silva mind body healing by jose silva

7/22/2019 Silva Mind Body Healing by Jose Silva 1/10 CALL NOW 1-(888)-597-8384  HELP HOME ABOUT REVIEWS PRODUCTS RESEARCH FREE AUDIO A J’aime 2,4k  F irst and foremost, I’d like to congratulate you on being right here, right this moment. I already know something about you — you’re an action taker and those are the kind of people who experience life changing results with Silva Mind Body Healing. My goal in these lessons is to help you to discover what my father discovered many years ago: that you can heal your body with your mind. I believe in you! So let’s get started What if I told you that your beliefs and expectations has a lot to do with whether or not you can heal? This is called the ‘placebo effect’ and it’s very important that you understand it before you begin your Mind-Body healing program. That’s why this first lesson will give you scientific proof of the power of your Mind to heal your body. If you can gain an understanding of the placebo effect, then you have taken the first step on the road to healing. The term ‘placebo’ refers to the use of a false or ‘dummy’ treatment for illness. A typical placebo could be a pill made of sugar or a liquid ‘medication’ which is little more than water. Back in the 1950s, researchers began using placebos in clinical studies. These studies would compare the effects of a new medication with those of a pill that looked identical but contained no active ingredients. Now what really might blow your mind is that in many of these studies, researchers discovered that *the drug they were testing was in no way superior to the placebo.* But – this doesn’t mean the placebo provided no results. Actually, the very opposite was true, with the placebo group showing positive results based on the expectations of what the drug itself was supposed to offer. In other words, the placebo effect was dependent on a person’s belief and expectation. We’re going to talk more about belief and expectation in Lesson 4. But before we get there, let’s have a look at a few studies that stunned Doctors …  The Silva Method J’aime Vous aimez. Vous et 204 090 autres personnes aimez The Silva Method. Module social Facebook a Mind Body Healing by Jose Silva r 10 10/12/2013 17:04

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First and foremost, I’d like to congratulate you on being right here, right this moment.I already know something about you — you’re an action taker and those are the kind of

people who experience life changing results with Silva Mind Body Healing. My goal in

these lessons is to help you to discover what my father discovered many years ago: that you 

can heal your body with your mind. I believe in you! So let’s get started

What if I told you that your beliefs and expectations has a lot to do with whether or not

you can heal? This is called the ‘placebo effect’ and it’s very important that you understand it

before you begin your Mind-Body healing program.

That’s why this first lesson will give you scientific proof of the power of your Mind to heal your

body. If you can gain an understanding of the placebo effect, then you have taken the firststep on the road to healing.

The term ‘placebo’ refers to the use of a false or ‘dummy’ treatment for illness. A typical

placebo could be a pill made of sugar or a liquid ‘medication’ which is little more than water.

Back in the 1950s, researchers began using placebos in clinical studies. These studies would

compare the effects of a new medication with those of a pill that looked identical but contained

no active ingredients.

Now what really might blow your mind is that in many of these studies, researchers discovered

that *the drug they were testing was in no way superior to the placebo.*

But – this doesn’t mean the placebo provided no results. Actually, the very opposite was true,

with the placebo group showing positive results based on the expectations of what the drug

itself was supposed to offer. In other words, the placebo effect was dependent on aperson’s belief and expectation.

We’re going to talk more about belief and expectation in Lesson 4. But before we get there,

let’s have a look at a few studies that stunned Doctors …


The Silva Method

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In the summer of 1994, a surgeon named J. Bruce Moseley had 10 patients scheduled

for an operation intended to relieve the arthritis pain in their knees. All 10 were wheeled

into the Houston Veterans Affairs Medical Center, draped, examined and anesthetized.

All 10 were then dispatched to the recovery room and sent home from the hospital by

the next morning equipped with crutches and a painkiller. All 10 men believed they had

 just gone through a reliable medical surgery to cure them of their knee arthritis pain.

But this was not the case.

In fact, while two of the men did undergo the standard arthroscopic surgery for their

condition – the scraping and rinsing of the knee joint – and three had the rinsing alone, a

full five of them had no recognized surgical procedure at all. Their surgery was a

placebo. Moseley would cut the placebo patients’ knees three times with a scalpel – to

make it feel and look real, there had to be incisions and scars for the patient to believe

he had undergone surgery – but that was it.

The placebo worked.

Six months after surgery, the 10 patients still didn’t know whether they had been faked

out or not.

But all of them reported much less pain.

Moseley, stunned by these results, decided to perform a more statistically reliable trial.

The results were the same: the placebo effect was therapeutically equal to the surgery.

