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SAMPLE REPORT Simpáticos An Astrological Report on the Relationship Between Chris and Daniel Interpreted by Bernie Ashman This report provided by FRIENDS & Lovers the Relationships Guide For your entertainment only. The Astrological Chart Composite Chart (with Derived Cusps) For Chris and Daniel At: Lancaster,PA 076W18'00" 40N02'00" Sun at 02°Cp39' in 09th. Moon at 26°Li42' in 06th. Mercury at 24°Sg03' in 09th. Venus at 22°Cp41' in 10th. Mars at 06°Ca19' in 03rd. Jupiter at 15°Li00' in 06th. Saturn at 28°Ar32' in 01st. Uranus at 04°Li25' in 06th. Neptune at 27°Sc58' in 08th. Pluto at 25°Vi05' in 06th. Midheaven at 15°Cp28' in 10th. Ascendant at 27°Ar57' in 01st. Node at 25°Pi21' in 12th. Part Fortn at 19°Aq15' in 10th. The Natal Charts Chris Daniel

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Page 1: Simpaticos Sample Report - · Ascendant at 27°Ar57' in 01st. ... The Composite Chart is a Blueprint that represents



An Astrological Report on the Relationship Between

Chris and Daniel Interpreted by Bernie Ashman

This report provided by FRIENDS & Lovers

the Relationships Guide

For your entertainment only.

The Astrological Chart

Composite Chart (with Derived Cusps) For Chris and Daniel

At: Lancaster,PA 076W18'00" 40N02'00"

Sun at 02°Cp39' in 09th. Moon at 26°Li42' in 06th.

Mercury at 24°Sg03' in 09th. Venus at 22°Cp41' in 10th. Mars at 06°Ca19' in 03rd. Jupiter at 15°Li00' in 06th. Saturn at 28°Ar32' in 01st. Uranus at 04°Li25' in 06th.

Neptune at 27°Sc58' in 08th. Pluto at 25°Vi05' in 06th.

Midheaven at 15°Cp28' in 10th. Ascendant at 27°Ar57' in 01st.

Node at 25°Pi21' in 12th. Part Fortn at 19°Aq15' in 10th.

The Natal Charts Chris Daniel

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Mar 03, 1970 08:18:17 AM EST +05:00 Dearborn,MI 083W11'00" 42N19'00" Sun at 12°Pi33' in 12th. Moon at 14°Cp35' in 10th. Mercury at 26°Aq15' in 11th. Venus at 21°Pi41' in 12th. Mars at 27°Ar29' in 01st. Jupiter at 05°Sc45' in 07th. Saturn at 05°Ta03' in 01st. Uranus at 07°Li46' in 06th. Neptune at 00°Sg53' in 08th. Pluto at 26°Vi25' in 06th. Midheaven at 06°Cp42' in 10th. Ascendant at 13°Ar02' in 01st. Node at 12°Pi02' in 12th. Part Fortn at 15°Aq04' in 11th.

Oct 15, 1968 07:12:00 PM MDT +06:00 Mission Hills,TX 106W29'00" 31N47'00" Sun at 22°Li44' in 06th. Moon at 08°Le49' in 04th. Mercury at 21°Li52' in 06th. Venus at 23°Sc41' in 07th. Mars at 15°Vi08' in 05th. Jupiter at 24°Vi14' in 05th. Saturn at 22°Ar02' in 12th. Uranus at 01°Li04' in 05th. Neptune at 25°Sc03' in 07th. Pluto at 23°Vi45' in 05th. Midheaven at 24°Cp14' in 10th. Ascendant at 07°Ta21' in 01st. Node at 08°Ar41' in 12th. Part Fortn at 23°Aq26' in 10th.

Interpretive text copyright 1998 by Bernie Ashman Copyright 1985-1998 Matrix Software, Inc.

407 N. State Ave., Big Rapids, MI 49307 616-796-2483 The Playing Field Welcome Chris and Daniel, to Simpaticos, an analysis of your relationship, through the use of a unique tool, the Composite Chart. This is a type of chart that astrologers use to get an overview of a partnership. It is constructed by using the midpoints between each of your individual charts. The Composite Chart is a Blueprint that represents a symbolic meeting place of your shared mental, physical, emotional and spiritual chemistry. Have you wondered why the two of you find it easier to agree on some topics and experience distance when trying to discuss others? This report will likely touch on some areas where you might need insight. There are no perfect relationships. We can strive to make our interactions with others more productive and meaningful. The pages that follow will describe places of harmony in your relationship. It will also point to places of potential conflict. You will notice that some descriptions will appear to contradict each other. Astrology offers a lens through which to view a wide variety of ways to express ourselves in order to make better use of our vast resources. Relationships are made more from the fabric of a verb, rather than that of a noun. They are in a continuous process of becoming. You will eventually have changing expectations of one another. Your individual search for growth and new direction is rewarding and yet can create tension. It is important to find ways to make room for your individual needs. Nothing truly stays the same. Perhaps this report will inspire the two of you to finds ways to mentally stay on the same page. Communication is so vital in clearly relating to each other.

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Romantic love is a powerful belief system in modern day society. Some people have even compared it to a religion. Our faith goes out to another person. Romance charges a relationship with more emotional intensity than any other type of partnership. Many of our hopes and dreams are invested in finding a soul mate. We seek happiness in a lover. How can such a simple thing get so complicated? It's that each of us has our own definition of happiness. This report could create new options. Relax. It is not intended to judge either of you. Pause if something makes you take a deep look at yourself or your partner. Each of us is really a student of life when it comes to relationships. Learning how to communicate and to truly hear the mind and heart of another person is a life long quest. Remember that you are not alone when it comes to understanding how to better handle your human relations. Chris and Daniel, try to let your eyes scan the pages that follow with an open mind. Perhaps you will be stimulated into taking a refreshing look at one another! Happy Navigating! The Players: The 10 Planets Part One: The Lead Roles The Sun The Sun is the center of our solar system. It generously shares its radiance with the other planets. In Astrology, the Sun is the heart of the chart. It points to ways that your relationship needs to confidently shine. Keep the fires of your Sun burning brightly and proudly together. Love will follow. Happiness will fill your minds, bodies and souls. The Sun stands for ego needs, will power and creative vitality. Forget your own Sun signs for the moment, Chris and Daniel. Your shared Sun sign could be different than your individual Sun signs. Remember that we are talking about your combined Sun. It is the fusion of your two hearts. Sun in Capricorn A Sign is a psychological process through which a planet operates. As a couple, being solarized through the sign Capricorn points to a durable partnership. The keyword for Capricorn in traditional astrology is "I use". This means you like to put into action what you know. Each of you may enhance the strength of the other. A shared sense of responsibility in dealing with life circumstances emanates from the core of your

