silk road for information from imagery isprs daily the xxi ... · isprs 2008 beijing isprs 2008...

Page 1 • Plenary Session Page 2 • Special Publications Page 3 • Congress Award Page 4 • Technical Commission Report Page 5 • Poster Session Page 6 • Program Highlights Page 7 • International News Page 8 • Social Calendar Speakers at the first plenary session on Friday morning addressed a full house. Executive director and secretariat of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), Jos Achache, presented his paper, Co-operation to Build a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). An initiative of GEO an intergovernmental organisation with 74 members and 51 participating organisations GEOSS will be composed of co-ordinated and sustained observation systems to provide easier and more open access to data. Mr Juergen Dold, from Leica Geosystems in Switzerland, presented a paper on Full House for First Plenary 3-11 July 2008 Beijing, China The XXI Congress The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Silk Road for Information from Imagery Staurday 05 July 2008 No.3 ISPRS Daily CONTENTS Who's Who of the Opening Ceremony On 3 July, Prof. Yang Kai, president of the Chinese Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, declared the XXI ISPRS Congress open. This event was reported by Chinese broadcaster CCTV and a number of national newspapers including China Daily and Business Daily. The Vice-Minister of Land and Resources and Director General of the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping of China, Mr Lu Xinshe, and ISPRS President Prof. Ian Dowman delivered opening speeches. All ISPRS council members were in attendance: Secretary General Prof. Orhan Altan, Congress Director Prof. Chen Jun, First Vice-President Prof. John Trinder, Second Vice-President Dr. Manos Baltsavias, Treasurer Prof. Stan Morain. ISPRS honorary members were also present. SBSM Deputy Directors Wang Chunfeng, Li Weisen, Min Yiren and Luo Lan attended the ceremony. Chinese government officers attended the congress, including: Xu Guanhua, Chairman of the National Steering Committee of the Congress & Chairman of the Committee of Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports, CPPCC, Weng Mengyong, Vice Minister of Transportation, Wang Tiehong, Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Housing and Urban and Rural Development, Cheng Donghong Secretary of Chinese Association of Science and Technology, Yuan Shuyou, Director General of Surveying and Mapping Bureau of the Army, Yin Chaomin, Deputy Director of the China Earthquake Administration, Yu Rucong, China Meteorological Administration, and Wang Fei, State Oceanic Administration, as well as representatives from the State Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Land and Resources, State Bureau of Forestry, Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, Chinese Academy of Engineering, National Foundation of Natural Sciences and the Bureau of Science and Industry for National Defense. Academicians in related fields also joined the event including Li Deren, Chen Shupeng, Chen Junyong, Ye Jia'an, Xu Houze, Tong Qingxi, Liu Jingnan, Liu Xianlin, Ning Jinsheng, Wang Renxiang, and Zhang Zuxun. Directors of national mapping agencies, including Germany, Israel and Pakistan, and officials from British and Turkish embassies, also attended the ceremony. the evolution of LIDAR systems in the geospatial and surveying market. Professor Li Deren of State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS), Wuhan University, reported on the role of spatial information in the rapid emergency response to the Wenchuan earthquake. Deren described how photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information technologies were applied to disaster response operations including the co- ordination of rescue efforts, combating secondary disaster, damage assessment and reconstruction.

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Page 1: Silk Road for Information from Imagery ISPRS Daily The XXI ... · ISPRS 2008 Beijing ISPRS 2008 Beijing Daily 3-11 July 2008 Beijing, China Today's Highlights 5 July 2008 - Saturday

Page 1 • Plenary Session

Page 2 • Special Publications

Page 3 • Congress Award

Page 4 • Technical Commission Report

Page 5 • Poster Session

Page 6 • Program Highlights

Page 7 • International News

Page 8 • Social Calendar

Speakersat the firstplenary sessiononFridaymorning addressed a full house.Executivedirectorandsecretariatof theGrouponEarthObservations (GEO), JosAchache,presentedhispaper,Co-operationtoBuildaGlobalEarthObservationSystemof Systems (GEOSS). An initiative ofGEO an intergovernmentalorganisationwith 74 members and 51 participatingorganisations GEOSSwillbecomposedofco-ordinatedandsustainedobservationsystemstoprovideeasierandmoreopenaccesstodata.

