sim^.,„.•-.'. >. •',- 10/chatham ny...

- -• ,* ' -'- V. v - -. " * ' ?;> v - • - 7 •,' . . ' > . > . ' ' " A . , . , . i = - . Pit" ' y. Dowstle Recipes.' JoKBtrs.-—Oao cup et sugar we one sc*ut cxip of butter, two cups Cl flour, two egg*;. .flavor tlic«j with feasor, ." r ' ' ' •' . ••«--' Biffed rtf . Boston. " Before that ' Hjijrew FT.OM LIXEX.'— Mix sofi WHS starch powdered, half the quantity I v J m i -,"»-! shipping koaso. in a mow- ovea one hour. To bo eat on j \ w Hu" man - with cream. . j by. .no° nieaas I/SSKMC PUDDING.—Half pound of; grade, Mrs. apple gratod, half pound fine sugar, f-is --sized wopaa, of. ©aw»3 butter, eight eggs, qniithftg-ilie j cehent-6ha"raete., whites of foitr ; nud and Juice of three ] k«-pt; a . millinery leinoas, with <Jr wiibouT pastry. Bake'; .street in South 3 ..... —., : of an hour«~ To"be eaten i &ey resided in Charlest.own. Jesse at- eold. " ' tended first a Methodist and then a UDiYer^aligtSanday-gcjbooK and was a -diiigeiH ami attentive'scholar.-• His , . . . . - , . • --:-,-»"""""-'; teachers all speak well ""Of him, and o, sat a p*ece of lemon, and lay it-on ; {llero . i s n o re £ ord ol hh . evex Uyhlg both s:des with a painter s brash. Let, heeii , ltWjcte<1 to . x . nje ) t y in any -form ' rt »r ^.-i^f. op t n - ai ?'" on gn T' ls •P rcfcr -4jmtiUh»^rimea wbidrtttoaght iuxn into able-tiU-thostem is removed. Tnotorietywere discovert: . GHI4T»-E PUDDUVO.—B[alf bos of gela-1 At the fime wlli ? n Jt? &^o thus became tin^ dissolved in k d i a pint of 'cold'wo-1 known, he was twelve years old. He ter. Beat tlio. volks of four egg.s a:ul I eio °^ nearly five feet.lugh. His chest- throe Gbleapooufuls of sugar*, and turn j was as«deep and square as that of a full inlo th"o gelatine and water. Havo raidv \ growu man. His legs and a r m s -vrera - 'a.c[nart-«f--Soilingmilk; pour the mix- s molded, in symmetry and strength. • tore I n t o .the milk, and. stir until it '• "WTsen he was exaauned by a medical boil's. . i-mnn I ' TJje'Bor.*}dthlte'--Wlitte. ; ;Eyei"'; i.. A corfc-s}x>ndjjnl'ftiruishes an^Schftiigo 'j "I vith-tiie followng" description of Jesse .11 j Pomeroyrthe' boy jrith the white eye, ' ' who was sentence•'' ' " I, have "kaow and mother for & tlier-more , ,, , ,Z ",' iii v ' i United State* House c*acaitt«e;on elections, crossed the oourstry to a point Oast of the ! . - .... ' * Black Hills. "On Cheyenne river they which has been goiuj,' over the Artaasia ek-c- met a party of;'200 toomlted Indinns, J tion.retums of W72, hts-foac-i thitKr.Esxter wiH> ivi./sr.^—tjwis:—i..-.).i tl —t>rjci'r.bi6 i "^^^•-•iOvmnvi 'ujTijgieJwiiyu^gr Mr: jjarley. . After reaching an apparently pas'Sible- path at the foot of the hills, they struck . into the, monotain.s, and after- picking j i-msn, i was present, and "bat for the —P^ro-^t^.^j^o-cttp-s^f^^ 1~> •" w " . cwJ registry''of bis birth, v,-o sbould inashed potatoes ; stjr in two tablespoon-; have fixed bis ago at eighteen or nine-;. fulsbf melted butter, beaten to a cream;! teen instead of twelve.- His feet and add two- well-beaten eggs, one'cup of - hands w - cream or milt »-^>«». J»«*~ - •>-- v » .., .... ---- --f-,"* , nanus were email, his flesh .was delicate- cream or rnilk : pour-inta-a- deep dish ;. \ y ^fe, nn d Lis muscular dovelop'ments -uako m a qmca.oven. « t j ware perfect. ,, ;- SHASS-JST^WO^X/AKES. —Beat well to-! Tho most remarkable point in his ig'n i srraigvv _„. .lonrjy- four inches, and .was of great breautn.- : 'jru- ( rtr > njsd . _ _ ' _ -i Bidesof tho head were abnost flat, ./lije BccKWHSAT CAKES.— Ona ...quart of j -^jj' m , Hear] ^ a straight lino with buekwtotrono tablespoonfnl of yeast, j the spimd column. The ears, small and •witmid-cold water., : Put t.ho ea fin the | clean cut, were, low down. The'lower yeast. Pour thoyeaat on the .buckwheat, I * • • "then- way, reached & point within two miles of Harney's Peak in fifteen days, from the date of their entry into the hills."* Th<vy erected a stockade "eighty feet long, and built log cabins from as abundant snpp'ypof timber*which tKey found. The cold 'weatherj^fesOy ImV peded their" prospecting. They sank- tm-enty-irYe'prospect holes and struck every instance. -From the grass, rcckThey found £uim7rr fh Ht Brooks.|;..'.TIie snhasl report of the Peir.- sjlyaiiis Eajlroid Company states the net es.rn- .ingg of'idl its lines at ?23,515,705.S7. - "• Several pewons were drowned liy the Hoods ia Teuneisoe. ... •..The Kaasis Assemblv h5s iiiEtrnct«d the coiEL'mittee on WSTS siid meaia to report ' a'bill imraedi&tely, appropriatius $200,000 ior the relief of the grs&hppper j<saiTerere .The Spiuisrd3__h.op&_tQ_£nhdi •• - . i i - i,"~"c.* -^ v "" j luenrs to-pav the e"speDSe3 of the contested I u V,Pierce. M. D. Buffalo, N Y Court "" ~" c:j F Ji:< ? e : i h y w 6 Supreme elections of Sypber, Shanks, Sheridan, arid C&n- j JMr'Sfr—l had suffered from catarrh in an I . ^ r ope or two ^ e r , had S po^n. the bill 1 ^ 1 * . ^ ^ * 350 ^ t0t t | t 2 l S i i 4 l ^ ? T l $ ^ ^ ^ nianv doctors and.things wltS no lasting bens 1 j fit. In May, 1872, beeomiug nearly woru out ' with exce• "•• ~" Kew \'of. ip a severe form, smfferiii^.sbcorf a total !os<3 ofvoTce. I returned homo here,-bnt had be ^M»%sa?»?sS ;es?i.vo editorial labora on a psjwr t rk city, I was attached with bron'chiti consulate at Yiai vo j,' ;c KlI3! ,: scalloped tins. 'in the | clean" cut, were, low . -.-—,-•"" ^"• J ." u ^^ w " ca *> ! jtr^r was broad and massive. The mouth .and add enough cold vrater <o mako a j , vas wide and tlio lips were thin, and thui batter. Let it nso over night, and j f ormed like'cupid's bow, tho upperbeiu'g bake on a gnddlo in the morning. j very deep. Tho nose was somewhat -Swell'rice in j short and broad, and the nostrils we: ous gold and silver-bearing quartz lodes, and the specimens Mr; Witeher has brought back aro pronounced very rich. Tho party never saw an Indian wliilo iu t h e h i l l s . ••"." ^_ - Mr. Witeber describes thepart3 of the hills thoy saw as having magmficenc val- leys, seemiiigly timRleaa forests of pine, aud abundance of elk, deer, and other game. Tho v greater portion of the re- turn trip was mado through .snow drifts^ ,__-.. over a.irtudilpss country," in moct stormy 1 roads ovcii t h e Cirffiit war by defeating, the -last of the Garlists^ vitliin a few weelts* .The Civil Highta' bill, as^it pli^ed the United States - ijooje^aaiiaa.adopted by .tho Senate, apph'fei- only to inns and servico in the jury-box..»... Jlkhael Sallivao, .convicted of the murder of DanielTahnadge, at Metachea, >". J^ Decem- ber 1, 1874, was senteace4 to be hanged. ..... The CliXT Locomotive Works, atScranton.d^a., were burned, with a total loes of "$500,000 Tho boilding inspectors .who passed tho wall whiA fell orj St. Andrew's Church in New York were arreated to await the verdict of tho corocerArjury... f.^Tho Wisco<aiu Legislature | has" passed a bill which is considered by the the eoustruchon of awntoon bridge across the I 8C1 , fio i IaU »» v 0«f %«oo, Mississjppi at oraeaiDtibiKmo, Iowa • toVro- i e . '^bmouy to be fsfd be mote •economy ^ -eaieiem-v ia the ruarino' f n ' : :-M or e 'be United Stat. en ) . , j. amid much confusion. Mr. Kassen, of Iowa, moved the adoption of »»™J.U a , r ff°mtions heretofore reported bv him to authorise i {f 0 "?. 1 "^ committee on ways and means on tho e across' the i f! 8c, . fio .. MaU mvfstigatiorj, direcdrif; copies of before thd next House . .. , .- -._.„—.» iuo mrino'iiTT'- .«« VM.™ states District Attoruev hospital sc-rnee, y^ a amendment- fixing the ' 7?$"F, to proceedings against \Yro. S. King salary of .•he^.^.jjjjg B r „eo U Rt ^j.wjj in . ! a °J John G. Sclmrnaker ; also to deprive the [ au }R,j,„ti_ t - u'Vr;-,-"V"" i " * ""V" *te*l.oI ¥3,000; the House bill for the further \T'T' m ?°™W*™t* .involved from the y^feeb^ swJ ^M° ^ ih Zfl thob * h securityef.nav.^^ oa t!l0 MEssteippi r i X •>' i f e , 0 ' tho "Porters' gallery.. Agreed to S S thJ?,%» * broncjuaj trenble re- The Tarut. bj Vis -fullv M*r n **<lf ;,. .TTI •'• ~\? G l ° 17 - . S??™ a " d .> h « catarrh was tenfold worse than Mr. Harnson, of Tennessee, called up.the I ™ ? V -^very effort for rehef seemed frdit- on tl>o Mississippi river, c, . . , -.r - "j*W "fully discussed in the Senate, Mesar«.^ (SI uj,-_6 coM and Fre!in K . Borne. «uly two two vreeks when I was cora- pfeteh* prostrated with J:oiaorrhago from tho \ , lungs, liavtfVg /our severe bleediug spoils wit.h-^ ! fcr<Sffi«« days. In the September foUo.wiir caa r»!e-s *y«jr lilrt dy piic«, t&i th.ea I«t It f»M,fr )roac»ole*p ••'^•^i'iJ 't M!»KL II kt*p« Ihft '- V ^f|ik(r:YrOT3 tb* Filth. ^•'-'•^ It XJOOPA th« lilrt In BIsirusDr. it dr»w« »n niuo : '^Btraieiit front." it 8-ives «or» r-- f ^ ^ t , » » . . j-rt Ce ,25 «att«*irH. e re- from the Treas^The 6 bottfe^'IheaT i y^-ntestai.t) entitled to the «at. Pald_by States a^^ to .SB "sJ o.?e »-. ' A « o r considerable discussun th wiii ibv btates m^ DX< l to J2S6.781,256 and i „: » "f , ?,; e l "" uss "-U the resoln tions renco C'or.D RlOfe PtTBDISO. .,„.,, ,„ t . in . .w t v. uuii i^n/iiu, unu me nosirns were .milk till-soft ; well butter a shape, and i disclosed.' J^ie^yeWarc^wer^jhirk^ stowed and split open.- Pour in tho rice: ' attracted most attention wmi.fl... .w-- •. t .... i . o,7.™ aau epjit open.- i'our in the rice, ! attracted m< boil twenty minutes with buttered paper LTlus right ej under the cloth ; turn out. .-When cold ' f " 11 of intt ' . . „ a t mostatteufibn were tho eyes. yo was b pale blue or gray, cover, with custard. Fo.'t LUNCHEON".*—A nice little- dish may bo mad" of hnrd-bpil folloiviiig iiuiutier: Cut ...^ v**s-' 1U . half, beat up the yolks in a tuortar v.ith - a little anchovy paste "and butter, pepper ,.:. and salt ; then refill, the whites of the' egg:i and. serve with a garnish of water- " cre.-is. - ...'.'•' . : ' ' . , CHANT nee, L lite right e; _ v . cold ; ^"'^ of intc-lbgeuco. The left eve waj» ' •eovrmHvitit o cntanict, and almost per- Fectly.yvhite. This was his distinmush- aud new snrjjr attainmciite > by 34 to 21. A dispatch from Aden aanodncS that tho missing boat's crew of .eighteen person* f rom the steamer Hopg Kong which foundered in _ i' tho ludian Ocean havo arrived there. Six can take loaded ox teams into tho" hills i' more !iv c3 »ro kno-ivu to havo been lost by the- from Sions C % in thirty'days. - j-disaateV.. .... William Henry Button, one of j ^ U ^ on *- v E * *&h "ceded to carry the act —Dig. Jsajaabars--Icfi^ir.~tiio hi'tiwr ;trt> iit | feo-prpprretora o f ' t a e Boston •^TffiwSWTlEeSVirZ: fi" gg>> "" - K '.' g?e-.wheni "thoVo" IB'" good health and spirits. " " ' " ' ' wagon road. : This "shortens tho way out j t of the hilLs by thirteen thiys. Their nni-!" mals liyed on tho grass thoy found be-j heath tho snow. .Mr. Witeher says he j. called for by this til JEr. " oul lift! for or g oi ounl. bounty ment." ,, ^meut'^Vm^^^^Mrff-" f ^'^tf^'ryi^•?« Treasury to borrow as ' Mr. Gnuckle, of Ohio, moved to suspend the { rules aud take frcin tlio Speaker's tab'o tho bill ' carefully tha: " rhculars, and read ij i from which I came to the conctasio that VMI understood vour biisiuess, at least. I (.,,-. , , . - _ ' . linally obtained a quantity of Dr. Sage's Catarrh j UnequaieCl III .10n8, a n d IH' Itemed)-, your Golden Medical Discovery and j " . Exterior. Pellew! ai:d commenced thcii* ricoroua. m'n I was defeated. —""'"" ——' "-finist-aro in - . ..Mr. Witeher-i recently after a lingering sickness.. l'ro«i returned for reinforcements,- Ho say* i dent Grant has^ignetl the CtTiHii s hta Sugar Secreted by the Liver. there i_s no ovid«noo of other parties [ it ia pow a law; bill and Verdict of flin jnf T i,. >|, 0 s'BBttnv IIOM..—Stew a quart of cranharrici in Kufligii'iit water to keep them from burning.. M^iko very sweet, strain "and cool." Make a pttsto, and when the cranberry is cold, spread it on tho past ; ; about "an inch thick: Roll it and fie it Close in a. flannel cloth ; hoil tv/o horfrs and servo with a"swoot saute. •A' KICK 'l camo with him jiart of tho way>wHK dc- -— o—-;. | laved by his horso'givihg out. Nothing " 1 'ui^'i 'H" ' ing mark > n n d , , u t f o r t nJs defect, -<vas h e a r d or seciiof tho two armycx{x; eu x-ggs i n w e : p ouu . ro y mig]^ havo been still at liberty j ditioa3 sent outto intercept them. J hT„i4??