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relationship. You possess a keen sense of reality. There is a no nonsense tone surrounding you. Each of you wants this relationship to be clearly defined from the beginning. Managing your time efficiently comes easily. There is tremendous follow through from start to finish. You expect to be supported in the roles you choose to act out, whether this is in the form of career, parent or civic leader. A commitment to the love you cherish encourages intimacy. Trust will come with the passing of time. Individual self-reliance can combine nicely with shared leadership. Both of you prove trustworthy in each other's eyes. Peers may admire your determination to work through problems. You may influence each other to delay in taking a risk until it is very safe to do so. When the two of you make a major change, it can be done with tremendous conviction. Watch out for acting too controlling. It will cause barriers to surface between you. Be harder on the problems than on each other. Your serious sides may need occasional lightening-up! Be careful about letting the feeling side of life become a stranger. Learn to delegate some responsibility away from the relationship. Make sure there is time for each other. Active and ambitious lives outside of the home are very possible. A hard-working ethic may be a shared value. Be careful that neither one of you is a constant workaholic. Paying some attention to your private life will ensure balance. A fear of rejection or commitment will create considerable distance. Learn how to make each other feel comfortable. Each of you may need some solitude to maintain perspective. Rigidity could be a nemesis. Learn to be flexible even when it is difficult. Leave room for new growth in the relationship. It is okay to enjoy the stability of the past. You probably have a respect for history and tradition. Do not fear change. See it as a new opportunity. Your creative vitality can guide you to accomplish much together. Your focus on being a successful couple is tremendous. You take responsibility more serious than most. Discipline is likely something worth developing in your eyes. You can be the rock of Gibraltar in each other's lives. Acknowledge your partner's attributes and your days together will blossom. Sun in the Ninth House Eclectic insights are your calling card. You don't care to waste time on dull moments--do you? Your hearts grow warmer when thinking about spending your money on travel and other adventures. Accepting most philosophies of the world comes naturally, as long as you are not expected to follow any one of them too dogmatically. You may become very

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devoted to a cause or belief that completely captures your imagination. The two of you love to be inspired. Sharing a similar value system is possible. Where there are differences, don't judge one another. There is plenty of opportunity to find common ground. You will find a dream or two that must be fulfilled as individuals no matter how close in spirit you feel. There is a great desire to seek knowledge. It is the excitement of learning that turns you on. Sharing your insights with each other stimulates cooperation. People can be moved by the enthusiasm with which you generate. Your luck and optimism can make others jealous. It is okay to disagree once in a while. Communication will point the way back to harmony. Try to allow for differences of opinion. A narrow vision will tend to alienate. When you feel bored, do something about it! Take a trip, go camping, buy a new book or go to the midnight movie. Learn to focus. It is easy to find yourselves going in too many directions at once! Don't worry. Neither of you is meant for heavy routine. Let go to an eager anticipation of the future. The pursuit of new challenges is calling to you from just over the horizon. Wandering the endless paths of each other's restless imagination can lead to surprising growth. The Moon Countless song lyrics, poems and lofty dreams have been inspired through gazing at the Moon. The Moon's sign and house position represents the intimacy and feelings you share with each other. Establishing a sense of security and a home are other lunar sides of life. The Moon symbolizes the imagination you share from your inner landscapes. Moon in Libra With your relationship Lunarized through the sign Libra, you might feel like you have found your soul mate. It's very possible you have! The two of you fit together like two peas in a pod. When first meeting, you probably perceived you had a lot in common. Even your more intangible subconscious natures are powerfully linked. Your friends, and even adversaries, might envy your relationship. Sharing your tastes in art, music and movies is stimulating. Social instincts in this relationship are powerful! People may find you as well paired as Zelda and Scott Fitzgerald. The two of you know just how to make others feel at ease in your presence. Your tact in handling your human relations is hard to beat. The art of compromise is an innate talent.

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The home may express the colorful qualities of your minds. Keeping stressful worries out of the house allows for intimate communication. Your relationship has an innate calmness even during difficult times. It can be fun to entertain people in your home. What is your greatest challenge? An easy answer--indecision! You can easily get the other to see both sides of a situation. The problem comes in when you must choose. Get good at prioritizing your needs and this will be less agonizing. Decisiveness sets you free. You can possess a fine eye for style and color. Artistic talent and appreciation are near your hearts and souls. Your friends and business associates might excel in the arts. Some quiet moments alone together need to be kept in mind. It's when either one of you is exhausted that emotional confusion can surface. Quality time together quickly refreshes your romantic spark. Let your imaginations keep discovering fascinating ways to deepen the meaning of your relationship. Dancing with each other's idealism and dreams leads to new romantic heights. Moon in the Sixth House The two of you need to know you can work together. Taking on projects helps you establish greater closeness. The two of you share the tenacity to finish what you start. Sharing the load when difficult challenges come along makes you love your partner. You tend to like well- organized people. There is a tendency to care greatly about each other's health. You will probably encourage one another to exercise and watch your diet. Cooking and eating the right food might be your motto. Your home life needs to follow a schedule in order for the two of you to feel relaxed. There are probably certain days you need to forget about keeping each room perfect. You can't help but desire a sense of order in your living situation. It allows you to remain calmer and think clearer. You need to be able to depend on one another to contribute equally in maintaining a place of residence. Developing job skills could mean a lot to each of you. Encourage one another to keep improving their chances to get into the career of choice. There is a possibility you might even be able to operate a business together successfully. What do you need to watch out for in your relationship? Criticism with a capital "C". Controlling a sarcastic tongue is a good policy. You will notice the personal habits of each other that you find irritating. Tread this territory sensitively. A taking care of business type of talk does better than excessive nagging. Perfection is a goal that is hard to hold onto. Try to reach the middle ground together that is reasonable.

