simonton : history and record of the james and catherine


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Allen County Public LTbraty ^ ft. Wayne, Indiana

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The following is a summary gleaned from the minutes of the re¬ unions from 1912 to 1962, of the decendants of James and Catherine Ross Simbnton.

As the records of the first five reunions are either lost or mislaid, the following information is from memory and from the first history written by the Rev. A. McClain Simonton, a nephew of Janies and Catherine Simonton.

The idea for the first reunion originated at a family gathering in Zanesville, Indiana. The place selected was Swaidners Grove, Roanoke, Indiana, with Mrs. Elizabeth Simonton Campbell, as Pre¬ sident and Mrs. Myrtle Simonton Grim, Secretary. Forty-five relatives and friends were present for the basket dinner and business meeting on Thursday August 24, 1912. Richard H. Simonton, (8-7-1833 to 1914) only surviving brother of James Simonton, (9-27-1825 to 9-14-1888) Rev. A. M. Simonton (11-15-1842 to ? 1922); and Mrs. Katie Dempsey Hoyne, (2-14-1854 to 7-9-1916), a nephew and niece respectively, were present at this reunion. Their respective homes were, Williams¬ port, Indiana, Himrod, New York, and Dayton, Ohio.

The second reunion was held August 26, 1913 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Johnson, Daughter of Richard Simonton, at Williams¬ port, Indiana. Twenty five persons attended this reunion.

The third reunion was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, in Huntington County Indiana, five miles southeast of Roanoke, on August 27, 1914, with about thirty present.

The fourth reunion was August 26, 1915, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Strock, Roanoke, Indiana. About forty relatives and friends en¬ joyed a very pleasant day.

A small group gathered at the home of John S. Crabbs, Sr., two and one half miles east of Roanoke, Indiana, in August 1916. Rev. A. M.

Simonton of Himrod, N. Y., author of our first history, was an Honored guest at this fifth reunion. Edward Hoyne, Jr., Dayton, Ohio, wired noontide greetings to the group.

No more reunions were held until August 24, 1930, when forty-six relatives and friends gathered at the Charles Crabbs home, site of

the fifth or last preseeding reunion. Forty-three were present at the seventh reunion held at Water Works

Park, Huntington, Indiana, August 30, 1931. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Grim were hosts to the thirty-one present at the

eighth reunion, held in fifeekin Park, Muncie, Indiana, August 28, 1932 The ninth reunion was August, 27, 1933 at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

J. T. Ripley, on Posey Hill in Roanoke, near the site of the fourth reunion. Fortv-three were uresent for this event.

The tenth reunion was Sunday August 26, 1934 at the Charles Crabbs home with thirty-six present. Myrtle Grim w as appointed historian to compile records from 1916 to the present time.

The eleventh reunion was Sunday August 25, 1935 at Heekin Park in Muncie, Indiana. Thirty- five were present to e njoy this day.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schoeff were hosts to the twelfth reunion at Elmwood Park in Huntington, Indiana on Sunday August 23. 1936

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Thirteenth reunion was Sunday, August 26, 1937 at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller's, two and one half miles east of Huntington, Ind. Thirty-six were pesent. Myrtle Grim reported that new histories would be ready in a few weeks. The cost was one dollar each. A few copies are still on hand.

Forty-six were present at the fourteenth reunion held Sunday, Aug¬ ust 28, 1938 at Memorial Park, Huntington, Indiana.

The fifteenth reunion was Sunday, August 29, 1939 at this same park with forty present. Simonton relatives were present from Fort Ancient, Lebanon and Martinsville, Ohio, native ground of our an¬ cestors.

Sixteenth reunion was Sunday, August 25, 1940, at Fort Ancient, Ohio, with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. King, nee iLida Pearl Simonton, as

hosts, Twenty-six were present and joured the countryside o f our ancestors.

Seventeenth reunion was in August 1941 at Munsie, Indiana, with the Grim family as hosts. Only a small number were present due to

tire and gasoline rationing during World War II. Thirty were present on Sunday August, 30, 1942 for the eighteenth

reunion held at John Baker Park, Columbia City, Indiana. Due to World War II and the conditions following, our relatives did

not meet again until August 30, 1950. After this lapse of eight years they were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ripley, near East Gilead, Michigan. Thirty were present for the basket dinner and to renew friendships,

Sunday, August 29, 1954 the Simonton decendants met for the 20th. reunion at John Baker Park, Columbia City, Indiana, with twenty-one present.

For the twenty-first reunion, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Schoeff were hosts to 38 relatives at their home at Lake Wawasee in Koscius ko County Indiana, on Sunday, August 26, 1956. The secretary reported that the history was being brought up to date from 1937.

Sunday, August 25, 1957, forty-six relatives were present at the twenty-second reunion held at the J. T. Ripley home near East Gil¬ ead, Michigan. Marriages, births,deaths and illnesses among relat¬ ives were reported and a memorial for the deceased was read.

The twenty-third reunion was held Sunday, August 31, 1958 at John Baker Park in Columbia City, Indiana, with eighteen present. Several births were reported. It was voted to change the date for our reunion to the third Sunday in August instead of the last Sunday.

The twenty-fourth reunion was Sunday, August 16, 1959, at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Russell Miller, west cf Roanoke, Indiana. Forty re¬ latives were present to enjoy a bountiful dinner and the meeting which followed. Relatives from Tucson, Arizona were at this reunion. One death was reported.

Mrs. Dora Grim Vlaskamp, 1019 Washington St., Muncie, Indiana was hostess to nineteen relatives, Sunday August 21, 1960. Grace Ripley had prepared an interesting scrap-book from newspaper clip¬ pings and other sources as a foundation for completing the Simonton history. The four births reported were all decendants of Elizabeth Simonton Campbell, eldest daughter of James and Catherine Ross Simonton. One death reported. It was voted to change the date of fut¬ ure reunions to the third Sunday in July.

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The twenty-sixth reunion was held July, 16, 1961, at Memorial Park in Huntington. Thirty-eight were present in spite of a rain. One mar¬ riage and two births reported.

For religious reasons the first reunions were held on week days. Later were changed to Sundays due to labor conditions. With vaca¬ tions more prevalent in August the reunion date was changed to the third Sunday in July to secure a larger attendance.

In recent years your secretary has made a special effort to remem¬ ber Simonton relatives with GET-WELL, Sympathy, Congratulation Cards, etc; in an effort to bind family relationship more closely. If anv-one has been missed it was not done intentionally.

four secretary has compiled a list from 1937 to 1962 inclusive which notes eighteen deaths, twenty-four marriages, and fifty-six bir¬ ths. Some additions will be noted at Hier's Park on July 15, 1962 the place and date for the twenty-seventh reunion. As this will be fifty years since the first reunion was held in 1912, a special effort is being made to complete the history.

In summary a few notes we think of interest to all.

Average attendance at 26 reunions was 34.

The office of president was held as follows;

Myrtle Grim 9 years

J. T. Ripley 7 years

Dora Vlaskamp 3 years

Russell Miller 2 years

Francis Grim 2 years

Elizabeth Campbell 3 years

The Secretary-Treasurer;

Myrtle Grim 3 years

Carrie Crabbs 2 years

Mary Sparks 2 years

Vivian Hendrickson 3 years

Grace Ripley 16 years

Six reunions were held at or near Huntington, Indiana. Eight at or near Roanoke, Four at Muncie, Indiana, Three at Columbia City, Ind¬

iana, One in Ohio, One in Williamsport, Indiana, One at Lake Wawa- see, Indiana, and Two in Michigan.

Those attending the first reunion and still living are; Lela Simon¬ ton Smith; Carrie Crabbs; Ruth Simonton Dawson; Grace Campbell Ripley; Dora Grim Vlaskamp; Nellie Grim Beard; Francis Grim; Sam¬ uel H. Grim; Russell Miller; Cleo Miller Schoeff; and Herbert Miller. ' Of the children of James and Catharine Simonton, who were living and attended the reunion in 1912, the eldest, Elizabeth Campbell out¬ lived her brothers and sisters and passed away July 27, 1927. thirty- five years ago.

We hope something has been gained from the pleasant associations of these reunions and a priceless heritage to pass on to future gen¬ erations.

There have been fifty-eight marriages of James and Catharine Ross Simonton and their descendents from 1849 to 1962 inclusive.

Since the first Simonton historv was written bv Rev. A. McClain

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Simonton (11-15-1842) to (1922), at Hirarod, N. Y., and who traced oar ancestors as far back as the latter put of the seventeenth cen¬ tury, and the second part of the history was compiled by Mytle Grim, (9-22-1876 to 2-16-1957) Muncie, Indiana, continuing from 1916 to 1937, we have done much corresponding with relatives, also visited cemeteries to secure dates and other data leading up to the present

time. We are very grateful to the previous secretaries who have kept the historical records as the time passed by.

We shall endeavor to continue the history from 1937 to 1962 with some overlapping of the previous histories. Having gone back far¬ ther than the past twenty-five years into the archives in search of

facts we hope to add some items of interest not related in the pre¬ vious issues. As we intend to trace the genealogy of James and Catharine Ross Simonton we have gone back many years to follow their lineage.

We are told that sometime during the last half of the 17th century three brothers, William, James, and John Simonton came from Ireland to America. It is not known if they brought wives with them or they married American girls. It is thought on emigrated to the Carolinas, one toward the New England states and John located somewhere in New Jersey. His home was blessed with three sons and one daugh¬ ter , Richard, Cyrus, John, and Jane. It is not known if John Sr. ever left New Jersey, but his son Cyrus was born there and he and h is brother Richard later settled in Warren County, Ohio. John Jr. loca¬ ted on Banyon Creek near Loveland, Ohio. His family became a large and prosperous one.

Cyrus Simonton, (1794-1843) native of New Jersey married Elizabeth Lollar, (2-28-1796 to October, 1864), who was born near Lebanon, Ohio. She was of family of nine children. Cyrus and Elizabeth lo¬ cated permanently on a farm near Fort Ancient, Warren County, Ohio on a road leading from Lebanon to Wilmington midway between Clark¬ sville and Fort Ancient. Both were active in the Christian,(New Li¬ ght) church. He served in the War of 1812 as a light horseman. They were buried in the little cemetery at Bethany church four miles East of Lebanon. Cyrus and Elizabeth were the parents of sixteen child¬

ren; Rosana, no dates known; David (1-4-1816 to 6-6-1873); John, whose dates are (3-4-1818 to 6-11-1863); Phebe, (9-17-1817 to 8-29- 1844); Joseph, Mary, and Cyrus Jr. who all died in early childhood; Rachel and Eliza, died in young womanhood; Elizabeth and Sarah Jane, no dates of birth or death; James, (9-27-1825 to 9-14-1888); Martha, (11-1828 to 2-26-1872); Susan, (11-30-1832 to 2-28-1898); Rebecca, died a maid in 1882; Richard Harvey, (8-7-1853 to 1916);

We will first mention the eldest son, David. Clearing the land and preparing for the establishment of a home then meant a great deal

of hard work. He felled the first tree in the Fort and received meag¬ er wages for his labor, but he liked farming and followed it all of his life. He married Mary Gray,(1-15-1817 to 9-15-1884) on January 22, 1835. She was born near Lebanon, Ohio.

Alexander McClain Simonton, (11-15-1842 to 1922), second son of David and Marv Grav Simonton and author of our first Simonton his-

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tory was born near Middleboro, Warren County, Ohio. He was a school teacher for six years, and a Baptist minister for fifty-two years or over, serving pastorates in Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, and New York States. On May 18, 1865 he married Cyrena S. Jackson, (7-13-1841 to 12-15-1872), who was born near Level Station, Ohio. On April 25, 1877 he married Margaret West, (6-18-1856 to ----- -), near Martin¬ sville, Ohio. They were the parents of three daughters, Luna Pearl, (1-15-1878 to 7-1-1913); Myrtle Burdella, (11-6-1881 to - - - - ); and Elizabeth Irene, (7-27-1889 to - - - - ). All held to the Baptist faith.

The foregoing leads up to the< James Simonton, (9-27-1825 to 1888. James, the son of Cyrus and Elizabeth Lollar Simonton was born near Fort Ancient, in Washington Township, Warren County, Ohio. On Dec¬ ember 16th, 1849 he married Catharine Ross, (2-29-1832 to 6-10-1905) daughter of Isaiah and Mary Ross, who was born near Lebanon, Ohio. James and Catharine lived near Lebanon, Ohio until 1866 when the family moved to a farm in Lafayette Township, Allen County, Indiana about three miles east of Roanoke, to make a permanent home. The first house was of logs, built sometime prior to 1866. Later a larger house and a barn were erected to accommodate the size of the fam¬ ily and increased farming interests. These buildings still stand on the farm. Their children were, Mary Elizabeth, (12-7-1851 to 7-27-1927 William R., (11-17-1853 to 3-21-1896); Rebecca Melissa, (4-10-1857 to 9-24-1922); Susan, (6-15-1860 to 1-5-1923); Frank, (5-11-1862 to 10-29-1920).