Mr JuergenDold, fromLeicaGeosystemsin Switzerland, presented a paper on

Full House for First Plenary

w w w . i s p r s 2 0 0 8 - b e i j i n g . o r g

3-11 July 2008 Beijing, China

The XXI CongressTheInternationalSociety


Silk Road for Information from Imagery





Who's Who of the Opening Ceremony

On 3 Ju ly, Prof. Yang Kai, presidentof the Chinese Society of Geodesy,PhotogrammetryandCartography,declaredtheXXIISPRSCongressopen.

This event was reported by ChinesebroadcasterCCTVandanumberofnationalnewspapers including China Daily andBusinessDaily.

TheVice-MinisterofLandandResourcesandDirectorGeneralof theStateBureauof Surveying andMappingof China,MrLuXinshe,and ISPRSPresidentProf. IanDowmandeliveredopeningspeeches.

A l l ISPRS counc i l members were inattendance:SecretaryGeneralProf.OrhanAltan, CongressDirectorProf. Chen Jun,First Vice-President Prof. John Trinder,SecondVice-PresidentDr.ManosBaltsavias,TreasurerProf.StanMorain.ISPRShonorary



Chinesegovernmentofficersattendedthecongress,including:XuGuanhua,ChairmanoftheNationalSteeringCommitteeoftheCongress&Chairmanof theCommitteeof Education, Science, Culture, Healthand Sports, CPPCC, Weng Mengyong,Vice Minister of Transportation, WangTiehong,ChiefEngineeroftheMinistryofHousingandUrbanandRuralDevelopment,Cheng Donghong Secretary of ChineseAssociationof Science and Technology,YuanShuyou,DirectorGeneralofSurveyingand Mapping Bureau of the Army, YinChaomin,DeputyDirector of the ChinaEarthquake Administration, Yu Rucong,ChinaMeteorologicalAdministration,and

WangFei, StateOceanicAdministration,aswellas representatives fromtheStateDevelopment and Reform Commission,MinistryofEducation,MinistryofScienceandTechnology,MinistryofCivilAffairs,Ministry of Finance, Ministry of LandandResources,StateBureauofForestry,Legislative Affairs Office of the StateCouncil,ChineseAcademyofEngineering,National FoundationofNatural SciencesandtheBureauofScienceandIndustryforNationalDefense.Academicians inrelatedfields also joined theevent including LiDeren,ChenShupeng,Chen Junyong,YeJia'an,XuHouze,TongQingxi,Liu Jingnan,LiuXianlin,Ning Jinsheng,WangRenxiang,andZhangZuxun.


the evolution of LIDAR systems in thegeospatialandsurveyingmarket.

ProfessorLiDerenofStateKeyLaboratoryof InformationEngineering inSurveying,MappingandRemoteSensing(LIESMARS),WuhanUniversity, reportedontheroleofspatial information intherapidemergencyresponse to theWenchuanearthquake.Deren described how photogrammetry,remote sensing and spatial informationtechnologies were applied to disasterresponse operations including the co-ordinationof rescueefforts, combatingsecondarydisaster, damageassessmentandreconstruction.

Page 2: Silk Road for Information from Imagery ISPRS Daily The XXI ... · ISPRS 2008 Beijing ISPRS 2008 Beijing Daily 3-11 July 2008 Beijing, China Today's Highlights 5 July 2008 - Saturday

I S P R S 2 0 0 8 B e i j i n g

ISPRS 2008 Beijing Daily

3-11 July 2008 Beijing, China









Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in China

Since its reformandopeningup to theworld, China has made great progressin photogrammetry, remote sensingand spatial information science. It hasmade advancements in socio-economicdevelopment, resource investigation,env i ronmenta l protect ion , d isasterprevent ion and reduct ion, nat iona lsecurity and living standards. Chinahasalso been active in academic exchangeand international cooperation.Thebookprovides an overview in both Chineseand Eng l ish of the country 's majorachievementsinthisfield.