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Let your intuition guide you to look beyond your differences. Help each other go beyond self-doubt. Serving each other's highest goals makes being together more pleasurable. The Ascendant We are taking a short intermission from the planets to introduce you to an additional key part of your relationship. The Ascendant or Rising Sign is the sign that starts the 1st house of the chart. The Ascendant is one of the twelve signs with a special role serving as an ambassador. It acts as a persona or mask for an individual or a relationship. The Ascendant is the personality through which we interact with the world. The Ascendant is the way we appear to others. It is their first impressions of us. You meet someone and he or she seems to be confident, shy, talkative, cheerful, etc. The same can be said for a couple. The two people might seem theatrical, dreamy, or businesslike. Ascendant in Aries People may see the two of you as being direct and action-oriented. You might even look like two warriors in many instances, whether you really feel this way or not. There is a fast-paced tendency to act on impulses. You don't like waiting for others to make up their minds. Angry outbursts are your way of expressing yourselves when not happy with the outcome of a decision. Patience takes you far together. Talk direct. But do take the time to listen to each other's deepest needs. Adventurous undertakings awaken the romantic in you. Challenges motivate you to grow and show your capabilities. The Part of Fortune Your Sun, Moon and Ascendant can be combined or blended into a cosmic alchemy, known as the Part of Fortune. This is not a planet, but rather a reference point in the chart. The Arabian astrologers of the Middle Ages are given credit for its discovery. The Part of Fortune is said to show where we can expect to find good fortune and even luck. Do we really need to take a look at something from the long ago past, if it will serve as nothing more than a relic to hang on the wall? A translation of this ancient symbol into modern terms makes this symbol worth investigating. Why? Because it can give clues to special paths that lead to harmony and a spirit of feeling united. Think of the Part of Fortune as the potential corridor leading to Opportunity. It is a way to read the pulse rate of the partnership, indicating ways to reach a shared sense of fulfillment. Part of Fortune in Aquarius The future is a motivating force for you both. Without stimulating goals, your creative power travels in circles. You are an inventive combination. There are few dilemmas you can't think your way free from in life. The friends you cultivate are dear to you. It is the network of people that you know that activates your ideas. The two of you may border on

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the unconventional. Life will sometimes bring good fortune when you are in the midst of transition. The shock of sudden change may catapult you into the right places at the right time. Your creative power is driven by the intensity of your vision. Part of Fortune in the Tenth House The successes you witness are the link to your happiness. You can't help but be doers, even when your minds are resisting. You recognize the ambitious side of one another. It is when you both choose those roles that elevate your self-confidence that a great fulfillment showers you. Luck and good fortune follow the commitment you are willing to make to your plans. Make a solid statement about what you want from life. Your determination will see it through. Be flexible, as this makes the journey more enriching and enjoyable. Part Two: The Supporting Cast Mercury Are you curious about the way the two of you communicate? In this section are Mercury's sign and house placements, showing some of your favorite communication tendencies. Mercury is referred to as the winged messenger in mythology, a networker for the gods. This very mental heavenly body represents an important link between your minds. It shows how you interpret what the other is saying. Mercury is connected to Perception. Astrologers consider Mercury the ruler of the conscious mind. Mercury in Sagittarius Your mental energies enjoy eclectic exhilaration! Your eyes are filled with a hungry look for knowledge. Mental expeditions through the farthest shores of learning call to you both. You will probably empty your pockets to satisfy your quest for growth or self-discovery. Your communication features an arsenal of philosophies and ideologies. Neither of you likely cares too much about one version of the truth. Your principles are worth defending. You can talk someone into agreeing with you, and then tell him or her why they should disagree. Playing with words is a delight. You are at your best when painting clear mental pictures and at your worst when too dogmatic. You can limit each other's desire to speak if growing too judgmental. There is no end to your talk flow when showing faith and belief in each other's ideas. Each of your minds is jet propelled by new paths to walk upon. You can delight in a shared joy to live each day to the maximum. Your friends can benefit from your broad perspective about life in general.

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Travel to new environments keeps your hearts close. Adding experiences that are foreign to both of you keeps your intimacy alive. Your minds grow restless if life moves too slowly. You will blame each other if things grow boring. New experiences keep you happier. Don't promise each other more than you can deliver, as it will lead to anger and frustration. A lot of talk but no action might occur. Be reasonable in your expectations. You are two lovers that can blaze through new worlds together. Your shared journeys could take you further than going it alone. This is a ride colored with humor, mutual admiration and a positive mental approach. Mercury in the Ninth House Your minds are in the habit of racing together through life. You don't like to hear that your dreams cannot be achieved. Positive thinking is the fuel that carries the two of you successfully forward. You can stimulate one another to learn and travel. You can enjoy being students of life together. There is a tendency for you to grow too expansive. Be sure to stay focused on your main objectives. Your minds are probably never still for very long. Communication reminds you both that there are no limits in your creative pursuits. You can lead each other to brave new worlds to explore. Your mental pursuits can be many. One or both of you might make a good writer, teacher, consultant or public speaker. Stay away from hasty judgments. Let each other feel free to explore new areas of interest. You will be wise to follow through on promises to one another. It is stimulating to share insights found through books, the Internet, television or radio. Traveling to adventurous places gives you momentum. Routine is okay for a while. Eventually you need to do something exciting. Exile boredom from your daily lives as soon as possible. You can share a similar philosophy about the world. Your values are not that far apart. Your faith in each other can get you to leap over tall buildings. Risk-taking is good for the spirit. Be patient before impulsively taking a chance on an idea that is a true long shot. You both can exude feistiness in fighting for your principles. Venus Without Venus, life would be lonely and meaningless for all of us. The goddess of love guides our Social Awareness and search for Aesthetic Beauty. The Venus sign and house positions most directly point to your search for a sense of balance, peace, comfort, love and mutual admiration. Venus in Capricorn

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Your relationship is a Symbol of Determination. The social instincts of your relationship are flavored with a drive to meet influential people. There is a focus on fulfilling your ambitions. People could be jealous of the stability the two of you have together. Commitment is something you need, and yet you may fear it. When first meeting, you may have seemed somewhat reserved to each other, until getting to know one another. You are a couple that makes use of a reality-based approach to life. Reputation is of importance to you. A visible public profile is very possible for one or both of you. Your friends and work peers could respect the capability displayed. There is durability in your partnership that comes with the passage of time. There is a tendency for your acquisitions to be practical and long lasting. A clear business sense influences how you relate to others. You can show patience in working together toward a goal or purchase. Delayed gratification is in your chemistry together. You know what you want and can create the right plan to get there. The two of you respect people willing to follow through on their promises. Responsibility is a cornerstone of your partnership. What might need to be balanced? You may be working too much. Make sure you allow enough time in your busy schedules for each other. Talking about responsibility--you two attract it! Rigid expectations make for hard feelings. Lighten up. Flow. You both like to think your own ideas are worthy of respect. Acknowledge the leadership and creative ability in each other and you are in loving territory. Venus in the Tenth House You are two people that cannot be accused of lacking a serious drive to be successful. Your very presence has a look that you mean business. There is much you can accomplish together. Your focusing power is immense. A visible public profile is a distinct possibility. Entertaining political people or those with clout is certainly within your range of know-how. Respecting the roles each of you chooses in life is a key to the door of harmony. Working with the public is not much of a stretch for either of you. People tend to trust your responsible natures. Strong negotiators can see they have met their match in dealing with you. You probably value fairness and effort. Your well-disciplined skills will take you both far in life. You like people as committed to a job as you are. Be careful with responsibility, as it doesn't take much for it to land in your lap. You may wonder why the buck always stops at your relationship. Give yourselves permission to say no, when you have little time or energy. Your true friends and loved ones will forgive you. One or both of you may choose to pursue artistic interests. Career is a major topic of interest. You can have a happy life at home and success in the world of work. When you are cooperating, the two of you can do an excellent job with managing your time. You may even wonder how you can fit so much into a day.

