simon boulter - muscle up

Muscle Up – Pull Up Bar Training for Strength, Muscle & Power By Simon Boulter Copyright 2012 – Simon Boulter – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Reproduction of this work or any part of this work in any way is not permitted by copyright law and doing so without the permission of the author is unlawful.

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Muscle Up – Pull Up Bar Training for Strength, Muscle & Power By Simon Boulter Copyright 2012 – Simon Boulter – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Reproduction of this work or any part of this work in any way is not

permitted by copyright law and doing so without the permission of

the author is unlawful.

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WARNING DISCLAIMER The information in this book is for informational purposes. The author Simon Boulter will NOT be held liable for damages or injury as a result of application of the material held within this book. Before you being ANY exercise routine you MUST consult your doctor

or physician before you start. If you have any existing health

problems, then you must seek clearance from a medical professional.

If at any time when exercising, you feel any pain or discomfort, you

must stop immediately and get the opinion of a doctor or medical

professional. The author will not be held responsible for any injury

sustained from using the material within this book. Train safe.

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Muscle Up

The pull up bar is simple, cheap and easy to install. It might also be

the most important piece of training equipment that you ever buy, in

terms of unleashing ferocious strength.

Most magazines and advertisements will have you believe that you

need some kind of crazy and expensive fitness gadget or supplement

to get results, but all you need is your own body, and if you can find

one, a pull up bar.

Quite frankly saying ‘I don’t have a pull up bar’ doesn’t cut it, you can

find something to do pull ups on at any local park or playground.

Getting stronger at pull ups and the exercises in this book will aid you

in pretty much any sport in which you can play, being stronger, more

powerful and efficient on the playing field can only enhance your


Pull ups are often overlooked in a routine, as they are not as hip, cool

or ego boosting as many other exercises. You rarely hear anyone in a

gym ask how many pull ups you can do, instead the first question

asked is usually ‘how much do ya bench?’

For some reason the Bench Press is thought of as the king of upper

body strength exercises, and the holy grail. Even though training the

opposing muscle group, the upper back can dramatically increase

strength gains in all exercises including the bench press, everyone

still seems to want to bench, bench and bench some more. It seems

that people today don’t care about training a muscle if they can’t see

it in the mirror.

Well screw that, by training the whole body and hitting all of the

major muscle groups, we will be able to get far superior results. Stop

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wasting time standing in front of the mirror and start pulling on that


Pull ups are one of the most beneficial exercises you can do.

Many athletes and trainees never tap into even a fraction of the

potential strength just waiting to be unleashed by training the upper

back properly, instead thy ignore it. Don’t become one of them. Grab

that pull up bar!

Pull Ups are just one of those exercises that impress people when

you crank out rep after rep with ease. Warriors, Gladiators and

athletes have been performing pull ups since Ancient Greece and the

beginning of the Olympic Games and long before that. However you

never hear of people in gyms today bragging about how many pull

ups they can do, it’s always how much they bench.

By training the upper back you can help prevent injury and keep your body healthy. Pull Ups train the trapezius, rear deltoids, latissimus dorsi and rhomboids. Keeping the upper back and back of the shoulders strong, can help prevent injury when bench pressing heavy and often.

In today’s society pushing exercises are far more commonly

performed than pulling exercises, with their bench presses making

athletes chest, deltoids and triceps far stronger than their pulling


Strength imbalances such as this are a ticking time bomb and an

injury waiting to happen. When bench pressing you use your upper

back to lower the weight, from the point you unrack the bar to the

point the bar touches your chest you are significantly working your

lats to do lower the weight slowly and under control.

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If your lats and the rest of your upper back are weak in comparison

to the muscles on the front of your upper body, you are more than

likely going to injure yourself and this is how so many athletes end

up with rotator cuff and other joint injuries from bench pressing!

Train the upper back hard and often and you will have a much better

chance of staying injury free. Simply performing hundreds of push

ups or bench press repetitions and ignoring the back muscles is

asking for injury.

For those who opt for Dumbbell and Barbell Bicep Curls instead of

training the back, this is ridiculous! Too many times I see gym goers

always bench pressing and then doing bicep curls and this is their

whole routine! Training with Pull Ups can give you Biceps that are

just as big as when you train with Bicep Curls.

Compound movements that use many muscles at once such as the

Pull Up, provide much more significant muscle and strength gains

than exercises that isolate just one muscles such as Bicep Curls. Start

pulling that bar and you’ll get strong arms and bigger biceps. Simple.

Pull Ups can give you big Biceps.

Most people don’t know how to train the upper back as they are

limited by their own imagination and creativity.

There are a ton of different ways to perform rows and pull ups and

other exercises that work the lats, traps and biceps. If you can’t yet

do a full Pull Up, don’t worry as I will show you how to build up to

one with a few exercises that will bring up your pulling strength on

the bar.

For me, there’s nothing more impressive than a set of lats that are so

big they look like wings, to me this is much more impressive than a

huge chest.

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Don’t have a pull up bar you say? Rubbish. There are bars you can

use everywhere, such as local playgrounds, parks and even

woodlands have pull up bars. Tree branches, bus stop roofs can be

used for Pull Ups, even Basement steps!

