silverstream school

Friday 20th November 2015 Term Four - Number 17 Tena koe Parents and Caregivers Silverstream School The weather seems to have settled just a little which is great news for EOTC (Education Outside the Classroom) Programmes; Year 1’s went to Harcourt Park . Unfortunately the Year 2’s trip to Heretaunga Park was postponed today, it will now be held next week - weather permitting. Year 4’s had Pedal Ready Skill Sessions in preparation for their big ride along the Hutt River Trail. It was great to see how confident some of our children became in just one session when coached by the experts. Year 3’s, 5’s and 6’s look forward to their programmes coming up soon. Our new playground continues to grow. Posts for the rope structure are in. You may have noticed that the tree house shape has changed a little; it now has a ‘prow’ down one end, and a shaped ‘crow’s nest’ at the side. This is to ensure that the ramp will fit, and allow a turning space for a wheel chair. You may have noticed that the ramp is quite close to the tree branches and have visions of some of our more adventurous children shinning up to the top of the tree. Don’t worry, they won’t. One of our wonderful parents, Julie Cameron, is designing a roof that will make climbing further up the tree impossible. Progress photos further along in our gallery section……. Your Child’s Learning - how you can support Over the last few weeks I have felt very proud of a number of senior students who are making a difference in the playground. They have noticed that some of our littlest children are finding lunchtimes very long. They have been watching out for these children, playing with them or helping them to connect with their peers. Well done to the Magic Learners Club – Saffron Juniper, Kayde Ward, Isaac Wagstaff, Isabelle Ingerson, Charlotte Griffiths and Kahliana Marino. How do we encourage our children to develop resilience and positive friendship strategies? Encourage them to talk to you about what happens at school, suggest some alternative approaches they could use and other activities they might try. Currently we have our Learning Hub open each lunchtime, often there are sports activities organised and a quiet space room which operates on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Our Playground Support Students also are out and about at break times mediating and encouraging our children to play together well. Talk to your child’s teacher if you feel your child requires more support.

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Page 1: Silverstream School

Friday 20th November 2015 Term Four - Number 17

Tena koe Parents and Caregivers

Silverstream School

The weather seems to have settled just a little which is great news for EOTC (Education Outside the

Classroom) Programmes; Year 1’s went to Harcourt Park . Unfortunately the Year 2’s trip to Heretaunga

Park was postponed today, it will now be held next week - weather permitting. Year 4’s had Pedal Ready

Skill Sessions in preparation for their big ride along the Hutt River Trail. It was great to see how

confident some of our children became in just one session when coached by the experts. Year 3’s, 5’s and

6’s look forward to their programmes coming up soon.

Our new playground continues to grow. Posts for the rope structure are in. You

may have noticed that the tree house shape has changed a little; it now has a

‘prow’ down one end, and a shaped ‘crow’s nest’ at the side. This is to ensure

that the ramp will fit, and allow a turning space for a wheel chair.

You may have noticed that the ramp is quite close to the tree branches and have visions of some of our

more adventurous children shinning up to the top of the tree. Don’t worry, they won’t. One of our

wonderful parents, Julie Cameron, is designing a roof that will make climbing further up the tree


Progress photos further along in our gallery section…….

Your Child’s Learning - how you can support

Over the last few weeks I have felt very proud of a number of senior students who are making a difference

in the playground. They have noticed that some of our littlest children are finding lunchtimes very long.

They have been watching out for these children, playing with them or helping them to connect with their

peers. Well done to the Magic Learners Club – Saffron Juniper, Kayde Ward, Isaac Wagstaff, Isabelle

Ingerson, Charlotte Griffiths and Kahliana Marino.

How do we encourage our children to develop resilience and positive

friendship strategies? Encourage them to talk to you about what

happens at school, suggest some alternative approaches they could use

and other activities they might try.

Currently we have our Learning Hub open each lunchtime, often there

are sports activities organised and a quiet space room which operates

on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Our Playground

Support Students also are out and about at break times mediating and

encouraging our children to play together well.

Talk to your child’s teacher if you feel your child requires more support.

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Whanau Evening

Kia Ora Kia Orana Talofa lava Malo e lelei Bula vinaka

Last Wednesday at our whanau evening we celebrated our diversity with our Kapa Pacifica group.

They sang some songs and taught them to their families. Once everyone had their lava lavas and leis

on, we all felt like joining in.

A special thank you to Elizabeth Betham who teaches our children songs and dances from Samoa, also

to Jill Peauafi and Claire Martin who support this group every week.

Our whanau evenings are reaching out, strengthening partnerships and bringing our community


This event was held on Tuesday 10 November. Well done to all our competitors - our overall points meant

that Silverstream School tied with Upper Hutt School and share the cup for the highest number of points.

