simple future tense...positive negative i / you / we / they/ she / it will will not see you tomorrow...

Simple Future Tense 1

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  • Simple Future Tense


  • Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense

    What will you do…

    Warm up

    1. after this class?

    2. tomorrow?

    3. next Saturday?

    4. next Sunday?


  • Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense

    They will finish the

    job next week

    It will rain this


    Dad is going to

    be back for


    I am going to go

    swimming this


    • I will be eight years old next year. • We will play chess after lunch. • You will enjoy visiting New Zealand. • She will not be at party e ause she’s si k. • They are going to wash the car for Dad. • We are going to bake a cake this afternoon.

    More examples:


  • Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to."

    Although the two forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, they often

    express two very different meanings. These different meanings might seem

    too abstract at first, but with time and practice, the differences will become

    clear. Both "will" and "be going to" refer to a specific time in the future.

    Subject will

    main verb rest of the verb positive negative

    I / You / we / They/

    She / It will will not see

    you tomorrow


    Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense

    Subject Be verbs invariable

    main verb rest of the verb positive negative

    I am

    going to not going to

    see you tomorrow


    He / She / It is

    You / we / They are


  • 5

    Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense

    Uses of Simple Future Tense

    "Will" to Express a Voluntary Action

    "Will" often suggests that a speaker will do something voluntarily. A voluntary

    action is one the speaker offers to do for someone else. Often, we use "will" to

    respond to someone else's complaint or request for help. We also use "will"

    when we request that someone help us or volunteer to do something for us.

    Similarly, we use "will not" or "won't" when we refuse to voluntarily do


    • I will send you the information when I get it. • I will translate the email, so Mr. Smith can read it. • Will you make dinner? • I won't do all the housework myself! • A: I'm really hungry. B: I'll make some sandwiches.

  • Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense

    "Will" to Express a Promise

    "Will" is usually used in promises.

    • I will call you when I arrive. • If I am elected President of the United States, I will make sure everyone has access to inexpensive health


    • I promise I will not tell him about the surprise party.


    "Be going to" to Express a Plan

    "Be going to" expresses that something is a plan. It expresses the idea that a

    person intends to do something in the future. It does not matter whether the

    plan is realistic or not.

    • He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii. • She is not going to spend her vacation in Hawaii. • A: When are we going to meet each other tonight? B: We are going to meet at 6 PM.

    • I'm going to be an actor when I grow up. • Who are you going to invite to the party?

  • Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense

    "Will" or "Be Going to" to Express a Prediction

    Both "will" and "be going to" can express the idea of a general prediction about

    the future. Predictions are guesses about what might happen in the future. In

    "prediction" sentences, the subject usually has little control over the future and

    therefore USES 1-3 do not apply. In the following examples, there is no difference

    in meaning.

    • The year 2222 will be a very interesting year. • The year 2222 is going to be a very interesting year.

    • John Smith will be the next President. • John Smith is going to be the next President.

    • The movie "Zenith" will win several Academy Awards. • The movie "Zenith" is going to win several Academy Awards.


  • Application Co plete the ta le a d o pare it ith your tea her’s’.

    TASKS Teacher Student

    "Will" to Express a

    Voluntary Action

    "Will" to Express a


    "Be going to" to Express

    a Plan

    "Will" or "Be Going to" to

    Express a Prediction


    Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense

  • Contractions

    I will


    I’ll You will You’ll He will

    She will

    It will

    He’ll She’ll It’ll

    They will They’ll We will We’ll

    In negative sentences, we may contract

    with won't, like this:

    You won't like it. I'm sure they won't give you the job.

    We sometimes use shall instead of will,

    especially for I and we.

    When we use the Future Simple in speaking, we often contract the subject and

    the auxiliary verb. We also sometimes do this in informal writing.

    Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense


    GONNA is used for "going to" in informal speech and in representations of such


    "It's not gonna be easy." "They're gonna get married in July." "I felt like something bad was gonna happen."

  • Make the future simple of the following sentences.

    1. The hibiscus __________________ (to be going – to thrive) with lots of water. 2. If you do ’t wear a bee suit, the bees _________________ (to be going - to sting) you. 3. He __________________ (will- to sunburn) if he does ’t wear sun block. 4. Calculus problems __________________ (to be going – to vex) me. 5. She __________________ (to be going to- weep) when she cuts onions.

    6. Karla __________________ (shall – to be) very angry at Carlos. 7. The gymnasts __________________ (shall- to spring) off the springboard.

    8. Both girls __________________ (to be) eighteen years old.

    9. When Francheska goes to church, she __________________ (to be going to - kneel).

    10. Ice cream __________________(to be going- to melt) at room temperature.

    11. Pepe __________________ (shall- to put) the popsicles in the freezer.

    12. Sally __________________ (to be going - to sell) seashells by the seashore.

    13. Coco is a dog that __________________ (will- to shed) during the winter.

    14. Gracie is a dog that __________________ (to be going - to lie) on the kitchen floor when I cook.

    15. I __________________ (shall- to shred) cheese for the burritos.

    16. The chef __________________ (will-to toss) the salad before serving it.

    17. Sebastian __________________ (to be going - to spread) butter on his toast.

    18. Francisco __________________ (will- to upset) his mother if he receives bad grades.

    19. Aidan __________________ (to be going - to spill) juice from the baby cup.

    20. Susana __________________(to be going- to jog) at the track.

    Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense


  • Will + infinitive Be going to + infinitive

    A decision at the moment of speaking:

    Julie: There's no milk.

    John: Really? In that case, I'll go and get some.

    A decision before the moment of speaking:

    Julie: There's no milk.

    John: I know. I'm going to go and get some

    when this TV program finishes.