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Whether you are rich or just making a living, you can count on a determination to purchase the things you desire to own. You are a couple that has a good grasp of how to make your money grow. Real estate investments can make you a profit. You are attracted to buying things that will last. Decisiveness clicks in your partnership. When you are at odds over a choice, don't force the issue. Compromises are inevitable. You do better when you each feel like you have gained from a decision. It is easy to get caught up in working all of the time. Find ways to relax together. Keep your love beating strong by creating romantic atmospheres. Mars The ancients considered Mars the god of war. The warrior planet can translate into heated exchanges with each other. Mars arouses Passion in the form of sex, anger or a desire to forge ahead as a swash buckling couple. Mars is still the ruler of combat. It points to the primal competitive instincts embedded deep within each of us. In modern terms, this fiery red planet's sign and house placement are associated with assertion and acting on impulse. Mars in Cancer The warrior in you can become watered down by emotions. Doesn't this sound like a contradiction in terms? It is! Don't panic. It only means that there will be times the two of you dread to argue openly. The emotional upset doesn't seem worth the price, being direct about some issues does have one main advantage. It gets to the heart of your feelings quickly. It's like pulling a Band-Aid off slow or fast. You need to decide which is less painful. A slow and well-calculated confrontation might create a lot more anxiety than being more spontaneous. Try to be aware of your moods. It will be the first clue that you may need to talk about a situation soon. Each of you has specific territoriality needs regarding your home. There needs to be a space that you both can claim as your very own. You each need a cave to retreat to. Your lives require a relatively calm atmosphere so that you are able to focus on one another. Chaos on the home front will interfere with your sexual and emotional intimacy. You will need to make quality time for your partner. Your relationship is energized when you embrace each other's passion for home and family. These are areas that will take a certain amount of compromise. This is a chance to practice the art of negotiation. Establishing a warm and supportive partnership gives you both a secure feeling. Mars in the Third House You accelerate each other's thought processes. There is a healthy appetite for communication. You seem almost invincible when it comes to convincing others to believe in your ideas. Exercise tact when pushing your desires in each other's faces. The

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thing that may get you the most angry is when you feel your partner is not listening. You likely know just what to say to get your partner's attention. If you put your foot in your mouth on a regular basis, you can learn, with practice, how to be more discreet. Your perceptions hop higher than a kangaroo. You both like to change directions quickly. Give one another a signal before turning if you want to be followed. Excitement is probably preferred over the usual routines. Surprise pumps you with refreshing mental vigor. Forgetting to follow through on promises can be irritating. Anger is not always easy to show. The nervous anxiety it causes makes you both uncomfortable. Getting your hostility out in some instances might make communication smoother in the long run. Neither of you likes to hold grudges anyway. You read each other's minds like an open book. Your eyes and facial expressions are a dead giveaway. The two of you get motivated when pursuing new learning and greater options. There is a need for enthusiasm about your endeavors. When your spirits are on the same wavelength, life seems like a huge playground where your hearts have unlimited access to sing their potential. Jupiter The largest planet in the sky is Jupiter. This happy-go-lucky cosmic giant is more than twice the size of all the other planets put together. Jupiter spins on its axis with great enthusiasm, doing this faster than any other planet. Jupiter's sign and house denote themes related to learning, optimism, travel, philosophical beliefs, luck and generosity. Inspiration that flows between two people can be traced to our good-natured friend in the sky. Jupiter in Libra You seek inspiration through the many people you encounter. Your relationship attracts a lot of interesting individuals. People probably find the two of you fun to be around. Your social instincts have built-in radar to say the right thing, at just the right time. Political activity is possible as is being very busy in any type of public relations. Entertaining others is a snap. The two of you make a great team in being masters of ceremonies for any event. Your friends probably share your views about honesty. You may have strong beliefs concerning fairness and justice. There might be a tendency to talk one another out of decisions. This could get frustrating if you feel precious time being wasted. The pressure of a deadline may be the best thing as it forces you to be more decisive. Compromise and diplomacy are tools of the trade in your relationship. You are both romantics at heart. It is fun to shower your partner with affection and attention. Going to beautiful places and indulging in special romantic atmospheres are

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enjoyable ways to be together. It may be appealing to vacation with another couple. A sense of happiness and expansive growth occurs when you are enjoying the fruits of your most sincere efforts. You both find your hearts open wide when you help each other unlock doors that lead to fulfillment. Your faith in one another elevates your confidence to higher levels. Jupiter in the Sixth House A positive attitude toward work and improving your skills. Does this sound like the two of you? Your optimism in finding meaningful employment helps you land the right kind of job. Each of you is more devoted to a career if your heart is in it. Working for a paycheck will not cut it if you don't believe in what you are doing. Support your partner's quest for serious life pursuits, and you will be especially close. Staying in shape is probably a mutual interest. Watching your weight and overall health captures your interest. You thrive on active lives. It is not good for either of you to grow too complacent with your everyday activities. Some routine is centering; too much dulls your minds. Keep your minds active through new learning, as it will find you churning out more positive thinking. You are a devoted pair when it comes to causes and heartfelt missions. A desire to put your principles and beliefs into practical use is a strong motivation. Your enthusiasm can get others to roll up their sleeves to work side by side with you. Mixing business and pleasure is a must. You can put many hours into making a living. An escape from stress is wise. Indulge in a fun pastime. You may not always like to plan ahead. If you live too loose, it could be difficult to stay organized. You might find a little organization will keep life less frustrating. There is a drive in you both to achieve great things together. Enjoy the journey as much as the end results! Saturn Astronomers say that if Saturn fell from the sky it is light enough to float on an ocean. Some people dread hearing about where Saturn is in their chart more than they do going to the dentist! The fortune tellers of old always painted this planet with "heavy" interpretations. They presented this planet as being a god of doom and gloom. In modern astrology, this motif denotes endurance and ambition. In mythology, Saturn was Chronos, the god of time, reflecting the wisdom that can be learned from past experiences. You could say Saturn is a "Cosmic Chiropractor", showing adjustments needing to be made along life's way. There can be frustration in repeating the same mistakes. Saturn's sign and house themes are associated with Commitment and Reality-Testing. The two of you may find clues here about how you define your relationship roles. Career drive is a Saturn hallmark. Saturn shadows are fear, rigidity and a need to be compulsively controlling. There is no longevity without partners dealing with the symbolism of this particular