This is why machines have become to go to exercises for the upper

back, people don’t know how else to train the back muscles!

The Pull exercises below are great for working your abdominals too,

grab that bar and get ready to get insane strength results.

Let me just get something out of the way before we move on,

because I am not one to listen to excuses. Just because you are a

heavyweight, does not mean you cannot do pull ups.

I weigh 155lbs and can perform pull ups wearing my bodyweight in

chains. That’s 300lbs I am lifting. What’s your excuse now?

If you can’t yet perform a full pull up, then get to work on some of

the easier variations below to help build yourself up to one. You

don’t need weights to get a big and strong back.

Work at your pull ups, you may not be able to become great at them

over night but put in the work and the strength gains you’ll get from

doing them are more than worth it.

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The basics of pull ups

The phrase goes something like, don’t run before you can walk, well

that is very appropriate when it comes to strength training, in

particular pull up bar training. So let’s start with the basics.

Dead hangs

For the complete pull up novice, the dead hang is the best place the

start, especially if you are not strong enough to do chin ups, or even

flex hangs yet. Even for those like me who have been doing pull ups

for years, dead hangs can provide a fun and effective finisher to your


Be sure not to shrug the shoulders at all during dead hangs, you’ll

want your shoulders as loose and relaxed as possible to avoid


Flex hangs

To perform a flex hang, get yourself over the top of a pull up bar,

making sure that your chin stays over the bar at all times and then

your job is to stay in this position for as long as you possibly can. If

you can’t yet do any chin or pull ups, you can jump up, using your

legs to help you up to the top of the pull up position. When first

starting with flex hangs, I recommend using an underhand chin up

grip, however if you are already proficient with chin ups, use an

overhand or even a mixed grip.

When performing this exercise, you should strive for maximum

muscle tension in all of the upper body and core, largely focusing on

the upper back. Keep yourself in this flexed position by using every

muscle in your body and be sure not to overlook this useful exercise

as it can be beneficial for everyone, from the complete beginner up

to the elite level athlete.

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The next progression are negative pull ups, which should be self-

explanatory but I’m never one to simply assume anything so let me

go into some detail here.

A negative pull up simply involves the downward portion of a pull up

only, the starting position being that of a flex hang, with your chin

over the bar. Like the flex hang, you can jump up to the starting

position and then slowly lower yourself down.

You want to make the negative pull up last for as long as you possibly

can, contracting the entire upper back as you do so, with most of the

focus on the lats.

Another option is to perform a flex hang, then when your muscles

being to tire, attempt to stay elevated for as long as possible, slowing

the descent as much as you can, effectively combining a flex hang

with a negative pull up for added difficulty.

Chin up

The chin up is the easiest variation and is performed with your palms

facing you in an underhand (supinated) grip, this exercise allows use

of the biceps a little more and is definitely the first type of pull up

you should strive to master. 10 solid repetitions and you’re ready to

move on to some other variations.

The standard pull up is performed with an overhand (pronated) grip

so that your palms are facing away from you and can be a real

challenge for any athlete, many will reach muscular failure within ten

reps if performed with the proper technique and full range of


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Neutral Grip Pull Ups

Once you can perform chin ups properly, the jump from underhand

chin ups to overhand grip pull ups can be quite a big one, neutral grip

pull ups can help serve as a stepping stone between the two.

Using two bars that are parallel to each other so that your palms face

one another, you can bridge the gap between chin ups and pull ups,

the difficult level for neutral grip pull ups being somewhere between

the two more commonly performed variations. I recommend

keeping all 3 types of pull ups in your routine in one form or another.

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Mixed grip pull ups

Another variation that can be useful for beginners, who have a tough

time transitioning from chin ups to pull ups, is the mixed grip pull up.

Similar to a deadlift mixed grip, you’ll perform a pull up with one

underhand grip and one overhand grip. Be sure to alternate which

hand is under/over each set, to avoid developing a muscle


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Pull ups

As mentioned above, the pull up is performed with an overhand grip,

with hands at shoulder width and palms facing away from the body.

Good form involves using full range of motion, lowering the body

until the elbows are completely straight.

Just like idiots in the gym that bench press half way down to their

chest and claim that they can bench 400lbs, many people get

extremely lazy with pull ups and only use partial range of motion.

Don’t be one of them. Drop all the way down to a dead hang, pause

for a second, then explosively pull your chin over the bar with good

technique and with no help from your lower body.

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Wide grip pull ups

For an added challenge you can also take the arms out wider, as

lengthening the lever so to speak increases difficulty of the exercise,

this places more emphasis on the lats and makes it more difficult to

use your biceps to assist you in the movement.

A few considerations

One thing you may notice if you perform pull ups in high volume, is

that you can develop elbow problems as a result. Usually this is a

result of the wrists not being able to rotate at the top and bottom of

the movement, placing the elbows under stress, especially in my

experience at the bottom. I’ve found this to be much more the case

with chin ups, using a underhand grip, at the bottom of the chin up it

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can be extremely stressful for the elbows if performed in high

volume, because the wrists cannot follow their natural path of


To keep your shoulders and elbows healthy and avoid any problems,

for those of you with any kind of joint problems in these areas, I

recommend performing pull ups either using gymnastics rings, blast

straps or on a bar with a neutral grip on a bar with parallel handles.

