhooppee,, wweeaarr hhaattsswwhheenn oouuttssiiddee..

HHaattss aarree bbeesstt wwhheenn wwiiddee bbrriimmmmeedd aannddcclloossee wweeaavvee,, oorr iiff aa ccaapp iiss wwoorrnn iitt sshhoouullddiiddeeaallllyy hhaavvee aa ffllaapp aatt tthhee bbaacckk ttoo ccoovveerr tthheenneecckk..

(3) Wearing clothes that protect theskin

AAllll PPEE kkiitt sshhoouulldd bbee aatt lleeaasstt aa TT--sshhiirrtt tthhaattccoovveerrss tthhee sshhoouullddeerrss aanndd uuppppeerr aarrmmss,, aannddiiddeeaallllyy bbee aa lloonngg--sslleeeevveedd ttoopp tthhaatt ccoovveerrss ttootthhee wwrriissttss.. This level of coverage is alsoexpected for any clothes worn duringoutdoor school trips and camps.

(4) Shaded areas in the playground -we have a large sail shaded area-funded by a successful lottery bid.

TThheerree aarree nnoo ssppeecciiffiicc gguuiiddeelliinneess ffoorr wwhhaattttyyppee oorr aarreeaa ooff sshhaaddee sshhoouulldd bbee pprroovviiddeeddffoorr ppuuppiillss,, aalltthhoouugghh rreesseeaarrcchh tthhrroouugghh tthheeSSoouutthh WWeesstt PPuubblliicc HHeeaalltthh OObbsseerrvvaattoorryy aannddCCaanncceerr RReesseeaarrcchh UUKK ssuuggggeessttss aann iiddeeaall ooff22..55 mm ssqq ooff sshhaaddee ppeerr ppuuppiill.. CClleeaarrllyy,, tthhiissmmaayy nnoott bbee aacchhiieevvaabbllee dduuee ttoo lliimmiitteeddssppaaccee oorr bbuuddggeett bbuutt tthhee pprriinncciippllee ooff aanneeaassiillyy aacccceessssiibbllee sshhaaddeedd aarreeaa ffoorr ppuuppiillss iissaann iimmppoorrttaanntt oonnee.. BBeenncchheess aanndd qquueeuuiinnggaarreeaass ppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyy aarree ccoonnssiiddeerreeddaapppprroopprriiaattee ffoorr sshhaaddee pprroovviissiioonn.. SSuummmmeerrsshhaaddee sseeeekkss ttoo rreedduuccee UUVV,, rreedduuccee hheeaatt,,rreedduuccee UUVV lliigghhtt wwhhiillee wwiinntteerr sshhaaddee sseeeekkssttoo rreedduuccee UUVV..

IItt iiss rreeccooggnniisseedd tthhaatt iinnddiirreecctt UUVV,,ddeeppeennddiinngg oonn tthhee ssuurrffaaccee ttyyppee ooff tthheeppllaayyggrroouunndd aarreeaa ddeeppeennddss oonn tthhee lleevveellss ooffiinnddiirreecctt UUVV.. FFoorr eexxaammppllee ggrraassss aanndd ssoofftteerrssuurrffaacceess rreefflleecctt lloowweerr lleevveellss ooff UUVV tthhaannhhaarrdd ccoonnccrreettee ssuurrffaacceess.. OOuurr nneeww sscchhoooollffuunnddeedd ssaaffee ppllaayy ssuurrffaacciinngg iiss hhuuggeellyyhheellppffuull iinn tthhiiss..

(5) Sunsafe awareness amongchildren

SSuuppppoorrtt hhaass bbeeeenn ssoouugghhtt ffrroomm NNHHSSCCoorrnnwwaallll aanndd IIsslleess ooff SScciillllyy’’ss HHeeaalltthh

PPrroommoottiioonn SSeerrvviiccee..

IInn aasssseemmbbllyy wwee rreegguullaarrllyy ddiissccuussss tthhee nneeeeddttoo ppuutt oonn ssuunnssccrreeeenn aanndd wweeaarr hhaattss aass wweellllaass lloonngg sslleeeevveedd ccllootthhiinngg aanndd ccoollllaarrss..