I think that Mrs Grant has been doing some secret coaching at Upper Hutt School!

Here are our results:

Year 4

Long Jump – Serena Jacobson 1st, Te Aorangi Kingi 2nd,

High Jump: Isaiah Van Ooyen 3rd,

Sprints: Serena Jacobson 2nd, Archie Cardno 3rd,

Year 5

Long Jump: Anna Roddick 1st, Grace Olsen 3rd,

High Jump: Riley McKee 1st, Harry Lamont 3rd,

Quoits: Jamie Read 2nd,

Vortex: Jesse Bambery 3rd,

Sprints: Anna Roddick 1st,

Year 6

Long Jump: Seth Palmer-Rennie 1st, Holly McKay 2nd,

Quoits: Seth Palmer-Rennie 3rd,

Vortex: Ieti Campbell 3rd,

Sprints: Katelyn Sceats 1st, Max Young 1st

These children will be representing Upper Hutt schools at the Regional Athletics on 1st of December.

Silverstream is Sun Smart

Although we don’t have a uniform at Silverstream, we do have a hat

rule – they are to be worn in Terms 1 and 4.

It is really important for your child’s health and safety that they do

have a wide brimmed hat to wear at school every day during this


Students who do not bring a hat to wear will not be allowed to

play in the sun. Please can you underline this ‘sun smart’ message

to your child.

Thank you.

Page 3: Silverstream School

Once again we have a very stable staff going into 2016. As Principal I believe our children are very

fortunate to have such professional, committed teachers.

New Entrants/ Year 1: Hilary Burrows, Zoe Baillie

Year 1: Stacey Marshall, Angela James,

Year 2: Marylin McGrath, Kathy Jordan, Claire Martin

Year 3: Jill Peauafi, Olwyn Bolitho, Jo Pringle, Scott Taylor-Hall (Year 2/3),

Year 4: Linda Ojala, Amanda Fergusson, Justine Clark

Year 5/6: Lily O’Donovan, Brenda Henderson, Helen Leath, Jo Newman, Chris Leach, Lisa Cross. Our Team Leaders are in bold type.

As our roll grows during the year, further New Entrant classes will open. Over the last two years we

have had a very successful Year 1/2 class; in 2016 Scott Taylor-Hall will have a Year 2/3 class.

Like this year, Bryan Trevean and Zac Mills, Deputy Principals, will continue to have oversight of the

teams. Bryan Trevean will have a focus on Years 1-3 and Zac Mills onYear 4-6. They will support and

work alongside teachers. Some of their time will also be used to release teachers throughout the school.


Have you noticed the new Silverstream School sign up

next to our new Admin Building? Finally it’s there and

looking good. I have been asked for directions to the

office when I have been standing right in front of it so the

signage is a very good move!

We are also very pleased with the welcome words, in

many of our children’s languages, in the frosting on the

glass at the front of the building. What a wonderful

diverse range of cultures our children represent at

Silverstream School!

Our Roll

It’s great that so many children want to come to Silverstream but this is putting real

pressure on the school. By the end of the year I expect that our roll will be close to 553

children. Of course in 2016 we will continue to accept all children who live in our zone but

will not accept any new out of zone enrolments.

On Monday Matt Reid, Chris Upton and I met with representatives from the Ministry of

Education to discuss how best to manage this pressure and ensure that our children’s

learning and well being comes first.

Goodbye to Rachael Gray, Peter and Katie

Rachael Gray and her family have moved to Nelson to be closer to family and

at our last assembly the whole school acknowledged the huge contribution

Rachael has made to the school. Most of Rachael’s work has been voluntary;

she has supported teachers in so many ways, she has taught Ukulele, her

Ukuelele Group has accompanied the Choir, Kapa Haka and Kapa Pasifika

and she taught Piano to many children.

We miss her bright positive personality already and thank her for the

difference she made to the life of our children and to the school.

(Photos from our farewell further along in our gallery section of the newsletter)

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BYOD - Thinking ahead to 2016

Have you seen the information on our website about BYOD in Years 4-6? Future

Focus Learning and BYOD. Remember that you will find on there information about

what devices we recommend for all children in Year 4-6. If you have any questions for

us, please contact or come and see Bryan Trevean, Zac Mills or myself.

We have once again included, at the end of our newsletter, the device deals we have received from

Warehouse Stationery and Noel Leeming.

Have a look at information from Warehouse Stationery Offer, Noel Leeming Offer

Documents further along in our gallery section of the newsletter…...

Learning Hub News

We would like to let parents/caregivers know that this week was the last

week that books could be issued.

From next week we will need all books to be returned especially books

that are overdue so Mrs Cope can get ready for the end of year stocktake.

Thank you!

