simone’s message · stage 4 , light discovery in the nest or creating coral reefs in stage 2,...

1 REDDAM EARLY LEARNING SCHOOL | ST LEONARDS NEWSLETTER 1 Simone’s Message Reggio Inspired Natural Resources Here at Reddam our educational programme is underpinned by the Reggio Emilia philosophy. An important element of this approach is an emphasis upon the use of natural resources, which provides a rich variety of textures, expands thinking and promote wonder. In our classrooms you will not see tables piled high with toys or bright coloured plastic objects, instead our teachers set up intentional activities, which respond to our children‟s interests, using simple, natural elements which promote open ended discovery and curiosity. Presenting inviting and aesthetically pleasing activities is designed to capture and hold our children‟s interest and encourage them to explore materials in new and interesting ways. Whether it is painting with Rocks in Stage 1, Building Ants Nests in Stage 4 , Light discovery in the Nest or Creating coral reefs in Stage 2, each and every week our children are invited to explore the natural world and wonder at the possibility of discovery. Personalising our environment ensures that the individual needs and interests of our children is reflected in our physical learning environments. Rather than having an abundance of colour and clutter instead we purposely make our children‟s artworks and provocations the focus of attention. Our learning spaces are purposely designed to let in light, promote openness and transparency, that invites children to move across learning spaces and share ideas and spaces with others. Providing children with natural elements, loose parts and sensory experiences our children are not restricted by pre set limitations or usage, but instead can allow their imaginations to run wild! In their free play children are constantly finding new ways to use materials, from inventing a flower petal potion, building a wooden castle or cooking in a mud kitchen the children are constantly experimenting and exploring the world around them. Connecting with nature is increasingly more important for our children who are growing up surrounded by mobile phones, ipads and computers. Studying a seed and watching as it grows, watching as a fish blows bubbles or a rainbow form in the sky offers special connections, respect and knowledge of the natural world. Our chlldren delight in collecting found objects such as leaves, feathers, driftwood or shells and then sorting, grouping , classifying and exploring their elements. It is these authentic elements that capture and hold our children‟s imaginations and allow them to test theories and relish in investigation. 23RD FEBRUARY 2018 23RD FEBRUARY 2018

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Page 1: Simone’s Message · Stage 4 , Light discovery in the Nest or Creating coral reefs in Stage 2, each and every week our children are invited to explore the natural world and wonder


Simone’s Message Reggio Inspired Natural Resources

Here at Reddam our educational programme is underpinned by the Reggio Emilia philosophy. An

important element of this approach is an emphasis upon the use of natural resources, which provides a

rich variety of textures, expands thinking and promote wonder.

In our classrooms you will not see tables piled high with toys or bright coloured plastic objects, instead our

teachers set up intentional activities, which respond to our children‟s interests, using simple, natural

elements which promote open ended discovery and curiosity. Presenting inviting and aesthetically

pleasing activities is designed to capture and hold our children‟s interest and encourage them to explore

materials in new and interesting ways. Whether it is painting with Rocks in Stage 1, Building Ants Nests in

Stage 4 , Light discovery in the Nest or Creating coral reefs in Stage 2, each and every week our children

are invited to explore the natural world and wonder at the possibility of discovery.

Personalising our environment ensures that the individual needs and interests of our children is reflected in

our physical learning environments. Rather than having an abundance of colour and clutter instead we

purposely make our children‟s artworks and provocations the focus of attention. Our learning spaces are

purposely designed to let in light, promote openness and transparency, that invites children to move

across learning spaces and share ideas and spaces with others.

Providing children with natural elements, loose parts and sensory experiences our children are not

restricted by pre set limitations or usage, but instead can allow their imaginations to run wild! In their free

play children are constantly finding new ways to use materials, from inventing a flower petal potion,

building a wooden castle or cooking in a mud kitchen the children are constantly experimenting and

exploring the world around them.

Connecting with nature is increasingly more important for our children who are growing up surrounded by

mobile phones, ipads and computers. Studying a seed and watching as it grows, watching as a fish blows

bubbles or a rainbow form in the sky offers special connections, respect and knowledge of the natural

world. Our chlldren delight in collecting found objects such as leaves, feathers, driftwood or shells and then

sorting, grouping , classifying and exploring their elements. It is these authentic elements that capture and

hold our children‟s imaginations and allow them to test theories and relish in investigation.



