simple tips to lose weight in 1 week

Simple Tips to Lose Weight in 1 Week Diet Plan to Lose Weight in a Week Here are 25 simple pointers on a weekly diet plan to lose weight: 1. Cut down calories: Cut the calories that you consume everyday by half or ¾. This is really essential to lose weight in a week. 2. Drink plenty of water: Water plays a vital role in weight loss. Drinking water keeps your tummy full all the time. Essentially drink about 4 to 5 litres of water every day. This is the most essential among all tips to lose weight in a week. 3. Never skip a meal: Skipping a meal won’t reduce weight! When you skip a meal, you will continue to stay hungry, in turn making your next meal bigger than required.

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show you how to loose weight in simple one week time period


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Simple Tips to Lose Weight in 1 Week

Diet Plan to Lose Weight in a Week

Here are 25 simple pointers on a weekly diet plan to lose weight:

1. Cut down calories:

Cut the calories that you consume everyday by half or ¾. This is really essential to lose

weight in a week.

2. Drink plenty of water:

Water plays a vital role in weight loss. Drinking water keeps your tummy full all the time.

Essentially drink about 4 to 5 litres of water every day. This is the most essential among

all tips to lose weight in a week.

3. Never skip a meal:

Skipping a meal won’t reduce weight! When you skip a meal, you will continue to stay

hungry, in turn making your next meal bigger than required.

4. Exercise daily:

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Staying fit never happened in front of the TV on the couch! Get up and start working out.

Exercising burns more calories. In order to reduce weight faster try to work out twice a

day. You needn’t hit the gym for this. Try out some home videos or yoga or whatever

catches your fancy!

5. Avoid carbonated drinks:

It’s a definite NO! Carbonated drinks such as sodas have been proven to increase weight.

6. Add fruits and vegetables to your diet:

Replace fried food and snacks with fresh fruits and vegetables.  They are high in fiber

and water content. Not to forget fruits are rich in nutrients needed for our body.

7. Reduce your food intake per meal:

Ever have the feeling your tummy will burst up after a meal? Never eat till your stomach

is full, stop before you burp out loud.

8. More Fiber and Fewer Carbohydrates:

Let your meal be dominated by fiber rather than Carbohydrates. Fiber boosts the

digestion process and also cleanses out the toxins from your body which is an essential

answer to how to lose weight in one week.

9. Add fresh vegetable soup to your diet:

Research shows that adding fresh soups to your diet reduces the calorie intake and in

turn aids inreducing weight.

10. Count the calories consumed:

Always keep a count of how much calories you consume in a day. A good way would be

to maintain a diary of what you eat.

11. Proper sound sleep:

A good night’s sleep can do much more than what we would realize. You should get 8

hours of sleep every day. Proper sleep helps in proper metabolism and a good

metabolism will help you lose weight.

12.  Add protein rich food to your diet:

Protein rich foods are muscle builders. Fat is easily turned into muscle by our body when

we work out. So, add a good dosage of Protein rich foods in your daily diet.

13. 3 heavy meals or 5 to 6 small meals?

Never eat 3 heavy meals but consume 5 to 6 small portions in a day. Remember the

amount of food you consume each time must contain fewer calories.

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14. Avoid snacking:

Food cravings and hunger pangs are your enemy in losing weight. Most people cannot

resist food craving and give in to junk food. If you really want to lose those pounds, stay

away from Snacking!

15. Eat after your work out:

Plan your meal after your work out. If you exercise every morning then have your

breakfast after your work out.

16. Reduce your plate size:

Bigger the plate, bigger is your calorie consumption. Use smaller sized plate to consume

less amount of food. And don’t fill your plate!

17. Avoid oily foods:

Oily foods are high in calories, restrict oily foods.

18. Avoid potato consumption:

Weight loss programs and diets don’t go along good with Potatoes. Never consume

potatoes when on a diet. Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates and calories.

19. Avoid butter, ghee or cheese:

These are rich in fat. Do not add them to your diet if you want to see quick weight loss.

You can however add yogurt to your diet as it is rich in proteins.

20. Choose whole fruits than fruit juices:

Whole fruits will have more nutrients and fiber than its juice form. Making juice from a

fruit kills the best in a fruit leaving only sugar water for your consumption.