-;.:i° I'furriifhing fresh horrors for tho public ! ' a ,,„ .. yfor tiio pSTTce. Jesse's a Bcholajr were by no in'iujs meag'-r.. He' was educated at the public schools,.and was always diligent studious". At' homo ho spent his I aud The National Grange. Tho National Grange of the United States, at their last meeting*^ .adopted . •.- -. •;. "," "•";'"-•"•>' njxjui i"-i I resolutions of a public uaturoits'follows: lemtire m reading Iwoksof travel and ad- ,., Infavor of the Toxa'^ Pacific raOroad. VPntnr<: and ho could converse intelli- 1 11int Congrea-i bo earnestly requested grmUy,.ami ma peculiarly u-juning tone, l to iiU - tiato sach 8t( , p3n . s . mi£v bo n0CC 8.iKrf His voice «a.s low and melodious, and he ! to o a l a ] 1 l a , rs r taxing" tobacco, aad a particitlhr javonte wjth.yonntrer i«.-« •<- Hie' inii-T. CUi'ot-sordoii, who j Xc-^v Jctsey tunnel disaster—nob-ody to blame. t *l>r. „•<,. ~->- The United States public debt statement show's" a ^decreaso of ?5,0O0,CCO.dnring tlie mouth of February Tho United States. House of liepreseutativ'es adopted resolutions | recognizing Kellogg as Governor of Louisiana, anJ recommending, the Hahn Le-gislaturo to the Cons "°. ! supposed the only'importaut function Of I 'mows" colhonnds'." enough money in l|Treasurv. to meet its "ro- •„--,. ( juiremcntts and i*fmthoriifug him. for tho ' thoJiyer_.wns_.tQ^se(.irete bile. At this F li'J^R 080 ?.\fcOTOSTyuehmoiioy, to isauo aiul : date Bernard announced to tho scien- :„\ ' •;<;._. -.y;; r i t i '" of'somo of my friend*, the euro has remained permanent. I havo had no moro bomorrhages from tho lungs; :-.nd am..eutirely freo from catarrlv from, which I bad suffered so much and so Ion;;. Trio.dobt r o^ gratit«da_J k Qwfl frir . JSIBg I liavo"receTved at'N'our hands' I am thoroughly satisfied, I inch, one week, 75 cents i for each tddi- licnsl week, 25 cents. P.ate^ of additional spisa g^yen ca apphca- ' sffisa_af_naMi£atign J _. x Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. VOT,: : XTK. HTTATTTAM VTTXAftlR : .(VotiTIMBIA*'CC^e" Y.. THURSDAY, MAKCli. 18/18^. Kot ; r^p in Kowa Column i5 ceati poc WIOJ Peaceful Times. : Fashion no more bloody -weaixm*. Armorer ; stay jour active hand ; Ke<-t now from* your murderous labor Calm and tranquil is the land. Vrm Jl-.U ).^.> " Wliat, 'tbout a collar, and 'thout ! say you have kuown the boy two year! 1 iocs, and'tliout washing of me:" . - it-seems very singular that you slioid' Just then the dock struck tliree. The mistake him for another. As . the cas d caso Into pruiiiug-l'oohi the spears, Jt'or aihong the troub'ed iiatiens Peaoo her glorious standard re.^r Home Use, a n d f o r .Churches and Halls. >EW AXD D1PK0YED STYLES. Beauty of liosrox. '"iS5*^^> 'to'l^' rou'.TJ o-.-rnblatnl th^ beat t-fleotj *hich It:*-? psvemsilo fn t h e i r l-.f,*.-it>-live ye\r%vt esjjorlcnc,- No oth.c.r Inatrum-JSt 5>j flactly i:i:!U'.e« the PilMj O r . - i q tOGO. ' "' ' piticics TO sriT THJ; TI.MKS. I.tst-S ferjt free on .-tppllcatloo. . . , - TKT^rTBEKLY, i.iu i-.t-se oi ooiTOB-^-Sicch disposo of'any of a'Ikind ?onVraj-jejperit?ncertbat yoiir mTrlicmes wilt JSTX'-JJA A I.1TKKAItY^I>XH^.\ltEtCXluUyMXLui: -N«- H nf h^tvTu de pn'ttio act WJurvTf ljTO-" - -~z - Adoptedbyavc- S F4l'tol2. -". .The bill was thej*ted ou bv veas'end navs, tho result of wludfea a tie vot'o of 30'to 30.' Tho >lce-Presi,RsIroii cast bis. vote fn the , 1 /, uri , 1 , tvc ' a,Ki f -- ; J»Vbill was passed. The House bill,a frevcat cruelty to animals IU he District of tlgnbja, and to provide fop . j dwluclioiia from i«J terms o? sentences of ! bmted States nrl^^p were passed.' | llio TarifT Wh& taken up, aud'aftor re- ' jcctiug several a-. ; ^ m0 nt«. the Sonat ..i.i ii.. ;-nvl ••lUltl" iaasj^rtlib worst forms of* that odious disease jatyrli.aa w..l) »J *ha«t aatHniig ginaa--;?. ..I . uisum-'u'u iu-'j > "3hvB.,r«:orimieiided very many and the liverTt ne^y function, that of form- idiaJl over speak in their praise. ing sugar, aud show it by Gratefully yours, fspcriraents*. The - "variety of sugar secreted is tho. same as .that found in tho urine in diabetes; but it is not, like thaV I BunsErr's COCOAINE is the'best and > -ATM^Ti' TKRMS OC S U B . S C K U ' r i O X H O S T A O K PAID. O.NK YKAK. S3.50. i; "VO.NTIIS, SI.2 The ch,:.h'^ wi two bv-i-^tlful Stoi-l Koi?ravlnsfjr,rir l?i u IHCKI,lN(iS" rind. "TUK SISTKHS A a i prt-n»Iuia to esclj i3b*cri!*>r fnr O raontln; ar,,l Si "iy01,tTII of i CIlC»t:jK,KJ.p\VKIt 'SKKDS J'. O.Bn .„, , , \>M. i l . tarzNCZB. . en f'tfJlV Vo» tliU amount ><o -mr f.'i.l t!:c 507, V.oche tier, A. I. OU UtMld. •• ATLAMH"' fr J n.-v, ••>,• tn.i. lgcr --, . '.••..-vvuivi ; that Congress be requested to- drge tlio j a proclamation dccJsrin'g boys on account, of his gentle manners. gl , wn j governmout to t£so ite15est^lBce,s r ' li<» iras never, known tp l>e rough or ! __-n.-> ' • "- boisti-rous, and always manifested affec- tion for bis parent- seat the Conservative members fraudulent!. counted out'bv the returning 'IxiarJ. &;• , - ,- :--• -,--"",""" , T-J .- .." - , ,. ' to throw out ths intendment adopted in the tho flood in tho Icnnesseo^nyer three lives Comc!itt€0 of tL; Wh„l„ the previous day, were lest in one night. -- • which provided thi Hid ta Tlio imperial authorities in .China are taking j ?," ] -'f. vvly i0 S.? -f^ 0 stera to prevent any farther persecution of missionaries in that comitrv," and havcTisstied that foreigners have _„ ..^ ^...^^.- ; aright w preach tbo.christiaii religion through* j .Tsith foreigrigovernmentsto induce them ! out China.-aad must-bij protected in doing so. ' ty. reduce the dutie 1 ; on tobacco. In ; "• --- •->•-- She F\ssago of tho Tho hill was t! passed as it ca voted x on to'-acco slp);ii,i manufactured after U-e read a t fijora.-'tho third time and House without amcudmcut-vcj.. &_ mvs, iO. | I h e House bill totfovido for the support of • the District of Coh-Jia for thofi-scalvearend- | ing June 3.0, 1S7C, id for other purposes passed out of tiro system t-o its g r e a t iii-vj chi-apcct hait drcwdii jury. Indeed. It is not-even passed into j ——••—-•— the" bile ducts as apart of the bile; but I' Bv ^I=<^L)'-<-•T^.^•o it is- passed through the liver, and . ; " v!udl ' »mmou sen .emerges-with the venous blood in the hepatic Yoin. Bernard examined tho blood ;in all the /jthor pm*t.s i.>f the body umL the tissues, and found-no" sugiu- in. any of them except what cotrld be traced to tho>liver;- ami he .traced it from this or'gairto tho heart, then to tho lungs, whero it seemed to di'wjkpar. *It is true that the portal vein, winch empties in.tho world.—Corn. AGENTS WAITED- li? Kills-: b j o i VT.T j.ublSih.-J. ,!x-cj (or clr-;u!»n in-t ..-i Th TUB PRECAUTION dictates, many fall vic- j tims to their own imprudence. Wonavo'eeen the yoiiUR an-I be^utiful^rriTTIio hbi>o and pride- of her pareutrf-^er cheek tlushcd with auticiir.itioii, an-1 her cycs'.heaming with the Kay .aresias 'of life—we have Seen all this tf Milled for a.nUr«!id by neglecting a common ,-,-...-,-,,,,-, .-.,-. cold -.vhich .bad settled upon tho lungs. It 810 1 j\<iv DA J might lave ca.-iiy been curcl if it ha i been at- ! »*ti Vuitin^ ,ir..i c ir-i t.-iidcd ID in time". Kow, when-ycTit Iunjrs are 7 - -"""'-•"-••"' .---".••:••'• '•» lirst diseased with the incipient":stages of "enn- tI '——" i *~ rSr?STS.- WOMIKIII "ft: S<! ccir !,r'ib-> NATIPNAI. T Y J J . N T V C I . O I ' K I U A . " -V-i- - n l » rrl»> CJ1:I.I:I •.-=,) a: thl>; th» c-oiiraU-l-'n.-. I . M t C K . \v r il,-To __ T. K 1 A V O O I 1 Z h M r f . , I'hllucli-ltihla, l'«.- /I A .Nnrtlv I'rlnK-.l V i s l l i n s C n ' r i l n fof<-.n!i ->0 <-!•,. AM: 3 (a \\\s Hu Til , H. which will "relieve them without fail. by all ffi.dji-itio dealers..—C"m. for - a:e 85 MANI.I -.ii.!, I:.J 1'rr l).-i> • lv»t i »-.-IiL r •>.; Wc nojLco at! over the . >•,. ri*.i'j Oi i'\'ir:>;.-. Fanners a; U:e—.• i«/fiir> that th :• -suit rv r.l.'ry V udothc : i a; ; .- ...icr a" •\agricnltnnil recommend rh v.-.-ii.'.Vu l\'.-*l- rs id this sect" eciited,tho fivz o!her , ^-CV«i. F e Ot Jit •apers use of i have age of 8.10 r—. liKNKI'.M. AI \V'J-:I:K. A;.. HOTELS BAKERS &R.00ERS HOUSEKEEPERS BOARDING- HOUSES & PRIVATE FAMILIES. Br. J. Walker's CaMfomte Tiu- egnr Bitters aro a purely Vegetab?a pfepanU.ioii, nsndorefaioCv uoid"t5d-iuav tive herbar found on th§. lower raagca o! -th rrSiemT-Nova^a^moTEtains orCauror- nia, tho medicinal proportfea of which, n'c extracted therefrom Without tha us«: of- Alcohol. Tho question. i3 almost; .daily asked, " What Is tho causa of tha unparalleled success of VIMEO'A'B Brr- TEJIST" Our answer is, that they remove tho cacao of disease, and tho patient re- toyera. his hoslth. They aft tha greai blood pariDer and a lifa-giviSg prindplfl, 5 perfect Henovatbr and lnvigoratoi sftbs eyotstn. Never before In tha history of the world" his a medldna been eomporcded poscfc3ing ths ;r?2l5rial!!o ouahu-ea of-TiKSOAB B i r r s i s 1 In h«Htg the s:ck TCI over/ dis*£«: man ia heir tc. xhsy aro a ysr-tla Purgatiyo ts wellas.o a^oala. reliving Coacsotioa tr InSLisaaMca. "cl lh3 Livtr aai-'VU^rd Ctzmz, ia EaHcas TbO'prc-^rtlcs-cf DP- WAX33B¥> YfasoABTBiTTSBS zra ApcrteaV Disgoretiti Carminatiye, KctriUoas, L»^s-*iys, KuKtlo Sedative, Coa.attr-Irrit^;. &n£ct&e, Alter tive. t^d Aati-lKUoizi.- rt. II. .iic.noNAl.ri s_co.. , I>—s-iri-u a--il liv.-i. A-u^ S--n V>ar.eiM«.C.Mlf'>ra!a, S'.eaUn^ over land and ocean , I.ikea s'.ianger from afar ; "QrrieHs-th^-vvihl-^amaaoXiun *Bileneed is the cry of WM, Tjjmull. strife.- i>nd ibi-cord ending. Shriukini: back before her glauco ; " Harmon v from heaven desceuuiut; 1 - - As her gentle steps' advance. White-robed, bhe her watch h> keejiiog Olive hranchco in her baud, And the do-^s of war are sleeping Throughout all the weary InnJ. Xovv tho natioiVs moiiiuing dauyhiars. Itaise no more their bitter wails : S>hips are sailing ou tho waters. -•- . L'ommerco-spreads their suowy't-ails. Doves are Hitting round your..uwe!liti£ Air.iorer; l**t your labors cease : hoe 1 JlV i artist looked at his watch. .. is now made public, it is my duty to j "Yes, come just its yon are. Come, any warn you tliat unless you can clear tip ! time? Here's my cnYd", and here are your - tliis matter th<5 commisHioner* Ayill bo j twenty-live cents.*'- , • " forced to entertain a complaint against | Jack took tucnT~both, 'aud read chtrrjyrjn orthe must swotprwrrtracterT"—: ' iirst, and tucked tho last deep in'to his Officer 320 turned- as white as' a sheet* ! pocket. •'• and bowing mechanically,-moved away I "Mr. Henry Pnlmer,.Studio Building, without, sayilig a word, iJOiirstreet. "M'eil,"-Kird~.lack",""'Til-go ^-•'Como7''' L T«id-tlw"Rt4iist:to-Jack,; i '"let's-; ' to call on him one. .of these days—wen go to my studio, where we'll get somb Met a ; Fellofr. There is a being who has caused more trouble to womankind than auy other. It is the " fellow " who is always being "met," and thereby keeps anxious females on the watch at windows at-all sorte of unholy hours. , ow ma,uy years of her life does a | woman siiend looking out of the window* for men who are overdue ! the Ledger says. I have not. lived half of my three j score and ten years yet, and I am sure I have'wasted time enough in- theiruite-Ltaidi base """in myself ruis- i i»y kerrigc-liorscs gits over the whoopin' breakfast; and I'll make some pictures j fo^*'mwr^»7i M T-couglT;"" ^™— ' , drvou. TIicu vou can go back To"vour*T h ~ 7 „fTTi ,i.„ i,;„„„i. .i..-^, .,»» 'JJ"_ _ Then he got down and stretched him- bltsinew fS soon as von like." . \ i \ v ^°\ ""A 0 * 0 \Y\^ h ? J, T W^" ' self. In ten minutes more he wiu flying ; They went together, and Wfore.W 1 ^ ^ V ° ne ... thlu ? 0 ^ tov0 J lea3Q " rover the wide sidewalks with a bundle of Jack was. luxuriating over * chocolate, I papers under hisarm, intent on business, toast, drooped'eggs and hominy iu the Business proved pretty good that day, . artist's studio. * i . too, and on counting over his gidns, Jack . Thepluco looked like a gorgeous palace concluded that his affairs were huprov- , to thtv.boy'a admiring eves,,and wo niay ing. br> sure that when his picture .was drawn But forttme is fickle. Before oveniug by his new friend, it proved ten tiniest his jov was suddenly turned to grief, j more piquant and smiling for tho lmppi- Ilis old enemy lnul been on his trnCk. ncss iii Jack's heart: ^. H e v,'ufl a r r t ' s i c a on tin 1 street bv Officer Jll-.sic o'er Hie laud is swelluiK. .