Page 2: Simone’s Message · Stage 4 , Light discovery in the Nest or Creating coral reefs in Stage 2, each and every week our children are invited to explore the natural world and wonder


Reflection with Light – Disco Ball

Disco balls and light is the subject of experiment this week! The Nest children learned how light reflect off

an object. The children used their senses - sight and touch to investigate why light reflects off the disco


All the children were encouraged to gather around the light table with their teachers to share in the

experience .The teachers explained to the children how light would reflect from each disco ball. As the

light table to produced light that would shine outward and the movement of the balls would pick up on

the light while in motion, which would result in a light reflection off the disco balls outer mirrors.

The teachers demonstrated this by rolling the balls across the light table to show the children effect of

movement and light work in conjunction of each other.

The light shining from the balls really caught the children‟s attention. It really prompted the children to

want to try to problem solve, and to show inquiry and research the subject. This enabled them to fully

understand what was happing in front of them.

The children really embraced experimented with the Disco balls and had a “ball of a time, at the same

time!” with lots of smiles and facial expression and even little peoples vocal expressions! Just to get more

turns with the disco balls. They really enjoyed rolling the balls across the light table towards each other and

showed that they can wait to take turns.

The children also demonstrated how they can respect each other within a group and be engaging and

enthusiastic learners. They showed how well they can use their fine and gross motor skills in this week‟s

lesson by picking up the balls and using a full range of arm movement to roll the balls.

The Nest children are becoming and really have a sense of belonging within the class.

Great effort Nest children!

Stage 1 - The Nests By Mrs Amanda Felton

Page 3: Simone’s Message · Stage 4 , Light discovery in the Nest or Creating coral reefs in Stage 2, each and every week our children are invited to explore the natural world and wonder


Stage 1 - The Nest

Page 4: Simone’s Message · Stage 4 , Light discovery in the Nest or Creating coral reefs in Stage 2, each and every week our children are invited to explore the natural world and wonder


What Do You Feel?

When children are young, it‟s essential for them to explore their sense of touch. The act of touching

stimulates senses with muscles and joints, sending messages back and forth from the skin to the brain.

Each time your child touches something the brain receives a message and makes a decision. This

week we have provided opportunities in the morning for everyone to feel and explore our textures

table, it has a variety of different materials covered all over it for the children to touch and compare

what is smooth, soft, furry or rough.

We continued our experience of feeling different textures into some interesting artwork. This time the

texture wasn‟t rough, soft or fluffy, The Hatchlings explored the feeling of something very cold and

wet, it was ice! It was lots of fun observing how some children were very intrigued by the square

block in front of them and dove straight in to pick it up, while others were very cautious in their

approach and touched it with the tip of their finger. The ice was slipping through their fingers and

sliding everywhere on the page. Some of the children even repeated their teacher and said “cold”

beginning to develop their expressive language skills and learn the meaning behind what they feel.

The children‟s art looks so incredible with the mix of ice colours blended together, what a fun way to

develop our sense of touch!

In addition, This week the Hatchlings have been exploring something that we also feel but cannot

touch. Our emotions. Emotions are expressed when children play, move, scream, dance, or use their

words. While they don‟t always have control over how emotions are expressed they can begin to

develop to learn what feelings and emotions are and understand how and why they happen and to

recognise effective ways of managing them. We have been learning this during group time and

have sung „If You‟re Happy and You Know it‟, recognising our different facial expressions matched

with the emotion, flash cards and reading our book of the week „I Need a Hug‟. This is such great

story about and spikey echidna who is very sad because no one will give him a hug, he goes on a

journey to find someone else who is also reaching out for comfort and gets his hug having a very

happy ending.

We have had such a busy, happy week and all of The Hatchlings are developing more and more

confidence and demonstrating their willingness to be more independent. This shows how well our

children are already beginning to self regulate and understand what we feel in the world around us!

Well done everyone, have a beautiful weekend.

Stage 1 - Hatchlings By Miss Hannah Wallace

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Stage 1 - Hatchlings

Page 6: Simone’s Message · Stage 4 , Light discovery in the Nest or Creating coral reefs in Stage 2, each and every week our children are invited to explore the natural world and wonder


Relationships and belonging

To have a sense of belonging is to understand where and with whom you belong. Relationships are crucial to this

sense of belonging and learning.

Children belong from the time they are born: to their families, to their culture, to communities and their heritage.

Families are children's first and foremost educators.