In other words, the patients’ minds were what ultimately determined their healing


2001 was the year of the most shocking placebo effect results. Stem-cell researcher

Dr. Cynthia McRae of the University of Denver was testing a new treatment for

Parkinson’s disease. Her study wanted to find out if transplants of embryonic brain cellscould help people with Parkinson’s disease. All 39 patients had 4 holes drilled into their

skulls while under local anesthesia only. In other words – they were aware that their

skulls were being drilled into.

But: only half of the patients actually received any cell transplants. The other half

received no treatment at all.

Results were Jaw-dropping.

After the surgery, 30 of the original 39 patients agreed to take part in a quality-of-life

study. As part of this study, all 30 were asked whether they thought they had received

the actual transplant, or just a placebo.

12 months later, patients who thought they received brain-cell transplants did better,

than those who really received the treatment. Dr. McRae reported the following: “Those 

who thought they received the transplant reported better quality of life than those who 

thought they received the sham surgery, regardless of which surgery they actually 



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In another study, 19 out of 40 people developed the symptoms asthma after inhaling a

saline solution they were told was an allergenic. In fact, 12 of them developed full-blown

wheezing and bronchial spasms.

What’s more amazing still is that their dramatic symptoms disappeared completely

just three minutes after receiving another saline solution placebo. The researchers

of this study concluded that it was the suggestion (the mind’s belief) which played the

most important role in causing the asthmatic attacks.

In 1950, a new drug called Krebiozen was getting sensational publicity as a possible

“cure” for cancer. It was being tested by the American Medical Association (AMA) and

the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). One of the researchers involved in this

testing was a doctor named Bruno Klopfer.

One of Dr. Klopfer’s patients, Mr. Wright, was suffering from cancer of the lymph nodes,

and none of the standard treatments were working. His neck, armpits, chest, abdomen,

and groin were filled with tumors the size of oranges, and his spleen and liver were so

enlarged that two quarts of milky fluid had to be drained out of his body each day.

He was just about out of time…

When Wright discovered that Dr. Klopfer was involved in research on Krebiozen, he

begged to be given Krebiozen treatments. At first his doctor refused because the drug

was untested and only being tried on people with a life expectancy of at least three

months. Wright begged so hard, however, that Klopfer decided to give him one injection

on Friday, even though the doctor secretly suspected Wright wouldn’t last the weekend.

Dr. Klopfer was in for a big surprise.

On the following Monday, Klopfer found Wright out of bed and walking around. Klopfer

reported that his tumors had “melted like snowballs on a hot stove” and were half their

original size. This was a far more rapid decrease in size than even the strongest X-ray

treatments could have accomplished.


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  Ten days after Wright’s first Krebiozen treatment, he left the hospital, and as far as his

doctors could tell, with no signs of cancer. When he entered the hospital, he had

needed an oxygen mask to breathe, but when he left he was well enough to fly his own

plane at 12,000 feet with no discomfort.

Wright remained well for about two months, but then articles began to appear asserting

that Krebiozen actually had no effect on cancer of the lymph nodes. Wright, who was

rigidly logical and scientific in his thinking, became very depressed, suffered a relapse,

and was readmitted to the hospital. This time his physician decided to try an experiment.

Dr. Klopfer told Wright that Krebiozen was every bit as effective as it had seemed, butthat some of the initial supplies of the drug had deteriorated during shipping. He

explained, however, that he had a new highly-concentrated version of the drug and

could treat Wright with this. Of course, the physician did not have a new version of the

drug and intended to inject Wright with nothing more than plain sterile water.

Wright remained symptom-free for another two months, but then the American Medical

Association announced that a nationwide study of Krebiozen had found the drug

worthless in the treatment of cancer. This time Wright’s faith was completely shattered.

His cancer blossomed anew and he died two days later.

Wright’s story is tragic, but it has a powerful message: When we can tap the healing

forces of belief, we can cause tumors to melt away overnight! The patient’s mind alone

caused his recovery – and then his demise.

This event proves that your mind is so powerful that it can literally bring wonderful or

tragic changes in your health – within days.


So by now you might be wondering, “Well what does this mean for me in my life?” Let

me connect the dots… Most people never learn how to tap into and control the powerful

force of their minds for healing. In fact, when it comes to health and illness, some people

have their minds working against them. Doctors call this psychosomatic illness – and

it can be any illness that’s caused by someone’s negative beliefs about their

health. Do you know of someone like this? Or do you do this yourself?

With the Silva Mind Body Healing Method, you will learn how to tap into and control

your mind in order to let your body heal itself – no matter what doctors tell you or

what medications you take. Like the Placebo Effect, Mind-Body healing relies on your

Mind’s Power to direct belief, expectation and visualization for specific, positive


In Lesson 4 of this free training, you’ll learn much more about how to use positive beliefs

and expectations, as well as visualization techniques, for your own healing.