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celestial wanderer. With a lot of practice and patience the two of you can get good in making this side of your relationship flow--honest! Saturn can become more a god of Success! Saturn in Aries Taking charge of situations does not scare either of you. You make a good team when it comes to pushing for a golden opportunity that leads to success. People might admire the initiative you show. Playing it safe is not usually going to be your first option. The two of you may become role models for others. You display spontaneous courage to accomplish a plan. Keeping your wits about yourselves in the midst of stressful storms comes with practice. Experience teaches you to think carefully before impulsively launching long-range strategies. You both likely have serious career aspirations. There may be a competitive streak in you that wants to accomplish more than others. You certainly incite a call to action in each other. You take pride in your commitment to one another. If one of you gets too self-absorbed, the other will react strongly. You are two people that need to feel you are in control of your lives. Running your own business is possible. In work environments, you both desire extra latitude to call your own shots. You need to pay attention to your schedules. It will be upsetting if you can't find enough time to play together. The two of you will not find it easy to force your will on one another. Right from the start, adopting a policy of shared leadership is wise. Walking hand-in-hand through new challenges brings you closer. Saturn in the First House You are a "nose to the grindstone" duo when it comes to putting a plan into motion. The world will take notice of your solid ambition. Your presence is not taken lightly by others. Business impulses can be right on the money. You are a catalyst for one another to make bold decisions. Bossiness will not bring you closer together. You are wise to give each other the leeway to determine personal paths to self-importance. This is probably an ambitious relationship. Busy schedules are highly predictable. Manage your time in such a way neither of you suffers burnout. Communication helps you see each other's perspective more clearly. When you don't talk, there might be more of a stalemate, with no winner. Negotiate directly. You do better to argue than hide your hurts. Talk from the heart as well as the head. You often want the same thing but may need time to be able to express it. People may find you a serious couple that somehow manages to make life fun.

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You both need to be leaders. Working with one another is easier when you are treated with respect. Loved ones are often looking to you for guidance and answers. The two of you have a way of convincing others you are capable of doing just about anything. You both grow in confidence when your talents begin to blossom. Uranus Try to visualize a maverick planet orbiting on its side, whereas the other planets sit straight up and down. Uranus! This planet was discovered in the eighteenth century, sandwiched in between the American and French Revolutions. Is it any great wonder that this planet's sign and house occupations show our individuality and innovative ideas? Experimentation. Inventiveness. These are two more themes of this exciting and trend-setting entity. What is the down side to this rebel? A tendency in exhibiting a sarcastic tongue in your everyday communication. Launching sudden irresponsible actions will not make you feel like friends. Uranus can be the source of enjoying the refreshing insights you bring to your partnership. Treat each other as equals and you are likely responding to a positive tendency embedded in this planet's symbolism. Uranus in Libra The two of you enjoy meeting people from many different backgrounds. Your social connections are as wide as the Grand Canyon. You will need to allow your partner to maintain close associations outside of your relationship. Each of you is enriched by your friends. Peer groups could be a boost for your self-confidence. Perhaps you met through someone that knew the two of you. Your closest contacts can be very adept in the arts. Your social interactions are stimulating. They may even create financial opportunities for you. You are a couple with ideas that get others to take notice. Making your joint plans materialize will require bargaining with one another. You will not always see eye-to-eye on how to attain what you want. Indecision will result if you fail to act. The timing of your moving ahead with a goal improves with communication. Surprising each other with parties and romantic getaways does wonders for your hearts. Your tastes in style and entertainment may be interesting topics of conversation. You might be amused by each other's observations about societal traditions and customs. You both believe in being treated as equals. As long as you listen to your partner's most stated needs, you will walk with great mutual understanding. Uranus in the Sixth House Insights into skills that can be developed makes for interesting topics of discussion. You both want to get ahead in the work world. Self-growth is a driving force. It is stimulating in sharing ideas about transcending limiting circumstances. You can come to believe that no obstacle is insurmountable. Try to avoid putting hurdles in each other's path when you are angry or unhappy. A spirit of cooperation will take you much faster to your shared

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destinations. Putting effort into a goal is an area of common belief. You both are willing to roll up your sleeves to do what is required for success. Utilizing the most modern types of technology can boost your earning potential. Staying in touch with current developments in your chosen fields of study gives you an edge. Being an advocate for the highest aims of your partner makes you a precious person. Worry can be quickly activated. Your brains need a lot of "B" vitamins. There is a possibility that you could become interested in alternative healing. Acupuncture, herbs, massage, etc., can become a passionate interest. You instill in one another a quest to put your own personal style into any career pursued. Your desire to be there for one another deepens your commitment. Respect each other's most heartfelt life directions, and you will remain near the center of each other's universe. Neptune There is a planet that adds a mystical tone to our lives. Neptune defies being labeled as part of the physical world. It is our spiritual awareness on one hand and desire to escape from earthly reality on the other. Both are possible! In mythology, Neptune was Poseidon, god of the oceans. This water god represents the strong emotions that love activates. Do the two of you feel any common ground when it comes to your highest beliefs? If you do, it might be associated with this planet's symbolism. Faith is a Neptune theme. Neptune's sign and house will point to the ideals and causes you share. Your intuitive insights into one another can also be revealed here. Shadows of Neptune are denial and guilt. Keep these tendencies in check. It will ensure greater clarity and closeness. If you don't, it can feel like you are eating chicken broth with a fork. Aesthetic interests are another part of Neptune's world. Your shared interests in art and music can come through loud and clear. Neptune in Scorpio You may not be as idealistic as other couples. The bottom line of what you both desire is usually in your line of vision. You can still dream! Be careful what you want from life. You are likely to get it! Your relationship was born passionate. A strong sensual connection is likely. You can influence each other to be secretive. Trust comes as you put some of your cards face up. When you have few hidden agendas life will be more fun together. Your material expectations probably need to be kept reasonable. When you put your money and business smarts together, you can increase each other's wealth.