Harrv. (8-23-1864 to February, 1915); all born near Lebanon, Ohio; and Fred, born at the new homestead in Lafayette Township, Allen County, Indiana on November 1, 1867, died in Markle, Indiana Octo¬ ber 13, 1917.

The foregoing leads up to the lineage charts and family records prepared by Grace Ripley and Carrie Crabbs.

FAMILY RECORD James and Catharine Ross Simonton

Father, James Simonton, born September 27, 1825, near Lebanon, Warren County, Ohio. Moved to Lafayette Township, Allen County Indiana in 1866, farmer. Active member of Zanesville, Indiana Church of God twenty years, I. 0, 0. F., F. & A. M., whose members held last funeral rites at Bib death. September 14, 1888. Burial in Hav- erstock cemetery, Zanesville, Indiana. He was the son of Cyrus &

Elizabeth Lollar Simonton, Warren County, Ohio. Mother, Catharine Ross, born February 29, 1832 to Isaiah and Mary

Ross, near Lebanon, Ohio. Married December 16, 1849 to James Simonton, Warren County, Ohio. Member Zanesville Church of God thirty-six years, died June 10, 1905, buried in Haverstock cemetery Zanesville, Indiana.


1. Mary Elizabeth Simonton, 12-7-1851 - 7-27-1927 2-2-1873

married John Lebbeus Campbell, 4-2-1847 - 2-23-1917

2. William R. Simonton, 11-17-1853 - 3-21-1896 10-18-1885

married Eletta Hayes, 4-9-1860 - 2-23-1949

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3. Rebecca Melissa Simonton, 4-10-1856 - 9-24-1922 7-4-1881

married Isaiah Reddin, • 1885 or 86 married Zachriah Strock, 12-19-1848 - 9-19-1929 3-21-1898

4* Susan Simonton, 6-15-1860 - 1-5-1923

10-12-1884 married John Sumner Crabbs, 8-29-1855 - 11-12-1921

5. Frank Simonton, 5-11-1862 - 10-19-1920 married Florence M. Weaver, 3-25-1864 - 4-8-1948

6. Harry Simonton, 8-23-1864 - February, 1915 Bachelor

7. Fred Simonton, 11-1-1867 - 10-13-1917

12-13-1888 married Sarah E. Hoopingarner, 1-15-1870 - 4-28-1943

James and Catharine Simonton made a home for two sisters, Sus¬ an and Rebecca Simonton, also a granddaughter. Myrtle Simonton, and nephew John Simonton, son of Sarah Jane Simonton.

Eietta Hayes Simonton, 1860 - 1949

married Henry Van Hoozen, 9-21-1857 - 2-23-1957 1-4-1900

FAMILY RECORD John and Elizabeth Simonton - Campbell

Father, John Lebbeus Campbell born April 2, 1847, to Artis and Nancy Branstrator Campbell. Resided Union Township, Huntington County, Indiana, farmer. Member of Church of God, Union Township Huntington County, Indiana. Died, February 23, 1917, on farm he'd lived on for over forty-four years.

Mother, Mary Elizabeth Simonton, born December 7, 1851, near Le¬ banon, Ohio. Moved with family to Lafayette Township, Allen Coun¬ ty, Indiana in 1866, where she taught school four years prior to mar- »iage, February 2, 1873. Resided in Union Township, Huntington County 1873 to 1922, then in Roanoke, Indiana five years. She was

a faithful member of Church of God, Union Township, where she tau¬ ght a Sunday School class of boys and held many church offices. She organized the Women s Missionary Society of the church and was pres-» ident for many years. Died July 28, 1927, at daughter's home, Mrs. J* T. Ripley, Roanoke, Indiana. Father and Mother buried in Union Church Cemetery, Union Township, Huntington County, Indiana.


1. Infant daughter, 10-26-1874 - 10-29-1874

Indiana ^ones~CamPbe11 Cemetery, Union Township, Huntington County,

2. Pliny Dale Campbell, 12-15-1878 - 9-6-1879. Brain fever. burial, Jones-Campbell Cemetery, Union Township, Huntington County,

fnd^°ra Campbell, 6-19-1882, Union Township, Huntington County,

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Married at home place, 2-10-1901 Union Township, Huntington County,

Indiana. To George W. Miller, 12-20-1876, Union Township, Huntington County, Indiana. Nora died 5-6-1921, Jackson Township, buried Union Church Cemetery. George died 11-26-1957, Roanoke, Indiana, buried Union Church Cemetery.

4. Grace Campbell,, 1-2-1891, Union Township, Huntington County, Indiana. Married at home place, 8-15-1915 Union Township, Huntington County, Indiana. To John Thomas Ripley, 10-17-1893, Huntington, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD George W. and Nora C. Campbell-Miller

Father, George W. Miller, born December 20, 1876, Union Town¬ ship, Huntington County, Indiana to Henry Miller, born 1847, died 1926 (born in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, to John and Mollie Mil¬ ler) and Catherine Kocher Miller. Farmer residing in Huntington and

Whitley Counties. Indiana. Died November 26. 1957, Roanoke. Ind¬ iana. Burial in Union Church Cemetery, Un ion Township, Huntington County, Indiana.

Mother, Nora C. Campbell, born June 19, 1882, Union Township,

Huntington County, Indiana. Education received in elementary scho¬

ols. Married February 10, 1901 at parents home. Union Township, by Reverand B. D. Eden, (.Lurch of God pastor; followed by a din¬ ner served by the bride's parents to about fifteen guests. George and Nora, members of Union Church of God and buried in nearby ceme¬ tery, lived twenty years together. Died May 6, 1921, Jackson Town¬ ship, Huntington County, Indiana.


1. Lewis Russell Miller, born February 24, 1902, Union Township, Huntington County, Indiana. married Irene Etta Elzroth, born January 15, 1906, Union Township, Huntington County, Indiana.

2. Cleo Boneta Miller, born December 1, 1905, Union Township,, Huntington County, Indiana. married Wm. Elmer Schoeff, born May, 1902, Jackson Township, Huntington County, Indiana.

3. Herbert Orville Miller, born March 11, 1912, Union Township, Huntington County, Indiana. married Thyra Williams, bom July 15, 1916, Huntington County, Indiana.

4. Vivian Elizabeth Miller, born January 18, 1915, Union Township, Huntington County, Indiana.

married Robert Hendrickson, born July 9, 1912, Smith Township, Whitley County, Indiana.

June 27, 1924, George W. Miller (12-20-1876), Jackson Township, Huntington County, Indiana and Daisy Anna Dinius (8-24-1876), dau-

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ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Dinius, Jackson Township were married at the United Brethren Parsonage, Huntington, Indiana. They lived together nineteen years, later residing in Washington Township, Whi¬ tley County, Indiana, where she died August 24, 1943; burial in Luth¬ eran Cemetery, Jackson Township, Huntington County, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD Lewis Russell and Irene Elzroth Miller

Father, Lewis Russell Miller, son of George and Nora Campbell Miller, born February 24, 1902 on the same farm his mother was born, a part of the Artis Campbell farm in Union Township, Huntington Cou- nty, Indiana. Resided in Union and Jackson Townships prior to mar¬ riage January 26, 1924 in Huntington, Indiana to Irene Etta Elzroth, daughter of Elmer and Mary Pearl Elzroth Creviston, Union Town¬ ship, Huntington County, Indiana. Both were employed as factory workers and farmers in Huntington County, Indiana.

Mother, Irene Etta Elzroth, born January 15, 1906. Residence in Huntington, Indiana since January, 1962 at 1243 First Street.


1. Betty Jean Miller, born August 25, 1924, Huntington, Indiana, married Charles R. Brown, born August 4, 1922.

2. Wilma Ilene Miller, born May 1, 1928; Huntington County, Indiana.

Indian*^1 LeWiS Mill*r' born Noveraber 29» 1929» Huntington County,

married Virginia Lea Brandenburg, born September 15, 1931, North Manchester, Indiana.

Ind^ana^ D°riS Miller’ born SePtember 19, 1932, Huntington County,

married D. Richard Williams, born October 26, 1929, near Roanoke Huntington County, Indiana. ,

5. Shirley Rose Miller, born March 21, 1935, Huntington County, Indiana, married Charles Didion, born July 11, 1935, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

„ FAMILY RECORD Charles R. and Betty Jean Miller Brown

onA nkeT’ [el R?s®we11 Brown» born August 4, 1922, to Rosswell and Rose Kahlenbeck Brown, in Huntington, Indiana. Received early education in that city. Served in U.S.A.A.F. from November 13, 1942

71 19«V. Par{ of tbat time be was at Wright Brothers Air Meld, Dayton, Ohio. Later an employee of the Atomic Energy

Commission. Since July 17, 1951 at Hughes Aircraft Company, Tuc- soq, Arizona, being a design test engineer there. married August 25, 1942, Huntington, Indiana to Betty Jean Miller.

Mother, Betty Jean Miller, born August 25, 1924 to Russell and Irene Elzroth Miller, Huntington, Indiana. A graduate of Huntington Township High School. Moved from Huntington, Indiana to Tucson, Arizona, March 1, 1946.

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1. Darlene Kay Brown, born July 27, 1943 in Huntington County, Indiana Graduate of Tucson, Arizona High School, 1961. Employed at Tucson's Medical Center as Nurse's Aid.

2. Lonna Jean Brown, bom July 29, 1946, Tucson, Arizona. Received education there.

3. Karen Irene Brown, born July 21, 1947 at Tucson, Arizona.

4. Sharon Ilene Brown, born July 21, 1947 at Tucson, Arizona. They are identical twins and receiving education in Tucson schools.

FAMILY RECORD Robert L. and Virginia L. Brandenberg Miller

Father, Robert Lewis Miller, born November 29, 1929 to Russell and Irene Elzroth Miller. Graduate of Washington Center School, Whi¬ tley County, Indiana. Filling station employee and farmer. Served in the United States Army from February 7, 1951 to January 20, 1953. P.F.C. and stationed in Soutlf Carolina, Texes, and six months in Germany. married April 23, 1955 to Virginia Lea Brandenberg.

Mother, Virginia Lea Brandenberg, born September 15, 1931 to Mr. and Mrs. David Brandenberg, North Manchester, Indiana.. Wedding in Congregational Christian Church, North Manchester with reception following. They are now residents of 1868 Dean Street, Huntington Indiana.


1. Brian Douglas Miller, bora January 27, 1956, Huntington, Indiana.

2. Brent David Miller, born August 20, 1959, Huntington, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD D. Richard and Norma Miller Williams

Father, D. Richard Williams, born October 26,-1929 to Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, Roanoke, Indiana. Graduate of Roanoke High School Employed as Insurance agent. Graduate of Huntington College, Hunt¬ ington, Indiana. Inducted October 5, 1950 and discharged October 4, 1953. Sgt. first Class. Stationed in military camps in Wisconsin, Kansas, Colorado, and Korea. mar Jed Norma Doris Miller June 24, 1955 in the Roanoke First Breth¬ ren Church.

Mother, Norma Doris Miller, bora September 19, 1932, daughter of Russell and Irene Miller. Graduate of Washington Center High School Roanoke Coil Factory employee. They now are residents of Fort Wayne, Indiana at 5022 Fernwood Avenue.


1. Pamela Sue Williams, born July 7, 1957, Huntington, Indiana.

2. Gregory Richard Williams, born September 17, 1959, Huntington, Indiana.

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FAMILY RECORD Charles and Shirley Miller Didion

Father, Charles Didion, born July 11, 1935 to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Didion, Fort Wayne, Indiana. A 1953 graduate of Fort Wayne Central

High School. Employee of Tokheim Corporation, Fort Wayne. Married July 28, 1956 to Shirley Rose Miller in St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Roanoke, Indiana. Member of National Guard.

Mother, Shirley Rose Miller, born March 21, 1935 to Russell and Irene Elzroth Miller, Huntington County, Indiana. Graduated from Washington Center High School, 1953. Also an employee of Tokheim Corporation, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Now residing at 4221 Bowser Ave¬ nue, Fort Wayne, Indiana.


1* Charles Casey Didion, born December 2, 1960, Fort Wayne, Ind¬ iana.

FAMILY RECORD W. E. and Cleo B. Miller Schoeff

William Elmer Schoeff, born May, 1902 to Mr. and Mrs. John Schoeff Sr., Jackson Township, Huntington County, Indiana. Factory emplo¬ yee, D-X gas and oil agent. Carpenter.