Blast straps and rings will allow your wrists to rotate freely

throughout the movement and avoid stressing the joints, where as a

parallel grip bar pull up keeps the arms moving through a plane of

motion less likely to aggravate and existing joint problems.

Once you can perform upwards of 10 wide grip bodyweight pull ups,

don’t stop there. Many people end up taking pull ups out of their

routines once they believe they become too easy and are not

providing much strength gains because they are not challenging

enough. Just because you can do 20, 30 or even 40 repetitions of an

exercise, does not mean it isn’t extremely valuable to your training.

Try performing 40 pull ups as a finisher to your back workout and tell

me it’s not worth your time, the gap between strength and

endurance is not that huge, and sets of higher repetitions are

certainly worth your time. These sets when performed safely can

help build the foundation for a higher level of success later on down

the line, no matter how strong you may be on the 3 big powerlifts.

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Advanced Pull Up Variations

Pull ups can turn you into a monster made out of muscle, steel and

sex appeal.

Sadly however, too many gym goers these days lack the testicular

fortitude to add a healthy dose of pull ups to their routines, either

that or they just don’t know of many variations other than the

standard chin and pull up.

We’ve covered the basics, which by adding weight as resistance can

keep any strength athlete challenged for years to come, but

knowledge is power and in the world of exercise where variety is of

the upmost importance in order to keep the body guessing, the pull

up bar is one of the most underrated pieces of equipment one can

use for building serious strength, muscle and power.

Most people will never have seen many of the pull up variations

below, which is sad because I believe they can inject a lot of fun into

a workout, while producing great strength.

Now I’m not one of these so called urban athletes that flails around

on a bar, wiggling my legs about, as if I’m doing pull ups and riding a

tricycle at the same time, and I’m not really into pull up ‘freestylin.’ If

that’s your bag then that’s cool, but it’s not my cup of tea that’s for

sure, I’m all about building brutal strength, keep progressing and

looking for a variety of ways to do it. I use a pull up bar to build

power, not as an excuse to act like a gangster or thug or even to look


Below are some advanced pull up variations that I include in my

training, on a weekly basis.

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Behind the neck pull ups

Pretty much any exercise text book will tell you that behind the neck

pull ups are bad for you and you just shouldn’t do them, plain and

simple. It is my opinion that just like you wouldn’t try to deadlift a

certain weight before your body is strong enough for it, you

shouldn’t attempt the behind the neck pull up and many other

advanced variations of pull ups, before you have built a proper

foundation and base layer of strength.

If you wait until you are ready and respect this exercise, there is no

reason you should injure yourself by including these in your

programme. There is as much risk of injury here as performing a

squat, deadlift, riding a bike to work or even crossing the road. Just

use common sense and be sensible, acknowledging that this exercise

also requires a degree of shoulder flexibility that many people lack.

I recommend being able to do 10 solid overhand wide grip pull ups

before attempting the behind the neck variation.

Behind the neck pull ups are one of my very favourite exercises for

my upper back, I use no momentum and take it nice and slow

especially at the top as it works the traps nicely. Be sure never to

shrug your shoulders, as with all basic pull up variations you should

aim to pull them back and down, while sticking your chest out.

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Commando pull ups

These believe it or not were my introduction to pull ups, as I saw

them as a young kid for the first time when I saw Stallone do them in

the Rocky movies. They are actually pretty tough and a lot more

difficult than standard chin ups and pull ups.

Take an underhand grip with one hand and an overhand grip with

the other and pull your head to one side of the bar one rep, then to

the other side of the bar on the next rep. Repeat for the desired

number of repetitions, or until you go to failure.

I suggest alternating which hand is over/under each set to avoid any

muscle imbalances and be sure to perform an even number of sets.

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Archer pull ups

An Archer pull up is an excellent first stepping stone to progressing

into a one arm pull up and involves pulling yourself up to one side of

the bar while keeping the opposite arm straight throughout. Try to

use your straight arm as little as possible, and eventually over time

you will build enough strength to perform a one arm pull up, without

the supporting arm at all.

This exercise gets its name from the shape the upper body makes

when the chin is over the bar, the arms form the shape of an archer

getting ready to fire an arrow from a bow.

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Around the world pull up

At the top of an archer pull up, you can keep your chin over the bar

and slide your chin over to the other side, shifting emphasis onto the

other arm. As you slide, your bent and straight arms will swap

positions. Once you reach the other side, lower yourself down, then

repeat by pulling up to the side you just came down from, slide your

chin over to the other side of the bar once more, then lower yourself

back down to a dead hang where you started. This is one rep. For

this exercise you’ll need extremely strong lats, shoulders and a core

made of steel. This is a very challenging variation!


At the top of an archer pull up, you can perform typewriters, which

simply involves keeping your chin above the bar and sliding your

body from one side of the bar to the other, then back again and

repeat until you go to failure and cannot perform anymore,

X pull ups

A deceivingly difficult exercise, the x-pull up offers yet another way

to mix things up in your routine. These are tough mainly because as

you perform each rep, you’ll have to use significant core, upper back

and shoulder strength just to stop your body from spinning around

out of position, not to mention it really challenges the grip and

forearm muscles. You’ll have to perform this nice and slow, in order

to stop your body spinning.