(6) Preventing dehydration

DDeehhyyddrraattiioonn iiss aann iimmppoorrttaanntt ffaaccttoorr ttoo bbeeccoonnssiiddeerreedd aatt aallll ttiimmeess iinn sscchhooooll aannddppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyy dduurriinngg hhoott wweeaatthheerr.. WWeehhaavvee ffrreesshh wwaatteerr ddrriinnkkiinngg ffoouunnttaaiinnsstthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee sscchhooooll aanndd ppuuppiillss aarreeeennccoouurraaggeedd ttoo ddrriinnkk wwaatteerr tthhrroouugghhoouutttthhee sscchhooooll ddaayy,, eessppeecciiaallllyy dduurriinngg tthheehhootttteerr ssuummmmeerr mmoonntthhss.. WWee aallssoo hhaavveettwwoo eexxtteerrnnaall ppllaayyggrroouunndd ddrriinnkkiinnggffoouunnttaaiinnss,, oonnee ooff wwhhiicchh iiss wwiitthhiinn tthheenneeww,, llaarrggee sshhaaddeedd aarreeaa..

(7) Identifying high-risk groups

SSoommee cchhiillddrreenn aarree aatt ggrreeaatteerr rriisskk ooffssuunnbbuurrnn tthhaann ootthheerrss.. FFoorr eexxaammppllee,, ffaaiirrsskkiinnnneedd oorr ffrreecckklleedd cchhiillddrreenn wwhhoo bbuurrnneeaassiillyy aarree mmoosstt aatt rriisskk ffrroomm oovveerreexxppoossuurree ttoo tthhee ssuunn aanndd nneeeedd ttoo ttaakkeeggrreeaatt ccaarree wwhheenn oouutt iinn tthhee ssuunn.. TTeeaacchheerrssaanndd ssuuppppoorrtt ssttaaffff oonn oouuttddoooorr dduuttiieess oorr iinncchhaarrggee ooff sscchhooooll oouuttiinnggss wwiillll rreemmiinnddtthhoossee mmoosstt aatt rriisskk ooff bbuurrnniinngg ttoo ccoovveerr uuppiinn tthhee ssuunn aanndd uussee ssuunnssccrreeeenn.. HHoowweevveerr,,ssuunn ssaaffeettyy aaddvviiccee iiss rreelleevvaanntt ttoo aallllcchhiillddrreenn aass yyoouunnggeerr sskkiinn iiss ppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyyvvuullnneerraabbllee ttoo ddaammaaggee ffrroomm tthhee ssuunn..

(8) Role of parents/carers/staff

SSttaaffff wwiillll sseett aann eexxaammppllee iinn aallll aarreeaass ooff tthheeppoolliiccyy..

PPaarreennttss//ccaarreerrss ccaann hheellpp ggrreeaattllyy bbyyeennccoouurraaggiinngg cchhiillddrreenn ttoo bbrriinngg aanndd wweeaarr aahhaatt aatt sscchhooooll eeaacchh ddaayy.. AAllssoo bbyyeennccoouurraaggiinngg cchhiillddrreenn ttoo wweeaarr lloonnggeerrsslleeeevveedd sshhiirrttss aanndd lloonnggeerr sshhoorrttss wwhheennoouuttddoooorrss..

TThhaannkk yyoouu ffoorr yyoouurr aannttiicciippaatteedd ssuuppppoorrtt

Note: This policy has been based onlatest NHS guidance on sun safety andmodel policies for schools in protectingchildren from sun damage.

Sun Safety at SchoolSt Ives Junior School's Policy


Page 6: SIJS Learning NEWSLETTER - St Ives Junior


Y6 Study Club (First half term)

Mr Tudor/Ms Reynolds-Class 7 + 8

Cricket (Y4/5/6)Mr Bowden- Meet in

Class 3

Running (All years)Miss Hart- Meet in

Class 1

Art (All years) Mrs Hosking- Class 2

Hub Club (Year 3) Mr Moon- The Hub


Cooking Club (All years but max 15pupils - starting after

half term)

Miss Reynolds- DTHQ

Hub Club (Year 4) Mr Moon- The Hub


Home Learning Club (All years)

Teaching Assistants-Class 8


Rounders (All years)Miss Dobson & MrsMoore- Meet in spare


Photography (All years)Miss Wilson- Meet in

Class 5

Table Tennis (All years)Mr Luke- Meet in

Class 6

Sketch Book Club (All years)

Mrs Rehaag- Class 5

Hub Club (Year 5) Mr Moon- The Hub


Athletics (All years)Mr Cooley- Meet in

Class 1

Touch Rugby (Y3 & 4 - after half term)

Mr Tudor- Meet in Class 8

Hub Club (Year 6) Mr Moon- The Hub

Clubs start Monday 29th April 2019.