Thisbookhasnine chapters. Chapter1introduces the longhistoryof surveyingand mapping . Chapter 2 summarisescivilapplicationsofair-borneandspace-borne remotesensing systems forEarthobservation. Chapter 3 describes keytechnological achievements inanalyticalphotogrammetry,digitalphotogrammetry,remote sens ing image process ing ,dig ita l mapping and data updating .Chapter 4 presents the research on

Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in China

Publishedontheoccasionof theXXICongressof the InternationalSociety forPhotogrammetryandRemoteSensing(ISPRS)inBeijing,China, in2008,Advancesin Photogrammetry,RemoteSensingandSpatial InformationSciences:2008ISPRSCongressBook isacompilationof34contributions from62 researchersactivewithin the ISPRS. The book covers state-of-the-art developments inphotogrammetry,remotesensingandspatialinformationsciences.Itisdividedintosixparts:


AdvancesinPhotogrammetry,RemoteSensingandSpatialInformationSciences:2008 ISPRSCongressBook providesacomprehensiveoverviewof theprogressmadeintheseareassincetheXXISPRSCongressheldin2004inIstanbul,Turkey.Thevolumewillbeinvaluablenotonlytoscientistsandresearchers,butalsouniversitystudentsandpractitioners.

spatial information science, such asmulti-dimensional spatio-temporal datamodelling,uncertainty inspatialdataandanalysisandGIS-basedprocessanalysisand simulation. Chapter 5 reviews keyapplications of photogrammetry andremotesensing in topographicmapping.Chapter6describestheindustrialisationofmapping,remotesensing,GISandsatellite-basednavigation.

An introduction is given to the scale,distribution, products, and services ofphotogrammetryandremotesensing.Theeducationand international co-operationin this field are briefly summarised inChapters7and8.Anoutlookabout thefuturedevelopments inphotogrammetryand remote sensing inChina is given inChapter9.

This is a rich and informative book fordomesticandforeigncounterpartswantingto know about China's progress andaccomplishments in peacefully applyingspatialinformationtechnology.

Advances in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences: 2008 ISPRS Congress BookAdvances in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences: 2008 ISPRS Congress Book

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The XXI Congress of the International Society forPhotogrammetry and Remote Sensing








Editorial Team

The localorganisingcommitteewillpublisheight issuesof ISPRSDaily:Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Monday(7th July), Tuesday, Wednesday,ThursdayandFriday.

If you would l ike to contributeeditorials,pleasesubmitmaterial toIngaorViennano later thannooneachday.

Editor-in-chief: SUNBaowu

Advisor: Prof.LIZhilin

Editor/journalist: ViennaLEEIngaTING

Editorial Assistant:AndrewLI

Layout Team:SUNWentingZHOUJulian

Photographer: WUXiaoganZHAOJianguoWUJiang

Local Co-ordinator:YANRonghua

Local Co-ordinator Assistant:MEIYang


Supported By:

Recognising Gold in ChinaProfessorChrisGoldbecametheinauguralwinneroftheWangZhizhuoAwardattheCongressopeningceremonyon3July.

“ I’ve told many Chinese friends thatwinningthisaward is ‘doublehappiness’,”says Prof. ChrisGold,whobecame theinaugural recipientof theWangZhizhuoAwardattheCongressopeningceremonyon3July.

“ I ca l l i t th is because I ’ve receivedrecognition formy scientificwork, andalso because it was from the Chineseassociation. It isa verygreathonour tohaveaforeigner receiveanawardfromaChineseagency,particularlyformebecauseI'vehadastrong loveofChina formanyyears.”

Prof.Goldhasbeenactive formorethan3 0 y e a r s i n t h edevelopmentofspatialdatastructures,spatialmodelsofperceptiona n d a d j a c e n c y ,g e o - i n f o r m a t i c sa p p l i c a t i o n s a n dalgorithms.