\VhiHperi,wj< wonls of jov and peac*. Jiis introduction to tho kintt ptuutor i N ;!'2i5, and carried to the station-house, wits luck for Jack Morrow. And he never '| Tlio officer would explain nothing. When shvwed himself unworthy of his gifted Jack's name was taken down, tit the sta- acquaintance. The two'arc good friends Hon, the sergeant asked the officer what yet. the charge wan against him. . Policeman No. 32G-did not retain his " T.-irepiiv-V Kind tlie officer, baldly. biuLgill'VUgJifter the tfnti'mid'mi iimf re. covered. hat-mfii~iike~trie peasant 'woman's "watched pot that hover boils," never comes when ho is looked for; and that ltasn't done me any good; for, still, whenever I have occasion, I invite the influenza by sitting .with lhy eves point possible, ambulances and woeful telegrams before iny oypo, vi-l>f.„Av^y * y y m m frnru jay . .MJtruperate fetfr, & a TIHn«e Bunking Ail a yo'ung ws^'-psssing through the nmin stwet ^'|diustown, 'N. Y., his attention g»8fsii bv smok.0 is- ^on S^a^^L, fsuywcKms tlmfcl'M 'lUSlimvu^ " ' The suspicio ^ « g ^ a s a t.ouee Hred had 'been The Fraukltig Privilege. j "USiYN" Till- COLOKATT'O. A bill which passed the United States: _ House provides that Hie Cvnyrr^lom! j T h l > S I M > ol - tt Trly , r , lro all l!u . ( . lluvo , Record oi any pait of it, or speeches w ; a*'Tow by JiiOvr Powell. reports contained in it, shall be curried i - . freo in tho" mails, on the frank of any v>hcn Major Powell and his party set member or delegate, to be wiatten \k '• oul lu tllrtv ' x, - !ls descend the Colo- out in l-.ulo river, which dashed over'mils- and ] climb the-; I or three n | to the . '•night, whi : once more j Attweb '.emerged Colorado,- We uuderstand " that the plea for this I "> ^,;0>,rr , j.ia so-called "temporary" revival of Coiiprix'ssioiiarfhuik is" Oiu't tlrc'a'Ocumu . eno ugli what the word Jack knew \v meant. .,..'• "-fercc-ny^"— echoed— rmrrhrdf lied ; " who's liecn stealing -.J e..-r. rf W S.>!d tiy all Dincill.l, » n . I I > r N. V Ir "r«. N. Y . N . U -N-». 10 _•_•_ Iowa R. R. Land Co. : Mtlipi- aiiythin'.' I ain't took a thing," and. looked arouud froiiiViue to the other of the njcn pres- ent. ' " . . » - ". ~ "Put hi.iaJu 12," said tlie sevgeant. In another moment.Jack found bim- s<-If in a felon's coll.. The door was shut with a loud clang, the heavy bolt was '•drawn, and be was left-idone., —- <V'nicer ;J2G had taken tin- lirst step in is meditated n-vifige. His real purpose nmv was to protect himself from .lit Jack had sei lihiinotY duty, withoutleave, drinking in a low saloon; and he knew that this fact, it- it W:LS known,- would ; coiddiiiii his place. Jack's i eruditions on finding himself really in limbo were miserable, enough. He suspreted tile true cause- of_ lii-, : ini - ! oist, and In- could'not fn-lp ru-eiu'g '.that if the officer w.-re wicked,em ' to svvt-ac-A' theft upon hii'i, in- woVld also lie •.vie.keil enouyli to swear io all tl .particulars be •'Jack ina<]e a llu..u^uid' disma of hiiii'si-ir e:i>t into jail, or iut< ' tviuiV.rv, M.d he wept and tr. corded. He was unlit for his place, aud justice sooner or later m overtakes those whrrnterso their privileges or bcarTatBo" j.grandfather to my little nephew doesn't "arrive himself ""in proper time; All j woman doit, and many thanks they get for their"Tuixioty. You .may cry "your eves wcakaud vour nose red, go through all-the agonies of hopo deferred, become aiigi'y, get ovei ^oiii. iiugei. U* plunge into the depths of. woe, make sure that ^yjiiLMe^A>e.rxRye^Ljif_j^i!iL^ witness ugaiiLst tl I'ighbors.. . Kxceutioh of au Innoccut (lirl. -The Froiicb Miliister of Justice law just received ii report of a very sad . and extniordtiniry affair,, which is iu>t im- likely to create some sensation. Thirty years ago a y<iung»jrirl. named ^lario (iiiernic was foifud poisoned in her b<d. KJiuhsd been betrothed a short time be- fore to a yoiuig-man, with whom her younger sister Madeline-was "Said to ,lie desperately in love. The poor girl was at once arrested, tried, ami 'filially con- demned to death", which she -suffered inly and valiantly,, without uttering a word of complaint or of. justification. Kv-erybody -.felt the greatest sympathy for tlie poor old father of the two girls, Tvho signs id the-must violent grief. He find c-une into oi smile' moui-v which the girls hud in- T relative, and wait iu calm despair to know tho wowtj, and when he comes, lxi ho brother, husband, or son, grandfather, uncle, or cousin,.perchance a lover, ho hasn't the slightest idea of yo.ur'suffer- ings, and inquires,* " Well, Polly, wind's j'the n-niatter; You look solenpi '." Solemn '. .Well, you know enough not to flil/g yourself into Ins - arms iiuij cry, "The sea lia-s g i v « i uj> its dead," or anything of that sol t. You say " A h ! " in iui ofl'endod tone, or ."tip unnaturally calm one, and m^rhajis. remark" ' tlTHt ". d^inncruas bmiit to a crisp.four hours ago;" or that you have "sat with-your bonnet on'ready Tor the concert from seven until nine," and wait .for some ex- planation. It is sometimes vo.itchsafi and thon.gciier.illy proves teibe- "Met a fellow." Yes^.nieeJiiig "a fellow "_ is, r enough for. imv amount of stayiuj though not to the e v n } : ^o render it tm recognizable. Thi,,^ prcsentesl a sickening appeara- ;'^Hth its blood- besmearod walls, ir^'nud couuters, aud the smell of tlijj^ed furuihuo and bedding. lation of -public -documents is sa grcit that means must be provided for their ^Icjiymlatiou. The hvw abolishing t'ie 1 franking privilege was passed at the hst i j "'-"issioii "of the Forty-second Congress. fci^'rtTjbfUoii eflVet J u l y 1,* 1S7U- . Since tint the printing of ar- conouu- eal order of things. But CongressiiHii huvo'uot relaxed oiie whit of thcireagir- ness to piiutstufl that nobody ieiuls, ami put into muslin covers good. paper 0>u[f'o jmigasujio. tl le , i in a vein of exceeding modesty it is yet :4'»'iill-e>l"-thriiling- inteic-st. - ^ .*. . Major Powell.tcllsus thai they encoun- tered dangers along the wholm.route, to^acu' u- ?™y - ,.{? A . oi s e , one would suppose, thepnutini us brother-m-hvf^; ^ ^ vnl ,Kc documents might have ben, •I', 1 ' 0 >•£ T^trM*^ / ^ I •..!' m.mCd U, littlio-imwmrd-morc ooow 3 i- s as A -bi; ^y=« -.- S - ? ? , n i i d , lielilg single mau, slept in j ft au k. He was about te^"^",".'.^ fe" - "^^ andAYJisJn good-^f ''."." y "_' [it ^»-i known that IJ-Un^uu 1 -: hoaV dr*tX'- iuU-i ' dm theriis^.^ -.,., ithfcc tofivohun ^ iXx '- ' A »4 and this fact t persons to kill iu sheets, pamp TlfcTcyptTHTi mausoleum,- Hi moth .-AN %!'-"!'."' ^ MJ^-M. Mr. Yost, in company «?- hw b & j ^ ,)o1m "Yost, and David fjigali, vif^ tin' theater. About eleven 'o'clock,iftertho perfonn- ance wasovcr, Yo-l w\t \ 0 his shop b> get Ins buHdog to put j (' uc l, a „k. Thc mrty then went to he- Sir William Hotel, when* they reniiuid till nearly twelve o'cl'H'k, Y-osd^ft his brother and friend, and went tibis- room in the bank. Nothing .\rxs Sin; or 'heard of him afterwar>t uutil liis-sniai'is weredis covered a< above stated , .The most roassvA^'ylc; vy of^fhe niurdcr is that Yost haiirstircil t<> bed. itson j v^ i t ; s -olothing had hi -j; removed; an otif. | tha't an entraine hid hill effected b .it h."-. and. the murderers through ";;.) rear window T-jovj wiiiilow* i-l r,sii*|ie«n,y pn-m-. ,il' •>, permitt-'il sp. eches, and .- ' the niaies-.ui i- 1 Ills tinust f th awake ...... dx-cn. avjke-iieif'bv the • vil(iaa i vJ?h! r ;j=Ciyiig h< attacked hh.-.- "*\'i^f w. ." : i I'll; 1 MI'KIIVi: : V I v l N i ; r. y KI'C CUT 1 -, rr-V i'i>\% in:u. HKTTi:it l:\Ml C:.n :»-- > - I : .,< . ,,->.,- ;•:»,->. N • , ^ : :•--. w.j -^j'vi; ;- MK>,(MJ(>-A'crr-. \T i 111 !J PRICKS \t KI^.K.NT "< •'; ; : \•'.',"(1.. r l"; -M1.TIKII1- (' VI. 111)1 l.-yid to; U. W . l!IW(;c -La" Vas^ Habit ©ure , COLLI5S, K ^ ^3 If 91 i/'j- i:j. ..t—ir*! -- * - J - X * 'DO W imlmWsiffii i dl9 r, tl f>> r'v- L\riT'-' r. .If.' Is *>\: V IT * hrxn *>*n} clw&yl, •!?">* <>''•'*"'• ».-l',->.-d ^s-a. Utffo and ••"•.ill »vi frViVr d 'A. tl'.fs dviT'>ivrrc*> Iwioj in b-ilk of tB<!.rchMib»b)<! "p :«kiiSY ye-rr p l a i a l y farft ire ,-.'h *-.d •s •'lil'ic: Ur,V»l Ml. H.T,T I f,vA in \be v:r--l~«'. * tr.tirfr -rr-.r.-w in {*Tor ft Us" tv-Vy*- - on*-ftflh atot.'s.and , .III prc- p^vrir.g tb'? t^r«i all Wris cut, ™' w a r "fta pr*r4l<askl>l<? > fa»t*t> cy<:« Io th* pU<er, and Iwo p;"<c>M» dropp"! to th^ hiif, the hilia Iwng iiVjtif tlinyfr^i upark Th<) whol* » t c h » M p!ji»te<di on o'd groTind ii Th*i mtcJi for an .tipmxiHni I «kopp«! Ihrro 5 Hon.* dsmxi? p i ^ v m <-s»^b in a (<m hUi% lmt'thrt rrt«H j «-*» h a s i nhmi- Vit ektoi* »AI in favor of t*r» j»i^ , -r»>. 0 n » pirc« j ourtj entnpcA «Bhr}TJt«*l- grvjjjud, &U plA.-.te«l. with CBSAU t*sQt\, 1 7s5<»'«I »t }isad?«!KvV pcM).o%t as R*f>d h*>, hot th«*y iroro not ail »a; te»ay of th^ra irer*rotigH'of'Efto4*y,t' ,\%' : ". A.- "W.- CSs^TeT' S S^-B«'rtcSt'»i*^4'- r '*l- p«j»t fcstofw thr* **tty>wfi'f. ho <»v*wfel<!fc?l t o e o g m t m n o a if rskiEif | it- for d4&y jeom whirii h« *»il»ljb»te . .woli J«s&i «ot «»>y' M,...U«* ; «9<©B^««t rW round; not *honl4 ttt*»-!wr-'i«A 1 A-4^ • ' - V t • : - ..-..--•, j- . . ., _ .. . .^-» •7X "..' I 3 '• •** . •• - " - **'• V " "- r 1 * * T . .,„.•-.'. ... >. •',- aiSagl ...• . " . ... •':.":•.:... -• •... ..-..:.•-.,i-r™sw« J -v : ri*...*«riia™.K,.j SIM^ 7 '--' <CUX-J - "' "' ' " " ' -•--• v . " . •> . t 1 1 t ]- v '..'-:. YQM&FOIilS.'iiISTOR United States. F ¥11 i /it f tl :o u ! 0/ Vomen spoiled for all uses but that of the truiik- lJ.hf> imih -mill It is said tliat the t r apitol is choked with printed matter phlets, and bound volumes. but tlu ; men of signs <vf holdingback, however dark ano>p ; r dismal or full of terrbis;.tho new canyon I "" they* were about to'enter might be, I until the perilous voyage wasia-iu us! end. Then they fame to one canyon j that was evidently more full of dangers j than any they had pusse-dT ' " Capt." How-land, of tJm'.piuly; three jueu declared that'thoy \v,;:t!,i not its pas-sitge. Major 1 eheuded tin- danger bet ! cot I'lduilgeou, ; lie about i —when si into the c the 'party showed .no j ""- < ' — 1--.1 i >-liow bcai unshiiic, music " attempt- "fully yeunpri lie .Well ol statesm.m- 1" din vial air- ship intype; the folding rooms iirc.ull.'c'r I with reports and executive dueum.oits; j and members are knee-deep iii their ovni'l e.lo<|ueni-e, or tln-y -u.e inundated with'! that of their c.Tilcagui-s. It is to i .of this vast accumulation that the geln'ial . delivery has been .ordered. 'The agri- j cultural bureau has had its own spivi ntTeut'of its ).riuted VCpolt.s fol trihution; I'oiigfi s-s has-slso- ordered its proportion; and by the new schedule, both lots are iiiolu.ied iu the ito.,,1 ,.f I matter to be distributed,,b> say no'liiug ! of tlie'garden seeds which aVe luU'n-ii t-. the mass of free quails. -II is preciy-lv ! this gn-at volume of printed stiilVlbc.t has provoked so much" complaint, (on- gressionai ~ correspondence has tii'v.-r formed a"-coiisid*'n,blri element in the burden-of the mails when the flank w-,v< -Ti'iif bo..'.;s, pamphlets. seed*, have litei.dlv made postal 'service t hi.^ long " and j wits not accomplished, an I logo on. 'lT^ingbtl'i.TorTntie I not and could not sleep, so I sceiucd the occasion," and s-. gi excitement within hiiii. •* Ho made his prepui-.tliwiis ns Seeling thai he and- bis party. v,ei come oul of. the abyss ; the- records was .giv. Ii t and ins men,"w'dii were land, ie-tters \Veve."ivi at boliie, and keep.- tot'spt. Uov.i-.ind. XJ[ t that some. | caeh..p:uly I taking the trip determiue.! ihde ica-ier IUO important great-thi- ns iiioii",u. c m •t I' •t o L-it. th Mai.'. " My went' live. On llo-.v!uiid. ! ; to m> around by • n them to friends , ; vo-ic iutruslcit : .r Powell say.s.too, l'.