Please ensure that your child is aware ofwhether you would like them to stay for a clubor not, so they know whether they are expectedto stay in school or return home at 3.15pm. Ifwe, or your child are in any doubt about this, wewill call you to confirm the arrangements.

The last week for clubs will be W/C 1st July2019.

School is closed to children on 24th June forstaff INSET.

Summer Term 2019SIJS CLUBS


The Hive

Mrs Trathen- The Hive(library)- opportunity toread or change reading


The HubYear 6

Miss Dobson & Mr Moon- The Hub

(ICT suite)

Morning Provision (8.25 - 8.50am)

After School Clubs (3.15 - 4.15pm)

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Hayle Family Hub Tel. 01736 759058

Bodriggy Street, Hayle TR27 4ND Penzance Family Hub Tel. 01736 759058

Alverton Street, Penzance TR18 2QP

St Just Family Hub Tel. 01736 759058

Cape Cornwall Road, St Just TR19 7JX

The Family Information Service The Family Information Service (FIS) is the only source of all Ofsted registered

childcare in Cornwall. It is also the main signposting service for parents and

carers of children aged up to 19, or 25 if he/she has additional needs.

It can provide details on family support services, benefits, funding, leisure

activities, the Local Offer and much more.

Call the FIS free on 0800 5878191 or visit

If you would like this information in another format please contact:

Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Truro TR1 3AY

Telephone: 0300 1234 100

Email: [email protected] Website:

Early Help Offer at Penwith

What’s On Guide

Spring—Summer 2019

Page 8: SIJS Learning NEWSLETTER - St Ives Junior

Cornwall’s Early Help Offer

Cornwall’s Family Hubs support children, young people

and their families pre-birth to 25 years. Delivering in-

tegrated services to improve outcomes for children,

young people and their families with a particular focus

upon families in the greatest need of support in order

to reduce inequalities in: child development, parental

aspiration and achievement, self-esteem and parenting

skills, and child and family health and life chances.

There are six Family Hub cluster areas in Cornwall each

delivering services to offer help with:

Relationship and Parenting Support

Child and Family Health

Supporting Families with Complex Needs

Supporting Vulnerable Children Through

High Quality Education

Employment and Training Support

What is Signs of Safety?

Signs of Safety is about you and your family members working together, alongside professionals (health visi-tors, social workers, teachers, doctors, [police etc.), to meet the needs of your children in the best way possi-ble. It puts children, young people, their parents, car-ers and families at the heart of the work.

Families play a key part in working together with professionals, making clear the worries and concerns identified for their child, (who is worried and why), identifying the things that are going well in the child’s life (strengths), and agreeing what needs to be done (goals), to build on strengths and reduce wor-ries.

What difference will Signs of Safety make to the way professionals work with you and your children?

We use Signs of Safety to make sure that your children’s and your views, as parents/carers, are fully heard, with the strengths of your family clearly identified and included in the plans and actions needed to keep your child safe and/or promote their wellbeing. Professionals will be trying to make sure this happens by asking you questions such as:

“What do you think is going well?”

“What are worried about?”

“What needs to change?” Signs of Safety is a way of making sure that everyone involved in your child’s life has the same understanding of what is happening in your child’s life and what needs to be differ-ent. Using Signs of Safety we try and explain in a simple way, using danger statements and safety goals, what worries people have about your child, what your strengths are, and what needs to happen for everyone to be confident that your child is safe and well.

Signs of Safety aims to get everyone who cares about your child and who helps and sup-port you, including your extended family to think about ways they can help your child feel safe, healthy and settled.

Talking to children

Talking to your children is at the heart of Sign of Safety. It is important that children, as well as adults, have an opportuni-ty to talk about what they are worried about, what makes them happy, and what they would like to see happen in their family and community to keep them safe. The Signs of Safety approach uses a direct work tool including The Three Houses to talk to children and ask them their views.

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Early Help Targeted Youth Support

Early Help Targeted Youth Support Workers provide support for young people

(aged 13-18 years) who are able to give their consent to be worked with and

who meet the criteria as set out as below.