21. Drink water before your meal:

Drinking 2 glasses of water before your meal will fill up some space in your tummy. This

can help you reduce your food intake.

22. Monitor your weight once every 2 days:

Get a good weighing scale and check your weight regularly once in 2 days. This will help

you keep a good tab on your weight loss and warn you if it’s going up than down. It

would be better to measures your BMI and BMR regularly.

Days Breakfast Brunch Lunch Evening snacks


Page 4: Simple Tips to Lose Weight in 1 Week

Day 1 250 ml skimmed milk+ 2 slices of whole wheat bread

One medium orange

1 medium cup wheat rice with yogurt +1 cup cauliflower

1 medium carrot

Half cup wheat rice +Self prepared vegetable salad

Day 2 250 ml skimmed milk+1 slice of whole wheat bread

One medium apple

“ 1 cup cucumber

Day 3 250 ml skimmed milk with small cup cereal

A cup of veg salad

½ cup wheat rice +veg salad

1 apricot(or)A cup of water melon

1 cup veg soup +Fresh salad

Day 4 250 ml skimmed milk with small cup cereal

1 small banana

“ “ “

Day 5 250 ml skimmed milk with small cup cereal

2 raw tomatoes

“ “ “

Day 6 250 ml skimmed milk blended with 2 spoon of oat meal

A cup veg salad

A cup of veg soup+ veg salad

1 medium apple

Day 7 “ “ “ “ “

23. Do not deviate from the diet plan:

If you have a diet plan then stick to it for better results.

Diet Plans:

Calories play a vital role in weight reduction. As soon as your body stores 7000 calories

you will gain 1 kg. At the same time when your body burns 7000 calories per week you

would lose 1 kg. As a goal burn more calories to reduce weight quicker.

Some fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, raw cauliflower, cucumber, grapefruit,

orange, celery, apricot, carrot, strawberries, apples, watermelon, etc can burn your

calories quicker. Add these to your diet for better results.

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Here is a diet plan for two different calorie levels. If you are below 85 kgs follow the 1200

calorie diet else follow the 1800 calorie diet:

24. Calendar 1 (1200 calories)

Every morning drinking skimmed milk would provide you nutrients and lower calorie


The chart varies once in two days in order to lower the food consumption slowly.

Adding banana to day 4 provides you with extra calcium and potassium that is needed

for your body.

Adding soups to your dinner gives you fullness with nutrients. Adding salad gives you all

types of nutrients with dietary fibers needed for weight loss.

These salads must contain cauliflower, carrot, cucumber, beans as they help to burn

more calories. You can add these as half boiled or even raw.

The soup must be freshly prepared and it’s better to have tomato soup as it burns more


25. Calendar- 2 (1800 calories):

Days Breakfast Brunch Lunch Evening snacks


Day 1

1 cup skimmed milk + 1 orange+2 slices of wheat bread

2 oranges

1 cup wheat rice+small cup veg soup+small cup fresh veg salad

Small cup veg soup

1 small cup oat meal+ small cup fresh veg

Day 2

“ “ “ “ “

Day 3

“ “ “ “ “

Day 4

1 cup skimmed milk+ 1 apple (or )1 apricot+1 slice of wheat bread

1 orange “ “ 2 slices of whole wheat bread+ fresh veg salad

Day 5

1/2 cup skimmed milk blended with ½ cup soya milk and 2 spoons of oat meal

1 medium apple (or) 1 oranges

½ cup wheat rice+ veg salad

1 cup of cucumber

Day 6

“ “ “ “ “

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Day 7

“ “ “ “ “

The food is reduced day by day as usual and contains more vegetables and fruits that

provide more nutrients

In day 5, 6 and 7 there is a protein meal in the morning to help convert fat into muscles.

Remember to work out 30 mins to 1 hr daily to burn more fat. Those who consume 1200

calories must burn 1800 calories daily and those consuming 1800 calories must burn a

minimum of 2400 calories daily to reduce weight. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water.