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There are now so many examples of the placebo effect’s power to heal equally as well

as a drug, that pharmaceutical companies are getting worried. In fact, both new and

well-knowns drugs are proving less effective against the placebo.

For example, between 2001 and 2006, there was a 20% increase in new products that

had to be removed from further development following Phase II clinical trials, (when

drugs are tested against a placebo). Further, this failure rate continued into Phase III

trials, increasing by an additional 11 percent due primarily to the various drugs’ poor

results against a placebo.

In 2007 the US Food and Drug Administration was only able to approve 19 first-

of-their-kind drugs. This is the smallest amount since 1983. 2008 wasn’t much better

with only 24 new drugs approved. And these results have nothing to do with drug

companies’ new product development, because the industry invested record levels of

funds into their research and development programs during these years.


Some of the most surprising evidence for distant healing comes from psychologist

William Braud and his colleagues at The Mind Science Foundation of San Antonio,

Texas. Braud’s studies, conducted over the course of 17 years, involved having people

mentally attempt to influence the nervous system of remote participants.

The results of the study were mind blowing.

The Receivers

Braud wired up the first group of people, called receivers, to machines that measured 7

different physiological responses like blood pressure, skin conductivity and muscle


The Senders

A second group of people, called senders, were placed in a different room and told to try

and arouse or calm the receiver – only by thinking about them. Both senders and

receivers were ordinary people who had volunteered for the study. Braud’s 37

experiments included 665 sessions, 449 people and 13 experimenters. What he found

was that at the exact moment the sender was asked to think of their receiver, the

receiver would show a change in his or her physiological condition.

The 37 experiments combined resulted in the odds-against-chance of more than 100

trillion-to-one in favor of distant mental interactions between participants. In short, the

ability of one person’s mind to affect another person’s body is a scientific fact.

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Now that we know that one person’s mind can influence another person’s physical body,

the next question is: is this power strong enough to heal someone?

Again, the answer will surprise you.

The effects of distant healing have been proven to be significantly greater than

many drugs considered by experts to be highly successful.

What does Aspirin, Heart Attacks and your Mind have in common?

I suppose the better question would be, which is more effective in reducing heart

attacks? I bet that by now you know this answer.

Many studies have shown that propranolol and aspirin are highly effective in reducing

heart attacks. But their effects pale in comparison to distant healing through the

power of the mind.

The effect sizes of drugs are measured on a scale from 0 to 1. An effect size of 0.03 in a

medical life-or-death situation would mean that 3 out of 100 people survived. An effect

size of 0.3 would mean that an additional 30 out of 100 survived.

In medical tests the effect size of aspirin on reducing heart attack is 0.03. The effect size

of propranolol was not much higher, at 0.04. But these sizes are still sufficient enough

that the government has permitted drug makers to say their products prevent heart


But the effect size of distant healing in Braud’s experiments was a surprising 0.25.

This means that if 100 people were going through a therapy with a success rate of 35%,

this success rate would go up to 60% if you add distant healing.

Almost twice as many patients would be saved.


In his studies, Dr. Braud also discovered some strange ‘side effect’ of distant healing.

His volunteers were asked to participate in another experiment where they would try to

mentally calm down two groups. One was a group of highly nervous people and the

other a calmer group.

First, Braud found that the distant healing effect was the strongest when the person on

the receiving end actually had a serious need for healing. In other words, the effect size

on the highly nervous group was far greater than on the calm group.

More surprisingly, he found that the effect size on the agitated group by those trying to

calm them down was only slightly less than the effect that people had on themselves

when using relaxation techniques.

In statistical terms this means that other people could have the same mind-body effect

on you as you could have on yourself – and vice-versa.

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William Braud outlined five major mental techniques that he believed have important

effects on the self-healing processes.

They include:

The need for relaxation and quietude.1.

Learning to focus your attention on one thing (e.g. breathing), which allows you

to develop mental self-control and avoid distractions.(The above two points are

achieved through meditation – I’ll teach you a flawless technique for entering a deep

state of meditation in Silva Mind Body Healing).


Learning visualization or imagery techniques since pictures are the preferred

language of the mind.


Incorporating intent into the process, a wish for some goal to be reached and an

expectation that it will.


The evocations of strong positive emotions during the healing process.5.

The healing system developed by Jose Silva almost two decades before Braud’sresearch had already incorporated these five elements. Braud’s research had finally

provided scientific credibility to Silva’s technique.

Jose Silva taught millions of people how to heal themselves.

In fact, he believed that 90% of all illnesses were caused by the

mind. Imagine what this would mean to your life if you could 

accelerate your own healing.

Well here’s the best part: you CAN. And, I’ll bet you that just by

reading the next 4 steps, you’ll already learn how to make a

dramatic influence on your health. I know you can and will!