Understanding feelings, emotions and associated behaviours

Support to develop positive coping strategies around e.g low level

self-harm, anxiety, poor emotional resilience, bereavement, family

breakdown, impact of parent/carers mental health or drug/alcohol


Social and peer relationships

Family relationships

At risk of homelessness

Personal safety e.g. exploitation, sexual exploitation, online safety,

heathy relationships and risk taking behaviour

Substance misuse (Tier 2 assessed substance misuse?)

Personal and social development (including skills for life, learning

and work),

Support to build Resilience and decision making skills which con-

TYSW will complete a comprehensive Early Help Assessment and their

intervention will be underpinned by working in partnerships with other

services and agencies and will be time limited with progress regularly

reviewed and tackle a wide range of issues including but not limited to:

Who to contact? Telephone 01872 322277

E-mail [email protected]

Your Family Hub Team—Penwith

Family Hub Coordinator: Villy Colman 01736 759058 [email protected] Early Help Coordinator: Jill Adams 01736 336606 [email protected] Early Help Team Manager: Helen Salmon 01736 336609 [email protected] Parent and Adult Learning Lead: Myra Whitney 07800 610601 [email protected]

Your Local Health Teams

Family Health Team: 01736 754374 School Nursing: 01872 221400 Midwives: 01736 571202

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Monday Ready, Steady...Eat! An Introduction to Solid Food Fun, friendly and interactive group session for parents and babies. We will talk about when and how to introduce solid food to your baby and appropriate foods to try!

Monday 20th May 1.30-3pm

To book call Healthy Cornwall on 01209 615600 [email protected]

Face 2 Face FREE confidential service linking parents and carers of children with additional needs and disabilities with local parent befrienders. Face to Face Support Group (Drop In)

Mon 20th May, 17th June ,15th July 9.30-11.30am

Find us on Facebook at Friends of Face2Face Cornwall


Please note some groups may

apply a small charge

Monday cont’d Byan Community Outreach Service FREE confidential support and guidance: Housing, Benefits, Looking for private rented, Homelessness prevention,

Homechoice, Health and Wellbeing (drop in schedule)

Hayle Library TR27 4DE

2nd & 4th Monday 3-5pm


Childminders’ Network These Tuesday sessions offer a great opportunity to meet other childminders in your local area and provide peer support and practical help 10-12pm (Term time only) Phone Lisa Annis on 01736 755905

Rainbow Baby & Toddler Group, Methodist Church Hall

6 Chapel Hill TR27 4JU 1-2.45pm Phone: 01736 757053

Adult Education—Functional Skills, Maths and/or English Develop your career, learn a new skill, keep fit and active or simply have fun with an adult education course near you. 9.30-12pm To register your interest please con-tact Hayle Family Hub on 01736 759058

Important Numbers

Domestic Abuse Support

Free confidential support for anyone who has experienced or is experienc-

ing any form of domestic abuse.

WRSAC (Women & Teenage Girls): 01208 79992

Susie Project (Women & Teenage Girls): 01872 225629

CRASAC (Men, Women & Teenage Girls): 01872 262100


Facing crisis? Is buying food an issue? The

foodbank can help.

Hayle 07856 728 814

St Ives 0845 634 1868

Penzance 07950 159 841

Keeping Children Safe in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

If you have any concerns regarding a child’s safety please call:

Cornwall Children’s Social Care Multi-Agency Referral Unit (MARU) on

0300 1231 116

Early Help Hub The Early Help Hub is the single point of access for professionals,

families and young people to access Early Help Services in Cornwall

Contacting the Early Help Hub

An Early Help Services request can be made by a professional or family by completing a Request for Help form is available on the website and email it

to: [email protected] by telephoning:

01872 322277

The hub is open Monday – Thursday 8.45 – 5.15pm and Fridays 8.45 – 4.45pm

(Closed on Bank Holidays)

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Supporting Cornwall’s Families to Independence

Family Support Advice Sessions

Appointment Only

If you have a child under the age of 13 and need

some advice, then we can help:

One to one appointments for information, advice and guidance on parenting,

housing, relationships, grants, benefits, adult learning.