Start your day with few drops of lemon in hot water on empty stomach daily for better


Juicing: How to Lose Weight and Become Fit

If you've decided to lose weight then stop what you're doing and first get yourself a glass of fresh juice made with fruits, vegetables or both. It's possible that between cramming yourself with information about fad diets, the right exercise regime and calorie intake, you may have missed out on including foods that give you the essential minerals and nutrients you need. But the right combination of fruit and vegetable juices can deal with all of that and much more. Natural juice along with a customized diet can help you achieve your weight loss targets much quicker and in the healthiest way possible.

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One of the most important reasons for weight gain is that we consume more calories than our body needs and these evil calories often lack major nutrients. So before you start with any weight loss diet you should first cleanse your body of all calories and toxins you've consumed through food, water and the environment in general.  What good can fresh juice do for you -

1. You're always short on time and in a hurry which is why fast-food has been a convenient option. But this convenience comes at a price. Fast food is high on calories and obviously very unhealthy. Instead of grabbing the next big burger, opt for fresh juice. Not only does it curb overeating and help with weight loss, but is also rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other super nutrients. (More: How Nargis Fakhri Lost Three Kilos in Six Days)

 2. Since fresh juice is made at home or at some place credible, you can be sure of the fact that it's free from all preservatives and chemicals.  3. Not only does it make you feel great, but it also gives you an instant energy boost and keeps you charged up to deal with the day's troubles.

5.It helps with detoxification of the body and also cleanses the liver. Since fat mobilization is a function of the liver, cleansing it helps with weight loss. 

Which fruits and vegetables are the real superheroes? 

Vegetables like spinach, celery, kale , mustard, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, beetroots, cucumber, bottle gourd, tomatoes can be included. So can fruits like apple, pomegranate, papaya, peaches, and strawberries. Other options are wheat grass, fresh aloe vera and fresh amla. 

How do you include them in your daily routine?

Have one glass of fresh juice (of your choice) every morning. If you choose to go for a detoxification diet then pick one day in a week where you only consume raw vegetable salad, fresh juice and fruits.

Besides assisting with weight loss, fresh juices work really well with people suffering from certain ailments or looking to address a specific health concern - 

1. Detoxification, skin disorder, tooth trouble -  Wheat grass juice is the way to go. Wheat grass contains Vitamins A, B, C and minerals like Ca, Mg, P , K , Na , S, Co , Zn which help treat these disorders in an effective manner.

2. Anemia - Make yourself a glass of cabbage, carrot, celery, beet root or spinach juice.

3. Anorexia - Mix some carrot juice with water or have a tall glass of chilled buttermilk. You could also include considerable quantities of apple and pineapple in your diet.

4. Arthritis, (Osteoarthritis) - Mix carrots, celery and beetroot in equal quantities and drink. You could also have half a glass of raw potato juice. 

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5. Asthma - Have a glass of water with lemon juice and honey. 6. Cirrhosis - You can include any or all of these in your diet. Apple, pears or pineapple juice.

7. Colitis - Have a glass or more of papaya juice with boiled water.

8. Constipation - Use beautiful spinach leaves and use them to make a glass of juice or a bowl of soup. Also eat whole guavas and pears.

9. Cystitis - Eat those fruits: Apple, pear, grapes* and coconut*

10. Diabetes - Drink up! Celery, cucumber, onion, garlic and bitter gourd juice. 

11. Diarrhoea - Tank up on some delicious orange juice*. Or have a bowl of carrot soup and eat a lot of pomegranate.

12. Hair fall - Mix lettuce with spinach and drink it as juice. 13. Fatigue - Blend beet root, carrot and cucumber and drink up.

14. Heart problems - Have some honey with water or drink amla juice. And if you aren't already, then start to eat apples. 15. Hypertension - Include a lot of garlic in your diet. Also have watermelon juice, amla juice and cucumber juice.

16. Hypotension - All you need is a lot of beet root juice.

17. Indigestion - Two delicious solutions: pineapple juice and lemon juice.

This is One of the World's Healthiest Foods

If you speak to anyone trying to lose weight or looking to bulk up on essential vitamins and minerals, they'll tell you that flaxseeds are the ultimate powerhouse of nutrition. They're tiny nutty-flavoured seeds that not only taste good but have innumerable health benefits. 

They're extremely versatile and can be sneaked into almost everything you eat. Linseeds or flaxseeds usually come in two different colours, brown and yellow, but the nutritional profile of both is absolutely identical. 