“Mymain interesthasbeen‘whatisspace?’,”says Prof. Gold. “ Idon’tmeanstarsandnebula, I mean howthings relate in thespacewe live in.Theotherhalf is, howdo youput this in acomputer?”

Gold is known in the geo-informaticscommunity forhisworkon spatial datastructures, Voronoi diagrams, dynamicmappingand3Dmodelling.

“The implicationsofourworkwill be inthenextgenerationofGIS.Oneexampleofsomethingwe’reworkingonisrealtime

navigationwithshipdatathatallowsustodocollisionavoidance,coastlinenavigationandchartprojectionontothe3Dmodelofthe landandthesea. It’s likea ‘computergames’viewoftherealworld.

“Thebiggestchallenge ishowtoextractandrepresentdata inawaythatwecanusetoaskquestions,”saysGold.“GIShasnumerousapplications,buttheunderlyingtechnologiesarebasedonthepapermapidea.Theninthecomputergamesindustrywehavelotsofbeautiful3D,butwereallydon’tknowwhat theseobjectsandtheirpropertiesare–wedon’tknowthekindsofquestionswewanttoaskinacomputerdecision-makingsystem.”

P ro f. G o l dsays he i sverypleasedtohave theopportunityto return toChinafortheCongress.

“ I t ’ s v e r ys p e c i a l tos e e h o wm u c h w e

areworkingtogether. It’svery reassuringtoseehowmany friends Ihave inChinaandhowmuchgenuinecollaborationandfriendshiptherereallyis.”

The Wang Zhizhuo Award is sponsoredby the Chinese Society of Geodesy,Photog rammet ry and Ca rtog raphy(CSGPC). It is awarded toapersonwhohas made significant achievement orinnovation in the spatial informationsciences.



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ISPRS 2008 Beijing Daily

3-11 July 2008 Beijing, China

Today's Highlights

5 July 2008 - Saturday

◆ General Assembly 3



◆ YF-Opening Ceremony



◆ YF-White Elephant Session



◆ YF-Student Consortium Assembly



◆ YF-Closing and Award Ceremony

(YF Best Papers and Posters)



◆ SE-5: Beijing Night Show
















ort Technical Commission Report


Couldanyone imagine10yearsagothatwewouldbe able to virtually visit anyplaceonEarth?ImageSource:GoogleEarth

Technical CommissionI I in its present formwas introduced at theIstanbulCongress2004toexpresstheincreasedfocus of the ISPRS onG I S and geog raph i cinformationscience.

Togetherwith Technical Commission IV,both commissions concentrate on thetheoretical (TC II) and practical (TC IV)aspectsofgeo-information.

TechnicalCommission II comprisessevenworkinggroupsandoneinter-commissionworkinggroupwithTCIV.

The work ing groups address ma jorissues ingeo-informationscience.Theseincludespatio-temporalmodelling,spatialreasoning, analysis and data mining,multiple representations, visualisation,s p a t i a l d e c i s i on s u pp o rt , s y ste mintegrationandinteroperability,qualityanduncertaintyof spatial dataandmodels,and3Danddynamicdatahandling.

The penetration of GIS technology inan increasing number of areas leadsus to believeweneedmore theory onspatial modelling, interoperability andvisualisation. This is evident from thetremendous riseof services likeGoogleEarthandMicrosoftVirtualWorld.Theseservices have a widespread impact onsocietyandthewaywedealwithspatialinformation.

Could anyone imagine 10 years agothatwewouldbe able to virtually visitany placeon Earth?3D visualisation isbecomingmore common, but there aremany issues and challenges. Qualitypropagation through spatial analysis,spatial decision support with highlycomp l e x dat a , i n te rop e rab i l i t y o fheterogeneous systemsandgeo-sensornetworksareseveralexamples thatposeinteresting questions of ontology anddata-handling.