As children grow and participate in all that surrounds them they develop their own interests and construct their own

understandings of the world and develop their sense of being and becoming.

(Early Years Learning Framework, 2009)

From birth, children develop a sense of who they are. Relationships with family members, other adults and

children, friends and members of their community play a key role in building their identities. Their

characteristics, their behaviour, and their understanding of themselves, their family and others shape

children‟s sense of who they are. Belonging is about having a secure relationship with or a connection with

a particular group of people.

When children feel a sense of belonging and sense of pride in their families,

their peers, and their communities, they can be emotionally strong, self-assured, and able to deal with

challenges and difficulties. This creates an important foundation for their learning and development.

The Fledglings this week were involved in activities related to sense of belonging to their families, friends

and the school.

We created a family sensory bin where the children were asked to find their family photos, which were

hidden under lots and lots of seeds. This activity not only gave the children the chance to talk about the

families also offered a sensory experience. They loved feeling the different textures of the different grains

through their fingers.

The children confidence in their surroundings and ability to make friendships easily contributed to their

sense of belonging in Stage 1. During the first few weeks they showed many dispositions for learning,

persistence, patience, sense of fairness and curiosity in their surroundings. It is these dispositions that

contribute to lifelong learning.

We also made this week a friendship wrath. The children loved painting on their own hands to make the

handprints for the wrath. They were offered different options of colours to get their hands painted and they

were very determined to use a specific colours.

Christian said “Orange” and

William M. said “blue Gabby”

At Reddam we build nurturing relationships that support children to feel valued as competent and

capable individuals. These relationships support children to feel connected and become confident

communicators and learners.

Stage 1 - Fledglings By Miss Gabriela Guimaraes

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Stage 1 - Fledglings

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Stage 1 - Fledglings

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Rocks, rocks and more rocks!

While observing the children playing at our construction corner I noticed that they paid particular attention

to the rocks displayed. Often I found them holding the rocks, clashing them together to make sounds,

dropping them onto the carpet and the concrete floor to test the difference between the two surfaces.

As educators guided by the Reggio Emilia approach our job is to pay close attention to our children

interests and to support its further exploration. So the first step we took towards our rock exploration was to

extend on this interest by using marbles to create beautiful paintings. At the table, we displayed different

shades of paint colours, rocks, paper and a plastic tub. The children picked their favourite three colours

and used the marbles to spread the paint onto the paper, making movements while holding the tub and

creating beautiful patterns. This activity not only supported colour recognition and the creation of patterns,

it was also a great eye-hand coordination activity as the children had to move the tub to create patterns

and as well supported the development of their vocabulary.

In the room, we had on our sensory table an activity consisting of natural play dough, popsicle sticks and

rocks. Some children happily manipulated the dough, using sticks as construction tools. Others used the

rocks to create patterns on the dough, making snakes, houses and even a rock sandwich!

On the exploration table, the children used rocks to learn balance, and how to try with different shapes

and sizes in order to build a tower. It taught them not only they could use rocks to build towers but it also

showed them perseverance and to keep trying in order to get to an outcome.

As I have mentioned in my last newsletters we here at Reddam ELS use natural resources in most of our

activities. For children to explore and to further develop their interests and skills. They don‟t need expensive

toys. Just a walk in the park provides children with vital life lessons. So we displayed a scale and three

bowls: one with rocks, the other with corks and another one with rosemary leaves. I stepped back and

watched how the children were exploring these resources and I was amazed by what they were doing.

Some children immediately used the scale and the given resources checking its weight, while others

started to line up the corks and count them. Some were even interested in the rosemary leaves, its smell

and pretty flowers.

We cannot wait for our explorations next week! The children‟s beautiful artworks are displayed in the room

and I invite you to come inside and have a look, as it represents your child‟s creativity, imagination and

sense of agency. I hope you all have a great weekend with your beautiful children.

Stage 2: Chicks By Miss Michele Santos

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Stage 2: Chicks

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Stage 2: Chicks

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Stage 2 - Sparrows & Finches By Ms Eva Lo, Ms Milly Reeves & Ms Natalie

Painting the Ocean and Coral Reef Experimentation

Lets work together!! This week the children were encouraged to do a group project. The Children

are leaning how to work together and communicate which is an important part of personal

development at this age. During the group project, the children have the chance to talk,

communicate and express their feelings or opinions with each other and work towards a

common goal. Conducting team work activities that emphasise cooperation and collaboration

this week we have completed two big projects together. The first being “Painting the Ocean

Blue” on a big cloth and the other being a “Coral Reef Science Experiment”.