    A prediction based on opinion:

    I think the Conservatives will win the next


    A prediction based on something we can see

    (or hear) now:

    The Conservatives are going to win the

    election. They already have most of the votes.

    A future fact:

    The sun will rise tomorrow.

    For promises / requests / refusals / offers:

    I'll help you tomorrow, if you like.


    Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense

  • Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense

    Prompt Response

    We do ’t ha e a y read. I know. I _________ get some from the shop.

    We do ’t ha e a y read. Really? I _________ get some from the shop then.

    Why do you need to borrow my


    I _________ visit my mother in Scotland next month.

    I’ really old. I _________ turn the heating on.

    Are you goi g to Joh ’s party tonight?

    Yes. Are you going too? I _________ give you a lift.

    What are your plans after you leave


    I _________ work in a hospital in Africa. I leave on the 28th .

    (The phone rings) I _________ get it!

    Are you ready to order? I a ’t de ide … Okay, I _________ ha e the steak, please.

    Are you busy tonight? Would you

    like to have coffee?

    Sorry. I_________ go to the li rary. I’ e ee pla i g to study all day.

    Why are you carrying a hammer? I _________ put up some pictures.


    Complete the responses with either will or going to.

  • To create a question that will be answered with a yes or no, use

    Will or Wo ’t + su je t + ase for of the er .

    Will subject Base form of the


    Rest of the


    Will Wo ’t I / you / they / we he/ she / it

    send that message for


    Will you have pancakes for breakfast tomorrow? Wo ’t the girls e late for the party? Will Dave burn the CD for you? Will you go to the mall this weekend? Will I try the new program? Will it be okay if I leave early? Wo ’t the dog ru a ay if you u leash it?

    Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense


  • To ask a question that will be answered with either a yes or no, start with Am, Is

    or Are (or is ’t/are ’t for negative questions), then choose a subject (the person or thing doing the action), followed by going to + the base form of the verb.

    form of Be subject going to +verb rest of the sentence

    Am I

    going to eat lunch today Is Is ’t he / she / it Are Are ’t you / we / they

    Am I going to feel bad about my decision? Is he going to watch the film tonight? Are you going to participate in the race tomorrow?

    Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense


  • Make yes or no questions in be going to form.

    1. (Samantha / run) in the race on Saturday?

    2. (when / your mum / ring) you up?

    3. (you / take) the train into Hamburg at the weekend?

    4. (Julian / get) a good school report this year?

    5. (we / visit) the Tower of London when we go to London this year?

    6. (when / your friends / fly) to the Isle of Wight?

    7. (we / repair) our bikes today?

    8. (I / finish) this exercise soon?.

    9. (he / phone) his friend

    10. (You/have) a picnic next Tuesday.

    11.(his brother/write) a letter to his uncle today.

    12.(Sophie and Nick/meet) their friends.

    13.(they/walk) to the bus stop this afternoon.

    14. (I/do) my homework after school.

    15. (we/ play) a new computer game.

    Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense


  • Ask and answer yes or no questions about the following

    time expressions:


    Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense

    1. after class

    2. tomorrow

    3. next weekend

    4. next week

    5. next summer

    6. next holiday

    7. next Christmas

    8. next year

    Example: Are you going to eat dinner after this class?


  • Wh- questions are questions that require more information in

    their answers.

    Wh Question Will subject Base form of

    the verb

    Rest of the


    What will I / you / they / we

    he/ she / it

    tell him tonight?

    Why o ’t finish the project?

    What will you have for dinner? Where will you spend the holiday? When will John visit us? Why o ’t you tell hi the truth? How will you go to the city? What will you do on Sunday? Why o ’t you o e ith us?

    Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense


  • To create a wh-question, start with the wh-word, then add am, is or are, then

    the subject (a person or thing that will be doing the action), going to and the

    base form of the verb.

    Wh word form of Be Subject going to + verb rest of the



    am I

    going to watch the baseball

    game. is is ’t he / she / it

    are are ’t you / we / they

    How much is the computer going to cost? Why aren’t you going to buy that car? What are you going to do this summer?

    Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense


  • 1. Ellen and Harry are going to watch TV tonight.

    2. We're going to go to the dentist's next week.

    3. She's going to have a party for her birthday.

    4. I'm going to eat that cake.

    5. The movie will end at 1:20.

    6. Bill's going to wear a suit to the wedding.

    7. Ann's going to make a sandwich for dinner.

    8. It's going to rain soon.

    9. We'll look for jobs in hotels.

    10. There will be eight people at the party.

    11. You're going to phone Phil tomorrow.

    12. It will cost $250 to get my car fixed.

    13. We're going to take an umbrella.

    14. I'm going to stay at home tonight.

    15. They won't finish until after five o'clock.

    Make Wh questions answerable by the underlined words.

    Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense


  • Take a look at the table below for Future Simple Tense - will Summary.

    Subject Form of Be Verb going to + main verb Rest of the


    I am am not

    going to work tomorrow. He / She/ It is is not

    You / They / We are are not

    WH Q Form of Be

    Verb Subject

    going to + main


    Rest of the


    Am I (not)

    going to work tomorrow?

    Is he / she /it


    Is ’t

    Are you / we / they


    Are ’t



    he / she/ it

    you / we /they


    Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense


  • Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense

    A prediction is a forecast. It is a statement about what

    you think will happen in the future. Make predictions on the


    Weather this weekend In demand job next year Fashion trend next year Hairstyle trend next year You in 5 years You in 10 years You tea her’s fortu e



  • Lesson 3. Simple Future Tense



    Goals How will you achieve the change?




    Job / School






    GOALS: What are you goals in the following aspects? Complete the table below.

  • The End