Over the last four years the workinggroups of TC II have addressed manyof these questions in symposia andworkshops.

These issues were also considered attheTC II SymposiumGICON2006,which

wasorganisedasa jointeventof IndianSociety foRemoteSensing, InternationalCartographyAssociationand InternationalGeographicalUnion.

Three volumes of proceedings werepublished – one for each society. Oneof theWGsymposia resulted inVolume5of the ISPRSbookseriesonAdvancesinSpatio-TemporalAnalysis,editedbyX.Tang,Y.Liu,J.ZhangandW.Kainz.Severalof theWGofficerswrote contributionsto the2008 ISPRS Congress Book.Ourfindingsarealsoavailable inthecongressproceedings.

Aftera thorough review,processpapershave been selected for oral or posterpresentation. Nearly 200 papers arepublished in the archives. M. Kokla,secretaryofWG II/6,will receivetheBestPaperbyYoungAuthorsaward.

ItisexpectedthatunderthenewTCP,thecommissionwillcontinuetheworkstartedin the first four yearsof strengtheningthe ISPRS in the fieldofgeo-informationscience.Itwillcontinuetoraisetheprofileof the ISPRSasasociety thatspans thewhole rangeofspatialdatahandlingandaddressestheneedsofmodernsociety.


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The XXI Congress of the International Society forPhotogrammetry and Remote Sensing








njoyingtheCongress?Purchase your raffleticketstosupportfutureISPRSactivities.Raffletickets are on sale atthe TI F Registrat ionBoothonBICCLevel1.


What's on the Menu

6 July 2008 - Sunday

◆ Acrobatic Show





◆ SE-3




With over 1700 posters featured throughout theCongress,thepostersessionisagreatplacetofindoutaboutthemanyresearchprojects,applicationsandcasestudiesbeingdonebyscientistsfromaroundtheworld.Featuringmorethan200posterseachday, thepostersession isdefinitelysomethingyoudon’twanttomiss!


Poster Session Now OpenWalkingthroughtheGreatWallofKnowledge


02 03 04





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ISPRS 2008 Beijing Daily

3-11 July 2008 Beijing, China







hts General Assembly

Nominations for Technical Commissions





Candidatesfortechnicalcommissions in2008-2012deliveredtheircampaignspeeches.

◆ TS WG IV/6 & ThS-8: Location Based Services Time:08:30-10:00 Room:(ConventionHallNo.2A)

◆ TS SS-15: Future of Geographic Information Science Time:08:30-10:00 Room:(ConventionHallNo.2B)

◆ TS WG VIII/2 (1): Public Health Time:08:30-10:00 Room:(ConventionHallNo.2C)

◆ TS ICWG I/V: Autonomous Vehicle Navigation Time:08:30-10:00 Room:(201AConferenceRoom)

◆ TS WG II/2: Spatial Reasoning, Analysis, and Data Mining

Time:08:30-10:00 Room:(201BConferenceRoom)

◆ TS WG I/2 (2): Full-waveform and Multi-pulse LiDAR Time:08:30-10:00 Room:(307ConferenceRoom)

◆ TS WG VIII/8: Polar and Alpine Research Time:10:30-12:00 Room:(ConventionHallNo.2A)

◆ TS WG I/5 (1): Sensor Orientation of Optical Spaceborne Sensors Time:10:30-12:00 Room:(ConventionHallNo.2B)

◆ TS ThS-9: Realtime and Incremental Updating of Core Databases Time:10:30-12:00 Room:(ConventionHallNo.2C)

◆ TS WG VI/6: Special Interests Group "Technology Transfer Caravan" Time:10:30-12:00 Room:(201AConferenceRoom)

Program of the Day

◆ TS WG IV/5 (1): Web-based Geo-information Services and Applications

Time:10:30-12:00 Room:(201BConferenceRoom)

◆ TS WG II/7 (2): Quality of Spatio-temporal Data and Models Time:10:30-12:00 Room:(307ConferenceRoom)