-: w.-ti" she.l lit parting, lieviug that the other was • most dangerous way, and. that mild cot meet again. Now !,-{ I'o' tell the story of the tlio: old boat having b.-.-n .!•—"it- d. I ,1 I'r lid b it- w lliai "Tli. rap b.nir. 'i'u. i bun;. Tic- Maid . Us- ing. Hei :i 1. to watel d mil. v.. ' of the Wall, just , pnll.-.l out ii !'t!.!. era?; s oil". i ;li ...:' In **.(., tied,: ,i\ •'*) 1 ) r 1-. :'.(..-! o in. io ijig'ifb |snuids, iveu Ji-s a c.^:t.i.V. abotit ss\t. •!'. ru.' Samuel S iliie rem.irks o'.T- in lmr ov ililii •-. ('audita;.' (.'obi. up; lil Itllle -t v.:i ,i -l": tl. l.oltlt. t.dd- '.'. \.'. .1 --- W-. r'A.. "4 i : CX tOO ASTHMA 7-.- — - •• CATA3RH. t O'.EU. IVi r,- ' W " * W I N " m EPILERS.Y,- S-.-.V*' »Urd!y, *r.i» 1. <*d «irikisg * 'pent, f'.'-Av ios it *lrr.<*J in %-vnou, J > / T . !i.'JV..'.t, * d'r.U'% l»'l hb hSfef t«41y <Trt- W ' " \ ~i. \A" Lift* s girt tgtA ."«•*«*#«», hM * ftbroiea. UXI*. Bv».«i h*4 f"v<*b eyf-AffittrAfisni IhHr "Socfat*, toAot&enu. Add;'! H.*r»"iry, isSxteear^am of «f{<f, recflirfctl spl«Tr*l tajtfsimwaR^- Itittlc Coolny, Mxiocn, •"Fiw»n IfMf-,4 K da, on r*prc*» ln»in , No. 4, J>ftlaK»ro tthrwos, of Ihe Ed« i , . - -,.» r-«ns»g "ffiMa5ltjJutt-U^J^fcjBilfc it-x*itiots tot ttrosai, Jtea 1 f.7r.... i^^..u^<AMit^mss^mk^^ f "I'UK i l^T*i 4i*>»fiticwA nrV'!«T»tel" 4o lw •pri^] : .]$ m **iett r»nr :MM •• forAi*h I ' . ». tojr ^t 4 k A ^UW.-«^^'-^'Mi- r * u i * t ' IV K ^ Kr ' rari ' Wf *'|w7»'d^Wl ofi Uw grotind, wr* in- ^ fiwnJpKH^ gW.« ^ - 0 h W >'^t6^ hJWted st MMSJCTJ' OwrtJ^,•*!)«« J>or' r ^offe,thkdi»7"*t'<>!'3yi»ti o d d ^ t in t!\ fl iK M tf*\m Tot*, !*«««*, fo.^- j, *f f»T)»t». »*SK ft H*tr Ve.f V, B99»L arnl "3B*sw. of KfcJ>{j5»s, ' AftlMr^<'l^4* !^ *t?*. , S**< !, ^ :,;, **'* f*«<s!atfc!r>< THB Ai<r.aJCAs ORfl.*jp, adycttiw in cuioth,^ eolamn, h*T« tho RsatMi whi^ oomc* 'ivtH t-SKSiiy-ftra. *Aar* < Ujo&^rfal ^'Jtiwhssflsrt, »o»i fr«>Tti It wnll k o o * n h i « h <Wft<;-te* ol Um n»»stt MUSIC BOOKS jtr^r yon j QUARTET CHOJ.R8. jT/KesVt JT^fcf Oojtrrif#n. . ' . jCrTK**H S4 ^r«.f<-{ v <MfCT4f-9M, f/iurf?! «SK«I ttfiwt, Tr-lnltp ('*>Ur+*S{*>ti. ?l-50i' ii r>«*. ;NT« -.,„ f ... 6 OOK Af ... v . t.-U»TELLITAU.U* NV ,S,^*.'r«i <•• 1^.> ... j'-,'Z»* f .*,' .yZ..-J.s."i:t Vs"".'v' •< •> ^.. -V-* *",—' * * r.»-;.-*t ^ -7V*?. **-*"', pt, «-,-! *r*-»*-» »•» r--m 1* «•*• 1 * . ; ' *>5"» «..—.-»< »•-* «»,-- - ».,.,< 1„>^? .^-, T. n~«« , fc^w'^.-. V 13 W ffc^t *' »-r«« » v* w^l #^&1 B *yifr^ ^* o ^ * . ^ - 4 , v:.:% e r * - v . AMfi« A.(X * m i i r t r « » t*. lt«-a'.™sj. C 1-",;»*i#» !**«*? rr*f m.i--'t j: t * H * *«.V*. l^*(>w»4«^*J.*tft^iV*.V A.Ci,0, <U«ff, J*#^i-i.l^rx is r.- f w « i s s n o * # by"'. »Sr« *^*<st <xMf»;st*». rti' fa^tnret**. T h ^ y now offc-r "<»nllr*t/ *>«wj * fowily. * ! CLARKE'S HEW METHOD . •-. .. ro* SENT FE.EE ft t ftr^i,M„l.i t w mmm**M» m& w*« *4»v ~ fim ^1 w'»y> n»iifn( **»';>sirt** WVIIJJJ oi'. s;»«ii«6scsiis)t ««'S:3«« •I ii/' " iH l> %r. 1 '.>• - • f- *-7v"„ •-.r , \ '. t.-r !»V". t" ' • •:•••-"*. t's'^ <!*H « » 1 » > - ' pi./^Ui/'Cip hY«u"(i,X. *S o*^ '8CED8L w " ^ " — •• ; r"« ,-»•:•', hkv'*"*' nf *"''"* ^ r •"•' , "• ft. a-.' : fi.•-»."• ".-•'• •••-• 1 " Mill 1 *~.i ;;:••: «.;..-•-. J vV _ ^ivih^yi'; i,-?;v"a«^ .-.o-.-.U-,, < J».-V fip-d rv;', with a 1. v:o —"_, I h-'"*rd .U'o-ier lb" fivitl rcor.i. lA-.'.y l.iilr.r !A' O.-.t. ... r- ..-', y , " -»>,-a thtJ "TM lted:.--« \\,- '.'.s . • . j .-•-.liar." TV oOc^f. to *P"«'•"'•'" "^'f.V^inS Ui> lioy »»h*k« ort*o,-di. I tet p \ w'.d lbct» JnfV O?M 1 ' ; ' ; , ... • - ' v ,, ow ' T0« '• •' h'T' 1 ' W t e r VTSCtl OTBft«inH ^ I - ' '•'< y- »1] «" "U-h"* 3 f A of olheT fc'i'r- ib^t w* d y« drinking, Blt'ltP'sr'*- ••' i t "fllfrt the p'ltO^COM- tnUVft'r.*, »?.' they'll fix yon. Now I'm. ' ~Jrm ri^wr mr WPITSI *"* .. , mj9 -i-r-l. . J'm a-g«ip t /v»nW». end I,~4o»'t wiuit to bo dia- lnrl.0%1 '.' T>,e ofBcw made r.n furtljcr tntetfer- sc^, snd J»ck frrariip^r^I t-A^V, And i-lirftlV-»i into tlie- window, nnd wa fell into M cWp a Mn»b«rftshg had li*lri in lyfe.r.% Rtid in A»K>nt tli^ wirie &Ui [tu-V » •»•' L.,M.M^p«ft,3xA,U^. .V" j pJrWi \^d viw hard, and It nrtn mm. I/fa op«tJC4 I»ia a r m mut y»wn(Hl. To 'hi« fwtemisbivtOTt. ho «vw o"mar. l^fore him, » « * s BW-li«ht, btwy drawing upon kbook. Jncx I00W »t him with en- e.ii-".s:g !;••:.'.'•« to im-.*.i)f!*riL^(-'.T U;ry (.>.-..•.-.•,<". I'- i* rt>ri:ir.f. t'-,.. !n!«!.j;.| ti:i! the- Uif.rj.Ury f«,r ab!'* iyiraigrstioii is reiAfiy "••<* n tT-jgryta -«wri,i fi'de-'i x „,_ unwvjre f>rrv-l«-.l 'T«-f-' r--. r -'''" 1 * , '-„J Hivlit' j.rv.j'st. j ^oicc cf . m * a . A n d l3>a..<ri*«« o. A. iivlS*** l'm«h^-.|.; the'c!Cii'i<U &tf>. dr.«Vr liti.V I «il at )ii« p . - V ! I ho c*rd U«« ftrti»i !.-d ] irf.V£^JMi"..^ U»~WH8WW>fc "i i •'*'' !?'.gt"t^- ri«k h»d •l.-rn-V t h n ^ oa lb** ' " ».-^V.d ^s*WJii»-*b« rf,3*r 8W.1t. ' • | dr.*Xy Mini or purpii or jn woming wh'to.Ort sk«>teh «** t.winfi Ow. llArrtj, in *n fnVrMltnfc Mti<-!* ^•" 1 tew* rh**« rryh oiher OTW 'cjr*-*!'. - "'•«•' in th^ JV'>ff/. .ip/oVa'i lUrtrtr on j hiwprciiTooT lbAd.-5'i.K 'f*h^ ".If-y>>-a'll Jorjul for him, sir," 1 f*ir/Vlj ii&dntedlo th<> jidgA, " hi k n w * ' t/-<V HiAte*," dwHfe^ tb.vt » l*rg*> j . ... , I •srwen't in N>/^i3 »te«t*»• th" limo (!^ ; UiUjTfjst middle Kgi..a in worthier t-"X i »2£ 0T,vr *' r ftr " } *' Mii> *" (t "V l»3£fl3nfta.fW- t •»•»-*«." Mfi ftxdi ".--5d 'VTtJi'x-atjfrn, Mini*!. .:^v/r Kupi^irt h fi- i inRnifni n w i . Men look «» racn mnrr 1 wlTl i, Kr uTirinrmtr 110 ^1— : T * " " " . . ' MVI l^tiohl, Mitttlf, MfpM, and thoj •"a- t / ir i^nV'rJi^d'c5 < .,r/ of"'' c Iha wfc4lfl Mnrr. ' lle<l pofkiljUfort. It "ill m4 isnWrr cwn j Mid ( l»chold, M it #f ?e, c<>r}i«*s#, bere/'^ftays Ihe jhxdgt.—--iiMr. G«tk,-«roo«t.ohlho»Un^V^c«j<Mt&totMihthi»S l ' 5Rl ' ^ )<5 r jrllrii«i»h crirn- i lb . He i^ftc-demn looking • » '*J« ' v/juAfd Age, and h V * ( * n ' F . _ , Jt J"'?.,'*** f hiv dwp* inlo the txwtxt't'Q* The Cr*«t Middle Uesion of ?he Kni- j « re*-,v.r,«ivn »m?»1virrit lurid m l . All M i r ,,,j\» : , r^re. i^rt of ] o w » tbo ir.oon*« •hA.low -coffiM *«rr<sn- j "Bbockioff wilt •"'I . "; WhAt'i faatr <"xrhim«tbr Uih-T, •«»'•"» '* ; .wnd for Xfr. Henty Puli'iier, roum' ia ^region to Iv fr»n<!« on the public, \\ r.e Studio "Building, 10th tiff*'.-, witl hSTC Urgi -1 •*-tl!etyi«r.tA CAU ever b<! terr.i'sl him hwftchl inloroori, l*n*w<T, yon inlong |hc route*.' "flic chief diSictdty ("sH the H«» in HiA.'wwnl of tn\,l/*r. TTwrft'awvnn rltrMmx, spnhfr^Tsre hsrd l'i find in dig- girsg. Mid the w-nter in tery imptim. Tim fx'.il in vety ferlile, but Ibi^i* of no- RVAI) while, w»ter s*wftliling. hweo" WM gr?fit I/igb5 (Hter. of th M j«er<T».I\fi>T><v( by lh(\ Tf*er*>ni - ,. -•;'- A ti<*k^w#* fM»*s ^ . v , i-;^^-** fot.4 fnhinte or t*<*. X"n> maVing J t i r ^ o f yon»-' ? V *-" „ , . , . Wb«m Tf^ pronift demAnded L */,' . **'..-- "-' '• itsrl^i" "**$& *b* «MI. " ntCaaS Jack Jay M.1H *n4 Thitv tlio inAa woko f. hlih ft Jffn*t« pir*e » whicjlj' W M . dr»*Bi hioMolf. Zl ovn step (imrn and hn d«<vtod. nertrA«/','" »*• ? . . Jft>k ofi*jfAtl, Rr>|J Ihe biy-ine-m r.f t!m ; court went on. ' , In f.nrrthef hemr lhe'Arii«t ftrrived, in ; company with An Onion. Hfi wA" p~{ ' npy>n thfl wine-M i»tArid. In a moment ii WftA all plain. He fevtiftf-d ^h'erA and how bo hfld ^ein tb^ l>ny *% the time in, - -- , -< . . . . . ., !twl Mleep. He ^TM (WfajftfabedJ » Jk*«<m paper bwlhe market Iwn *o ^ r f c r t - J m h*AT,1 of Uw rlwrge m*KIry I «Io« or thrpirfes up low M M t h a p r w n t the polWman, mil frofn hh nketeb Y^4. \ *"«* . n< ' «»<*; "^«?f S ,^ l ^ !l . prrxhwd ftlmf.-npon *Wch WM , n^d, thai w>« termcrly brinmn R JarO, portrait. g». 'l-Lr 1 n0, l f ^ n ° m ^ W Tim |n^(i made Jack IA*« the jx^ition * J«^f» *V» «->. « h w M O * « ^ «»* , *2M^SSM ;.aad4-y>*V*hv %.i^ iaw to. followers nf 7/CjtbfMfft, tinder* the *ym-,] |{ 1(( { Ixil of fire, - and in the onc<» »plei'tdid \ kindora«>i tiv> iVintinn IncM reocired divine j»,tef»tion. ' Well might the p^t write in 'VAiUnftrsd" : "Me»t frfeyjrrttn frtf! init *ert » wawJilp ttti Thn rAyt\<%j of ilit rntVin^ HM r"-f4ieA.' " I linne* the l*"iy, rarrie-Mh-. 'tVihMf—whon—irjuit »4f«c! I"'. r, *-... "And *h« « M » i>erf«tij !a<\j s ! , '^v<W« j v . , r , " A'-,d the pi jeAf« I't^r ll.e <">• ' , d<,T,b ('• l*i V.'->r. Ihe good oifc .-Awe. ft»d Oupnytwui r.;<e»y. Rt ma, iTevefirt Ihe luVterr of _theh'" , r»e, iy«ya "Cotftrt cm * ball A t!«>'.i«-o'tbi r e^r>>- n<>r- get aback!" ca)l« Uwcoronef, get- ting inte, hin ovffcost!. •« 1 «M Mtf-afeing of Marie Anl«nnette, Quf?n of Prance in lif3-?eRfhvr put np job I", ilenvurely fepli'* "h« ' !U '- '"'' lakefi, and trrna #»th CTiriorM tokifaftfb} boy "with tha <*k«teh. thobonTanrttoo-ywy minute *)w?$ tha i ^W™™> "«T^ W. fi H biwi a5te|T ti"ctnra waa ftniaWd Kmrf .pmdted on ; >"*'*«> 5 1 * 70 ><"> »*™ i - . tbe.«Nr!/coo{JUa-|i*^T_% : thoai^l^aaii : ; - : . r y,-/r.i-.:T;.'r'"* ; '."""~ i ~:™''-"*'""'": * L * ha compKrwl tha to'^ih"^3wi^t*^^i^ ,6 * : ^ ^iJ^" ,V( f^Si'***» j ywrs -wantfejrftswl t k « p*rt"f M " AR *' o/.-tliQ i fM.hjJt rsv^e ill fcteh over thh book." Tim coroner a'la'drrwx « m * rviuteie- pktos tho ^teaming <md of Ih" filrk of cordwood ^»«?^ru":i»ng fmm tha atOYA Mtt'ftUnn^ndc rre"thv"4S«k--i»<>*a--ah«at wifh itft labor, of. tteWng ^ ,Hmo into etet'nity. ; < - • -•." • JltnU to llor** Itantlt'i^. If yortr bt»T«*-»a in llm habit, of, \\ck uifr, n v . a low board and ymii bev-e". wi!> <s>"in gel-oyet it. • • • Keep your h«r«ofal; dou'i i*d!-.\» n-.y one !<:i gsit n liep on htm.' When yoar-Lh(»^.,,XAtu.«.,, r to'e,£ np" an oal. coTishVr him aa hiving V". r.-r.'d fM^.Mll ( bloke Wtlt. pe'ttr.t -1 Jhe ft'-M eon!! t ~ ' •"• ,...--•- f n . • • M - - ., p-li'ted 1»i(" j Mrvmg feVe. 'isn't 'down (Ice. two '4i'.:-!se» were, m file! ijn_ , bin !-,:-. )-IA..I to tc.lli llio b w ..{ 'tlie e-Ar.T,'ffiT if "rf-lfd I'f gO ! lh*n to dnit bt. B.-5 f.;o Imne r « : .t-i TiTur" T o e<v tWa a%nt b1otte3^>tH of 4f heAvrnnayif l*, and indeo<l rfitu«t •*frt lx? f appalling; xind even il»o cold-bloOtted acieatiflt !>ccxirnea trwnnloftf, iaith neryl ton a amotion, -1) rradf al f • aa thft apacta,!. ,Aie h< ? it aopeaja to 1>? b'nt, A faint celoa- iial aigrfof that yet moro dire. wth'*»c-~ foretold by in«j>vrirsl «oer«.<sre t&a IvfrSh of ftMronorhy traa c^1ehrated--Trmiuist- taliaod in m«*d»*yal anng : 1 , " t)tm iV», IVM ilk * -,'-: Solve* sassl^m (0 fullla," " Ta rnana ynnr nyr*> . w i(h baltera. . )•«« I'e biro ' 1 ^ «vr*>n11y after lb- «»«•*»! y«»i j w Mol> ,, Bpw<lW bis>, or y*m may fioon Ifc leoking-after , ^ ^ w ,. Mr8 ^, Ay Mm b i t a of ymti' wagon * ' 'Mjon raws •' , V*™-; ^ f1rf ".22 *-»-.'o •-• ,, fhay rt^eivo a cxmpte of liuTei n ...- -. • - _. ...„v.„i ^ M A i iu ^_ j t->oat; a mmnr'm nf d.i.l . , '"' ft ; wetit oier, ami the b«ii : 5, s't^ "«e»» down Mmo''t i h tUimgb '.ee'urie rfthrr J t' lv-"t n i s s v r " ! rir-*""TTTeTr . oa'.e.e Up «j?wi on ngie-ftt »Ave, . Up, lb»1i eiouitd U-ibiud \ ka, and W#T>« bwt in the i " |r<s.'» with fear; we aaw j g.yie, but now, j -*»««-- •—•—: H x^m avidejitly a ue fliird i«sl vw»:» (ait iy lw.\.e,id iv TnairrT. Then ah« and down and f»>m'e Ri.-f.l r JWT IM-IOW, « e MW »>•«"» «itw. hnvi. s At a,nwMin*of OwoTwctort of atctty , oornpftmy irt N«* 5«rMl 3fr. Pfrm V. i'Brt.m.rmA ah *tfik>*M tJaanMfr New horao, hut on no aocyinnt dr«» a lino. 'mn»t;n,H •KoUvcy «-d1 jon may ho at UchM 1 '^ afanomjr <>n deck a^ng.ivg hya hal to ' «-. —1«:« «k«* I show that be wa.i all i-.ght. lint ho was |o'jrmlt hot**, yon ran?t \v e^thvin tbalj * nov V'p? " v ","*' "^ "». * W b o w ia well attached Io y ^ r . n S R ' " Whirlpool Tjw M^W-poRt ofdm }fa*tt. ^-' Isoat rematn.>t attaelwd to the. bna whirb -3h«tyn«tellahnr«a lo >•$<•* wp," w* »n «W p w ^ i o n . Ho? hadly *h^ Hook w^TCte^ : dlr^ge^^idT ihrad^ howa get op within lb a boggy, boh Bnmnerana m«htothrr torun alongtiw - n ' • - .o...; ii.1V iMw, rfiff and ac<rt( ibey rovild roach.him TUKH1«I, Hah iwdtftwK L^»«* .i aMM ^ •.board. lii^*^^5^iii£fiy^^ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: SIM^.,„.•-.'. >. •',- 10/Chatham NY Courier/Chatham... · 2010-04-13 · apple gratod, half pound fine sugar, f-is --sized wopaa, of. ©aw»3