We were so lucky last week to have Lilly‟s mother from the Sparrows class, Jacquie , share a story

book about Peppa and his family visiting The Great Barrier Reef. Jacquie showed us how Peppa

pig travelled with the submarine and found all the seashells, fish, treasures and of course the

beautiful coral on the reef! We carried out a fun science experiment as an extended activities to

this discussion and also shared a beautiful book to introduce the colourful coral reef in the

ocean. We set up an the science experiment as a group project, the children were encouraged

to sit together around the table to create their unique “Coral Reef” and book sharing.

We are having too much fun at school! We loved this magical "Coral" science project so much!

Science activities nurture children's intellectual curiosity, helping them acquire new ways of

asking questions and understanding more about the world. In this science activity, our Sparrows

and finches have explored the chemical reactions with baking soda and vinegar! We also

decided to add different water colours into the vinegar. When we added the coloured vinegar

onto a big tray of baking soda, a chemical "Eruption" has occurred and it turned into a beautiful

colourful coral like surface! The children were curious and amazed with the reaction and result!

Through their collaboration of working together the children‟s teamwork skills develop and

combine to create the coral reef. We are thrilled and excited to see our children getting so

involved in this science and they were all attracted by the colourful coral like result.

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Stage 2 - Sparrows

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Stage 2 - Finches

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Provocation: Sense of Self

3D visual representation of our homes

Using shaving foam as cement and cardboard pieces as walls, the Kookaburras built their own homes this

week. We each explored the idea of how a house would be built and the resources that we would need

to complete our own homes. A discussion of how many walls, windows and doors we each have in our

own homes was the inspiration for the provocation. We then explored a visual representation of many

homes and buildings and decided that we would like to replicate our own family dwelling. Providing the

children with an opportunity to visualise, hypothesise and create their own homes, helps with the feeling of

connectedness to the school and the learning environment. The Kookaburras all assisted each other with

the construction of their houses and gave suggestions to each other as well as compliments on each

other‟s finished products.

Carolyn: “The house is small”

Charlotte: “I need lots of foam to make it big”

James: “This is the house that I can build like my one at home”

Jessica: “My house is like a sandwich”

Joel: “My house is big and big”

Leah: “My house has a flat roof”

Ryan: “House, my house”

Sebastian: “House”

Shelley: “It‟s a big house with door”

Taylor: “How can I do it?”

Teddy: “My house is like my one”

Wayne: “I make my house”

Family Photos

Thank you for all the family photos that have been bought in. The children really enjoy looking at each

other‟s photos and discussing different family dynamics. We have started discussing what our parents do

at their jobs and the different types of careers we want to know more about. Our dress up area has a

variety of different costumes such as, vet, police person, nurse and fire fighter, where the Kookaburras

have the opportunity to participate in role-play experiences with each other.

Stage 3 - Kookaburras By Ms Riina Andrew

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Stage 3 - Kookaburras

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Stage 3 - Lorikeets By Ms Emily Chacon

All About Me

„When children play with other children they create social groups, test out ideas, challenge each other‟s

thinking and build new understandings. Play provides a supportive environment where children can ask

questions, solve problems and engage in critical thinking.‟

Early Years Learning Framework – Practice.

This week we have been focusing on what each of our future may hold, jobs and occupations Through-

out the week we read „When I Grow Up‟ by Andrew Daddo. This book explored the different jobs and

occupations that the children could be when they grow up, but it also explains that it is important for chil-

dren to just be themselves. This book was linked into our provocation and put into play as dress ups were

put out.

When children are exploring the dramatic play area they are further developing many skills. This type of

play encourages interaction with others and allows for cooperation and possibilities for the children to

form friendships. The children build ideas off other children‟s language and knowledge of the world.

Children were given the chance to sit up in front of the class and tell everyone what they would like to


Michael – Fireman

Daniel – Policeman

Isabel – Elsa

Lyanna – Princess Jasmine

Stella – A Mummy

Isabelle – Doctor

Maverick – Football player

Chloe – Doctor

Steven – Policeman

Maro – Fireman

Emily – Scientist

Sienna – Wonder Woman

Sasha – A Mummy

Caleb – Policeman

Kate – Doctor

A big thank you to Isabelle for bringing in her doctors kit to share with her friends. All the children were

very excited to have a turn at dramatizing treating patients and making them feel better.