Nutrient Chart           Flaxseeds are a source of three key nutrients:1. Omega 3 Fatty Acids  - Omega-3 are polyunsaturated fatty acids, considered as essential nutrients that our body can't produce but needs to maintain good brain health and cognitive function. 2. Rich in Lignans - Lignans are naturally occurring forms of the female hormone estrogen and are found in certain foods. 3. Good source of Mucilage - Mucilage helps assures a healthy intestine and proper absorption of nutrients.

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Benefits of Eating Flaxseeds:

1. Flaxseeds are good for the heart - Flaxseeds are rich in alpha linolenic acid which prevents inflammation and protects blood vessels from damage. Researchers showed that regular intake of these seeds lowers LDL (low density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol) and increase levels of HDL (high density lipoprotein or good cholesterol).

2. Flaxseeds are rich in antioxidants - Flaxseeds are significantly higher in antioxidants compared to fruits or vegetables. Adding flaxseeds to your diet boosts your overall and also helps in delaying ageing.

3. Flaxseeds prevent cancer - Studies show that eating flaxseeds reduces the risk of breast cancer, prostate and colon cancer.

4. Help with digestion and weight loss - Flaxseeds are high on fiber which is why they help in relieving constipation.  They also leave you feeling full which stops you from overeating.

5. Flaxseeds are extremely good for glowing skin and healthy hair because of the high amount of omega 3 fatty acid present in them.

Flaxseeds and Women's Health

Listen up ladies! Flaxseeds with their wonder properties are a brilliant solution for all kinds of hormonal problems. Due to their high content of lignans, flaxseeds help reduce high levels of estrogen and also boost low estrogen levels. They can help reduce menopausal symptoms, such as flushing and night sweats. Flaxseeds can also help women with irregular periods and those with extreme symptoms of PMS - for example, headache, anxiety, mood swings etc. They also help in controlling heavy bleeding during menstruation, reduce the risk of breast cancer and improve uterine function.

How to Use FlaxseedsGrind the flaxseeds, store them in air tight container and use them in any of the following ways:a.    Add grounded flaxseeds (1tsp) while kneading dough for chapattis, bread or biscuits.b.    Add half a teaspoon of flaxseeds in porridge, oats or muesli.c.    Sprinkle flaxseeds on salads, cooked vegetables or cooked dals.d.    Mix flaxseed in smoothies or curd.

Top Recipes:Flaxseed SmoothieIngredients2 Tbsp flaxseeds1 cup  flavored soya milk1 cup chilled and roughly chopped strawberries1/2 cup chilled and roughly chopped bananas2 tsp honeyGarnish: 2 strawberries and 2 bananas slices

Method1. Add strawberries, bananas, flax seeds and honey in soya milk, blend in a juicer till the

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mixture is smooth and frothy.2. Pour equal quantities of the smoothie into 2 individual glasses.3. Serve and garnished with a strawberry and banana slice.

Flaxseed Raita Ingredients1 cup bottle gourd, thickly grated1 cup low-fat curd, fresh beaten 1/2 cup mint leaves, finely chopped (pudina)1/4 tsp roasted cumin seeds (jeera)1/4 tsp black salt 1 1/2 tbsp roasted and coarsely ground flax seedsSalt to taste

Method1. Combine the bottle guard with one cup of water. Cover and cook on a medium flame for 4 to 2. Combine all the ingredients, including the cooked bottle gourd in a deep bowl and mix well.3. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour and serve chilled.

How to Lose Weight According to Ayurveda

Obesity is the outcome of modern age convenience and abundance of food. In Ayurveda as early as 1500 BC,Charak Samhita described this disorder as Medorog(disease of fat). Medorog is characterized by increase in adipose and muscle tissue of an individual. It makes the hips and the abdomen pendulous. Obesity is not just a cosmetic concern, but a serious health issue that can put you at a greater risk of chronic ailments like type-2 diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. According to a study by World Health Organisation's cancer research agency, obesity is to blame for nearly half a million cases of cancer a year, with overweight women at a far greater risk than men.