Start by crossing your arms either on one pull up bar with an

overhand grip, or with two parallel bars with palms facing each

other. This exercise requires a fair bit of shoulder flexibility, so do

take care when attempting these.

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L-sit pull ups

A variation I often had to perform in gymnastics as a kid, L-sit pull

ups require an enormous amount of core strength and are one of my

favourite exercises as they really are a full body exercise.

Keep your legs at a 90 degree angle with your body while performing

pull ups, you’ll notice that the higher up you get, the more difficult it

becomes to maintain this position with your legs straight. Your feet

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will want to rise up to make it easier, fight this as much as possible

and keep your body rigid and tight around the midsection. Keep the

movement slow and controlled throughout , trying to keep your legs

at a 90 degree angle.

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Sternum pull ups

To do these you must lean back throughout the movement, touching

the bar with your lower chest at the top and slowly lowering yourself

back down. Be sure not to use momentum, keep this one slow and

controlled as with most pull up exercises. At the top of the exercise

when your lower chest touches the bar, your head should be parallel

with the floor. This may be the very best upper back exercise for

building serious strength, these are seriously hard and for the

advanced athlete can provide a brief but intense workout. I do these

with a slow tempo, 5 seconds on the way up, 5 seconds on the way

down. This will absolutely smoke your lats, happy pulling.

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Sternum plank pull ups

Here’s another challenging variation for you that most won’t be able

to do, slowly pull yourself up until your sternum touches the bar, but

this time keep your body tight, rigid and in a straight line. It’s very

difficult to keep your body tight as you lean back on the way up, as

you do so it hits the core hard.

Plyometric pull up

Here is where things get really interesting, plyo pull ups. You’ll want

to explosively pull yourself up so that not just your chin reaches over

the bar, but also the bottom your chest. With each rep you must pull

yourself up as high and explosively as possible.

There are several variations of the plyometric pull up. You can bring

your hands away from the bar for a split second, grabbing back hold

of the bar quickly on the way down, you can clap your hands above

your head or in front of your face, or even behind your back. You can

try switching your grip from overhand to underhand with each

repetition (switchblade pull ups), or from wide grip to close grip and

vice versa (in and out pull ups). You can even try to touch your toes

in mid-air, hitting a pike position.

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No handed (false grip) pull ups

These are especially tough but offer a nice stepping stone onto

muscle ups, which are often easier with a false grip. Wrap your hand

over the bar without your thumb wrapping around, so that your

wrist sits on it. This is certainly a challenging variation that hits the

forearms hard, but an excellent upper body strength movement.

Tennis ball pull ups

These are also known as grappler pull ups, you’ll take two tennis

balls, one in each hand while performing false grip pull ups, you must

squeeze the balls in your hands as hard as you can. These are

extremely challenging and will definitely have your forearms and

hand muscles on fire in no time.

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Towel pull ups

Another way to increase the demands on your grip strength would

be to grip a towel as you perform your pull ups. Simply drape a towel

over the top of your pull up bar and you can hold the towel as you

work on commando pull ups, or if you have access to two towels you

can grip onto one towel with each hand and work on traditional pull

ups with an added grip challenge.

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1.5 reps

I often use 1.5 reps with many bodyweight exercises as it can help

beginners learn to engage the right muscles, but also adds a

significant added level of difficulty. With Chin and Pull ups, these are

extremely challenging but also very fun and a nice break from the

norm in the weight room.

You may use 1.5 reps with body inverted rows, as well as chin ups

(hands facing toward your body), neutral grip pull ups (hands facing

each other) and pull ups with your hands facing away from your

body, and a few more variations can work with 1.5 reps if you get a

bit creative.

Simply perform a pull up, pulling your chin over the bar, then lower

yourself half way down and hold that position for a second, now pull

yourself back up to the top position and then finally lower yourself

back down and repeat. This is one rep.

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Hang time core strength

Crunches and sit ups are going to do two things for your overall body


1. Jack.

2. Shit.

And Jack left town.

One of the biggest problems I see in so many people’s routines has

to be core training. So many people just don’t know how to do it

right, high repetition crunches and sit ups just aren’t going to get you


To get strong, you have to go heavy by adding significant resistance

and usually working inside the 1 to 10 rep range. In the case of

bodyweight movements, you simply use a difficult enough variation

that keeps you inside that repetition range. So why do people think

that they can stimulate muscle growth by simply performing

hundreds of reps of silly sit ups and crunches at the end of every


The abdominals are no different to any other muscle group, you have

train them hard using significant resistance to produce serious

strength and muscle gains. Don’t screw around with stupid electric

abdominal belts, six pack gadgets or pretty much anything stomach

related that you’ll see on a late night infomercial. This stuff makes

me sick, they promise results without any effort. That’s just not the

way strength training works, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

You work your ass off and you’ll get results. If you don’t, then you’re

going nowhere. Quite frankly, that’s the way it should be.

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Here are my top core strength exercises that require no fancy

gadgets or belts, only a pull up bar, that produce real results because

they require real work. Some of these are very tough, but that’s why

they work.