This was our last week of our provocation of „All About Me‟. Next week we are exploring Peter and the

Wolf, which is a symphonic fairy tale for children.

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Stage 3 - Lorikeets

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Stage 3 - Galahs By Ms Holly Lindsay

All About Me

As an extension from last weeks friendship week the Toucan class have been looking at families.

During this week we have read the children a range of stories that looks into and creates

discussion with the children around different families. The main activity that the children have

done this week is looked at their own family photo, they were then able to share this with the

class. The children received a black and white copy of their family the children were then able to

use a coloured wash to paint over it. The children then were able to cut shapes out of their family

photo using scissors. Starting to use scissors in preschool is an important part of developing fine

motor skills and control. Lauren then gave the children black card and they were able to put the

photo back together by gluing it down. The main message for this activity is to show children that

in families we are “together as one” throughout this activity the children were showing cognitive,

social, physical, language and emotional skills.

Here is a few things that were discussed: Jade: Look at me Mireia

Mireia: (laughing) you funny!

Jade: My mum is funny, look at her.

Mireia: My baby Anna (Mireia pointing to her sister)

Jack: Do you love your family?

Jade: I love my Mummy and Daddy

Mireia: Yes!

Jack: I love my mummy and daddy too. They love me.

Sophie: My Tom Tom (her brother) Is at big school now and he is my family too.

Jade: I don‟t have a brother just me, mummy and daddy

Following this conversation the children continued to talk with each other while participating in

the activity.

Moving forward, for the rest of the Term the Toucan class will be moving onto a new provocation.

We will be exploring emotions, respect, feelings and how to self regulate. This provocation has

come about as there are a few children who are still learning to control their emotions and

developing ways to deal with these. Because of this I feel it is highly appropriate that we explore

this area with the children. I feel it will encourage good social behaviours and give the children

skills that they can use in their day to day interactions with others. This week we have also

touched on some mindfulness with the children. Every group time the children have been doing

breathing and tension release techniques to relax their bodies. As a special treat to reinforce the

concepts of emotions next week we will be showing the movie “Inside Out” this movie gives

children a good representation of emotions and what happens when you are feeling the way

you are.

Holly and I will be working together on our Emotions provocation so that the Toucans and Galah

groups will rotate across activities. Holly will be including a literacy provocation with our children.

She has selected one book a week for the rest of the term and we are going to be exploring the

book and doing a range of activities related to that book ensuring we are covering all areas of

the curriculum and enhancing the children‟s literacy skills in a meaningful way.

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Stage 3 - Galahs

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All About Me!

As Teachers we have the amazing opportunity to watch children develop various interest and

skills. The role of the teacher then becomes to facilitate these skills and interests to let the child‟s

passion shine through.

Continuing our „All about me‟ provocation, the children began discussing what they wanted to

be when they grew up and what they needed to do to join this occupation. It was interesting to

see the children‟s connection with the outside world and their experiences with specific job

roles. The main focus was with people who help us such as doctors, firemen, policemen and

nurses and their role in saving peoples lives. It warms my heart that there are so many Penguins

that will be saving peoples lives, they are the true future world changers. They also had the

opportunity to role play some career paths in our new role play area. The children really got into

character, using the correct language and movements linked to their chosen career. As Dr.

Seuss once said “Oh the places you‟ll go” and those places are high Penguins!

We started a new creative project linked to our „All about me‟ provocation and that was

looking at our eyes, nose, ears, mouth and hair and how even though we all have them they

are all different. We focused on representing those differences. The children were excited to see

how their friends were drawing their noses and how it was different to theirs. The children‟s

drawings demonstrates how they identify their individual features and it becomes more evident

what part of their face is more significant to them- shaping their identity.

In the Penguins, we trust, support, help and love each other no matter how different we are.

Love is love and that is represented throughout the Penguins, Stage 3 classroom and Reddam


Stage 3 - Penguins By Ms Shazzy Amjadi

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Stage 3 - Penguins

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All About Me!

As an extension from last weeks friendship week the Toucan class have been looking at families.

During this week we have read the children a range of stories that looks into and creates

discussion with the children around different families. The main activity that the children have

done this week is looked at their own family photo, they were then able to share this with the

class. The children received a black and white copy of their family the children were then able

to use a coloured wash to paint over it. The children then were able to cut shapes out of their

family photo using scissors. Starting to use scissors in preschool is an important part of developing

fine motor skills and control. Lauren then gave the children black card and they were able to put

the photo back together by gluing it down. The main message for this activity is to show children

that in families we are “together as one” throughout this activity the children were showing

cognitive, social, physical, language and emotional skills.