Married August 14, 1924 at home of Mr. and Mrs. Christy Schoeff, Jackson Township, to Cleo B. Miller, born December 1, 1905 to Geo¬ rge and Nora Campbell Miller. She was a factory employee of Coil Engineering Company, Roanoke, Indiana. Residing at Lake Wawasee Kosciusko County, Indiana. No children. Cleo was born at her par¬ ents farm home near Union Center High School, Huntington County, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD Herbert 0. and Thyra Williams Miller

Father, Herbert Orville Miller, born March 11, 1912 to George and Nora Campbell Miller at their farm home near Union Church, Union Township, Huntington County, Indiana. Educated in local schools, Employed as filling station attendant, later as an extensive farmer in Whitley County, Indiana. Married December 25, 1934 to Thyra Williams.

Mother, Thyra Williams, born July 15, 1916 to Errett and Edith Wil¬ liams, Huntington, Indiana. Educated in H untington County Scho¬ ols. Housewife. R. R. 1, South Whitley, Indiana.


1. Richard Lamoine Miller, born November 14, 1935, Huntington Cou¬ nty, Indiana. Married Judith Ann Wagner, born December 14, 1939, Logansport, Ind¬ iana.

2. Nancy Dianne Miller, born August 10, 1944 in Whitley County, Ind¬ iana. Married Kent Weeks, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Weeks, 205 Brown- wood Avenue, Columbia City, Indiana, September 22, 1962 in a dou-

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ble ring ceremony at the Washington Center E.U.B. Church, by the immediate families attended the wedding and were guests at a recep¬ tion following at the home of the bride's parents. The bride is emplo¬ yed at the Central Soya, Fort Wayne, Indiana and the groom enlisted in the U.S. Army and is stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Both are graduates of Columbia City Joint High School.

FAMILY RECORD Robert and Vivian E. Miller Hendrickson

Father, Robert Hendrickson, born July 9, 1912 to Elmer and Lulu Ruckman Hendrickson, Columbia City, Indiana. Received education there. An employee of General Electric Company, Fort Wayne, Ind¬ iana. Married April 6, 1934 to Vivian Elizabeth Miller.

Mother, Vivian Elizabeth Miller, born January 18, 1915 at farm ho¬ me near Union Church, Union Township, Huntington County, Indiana. Graduate of Washington Center High School, Whitley County. An em¬ ployee of Blue Bell Manufacturing Company, Columbia City, Indiana. Hesides on Indiana State Road 9, R.ft. 2, Columbia City, Indiana.


1. Judy Annette Hendrickson, born September 18, 1938, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Married August 3, 1957 to Calvin B. Heathman.

2. Herbert Kent Hendrickson, born September 5, 1944, Columbia City, Indiana. Educated in Whitley County Schools. Employee of Blue Bell Company, Columbia City, Indiana in 1962.

FAMILY RECORD Richard L. and Judith Wagner Miller

Father, Richard Lamoine Miller, born November 14, 1935 to Her¬ bert 0. and Thyra Williams Miller, Huntington County, Indiana. Grad¬ uate of Washington Center Schools, Whitley County. Inducted into Military Service March 3, 1958, with overseas duty in Germany from

September, 1958 to December, 1959 as Sp-4 Richard L. Miller. Re¬ leased from active service December 4, 1959, remaining on inactive status. Farming extensively. Married January 7, 1961 to Judith Ann Wagner in St. Benedict's Catholic Church, Highland Park, Detroit, Michigan.

Mother, Judith Ann Wagner, born December 14, 1939 to Richard John and Frances Wagner, Logansport, Indiana. Residing and em¬ ployed in Detroit, Michigan.


1. William David Miller, born November 30, 1961, Whitley County, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD Calvin B. and Judy Annette Hendrickson Heathman

Father, Calvin B. Heathman, born November 9, 1928 to Mr. and Mrs Milton Heathman, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Educated in Fort Wayne scho¬ ols. Employed Magnavox Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Reside in Columbia City, Indiana. He served in the U.S. Navy from February to August, 1946 at Oakland Naval Air Station. Oakland Citv, California.

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Also served in the U.S. Army from February, 1953 to August, 1954 in Japan. Married Judy Annette Hendrickson August 3, 1957 in Trinity Methodist Church, Columbia City, Indiana.

Mother, Judy Annette Hendrickson, born September 18, 1938, dau¬ ghter of Robert and Vivian Miller Hendrickson, Columbia City, Indi¬ ana. Graduate of Columbia City Higb School. Employed as secre¬ tary at Sun Ray Corporation, Columbia City, Indiana.

Judy's wedding dress was made by her mother. A reception at the home of the bride’s parents followed the wedding.


1. Rhonda Ann Heathman, born February 26, 1958, Columbia City, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD John Thomas and Grace Campbell Ripley

Father, John Thomas Ripley, born October 17, 1893 to John Oliver and Lucretia Ellen Mann Ripley, Huntington, Indiana. Resided 1893- 1903, Huntington, Indiana and attended schools there. 1904-1905 re¬ sided with parents, Shawnee, Oklahoma; 1906-1908 part time with grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Mann, Fort Wayne, Indiana. 1909-1922 resident of Union Township and graduate of Union Center High Scho¬ ol, 1913. Attended Indiana State Normal School, Terre Haute, Indiana two 12-week terms, 1913 and 1914. Taught Antioch Elementary scho¬ ol 1913, 1914, 1915, and 1916. 1922-1940 resided in Roanoke, Ind¬ iana, where he was Roanoke Creamery employee, clerk and sixteen years as a merchant of "Ripley's Grocery". 1940-1962 resided on an 80-acre farm in Branch County, Michigan where he was a farmer and Bronson Community school-bus driver eighteen years prior to retire¬ ment in 1960.

He became a member of Roanoke Lodge 195, F.& 4.M., 1928. Past Noble Grand Little River Lodge 275, I.O.O.F., Roanoke, Indiana. A Past Master of Star Lodge 2&, F.&A.M., Orland, Indiana. A Past Patron of three O.E.S. Chapters; Roanoke Chapter 62, Orland Chapter 361 and Ivy Leaf Chapter 22, Kinderhook, Michigan. He is presently a member of Greenleaf Lodge 349» F.&A.M., Kinderhook, Michigan. Also an active member of Siroc Chapter, 46, Royal Arch Masons, Bro¬ nson, Michigan. He is Past Hi^h Priest of that organization. Also a member of Mount Moriah Council 6, Royal and Select Masters, Cold- water, Michigan. Married August 15, 1915 by Rev. J. W. Primrose, Church of God minister, at home of bride, Grace Campbell. Here they resided due to infirmities of her parents.

Mother, Grace Campbell, born January 2, 1891 to John L. and M. Elizabeth Simonton Campbell, music teacher, seamstress, and house¬ wife. Resided in Union Township 1891-1922 and other places same as above. Graduate of Union Center High School, 1910. Sunday Sch¬ ool and church organist at Union Church, Huntington County, Indiana from about 1903-1915. Past Noble Grand of Roanoke Ridgely Rebe- kah Loid^e 246; Past Matron Roanoke Chapter O.E.S. 62 and Orland Chapter O.E.S. 361. At present time serving eleventh year as organ¬ ist of Ivy Leaf Chapter 22, O.E.S., Kinderhook, Michigan.


1. Mary Lucretia Ripley, born April 24, 1916, Union Township, Hunt¬ ing County, Indiana.

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Married Donald H. Sparks, born February 24, 1912, Rockcreek Town¬ ship.

2. Margaret Lois Ripley, born February 20, 1919, Union Township, Huntington County, Indiana. Married Clarence L. Schoeff, born December 12, 1911, Jackson Town¬ ship.

3. John W. Ripley, born October 29, 1921, Union Township, Hunting- ton County, Indiana.

4. Thomas Allan Ripley, born December 14, 1928, Roanoke, Indiana. Married Marilyn June Stough, born March 30, 1930, Branch County, Michigan.

5. Myron Lozelle Ripley, Sr., born March 23, 1931, Roanoke, Indiana. Married Patsy Allen, bom July 13, 1933, Ashland, Kentucky.

FAMILY RECORD Donald H. and Mary L. Ripley Sparks

Father, Donald H. Sparks, born February 24, 1912 to Joseph and Rosa Sparks, Rockcreek Township, Huntington County, Indiana. At¬ tended schools there. Farmer and cream route driver. Since 1935 has been an employee of the Rea Magnet Wire Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana, receiving a beautifully engraved wrist watch from the com¬ pany for twenty-five years outstanding service. Resides in Fort Way¬ ne's Northcrest addition at 609 North Camden Drive. Married March 30, 1935 by Rev. D. C. Souder in Roanoke Methodist parsonage to Mary Lucretia Ripley.

Mother, Mary Lucretia Ripley, born April 24, 1916 to J. Thomas and Grace Campbell Ripley, Union Township, Huntington County, Indiana, in same house her mother was born. Attended Roanoke-Jacx- son Township school and graduated from there in 1934. Has been an employee of Wolf & Dessauer, Fort Wayne, Indiana twelve or fifteen years. Also a seamstress and housewife. Was active in scout work, was President of the Adams School P.T.A. two years and President of the Fort Wayne Central P.T.A. two years. Former member of Rex Arlington's H-'n Company Orchestra. Both are members of St. Paul's Methodist Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana.


1. Donald Larry Sparks, born February 23, 1936, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Married Gloria Lou Bohde, born April 2, 1936* Fort Wayne, Indiana.

2. Lois Dianne Sparks, born February 26, 1941, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Graduate of Fort Wayne Central High School, 1959, Participating in music and business. Graduate of International Business College, 1961. Presently employed at Magnavox Company, Fort Wayne, Ind¬ iana as Secretary to Assistant Treasurer.

3. Denis Lyn Sparks, born April 6, 1951, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Receiving elementary education in Northcrest Schools, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD Donald L. and Gloria L. Bohde Sparks

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Father, Donald Larry Sparks, born February 23, 1936 to Donald H. and Mary L. Ripley Sparks, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Graduate of Fort Wayne Central High School, 1954. Took an active part in school act¬ ivities and sports. Resides at 5013 Camden Drive, Fort Wayne, Ind¬ iana. Employed at Zollner Piston Works, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Mar- ied , July 23, 1954 by Rev. Schoenbolm in St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran parsonage, Fort Wayne, Indiana to Gloria Lou Bohde.

Mother, Gloria Lou Bohde, born April 2, 1936, daughter of Clarence and Bertha Rorbach Bohde, 4309 Hessen Cassel Road, Fort Wayne Indiana. Gloria was also a Central High School graduate in 1954. Their wedding attendants were Miss Jean McGurk and Bruce Kryder. They are Lutherans in religious faith.


1 . Pamela Jean Sparks, born November 28, 1954, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

2. Corey Bruce Sparks, born July 21, 1956, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

3. Gina Lynn Sparks, bom September 1, 1957, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

4. Joel Kent Sparks, born November 8, 1958, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

5. Kelly Ann Sparks, born April 27, 1960, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD Clarence L. and M. Lois Ripley Schoeff

Father, Clarence Leroy Schoeff, born December 12, 1911 to Mr. and Mrs. John Schoeff, Sr., Jackson Township, Huntington County, Ind¬ iana. Graduate of Roanoke High School in 1929, Farmer. Later em¬ ployed at Anaconda Wire Company, Marion, Indiana. From 1947 to 1957 he was employed at Essex Wire Company, Ligonier, Indiana. Now associated with Schoeff brothers at carpenter trade. Resides at Wawasee Lake, Kosciusko County, Indiana. Military service in U.S. Army, World War 11, 1944-45. Prisoner «of Germans overseas. Mar¬ ried March 23, 1940 by Rev. A. E. Habgood at Roanoke Methodist parsonage to Margaret Lois Ripley.

Mother, Margaret Lois Ripley, Dorn February 20, 1919, daughter of J. Thomas and Grace Campbell Ripley, Union Township, Huntington

County, Indiana in same house her mother was born. Attended Roa¬ noke Schools and graduated in 1937. An employee of Coil Engine¬ ering Company, Roanoke, ten years. When they moved to Wawasee Lake, Indiana. A student of piano and vocal music. Housewife and waitress at M.&M. Restaurant, North Webster, Indiana.


1. Jo Ellen Schoeff, born July 25, 1948, Goshen, Indiana hospital. Attends school in Syracuse, Indiana. An excellent student, partici¬ pating in 4-H Club work, sewing* cooking, boating, skiing, and swim¬ ming.

FAMILY RECORD John Warren and Berniece Van Atter Rogers Ripley

' '• . - • «*•'#-. •

Father, John Warren Ripley, born October 29, 1921 to John Thomas and Grace Campbell Ripley. Union Township, Huntington County.