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People may see you as a couple with magic in their fingertips. Your hard work might be perceived as effortless by others. Emotions are intense with both of you. Your bond can be strong. A shared interest in the mysteries of life can be shown. You can show great concentration when you dive into a serious area of study. The realization that you can rely on your partner is a stabilizing factor. Neptune in the Eighth House You may not always know what each other is feeling, but have an intense desire to make your relationship work. There is passion that weaves an intensity through your emotions. Whatever the two of you pursue together, it is never going to be done half-way. Your intuitive glimpses can penetrate into what each needs to do to achieve self-mastery. You both have certain material and spiritual aims that can learn to get along. There will be differences that you must tolerate in order to coexist peacefully. Your faith in one another is empowering. People can be moved to attempt great things when the two of you get behind them. You are equally as charismatic as you are secretive. You can switch back and forth without much notice. It's your moods that dictate your present disposition. Knowing how to talk with your partner about sensitive subjects is not easy. Revealing what's really bothering one of you might take a mind reader. You will get better in figuring out how to negotiate with each other. It's tough to fight or talk, if only one of you shows up. When you first met, you may have sensed the magic between you. There is a capacity to do well in the business world together. A tireless creative spark may never go out, even when running into an obstacle. Your connection gets stronger with each milestone you experience together. In an ideal world, you could make all of your partner's problems disappear. In the real one, you can learn to find solace in knowing you have a reliable person with which to consult. Pluto Last, but not least, is a planet of mystery and intrigue, Pluto. You may get a message or two in this section about your shared psychological intensity. Pluto's sign and house point to our drives for power, passion and financial gain. A desire to get to know each other on the deepest of levels can be a Pluto theme. We must let go of a part of ourselves to be in a relationship. This scares some people and seems like a fair deal to others. What we cannot face as individuals sometimes will be brought to the surface in our interactions with a partner. Pluto's shadows center around jealousy and possessiveness. This planet teaches us that letting go and trusting one another are rewarding paths. Facing the tests of Pluto together is the breakfast of champions. Pluto in Virgo Two people with a plan! Does this describe you? A passionate plea for life to respond to

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your most sincere efforts is in your stars. Work is a regular part of your diet. It shares equal footing with any of your other interests. There is talent when you put your energies together. Planning a direction that yields practical results is within your reality. Each of you can be very dedicated to improving your skills. You experience greater harmony when helping your partner achieve self-improvement. Watch those critical remarks. Keep them to an absolute minimum. You respond better to positive strokes. There is a tendency to push each other to greater heights. You may do this out of love or a compulsive worry. With practice, you will learn just how encouraging you need to be. Researching the best diet, and healthy ways to live, are possibly of mutual interest. Your work could involve health related or service fields. You both possess instincts to satisfy the public. Business ideas can be exciting. You may be a careful couple when it comes to your money. Knowing how to find a bargain is a strong point. Make time for sheer pleasure. You will need this to maintain your physical and mental health. Getting away is good for your romance. Pluto in the Sixth House You have an immense impact on each other's desire for self-improvement. This can translate into the skills area. It is possible you know how to encourage and support one another when it comes to increasing your job potential. Helping your partner stay out of dead-end work positions makes for greater compatibility. You expect one another to act responsibly. A team spirit in taking on joint projects deepens your closeness. Operating a business together can be done successfully. Criticism may be a sore spot in your relationship. It can cause hurt feelings, if used carelessly. Be harder on the problems, rather than on each other. Focus your emotional intensity away from your partner. Neither one of you cares to be analyzed under a microscope of scrutiny--do you? The health arena is of interest to one or both of you. Don't push your own diet or health regimen on your partner. You will only meet with resistance. Suggestions that are meant to help each other work better than commandments. The two of you talk more clearly when not too exhausted or filled with worry. The timing of your conversations will prove to be as important as the content. You can brighten your partner's life with an impeccable desire to be there when needed. A spontaneous display of rationality in the midst of turbulence may be a shared talent. Midheaven Just as the Ascendant was described as a sign serving a special purpose, there is a sign referred to as the Midheaven, with a special mission of its own. This is the sign at the

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beginning of the 10th house of a chart. A palm reader can interpret the career line embedded in your hand. Think of the Midheaven or 10th house sign as a type of career line in your chart. How you two conduct business in the world and your work interests are shown here. Midheaven in Capricorn Ambition is not to be taken lightly in your relationship. Each of you wants your career aspirations to be acknowledged. You are willing to go through some degree of delayed gratification to achieve the desired results. You don't like people wasting your time or money. People with follow through win your admiration. Delegate responsibility to others when it fits your needs. Why? It will create more moments to spend together. Watch your schedules. It can get tough to pencil each other in. There needs to be a clear sense of responsibility and commitment. There may be a tradition one or both of you holds sacred. Allow for an occasional surprise to occur. There will be milestones to celebrate; creating happy memories to look back upon. Part Three: Planetary Aspects It's time now to mention another technical side of your report. (If you don't like technical explanations, skip right to the Aspect Interpretations). You have already been introduced to the ten planets. Certain planetary pairs in your chart have a special relationship to one another due to particular angular distances separating them, known as aspects. You could almost say the two planets in an aspect travel and interact together along the same circuit. The following aspect interpretations or descriptions will be listed under five types. Two are known as the soft aspects: the sextile (60 degrees) and trine (120 degrees). These two aspects generally point to more gentle themes found in your relationship. They indicate a lower voltage of electricity and produce less friction. The planets involved in a trine or sextile are more likely to be areas where you flow together without much effort. The more hard or intense aspects are the conjunction (0 degrees), square (90 degrees) and opposition (180 degrees). They require our understanding and will point to key ways the two of you must communicate and negotiate. Planets that are part of an intense aspect will show how you energize one another. These higher voltage aspects don't mean you want to avoid them, but more so to develop a true understanding of how to use this energy constructively. "Soft" does not mean good and "intense" does not imply bad. It is often the more intense aspects that deepen the bond of a partnership. The interpretation of any planetary aspect depends greatly on the symbolism of the two planets forming an aspect. It might be helpful to keep some key words in mind for the aspects. The sextile is a promise of Excitement and Eagerness. The planets in this aspect give clues how your energies support one another. The trine is a special Harmony shown by two planets. There is often positive regard for one another that comes spontaneously. We expect good

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things to be delivered in the trine. The conjunction is where two planets are joined at the hip. There is a Fusion or powerful blending of these two energies. The square can reveal where you will encounter Friction in your relationship. Pay special attention to these aspects, as they are opportunities for growth as much as discord. The opposition requires a Balancing act. It is similar to a seesaw. Each of you may find yourselves taking turns in acting out one planet or the other. It might be helpful to refer to Parts One and Two to refresh your memory about the meaning of the Planets, Ascendant and Midheaven, as you read the aspects that follow. Remember that it is usually the more intense aspects that stretch us the most. The more positively you use these challenging planetary combinations the greater will be your understanding of each other. Note that a planet might be involved in several different aspects. In other words, the planet is interfacing its energies with numerous other planets (or even with the Ascendant or Midheaven). A "heavily aspected planet" plays a key role in your relating to each other. Moon Sextile Sun You can express your feelings to one another with confidence. It may seem almost effortless to support each other's creative drives. Moving fast through life without losing sight of one another is possible. A restless desire for change need not cause problems. Showing you care makes your partner happy. Together you are capable of arousing greater imagination in others. Moon Sextile Mercury You like the way each other thinks. It fits into the reality each of you uses to perceive the world. A spark of excitement is lit when you expose your partner to new thinking. The two of you like to know the latest breaking news in your community or in the lives of your closest compatriots. Your friends can be imaginative types. They probably need to be, in order to hold your attention. Reading and learning could be mutual interests. A restless desire to be on the go is firmly embedded in your relationship. Your poise in handling challenges is steady and centering. Moon Square Venus Is it true that sometimes you both react too quickly with strong emotions? It's okay if you do. When you feel drained due to heated exchanges, it's possible that compromise might settle your differences. Make each other feel secure and valued. Money issues can surface. The two of you know what you want and how to get it. There might be a disagreement about privacy and socializing. Stay away from extremes with either tendency. Having friends outside of your relationship is good for the two of you. Let your