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1. Go to the Alpha Level of mind. Once you’ve read through the 5 steps, click on this

audio link. It will guide you to your Alpha Level.

2. Visualize your current state of health on your ‘mental screen’. Use your

imagination to ‘see’ the current condition of the body – including the ailment or pain that

is bothering you. You do not need to memorize or know what each component of your

body actually looks like. Simple pictures are enough to speak to your mind. A lung can

be imagined as a balloon. A kidney can resemble a kidney bean. Create a symbolic

picture of the ailment. Then feel the emotions associated with this problem.

3. See yourself healing and getting better and healthier.

Now visualize the ailment disappearing. Use your imagination to create a system for

removing the problem. For example, you can see kidney stones crushed into harmless

powder; white blood cells as tiny soldiers attacking a tumor; or sore muscles bathed in

healing light. What you visualize doesn’t matter, as long as it has meaning to you. This is

a powerful message for your subconscious mind.

4. Let your final picture be one of perfect health.

Feel the joy and energy of having perfect health. Imagine it’s true and already occurring.

You can add power to this with an affirmation like “I have a perfectly healthy body and


5. Let go!

Trust your body’s ability to heal itself. Let go of trying to figure out if it’s working or not. You can

now come out of the Alpha Level, knowing that your body is indeed, healing.

Please note that mental healing should not be used as a replacement for a visit to your doctor.

Always consult a doctor first for serious health conditions. Mental healing is a type of

complementary medicine – as the name suggests it is to be used alongside but not as a

replacement for modern medicine.

No matter what type of healing you use, the Silva Mind Body Healing system can speed and

smooth your normal healing process amazingly.

One Lesson done! How do you feel? I hope the action-taker in you is ready to make big things

happen. In Lesson 2 we’ll get into the power of dynamic meditation to speed your healing. The

lesson also includes the Healing Mind Meditation so you can begin your healing process rightaway.

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Will you share your stories with me?

Have you ever heard of or experienced the Placebo Effect? Do you know anyone who suffers

from what is probably a series of psychosomatic illnesses? Please share your stories with

us below.

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Mary Lou Cruz · · Fort Hill High School

Two decades after becoming a Silva grad, I was checked and diagnosed with intestinal polyps. The night

before the procedure to remove them, I used my Silva visualization technique and imagined a tiny PacMan

gobbling up all those nasty blobs. I never shared that information with anyone. After the procedure, in the

recovery room, my doctor told me that she must have been wrong with her original diagnosis because when

she "went in" she couldn't find any polyps and gave me a clean bill of health! I just smiled and said thanks...

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · September 1, 2011 at 2:04pm



Pamela Sweat · Cincinnati

I worked for a Dr for many years. I routinely read medical journals about diseases and their symptoms and

often imagined that I had identical symptoms. I would ask the Doctor if I had cause to worry, or to ck moles

that looked identical to pictures of skin cancer. Jokingly Doc once wrote a Prescription for me that he said

would definitely cure my symptoms, it said "Stop Reading!" Inevitably, after being reassured that I was

perfectly healthy, I'd actually feel better. Eventually I was able to read again w/o harmful side effects.

Pam Sweat

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · July 27, 2011 at 5:17am11

Justyna Jastrzebska · · Université Nicolas-Copernic · 295 subscribers

love it!

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · July 5, 2011 at 2:38pm



Zana Trajanovski · Top Commenter · Chicago

not bad ok.

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · July 10, 2011 at 5:49am2

Multazam · Project Engineer at PT. Drydocks World Nanindah

the best......

Reply · Like · Follow Post · July 7, 2011 at 2:08pm



Thank you very much for this. I wish I had accessed it earlier but none the less will catch up.

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · July 10, 2011 at 5:43pm1

Deanna Enos · Folsom

Thanks for the help.

Reply · Like · Follow Post · July 8, 2011 at 10:41pm

Tibbz Francine  · Top Commenter · Sir John A. Macdonald Secondary School

this was very helpful for there a way to get all the cd's for free.thank you and God Bless

Reply · Like · October 24, 2011 at 9:44am

Sheila Funk-Clark · ACN Independent Business Owner at ACN INDEPENDENT REPRESENTATIVE

Thank you Silva for coming back into my life after 23 years!

Reply · Like · Follow Post · July 9, 2011 at 9:26pm

Kevin Panwala · Surat at Silva International

please hellp me.

Reply · Like · Follow Post · July 9, 2011 at 7:06pm

Bethany Perry · Owner-Operator at Self Employed AND I LOVE IT

Did you receive help Kevin?

Reply · Like · August 3, 2011 at 2:27pm

Cherine Robinson · Washington (district de Columbia)

thank you

Reply · Like · Follow Post · July 16, 2011 at 6:00pm

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