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Indiana, in same house his mother and two sisters, Mary and Lois were born. Moved to Roanoke, Indiana with his parents Januarv 29. 1922. Educated there and a 1940 graduate of the Roanoke-Jackson Township High School. Was a Fort Wayne News-Sentinel paper car¬ rier in Roanoke, 1935-1940. Moved to Branch County, Michigan with parents in May, 1940. Employed as farm hand and later at H. A. Dou¬ glas Manufacturing Company, Bronson, Michigan. Inducted U.S.A.F. September 18, 1942 at Battle Creek, Michigan. During military train¬ ing attended Photography School at Lowery Field, Denver, Colorado in camera repair division. With eighth Air Force Command, Lawton, England about two years. Released from military service October, 1945. Married September 27, 1945 in Detroit, Michigan to Virginia Carpenter, born September 29, 1921 to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carpenter, Pontiac, Michigan. Employed and resided in Detroit near Ambassador Bridge, until May, 195o wnen they were divorced. No children born to them.

The following year John became acquainted with Berniece Marion Van Atter Rogers, born February 22, 1927 to George and Elizabeth Collins Van Atter,. Ashley, Michigan. Anril 29, 1947 she had married Andrew Rogers, born January 14, 1921 at Assyria Center, Michigan. They, Andrew and Berniece were the parents of Deborah Kay, born August 7, 1951, residing in Brighton, Michigan, being divorced in April, 1956.

John and Berniece were married May 25, 1957 at the VChapel In The Garden”, Angola, Indian by Rev. Swart. They lived in Detroit,' Michigan a few months, moving to Drayton Plains, Michigan, March, 1958 where they purchased a new home. John has adopted Deborah Kay. He is employed at Lasalle Tool and Machine Company, Warren, Michigan.


1. Deborah Kay Ripley, born August 7, 1951, Brighton, Michigan.

2. John Randolph Ripley, born August 12, 1958, Pontiac General Hos¬ pital, Pontiac, Michigan.

FAMILY RECORD Thomas Allan and Marilyn June Stough Ripley

Father, Thomas Allan Ripley, born December 14, 1928 to J. Tho¬ mas and Grace Campbell Ripley, Roanoke, Indiana. Attended elemen- tery school at Roanoke, Indiana, moving with parents to Branch Cou¬ nty, Michigan, May, 1940, where he attended Bronson High School, graduating in 1947. He attended International Business College. Fort Wayne, Indiana, graduating from the Professional Accounting department, November, 1949. His first employment was with the R.E. M.C., LaGrange, Indiana. Present employment is with the Petroleum Division of Farm Bureau, Lansing, Michigan. He was inducted into the Navy December, 1951, receiving medical discharge in 1953. Mar¬ ried June 27, 1948 by Rev. Victor Niles, Bronson M.E. Church at bri¬ de’s home to Meriflyn June Stough.

Mother, Marilyn June Stough, born March 30, 1930, daughter of Wm. Allen and Edna Russell Stough, Branch County, Michigan. Attended Bronson schools and graduated with class of 1947. A secretarial employee of L. A. Darling Company, Bronson, Michigan; Central Sova

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Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana; and Sturgis Posture Chair Company, Sturgis, Michigan. The family attends Central Methodist Church, La¬ nsing, Michigan and resides at 3410 Macon Avenue, Lansing, Mich¬ igan.


1. Kyle Kay Ripley, born November 26, 1952, Battle Creek, Michigan.

2. Jill Diane Ripley, born April 9, 1955, Lansing, Michigan.

3. Robert Allan Ripley, born September 16, 1959, Lansing, Michigan.

FAMILY RECORD Myron Lozelle and Patsy Ann Allen Ripley

Father, Myron Lozelle Ripley, born March 23, 1931 to J. Thomas and Grace Campbell Ripley, Roanoke, Indiana. Attended Roanoke elementary school, moving with his parents to Branch County, Mich¬ igan, May, 1940. Graduated from Bronson High School in 1949. Wo¬ rked as farm hand. Later worked as an apprentice bricklayer. Is now a journeyman bricklayer. Married July 13, 1949 by Rev. Allen E. Br¬ adley in a candlelight ceremony at Bronson Methodist Church. A re¬ ception for thirty guests followed the ceremony.

Mother, Patsy Ann Allen, born July 13, 1933 to Robert and Eve¬ lyn Riffle Allen, Ashland, Kentucky. She attended Coldwater and Bronson High Schools. Resided with her parents in Mount Cory, Ohio later moving to Findlay, Ohio. She is employed at a Super Market there.


1. Myron Lozelle Ripley, Jr., born April 29, 1950, Bluffton, Ohio hos¬ pital.

2. Craig Scott Ripley, born May 8, 1953, Bluffton, Ohio hospital.

3. Jennifer Ann Ripley, born September 11, 1954, Bluffton, Ohio hos¬ pital.

FAMILY RECORD William R. and Eletta Hayes Simonton

Father, William R. Simonton, born November 17, 1853 to James and Catharine Ross Simonton, near Lebanon, Ohio. Moved to Lafayette Township, Allen County, Indiana in 1866. Received his early educa¬ tion in the public schools, taught school a short time, later was a farmer residing in Aboite Townsnip, Allen County, Indiana. Died Ma¬ rch 21, 1896 at age 42, burial in Haverstock Cemetary, Zanesville, Indiana. Married October 8, 1885, Allen County, Indiana to Eletta Hayes.

Mother, Eletta Hayes, born April 9, 1860 to Daniel and Priscilla Hayes in Ohio and came to Roanoke, Indiana community at an early age. A member of the Aboite Christian Church, Ladies Aid Society of the church, a charter member of the B.Z.B. Home Economics Club of Aboite Township, Allen County, Indiana. Died February 23, 1949, age 88 years. Burial in Glenwood I.O.O.F. Cemetary, Roanoke, Ind¬ iana.

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1. Frank Purcell Simonton, born January 31, 1892, Aboite Township, Allen County, Indiana. Married March 25, 1911, Columbia City, Indiana to Anna Margaret Pf 1- ueger, born December 12, 1891, Van Wert County, Ohio.

Eletta Hayes Simonton, born April 9, 1860 was married January 4, 1900 to Henry Van Hoozen, born September 21, 1857 to Nathaniel and Sarah Van Hoozen, Aboite Township, Allen County, Indiana. Mr. Van Hoozen lived his entire life on the farm where he was born. He died February 17, 1957 at age 99 years. Burial Glenwood I.O.O.F. Cemet¬ ery, Roanoke, Indiana. They were blessed with two sons, Cliffton and Doris Van Hoozen, Aboite Township, Allen County, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD Frank Purcell and Anna M. Pflueger Simonton

Father, Frank Purcel Simonton, born January 31, 1892 to William R. and Eletta Hayes Simonton, Aboite Township, Allen County, Indiana. Employed as a day laborer near his home. A resident of Aboite To¬ wnship nearly all his life, died June 13, 1929, with burial in Haver- stock Cemetery, Zanesville, Indiana. Married March 25, 1911 at Col¬ umbia City, Indiana to Anna Margaret Pflueger.

Mother, Anna Margaret Pflueger, born December 12, 1891, Van Wert County, Ohio. A resident and employed in Fort Wayne, Indiana for about 24 years after her husband’s death. Died August 31, 1953 at the Allen County Hospital after an illness of two years. Burial Pra¬ irie Grove Cemetery, near Waynedale, Indiana.


1. Iona Marie Simonton, born July 30, 1911, Aboite Township, Allen County, Indiana. Married Walter Esterline.

2. Ray M. Simonton, born December 29, 1912, Aboite Township, Allen County, Indiana. , Married Qlga Mervar, born August 1, 1914, Indianapolis, Indiana.

3. Dale W. Simonton, born June 13, 1919, Aboite Township, Allen County, Indiana. Married Dorothy Ann Novotny, born August 13, 1921, Rice Lake, Wis¬ consin.

• • FAMILY RECORD Walter and Iona Marie Simonton Esterline

\ - •

, Walter and Iona Marie Simonton Esterline, (born-July 30, 1911) we¬ re married July 17, 1933, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Resided at 1218 Ohio

Street some time and later were residents of the Tri-Lakes Area on R.R. 4, Columbia City, Indiana. Having no children of their own, they adopted Mariann Esterline, born February 6, 1945. October 2, 1959 Iona died in the Fort Wayne Luthern Hospital, with burial in Covington Memorial Gardens, Fort Wayne, Indiana. She was a member

of Grace Lutheran Church, Columbia City, Indiana. Survivors are

husband, Walter; daughter, Mariann; two brothers, Ray, Speedway.

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Indiana; and Dale, Mosinee, Wisconsin; and neices and nephews.

FAMILY RECORD Ray and Olga Mervar Simonton

Father, Ray M. Simonton, born December 29, 1912 to Frank Pur- cel and Anna M. Pflueger Simonton, Aboite Township, Allen County, Indiana. Employed in Allen County prior to enlisting in Military ser¬ vice December 19, 1935 at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana as private.

Served thirteen months of 1942 and 1943 in Iceland; to Italy in 1943; to France in 1944, returned to United States in 1944; having attained military rank of First Lieutenant. Married April 29, 1939 at Lawrence Indiana to Olga Mervar, b orn August 1, 1914, Indianapolis, Indiana. An employee of Shell Oil Company, Zionsville, Indiana many years.


1. Eletta Marie Simonton, born July 29, 1944. Graduated from high school in 1962.

2. Patty Simonton, born 1935, Indianapolis, Indiana. Married September, 1959 in Indianapolis, Indiana to Mr. Wonder and residing at Speedway, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD Dale and Dorothy Ann Novotny Simonton

Father, Dale Simonton, born June 13, 1919, Aboite Township, Al¬ len County, Indiana. Employed in Allen County prior to military ser¬ vice in World War 11. Enlisted September, 1940 in the U.S. Army, stationed in various camps in the United States, attaining rank of Sergeant. An employee making house cars, employed in 1962 at Bra¬ ndt Flooring Company. Resides in Mosinee, Wisconsin, R. R. 4.

Mother, Dorothy Ann Novotny, born August 13, 1921 to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Novotny, Rice Lake, Wisconsin. Married August 7, 1943 to Sergeant Dale W. Simonton at Post Chapel 2, Camp Shelby, Mississ¬ ippi by Father Oscar Cramer. Resided some time in Hattiesburg, Mississippi; after military discharge, in Wisconsin. A graduate of high school and business college. Rice Lake, Wisconsin. She was employed as cost clerk by Barnes Drill Company, Rockford, Illinois.


1. Dwight Alan Simonton, born August 10, 1944, Rice Lake, Wiscon¬ sin. Inducted U.S. Army, August 3, 1962.

2. Donald Dale Simonton, born July 1, 1949, Rice Lake, Wisconsin.

3. David Edward Simonton, born January 30, 1952, Rice Lake, Wis¬ consin.

4. Dianne Claire Simonton, born January 17, 1953, Rice Lake, Wis¬ consin.

5. Dawn Mariann Simonton, born September 18, 1954, Wausau, Wis¬ consin.

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6. Debra Ardis Simonton, born November 18, 1955* Wausau, Wiscon¬ sin.

7. Denise Iona Simonton, bcrn October 7, 1958, Marshfield, Wiscon¬ sin.

FAMILY RECORD Rebecca Malissa Simonton Dan Young Isaiah Reddin Zachriah Strock

Dan Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Young, Allen County, Ind¬ iana and Rebecca Malissa Simonton, born April 10, 1857 to James and Catharine Ross Simonton, near Lebanon, Ohio, wer e married about January, 1876 and resided at Myhart or Clabbertown, Lafayette Town¬ ship, Allen County, Indiana. Myrtle was born September 22, 1876.

The father deserted them and Melissa and Myrtle went to live with James and Catharine Simonton assuming the Simonton surname.

On July 4, 1881 Melissa married Isaiah Reddin, a farmer of Lafay¬ ette Township, Allen County, Indiana, where they resided. Ulla Red¬ din was born October 12, 1882 and died March 24, 1883 and buried in Zanesville Cemetery. Isaiah died later on.

On March 21, 1898 Malissa Reddin married Zachriah Strock, born December 19, 1848 to Benjamin and Martha Wallick Strock of Cosh¬ octon County. Ohio, He was a farmer and they resided on farms east and also south of Roanoke, later moving to Roanoke suburbs, where Malissa died September 24, 1922 with burial in Glenwood I.O.O.F. Cemetery, Roanoke, Indiana.

Z. T. Strock resided with his stepdaughter, Myrtle Grim, Muncie, Indiana from 1922 to his death, September 19, 1929. He was buried in Glenwood I.O.O.F. Cemetery, Roanoke, Indiana. He was also an employee of the Indiana Service Corporation out of Roanoke, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD Loyd and Myrtle Simonton Grim

Father, Loyd Grim, born February 24, 1871 to Samuel H. Grim and Rebecca Koontz Grim. Samuel Grim was a former Roanoke Postmas¬ ter. Rebecca Grim was a charter member of Roanoke Chapter 62, O.E.S. Loyd Grim was associated with an uncle, M. L. Dague in the flour milling business in Roanoke and Huntington, Indiana, also Springport, Indiana. Married August 31, 1895 to Myrtle Simonton.