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partner have time alone once in a while. It revitalizes your partnership. Moon Opposite Saturn There is a deep commitment possible when you put most of your cards face-up. Romance is fun. It's the trust that can scare us. Take it slow. Adjusting to each other's way of conducting daily business will need attention. A compromise or two never is wrong, as long as both of you are participating. Time can teach you how to communicate. Your moods will sometimes get you to pull away. One or both of you might enjoy periods of solitude to collect yourself. Just don't make this an excuse for not talking. When you disagree, you will meet with resistance if you force your opinions. Business dealings can make you both rich. You will probably not have much trouble in agreeing on a home, especially if you both get your needs met. Moon Opposite Ascendant You can see right through one another. This is either comforting, or makes you feel uneasy. You can easily tap into your partner's more nurturing tendencies. It probably isn't easy to be away from each other. There are moments when you need time apart to gain objectivity. Your home is probably a lively place full of activity. People can enjoy the support the two of you give them. Your closest friends can seem like part of your family. When you let each other into your inner worlds, you become that much more passionate. Moods are always present in the background. You may be quite intuitive about your partner and those you meet. The two of you can host a party or any social gathering with a fine sense of the public. A tendency to be protective is in the air. Sun Conjunct Mercury Communication Plus! Ideas are born by the minute when your minds get together. It might seem you could finish each other's sentences. The two of you can enjoy exposing the other to new learning. There is little happening in the news that gets by you. Be careful in worrying over too many details. You can sniff out imperfection quickly. When you perceive a purpose in being well organized, it is more likely to occur. A hard-working twosome you are, though you might not approach a job in exactly the same fashion. People probably find you an efficient duo. Sun Opposite Mars You are a fiery couple. Charging in new directions is a way of life. Self-starters you appear to be. Angry outbursts are your way of sometimes expressing an opinion. It doesn't take long to get your partner's attention. People likely see both of you as being direct. Getting right to the point is a tendency. Patience and tolerance are ways to remain close. Your eagerness to seek adventure is painted into your facial expressions. Friends and business contacts can marvel at your courage. Stress seems to bring out your best. It is not easy for others to win an argument with either one of you. Encourage one another to be confident.

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Sun Trine Saturn Your creative confidence and serious focus are residing under productive stars. There is a talent in moving together without crowding each other's style. You have a healthy respect for the effort each makes in work and love. If your drive for success gets sleepy, you only need to remember the true purpose for your plans. Others can admire how the two of you casually act like you are on top of your game. Watching your partner reach highest potentials elevates your own determination. You may be seen as role models by some. Sun Square Uranus You are not "always" going to see eye-to-eye on key goals. Count on it! There is friction if you don't allow for individuality to be expressed. You can't get your own way all the time--you can anticipate this as well! When you put those unique ideas together, the future does look so bright, that you do need sunglasses. Be ready for the unexpected. Life together attracts unusual happenings. Surprises and sudden change of direction are more likely than a stable existence. Excitement seems to bring out your best creative energies. Keep watering the places where you find harmony. You will need them to ground your unique personal drives for self-expression. Before making significant changes, make sure they are really necessary. A tornado-like restlessness can entice you into questioning what comes easy. You can forge ahead into terrain in this relationship that you may never have explored on your own. Sun Square Pluto You can accomplish wondrous things together. A clash of wills may operate behind the scenes. You make good problem-solvers but likely have a different way of arriving at the same conclusions. It can grow frustrating if you waste time bickering over inconsequential details. You might grow jealous when one of you seems to have an easier life than the other does. This is an intense side of your relationship. Use it wisely. It feels like a blessing when you put your forceful energies to productive use. If you work against one another, it gets exhausting. When you talk through an issue, it empowers you. Be generous with your money and possessions. It will deepen your trust. Equal power is a must. You both come out on top when you feel like winners. Turning negative situations into positives shows you are a couple exhibiting self-mastery. Sun Trine Ascendant Self-confidence is everywhere present in your relationship. Your ego needs and identity is in favorable alignment. Others can envy the way things seem to come easily to you lovers. Don't forget to make effort when going after your most serious aspirations. A passive approach to what you desire could surface. You may need to reach back for extra energy. Take a strong and convincing step to look good fortune in the face. Money and business acquisitions are in your favor. Believe in yourselves and the best is yet to come!

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Mercury Trine Saturn You have a tendency to work together without interfering with each other's decision-making. Patience makes for less tension. You can find that you share similar perceptions about careers and serious plans. Respecting your partner's ideas makes it easier to get together on major plans. Staying organized is easier if you can see logically the reason for adopting a strategy. Sharing perceptions that benefit your mutual career aspirations is appreciated. Mercury Square Pluto Conflict occurs when you refuse to talk about what's really bothering you. It can be hard to pull out the real issues. Hidden agendas need to be revealed. Grudges serve only to cause distance. When you do confess your points of contention, the air begins to clear of debris. You are a powerful alliance when joining forces. When you are on the same team making things happen through the magic of your ideas is an everyday happening Power struggles might be the result of you each wanting more say over a situation. Communicate clearly about financial decisions, as this could be the root of most problems. Turning your most intense differences into winners is a boost to your intimacy. Don't let heated debates worry you. It means you have passion. There is a ferocious loyalty that finds birth when you listen to the depths of your partner's thoughts. Mercury Trine Ascendant You raise each other's clarity a notch or two through clear perceptions. Being able to look ahead with calm reasoning powers makes for smooth sailing. Carrying out joint plans can be done with a minimum amount of tension. Your communication prowess could open exciting doors that lead to greater potentials. A confident demeanor attracts the results you hope to attain. Say what you mean. It's usually right on the money! Venus Square Saturn Make decisions that do not exclude each other's feeling of self-importance. You can squash each other's desire for fun and pleasure by being rigid. Learning how to work together is vital. The two of you can accomplish much when you get moving toward shared ambitions. Issues over ownership, work or money need your attention. Compromises are required. You love your partner more when there is a mutual expression of feelings. You can't expect to change each other into a person that better fits your needs. However, you can request a few concessions. A happier atmosphere presides when you trust the commitment. Using your resources for comfort and pleasure, rather than for solely practical purposes, allows for greater intimacy. You can become great allies in accumulating more wealth. Sharing your resources generously with one another is the way to harmony. Venus Sextile Neptune