In Ayurveda there are some techniques or therapies specifically recommended for losing weight and the chief amongst them are - swedhan, udhawartanam and vasti karma. Besides these, there are also other healthy ways of controlling and maintaining your weight. Have a look.

1)Nidana Parivarjana - Avoiding the causes

The first and the most important thing is to avoid factors that contribute to obesity. Avoiding the root cause is the foremost line of treatment to curb any disease. Lack of physical activity with increased intake of food, stress, genetic disposition, low metabolic rate, unhealthy dietary habits and incorrect food combinations are some of the most common causes of obesity. 2) Vedic Nutrition

Vedic nutrition means nutrition according to the prakriti of an individual. Vedic foods are

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wholesome and natural. They help in correcting and maintaining a balance of the three main doshas - vata (air imbalance), pitta (fire/ heat imbalance) and kapha (water/ fluids imbalance). Here are some tips that one must follow -

Take only one source of carbohydrate at a time. For example, potato, rice or wheat should be taken only in a single meal. 

Light pulses should be included in the diet like moong and masoor dal, avoid heavy pulses like urad dal.

Eat one plate of salad before every meal.

Spices like fenugreek, coriander, turmeric and cumin seeds should be included in diet.

Avoid excess of sugar, salt, oily food, white bread, packaged foods and carbonated drinks.

3) Physical Activity

You should choose exercises that suit your body type and Prakriti. You can get yourPrakriti analysis done to know your body's tendencies and then choose a suitable form of exercise. If your are aware of your prakriti, here are some suggestions -

Vatta - Yoga , meditation, Abhayangam therapy (medicated oil therapy)

Pitta - Brisk walk, aerobics, Abhayangam, Udhavartanam (herbal powder therapy)

Kapha - Brisk walk , running, aerobics, dancing, Udhavartanam

4) Treatment for Stress

Include herbs like Brahmi and Jatamansi to fight those blues. Some Ayurvedic therapies like Shirodhara & Abhayangam can help you deal with stress. Try relaxation techniques like meditation and breathing exercises. Avoid eating late at night as it may hamper your sleep.

5) Swedhan (Steam Therapy) This is an Ayurvedic technique of giving steam to the body to open the pores and allow the body to sweat. As the steam raises the body temperature and dilates the pores, it results in the body increasing the circulation to the skin.

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The enhanced temperature and increased circulation to the skin brings out the toxins and fats from the inner layers and allows the body to lose the toxins through the process of sweating.  Through sweat the body also loses the water that is trapped with toxins and this procedure also helps the body to get rid of water retention. Swedhan therapy is exceptionally good for the people who have arthritis as this technique allows the body to lose deep seated and accumulated toxins through sweating.  An herbal steam therapy is excellent for vata disorders and also for stress-related obesity. Steam relaxes the nerves and helps the person to get better sleep. 6)  Udhwartanam (Ayurvedic massage) Udhwartanam is a medicated massage therapy which helps the body to move the sluggish lymph circulation to the drainage areas.  It allows the body to release fat from the cells and move it to the lymphatic drainage systems. During udhawartanam, herbal dry powders are used which assist the body in improving the lymphatic circulation. It is particularly effective when combined with Vedic Nutrition therapy. 7) Vasti Karma This is a very effective procedure in Ayurveda which is used to treat obesity due to vatablockage. Vata blockage typically occurs one consumes gas-producing foods, wrong food combinations and junk food. This leads to a vata  imbalance in the body which can cause polycystic ovary, weight gain and joint pain. Vasti karma is the process of giving medicated enema to the person. Enema results in releasing blocked gases of the large intestine. As the vata levels comedown, it helps the body to open its natural nutritive channels and the cells which were holding fat now begin to release the fat into the circulation. Vasti karma should be supplemented with a proper nutrition therapy. 8)  Herbs that help There are many herbs that aid weight loss. When used correctly, they help the body to lose weight in a natural and scientific way without any side effects.  Some home remedies like the ginger decoction and cinnamon decoction should be consumed two to three times a day.  Also, 1 teaspoon of amla juice consumed once a day with lukewarm water is very effective. Ayurveda provides scientific methods for weight loss that also help in healing your body. The science behind Ayurveda dates back to about a thousand

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years. In the modern times, these successful principles of Ayurveda can actually help us in improving the quality of our lives.