- -• ,* ' - '- V.v-


" * ' • ? ; > v - • - 7 • • , ' . . ' > . > . ' ' " • A • . , . • , . i — = - .

Pit" • '


• Dowst le Recipes.' JoKBtrs.-—Oao cup et • sugar we

one sc*ut cxip of but ter , two cups Cl flour, two e g g * ; . .flavor tlic«j with feasor, ."r ' ' ' •' . • • « - - '

Biffed rtf

. Boston. " Before that

' H j i j r ew FT.OM L I X E X . ' — Mix sofi

WHS starch powdered, half the quanti ty I

v J m i - , " » - ! shipping koaso. in a mow- ovea one hour. T o bo eat on j \wHu" man -with cream. — . j b y . .no° nieaas

I/SSKMC PUDDING.—Half pound of; grade, Mrs. apple gratod, half pound fine sugar, f-is --sized w o p a a , of. ©aw»3 but te r , eight eggs, qniithftg-ilie j cehent-6ha"raete., whites of foitr ; n u d and J u i c e of three ] k«-pt; a . millinery leinoas, with <Jr wiibouT pas t ry . Bake'; .street in South 3 ..... — . ,

: of an hour«~ To"be eaten i & e y resided in Charlest.own. Jesse at-eold. " ' tended first a Methodist and then a

UDiYer^aligtSanday-gcjbooK and was a -diiigeiH a m i at tent ive 'scholar . -• • H i s

, . . . . - , . • - - : - , -»"""""- ' ; teachers all speak well ""Of him, and o, s a t a p*ece of lemon, and lay i t -on ; { l l e r o . i s n o r e £ o r d ol hh. evex Uyhlg

both s:des with a painter s brash . L e t , heeii , l t W j c t e < 1 to . x . n j e ) t y in any -form ' rt»r ^.-i^f. o p t n - a i ? ' " o n g n T ' l s • P r c f c r - 4 j m t i U h » ^ r i m e a w b i d r t t t o a g h t iuxn into

a b l e - t i U - t h o s t e m is removed. Tno to r i e tywere d i s c o v e r t : . G H I 4 T » - E PUDDUVO.—B[alf bos of gela-1 A t t h e f i m e w l l i ? n Jt?&^o t h u s became

t in^ dissolved in k d i a pint of 'cold'wo-1 known, he was twelve years old. H e ter. Bea t tl io. volks of four egg.s a:ul I eio°^ nearly five feet. lugh. His chest-throe Gbleapooufuls of sugar*, and turn j w a s as«deep and square as that of a full inlo th"o gelat ine and water. Havo ra idv \ growu man. His legs and arms -vrera

- 'a .c[nart-«f--Soil ingmilk; pour the mix- s molded , in symmetry and strength. • tore I n t o .the milk, and. s t i r until i t '• "WTsen he was exaauned by a medical

boil's. . i-mnn I

' TJje'Bor.*}dthlte'--Wlitte. ;;Eyei"';

i.. • A corfc-s}x>ndjjnl'ftiruishes an^Schftiigo 'j "I vith-t i ie fol lowng" description of Jesse

.11 j Pomeroy r the ' boy jrith the white eye, —' ' who was sentence•'' ' "

I , have "kaow and mother for & tlier-more

, ,, , • ,Z ",' i i i v ' i United State* House c*acaitt«e;on elections, crossed the oourstry to a point Oast of the ! . - . . . . ' * Black Hills. "On Cheyenne river they

which has been goiuj,' over the Artaasia ek-c-met a par ty of; '200 toomlted Indinns, J tion.retums of W72, hts-foac-i thitKr.Esxter wiH> ivi./sr.^—tjwis:—i..-.).i tl—t>rjci'r.bi6 i "^^^•-•iOvmnvi 'ujTijgieJwiiyu^gr Mr: jjarley. . After reaching an apparent ly pas'Sible-path at the foot of the hills, they struck . into t h e , monotain.s, and after- picking j

i-msn, i was present , and "bat for the — P ^ r o - ^ t ^ . ^ j ^ o - c t t p - s ^ f ^ ^

—1~> •" w " . cwJ registry ' 'of b i s bir th, v,-o sbould inashed potatoes ; stjr in two tablespoon-; have fixed b i s ago at eighteen or nine-;. fulsbf melted butter , beaten to a c ream;! teen instead of twelve.- H i s feet and add two- well-beaten eggs, o n e ' c u p of - hands w -cream or mi l t • »- >«». J»«*~ - •>-- v »

.., .... ---- --f-,"* , nanus were email, his flesh .was delicate-cream or rnilk : pour-inta-a- d e e p dish ; . \y ^ f e , n n d Lis muscular dovelop'ments

-uako m a qmca.oven. « t j ware perfect. , , ; -• S H A S S - J S T ^ W O ^ X / A K E S . —Beat well to-! Tho most remarkable po in t in his


i srraigvv _„. .lonrjy- four inches, and .was of great breautn.- : 'jru- (rtr> njsd

. • _ _ ' _ - i Bidesof tho head were abnost flat, ./lije BccKWHSAT C A K E S . — Ona ...quart of j - ^ j j ' m , H e a r ] „ ^ a s t raight lino with

b u e k w t o t r o n o tablespoonfnl of yeast, j the spimd column. T h e ears, small and •witmid-cold water., : P u t t.ho ea f i n the | clean cut, were, low down. The ' lower yeast. Pour thoyeaat on the .buckwheat, I * • •

"then- way, reached & point within two miles of Harney 's Peak in fifteen days, from the date of their entry into the hills."* Th<vy erected a stockade "eighty feet long, and buil t log cabins from a s abundant snpp 'ypof t imber*which tKey found. The cold 'weather j^fesOy ImV peded their" prospecting. They sank-tm-enty-irYe'prospect holes and struck every instance. - F r o m the grass ,

rcckThey found £uim7rr


Brooks.|;..'.TIie snhasl report of the Peir.-sjlyaiiis Eajlroid Company states the net es.rn-.ingg of'idl its lines at ?23,515,705.S7. - "•

Several pewons were drowned liy the Hoods ia Teuneisoe. ...•..The Kaasis Assemblv h5s iiiEtrnct«d the coiEL'mittee on WSTS siid meaia to report ' a'bill imraedi&tely, appropriatius $200,000 ior the relief of the grs&hppper

j<saiTerere .The Spiuisrd3__h.op&_tQ_£nhdi

•• - . i i -i,"~"c.* -^ v "" j luenrs to-pav the e"speDSe3 of the contested I u V,Pierce. M. D. Buffalo, N Y Court "" ~" c : jF J i :<?e: i hy w 6 Supreme elections of Sypber, Shanks, Sheridan, arid C&n- j JMr'Sfr—l had suffered from catarrh in an I

. ^ r ope or two ^ e r , had S po^n. the bill 1 ^ 1 * . ^ ^ *350^ t0t t | t 2 l S i i 4 l ^ ? T l $ ^ ^ ^

nianv doctors and.things wltS no lasting bens1 j fit. In May, 1872, beeomiug nearly woru out' with exce• "•• ~" Kew \'of. ip a severe form, smfferiii^.sbcorf a total !os<3 ofvoTce. I returned homo here,-bnt had be

^ M » % s a ? » ? s S

;es?i.vo editorial labora on a psjwr t rk city, I was attached with bron'chiti

consulate at Yiaivoj,';c!« KlI3!,:

scalloped tins.

'in the | clean" cut, were, low . - . -—,-•"" ^"• J ."u^^w" c a*> ! jtr^r was broad and massive. The mouth

.and add enough cold vrater <o mako a j , v a s wide and tlio lips were thin, and thui batter. Le t i t nso over night, and j formed l ike 'cupid 's bow, tho upperbeiu 'g bake on a gndd lo in the morning. j very deep. Tho nose was somewhat

-Swell ' r ice in j short and broad, and the nostrils we:

ous gold and silver-bearing quartz lodes, and the • specimens Mr; Witeher has brought back aro pronounced very rich. Tho party never saw an In d i an wliilo iu the hills. ••"." ^ _ -

Mr. Witeber describes t h e p a r t 3 of the hills thoy saw as hav ing magmficenc val­leys, seemiiigly timRleaa forests of pine, aud abundance of elk, deer, and other game. Tho v grea te r port ion of t h e re­turn t r ip was mado th rough .snow d r i f t s ^ ,__-. . over a.irtudilpss country," in moct s tormy 1 roads ovcii

the Cirffiit war by defeating, the -last of the Garlists^ vitliin a few weelts* .The Civil Highta' bill, as^it pli^ed the United States-

ijooje^aaiiaa.adopted by .tho Senate, apph'fei-only to inns and servico in the jury-box..»... Jlkhael Sallivao, .convicted of the murder of DanielTahnadge, at Metachea, >". J^ Decem­ber 1, 1874, was senteace4 to be hanged. . . . . . The CliXT Locomotive Works, atScranton.d^a., were burned, with a total loes of "$500,000 Tho boilding inspectors .who passed tho wall whiA fell orj St. Andrew's Church in New York were arreated to await the verdict of tho corocerArjury... f.^Tho Wisco<aiu Legislature

| has" passed a bill which is considered by the

the eoustruchon of awntoon bridge across the I 8C1,fio i I a U »»v0«f %«oo, Mississjppi at oraeaiDtibiKmo, Iowa • toVro- i e. '^bmouy to be fsfd be mote •economy ^ -eaieiem-v ia the ruarino' fn ' ::-Mo re 'be United Stat.

en )

. , — j . amid much confusion. •

• Mr. Kassen, of Iowa, moved the adoption of » » ™ J . U a • , rff°mtions heretofore reported bv him

to authorise i {f0"?.1"^ committee on ways and means on tho e across' the i f!8c,.fio ..MaU mvfstigatiorj, direcdrif; copies of

before thd next House . .. , .- -._.„—.» „ iuo mrino'iiTT'- .«« V M . ™ states District Attoruev hospital sc-rnee, y^ a amendment- fixing the ' 7?$"F, to proceedings against \Yro. S. King salary of . •he^.^ . j j j jg B„r„eoU R t ^j.wjj i n . ! a ° J John G. Sclmrnaker ; also to deprive the [ au}R,j,„ti_ t - u ' V r ; - , - " V " " i " * ""V" *te*l.oI ¥3,000; the House bill for the further \T'T'm ?°™W*™t* .involved from the y ^ f e e b ^ s w J ^ M ° ^ ihZfl thob*h

secur i tyef .nav .^^ oa t ! l 0 MEssteippi r i X •>' i f e , 0 ' t h o "Porters' gallery.. Agreed to S S thJ?,%» * broncjuaj trenble re-The Tarut. bj Vis -fullv M*rn**<lf ;,. .TTI •'• ~\?G l° 17- . S??™ a"d .>h« catarrh was tenfold worse than

Mr. Harnson, of Tennessee, called up.the I ™ ? V -^very effort for rehef seemed frdit-

on tl>o Mississippi river, c , . . , -.r - "j*W "fully discussed in the Senate, Mesar«.^(SIuj,-_6coM and Fre!inK.

Borne. «uly two two vreeks when I was cora-pfeteh* prostrated with J:oiaorrhago from tho \ , lungs, liavtfVg /our severe bleediug spoils wit.h- ! fcr<Sffi««

days. In the September foUo.wiir

c a a r»!e-s *y«jr l i l r t

dy p i i c« , t&i th.ea I«t It f»M,fr ) r o a c » o l e * p

••'^•^i'iJ ' t M!»KL I I kt*p« Ihft ' - V ^ f | i k ( r :YrOT3 tb* F i l t h . ^• ' - ' •^ It X J O O P A th« l i l r t In

BIs i rusDr . i t dr»w« »n

n i u o : ' ^ B t r a i e i i t f r o n t . " i t 8 - i v e s « o r »

r-- f ^ ^ t , » » . . j-rtCe ,25 « a t t « * i r H .

e re-

from the T r e a s ^ T h e 6 b o t t f e ^ ' I h e a T i y ^ - n t e s t a i . t ) entitled to the « a t . Pald_by States a ^ ^ t o . S B "sJ o.?e » - . ' „ A « o r considerable discussun th

w i i i

i bv btates m^DX<l to J2S6.781,256 and i „ : » "f , ? , ; e l "" u s s " -U the resoln tions renco

C'or.D RlOfe PtTBDISO. . , „ . , , , „ t . in . .w tv. uuii i^n/iiu, unu me nosi rns were

.milk till-soft ; well but ter a shape, and i disclosed.' J ^ i e ^ y e W a r c ^ w e r ^ j h i r k ^

stowed and split open.- Pour in tho rice: ' at tracted most at tention wmi.f l . . . .w--• . t . . . . '» i . o , 7 . ™ aau epjit open.- i 'our in the rice, ! at tracted m< boil twenty minutes with buttered paper LTlus right ej under the cloth ; turn out. . -When cold ' f " 1 1 o f i n t t '

. . „ a t mosta t teuf ibn were tho eyes.

yo was b pale blue or gray,

cover, with custard.

Fo.'t LUNCHEON".*—A nice little- dish may bo mad" of hnrd-bpil folloiviiig iiuiutier: Cut ...^ v**s-' 1U

. half, beat up the yolks in a tuortar v.ith - a little anchovy paste "and but te r , pepper

,.:. and salt ; then refill, the whites of the' egg:i and. serve with a garnish of water-

" cre.-is. - . . . ' . ' • ' . : ' '


nee , L l i te r ight e; _ v .

cold ; ^"'^ o f intc-lbgeuco. The left eve waj» ' •eovrmHvitit o cntanict, and almost per-

Fectly.yvhite. This was his dist inmush-

aud new snrjjr attainmciite

> by 34 to 21.

A dispatch from Aden aanodncS that tho missing boat's crew of .eighteen person* from

the steamer Hopg Kong which foundered in _ i ' t h o ludian Ocean havo arrived there. Six

can take loaded ox teams into tho" hills i ' m o r e !ivc3 »ro kno-ivu to havo been lost by the-from Sions C % in thi r ty 'days . - j-disaateV.. ....William Henry Button, one of j ^ U ^ o n * - v E* *&h "ceded to carry the act — D i g . Jsajaabars--Icfi^ir.~tiio hi'tiwr ;trt> iit | feo-prpprretora of ' t ae Boston •^TffiwSWTlEeSVirZ: fi"gg>> "" -K'.' g?e-.wheni "thoVo" IB'" good heal th and spirits. " " ' " ' '

wagon road. : This "shortens tho way out j t of the hilLs by thir teen thiys. Their nni-!" mals liyed on tho grass thoy found be - j heath tho snow. .Mr . Witeher says he j .

called for by this til JEr. "

oul lift! for or goi

ounl. bounty ment." ,,

^ m e u t ' ^ V m ^ ^ ^ ^ M r f f - " f ^'^tf^'ryi^•?« Treasury to borrow as '

Mr. Gnuckle, of Ohio, moved to suspend the { rules aud take frcin tlio Speaker's tab'o tho bill '

carefully tha: "

rhculars, and read ij i from which I came to the conctasio

that VMI understood vour biisiuess, at least. I (.,,-. , , . - _ ' . linally obtained a quantity of Dr. Sage's Catarrh j UnequaieCl III .10n8, and IH' Itemed)-, your Golden Medical Discovery and j " . Exter ior . Pellew! ai:d commenced thcii* ricoroua. m'n I

was defeated.

— " " ' " " ——' "-finist-aro in-

. . . M r . Witeher-i recently after a lingering sickness.. l'ro«i re turned for reinforcements , - Ho say* i dent Grant has^ignetl the CtTiHiishta

Sugar Secreted by t h e Liver .

there i_s no ovid«noo of other parties [ it ia pow a law; bill and

Verdict of flin jnfT i,. >|,0

s'BBttnv I IOM. .—Stew a quart of cranharr ic i in Kufligii'iit water to keep them from burning. . M^iko very sweet, strain "and cool." Make a pttsto, and when the cranberry is cold, spread it on tho past ;; about "an inch thick: Roll it and fie it Close in a. flannel cloth ; hoil tv/o horfrs and servo with a"swoot saute.

•A' KICK 'l

camo with him jiart of tho way>wHK dc-• -— o—-;. | laved by his horso 'g ivihg out. Nothing

" 1 'ui^'i ' H " ' i n g m a r k > n n d , , u t f o r t n J s defect, -<vas heard or seciiof tho two armycx{x; eu x-ggs i n w e : p o u u . r o y mig ]^ havo been still a t l iberty j dit ioa3 sent o u t t o intercept them. J hT„i4??-;.:i° I'furriifhing fresh horrors for tho public ! ' a ,,„ .. y fo r tiio pSTTce. Jesse 's

a Bcholajr were by no in'iujs meag'-r.. He' was educated at the publ ic schools,.and was always diligent

studious". A t ' homo ho spent his I aud

The National Grange .

Tho National Grange of the United States, at their last meeting*^ .adopted

. •.- -. •;. "," "•";'"-•"•>' njxjui i"-i I resolutions of a public uaturoits 'follows: lemtire m reading Iwoksof travel and ad- ,., I n f a v o r o f t h e Toxa'^ Pacific raOroad. VPntnr<: and ho could converse intelli- 1 1 1 i n t Congrea-i bo earnestly requested grmUy,.ami m a peculiarly u-juning tone, l t o i i U - t i a t o s a c h 8 t ( , p 3 n . s . m i £ v b o n0CC8.iKrf His voice «a.s low and melodious, and he ! t o o a l a ] 1 l a , r s

r t a x i n g " tobacco, aad a particitlhr j avon te wjth.yonntrer • i«.-« •<-

Hie' inii-T. CUi'ot-sordoii, who j Xc- v Jctsey tunnel disaster—nob-ody to blame. t *l>r. „•<,. ~->- • The United States public debt statement

show's" a ^decreaso of ?5,0O0,CCO.dnring tlie mouth of February Tho United States. House of liepreseutativ'es adopted resolutions | recognizing Kellogg as Governor of Louisiana, anJ recommending, the Hahn Le-gislaturo to

the Cons

" ° . ! supposed the only ' impor taut function Of I 'mows" colhonnds'." enough money in l|Treasurv. to meet its "ro- • „ - - , . ( juiremcntts and i*fmthoriifug him. for tho ' thoJiyer_.wns_.tQ^se(.irete bile. At this F li'J^R080 ?.\ fcOTOSTyueh moiioy, to isauo aiul : date Bernard announced to tho scien-

: „ \ ' •;<;._. - . y ; ; r i t i ' "

of'somo of my friend*, the euro has remained permanent. I havo had no moro bomorrhages from tho lungs; :-.nd am..eutirely freo from catarrlv from, which I bad suffered so much and so Ion;;. Trio.dobtro^ gratit«da_Jk Qwfl frir.

JSIBg I liavo"receTved at'N'our hands' I am thoroughly satisfied,

I inch, one week, 75 cents i for each tddi-licnsl week, 25 cents.