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Getting stimulated through sharing your ways to seek comfort and pleasure is likely. You know how to make each other feel accepted just as you are. Business and romance are easy for you to keep separate. Each can be satisfying parts of your lives. Doing fun things makes being together a timeless flow. The faith you have in your partner is genuine and confidence provoking. Entertaining your friends and business associates illustrates your intuitive gift in pleasing others. You spark greater idealism in each other. Venus Trine Pluto A polished way of dealing with others takes you far together. You can tune into the deepest emotional needs of one another. Responding with poise to unexpected events is a shared talent. Ownership and money dealings can be based on mutual trust. You are strong advocates for each other's talents. A desire to make others happy wins their support when you need them. Joint hunches could make you lucky. Following romantic impulses pumps you with a desire to keep falling in love. Venus Square Ascendant Emotions are not easy to hide. It is in your faces whether you are happy or not. Money issues can create tension if there is no compromise. It might be that your choices in entertainment or in finding comfort are different. Allowing for unique tastes to be expressed makes you both happier. There is the potential of being a powerful, creative force together. Putting your values into motion may be more to your advantage than sitting on the fence with them. Each of you can crave attention. Your negotiating skills will not get rusty from not being used in this relationship. Mars Square Uranus Erratic behaviors and self-absorption can get you mad at each other. Working together will test your patience. When you communicate clearly, you stand a better chance to figure the best way to achieve desired results together. New ideas come like lightning bolts. It is a roller coaster ride of exhilarating excitement to know one another. If you give a turn signal ahead of time to your partner, it causes less anxiety in what you expect. Rebellious urges can be expressed when the two of you are fighting injustice. Defending the underdog is in your chemistry. You have an arsenal of ideas to speak out against limited thinking. It is fun to discover new ways to surprise your partner. Jupiter Square Midheaven Rushing into decisions is not always the best policy. Be sure to consult each other before embarking on major plans. Errors in judgment, or forgetfulness, can cause angry outbursts. Following through on promises helps you feel close. A little flexibility to rearrange plans never hurts. You both react sensitively if you sense a lack of faith from your partner. You can grow fond of positive backing for many projects. Maintaining boundaries between work and pleasure is testy. You are a couple that will make great effort to preserve your commitment.

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Saturn Conjunct Ascendant Self-reliance plus! This is a more serious side of you both. Getting focused helps you stay on track in getting things done together. You attract responsibility. Leadership roles follow you. People look to you to help them with decisions. Be understanding in dealing with one another. You could put too much pressure on yourselves occasionally. Career and ambition are major concerns. Each of you needs to feel successful in your life endeavors. Taking time away from business is a way to pay attention to your partner. Others probably perceive you to be a couple knowing what you want and how to attain it. Neptune Sextile Pluto Your intuitive instincts are highlighted. You have a way of making each other feel valued. Enjoy a shared vision that makes you both look for the best in life. The natural romantic is never far from your awareness. Your imagination doesn't need much of a wake up call. Sharing your innermost secrets instills trust. You know how to help your partner rebuild their self-confidence when the going gets rough. You cannot save one another from life's lessons. You can be there though to make accepting the truth easier to swallow. Part Four: The Nodes of the Moon Do you sometimes wonder if it was fate or some other mysterious set of events that introduced the two of you? What attracted you the most to each other? Maybe it was a charismatic smile, the way you could talk, a physical attraction, or a shared sense of values. There is a multitude of possibilities you could name. The Nodes of the Moon are not planets. They are a celestial polarity offering clues to your connection on the soul level. Think of it as your own "psychic friends network." If this sounds too mystical or corny, just think of the Nodes as a shared frequency level in your partnership. It doesn't mean you get psychic flashes about each other. Much of this link between your minds is probably on a subconscious level. The Nodes usually play an active part in our closest relationships. The longer we are in a relationship with a particular person, the more these two energies come into our conscious awareness. The Nodes represents a special way you can build your relationship together. They point to certain themes that must be nurtured. This helps keep weeds of discontent and frustration from growing. The Nodes are a path to solidifying your sense of closeness. Node in Pisces You have a shared mission in discovering your highest ideals. A powerful faith in each other can take you through tough circumstances. You activate intuitive imagination in one another like few others can do for you. An attraction to similar aesthetic interests is

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probable. Causes can capture your attention. You encourage compassion and an awareness of world events. The closeness you felt early on in your relationship may have given you a feeling of already knowing each other. Being watchers of what others think and do, can be equally entertaining. Exchanging ideas about the meaning of life is energizing. You are a duo with great healing energy. The trickster or hidden irrational tendencies arise when you grow too critical of one another, or when you indulge in excessive worry. Learn to live with the fact that there are no perfect people. You will probably react angrily if there is not equal support for key self-improvement drives. You can be an efficient and serious pair. Learn to find ways to have fun. A compulsive work nature may need to be modified. People can find you to be thorough and well prepared when it comes to responsibility. When you join forces in making the same effort to put a plan into manifestation, you are a happy pair. Node in the Twelfth House There is a calling to be true to your shared ideals. The two of you can form a special closeness that can find you reading one another's thoughts. The intuitive and creative intensity you inspire in your partner is great. You can believe in each other's abilities. It may seem your subconscious minds are linked as one. Each of you must feel free to choose your own causes. You understand the idealism in one another. A fondness for the arts or similar types of entertainment is probable. You may expect a lot from each other--be reasonable. Dealing with realistic choices will test your closeness. It's when you support each other's favorite paths that you find the greatest joy. Do you sometimes feel a mysterious pull to doubt yourself, or each other, for no apparent reason? Don't panic. It's just your mind saying it's not possible or realistic to be this happy. It is possible the two of you may need to get better in talking about real issues. It is tempting to do the sweeping under the carpet trick. Eventually you must talk straight. Criticism can be destructive if it gets out of hand. Neither of you probably likes to be critiqued anyway. The two of you are happier when you balance reality and idealism. You likely appreciate it when your partner is holding up their end of the bargain in acting responsibly. You can be an efficient duo able to enjoy the fruits of working toward shared objectives. This concludes your Romance Profile, Chris and Daniel. If this was your first experience of Astrology, hopefully it is far from your last! There are many other types of written reports available.