Mother, Myrtle Simonton, born September 22, 1876, daughter of Re¬ becca Malissa Simonton, married at her home in Roanoke, Indiana on

Forth Street. Residents of Huntington and Roanoke , Indiana until 1900 when they moved to Springport, Indiana, then to Muncie, Indiana in 1913 and operated a grocery store at °00 West Eighth Street until 1938. The sons, Francis and Russell managed the grocery store un¬ til 19f>7. Loyd died July 17, 1938 and Myrtle, February 16, 1957, both buried in Elmridge Cemetery, Muncie, Indiana.


1. Russell Herbert Grim, born October 16, 1896> Huntington, Indiana. Resided with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Strock, Roanoke, Ind-

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iana from 1900 to 1922. Then to Muncie, Indiana at parent's home until his death, March 29, 1957. Burial beside his grandparents in Glenwood 1,0.0.F.Cemetery, Roanoke, Indiana. Bachelor.

2. Dora Naomi Grim, born February 22, 1898, Roanoke, Indiana. Married Arnold Vlaskamp, born August 4, 1897, Washington, Indiana. Died October 18, 1958.

3. Gaud S. Grim, born April 10, 1899, Roanoke, Indiana. Died May 15, 1957, Muncie, Indiana. Married Florence Black, born May 15, 1900, Muncie, Indiana. Died October 19, 1927.

4. George Francis Grim, born March 10, 1902, Springport, Indiana. Married Thelma B. Ellis, born November 30, 1905, Muncie, Indiana. Died December 25, 1957, Muncie, Indiana.

5. Nellie Beatrice Grim, born January 25, 1906, Springport, Indiana. Married Arthur Beard, born May 15, 1903, Economy, Indiana.

6. Samuel Harbaugh Grim, born August 3, 1907, Springport, Indiana. Married Cleona Weaver, born January 21, 1908, Anderson, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD Arnold and Dora Naomi Grim Vlaskamp

Father, Arnold Vlaskamp, born August 4, 1897 in Washington, Ind- iana to Thomas and Jennie Oesterhoff Vlaskamp, natives of Holland. Employed as telegraph operator in Muncie until about 1948 when his health failed. He died October 18, 1958 with burial in Elmridge Cem¬ etery, Muncie, Indiana. Married July 9, 1919 to Dora Naomi Grim.

Mother, Dora Naomi Grim, born February 22, 1898, daughter of Loyd and Myrtle Simonton Grim, residing in Muncie, Indiana. She attended school in Springport and Muncie, Indiana. While residing in Roanoke, Indiana witn her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Strock, she was em¬ ployed at the General Electric Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana, prior to her marriage in 1919. Has operated a grocery store since 1948. They resided at 1019 West Washington Street, Muncie, Indiana.


1. Betty Jean Vlaskamp, born July 30, 1920, Muncie, Indiana. Married James R. Johnson, born February 16, 1921, Mooreiand, Ind¬ iana. 2. Berwyn Vlaskamp, born June 29, 1922; died June 29, 1922, Mun¬ cie, Indiana.

3. Alice Marie Vlaskamp, born November 25, 1925, (Thanksgiving Day), Muncie, Indiana. Married Joseph R. Peters, born September 8, 1923* Atlanta, Indiana. 4. Susan Ann Vlaskamp, born July 14, 1927, Muncie, Indiana. Married Wm. F. Kirtley, Sr., born January 11, 1928, Kokomo, Indiana.

Divorced. Married Ted William Cook. Divorced.

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Married Edwin Wheeler, born January 15, 1930, M eddlebourne. West Virginia.

FAMILY RECORD James R. and Betty J. Vlaskamp Johnson

Father, James R. Johnson, born February 16, 1921 in Mooreiand, Indiana to Clavton R. and Verna Jones Johnson. Graduate of Ball State College, Muncie, Indiana. Military service in the U.S. Navy from September, 1943 to February, 1946. A Lieutenant on the U.S.S. Moffett Destroyer on the Atlantic Ocean. Employed in doughnut and fried pie buahess, Muncie, Indiana. Married, August 2, 1941 by Rev. Vergil Siberal at his home to Betty Jean Vlaskamp.

Mother, Betty Jean Vlaskamp, born July 30, 1920 in Muncie, Ind¬

iana to Arnold and Dora Vlaskamp, also a graduate of Ball State Col¬ lege, Muncie, Indiana. She has talent in writing poetrv, having many poems published. She also is an avid contest fan, having won an Esther Williams Swimming Pool, station wagon, and refrigerator re¬ cently. They resident 3016 Hollie, Muncie, Indiana.


1. Philip James Johnson, born February 4, 1945, Muncie, Indiana.

2. Mary Kathleen Johnson, born July 14, 1949, Muncie, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD Joseph R. and Alice M. Vlaskamp Peters

Father, Joseph R. Peters, Sr., born June 2, 1923 in Atlanta, Ind¬ iana to Herman and Clara Bengal Peters. He is an only son. Grad¬ uate of Muncie Central High School in 1941. An employee of Kelly Manufacturing Company. Entered the armed forces February, 1943 in the Anti-Aircraft Division of the Army and was stationed at Camp Ad¬ air, Oregon. Resides at 213 Hollywood, Muncie, Indiana. Married August 21, 1943 to Alice Marie Vlaskamp.

Mother, Alice Marie Vlaskamp, born November 25, 1925 to Arnold

and Dora N. Grim Vlaskamp.


1. Joseph R. Peters, Jr., born June 2, 1949, Muncie, Indiana.

2. Alice Jean Peters, born August 9, 1952, Muncie, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD William F. Kirtley, Sr. and Susan Vlaskamp

Father, William F. Kirtley, Sr., born January 11, 1928, Kokomo, Indiana to Ottis F. and Jesse Branson Kirtley, natives of Sharpsville, Indiana. Married June 5, 1945 to Susan Ann Vlaskamp. ' Mother, Susan Ann Vlaskamp, born July 14, 1927, daughter of Arn¬ old and Dora Vlaskamp. Educated in the Muncie Schools.


1. William F. Kirtley, Jr., bom March 5, 1946, Muncie, Indiana. After

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his parent’s separation, he made his home with his grandparents, Arnold and Dora Vlaskamp. He is being educated in the Mnncie sch, ools.

Father, Ted William Cook and Susan Vlaskamp Kirtley were mar¬ ried in 1947 and resided in Muncie, Indiana.


1. Jennie Ellen Cook, born December 27, 1948, Muncie, Indiana. She is being reared and educated by her aunt. Dr. Elaine Vlaskamp, Mun¬ cie, Indiana.

2. Ted William Cook, bom October 10, 1949.

3. Sally Ann Cook, bom December 3, 1950.

4. Terrilane Cook, born July 28, 1951.

After Ted William Cook and Susan Vlaskamp Kirtley Cook separated, Susan Vlaskamp Kirtley Cook was married May, 1959 in Clearwater, Florida to E dwin Wheeler, bora January 15. 1930 in Meddlebourne. West Virginia to Carl Edwin Wheeler, formerly of Caldwell, Ohio and

Pearl Shepherd Wheeler, of Meddlebourne, West Virginia. His occup¬

ation, a glasscutter. They are now residents of Muncie, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD Claud S. and Florence Black Grim

Father, Claud S. Grim, bora April 10, 1899, Roanoke, Indiana to Loyd and Myrtle Simonton Grim. Resided in Springport, Indiana un¬ til 1913 when he moved to Muncie, Indiana with his parents. He was employed at Ball Brothers Company, Muncie, Indiana. Died May 15,

1957, after fifteen years illness. Buried in Elmridge Cemetery, Mun¬

cie, Indiana. Married April 18, 1918 to Florence Black. Mother, Florence Black, born May 15, 1900 to Edward and Ida Bla¬

ck. She died October 19, 1927, burial in Beech Grove Cemetery, Mun¬ cie, Indiana.


1. James Edward Grim, bora October 24, 1918, Muncie, Indiana. Mar¬ ried Wilma Ann Haffner, born September 11, 1909.

2. Howard Mervin Grim, born November 16, 1921. Died at age of 4% years, July 26, 1926 at 1612 Luick Avenue, Muncie, Indiana. Private funeral services, burial in Beech Grove Cemetery, Muncie, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD James E. and Wilma Haffner Grim

James Edward Grim and Wilma Ann (Fanny) Haffner were married June 7, 1948 and reside at 1616 East Second Street, Muncie, Indiana. Employed by Kirby Wood Lumber Company, Muncie, Indiana. Wilma has two children by a former marriage:

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1. Arthur Haffner. In military service and overseas. Discharged abo¬ ut 1959. Married Norma June Ross, bom May 11, 1942.

Their children:

1. 'Wilbur Luther Haffner, born April 28, 1960, Muncie, Indiana.

2. James Robert Haffner, born January 24, 1962, Muncie, Indiana.

2. Clara Ann Haffner Arnold. Married Clifford Eugene Arnold.

Their children:

1. Vickie Lee Arnold, bom February 2, 1948. Vfl Ul*

2. Jerry Arnold, bom September 22, 1950.

3. Sherry Arnold, born September 22, 1950.

FAMILY RECORD Arthur and Nellie Beatrice Grim Beard

Arthur Beard, bora May 15, l903, to Sumner and Marian Hunnicutt Beard, Economy, Indiana. Employed at Ball Brother's Factory, Mun¬ cie, Indiana from 1935 to 1950. During their residence in Lansing, Michigan, he was a factory employee there between 1950 and 1955. Since May, 1955 he has been employed at the Broderick Company, a forage plant, Muncie, Indiana. They reside at 1220 Kirby Avenue, Muncie, Indiana. They attend Friends Memorial Church, Muncie, Ind¬ iana, Quaker denomination. Arthur's family, on both sides, are all Quakers and have traced their ancestors back to Colonial days. Mar¬ ried November 1, 1935 to Nellie Beatrice Grim.

Nellie Beatrice Grim, born January 25, 1906 to Loyd and Myrtle Simonton Grim, Springport, Indiana. In 1913, moved to Muncie, Ind¬ iana with her parents. Educated in Muncie schools. Graduate of Muncie Central Hia^ School in 1924 or 1925. Nellie and Arthur were both employees of the Beatrice Creamery in that city prior to their marriage.

FAMILY RECORD Samuel Harbaugh and Rosalee Fullhart Grim

Father, Samuel H. Grim, bom August 3, 1907, Springport, Indiana moved to Muncie, Indiana with his parents, Loyd and Myrtle Simon¬ ton Grim in 1913. Graduate of Muncie Central High School, 1925. Employee of Bell Telephone Company. Married February 19, 1927 to Rosalee Fullhart, near Muncie, Indiana


1. Samuel Harbaugh Grim, Jr., born July 30, 1927; died November 28, 1948 in an automobile accident near Yorktown, Indiana. Member of First Baptist Church, Muncie, Indiana. Served three years, 1945 to 1948 in radar and radio division of the Navy. Buried in Elmridge Cemetery, Muncie, Indiana. Sam and Rosalee divorced in August, 1933.

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Samuel Harbough and Cleona Weaver Grim

Samuel H. Grim, born August 3, 1907, son of Loyd and Myrtle Sim- onton Grim. An employee of the Bell Telephone Company for about thirty-seven years up to 1962* Served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps; Staff Sergeant; Nortn Africa, Italy, France, and Germany, from Aug¬ ust, 1943 to October, 1945. Married April 17, 1937 to Cleona Weaver, born January 21, 1908, daughter of Samuel Harlan and Olive Weaver, Anderson, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD John Sumner and Susan Simonton Crabbs

Father, John S. Crabbs, born August 29, 1855 to William and Mar¬ tha Black Crabbs, Lafayette Township, Allen County, Indiana. A Successful farmer all his life in the Beech Grove vicinity of his nat¬ ive township. As an active member of the community, he was a mem¬ ber of the Monson Chapel Methodist Church, Allen County, director oi the Roanoke State Bank many years, and a member of the I.O.O.F. Lodge at Roanoke. After several months illness he died November 21, 1921, not far from his birthplace, after thirty-seven years of mar¬ ried life. Married October 12, 1884, Hillsdale, Michigan to Susan Simonton.

Mother, Susan Simonton, born June 15, 1860 to James and Catharine Ross Simonton near Lebanon, Ohio. Moved with her parents to Laf¬ ayette Township, Allen County,Indiana in 1866. After completing local school education, attended Methodist College (later known as Taylor University, Upland, Indiana), Fort Wayne, Indiana. Taught school for eight years, Lafayette Township, before and after her mar¬ riage, October 12, 1884. An active member of Monson Chapel Meth¬ odist Church as a Sunday School teacher and an officer in the other church organizations. Loyal member of Roanoke Rebekah Lodge. Resided in Roanoke, Indiana from March, 1922 until her sudden death January 2, 1923. Both buried in Glenwood I.O.O.F. Cemetery, Roa¬ noke, Indiana.