P.ate^ of additional spisa g^yen ca apphca-' sffisa_af_naMi£atignJ _.x

Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. VOT,: :XTK. HTTATTTAM VTTXAftlR: .(VotiTIMBIA*'CC^e" Y . . T H U R S D A Y , MAKCli. 1 8 / 1 8 ^ .

Kot;r^p in Kowa Column i5 ceati poc WIOJ

Peaceful Times. :

Fashion no more bloody -weaixm*. Armorer ; stay jour active hand ;

Ke<-t now from* your murderous labor Calm and tranquil is the land.

V r m J l - . U ) . ^ . >

" Wliat, ' tbout a collar, and ' thout ! say you have kuown the boy two year!1

iocs, and ' t l iou t washing of m e : " . - i t -seems very singular that you slioid' Jus t then the dock struck tliree. T h e mistake him for another. As . the cas

d caso

Into pruiiiug-l'oohi the spears, Jt'or aihong the troub'ed iiatiens

Peaoo her glorious standard re. r

H o m e U s e , a n d f o r . C h u r c h e s

a n d H a l l s .


Beauty of


' " i S 5 * ^ ^ > ' t o ' l ^ ' rou'.TJ o-.-rnblatnl t h ^ b e a t t-fleotj * h i c h It:*-? p s v e m s i l o fn t h e i r l-.f,*.-it>-live ye\r%vt e s j jo r l cnc , -N o oth.c.r I n a t r u m - J S t 5>j f l a c t l y i:i :!U'.e« t h e PilMj O r . - i q tOGO. ' "' '

pit icics T O s r i T T H J ; TI .MKS. I.tst-S ferjt f r ee o n . - tpp l lca t loo . . . , -

TKT^rTBEKLY, i.iu i-.t-se oi ooiTOB- -Sicch disposo of'any of a'Ikind

?onVraj-jejperit?ncertbat yoiir mTrlicmes wilt


- N « -

H nf h ^ t v T u d e pn'ttio act WJurvTf ljTO-" - -~z

- Adoptedbyavc-SF4l'tol2. -". .The bill was thej*ted ou bv veas'end navs,

tho result of wludfea a tie vot'o of 30'to 30.' Tho >lce-Presi,RsIroii cast bis. vote fn the

,1/,uri,1,tvc' a , K i f--;J»Vbill was passed. The House bill,a frevcat cruelty to animals

IU he District of tlgnbja, and to provide fop . j dwluclioiia from i«J terms o? sentences of

! bmted States nrl^^p were passed.' | llio TarifT Wh& taken up, aud'aftor re-' jcctiug several a-. ;^m0nt«. the Sonat

. . i . i i i . . ; -nv l • • l U l t l "

iaasj^rtlib worst forms of* that odious disease jatyrli.aa w..l) »J *ha«t aatHniig ginaa--;?. ..I

. u isum- 'u 'u iu-'j >"3hvB.,r«:orimieiided very many and the liverTt ne^y function, that of form- idiaJl over speak in their praise. ing sugar, aud show it by Gratefully yours, fspcriraents*. The - "variety of sugar secreted is tho. same as .that found in tho urine in diabetes ; bu t it is not, l ike thaV I BunsEr r ' s COCOAINE is the 'bes t and > -ATM^Ti'

T K R M S O C S U B . S C K U ' r i O X H O S T A O K P A I D . O . N K Y K A K . S 3 . 5 0 . i ; " V O . N T I I S , S I . 2

T h e ch,:.h'^ wi t w o bv-i-^tlful Stoi-l K o i ? r a v l n s f j r , r i r l ? i u I H C K I , l N ( i S " r i n d . " T U K S I S T K H S A a i prt-n»Iuia to e s c l j i 3b*cr i !*>r fnr O r a o n t l n ; ar,,l S i " i y 0 1 , t T I I o f i C I l C » t : j K , K J . p \ V K I t ' S K K D S

J'. O.Bn . „ , , , \>M. il. tarzNCZB. . e n f ' t f J lV Vo» tliU amount ><o -mr f.'i.l t!:c 507, V.oche tier, A. I . OU U t M l d . •• ATLAMH"' f r J n.-v, ••>,• tn.i.

lgcr --, . ' . • • . . - v v u i v i ; that Congress be requested to- drge tlio j a proclamation dccJsrin'g boys on account, of his gent le manners. g l , w n j governmout to t£so ite15est^lBce,s r ' li<» iras never, known tp l>e rough or ! __-n.-> ' • "-boisti-rous, and always manifested affec­tion for bis pa ren t -

seat the Conservative members fraudulent!. counted out'bv the returning 'IxiarJ. &;• , - ,- :--• — -,--"",""" , T - J .- .." ™ - , ,. ' to throw out ths intendment adopted in the

tho flood in tho Icnnesseo^nyer three lives C o m c ! i t t € 0 o f tL; Wh„l„ the previous day, were lest in one night. -- • which provided thi Hid ta

Tlio imperial authorities in .China are taking j ?,"]-'f.vvly i0S.? -f^0

stera to prevent any farther persecution of missionaries in that comitrv," and havcTisstied

that foreigners have _„ ..^ ^...^^.- ; aright w preach tbo.christiaii religion through*

j .Tsith foreigrigovernmentsto induce them ! out China.-aad must-bij protected in doing so. ' ty. reduce the dutie1; on tobacco. In ; "• --- • - > • - -

She F\ssago of tho Tho hill was t!

passed as it ca


x on to'-acco slp);ii,i manufactured after

U-e read a t fijora.-'tho

third time and House without

amcudmcut-vcj.. &_ mvs, iO. | I h e House bill totfovido for the support of • the District of Coh-Jia for tho fi-scal vearend-| ing June 3.0, 1S7C, id for other purposes

passed out of tiro system t-o i ts g r e a t iii-vj chi-apcct hait drcwdii jury. Indeed. It is not-even passed into j ———••—-•— the" bile ducts as a p a r t of the bi le ; but I' B v I=< L)'-<-•T . •o it is- passed through the liver, and .; " v ! u d l ' »mmou sen .emerges-with t he venous blood in the hepatic Yoin. Bernard examined tho blood ;in all the /jthor pm*t.s i.>f the body umL the tissues, and found-no" sugiu- in. any of them except what cotrld be traced to tho>liver;- ami he .traced it from this o r 'ga i r to tho heart, then to tho lungs, whero i t seemed to • di 'wjkpar. *It is true that the portal vein, winch empties

in.tho world.—Corn. AGENTS WAITED-li? K i l l s - : b j o i VT.T j . u b l S i h . - J . , ! x - c j (or c l r - ; u ! » n i n - t ..-i


TUB PRECAUTION dictates, many fall vic-

j tims to their own imprudence. Wonavo'eeen the yoiiUR an-I be^utiful^rriTTIio hbi>o and pride- of her pareutrf-^er cheek tlushcd with auticiir.itioii, an-1 her cycs'.heaming with the Kay .aresias 'of life—we have Seen all this tf Milled for a.nUr«!id by neglecting a common , - , - . . . - , - , , , , - , . - . , - . cold -.vhich .bad settled upon tho lungs. It 8 1 0 1 j \ < i v D A J might lave ca.-iiy been curcl if it ha i been at- ! »*ti Vuitin^ ,ir..i c ir-i t.-iidcd ID in time". Kow, when-ycTit Iunjrs are 7 - -"""'-•"-••"' .---".••:••'• '•» lirst diseased with the incipient":stages of "enn-tI— '——" — i * ~ rSr?STS.-

W O M I K I I I " f t : S<! ccir !,r'ib-> N A T I P N A I . T Y J J . N T V C I . O I ' K I U A . " -V-i- -nl» rrl»> CJ1: I . I : I •.-=,)

a : t h l > ; t h » c-oiiraU-l-'n.-. I . M t C K . \ v r i l , - T o _ _ T . K 1 A V O O I 1 Z h M r f . , I ' h l l u c l i - l t i h l a , l ' « . -/ I A . N n r t l v I ' r l n K - . l V i s l l i n s C n ' r i l n fof<-.n!i ->0

<-!•,. AM:

3 (a \\\s Hu Til ,


which will "relieve them without fail. by all ffi.dji-itio dealers..—C"m.

for -a:e 85

• M A N I . I - . i i . ! , I : . J

1'rr l).-i>

• l v » t i »- .-I iL r •>.;

Wc nojLco at! over the . >•,. r i* . i ' j Oi i'\'ir:>;.-.

Fanners a;

U:e—.• i«/fiir>

that th :• -suit rv r.l.'ry V

udothc : i a; ; .-...icr a"

•\agricnltnnil recommend rh

v.-.-ii.'.Vu l\'.-*l-

rs id this sect" eciited,tho f ivz o!her ,^-CV«i.

F e

Ot Jit

•apers use of

i h a v e age of

8.10 r—. l i K N K I ' . M . AI

\V'J-:I:K. A;..


Br. J. Walker's CaMfomte Tiu-e g n r B i t t e r s aro a purely Vegetab?a pfepanU.ioii, nsndorefaioCv uoid"t5d-iuav t ive herbar found on th§. lower raagca o! -th rrSiemT-Nova^a^moTEtains orCauror-nia, tho medicinal proportfea of which, n ' c ex t rac ted therefrom Without tha us«: of- Alcohol. Tho question. i3 almost;

.daily asked, " What Is tho causa of tha unparal leled success of VIMEO'A'B B r r -T E J I S T " Our answer is, t ha t they remove tho cacao of disease, and tho patient r e -toyera. his hosl th. T h e y af t tha g r e a i blood pariDer and a lifa-giviSg prindplfl, 5 perfect Henovatbr and lnvigoratoi s f t b s eyotstn. Never before In tha history of the world" his a medldna been eomporcded poscfc3ing ths ;r?2l5rial!!o ouahu-ea of-TiKSOAB Bir rs i s 1 In h « H t g the s:ck TCI over/ dis*£«: man ia heir tc. xhsy aro a ysr-tla Purgatiyo t s wellas.o a^oala. reliving Coacsotioa tr InSLisaaMca. "cl lh3 Livtr a a i - 'VU^rd Ctzmz, ia EaHcas

TbO'prc-^rtlcs-cf DP- WAX33B¥> YfasoABTBiTTSBS zra ApcrteaV Disgoretiti Carminatiye, KctriUoas, L»^s-*iys, KuKtlo Sedative, Coa.attr-Irrit^;. &n£ct&e, Alter tive. t^d Aati-lKUoizi.-

rt. I I . .iic.noNAl.ri s_co . . , I>—s-iri-u a--il liv.-i. A-u^ S--n V>ar.eiM«.C.Mlf'>ra!a,

S'.eaUn^ over land and ocean , I.ikea s'.ianger from afar ;

"QrrieHs-th^-vvihl-^amaaoXiun • *Bileneed is the cry of WM,

Tjjmull. strife.- i>nd ibi-cord ending. Shriukini: back before her glauco ;

" Harmon v from heaven desceuuiut; 1 - - •

As her gentle steps' advance. White-robed, bhe her watch h> keejiiog

Olive hranchco in her baud, And the do- s of war are sleeping

Throughout all the weary InnJ.

Xovv tho natioiVs moiiiuing dauyhiars. Itaise no more their bitter wails :

S>hips are sailing ou tho waters. -•-. L'ommerco-spreads their suowy't-ails.

Doves are Hitting round your..uwe!liti£ Air.iorer; l**t your labors cease :


JlV i artist looked at his watch. .. is now made public, i t is my duty to j " Y e s , come just its yon are. Come, any warn you tliat unless you can clear tip ! time? Here 's my cnYd", and here are your - tliis matter th<5 commisHioner* Ayill bo j twenty-live cents.*'- , • " f o r c e d to entertain a complaint against | Jack took tucnT~both, ' aud read chtrrjyrjn o r t h e must swotprwrrtracterT"—: ' iirst, and tucked tho last deep in'to his Officer 320 turned- as white as' a sheet* ! pocket. •'• and bowing mechanically,-moved away I " M r . Henry Pnlmer,.Studio Building, without, sayilig a word, iJOiirstreet . "M'eil,"-Kird~.lack",""'Til-go ^-•'Como7'''LT«id-tlw"Rt4iist:to-Jack,;i'"let's-; ' to call o n him one. .of these days—wen go to my studio, where we'll get somb

Met a; Fellofr. There is a being who has caused more

trouble to womankind than auy other. I t is the " fellow " who is always being " m e t , " and thereby keeps anxious females on the watch at windows a t -a l l sorte of unholy hours . ,

ow ma,uy years of her life does a | woman siiend looking out of the window* for men who are overdue ! the Ledger says. I have not. lived half of my three j score and ten years yet, and I am sure I have'wasted time enough in- theiruite-Ltaidi

base """in myself ruis-i i»y kerrigc-liorscs gits over the whoopin' breakfast; and I 'll make some pictures j fo^*'mwr^»7i M T-couglT;"" ^ ™ — ' , d rvou . TIicu vou can go back To"vour*T h ~ 7 „fTTi ,i.„ i , ; „ „ „ i . .i..-^, • .,»» 'JJ"__

Then he got down and stretched him- bltsinew fS soon as von l ike . " . \ i \ v ^ ° \ " " A 0 * 0 \ Y \ ^ h ? J, T W ^ " ' self. In ten minutes more he wiu flying ; They went together, and W f o r e . W 1 ^ ^ V ° n e . . . t h l u ? 0 ^ tov0 J l e a 3 Q " rover the wide sidewalks with a bundle of Jack was. luxuriating over * chocolate, I papers under h isarm, intent on business, toast, d rooped 'eggs and hominy iu the

Business proved pretty good that day, . artist 's studio. * i . too, and on counting over his gidns, Jack . Thepluco looked like a gorgeous palace concluded that his affairs were huprov- , to thtv.boy'a admiring eves,,and wo niay ing. br> sure that when his p ic ture .was drawn

But forttme is fickle. Before oveniug by his new friend, it proved ten tiniest his jov was suddenly turned to grief, j more piquant and smiling for tho lmppi-Ilis old enemy lnul been on his trnCk. ncss iii Jack 's heart : . He v,'ufl arrt 'sica on tin1 street bv Officer

Jll-.sic o'er Hie laud is swelluiK. .\VhiHperi,wj< wonls of jov and peac*.

Jiis introduction to tho kintt ptuutor iN;!'2i5, and carried to the station-house, wits luck for Jack Morrow. And he never '| Tlio officer would explain nothing. When shvwed himself unworthy of his gifted

Jack 's name was taken down, tit the sta- acquaintance. The two'arc good friends Hon, the sergeant asked the officer what yet . the charge wan against him. . Policeman No. 32G-did not retain his

" T.-irepiiv-V Kind tlie officer, baldly. biuLgill'VUgJifter the tfnti'mid'mi iimf re .

covered. hat-mfii~iike~trie peasant 'woman's

"watched pot that hover boils ," never comes when ho is looked for; and that ltasn't done me any good; for, still, whenever I have occasion, I invite the influenza by sit t ing .with lhy eves point possible, ambulances and woeful telegrams before i n y o y p o , v i - l > f . „ A v ^ y * y y m m f r n r u j a y .

.MJtruperate fetfr, & a TIHn«e Bunking

Ail a yo'ung w s ^ ' - p s s s i n g through the nmin s twet ^'|diustown, 'N. Y., his attention g » 8 f s i i bv smok.0 is-

on S^a^^L, fsuywcKms tlmfcl'M

' l U S l i m v u ^ • " • '

The suspicio

^ « g ^ a s a t.ouee Hred had 'been

The Frauklt ig Pr ivi lege. j "USiYN" Till- COLOKATT'O.

A bill which passed the Uni ted States: _ House provides that Hie Cvnyrr^lom! j T h l > S I M > ol- tt T r l y , r , l r o „ a l l l ! u . ( . l l u v o , Record oi any pai t of it, or speeches w ; a*'Tow by JiiOvr Powell. reports contained in it, shall be curried i • • - . freo in tho" mails, on the frank of any v>hcn Major Powell and his party set member or delegate, to be wiatten \k '• oul l u t l l r t v ' x , - ! l s ~ ° descend the Colo-

out in l-.ulo river, which dashed over'mils- and

] climb the-; I or three n | to the . : '•night, whi : once more j A t tweb '.emerged


W e uuderstand " tha t the plea for this I "> ^,;0>,rr , j.ia so-called " t e m p o r a r y " revival of Coiiprix'ssioiiarfhuik is" Oiu't tlrc'a'Ocumu

. eno ugli what the word Jack knew \v meant. . , . . ' •

"-fercc-ny^"— echoed— rmrrhrdf lied ; " who's liecn stealing

- .J e..-r. rf W S . > ! d t i y a l l D i n c i l l . l , » n . I I > r

N . V • I r "r«.