Here is a few things that were discussed: Jade: Look at me Mireia

Mireia: (laughing) you funny!

Jade: My mum is funny, look at her.

Mireia: My baby Anna (Mireia pointing to her sister)

Jack: Do you love your family?

Jade: I love my Mummy and Daddy

Mireia: Yes!

Jack: I love my mummy and daddy too. They love me.

Sophie: My Tom Tom (her brother) Is at big school now and he is my family too.

Jade: I don‟t have a brother just me, mummy and daddy

Following this conversation the children continued to talk with each other while participating in

the activity.

Moving forward, for the rest of the Term the Toucan class will be moving onto a new

provocation. We will be exploring emotions, respect, feelings and how to self regulate. This

provocation has come about as there are a few children who are still learning to control their

emotions and developing ways to deal with these. Because of this I feel it is highly appropriate

that we explore this area with the children. I feel it will encourage good social behaviours and

give the children skills that they can use in their day to day interactions with others. This week we

have also touched on some mindfulness with the children. Every group time the children have

been doing breathing and tension release techniques to relax their bodies. As a special treat to

reinforce the concepts of emotions next week we will be showing the movie “Inside Out” this

movies gives children a good representation of emotions and what happens when you are

feeling the way you are.

Holly and I will be working together on our Emotions provocation so that the Toucans and Galah

groups will rotate across activities. Holly will be including a literacy provocation with our children.

She has selected one book a week for the rest of the term and we are going to be exploring the

book and doing a range of activities related to that book ensuring we are covering all areas of

the curriculum and enhancing the children‟s literacy skills in a meaningful way.

Stage 3 - Toucans By Ms Lauren Doughton

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Stage 3 - Toucans

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Stage 4 - Cockatoos By Ms Bernadette Casey

Scientific Discovery

There is a growing understanding and recognition of the power of children's early learning and

thinking. Scientific understanding is a particularly important domain in early childhood - it serves

to build a basis for future understanding and also builds important skills and attitudes towards

learning. With this in mind, the stage four teachers have loved presenting engaging and scien-

tific based learning spaces for the children. Children's natural curiosity and wonder for the world

around them is a great catalyst for learning and playing. As educators we aim to provide stimu-

lating and powerful provocations to allow children to learn and to foster this curiosity. This has

been achieved by extending the children's exposure to scientific tools and age appropriate re-

sources. This week saw an introduction of insects slides, the images were small and delicate and

children needed to access these resources with care. The slides generated lots of conversations

about the size and make up of insects. We spent groups times engaged in conversation, ques-

tioning and researching information about specific insects. One child posed the question –

“what are wings made out of?” together the children presented their ideas and it was evident

that they already knew so much about winged creatures – some suggested that insect wings

were made out of the same thing as fairy wings!

These questions and our line of thinking about wings carried over into the children‟s learning

spaces – the petals on the flowers became wings in the playdough and we had children pre-

tending to be butterflies as they floated about the room. Our artworks reflected the delicate na-

ture of insects as we used blow art to create shapes. By engaging in process art, the children

were able to revisit their art works throughout the week so that they could add to and adjust

their masterpieces.

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Stage 3 - Cockatoos

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The Ant Underworld

This week in Stage 4 we have been learning all about ants! We learnt some very interesting facts:

- Did you know that whilst a normal ant may only live for 90 days, the queen ant can live for up to 15


- Ants can also carry up to 10 times their own weight, which makes them VERY strong for their size.

- An ant communicates using their feelers - they touch other ants' feelers to pass on and collect


While we were learning about ants, we all worked together with the help of Ryan to build our own ant

house! It was quite tricky to put together but the children persisted and had the best time constructing it.

Part of building the house required us to do some research into what we should use inside the house for

the ants to tunnel through. We read that sand and soil would be the best, so the children collected this

from the playground. We mixed the sand and soil together in the ant house and added some water to

help keep the mixture together to prevent the tunnels from collapsing.

Once the house was built, it was time to collect the ants. Using the ant catchers that came with the

house, we filled them with sugar, put them in the garden and then, we waited. When we finished

afternoon tea we went to see what we had caught. There were ants everywhere! To keep the children

safe, Ryan and I closed up the ant catchers before showing the ants to the children. They were so

fascinated and couldn't wait to put them inside their new home.