◆ TS WG ICWG V/I: Integrated Systems for Mobile Mapping Time:16:00-17:30 Roomzz(ConventionHallNo.2A)

◆ TS WG VIII/11 (1): Sustainable Forest and Landscape Management Time:16:00-17:30 Room:(ConventionHallNo.2B)

◆ TS WG VIII/12 (1): Geological Mapping, Geomorphology and Geomorphometry Time:16:00-17:30 Room:(ConventionHallNo.2C)

◆ TS WG VII/4 (1): Advanced Classification Techniques Time:16:00-17:30 Room:(201AConferenceRoom)

◆ TS ThS-18: Change Detection Time:16:00-17:30 Room:(201BConferenceRoom)

◆ TS SS-7: Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES)

Time:16:00-17:30 Room:(201CConferenceRoom)

◆ TS WG V/3 (1): Terrestrial Laser Scanning - Orientation Time:16:00-17:30 Room:(307ConferenceRoom)

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The XXI Congress of the International Society forPhotogrammetry and Remote Sensing


Alumni GatheringA largedelegationof the International Institute forGeo-InformationScienceandEarthObservation(ITC),Enschede,theNetherlands,isattendingtheISPRSCongressinBeijing.Some30staffandPhDstudentsarepresent.Wearealsorepresentedatbooths307and308oftheexhibition.OnTuesday8July,anITCalumnigatheringwillbeheldattheWesternRestaurant,Celebrity InternationalGrandHotel inBeijing.ITCalumniareinvitedtopickuptheirinvitationattheITCbooth.

Tragic End to Indonesian Aerial Surveillance MissionAnIndonesianairforceplanehascrashedduringanaerialsurveillancemissionnearJakarta.


BBCNewsreportedon28 Junethatall18passengerswerekilled.

AmongthedeceasedwereMochtarMahendraKumarofIndia,KwongPingAnthoniofBritain,TanHookofSingapore,SusikaMurdhayantiof Indonesiaandemployees fromSingapore-based geo-information technology provider, CredentTechnology.MajorMurdhayantiwascompletingaMasterofGISattheUniversityofMelbourne.

According to reports, the flight departed Jakarta on anaerial surveillancemission to testnewdigital surveillanceequipment.



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3-11 July 2008 Beijing, China

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ISPRS 2008 Beijing Daily No.3

Plans for the Weekend

◆ SE-5: Beijing Night Show

Date:Saturday,5July2008 Wednesday,9July2008 Time:19:00-21:20 DepartfromBICCat18:00 Place:BeijingNightShowTheatre Cost:RMB750

BeijingNight Show is the firstofitskindtooffervisitorstoBeijingarareopportunity toenjoyclassicalChinese art performances andtraditional Chinese cuisine. Theshow features a wide range ofChineseartisticperformances,fromtraditionalartandmusictodancing,opera, acrobatics and traditionalcostumeshows.

◆ SE-6: Laoshe Tea House

Date:Saturday,5July2008 Tuesday,8July2008 Time:19:50-21:20 DepartfromBICCat18:00 (DinneratFangshanRestaurant) Place:LaosheTeaHouse Cost:RMB330

Located just oppos i te to theTian'anmen Square, Laoshe TeaHousewasfoundedin1988,namedafter renownedartistMr. Laoshe.It offers a Beijing-style antiquedatmosphere where the audiencew atc h e s d ra m a a n d m u s i c a lperformances while enjoying teaandsnacks.Performances includeunique traditionalmusic recitals,folkdancing,acrobaticsandoperaspectacles.

◆ SE-3: Acrobatic Show

Date:Sunday,6July2008 Wednesday,9July2008 Time:19:15-20:15 DepartfromBICCat18:00 (mealboxtobeprovided) Place:TianDiTheater Cost:RMB240

The Chinese Acrobatic Troupeshave travelled tomany countriesandamazedaudienceseverywhere.TowatchChineseacrobatics isanexperience at once fanciful andinspirational.


Kodak Moments...



Catch ing up onemails,eh?