Hanging knee raise

The knee raise from a bar is the first step in a progression towards a

full hanging leg raise and beyond, but is an excellent for building

strength in even the most advanced athlete. Be sure to keep

momentum to a minimum with this one and focus on using your

abdominals to do all the work here, not the hips and legs. It’s

sometimes very easy to get carried away and just focus on getting

more repetitions by using momentum and swinging, also using the

legs and hips too much simply to feed your ego. Don’t do this. Focus

solely on getting a good contraction using the abdominals, slowly

raising and lowering while staying in control of the movement. You

are going for quality over quantity.

Starting from a dead hang, use your abdominals to raises your knees

to at least chest height, hold this position for a couple of seconds,

squeezing and contracting your upper abdominals and then lower

your legs back down to a dead hang position, slowly, under control

while maintaining tension in your abdominals. If you are not yet

strong enough to raises your knees all the way up to your chest, start

by bringing them up to hip level.

With this and all other knee/leg raise variations, keep your arms

straight, bending the elbows makes the movement easier and is

strongly discouraged. Try to keep the upper body in a dead hang

throughout the every exercise.

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Hanging knee bicycles

If knee raises are too difficult at first, another variation that can help

you build the strength needed are knee bicycles. Simply raises one

knee at a time, lower one knee as you raise the other as if you were

riding a bike, for an excellent stepping stone to hanging knee raises

with both knees.

Hanging leg raise

This is where things start to become really challenging. Grab and

overhead bar and position yourself in a dead hang. While keeping

your knees as straight as possible, nice and slowly raise your legs up

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until they are parallel with the floor, creating an L shape with your

body. Again, keep the movement slow and under control, the

upward portion lasting for at least two seconds while keeping your

abdominals tight and making sure that they are doing as much of the

work as possible, not your hips and legs. Lower your legs slowly and

under control also, to do so takes serious core strength and don’t

forget to breathe in as you lower your legs, then exhaling as you

raise them up.

Keep your abdominals tight and contracting throughout the entire

exercise, even at the bottom ‘rest’ position. Again for maximum

results, hold the top position and squeeze the midsection tight for at

least 2 seconds before slowly lowering the legs back down.

You should be able to do 10 hanging knee raises with solid

technique, before attempting leg raises.

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Hanging V-raise

Most athletes will never progress past the standard leg raises, as

variations more difficult than this are seldom seen performed by

anyone other than advanced gymnasts with incredible core strength.

If you can perform more than 10 strict repetitions of the standard leg

raises, then you have built some considerable core strength that any

athlete should be proud of. This is no easy feat. However, if you are

like me and always looking to become better, stronger and more

powerful, then you are constantly looking for that next step. Enter

the V-raise.

When performing a standard leg raises, the legs come parallel with

the floor to form an L shape with the body, however when

performing a V-raise the legs are elevated much higher.

You’ll grab a bar and get into a dead hang position, from there slowly

elevate your legs until your feet either touch the bar or comes close.

Unless you possess some serious hamstring flexibility, you won’t be

able to keep your knees completely straight when performing the

feet to bar variation, but that’s no excuse to get lazy and sloppy with

your technique. Keep your legs as straight as possible and perform

the movement slowly and under control.

This is a truly advanced core strength exercise, so proceed with

caution when trying this one for the first time. You should be able to

do 10 hanging leg raises with solid technique, before attempting v-


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1 arm hanging leg raise

One of my favourite exercises that I like to work on often (and find

very challenging) is the 1 arm hanging leg raise. This variation is

incredibly tough as it has you performing a 1 arm dead hang whilst

also doing a leg raise or V-raise.

Get yourself into a dead hang position and then simply remove 1

arm, you’ll have to keep your whole body tight just to keep from

twisting around. From there slowly raise both legs up to the bar, or if

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this is too difficult, up to hip height. Either way be sure to keep your

legs as straight as possible.

Don’t be surprised if this one really challenges your grip strength.

Windshield Wipers

Windshield Wipers are one of the most difficult core exercises any

athlete can perform, they effectively target not only the abdominals,

but also the obliques.

Simply raise your legs so that your feet touch the bar as in a V-raise

and then slowly while keeping your arms and legs as straight as

possible, make a semi-circle like movement by rotating your hips

from left to right. It may sound corny, but think of it as painting a

rainbow shape with your feet.

It can be extremely difficult during Wipers to keep the arms straight

but try your best to keep any bending of the elbows to a minimum.

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Hanging L-sit

L-sits are in my opinion the most effective exercise for training your

deep postural muscles of the core that are of the upmost

importance, with this exercise you can contract them more

noticeably than any other exercise. L-Sits work every muscle in your

body as well as effectively strengthening every part of the core,

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improving flexibility, stability and joint health while preventing lower

back injury by significantly strengthening it.

You may do these while in a dead hang position, or with your hands

on the floor. Keep your whole body tight and contract the

abdominals as hard as possible to get the most out of an L-sit. If you

are contracting hard enough, you shouldn’t be able to hold this

position for more than 10 seconds.