1. Charles Crabbs, born May 29, 1890, Lafayette Township, Allen County, Indiana. Married Faye Aurora Dinius, born October 3, 1892.

2. Carrie Crabbs, born May 29, 1890, Lafayette Township, Allen County, Indiana. Graduated from Roanoke High School, 1908. At¬ tended Tri-State College, Angola, Indiana; Indiana State Normal Terre Haute, Indiana, and Chicago University, Chicago, Illinois. A graduate of Ball State College, Muncie, Indiana, with A.B. degree and Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, with M.S. degree. Tau¬ ght in Roanoke Schools, Allen County and Fort Wayne City Schools and Antwerp, Ohio, totaling forty-nine years teaching. Early years a member of Monson Chapel Methodist Church; Roanoke M.E. Church; presently of the First Methodist Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana for* twenty-six years, being an active member in each one. Member of Fort Wayne Women's Club and Allen County and Fort Wayne Histor¬ ical Society. Resides at 1122% East Rudisill, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

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FAMILY RECORD Charles and Faye Aurora Dinins Crabbs

Father, Charles Crabbs, bora May 29, 1890 to John Sumner and Susan Simonton Crabbs in Lafayette To wnship, Allen County, Ind¬ iana. Attended Roanoke High School, married November 2 7, 1912 in Hillsdale, Michigan. A resident of Roanoke a short time. Employed by Indiana Service Corporation, a farmer in Lafayette Township. A member of I.O.O.F. Locfge, Roanoke, Indiana. Died in Lutheran Hos¬ pital, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Burial in Glen wood I.O.O.F. Cemetery, Roanoke, Indiana. Married to Faye Aurora Dinius.

Mother, Faye Aurora Dinius, bora October 3, 1892 to Monroe and

’Lillian Huffman Dinius near Roanoke, Huntington County, Indiana. Graduated from Roanoke High School in 1910. Employed bv General Electric Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana and with husband by Coil Engineering and Manufacturing Company at Roanoke, Indiana. When a resident of Fort Wayne, employed by Lutheran Hospital. A member of Methodist Church and at one time of the Rebekah Lodge at Roa¬ noke, Indiana.


1. Arnola Lucile Crabbs, born September 20, 1913, Roanoke, Indiana. Married Harry A. Allen, born August 25, 1912, Lake Township, Allen County, Indiana. Married John R. Gevers, born June 1, 1906, Adams Township, Allen County, Indiana.

2. John Sumner Crabbs, born March 4, 1918, Lafayette Township, Allen County, Indiana. Married Dorothy Miller, born March 15, 1918, Shelbyville, Indiana.

3. Verle Dinius Crabbs, born September 4, 1919, Lafayette Township, Allen County, Indiana. Married Emma Yentes, bora April 17, 1918, Wabash, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD Harry A. and Arnola L. Crabbs Allen

Father, Harry A. Allen, born August 25, 1912 to Albert and Ethel Allen in Lake Township, Allen County, Indiana. He was graduated from Areola High School. After being employed on a farm and in a factory a short time, he was appointed chief envestigator for the Sher¬ iff of Allen County. He'was a member of the U nited Commercial Tra¬ velers and of the I.O.O.F. Lodge at Dunfee, Indiana. Entered mili¬ tary service in the Army in December, 1943, sent overseas in a few months, and died of wounds in France on November 18, 1944. He is buried in St. Avoid, France. Memorial services were held on Sunday afternoon, December 15, 1944 at West Creighton Avenue Christian Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Rev. Ernest L. Harrold had charge of the services. Married Arnola Lucile Crabbs November 27, 1935 in the home of Rev. Gillespie in Whitley County, Indiana.

Mother, Arnola Lucile Crabbs, born September 20, 1913 to Charles and Faye Crabbs in Roanoke, Indiana. Graduated from Lafayette Central High School in 1931. Was employed as a maid in Fort Wayne homes after graduation. Was married on the twenty-third wedding anniversary of her parents. As a resident of Fort Wayne, she has

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been employed six years in the office of the Lincoln National Life

‘ch“ eh.60 " aC‘iVe member °f the We8‘ Cfei-


i* Lmda Sue Allen, born February 26, 1937, Fort Wayne, Indiana Graduate of South Side High School. Presently employed in office of Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

K-0? AUcn» hom November 11, 1941, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Married John Lower, born June 3, 1941, Fort Wayne, Indiana

3. Ro ger Maurice Allen, born August 25, 1943, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Graduate of South Side High School. Presently student at Indiana University.

FAMILY RECORD John R. and Arnola Crabbs Allen Gevers

Father, John R. Gevers, born June 1, 1906 to Mr. and Mrs. William Gevers near New Haven, Indiana. Graduated from Concordia High School and attended Concordia College, Fort Wayne, Indiana. He was a painter, was associated with the sheriff’s office in Fort Wayne Indiana and had been employed forteen years at Louis Rastetter and Son Company. He was a memfe r of the Men’s Fellowship and church board of the West Creighton Avenue Christian Church and an active worker in Boy Scout organization. He died January 2, 1962 in Fort Wayne, Indiana with burial in Covington Memorial Gardens. Married Arnola Lucile Allen April 6, 1946 by Rev. Ernest L. Harrold in the West Creighton Avenue Christian Church.


1. Cheryl Colleen Gevers, born June 2, 1952, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Attending South Wayne School, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD John J. and Bonnie Lou Allen Lower

John J. Lower, born June 3, 1941 to Ross and Ruth Lower in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Graduated from South Side High School, 1959. Ser-» ved a short time in U.S. Navy and received an honorable medical dis¬ charge. Attended Art School and presently employed as commercial artist at National Advertising Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Mar¬ ried July 12, 1962 at Huntington, Indiana to Bonnie Lou Allen.

Bonnie Lou Allen, born November 11, 1941 to Harry and Arnola Crabbs Allen m Fort Wayne, Indiana. Graduated from South Side High School in I960, attended Ravenscroft Beauty College and presently employed at Ingeborg’s Beauty Salon, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD John Sumner and Dorothy Miller Crabbs

Father, John S. Crabbs, born March 4, 1918 to Charles and Faye Dinius Crabbs in Lafayette Township, Allen County, Indiana. Grad¬ uated from Lafayette Central High School in 1936. Employed since

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1936 by Kresge Company with positions from stock boy to manager in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Toledo, Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio, Lexington, Kentucky, Buffalo, New York, Rochester, New York, Akron, Ohio, and Battle Creek, Michigan. In 1960-61 received a beautiful engraved watch as a 25-year service award from Kresge Company. Now em¬ ployed in main office of company at Detroit, Michigan. Inducted July 14, 1944 in U.S. Navy, discharged January 26, 1946, radarman Third Class, U.S.S. Amsterdam, Paciiic. Married March 11, 1939 at the home of Rev. Gillespie in Whitley County, Indiana to Dorothy Miller.

Mother, Dorothy Charlotte Miller, born March 15, 1918 to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller at Shelbyville, Indiana. Graduated from Lafayette Central High School in 1936, was employed as maid in Fort Wayne, Indiana until marriage. Is an efficient seamstress. Received a 10- year pin for active work in girl scouts in New York State.


1. Judith Ann Crabbs, born February 28, 1941, Toledo, Ohio. Graduate of Rochester High School, New York. Attended Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Presently a senior at Kent University, Ohio, graduating in June, 1963. She will teach in Col¬ umbus, Ohio city schools, 1963-64.

FAMILY RECORD Verle Dinius and Emma Louise Yentes Crabbs

Father, Verle D. Crabbs, born September 4, 1919, Lafayette Town¬ ship, Allen County, Indiana to Charles and Faye Dinius Crabbs. Ed¬ ucated in Lafayette Township schools. Graduated from Lafayette Central High School in 1938. Employed at Coil Manufacturing Com¬ pany, Roanoke, Indiana; F. W. Woolworth Company in Indiana and Ohio; and seventeen years manager of Belmont Variety Stores, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Inducted January 29, 1941, U.S. Army, Eighth Ser¬ vice Command, a medical Corps. Overseas in France, 11 months from 1944 to 1945. Discharged September, 1945. Presently is man¬ ager of Belmont Variety Store, North Anthony Blvd., Fort Wayne, Ind¬ iana. Married April 18, 1944 to Emma Louise Yentes.

Mother, Emma Louise Yentes, born April 17, 1918 to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yentes, Wabash, Indiana. Rev. John D. Yundt performed mar¬ riage ceremony in the Westfield Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana. A reception following at the home of the bride’s parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yentes, 2328 McKee Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana. A graduate of South Side High School, Fort Wayne. Attended Com¬ ptometer School and employed in office of Magnavox seven years and International Harvester Company two years. Active in Scout work and both are members of Simpson Methodist Church, Fort Wayne, Ind¬ iana.


1. Phillip Lee Crabbs, born October 2, 1947, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Attended Harrison Hill School and presently attending South Side High School.

2. Sandra Louise Crabbs, born May 17, 1953, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Attending Harrison Hill School.

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FAMILY RECORD Frank and Florence Ma Emma Weaver Simonton

Father, Frank Simonton, born May 11, 1862 near Lebanon, Ohio to James and Catharine Ross Simonton. Moved with bis parents to Laf¬ ayette Township, Allen County, Indiana in 1866. Educated in local schools. First employment as a farmer, and later with Pennsylvania Railroad for t wenty-seven years; greater part of that time as engineer on passenger trains out of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Died October 29, 1920 very suddenly as he was ready to call for his train. Funeral services conducted at Simpson Methodist Church, Fort Wayne, Ind¬ iana, burial in Haverstock Cemetery, Zanesville, Indiana. Married July 10, 1884 in Zanesville, Indiana to Florence Ma Emma Weaver.

Mother, Florence Ma Emma Weaver, born March 25, 1864 to Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Weaver, Zanesville, Indiana. A kindly, efficient house¬ wife and faithful church worker. Died April 8, 1948 at her residence at 4002 Arlington Avenue, with funeral services at D. O. McCombs and Son Funeral Home, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Burial Haverstock Cem¬ etery, Zanesville, Indiana.


1. Lela Simonton, born March 5, 1889, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

2. Olethia Simonton, born May 9, 1896; died December 31, 1898, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Burial in Haverstock Cemetery, Zanesville, Indiana.

3. Infant son, born February 13, 1902; died February 14, 1902, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Burial in Haverstock Cemetery, Zanesville, Indiana.

Frank and Florence and daughter, Lela, were among the forty char¬ ter members of the First Church of God (Winebrennarian or founded by the Rev. John Winebrenner in 1825), organized in 1907 and 1908 at Lafayette Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana. In later years they trans¬ ferred their membership to the Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church, Harrison Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana, where they were faithful mem¬ bers.

FAMILY RECORD William and Lela Simonton Blessing

William Blessing, born January 26, 1886, Areola, Indiana. Educat¬ ed in local schools. Employed as an Insurance Agent and later as a Grocer. Married September 2, 1908 to Lela Simonton.

Lela Simonton, born March 5, 1889 to Frank and Florence Weaver

Simonton, in Fort Wayne, Indiana, residing there until their divorce, August 13, 1935. Lela resumed her maiden name, Simonton, residing with her mother, Florence We,aver Simonton at 4002 Arlington Avenue,

Fort Wayne, Indiana, employed in practical nursing for about thirteen years.

Erwin C. and Lela Simonton Smith


Erwin C. Smith, born January 6, 1885 to John K. and Essie McFad- den Smith, Lafayette Township, Allen County, Indiana. Received education in local schools, employed as a farmer, later as detective for the Wabash Railroad about forty years. Married October 9, 1948 to Lela Simonton.

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Lela Siraonton, born March 5, 1889. Married Erwin C. Smith Octo¬ ber 9, 1948. The wedding took place in the Simpson Methodist Epis¬ copal Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Rev. Carl Adams officiating, in the presence of immediate friends and relatives. Both are members

of the Simpson Methodist Church and reside at 4002 Arlington Avenue Fort Wayne, Indiana. He is a member of Roanoke F.&A.M. 195, and she a member of Eastern Star 432 and White Shrine 29 in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

FAMILY RECORD Fred and Sarah E. Hoopingamer Simonton

Fred Simonton, youngest child of James and Catharine Ross Sim¬ onton, born November 1, 1867, Lafayette Towmship, Allen County, Indiana. The only one of the family born in Indiana. Early occupa¬ tion a farmer. Married Sarah E. Hoopingamer, born January 15, 1870 in Wells County, Indiana to Solomon and Susan Hoopingamer, who later moved to Allen County, and near neighbor?, of the James Simon¬ ton family. Received education in local schools. After their mar¬ riage December 13, 1888, they resided with Solomon Hoopingamer, Lafayette Township, Allen County, Indiana, where their daughter, Ruth was born, January 11, 1900. The familv later moved to Markle, Indiana, where Fred was employed at me Clover Leaf Creamerv a number of years until death October 13, 1917, burial in cemetery west of Markle, Indiana.