Please call 01736 759058 to book your appointment (10am—2pm)

St John’s Hall Hayle Family Hub

Wednesday 8th May

Monday 3rd June Wednesday 12th June

Monday 1st July Wednesday 10th July

Monday 5th August Wednesday 14th August

Who Dares Works – this project supports anyone over the age of 18

across West Cornwall who are unemployed. This could include:

Confidence and self-esteem building course from Active Plus

1:1 Mentoring from Addaction and Pentreath

Specialist Support from: Addaction, Pentreath, Clear, Dyslexia Cornwall, United Response

Community Club and Community Projects

Arts and graffiti

Work Related Activities – industries tasters from Whole Again Communi-ties, Cornwall Food Foundation, CHAOS – Care, Rebuild Southwest, Fire station and emergency services, creative workshops, Project Ambassadors, Who Dares Decides – the co-produced voice of the project working to leave a legacy.

FREE Children’s clothes bank, where people can come for pre-loved clothes and to also learn more about what we do – please call for more information

01736 759058

Penzance Clothes Bank – Thursday 17th May 12-2pm

at Whole Again Community

Tuesday cont’d Rocks Youth Club

2 Cross Street, Hayle TR27 4LW 6-7.15pm Email: For information please call: 01392 822100 / or email [email protected]

Wednesday Family Support Advice One to one appointment with a Family Worker for information, advice and guidance. 2nd Wednesday of the month 10th Apr, 8th May & 12th June To book an appointment please call: 01736 759058

Rhyme Time, Hayle Library 10-10.30am & 11-11.30pm

Hayle Parent and Toddler Group, Salvation Army, 10-12pm, Please call: 07552 945079

Busy Bodies Toddler Group, Hall for Gwinear 10-11.30am Please call Lynne: 07763 420521

Hayle Hayle

Thursday Health Visitor Clinic Drop in clinic for babies and toddlers for weighing and advice Every Thursday, 1.45-3.45pm Please remember to bring your child’s health record (Red Book) so we can update it for you. Contact your Family Health Team on 01736 754374

Breastfriends Group Peer Supporters, trained by Real Baby Milk, offer advice on breastfeeding, support and friendship group for pregnant or breastfeeding mums (exclusively or combined, directly or expressing). Friendly and supportive drop in group. Every Thursday, 12pm-2pm For more information please find us on Facebook : BreastFriends Hayle and St Ives

Play & Learn Penpol School

2 St George’s Road 1.30-3pm, Please call: 01736 753472

Jumping Joey’s Stay and Play Hayle Rugby Club 10-12pm

Friday Hayle Parent and Toddler Group, Salvation Army

10-12pm Please call: 07552 945079

Storytime, Hayle Library 3.45pm

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Friday cont’d Bump to Baby Antenatal programme provides parents-to-be with all the information and skills they need to feel confident about making the right choices for their new baby Fri 26th July - 9th Aug, 9.30-12pm To book please call: 01736 759058 Search online for Dads Pad –

Todlins Music & Dance The Scout Hut, Penpol Lane 10am Please call Chloe: 07977 418566

Monday Bizzy Bees Carbis Bay

Memorial Hall, 9.30-11.30am

Tuesday Bump to Baby Antenatal programme Tues 30th April-14th May , 3.30-6pm To book please call: 01736 759058

Health Visitor Clinic Drop in clinic for babies and toddlers for weighing and advice St Ives Community Clinic, TR26 1RU Every Tuesday, 1-3pm Please bring your child’s health record (Red Book). Contact your Family Health Team: 01736 754374

Tuesday Cont’d Ready, Steady...Eat! An Introduction to Solid Food St Ives Community Clinic, The Stennack Surgery, TR26 1RU Tues 23rd Apr, 18th June 1:30-3:00pm To book call Healthy Cornwall on 01209 615600 [email protected]

Wednesday Rhyme Time, St Ives Library



Nicole’s Little Larks

at Little Seahorses, Trenwith Burrows, St Ives TR26 1DJ 9.45-11am Please call Nicole: 07791 678571


St Ives Under 1’s

A group for mums and dads to meet

and make new friends with under 1’s.

St John in the Field Hall, St Ives Fridays: 9:30-11:00am Facebook: St.Ives Under 1’s

St Ives

St Erth


Please note some groups may

apply a small charge

St Ives


Parent & Toddler Group St Erth Village Hall 9.30-11am Please call Kate: 07539 602568

Thursday Twiglets, Woodland#Adventures

Crenver Grove Woods, Crowan 10-12pm Please call Claire: 01736 711187

FREE SUPPORT for parents, carers & families

WILD – Young Parents Project - The Lescudjack Centre, TR18 3PE Thursdays 10am-12pm Call Becky for information 07795 034864