Hanging V-raise 1.5 reps

I have seen a lot of trainers online these days using 1.5 reps with a

lot of exercises such as pull ups and since the top half of a V-raise is

the most difficult, it made sense to me to test 1.5 reps with this


Starting from a dead hang, perform the upward portion of a v-raise,

bring your feet up to the bar whilst keeping your legs straight then

slowly lower your legs back down half way until they are hip level,

then raise them back up to the bar, before lowering slowly all the

way back down. This is what a 1.5 rep V-raise looks like. Perform as

many as you can like this, they are incredibly difficult and a great


Hanging raise drop set

Here’s another way I like to mix things up in my bar core workout.

Perform Hanging v-raises to failure, go straight into a set of L-raises,

once again when you can’t do anymore repetitions go straight into a

final set of hanging knee raises to failure. This so called ‘drop set’ can

be really challenging both physically and mentally and certainly gets

the abs working hard.

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There are certainly a few strength movements there to challenge you

whatever you strength levels, whenever I have access to a pull up

bar I make sure to work my core by performing leg raises, not just my

pull ups.

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Dip it Low - Dips for pushing strength

We’ve covered a hell of a lot of pull up variations so far, but what

about our pushing strength? We need a well-rounded body that is

ready for anything in all areas.

What use is there possessing very strong pushing strength but having

a weak upper back, if this describes you then you are probably going

to end up injuring yourself very quickly if the supporting muscles are

not up to par with the prime movers. We want our whole body to be

strong and well rounded, its no good having a huge upper back and a

tiny pigeon chest. No one wants that.

Dips are often overlooked as being bad for your shoulders and for

that reason dismissed from many athletes routines, but just like any

exercise you shouldn’t go diving in head first before you are ready. It

is important to follow the correct and appropriate progressions

before moving onto the next and in the case of the dip, it requires a

certain degree of shoulder flexibility and strength through a range of

motion that some are not yet comfortable with and if you do get

carried away and jump in to fast, you may end up with a setback to

your training because you weren’t very careful.

Take your time moving from one progression to the next, there are

dip exercises with varying difficulties that will challenge the complete

beginner trainee, all the way up to the elite level athlete. Respect

the exercise you are using and never stop trying to get better.

If you’re looking for a pushing exercise to help increase your strength

for push ups, bench press or overhead military press, the dip has got

your back.

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Low dips

This is a great place to start for most people with little dipping

experience and is an excellent stepping stone to parallel bar dips.

These can be done on a low bar, or pretty much any low and sturdy

surface such as a chair, park bench, sofa, at the end of the bed or

even a low wall. Be sure to stick your chest out and not allow your

shoulders to roll forward. These should become easy pretty fast. The

jump to parallel bar dips from low dips can be quite a big one, but

after your able to do 20 to 30 low bar dips, you shouldn’t have any


Parallel bar dips

PB dips are in my opinion one of the most underrated strength

exercises an athlete can perform for serious pushing strength, if

things become too easy then one can simply hold a dumbbell

between their feet or add extra weight with a dip belt of backpack.

When doing these, lean your upper body forward with your

shoulders in front and elbows over your hands. The wider the bars

you use, the more you’ll work your chest, the closer the width, the

more you’ll hit your triceps. The more you lean forward, the more

you’ll work your chest, but the more upright you keep your posture,

the more you’ll hit your triceps.

Like with push ups, over time you’ll probably be able to build up to a

quite substantial number of repetitions in a row. You can try slowing

the tempo or adding extra resistance with weight to make things

more challenging.

Flexibility can be an issue here for some people, but a full dip should

be one where the shoulders are lowered close to the hands.

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Bulgarian dips

To perform these you’ll grab one bar behind you with one hand and

the other bar in front of you with the other so that your body is at a

45 degree angle. When you do these, be sure to swap sides each set.

Russian dips

Also known as hinge dips, these involve bending the elbows to the

bottom of a normal dip position, then leaning the body back so that

the your forearms are in contact with the bar. From here, move

yourself forward and then press back up. This is a great core exercise

if you are able to perform them slowly and under control, just be

sure to warm up your shoulders as they will test your flexibility.

You can make this exercise more difficult by increasing the range of

motion, by leaning further back so that your triceps come in contact

with the bar.

Russian dips are also an excellent stepping stone to train for the

transition phase of a muscle up.

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Single bar dips

Single straight bar dips are far more challenging than they look, it’s

extremely difficult to remain upright on just one bar and this will

really challenge your core strength. You’ll have both hands on a

straight bar in front of you, which can be quite a humbling exercise if

you are used to parallel bar dips, with single bar dips you’ll have to

manoeuvre your body around the bar, your legs moving forward on

the way down for balance.

Although tough, this is one of the most important progressions when

training for a muscle up, so be sure to work single bar dips into your


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Korean dips

This one is pure money and my absolute favourite pushing exercise

whether it be with weights, kettlebells, bodyweight only or by any

other means. The Korean dip is similar in theory to a single bar dip,

but this time the bar is in behind you. This may not look like much of

a difference, but trust me it is incredibly difficult. Not many people

will be able to do these, Korean dips are the most difficult dip

variation in my opinion.