Ruth received her education in Markle schools and was employed in office of Dr. Northrup there. Ruth and her mother later resided in Fort Wayne, Indiana for some time.

Ruth married October 15, 1925 to Dewey Dawson, born in 1899 to James Edward and Madara Thomas Dawson, Cozad, Nebraska. The elder Dawson family moved to Monroeville, Indiana in 1902 where Dewey attended high school and graduated in 1918. Also a graduate of International Business College, Fart Wayne, Indiana. During Ruth and Dewey Dawson’s residence in Fort Wayne from 1925 to 1931, he was an employee of The Atlas Casualty Company, Fort Wayne, Ind¬ iana. From 1931 to present time (1962) employment is with The Cel- ina Mutual Insurance Company, Celina, Onio, of which he is Vice President and Treasurer. They reside at 633 North Cherry Street and are members of St. Paul’s Methodist Church in Celina. Dewey is a member of the Celina Lions Club.

After Ruth and Dewey moved from Fort Wayne, Indiana to Celina, Ohio, Sarah Simonton moved to Markle, Indiana again about 1931, where she resided until her death April 28, 1943, burial in cemetery west of Markle, Indiana.



Three brothers came from Ir eland to America the last half of the 17th

century. William and James Simonton resided in the Carolinas and New England States.

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John Simonton Resided in New Jer¬ sey.

Wife’s name unknown.


1. Hichard Simon¬ ton, North Carolina. Born, 1-31-1787, Died 9-22-1849. War of 1812; Ordain¬ ed Minister, 1821 in Bethany Church, (New Light) Lebanon Ohio. Married in 1808 to Mary Hat¬ field who died in 1843. Married Mrs. Ede Smith. Ten children.

2. Cyrus Simonton, born 1794, died 1843. Native of New Jersey Light horseman War of 1812 Resided Fort

Ancient, Ohio. Married Elizabeth . Lollar born 1796, died 1864 Native of Lebanon, Ohio Daughter of David and Phebe (Dunham) Lollar.

3. John Simonton Resided on Banyon

Creek, near Lover land, Ohio.

4. Jane Simonton

1. David 2. Joseph 3. John 4. Hiram, Minister 5. William 6. Jane 7. Elizabeth 8. Ann 9. Mary 10. Eliza

1. Rosana 2. David 1816-1873 3. John 4. Phebe 5. Joseph (died in 6. Mary infancy) 7. Elizabeth

8. James (whose de- cendents we are tracing)

9. Martha 10. Sarah 11. Susan, who lived

with Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Campbell ten years.

12. Rebecca 13. Cyrus, Jr. (died in 14. Rachel their 15. Eliza youth.) 16. Richard 1833-191?

Large and prosper¬ ous family.

History unknown in 1916.


1. Rosana, no date known. Mr. Lud¬ low.

2. David, 1816-73 Mary Gray 1817- 1884.

3. Phebe, 1817-1844 Jonas McCurdy

A. McClain Simonton minister 1842 -192?

Sarah Maria McCurdy 1843- ?

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Cyrus Simonton Bom 1794; Died 1843 Native New Jersey Resident Fort Ancient Ohio. Light horseman in War 1812.

Married about 1813 to Elizabeth Lollar Bom 1796- Died 1864 Native Lebanon, Ohio

4. John 1818-1863 Sarah Ann Oxley 1823-1900.

5 Joseph and 6. Mary died early childhood.

7. Elizabeth Joseph Hutch-James Roll

8. James 1825-1888

Married 12-16-1849 to Catharine Ross 18 32-1905

9. Susan 1832-1898 10. Rebecca 1882, were spinsters

11. Martha 1828-1872 Alfred Vandorn 1828-1902

12. Cyrus Jr.(died in 13. Rachel early 14. Eliza childhood)

15. Sarah Jane 1826-1859

James Dempsey 1824-1889 Dayton, Ohio

16. Richard H. 1833-19 ? Catharine Venable 1833-1908

Elizabeth, Ellen, Cyrus, Allen, & James died in childhood. Walter 1851 Detroit laborer. Baker 1853-1893 William 1855-1914 Vienna, Ohio. Mary Belle 1860- 1898. Clarksville, Ohio. Lavada Jane 1863- Martinsville, Ohio Sarah Jane Hutch Alabaugh

Cyrus Roll, Dayton, Onio.

1. Mary Elizabeth 1851-1927 2. William R. 1853-1896 3. Rebecca Melissa 1857-1922 4. Susan 1860-1923 5. Frank 1862-1920 6. Harry 1864-1915 7. Fred 1867-1917

Luman Vandorn 1861-1914 Lina 1870-1871 Emily 1851

John Simonton 1845-19? Teamster in Civil War Catharine Elizabeth Dempsey 1854-1916 Rose Marv Dempsey 1857 Mary Ann 1855-1856 Twins 1859-1859

Seven children died in infancy Rachel 1860-1882 Elizabeth 1861-19 ? Martha 1870

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James Simonton 1825 Fort Ancient, Ohio. Died 1888 Allen Cpunty, Ind¬ iana. Farmer.

Member Church of God 20 years. Married 12-16-1849 to Catharine Ross daughter of Isaiah and Mary Ross Born 1832 near Lebanon, Ohio Died 1905 Zanesville Indiana.

James and Catharine Simonton buried in Haverstock Cemetery, Zanesville, Indiana. Catharine Simonton member of Zanesville Indiana Church of God about 37 years.


Mary Elizabeth Simonton 12-7-1851 to 7-28-1927 Married 2-2-1873 John L. Campbell 4-2-1847 to 2-23-1917


1. Elizabeth 1851- Infant daughter 1927 1874-1874 John L. Campbell Pliny Dale Camp¬ 1847-1917 bell 1878-1879 Married 2-2-1873 Nora C. Campbell

1882-1921 Grace Campbell 1891- ?

2. William R. 1853-1896 Frank Purcel Simon¬ Eleta Hayes 1860-1949 Married 10-8-1885

ton 1892-1929

3. Rebecca Melissa 1857-1922

Myrtle 1876-1957

Married Isaiah Reddin Ulla Reddin 1882- 1881 1883

Married Zackriah Strock, 1898 Born 1848 died 1929

4. Susan 1860-1923 John S. Crabbs 1855-1921

Married 10-12-1884

Charles Crabbs 1890-1952 Carrie Crabbs 1890-

5. Frank 1862-1920 Lela 3-5-1889 Florence M. Weaver Olethia 1896-1898 1864-1948 Son 1902-1902

6. Harry 8-23-1864 Died 2-1915 Bachelor

7. Fred 1867-1917 Sarah E. Hoopingarner Ruth Simonton 1-11- 1870-1943 1900 Married 12-13-1888


Nora C. Campbell 6-19-1882 to 5-6-1921 Married 2-10-1901 to George W. Miller 12-20-1876 to 11-26-1957

Lewis Russell Miller 2-24-1902 Cleo B. Miller 12-1-1905 Herbert 0. Miller 3-11-1912 Vivian E. Miller 1-18-1915

Gracp Campbell 1- Mary L. Ripley 4-

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William R. Simonton 1853-1896 Married 10-8-1885 Eleta Hayes 1860-1949

Rebecca Melissa Simonton 4-10-1857 to 9-24-1922 Married to Dan Young 1-1876

Susan Simonton 1860-1923 Married 10-12-1884 John S. Crabbs 1855-1921

Frank Simonton 1862-1920 Married 7-10-1884 Florence M. Weaver 1864-1948

Harry Simonton

Fred Simonton 1867-1917 Married 12-13-1888

2-1891 Married 8-15-1915 to J. Thomas Ripley 10-17-1893

Frank Purcel Simon¬ ton 1-31-1892 to 6- 13-1929 Married 1911 to Anna M. Pflueger 1891-8-31-1953

Myrtle Simonton 9-22-1876 to 2-16- 1957 Married 8-31-1895 to Loyd Grim 2-24-1871 to 7- 17-1938

Charles Crabbs 1890-1952 Married 11-27-1912 to Faye A. Dinius 10-3-1892 Carrie Crabbs 5-28-1890

Lela Simonton 3-5-1889 Married 9-2-1908 to 1935 William Blessing 1-26-1886 Married 10-9-1948 to Erwin C. Smith 1-6-1885

1864-1915 Bachelor

Ruth Simpnton 1-11-1900 Married 10-15-1925

24-1916 Margaret L. Ripley 2- 20-1919 John W. Ripley 10-29-1921 Thomas A. Ripley 12-14-1928 Myron L. Ripley 3- 23-1931

Iona Marie Simonton 7- 30-1911 to 8-31-1959 Ray Simonton 12-29- 1912 Dale Simonton 6-13-1919

Russell Herbert Grim 10-16-1896 to 3-29- 1957 Dora Naomi Grim 2- 22-1898 Claud S. Grim 4- 10-1899 to 5- 1957 George Francis Grim 3- 10-1902 Nellie Beatrice Grim 1-25-1906 Samuel Harbaugh Grim 8- 3-1907

Arnola L. Crabbs 9- 20-1913 John S. Crabbs 3-4-1918 Verle D. Crabbs 9-4-1919 Spinister school¬ teacher 1909-1959

Reside in Fort Wayne Indiana at 4002 Arling¬ ton Avenue. No children.

Resided with mother and sisters in Allen and Huntington Counties, Indiana.

Resided in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Later in Celina, Ohio.

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Dewey Dawson 1899 No children Sarah E. Hoopin- garner 1-15-1870 to 4-28-1943


L. Russell Miller Betty Jean Miller 2-24-1902 8-25-1924 Married 1-26-1924 Charles R. Brown to Irene Etta Elzroth 8-4-1922 1-15-1906 Robert Lewis Miller daughter of Mr. & 11-29-1929 Mrs. Elmer Crevis- Virginia Brandenburg ton. Norma Doris Miller

Nora C. Campbell 9-19-1932 6-19-1882 to D. Richard Williams 5-6-1921 Shirley Rose Miller Married 2-10-1901 3-21-1935 George W. Miller Charles Didion 12-20-1876 to No children. 11-26-1957

2. Cleo B. Miller 12-1-1905 W. Elmer Schoeff 5-1902

3. Herbert 0. Miller Richard Lamoine Miller 3-11-1912 11-14-1935 Married 12-25-1934 Judy Wagner

Nancy Dianne Miller Thyra Williams 7-15-1916 8-10-1944 dau^iter of Errett & Edith Williams 4. Vivian Elizabeth Judy Annette Hendrick¬ Miller 1-18-1915 son 9-18-1938 Married 4-6-1934 Calvin B. Heathman Robert Hendrickson 11-9-1928

1. Mary Lucretia

Herbert Kent Hendrick¬ son 9-5-1944

D. Larry Sparks 2-23-1936 Ripley 4-24-1916

Married 3-30-1935 Gloria Lou Bohde Donald H. Sparks 4-2-1936

Grace Campbell Lois Dianne Sparks 2-26-1941

1-2-1891 Denis Lyn Sparks Married 8-15-1915 4-6-1951 J. Thomas Ripley 10-17-1893

2. M. Lois Ripley 2-20-1919 Married 3-23-1940 Jo Ellen Schoeff C. L. Schoeff 7-25-1948 12-12-1911

3. John W. Ripley Deborah Kay Ripley

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Russell Miller 2-24-1902 Married 1-26-1924 Irene Etta Elzroth 1-15-1906 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crevis¬ ion.

10-29-1921 Married 5-25-1957 Berniece Van Atter Rogers 2-22-1927

8-7-1951 John Randolph Ripley 8-12-1958

4. Thomas A. Ripley 12-14-1928 Married 6-27-1948 Marilyn Stough 3-30-1930

5. Myron L. Ripley 3-23-1931 Married 7-13-1949 Patsy Ann Allen 7-13-1933

Kyle Kay Ripley 11-26-1952 Jill Dianne Ripley 4-9-1955 Robert Allan Ripley 9-16-1959

Myron, Jr. 4- 29-1950 Craig Scott 5- 8-1953 Jennifer Ann 9-11-1954


Betty Jean Miller 8-25-1924 Married 8-25-1942 Charles R. Brown 8-4-1922 Employed at Hughes Aircraft, Tucson, Arizona. Parents, Mr. & Mrs. Rosswell Brown, Huntington, Indiana.