Bump to Baby – antenatal classes. Please call 01736 759058 for Information and booking. Hayle Family Hub, TR27 4ND Fri 26th July– 9th Aug 9.30 -12pm Shekinah Centre, Penzance TR18 2AA Wed 10th – 24th April 2-4.30pm St Ives Family Hub, TR26 1DJ Tues– 30th April – 14th May 3.30-6pm

Incredible Years 3-5 years Penzance Family Hub, TR18 2QP Fri 26th April,19th July 12.30—2.30pm (not half term)

Incredible Years 1-3 years Penzance Family Hub, TR18 2QP Thurs 2nd May 11th July 9.30-11.30am (not half term)

Incredible Years 0-6/6-12 months Hayle Family Hub, TR27 4ND Mon 13th May – 24th June 9.30-11.30am (not half term)

Face 2 Face - for families who have children with additional needs (drop in sessions) The Lescudjack Centre, TR18 Mon– 4th Mar, 1st Apr 1-2.30pm The Community Centre Mon 20th May, 17th June &15th July, 9.30-11.30am.

Passionate about the Spectrum St John’s Hall, Alverton Street, Penzance TR18 2QR Fri 10th May—21st June 9.30 -12pm (not half term)

Take 3 Hayle School Thu 25th April—4th July 10 -12pm (not half term)

Passionate about ADHD Hayle Family Hub, TR27 4ND Tues 4th June—16th July 6—8.30pm (not running on 18th)June)

Incredible Years 6-11 years Hayle Family Hub, TR27 4ND Wed 24th April 17th July 6 —8pm (not half term)

Living with Parents Hayle Family Hub, TR27 4ND Friday 28th June 10-3pm To request a place you can go online at Click on ’Request for Help,’ then on the request for help form on the right. Complete, save & email to [email protected]

Being Passionate about Parenting St John’s Hall, Alverton Street, Penzance TR18 2QR Mon 29th April 9.30—2.30pm (not half term) Hayle Family Hub, TR27 4ND Tues 25th June 9.30 -2.30pm

For information and Request Forms please contact

Early Help Hub 01872 322277

Challenging Behaviour Support Group St John’s Hall, Alverton Street, Penzance TR18 2QR 21st May, 23rd July, 17th Sept & 19th Nov 10 -12pm

Ready, Steady… Eat! An introduction to solid food To book ring 01209 615600 [email protected] Penzance Family Hub, TR18 2QP 12th Mar, 9th April, 14th May, 11th June & 9th July 10-11.30am Hayle Family Hub, TR27 4ND Mon 20th May 1.30 - 3pm St Ives Community Clinic, The Stennack, TR26 1RU Tues 23rd April & 18th June 1.30-3pm

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West Penwith

St Just

Health Visitor Clinic St Just Family Hub, Brambles Nursery Drop in clinic for babies and toddlers for weighing and advice 1st Monday of the month 10-11.30am Please bring your child’s health record (Red Book) so we can update it for you. Contact your Family Health Team on 01736 754374

Rhyme Time St Just Library Every Thursday 10.45-11.15am

Just Fun Baby and Toddler Nancherrow Centre, St Just Every Friday 10-12pm Please call Amanda: 07944 461528


Health Visitor Clinic Reading Room, Pendeen Drop in clinic for babies and toddlers for weighing and advice Last Wednesday of the month 10-11.30am Please bring your child’s health record (Red Book) so we can update it for you. Contact your Family Health Team on 01736 754374

Pendeen Minors Pendeen Parish Hall Every Wednesday 10.30-12.30pm Please call Kevin: 07801 135580

St Buryan Health Visitor Clinic St Buryan Village Hall Drop in clinic for babies and toddlers for weighing and advice 2nd Wednesday of the month 10-11am Please bring your child’s health record (Red Book) so we can update it for you. Contact your Family Health Team on 01736 754374

Tots & Tiddlers St Buryan Village Hall Every Wednesday 10-12pm Please call Abby: 07780 601015

Please note some groups may apply

a small charge


Monday Face 2 Face FREE confidential service linking parents and carers of children with additional needs and disabilities with local parent be-frienders. Lescudjack Centre, Penzance TR18 3PE, 01736 334850 Monday 1st Apr 1-2.30pm

Stories and Craft Penzance Library Story Time for Pre School Children 2-2.30pm, term time only

Baby and Parent sessions Penlee

House Gallery & Museum Come and experience the amazing artworks whilst you and your baby play and explore together. Suitable for babies from birth to crawlers/early walkers Last Monday of the month, 10-11.30am

