simple steps to upgrading your modules to drupal 8

Drupal Geeks a Division of Ameex Technologies Corp 1701 E Woodfield Rd, Suite 211 Schaumburg, IL 60173 Simple Steps To Upgrading Your Modules To Drupal 8 Drupal 8 got released on November 19th, 2015 and with time its has gotten stable. Now is the right time to upgrade your Drupal 7 modules to Drupal 8. There Are Two Ways By Which You Can Upgrade Your Module To Drupal 8 They Are As Follows : 1. Upgrade Module to Drupal 8 Automatically Using Drupal Module Upgrade . 2. Upgrade Module to Drupal 8 Manually. 1. Upgrade Module to Drupal 8 Automatically Using Drupal Module Upgrade : This Module is run through command-line script: First it scans the source of a Drupal 7 module which is to be upgraded.

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Page 1: Simple steps to upgrading your modules to drupal 8

Drupal Geeks a Division of Ameex Technologies Corp 1701 E Woodfield Rd, Suite 211 Schaumburg, IL


Simple Steps To Upgrading Your Modules To Drupal 8

Drupal 8 got released on November 19th, 2015 and with time its has gotten stable. Now is the

right time to upgrade your Drupal 7 modules to Drupal 8.

There Are Two Ways By Which You Can Upgrade Your Module To Drupal 8 They Are As Follows :

1. Upgrade Module to Drupal 8 Automatically Using Drupal Module Upgrade .

2. Upgrade Module to Drupal 8 Manually.

1. Upgrade Module to Drupal 8 Automatically Using Drupal Module Upgrade :

This Module is run through command-line script:

First it scans the source of a Drupal 7 module which is to be upgraded.

Page 2: Simple steps to upgrading your modules to drupal 8

Drupal Geeks a Division of Ameex Technologies Corp 1701 E Woodfield Rd, Suite 211 Schaumburg, IL


After scanning it flags the codes that requires updating to Drupal 8.

It also points out the relevant API changes and automatically converts the Drupal 7 code to

Drupal 8 version.

The goal is to ensures that there is coverage for most widely-used Drupal hooks and

automatically convert them.

Note : This module may not convert all the Drupal 7 codes to Drupal 8.

2. Upgrade Module to Drupal 8 Manually :

Steps to Upgrade your Module to Drupal 8 manually are as follows :

Before you start: Setting up a Drupal 8 module dev environment

Step 1: Convert your file to file

Step 2: Convert your automated tests to Drupal 8

Step 3: Convert hook_menu() and forms in your module to Drupal 8 Configurtation

Step 4: Convert Drupal 7 Variables in your module to Drupal 8 Configuration

Step 5: How to upgrade D7 variables to D8's state system

Do debugging to your Drupal 8 module upgrades

Resources and tutorials

There are so many Contributed modules from Drupal 7 which has been moved to Drupal 8 core

and some many Drupal 7 Core modules which has been removed from Drupal 8 Core which are

given below.

List Of Modules Added To Drupal 8 Core :

1. Action

2. Ban

3. HTTP Basic authentication

4. Breakpoint

5. Caption filter (part of filter module)

6. CKEditor (ckeditor)

7. Configuration Translation module

8. content_translation

Page 3: Simple steps to upgrading your modules to drupal 8

Drupal Geeks a Division of Ameex Technologies Corp 1701 E Woodfield Rd, Suite 211 Schaumburg, IL


9. CTools

10. Entity Reference module

11. Date module

12. Text Editor (editor)

13. email

14. entity

15. entity_reference

16. hal

17. history

18. language

19. link

20. menu_link

21. migrate

22. migrate_drupal

23. number

24. options

25. Quick Edit

26. Responsive Image (responsive_image)

27. rest

28. serialization

29. telephone

30. text

31. tour


33. Views UI

34. Xmlrpc

The Following Drupal Modules Have Been Removed From Drupal 8 Core :

Blog module: Blog was removed from Drupal 8 core as part of a meta issue to make Drupal 8

core more maintainable. With the help of Fields,Views and Content Types (available in core) can

build similar to blog

Dashboard module: The Dashboard module is removed from Drupal 8 Core and is now

available as a contributed Module.

Page 4: Simple steps to upgrading your modules to drupal 8

Drupal Geeks a Division of Ameex Technologies Corp 1701 E Woodfield Rd, Suite 211 Schaumburg, IL


Design test module: In Drupal 7, Style Guide module is more popular.

Number module: Email and number field types are moved to Drupal core Fields.

List module: List module is merged with Options module.

OpenID module: The OpenID module is removed from Drupal 8 core and is now available as a

contributed module.

Overlay module: The new Drupal 8 toolbar now has a “back to site" button which has the same

use-case as overlay module, it allows site users to return from the admin page that they were


PHP filter module: The PHP Filter module has been removed from Drupal 8 core for futher

information go to

Poll module: The Poll module is removed from Drupal 8 core and is now available as a

contributed module. There are also other contributed modules which provide similar polling


Profile module: The profile module has been removed from Drupal 8 core.

Trigger module: A contributed module Rules provides similar functionality. Trigger module is

available as contributed module.

How We Can Help You?

For A Thorough Assessment And Professional Guidance On Upgrading Your Drupal Website,

Drupal Geeks Can Be Reached Out @ 312-340-7112 Or Send An Email

To [email protected]