Darlene Kay Brown 7-27-1943

Lonna Jean Brown 7-29-1946

Karen Irene Brown 7-21-1947 Sharon Ilene Brown 7-21-1947

Robert Le .vis Miller 11-26-1929 Married 4-23-1955 Virginia Lea Brand¬ enburg 9-15-1931 Parents, Mr. & Mrs. David Brandenburg, North Manchester, Indiana.

Norma Doris Miller 9- 19-1932 Married 6-24-1955 Richard Williams 10- 26-1929 Parents, Mr. & Mrs. James Williams, Jackson Township, H-*n County, Indiana.

Brian Douglas Miller 1-27-1956 Brent David Miller 8-20-1959

Pamela Sue Williams 7-7-1957

Gregory Richard Wil¬ liams 9-17-1959

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Shirley Rose Miller 3-21-1935

Married 7-28-1956 Charles Didion 7-11-1935 Parents, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Didion, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Charles Casey Didion 12-2-1960


Betty Jean Miller 8-25-1924 Married 8-15-1942 Charles R. Brown 8-4-1922

Darlene K. Brown 7-27-1943

Lonna Jean Brown 7-29-1946

Karen Irene Brown 7-21-1947

Sharon Ilene Brown 7-21-1947

Robert Lewis Miller 11-29-1929 Married 4-23-1955 Virginia Brandenburg 9-15-1931

Brian Douglas Miller 1-27-1956

Brent David Miller 8-20-1959

Norma Doris Miller 9- 19-1932 Married 6-24-1955 D. Richard Williams 10- 26-1929

Shirley Rose Miller 3-21-1935 Married 7-28-1956 Charles Didion 7-11-1935

Pamela Sue Williams 7-7-1957

Gregory Richard Wil¬ liams 9-17-1959

Charles Casey Didion 12-2-1960


Richard Lamoine Mil¬ ler 11-14-1935 Married 1-7-1961 Judith Ann Wagner William David Miller 12-14-1939 11-30-1961 Logansport, Indiana Parents, Mr. & Mrs. Richard John Wagner (Richard & Frances Wagner)

Herbert 0. Miller 3-11-1912 Married 12-25-1934 Thyra Williams 7-15-1916

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Vivian E. Miller 1-18-1915 Married 4-6-1934 Robert Hendrick¬ son

Nancy Dianne Miller 8-10-1944 Married 9-22-1962 Kent Weeks Parents, Mr. & Mrs. Jeorge Weeks.

Judy Annette Hendrick¬ son 9-18-1938 Married 8-3-1957 Calvin B. Heathman Rhonda Ann Heathraan 11-9-1928 2-26-19.58 Parents, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Heathman Fort Wayne, Indiana

Herbert Kent Hendrick¬ son 9-5-1944


Richard Lamoine William David Miller Miller 11-14-1935 11-30-1961 Married 1-7-1961 Judith Ann Wagner Parents, Mr. & Mrs. Richard John Wagner

Nancy Dianne Miller 8-10-1944 Married 9-22-1962 Kent Weeks Parents, Mr. & Mrs. George Weeks


Judy Annette Hen- Rhonda Ann Heath- drickson 9-18-1938 man 2-26-1958 Married 8-3-1957 Calvin B Heathman 11-9-1928 son of Mr. & Mrs. Milton Heathman, Fort Wayne Indiana

Herbert Kent Hendrick¬ son 9-5-1944


D. Larry Sparks 2-23-1936

Pamela Jean Sparks 11-28-1954

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Mary L. Ripley 4-24-1916 Married 3-30-1935 Donald H. Sparks 2-24-1912

Married 7-23-1954 Gloria Lou Bohde 4-2-1936

M. Lois Ripley 2-20-1919 Married 3-23-1940 Clarence L. Schoeff 12-12-1911

John W. Ripley 10-29-1921 Married 5-25-1957 Bemiece M. Rogers 2- 22-1927

Thomas A. Ripley 12-14-1928 Married 6-27-1948 Marilyn J. Stough 3- 30-1930

Myron L. Ripley, Sr. 3-23-1931 Married 7-13-1949 Patsy Ann Allen 7-13-1933

Lois Dianne Sparks 2-26-1941

Denis Lyn Sparks 4-6-1951

Jo Ellen Schoeff 7-25-1948

Deborah Kay Ripley 8-7-1951

John Randolph Riple 8- 12-1958

Kyle Kay Ripley 11-26-1952 Jill Dianne Ripley 4-9-1955 Robert Allan Ripley 9- 16-1959

Myron L. Ripley, Jr. 4- 29-1950 Scott Craig Ripley 5- 8-1953 Jennifer Ann Ripley 9-11-1954


Donald Larry Sparks 2-23-1936 Married 7-23-1954 Gloria Lou Bohde 4-2-1936

Lois Dianne Sparks 2-26-1941

Pamela Jean Sparks

Corey Bruce Sparks

Gina Lynn Sparks

Joel Kent Sparks

Kelly Ann Sparks

Denis Lyn Sparks 4-6-1951

Corey Bruce Sparks 7-21-1956 Gina Lynn Sparks 9-1-1957 Joel Kent Sparks 11-8-1958 Kelly Ann Sparks 4-27-1960


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Jo Ellen Schoeff 7-25-1948


Deborah Kay Ripley 8-7-1951 adopted by J. W. Ripley 1957

John Randolph Ripley 8- 12-1958


Kyle Kay Ripley 11-26-1952

Jill Dianne Ripley 4-9-1955

Robert Allan Ripley 9- 16-1959


Myron L. Ripley, Jr. 4- 29-1950

Craig Scott Ripley 5- 8-1953

Jennifer Ann Ripley 9-11-1954


Iona Marie Simonton Mariann Lsterline 7- 30-1911 to 10-2-1959 Married 7-17-1933 to Walter F. Esterline Ray Simonton 12-29-1912 M. Olga Mervar 8- 1-1914

Dale Simonton 6-13-1919 Married 8-7-1943 to Dorothy Ann Novotny 8-13-1931

Patty Simonton

Eletta Simonton

Dwight Allen Simon¬ ton 8-10-1944

Donald Dale Simon¬ ton 7-1-1949

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David Edward Simon- ton 1-30-1952

Dianne Claire Simon- ton 1-17-1953

Dawn Mariann Siraon- ton 9-18-1954

Debra Ardis Simon- ton 11-18-1955

Denise Iona Simon- ton 10-7-1958


Iona Marie Simonton Mariann Esterline 7-30-1911 to 10-2-19591942 Married 7-17-1933 to W alter F. Esterline

Frank Purcel Simon¬ ton 1-1892 - 7-1929 Married 1-1911 to Anna M. Pflueger 1891 8-31-1953

Ray Simonton 12-29-1912 Olga Mervar 8-1-1914

Dale Simonton 6-13-1919 Married 8-7-1943 to Dorothy Ann Novotny 8-13-1921



Dwight Allen Simonton 8-10- 1944

Donald Dale Simon¬ ton 7-1-1949

David Edward Simonton 1-30-1952

Dianne Claire Simonton 1-17-1953

Dawn Mariann Simonton 9-18-1954

Debra Ardis Simonton 11-18-1955

Denise Iona Simonton 10-7-1958



1. Russell Herbert Bachelor Grim 10-16-1896 to 3-29-1957

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Myrtle Simonton 9-22-1876 - 2-16*1957 Married 8-31-1895 to Loyd Grim 2-24-1871 - 7-17-1938

2. Dora Naomi Grim 2-22-1898 Married 7-9-1919 to Arnold Vlaskamp 1897 to 10-18-1958

Betty Jean Vlaskamp 7-30-1920 Married James R. Johnson

Alice Marie Vlaskamp 11-25-1925 Married Joseph R. Peters

Susan Ann Vlaskamp

7-14-1927 Married William

Kirtley, Sr.

3. Claud S. Grim James Edward Grim 4- 10-1899 - 5-15-1957 10-24-1918 Married 4-18-1918 to Married Wilma Ann Florence Black Haffner 9-11-1909 5- 15-1900 - 10-19-1927

Howard Mervin Grim 11-16-1921 - 7-26-1926

4. George Francis Grim 3-10-1902 Married 6-23-1930 to Calvin Ray Grim Thelma Blanche Ellis 1-25-1935 11-30-1905 - 12-25- Married Sally Jo White 1957 daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jorden Ellis, Muncie, Indiana

5. Nellie Beatrice Grim 1-25-1906 Married 11-1-1935 to Arthur Beard 5-15-1903 Son of Sumner & Marian Hunnicutt Beard, Economy, Indiana.

6. Samuel H. Grim, Sr. 8-3-1907 Married 2-19-1927 to Rosalie Fullhart Divorced 8-1933

Samuel H. Gri m, Sr. Married 4-17- 1937 to Cleona Weaver 1-21-1908

No children.

Samuel H. Grim, Jr. 7-30-1927 to 11-28-1948

No children.



Betty Jean Vlas- Philip James John- Kamp 7-30-1920 son 2-4-1945

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Married 8-2-1941 to James R. John¬ son 2-16-1921

2. Dora Naomi Grim 2-22-1898 Married 7-19-1919 to Arnold Vlaskamp 1897 10-18-1958

George F. Grim 3-10-1902 Married 6-23-1930 to Thelma Ellis 12-25-1957

Alice Marie Vlas¬ kamp 11-25-1925 Married 8-21-1943 to Joseph R. Pet¬ ers, Sr. 6-2-1923

Susan Ann Vlas¬ kamp 7-14-1927 Married 6-5-1945 to William F. Kirt¬ ley, Sr. 1-11-1928

Susan A. V. Kirt- ley Married 1947 to Ted William Cook.

Calvin Ray Grim 1-25-1935

Married 3-24-1956 to Sally Jo White, daughter of Ray¬ mond & Pauline White, Munoie, Indiana. Married in Avondale M.E. Church, Munoie. Schoolteacher.



Betty Vlaskamp

7-30-1920 Married 8-2-1941 to James R. John¬ son 2-16-1921

Alice M. Vlaskamp 11-25-1925 Married 8-21-1943 to Joseph R. Peters Sr. 9-8-1923

Philip James John son 2-4-1945

Mary K. Johnson 7- 14-1949

Joseph R. Peters, Jr. 6-2-1949

Alice Jean Peters 8- 9-1952

Mary Kathleen John¬

son 7-14-1949

Joseph R. Peters, Jr. 6-2-1949

Alice Jean Peters 8-9-1952

William F. Kirtley, Jr. 3-5-1946

Jennie Ellen Cook 12-27-1948

Ted William Cook


Sally Ann Cook 12-3-1950

Terrilane Cook 7- 28-1951

Monty Ray Grim

8- 23-1957

Jill Ann Grim 1-3-1961



Susan A. Vlas- William F. Kirtley,

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kamp 7-14-1927 Jr. 3-5-1946 Married 6-5-1945 to William F. Kirtley, Sr. 1-11-1928

Susan Vlaskamp Kirtley 7-14-1927

Married 1947 to Ted William Cook

Jennie E. Cook 12-27-1948

Ted William Cook 10-10-1949

Sally Ann Cook 12-3-1950

Terrilane Cook 7-28-1951

Susan Vlaskamp Kirtley Cook Married 5-1959 to Edwin Wheeler 1-15-1930 West Virginia



Calvin R. Grim Monty Ray Gri:r

1-25-1935 8-23-1957 Married 3-24-1956 to Sally Jo White Daughter of Ray- Jill Ann Grim mond & Pauline 1-3-1961 White, Muncie, Indiana. Married in Avondale Metho¬ dist Church, Muncie, Indiana.


Charles Crabbs 1890-1952 Married 11-27-1912 to Faye A. Dinius 10-3-1892

Susan Simonton 1860-1923 Married 10-12-1884 to John S umner Crabbs 1855-1921 Carrie Crabbs





Arnola L. Crabbs


John S. Crabbs 3-4-1918

Verle D. Crabbs 9-4-1919

Spinister School¬ teacher 1909-1959

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Arnola L. Crabbs 1. Linda Sue Allen 9-20-1913 2-26-1937 Married 11-27-1935 2. Bonnie Lou Allen to Harry A. Allen 8-25-1912 to 11-18-1944

11-11-1941 3. Roger Maurice Allen 8-25-1943

Arnola Crabbs Allen 9-20-1913 Cheryl Colleen Ge- Married 4-6-1946 to vers 6-2-1952 John R. Gevers 6-1-1906 to 1-2-1962

John S. Crabbs 3-4-1918 Married 3-11-1939 to Dorothy Miller 3-15-1918

Judith Ann Crabbs 2-28-1941

Verle D. Crabbs 9-4-1919

Philip Lee Crabbs 10-2-1947

Married 4-18-1944 to Emma L. Yentes 4-17-1918

Sandra Louise Cra¬ bbs 5-17-1953

Bonnie Lou Allen 2-26-1937 Married 7-12-1962 to John J. Lower 6-3-1941

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