Because the bar is behind you, it is extremely difficult to keep control

over your body during this exercise, so you’ll have to keep your

whole body tight throughout, especially your core. If you try this

before you are strong enough, you’ll run the risk of injury to your

shoulder as this movement really does test your flexibility, so be sure

to have laid the proper foundation of strength first. I strongly urge

you to perform this one slowly and under control, if you use

momentum and try to bounce out of the bottom with poor

technique, you’ll be just asking for something to tear in your


This exercise does work the shoulders and triceps as does all dipping

movement, but it does hit the chest quite well also. I suggest

starting with an overhand grip, but once you become comfortable

with that you can make things more challenging by using an under

hand grip. Happy dipping!

Once you have conquered the above variations, you can always

continue to challenge yourself by wearing a weighted vest , wear a

dip belt to hang weight plates from, or simply hold a dumbbell

between your ankles to increase the difficulty. Standard weighted

dips are one of my own personal favourite exercises and will keep

you challenged no matter how strong you are.

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The Muscle Up

In any sort of weightlifting environment, the most common question

regarding training is the old age ‘how much ya bench?’ For most, the

bench press is thought of as the pinnacle of measuring upper body

strength, but in the world of bodyweight strength training, the

muscle up is king.

If there is one movement that can claim the title of ‘Ultimate upper

body strength exercise,’ then it might just have to go to the muscle

up. When performing the muscle up you combine a pull up with a

dip, not only that you’ll have to use your core to violently transition

over the bar at the top of the pull up, raising your legs in front of you

almost like a hanging leg raise to help counter balance your weight,

using your hip muscles and abs to do so.

This isn’t just a pull up combined with a dip, this really is a full body

exercise, which require your body to function as a single unit, using

two different movement patterns, improving coordination.

It’s sad to think that many gyms and health clubs today have 3 or 4

bench presses, maybe more, but lack a decent basic pull up bar, to

me this is mind boggling even as an avid powerlifter and Olympic

lifter. When I do my overhead and parallel bar work, I head to my

local park, you’ll probably be better off doing the same as many

gyms that do have a pull up bar won’t have the overhead clearance

needed when doing muscle ups. All you need is a bar and plenty of


This is a tough exercise in that you have to be considerably strong to

begin with to even be able to do a single muscle up, but there is no

set numbers in terms of how many pull ups or dips you should be

able to do before you can do a muscle up. But they do require

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significant levels of upper body strength, so be sure to work on your

straight bar pull ups and dips when training with the goal of a muscle

up in mind.

I’ll admit when I first attempted muscle ups I got angry as hell, I had

more than enough strength with a triple bodyweight deadlift and a

double bodyweight bench press, not to mention I could already do

20 strict dead hang wide grip pull ups, but yet I could not do a single

muscle up. Not one.

I couldn’t for the life of me get the hang of the transition over the

bar, even though I was physically strong enough to do it. After a few

weeks practice however, I nailed my first muscle up (although it

wasn’t pretty) and from there, the reps came thick and fast.

The fact is, nobody’s first successful muscle ups look very pretty with

shiny neat technique, you’ll probably be transitioning over the bar

one arm followed by the other, with legs flailing about all over the

place, but that’s how it is when you learn a new skill. Put in the work,

keep at it and your muscle ups will surely improve.

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For this exercise you will need to use an exaggerated false grip,

which can feel strange and be difficult to get used to at first, hanging

with straight arms may even prove challenging to begin with but as

you improve your forearm strength and flexibility, this will become

much easier.

The false grip is certainly not essential, but it definitely does make

learning the muscle up a hell of a lot easier initially, as it allows one

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to transition from the pull up phase to the dip phase much more


To use the false grip, curl your hands over the bar without your

thumb around it, so that your wrists sit on top of the bar with the

palms of your hands facing down toward the floor and your fingers

curl over in front of it.

When doing a muscle up, don’t just try to pull your chin above the

bar, you want to explosively pull your lower chest up to the bar and

then rigorously move your body forward up and over the bar to the

start of the dipping position.

You are not just pulling yourself straight up as you would during a

normal pull up, if you do this you will get stuck and never make the

transition over the bar. Pull the bar down in front of you so that you

pull yourself back behind the bar, bringing both your elbows up and

over the bar at the same time, and lean forward as fast and forcefully

as you can. Leaning forward at the top of a muscle up to get your

body over the bar feels like the world’s most brutal sit up.

From a side view, your body should almost create the shape on an S.

Once you are over the bar, the hard part is over as pressing from

here is far easier than getting yourself over the bar in the first place.

The first few times you attempt this can be frustrating as the muscle

up is somewhat of a skill and the movement pattern can take some

time to get used to. As humbling as it may be to begin with, keep at it

and you’ll eventually get there.

To kip or not to kip

Personally, I am not a fan of kipping, which involves using your lower

body to generate momentum and help aid you in completing a

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muscle up or pull up, the reason being it makes it more difficult to

accurately measure your strength levels. Not only that but (and this

is just my opinion, you are welcome to disagree) a kipping pull up is

just not a true pull up, also a kipping muscle up is simply not a proper

muscle up.