Over the next few hours, the children were mesmerised with the ants and enjoyed watching them

discover their new surroundings. Some tunnels started to appear by the time the children went home and

by the next morning the ants had built a number of tunnels! We are going to catch some more to see if

they can keep building the tunnels that the previous ants started.

Stage 4 are thoroughly enjoying this science and discovery unit on insects. They are developing their skills

in observation, peer collaboration, communication and manipulating a wide range of tools such as

magnifying glasses, tweezers, water droppers, class jars, cell slides etc. Our aim with this provocation is to

combine useful information with deep and meaningful hands-on learning. This will further develop new

ways of questioning and provoke the wonder and excitement of children's naturally curious minds.

Stage 4 - Flamingos By Ms Amanda McDonald

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Stage 4 - Flamingos

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Mandarin By Miss Sherry Zhu

Last week, we successfully celebrated Chinese New Year. In the lessons, we shared the legends

of Chinese New Year and the Chinese year zodiac. Lots of students now know their year zodiac

and they are happy be to a goat or a monkey. Afterwards, the Stage 3 students coloured the

dog year card for 2018. The Stage 4 children were very excited to make a “福” with small pieces

of coloured paper. Observing their skills picking and pasting so many tiny pieces of paper, I saw

that most children are really good at matching colours and controlling finger muscle flexibly.

This week, we went back to language learning. As usual, we reviewed the routine questions:

greeting each other, repeating class rules and answering question about our feelings in Chi-

nese. After that, we had story time. This week we read a story about animals and after this we

learned about the Chinese year zodiac. We also read “the fifth” in Chinese. The second book is

a guessing book. This time, we read “whose wings” in Chinese. All of the students had the

chance to guess what animals they are in the different books.

Furthermore, the Stage 3 students continuously learn to count numbers in Chinese with colour-

ing numbers. The Stage 4 students have started to learn how to say “dog”, “rabbit” and “fish” in

Chinese. The game for this week is to go fishing. For students who can speak Chinese, this

week, they will start to learn a structure with “yes or not”.

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Drama By Miss Laura Hudson

The Nest/ Fledglings

The children will participate in teacher lead dance and drama activities involving props and music with the theme of being a

different person/animal and Storytelling

Skills learnt this week: Used their bodies to be animals, shapes and people

Expressed their thoughts and feelings through facial expressions

Following direction by watching and copying the teacher

Listening and responding to the teacher

Activities include: An array of pictures was this weeks starting point. The children arranged the pictures into an order.

The teacher and the children told a story using the pictures and the children made the sounds to accompany the story.

The pictures where then put into a bag, one child picked out a picture and a song was used to describe the picture. If they

picked a character out, they became this character (E.g. Dinosaur – the Wiggles, Romp a stomp Dorothy the Dinosaur song)

Simon says

Stage 2 & 3

Objectives: To make students aware that eating fruit and Vegetables is good for them, making them strong and helps them


Students used the drama technique of hot seating to advance/develop a piece of drama giving a detailed understanding

about the characters in the story and the meaning of their motives.

Skills learnt this week: Improvisation and creativity

Taking on the role of a superhero through a group improvisation

Working Together

Portraying facial expressions and body gestures

Hot Seating

Activities include: Discussion about Superhero‟s (including who our every day superhero‟s are)

TIR as a new superhero Miss Muscles

Game – Good guys and Bad guys

Using an object (wand) to pretend that it is a heavy weight

Molding Clay – Students mold each other into new a superhero. Giving them a Superhero name and super power

Students went on a Superhero adventure (the children made up the adventure deciding as a group who needed saving and

who the bad character was)

Advanced the drama by hot seating the characters from the adventure

Stage 3

Students will explore how we use emotions to show the audience what we are feeling. The children will also use their imagina-

tions to portray the seasons through drama through teacher led activities including TIR (teacher in Role)

Skills learnt this week: Portraying emotions

Used facial expressions and their body to create different shapes to convey different seasons

Listen and observe the teacher

Memory recall

Activities include: Discussed the seasons

Picture postcard

The parachute was used to grow like a tree (the children holding on and lifting it up together) then when it came down they

imagined the leaves were falling. The children then took it in turns to stamp on the leaves

Number emotions

Picture postcard (Winter/Summer)