Monday Family Support Advice One to one appointment with a Family Worker for information, advice and guidance. 1st Apr & 3rd June at St John’s Hall, 10-2pm To book please call: 01736 759058

Challenging Behaviour Support Group Monthly support and information for parents and carers worried about managing behaviours that challenge St Johns Hall, Penalverne Drive, Penzance TR18 2QZ 21st May 10-12pm


Tuesday Ready, Steady...Eat! An Introduction to Solid Food Fun, friendly and interactive group session for parents and babies. We will talk about when and how to introduce solid food to your baby and appropriate foods to try! Penzance Family Hub, Alverton St TR18 2QP Tuesday 9th Apr, 14th May & 11th June 10-11.30am To book call Healthy Cornwall on 01209 615600 [email protected]

Bookstart Rhyme Time Penzance Library Make new friends and learn lots of rhymes to share with your child (for children under 3’s) 10-10.30am

Parent and Toddler gym drop

in Penzance Gymnastics CIC, Unit E, Questmap Business Park, Longrock Industrial Estate TR20 8AS 9.30-10.30am All sessions cost £3.50 per child or £5 for siblings Please call: 01736 449608

The Ark Shekinah Church 9.30-11.30am Please call Zoe: 01736 369616

Little Chicks Hope Church, Alverton 9.30-11.30am

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Bump to Baby Antenatal programme provides parents-to-be with all the information and skills they need to feel confident about making the right choices for their new baby Shekinah Centre, TR18 2AA Wed 10th - 24th Apr, 2-4.30pm To book please call: 01736 759058 Search online for Dads Pad –

Health Visitor Clinic Drop in clinic for babies and toddlers for weighing and advice Penzance Family Hub, Alverton St TR18 2QP Wednesday, 10-12pm Please bring your child’s health record (Red Book) so we can update it for you. Contact your Family Health Team on 01736 754374

Toddliwinks Baptist Church, Clarence Street 10-11.30am [email protected]

Stay & Play Light & Life Church The Changing Room (next to Costa Coffee) 9.30-11am Please call: 07419 739737


Thursday WILD A group for young mums under 23 and their children. The Lescudjack Centre, Penmere Close, Penzance TR18 3PE 10-12pm For further information call Becky on 07795 034864 or contact WILD on 01209 210077

Parent and Toddler gym drop in

Penzance Gymnastics CIC, 9.30-10.30am All sessions cost £3.50 per child or £5 for siblings Please call: 01736 449608

Home Start Kernow Starting in April, bring your child to our small and supportive group. We can help you and your child grow in confidence and the other parents and families. Contact Julie Mitchell to book your place or to find out more Please call: 01209 214490/07956459941 Email:[email protected]

Little Fishes Methodist Church, Chapel Street 9.30-11.30am Please call Marie: 01736 363042


Friday Breastfriends Group Peer Supporters, trained by Real Ba-by Milk, offer advice on breastfeed-ing, support and friendship group for pregnant or breastfeeding mums (exclusively or combined, directly or expressing). Friendly and supportive drop in group. Every Friday, 10-12pm Penzance Family Hub, Alverton Street (opposite St John’s Hall), Penzance TR18 2QP For more information please find us on Facebook: BreastFriends Penzance

Baby and Toddler Group Pensans Nursery Come along to play, chat and meet new parents in the Nursery Room. 9.15-10.30am Please call: 01736 363627

Little Music & Movement Project The Exchange, Princes Street 10am, 10:45 & 11:30am Please call Lamorna: 07794 713320

West Penwith


Health Visitor Clinic Marazion Community Centre Drop in clinic for babies and toddlers for weighing and advice Last Tuesday of the month 10-11.30am

Goldsithney Playgroup St Piran’s Hall Friday, 9.30-11.30am Please call Ruth: 07956 57814

Newlyn 3VYP Minnows Newlyn Trinity Centre Wednesday, 1-3pm Please call Jen: 07580 041748

Nippers & Tiddlers Newlyn School (term time only) Thursday 9.30-11am Nicole & Jason: 01736 363050 Facebook: Newlyn nippers and tiddlers

Mousehole Jumping Mice gym session Mousehole School 10.30-11.30am Please call Kelly: 01736 731427

Playzone (open every day) St John’s Church, Trewartha Terrace [email protected]

Please note some groups may

apply a small charge