N . Y . N . U - N - » . 10 _•_•_

Iowa R. R. Land Co.:

M t l i p i -

aiiythin'. ' I ain't took a th ing , " and. looked arouud

froiiiViue to the other of the njcn pres­ent. ' " . . » • - ". ~

" P u t hi.iaJu 12," said tlie sevgeant. • In another moment . Jack found bim-s<-If in a felon's coll.. The door was shut with a loud clang, the heavy bolt was

'•drawn, and be was left-idone., —-<V'nicer ;J2G had taken tin- lirst s tep in

is meditated n-vifige. His real purpose nmv was to protect himself from .lit Jack had sei lihiinotY duty, withoutleave, drinking in a low saloon; and he knew that this fact, it- it W:LS known,- would

; coiddiiiii his place. Jack 's i eruditions on finding himself

really in limbo were miserable, enough. H e s u s p r e t e d t i l e t r u e c a u s e - of_ l i i - , : i n i -

! oist, and In- could'not fn-lp ru-eiu'g ' . tha t if the officer w.-re wicked,em '

to svvt-ac-A' theft upon hii'i, in- woVld also lie •.vie.keil enouyli to swear io all tl .particulars be •'Jack ina<]e a llu..u^uid' disma

of hiiii'si-ir e:i>t into jail, or iut< ' tviuiV.rv, M.d he wept and tr.

corded. He was unlit for his place, aud justice sooner or latermovertakes those whrrnterso their privileges or bcarTatBo"

j.grandfather to my little nephew doesn't • " a r r i ve himself ""in proper time; All j woman d o i t , and many thanks they get

for their"Tuixioty. You .may cry "your eves wcakaud vour nose red, go through all-the agonies of hopo deferred, become aiigi'y, get ovei ^oii i . iiugei. U* plunge into the depths of. woe, make sure that


witness ugaiiLst t l I'ighbors..

. Kxceutioh of au Innoccut ( l i r l .

-The Froiicb Miliister of Just ice law just received ii report of a very sad . and extniordtiniry affair,, which is iu>t im-likely to create some sensation. T h i r t y years ago a y<iung»jrirl. named ^lar io (iiiernic was foifud poisoned in her b<d. KJiuhsd been betrothed a short t ime be­fore to a yoiuig-man, with whom her younger sister Madeline-was "Said to ,lie desperately in love. The poor girl was at once arrested, tried, ami 'filially con­demned to death", which she -suffered

inly and valiantly,, without ut ter ing a word of complaint or of. justification. Kv-erybody -.felt the greatest sympathy for tlie p o o r old father of the two g i r l s , Tvho signs id the-must violent grief. He find c-une into oi smile' moui-v which the girls hud in-


relative, and wait iu calm despair to know tho wowtj, and when he comes, lxi ho brother, husband, or son, grandfather, uncle, or cousin,.perchance a lover, ho hasn't the slightest idea of yo.ur'suffer­ings, and inquires,* " Well, Polly, wind's

j ' the n-niatter; You look solenpi '." Solemn '. .Well, you know enough not to flil/g yourself into Ins- arms iiuij cry, " T h e sea lia-s g iv«i uj> its dead," or anything of that sol t. You say " A h ! " in iui ofl'endod tone, or ."tip unnaturally calm one, and m^rhajis. remark" ' tlTHt ". d^inncruas bmii t to a crisp.four hours ago;" or that you have " sa t with-your bonnet o n ' r e a d y Tor the concert from seven until n ine ," a n d wait .for some ex­planation. It is sometimes vo.itchsafi and thon.gciier.illy proves teibe- " M e t a fellow."

Yes^.nieeJiiig " a fellow "_ i s , r enough for. imv amount of stayiuj

though not to the evn}:^o render i t tm

recognizable. T h i , , ^ prcsentesl a sickening appeara- ;'^Hth i ts blood-besmearod walls, i r^ 'nud couuters, aud the smell of t l i j j ^ e d furuihuo and bedding.

lation of -public -documents is s a grcit that means must be provided for their

^ Ic j iymla t iou . The hvw abolishing t'ie 1 franking privilege was passed at the hst

i j "'-"issioii "of the Forty-second Congress. fci^'rtTjbfUoii eflVet Ju ly 1,* 1S7U- . Since tint

the print ing of ar-

conouu-eal order of things. But CongressiiHii huvo'uot relaxed oiie whit of thcireagir-ness to pi iutstufl that nobody ieiuls, ami put into muslin covers good . paper

0>u[f'o jmigasujio. tlle, i in a vein of exceeding modesty it is yet

:4'»'iill-e>l"-thriiling- inteic-st. - — ^ .*. . Major Powell.tcllsus thai they encoun­tered dangers along the wholm.route,

to^acu' u- ?™y - ,.{? A . oi se , one would suppose, t hepnu t i n i us brother-m-hvf^; ^ ^ v n l , K c documents might have b e n ,

•I',1'0 > • £ T ^ t r M * ^ / ^ I •..!' m.mCd U, l i t t l io-imwmrd-morc ooow

3i- s as A -bi; ^ y = « - . - S - ? ? , n i i d , l i e l i l g

single mau, slept in j ftauk. He was about te^"^",".'.^ fe"-"^^ andAYJisJn good-^f ''."." y "_' [it ^»-i known that

I J - U n ^ u u 1 - :

h o a V dr*tX'-iuU-i ' dm


-.,., ithfcc to fivo hun ^iXx'- ' A » 4 and this fact

t persons to kill

iu sheets, pamp TlfcTcyptTHTi mausoleum,- Hi moth

.-AN %!'-"!'."'

^ MJ^-M. Mr. Yost, in company «?- hw b & j ^ ,)o1m "Yost, and David fjigali, vif^ t in ' theater. About eleven 'o'clock,iftertho perfonn-ance wasovcr, Yo-l w\t \0 his shop b> get Ins buHdog to put j ('uc l , a„k. Thc mrty then went to he- Sir William

Hotel, when* they reniiuid till nearly twelve o'cl'H'k, • Y-osd^ft his brother and friend, and went tibis- room in the bank. Nothing .\rxs Sin; or 'heard of him afterwar>t uutil liis-sniai'is weredis covered a< above stated , .The most roassvA^'ylc;vy of^fhe niurdcr is that Yost haiirstircil t<> bed.

itson j v^ i t ; s -olothing had hi - j ; removed; an otif. | tha't an entraine hid hil l effected b

.it h."-. and .

the murderers through ";;.) rear window T - j o v j w i i i i l o w * i-l r , s i i * | i e « n , y p n - m - . , i l ' •>,

p e r m i t t - ' i l

s p . e c h e s , a n d .-

' the niaies-.ui i-1 I l l s

t i n u s t f th


...... dx-cn. avjke-iieif'bv the • vil(iaaivJ?h!r;j=Ciyiig h< attacked hh.-.- "*\'i^f w. ." :

i • I ' l l ;

1 M I ' K I I V i : : V I v l N i ; r. y

K I ' C C U T 1 -, rr-V i ' i > \ % i n : u .

HKTT i : i t l : \ M l C : . n :»-- > - I : .,< . , , - > . , - ;•:»,->. N • , ^ : :•--. w . j - ^ j ' v i ; ; -

M K > , ( M J ( > - A ' c r r - .

\ T i 111 !J P R I C K S

\ t K I ^ . K . N T

"< •'; ;:\•'.',"(1.. r l";

- M 1 . T I K I I 1 -

( ' V I . 111)1 l . - y i d t o ;

U . W . l ! I W ( ; c

-La" Vas^

Habit ©ure

, C O L L I 5 S , K

^ ^3 If 91 i / ' j -i:j. . . t—ir*! • -- *-J - X *

' D O

W imlmWsiffii i

d l 9 r, t l

f>> r ' v -L\riT'-'

r . .If.'

I s

*>\: V

IT *

hrxn *>*n} clw&yl, •!?">* <>''•'*"'• ».-l',->.-d ^s-a . Utffo and • • " • . i l l » v i

frViVr d 'A. tl'.fs dviT'>ivrrc*> Iwioj in b-ilk of tB<!.rchMib»b)<! "p

:«kiiSY ye-rr plaialy farft ire

,-.'h *-.d

• s

• ' l i l ' i c : Ur,V»l Ml. H.T,T I f,vA in \be v:r--l~«'. * tr.tirfr -rr-.r.-w in {*Tor ft Us" tv-Vy*-

- on*-ftflh atot. 's.and

, . I I I prc-p^vrir.g tb'? t^r«i all Wris cut , ™' w a r "fta pr*r4l<askl>l<?> fa» t*t> cy<:« Io th* pU<er, and Iwo p;"<c>M» d r o p p " ! to th^ hiif, the hilia I w n g iiVjtif t l i ny f r^ i upark Th<) whol* »tch » M p!ji»te<di on o'd groTind

i i

Th*i mtcJi for an .tipmxiHni I «kopp«! Ihrro 5 Hon.* dsmxi? pi^vm <-s» b in a (<m hUi% lmt'thrt r r t «H j «-*» h a s i nhmi- Vit ektoi* » A I in favor of t*r» j»i^,-r»>. 0 n » pirc« j o u r t j entnpcA «Bhr}TJt«*l-

grvjjjud, &U plA.-.te«l. with CBSAU t*sQt\, 1 7s5<»'«I » t }isad?«!KvV pcM).o%t as R*f>d h*>, ho t th«*y iroro not ail »a; te»ay of th^ra irer*rotigH'of'Efto4*y,t' ,\%':

". A.- "W.- CSs^TeT'SS^-B«'rtcSt'»i*^4'-r '*l-p«j»t fcstofw thr* **tty>wfi'f.

ho <»v*wfel<!fc?l toe o g m t m n o a i f rskiEif | it- for d4&y j e o m whirii h « *» i l» l jb» te

. .woli J«s&i «o t «»>y' M,.. .U«* ;«9<©B^««t H » r W round; not *honl4 ttt*»-!wr-'i«A

1 A-4^ • ' - V t • : - . . - . . - - • , j - . . ., _ .. . .^-»

• 7 X "..' I 3 '• •** . •• - " - ** ' • V " "- r 1 * * T .

.,„.•-.'. ... >. •',- aiSagl ...• . " . ... •':.":•.:... -• •... ..-..:.•-.,i-r™sw«J-v:ri*...*«riia™.K,.j

SIM^7'--' <CUX-J - " ' "' ' " " '

- • - - • v . " . •> . • t 1 1 t ] - v ' . . ' - : .

YQM&FOIilS.'iiISTOR Uni ted S t a t e s .

F ¥11 i /it f t l

:o u!

0/ Vomen

spoiled for all uses but that of the truiik-lJ.hf> imih -mill It is said tliat

the trapitol is choked with printed matter phlets, and bound volumes.

bu t tlu ; men of signs <vf holdingback, however dark ano>p ;r dismal or full of terrbis;.tho new canyon I "" they* were about t o ' e n t e r might be, I until the perilous voyage wasia-iu u s ! end. Then they fame to one canyon j that was evidently more full of dangers j than any they had pusse-dT ' "

Capt." How-land, of tJm'.piuly; three jueu declared that ' thoy \v,;:t!,i not

its pas-sitge. Major 1 eheuded tin- danger bet

! cot I'lduilgeou, ; l ie about i —when si

into the c the 'party showed .no j ""-• < ' — 1--.1 i >-liow bcai

unshiiic, music "

attempt-"fully yeunpri

l i e

. W e l l

ol statesm.m-

1" din

vial air­

ship i n t y p e ; the folding rooms iirc.ull.'c'r I with reports and executive dueum.oits; j and members are knee-deep iii their ovni'l e.lo<|ueni-e, or tln-y -u.e inundated with'! that of their c.Tilcagui-s. It is to i .of this vast accumulation that the geln'ial . delivery has been .ordered. ' T h e agri- j cultural bureau has had its own spivi

n t T e u t ' o f i t s ) . r i u t e d V C p o l t . s f o l

t r ihut ion; I'oiigfi s-s has-slso- ordered its proport ion; and by the new schedule, both lots are iiiolu.ied iu the ito.,,1 ,.f

I matter to be distributed,,b> say no'liiug ! of tlie'garden seeds which aVe luU'n-ii t-.

the mass of free quails. -II is preciy-lv ! this gn-at volume of printed stiilVlbc.t

has provoked so much" complaint, (on-gressionai ~ correspondence has tii'v.-r formed a"-coiisid*'n,blri element in the burden-of the mails when the flank w-,v<

-Ti'iif bo..'.;s, pamphlets. seed*, have litei.dlv made

postal 'service

t h i . ^ long " and j wits not accomplished, an I l o g o on. ' lT^ingbtl ' i .TorTntie I not and could not sleep, so I sceiucd the occasion," and s-. gi

excitement within hiiii. •* Ho made his prepui-.tliwiis ns Seeling thai he and- bis party. v,ei come oul of. the abyss ; the- records was .giv. Ii t and ins men,"w'dii were land, ie-t ters \Veve."ivi at boliie, and keep.-t o t ' s p t . Uov.i-.ind. XJ[

t that some. | caeh..p:uly I taking the trip determiue.! i h d e

ica-ier IUO important great-thi­ns iiioii",u.

c m •t I '

•t o


th Mai.'. " My went'

live. On llo-.v!uiid.!; to m> around by • n them to friends , ; vo-ic iutruslcit :

.r Powell say.s.too, l'.-: w.-ti" she.l lit parting, lieviug that the other was

• most dangerous way, and. that mild cot meet again. Now !,-{ I ' o ' . v . i l t e l l t h e s t o r y o f t h e t l i o :

old boat having b.-.-n .!•—"it- d. I

,1 I'r

l i d b

• it- w

l l i a i

"Tli. rap

b . n i r .

'i'u. i bun;.

Tic- Maid

.. Us­ing.


:i 1 . t o w a t e l

d mil. v.. ' of the Wall, just , pnll.-.l out ii !'t!.!.

era?; s oil".

i ;li

...:' In * * . ( . ,

tied,: , i \ •'*)

1 ) r 1-.


o i n . i o

ijig'ifb |snuids, iveu Ji-s a c.^:t.i.V. abotit ss\t. • •!'. ru.'

Samuel S iliie rem.irks o'.T- in lmr ov

i l i l i i •-.

('audita;.' (.'obi.

up; l i l

I t l l l e

- t v.:i

,i -l":

t l . l . o l t l t .

t .dd- '.'.


.1 ---


r ' A . .


i :CX



7 - . - — - ••


t O ' . E U .

I V i


' W " * W I N " m EPILERS.Y,-

S-.-.V*' »Urd!y, *r.i» 1. <*d «ir ikisg * 'pent, f'.'-Av ios i t *lrr.<*J in %-vnou, J > / T . !i.'JV..'.t, * d'r.U'% l» ' l hb hSfef t«41y <Trt-W ' "


~i. \A"

Lift* s girt tgtA ."«•*«*#«», hM *

f tb ro i ea . UXI*. Bv».«i h*4 f"v<*b eyf-AffittrAfisni IhHr "Socfat*, toAot&enu. Add;'! H.*r»"iry, isSxteear^am of «f{<f, recflirfctl spl«Tr*l t a j t f s imwaR^-

I t i t t l c Coolny, Mxiocn,

• " F i w » n IfMf-,4 K da , on r*prc*» ln»in , No. 4, J>ftlaK»ro t t h rwos , of Ihe E d « i • , . - - , .» r-«ns»g

"ffiMa5ltjJutt-U^J^fcjBilfc it-x*itiots tot ttrosai, Jtea 1 f.7r.... i^^..u^<AMit^mss^mk^^

f "I'UK i l^T*i 4i*>»fiticwA nrV'!«T»tel" 4o lw •pri^]:.]$m**iett r»nr : M M •• forAi*h I ' . ». tojr^t4kA^UW.-«^^'-^'Mi- r *u i* t ' IV K ^ K r ' r a r i ' W f * ' | w 7 » ' d ^ W l ofi Uw grotind, wr* in-

^ fiwnJpKH^ gW.« ^ - 0 h W > ' ^ t 6 ^ hJWted s t MMSJCTJ' OwrtJ^,•*!)«« J>or' r^offe,thkdi»7"*t'<>!'3yi»ti o d d ^ t in t!\fl

i K M tf*\m Tot*, !*«««*, fo .^ -j, *f f»T)»t». »*SK ft H*tr Ve.f V,

B99»L arnl "3B*sw. of KfcJ>{j5»s, ' AftlMr^<'l^4*!^*t?*.,S**<!,^:,;, **'* f*«<s!atfc!r><

T H B Ai<r.aJCAs • ORfl.*jp, adycttiw in cuioth,^ eolamn, h*T« tho RsatMi w h i ^ oomc* 'ivtH t-SKSiiy-ftra. *Aar* < Ujo&^rfal ^'Jtiwhssflsrt, »o»i fr«>Tti It wnll k o o * n h i«h <Wft<;-te* o l Um n»»stt

M U S I C B O O K S jtr^r yon j


jT/KesVt JT^fcf Oojtrrif#n.

. ' . jCrTK**H S4 ^r«.f<-{v<MfCT4f-9M, f / i u r f ? ! «SK«I ttfiwt,

Tr-lnltp ('*>Ur+*S{*>ti. ? l -50 i ' ii r>«*.

; N T « -.,„ f ... 6

O O K A f . . . v .



,S,^*.'r«i <••

1 ^ . > . . .

j'-,'Z»*f .*,' .yZ..-J.s."i:t Vs"".'v' •< •> ^.. - V - * *",—' * * r.»-;.-*t

- 7 V * ? . **-*"', pt , «-,-! *r*-»*-» »•» • r - - m 1 * « • * • 1 * . ; ' *>5"» « . .—.-»< »•-* « » , - - -».,.,< 1„>^? .^-, T. n~«« , fc^w'^.-. V 13 W — ffc^t * ' »-r«« »

v * w^l #^&1 B * y i f r ^ ^* o ^ * . ^ - 4 , v:.:% e r * - v .