However, some trainers believe that kipping can help you initially

learn the muscle up by making it easy enough to allow those who

struggle with it, to get in a few repetitions and get a feel for the


Again, I’m not a fan of kipping and never want to use momentum

when I do a pull up or muscle up, I see this as no different to most

gym novice’s we often see in a gym, using momentum and cheating

on a lat pull down with poor technique. When I perform pull ups and

muscle ups, I use muscular strength and correct technique, NOT

momentum. Therefore, I don’t kip. But that is just my opinion. Take

from it what you will.

Working muscle ups into training

If you are going to work on your muscle ups, I recommend training

them at the beginning of your workout, just as when training any

new skill you want to do so when you are fresh and not fatigued. You

should never be tired when learning a new skill or strength


I would suggest placing them at the start of any full body or upper

body training session, but give them a rest during any lower body


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The one arm pull up

The one arm pull up is the pinnacle of bodyweight upper body pulling

strength, this is without a doubt the most difficult pull up variation

one can perform.

Very few people will ever be able to even come close to pulling off a

single one arm pull up, it takes a hell of a lot of hard work and

persistence, with specific training. Even with a year of training with

the one arm pull up in mind, you can expect a very humbling

experience, possibly failing again and again before you are able to

pull it off with good technique. This is going to be a long journey, but

if you choose to take it, one you should revel in and enjoy.

Whatever grip you choose to use when performing a one arm pull up

is up to you, either way is incredibly difficult and equally impressive.

You can use a overhand grip pull up style, underhand grip chin up

style or perform the one arm pull up with your head to the side of

the bar similar to when performing a commando pull up.

You should be able to perform at least 10 dead hang pull ups with

strict technique before even thinking about pursuing the one arm

pull up, there needs to be a certain level of strength to pull this

exercise off and without laying the proper foundation, even the

assistance exercises will be a struggle.

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Are you ready? Here we go.

Much of the training for your first one arm pull up is very similar to

that of training for your first standard chin or pull up. It involves

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many of the same exercises, in most cases variations using just one


These are tough exercises in their own right, and build serious upper

body and grip strength and should not be overlooked in your pursuit

for a one arm pull up. Just simply hanging from a bar using just one

arm is incredibly challenging.

Include some of these exercises in your workouts and give them

everything you’ve got and very soon, you will be pleased with the


1 arm body rows

I use body rows with many of my clients that cannot do standard pull

ups, so naturally I used the one arm body row to work towards the

one arm pull up.

When doing these I prefer to keep my feet together and really

engage my core and my lats, it is tempting to simply try and muscle

through using arm strength but try not to get into this habit. If doing

a one arm body row with your feet together proves too challenging

then simply bring them further apart.

1 arm dead hangs

Again much like when training for a standard pull up with a dead

hang, a one arm hang is vital for progressing toward a one arm pull

up. You have to start somewhere and this is probably the best place.

Simply hanging for more than a few seconds is challenging but you

should strive to hold this position for 30 seconds if you want to get a

one arm pull up. It’s tough and very mentally challenging but the

results are more than worth it. You’ll need to keep your whole body

tight and even though you are staying stationary and not bending

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your arm at the elbow at all, you’ll need to keep pulling yourself

upwards, imagine doing so to pull your arm down into your shoulder

socket and stop your shoulder rom literally falling out of its socket.

1 arm flex hangs

Flex hangs with 1 arm are a big step up from dead hangs, but are a

vital step to training for a 1 arm pull up. Hold this position as long as

you can, any longer than 10 seconds becomes amazingly difficult for

even the strongest of athletes.

I recommend performing this exercise with an underhand grip to

make sure that you get enough volume in, as the overhand version

won’t allow you to get much time with your chin up over the bar.

1 arm negatives

Another vital tool in training for the 1 arm pull up, jump up with your

chin over the bar holding on with just one hand and then lower

yourself as slowly and controlled as possible. Try to keep yourself up

as long as you can, for more of a challenge you can combine a flex

hang with a negative by keeping your chin over the bar for maximum

time and then making the descent last as long as possible. Keep your

whole body tight as hell the whole time.

1 arm wrist assisted pull up

This is what most people believe to be a 1 arm pull up, grabbing the

bar with one hand and holding onto your own wrist with the other to

assist you in the movement. Of course, while this is an advanced pull

up variation and impressive in its own right, this is nothing like a true

one arm pull up, but it is an important progression in training for


1 arm towel assisted pull up

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Believe it or not a towel can be an extremely valuable tool in training

for a one arm pull up. Take to a pull up bar and drape a towel over

one side, and perform a pull up with one hand grabbing the towel.

The idea here is similar to an archer pull up, try to use the arm

grabbing the towel as little as possible. As time goes on and you

slowly grow stronger, you should be able to use the arm grabbing the

towel less and less until you are finally able to do a one arm pull up.

Keep getting better

While many view the OAP as somewhat of a circus trick, those who

are able to perform them display incredible strength and deserve

bragging rights in that it is still a great measure of upper body

strength. While it may seem like a lifetime away and seemingly

impossible for some of us, at one point in your training probably so

did a lot of strength feats that you have mastered.

One step at a time work with relentless passion and desire to build

full body strength and power, with the tools that you have at your

disposal and nearly anything is possible. Let’s face it, pretty much

everyone, anywhere in the world can find something to do a pull up