The ribbons acted as kites, using the music (le‟s go and fly a kite) the children created shapes and did some improvisation

Stage 4 Objectives: The children will develop the skills they learnt in class last week. Focusing on storytelling through pictures

props and their imaginations

Skills learnt this week: Expressing Energy Following Direction Working as an ensemble Presenting a small piece of drama

Activities include:

Creating a piece of drama using key words

Camping adventure

Using props to create characters and advancing the drama by building a story from this

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Music By Miss Gabby

This week in class, the children repeated elements of their initial class, as the first class takes place as an

introduction to their teacher, as well as an introduction to the structure of music classes and activities that

they will build upon. For children, repetition is key, and this week many of the older children could sing

along to the songs we had stated one week earlier. In the younger classes, one or two children could be

heard singing their 'hello' song quietly to themselves, showing that they remember what is sung, and as

teachers it is important to follow up with repetition to consolidate their learning. From here forward, each

week will add-on another element, whether it is a new rhyme, a new song to clap the beat to or a new

song to jump around to and do actions with.

We sung our hello song, which includes waving hello, clapping our hands to the beat, co-ordinating our

singing with clapping (for the toddlers), and listening to the teacher sing hello (for the under 3's). In each

class, more and more of the children joined in - waving their hands, stamping their feet, and many of the

older children suggested actions that we could do in the welcoming/good morning part of the lesson. As

the children become more familiar with the songs and their teacher, they will develop their singing voices

and their confidence in suggesting ideas about actions for songs, while working as a little 'musician', which

involves any combination of singing, movement, memory and creativity.

This week, each class was given a colourful scarf, to put over their heads to become a spooky ghost, or in

the younger classes, acting like a jellyfish and doing actions to our song 'Aquarium' which is a beautiful

classical piece which often calms any of the under 2's who may be just getting used to music classes!

Many of the infants this week waved their hands, clapped and stamped their feet, and tried to speak with

their teacher - music really helps with language, and is a fantastic tool for developing language in chil-

dren, particularly in infants, so the infant's 'babbling' to their teacher was a really good sign that they are

enjoying their class, while developing language skills.

We used the scarves to have a picnic, and for the older classes, children were asked to suggest things to

bring to a picnic, which helps to develop their confidence in group contexts, and also sparks imagination.

We sung our pat-a-cake song, and when this was done with the younger children, many more of them

wanted a turn at this rhyme, which has hand actions. We also passed around a shaker for each member

of the group, and sung our 'Pitter-patter' rain song, which the older children love. We use props in our clas-

ses to develop fine motor skills, and shakers or bells are used as a means of teaching children to keep the

beat (or pulse) of a song, as they copy their teacher in shaking their instrument on each beat. The children

also sang songs about horses, and for the older classes, made animal sounds as a way of exploring our

voices. Every class loved the slide whistle, and some children copied the sound of the whistle, which is a

vocal warm-up called a 'siren'.

With the older children, they sang a song about 'no more pie' which involves a call and response, which

requires children to listen, and learn about a prominent feature of music, and develop their singing voices.

The children in the older groups absolutely love this song, and they asked for it again and again!

Each of our classes end with our goodbye song, and the children all get a stamp or a hi-5 for lis-

tening, singing and moving, while having fun in music.

Gabby Bloom

Dancearama Music Teacher

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Yoga By Ms Kelly Nance

Crawling back into the earth this week, the children revisited insect yoga. The children

became more familiar with the names of each, recalling many from the previous


During this yoga lesson, there was an opportunity to naturally include mathematical

thinking and exploration as well as scientific inquiring within the class as we observed

the features of insects. Children hypothesised about the number of legs insects had

and we counted them as we revealed a new insect pose. In some groups, we dis-

cussed the difference between spiders and insects as a number of children wondered

if spiders were within the insect family.

During quiet focus time, the children were each given a squishy bee balloon, a sensory

experience that is both enjoyable under the fingertips and strengthens fine motor mus-

cles. Afterwards, the children were shown how to play catch from their heads with the

squishy bee balloons by placing them on the top of their head in the middle, holding

their hands in front of their body in a catching position and then tilting their head for-

ward to send the bee balloon falling to the floor and perhaps into their hands. This

game is a safe way to explore frustration and perseverance as I model not being able

to catch the bee balloon and as group we discuss that it takes practice and patience

to gain a new skill and that we have to keep trying.

Love and Peace,