AMfi« A.(X * m i i r t r « » t*. lt«-a'.™sj. C 1-" , ;»* i#» !**«*? rr*f m . i - - ' t i « j : t * H * *«.V*. l ^* (>w»4«^*J .* t f t ^ iV* .V A . C i , 0 , <U«ff, J * # ^ i - i . l ^ r x

is r.-

fw«issno*# by"'. »Sr« *^*<st <xMf»;st*». rti' fa^tnret**. Th^y now offc-r "<»nllr*t/ *>«wj

* fowily. * !

CLARKE'S HEW METHOD . •-. .. ro*


t ftr^i,M„l.i t w mmm**M» m& w * « * 4 » v ~ fim ^ 1 w '»y> n»iifn( **»';>sirt** W V I I J J J o i ' .

s;»«ii«6scsiis)t ««'S:3««

•I ii/'

" iH l>

%r. 1 '.>• - • f -

*-7v"„ •-.r ,

\ '. t . - r

! » V " . t" ' •

•:•••-"*. t ' s ' ^

<!*H « » 1 »>- ' pi./^Ui/'Cip hY«u"(i,X. *S o*^

'8CED8L w " ^ " — ••

• ; •

r"« , - » • : • ' , h k v ' * " * ' n f * " ' ' " * ^ r • " • ' , " •

f t . a - . ' : f i . • - » . " • ".-•'• •••-• 1 "

M i l l 1 *~.i ;;:••: «.;..-•-. J vV _

^ i v i h ^ y i ' ; i , -? ;v"a«^ .-.o-.-.U-,, < J».-V fip-d rv;', with a 1. v:o —"_, I h-'"*rd .U'o-ier lb" fivitl rcor.i.

lA-.'.y l . i i l r . r

! A '

O.-.t. ... r - ..-',

y ," -»>,-a th t J "TM lted:.--«

\\,- •

' . ' . s . • . j

.-•-.liar." T V oOc^f. to *P"«'•"'•'" " ^ ' f . V ^ i n S

Ui> lioy »»h*k« or t*o, -di . I tet p \ w'.d lbct» JnfV O ? M 1 ' ; ' ; , . . . • - ' v

,, j » o w ' T0« '• •' h 'T ' 1 ' W t e r VTSCtl OTB ft«in H ^ I - ' '•'< y - »1] « " "U-h"* 3fA of olheT fc'i'r- ib^t w* d y« drinking, B l t ' l t P ' s r ' * - • • ' i t " f l l f r t t h e p ' l t O ^ C O M -

tnUVft'r.*, »?.' they'll fix yon. Now I'm. ' ~Jrm r i^wr


• * " * . . ,

mj9 -i-r-l. . J'm a-g«ip t /v»nW». end I,~4o»' t wiuit to bo dia-lnrl.0%1 '.'

T>,e ofBcw made r.n furtljcr tntetfer-sc^, snd J»ck frrariip^r^I t-A^V, And

i-lirftlV-»i into tlie- window, nnd w a fell into M c W p a Mn»b«r fts hg had li*lri in lyfe.r.% Rtid in A»K>nt tli^ wirie &Ui

[tu-V » •»•' L.,M.M^p«ft,3xA,U^. .V" j pJrWi \^d viw hard, and It nrtn mm. I/fa op«tJC4 I»ia a r m mut y»wn(Hl. To 'hi« fwtemisbivtOTt. ho «vw o"mar. l^fore him, » « * s BW-li«ht, btwy drawing upon kbook . Jncx I 0 0 W »t him with en-

e.ii-".s:g !;••:.'.'•« to im-.*.i)f!*riL^(-'.T U;ry (.>.-..•.-.•,<". I'- i* rt>ri:ir.f. t'-,.. ! n ! « ! . j ; . | t i : i ! the- Uif.rj.Ury f«,r ab!'* iyiraigrstioii is reiAfiy

"••<* n

tT-jgryta -«wri,i fi'de-'i x „,_ unwvjre f>rrv-l«-.l

'T«-f-' r--. r-'''"1 *,'-„J Hivlit' j.rv.j'st. j ^oicc cf .m*a.And l3>a..<ri*«« o.

A. i ivlS*** l'm«h^-.|.; the'c!Cii'i<U &tf>. dr.«Vr liti.V

I « i l at )ii« p . - V ! I ho c*rd U«« ftrti»i !.-d ] irf.V£^JMi"..^ U»~WH8WW>fc "i i •'*'' !?'.gt"t^-

r i « k h»d •l.-rn-V t h n ^ oa lb** '" ».-^V.d ^s*WJii»-*b« rf,3*r 8W.1t. ' • | dr.*Xy Mini or p u r p i i or jn w o m i n g w h ' t o . O r t sk«>teh «** t.winfi O w . llArrtj , in *n fnVrMltnfc Mti<-!* ^•"1 tew* rh**« rryh oiher OTW 'cjr*-*!'. - " ' • « • ' in th^ JV'>ff/. . i p / o V a ' i lUrtrtr on j hiwprciiTooT lbAd.-5'i.K 'f*h^

".If-y>>-a'll Jorjul for him, sir ," 1 f*ir/Vlj ii&dntedlo th<> jidgA, " h i k n w * ' t/-<V HiAte*," dwHfe^ tb.vt » l*rg*> j — . ... , I •srwen't in N>/^i3 »te«t*»• th" limo (!^; UiUjTfjst middle Kgi . .a in w o r t h i e r t-"X i »2£ 0 T , v r * ' r ftr"} * 'M i i > *" ( t " V l»3£fl3nfta.fW- t •»•»-*«." Mfi ftxdi ".--5d 'VTtJi'x-atjfrn, Mini*! . .:^v/r Kupi^irt h fi- i inRnifni n w i . Men look «» racn m n r r 1 w l T l i , K r uTirinrmtr 110 ^ 1 — : T * " " " . . ' MVI l^t iohl , M i t t t l f , M f p M , and t h o j • " a - t / i r i ^ n V ' r J i ^ d ' c 5 < . , r / of" ' ' c Iha wfc4lfl Mnrr. ' lle<l pofkiljUfort. It " i l l m4 isnWrr c w n j Mid(l»chold, M it # f ?e, c<>r}i«*s#,

bere/ '^ftays Ihe jhxdgt.—--iiMr. G«tk , -«roo«t .ohlho»Un^V^c«j<Mt&totMihth i»S l ' 5 R l ' ^)<5

r jrllrii«i»h crirn- i lb

. He i^ ft c-demn looking • » '*J« ' v/juAfd Age, and h V * ( * n ' F

. _ , Jt J"'?., '*** f hiv d w p * inlo the txwtxt't'Q* The Cr*«t Middle Uesion of ?he Kni- j « re*-,v.r,«ivn »m?»1virrit lurid m l . All M i r , , , j \ » : ,

r^re. i ^ r t of ] o w » tbo ir.oon*« •hA.low -coffiM *«rr<sn- j "Bbockioff wilt • " ' I . " W h . i t ; WhAt'i faatr <"xrhim«tbr

U i h - T , • « » ' • " » ' * ;

.wnd for Xfr. Henty Puli'iier, roum' ia ^region to Iv fr»n<!« on the public, \ \ r.e Studio "Building, 10th tiff*'.-, witl hSTC Urgi-1 •*-tl!etyi«r.tA CAU ever b<! terr.i'sl him hwftch l i n lo roor i , l*n*w<T, yon inlong | h c route*.' "flic chief diSictdty

("sH the H«» in HiA.'wwnl of tn\,l/*r. TTwrft'awvnn rltrMmx, spnhfr^Tsre hsrd l'i find in dig-girsg. Mid the w-nter in te ry imptim. T im fx'.il in vety ferlile, bu t Ibi^i* of no- RVAI) while, w»ter s*wftliling.

h w e o " WM gr?fit I/igb5 (Hter. of th M j«er<T».I\fi>T><v( by lh(\ Tf*er*>ni

- , . -•;'- A ti<*k^w#* fM»*s ^ . v, i-;^^-**

fot.4 fnhinte or t*<*. X"n> maVing J t i r ^ o f yon»-'? V *-" „ , . , . W b « m Tf^ pronift • demAnded L */,' . **'..-- "-' ' •

i t s r l ^ i " "**$& *b* « M I . " n t C a a S Jack Jay M.1H *n4

Thitv tlio inAa woko f. hlih ft Jffn*t« pir*e » whicjlj' W M . dr»*Bi hioMolf. Zl

ovn step (imrn and hn d«<vtod. nertrA«/','" »*• ? . .

Jft>k ofi*jfAtl, Rr>|J Ihe biy-ine-m r.f t!m ;

court went on. ' , In f.nrrthef hemr lhe'Arii«t ftrrived, in ;

company with An Onion. Hfi wA" p~{ ' npy>n thfl wine-M i»tArid. In a moment ii WftA all plain. He fevtiftf-d ^h'erA and how bo hfld ^ein t b^ l>ny *% the time i n , - -- , -< . . . . . ., !twl Mleep. H e ^TM (WfajftfabedJ » Jk*«<m paper b w l h e market I w n *o

^ r f c r t - J m h*AT,1 of Uw rlwrge m * K I r y I «Io« or t h r p i r f e s up low M M t h a p r w n t the po lWman , m i l frofn h h nketeb Y^4. \ * " « * . ^ « n < ' «»<*; "^«?f S , ^ l ^ ! l . h« p r r x h w d ftlmf.-npon *Wch W M , n ^ d , thai w > « termcrly b r i n m n R

J a r O , portrait . g » . ' l - L r 1 n 0 , l f ^ n ° m ^ W Tim | n ^ ( i made Jack IA*« the jx^ition * J « ^ f » *V» • «->. « h w M O * « ^ « » *

, * 2 M ^ S S M ;.aad4-y>*V*hv %.i^ iaw to.

followers nf 7/CjtbfMfft, tinder* the *ym-,] |{1(( { Ixil of fire, - and in the onc<» »plei'tdid \ kindora«>i tiv> iVint inn IncM reocired divine j»,tef»tion. ' Well might t h e p ^ t write in 'VAiUnftrsd" :

"Me»t frfeyjrrttn frtf! init *ert » wawJilp ttti Thn rAyt\<%j of ilit rntVin^ H M r"-f4ieA.'

" I l inne* the l*"iy, rarrie-Mh-. 'tVihMf—whon—irjuit »4f«c! I"'. r, *-... " A n d *h« « M » i>erf«tij !a<\js!,'^v<W«

jv . , r , " A'-,d the pi jeAf« I ' t^r ll.e <">•', d<,T,b ('• l*i V.'->r. Ihe good o i f c .-Awe. ft»d Oupnytwui r.;<e»y.

Rt ma,

iTevefirt Ihe luVterr of _theh'" ,r»e, iy«ya

"Cotftrt cm * ball A t!«>'.i«-o'tbi r e r>>-n<>r- get a b a c k ! " ca)l« Uwcoronef, get­t ing inte, hin ovffcost!.

•« 1 « M Mtf-afeing of Marie Anl«nnette, Quf?n of Prance in l i f3-?eRfhvr p u t n p j o b I", ilenvurely fepli '* "h« ' !U '- ' " ' '

lakefi, and trrna #»th CTiriorM tokifaftfb} boy "with tha <*k«teh.

t h o b o n T a n r t t o o - y w y minute *)w?$ tha i ^ W ™ ™ > " « T ^ W . fi™ H b i w i a5 te |T ti"ctnra waa ftniaWd Kmrf.pmdted on ; >"*'*«> 51*70 ><"> » * ™ i - . tbe .«Nr! /coo{JUa- | i*^T_% : thoai^ l^aai i : ;-:.ry,-/r.i-.:T;.'r'"*;'."""~i~:™''-"*'""'": * • L *

ha compKrwl tha to'^ih"^3wi^t*^^i^,6*:^ ^ i J ^ " , V ( f ^ S i ' * * * »

j ywrs -want fej rftswl t k« p*rt"fM"AR*' o/.-tliQ i fM.hjJt rsv^e i l l fcteh over thh book."

Tim coroner a'la'drrwx «m* rviuteie-p k t o s tho ^teaming <md of Ih" filrk of cordwood ^»«?^ru":i»ng fmm tha atOYA Mtt'ftUnn^ndc rre"thv"4S«k--i»<>*a--ah«at wifh itft labor , of. tteWng ^ ,Hmo into etet'nity. ; < - • • -•."

• J l tnU to llor** Itantlt'i^.

If yortr bt»T«*-»a in llm habit, of, \\ck uifr, n v . a low board and ymii bev-e". wi!> <s>"in gel-oyet it. • • •

Keep your h«r«ofal ; dou'i i*d!-.\» n-.y one !<:i gsit n liep on htm. '

When yoar-Lh(»^.,,XAtu.«.,,rto'e,£ np" an oal. coTishVr him aa h iv ing

V". r . - r . ' d fM^.Mll

( bloke Wtlt. pe'ttr.t

-1 Jhe ft'-M eon!! t ~ ' •"• , . . . - - • - f n . • • M - - . ,

p-li'ted 1»i(" j Mrvmg feVe. ' i s n ' t 'down

( Ice . two '4i'.:-!se» were, m

f i l e ! i j n _

, b i n

!-,:-. ) - I A . . I

t o t c . l l i l l i o b w . . { ' t l i e

e-Ar.T,'ffiT if "rf-lfd I'f gO !

lh*n to d n i t bt .

B.-5 f . ; o

I m n e r « : . t - i


To e<v tWa a%nt b1otte3^>tH of 4 f heAvrnnayif l*, and indeo<l rfitu«t •*frt lx?f appall ing; xind even il»o cold-bloOtted acieatiflt !>ccxirnea trwnnloftf, iaith neryl ton a amotion, -1) rradf alf • aa thft apacta,!. ,Aie h<? it aopeaja to 1>? b'nt, A faint celoa-iial aigrfof tha t yet moro dire. wth'*»c-~ foretold by in«j>vrirsl «oer«.<sre t&a IvfrSh of ftMronorhy traa c^1ehrated--Trmiuist-taliaod in m«*d»*yal anng : 1

, " t)tm iV», IVM ilk * -,'-: • Solve* sassl^m (0 fullla," " •

T a rnana ynnr nyr*> . w i (h baltera.

. )•«« I'e biro

' 1 ^ «vr*>n11y after l b - «»«•*»! y«»i j w M o l > , , B p w < l W b i s > , or y*m may fioon Ifc leoking-after , ^ w , . M r 8 ^ , A y „ Mm bita of ymti' wagon

*' 'Mjon raws •', • V*™-; ^ f 1 r f " .22 * - » - . ' o • - • ,,

fhay rt^eivo a cxmpte of liuTei • • n ...- • - . • • - _ . . . . „v . „ i ^ M „ A iiu^_ j t->oat; a mmnr 'm nf

d.i.l . , ' " ' ft ;

wetit o ie r , ami the b«ii : 5, s't^ "«e»» down Mmo''t i h tUimgb ' .ee'urie rfthrr J t ' l v - " t n i s s v r " ! r i r -*""TTTeTr .

oa'.e.e Up «j?wi on ngie-ftt »Ave, . Up, lb»1i eiouitd U-ibiud \ ka, and W#T>« bwt in the i

" |r<s.'» with fear; we aaw j g.yie, bu t now, j

- * » « « - - •—•—: H x^m avidejitly a I

ue fliird i«sl vw»:» (ait iy l w . \ . e , i d i v

T n a i r r T . Then ah« and down and f»>m'e Ri.-f.l r

J W T IM-IOW, « e MW

»>•«"» «itw. hnvi. s

At a,nwMin*of OwoTwctort of atctty , oornpftmy irt N«* 5«rMl 3fr. Pfrm V. i'Brt.m.rmA ah *tfik>*M tJaanMfr New

horao, h u t on no aocyinnt dr«» a lino. ' m n » t ; n , H • K o U v c y «-d1 j o n may ho at U c h M 1 ' ^ afanomjr <>n deck a^ng. ivg hya hal to

' • «-. —1«:« «k«* I show that be wa.i all i-.ght. l int ho was |o'jrmlt hot**, yon ran?t \ v e^thvin t b a l j *novV'p? " v ","*' "^ " » . * W b o w ia well attached Io y ^ r . n S R ' " f» Whirlpool Tjw M^W-poRt o f d m }fa*tt. ^ - ' Isoat rematn.>t attaelwd to the. bna whirb

- 3 h « t y n « t e l l a h n r « a lo >•$<•* wp ," w * »n «W p w ^ i o n . H o ? hadly *h^ Hook w ^ T C t e ^ : d l r ^ g e ^ ^ i d T i h r a d ^

h o w a get o p within lb a boggy, b o h B n m n e r a n a m « h t o t h r r t o r u n a longt iw - n ' • - . o . . . ; i i .1V i M w , rfiff and ac<rt( ibey rovild roach .h im

TUKH1«I, Hah i w d t f t w K L^»«* . i a M M ^ •.board. l i i ^ * ^ ^ 5 ^ i i i £ f i y ^ ^

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