Chatsworth and Gard Picnics

Wow both Chatsworth and Gard have reached

2000 points and their lunchtime treat was to go to the park for

lunch, a play, and a silver card draw, just for them.

It was great to see our children playing so well together and

having fun.

Homework Assembly - Friday 27 November, 9:30am

Don't forget to join us if you can at our Homework Assembly next


We will be awarding badges to students who have completed their Homework Achievement

Challenges this year.

Page 5: Silverstream School

On Monday 23rd November our Kapa Haka group will be participating in the White Ribbon

Rolling Haka with Hutt International Boys School and Pinehaven School.

We will be assembling at Davis Field and are expecting the motor bike cavalcade to arrive at 10 am.

You are very welcome to come along on the day to support us.

Photo Booth - Calling all Year 6's who will be moving on from their time at Silverstream School in a few

weeks! There will be a Photo Booth running at lunchtime on:

Wednesday 2 Dec 1pm - 1.50pm and Thursday 3 Dec 1pm - 1.50pm to capture fun, friendship and

memories of your time at our great school.

Photos will be the same format as for the Photo Booth - 5 x 7's, with a selection of 3-4 photos on each

print. Prints will cost $1 each to be paid on the day and will be ready by 16th December 2015.

Unfortunately this is only offered to Year 6's and their friends i.e.. every photo must have a Year 6 in

it. There may be other children who are in Year 5 who are friends with the Year 6's and that is absolutely

fine for them to be in the photo and purchase one.

The photo booth will take place in the hall unless otherwise notified. Feel free to dress up for your photo,

wear your house shirts, school shirts, sport shirts etc.

Erin Edmonds

We have a large amount of our Parents/Caregivers signed up to Signmee, thank you

to those who have completed this part of the process!! We now have only a small

number of caregivers still to sign up to Signmee.

If you haven’t received your Signmee invite please let us know at the office and we will email it out to

you. If you believe you should have received your invite link but haven’t, please check your junk folder of

your email and make sure it isn’t sitting in there.

If you have any concerns, problems or need help with this new system please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Margaret is happy to sit with anyone who isn’t quite sure about how it all works and go over it with you

rather than have our parents/caregivers struggling to use the new system.

This new system is for all of us to benefit from and feel comfortable about using!


Please be considerate about where you are parking when picking

up and dropping off your children. The community has many

businesses whose customers are struggling to park during the drop

off and pick up times due to parents/caregivers using these parks.

If you are using business carparks such as New World please be considerate, these

parks are for their customers.

Page 6: Silverstream School


Ka kite

Monday 23 November

White Ribbon Rolling Haka

Wednesday 25 November

EOTC Heretaunga Park Trip - Rm 4,5,6 & 7

EOTC Payments Due

Swingers Band Visit to St Patrick’s College

Fergusson Intermediate Open Day

Mon 1 December

Regional Athletics Competition

Year 3 EOTC Week

Mon 30th Nov to Fri 4th Dec

Year 4 & 5 EOTC Week

Mon 7th Dec to Fri 11th Dec

Year 6 EOTC Week/Camp

Mon 7th Dec to Fri 11th Dec

Click here for full

Website Calendar Dates

Weetbix Tryathlon – Registrations OPEN

Lower Hutt Tuesday 22th March 2016

Registrations are open for the Weetbix Tryathlon next year with a new venue

for the event in Lower Hutt (Hutt Recreation Ground) on Tuesday the 22nd of

March 2016. There is also a Wellington city based event on Sunday 20th

March 2016 should you wish to have a go on the weekend.

Silverstream School have registered as a school group for the Lower Hutt

event. Before you register, it is important to note that if you are entering your

child, a parent or caregiver must attend the event with them on the day

(including transportation of participants and bikes, marshaling, feeding,

supervision etc). The school will not have a staff member present, nor is

responsible in any way for any of the children entered in the event as part of

the Silverstream School group. Children are in effect ‘absent’ from school for

the day.

One of our parents, Erin Edmonds is the School Group Co-ordinator for the

Lower Hutt 2016 event.

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Above is a picture of the winning Floorball Team

Silverstream Sticks who played in the PRI A Finals held recently.

They won 2-1 against the Plateau Hurricanes.

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The Wellington City Mission has a special Christmas List for:

Pack The Bus

Christmas Items

Muesli Bars

Tinned Fruit


Tinned Meat and Fish

Meals in a Can

Breakfast Cereals

Spreads: Jams, Peanut Butter, Vegemite

Fancy Biscuits and Confectionery

New Toys & Gifts (new toys only please - and unwrapped)

Retail Vouchers

Event Vouchers: Movies, Zoo, Pool


Art Equipment

Educational Books

Beach/Picnic/Water Toys


Outdoor Sports Gear

Board Games


Toiletries for the Whole Family

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