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Aim of this Magazine: 2 The three main sciences 4-7

Biology in living organisms 8-15

Natural resources 16-19

Pollution and the Environment 20-24

Scientists 25-28

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This Magazine talks about science in general. Different topics that share similar property which is science, such as Natural resources, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Pollution and the Environment, were discussed in the Magazine. And the whole heartedly individuals who proudly worked on this magazine were Assem Alaa, Mostafa El-Bery, Mahmoud El-Kodary and Mostafa Fawzy. The main objective of our magazine is to deliver important and reliable information to the readers. Furthermore, this magazine proudly covers most of the scientific realms, providing a domain of beneficial reviews. We also attempted to express the contents of the magazine in a simple yet interesting way, to be easily understood by the audience.


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The three main sciences


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Biology is a branch of science concerned with the study of life

and living things passing by their origin, evolution, growth and taxonomy.

Biology is a Greek word coming from two words which are Bio/ logy. Bio

means “life” and logy means “reasoning” . There are many branches of biology

like cell biology, molecular biology, evolutionary biology, genetics, systematics

and a lot more. Aristotle is known as “father of biology”.

Biology is based on five main principles which are the cell theory, gene

theory, evolution, thermodynamics and homeostasis.

Zoology is one of the branches of biology concerned with the animal

kingdom. Botany is another branch of biology that deals with the plant kingdom

and Theophrastus is known as the father of this branch.

Biology is very large branch of science that deals with our daily life without

recognizing it. It explains very thing that happened to us. From different kinds of

viruses and bacteria to the genes shifts and changes in our body

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Chemistry is the science of the combustion, properties and

behavior of matter. Chemistry is concerned with atoms and their

interactions with each other and the chemical bonding between them.

Also chemistry is the study of the energy of the atoms and the energy

the interaction between the atoms emit. There are many branches of

chemistry however biochemistry, inorganic and organic chemistry

are one of the main ones.

Biochemistry is the study of chemical process of the living

things. Over the last four decades biochemistry was concerned with

the flow of energy and metabolism and it was successful to explain

the life process of most of the living organisms. Nowadays

biochemistry is concerned with how biological molecules process in

living cells and gave rise to them. Biochemistry is concerned with

manufacturing of medicine and it is used in the food industry.

Organic chemistry is the study of the reactions, Properties

and structure of organic compounds. Organic compounds contain

hydrocarbons which consort of mainly hydrogen and carbon atom.

Organic compounds are the bases of early life forms that structurally

diverse. Organic chemistry is essential in food, drugs,

petrochemical, plastic, explosive and material industry.

Inorganic chemistry is the study of the making of inorganic

and organometallic compounds. It covers all the chemical

compounds except the organic ones. It has applications in many

fields like the food industry materials science, coating, medicine fuel

and agriculture.

All chemistry braches are linked they all depend on each

other. Like the three braches biochemistry, inorganic and organic

chemistry are all used in the food and medicine industry.


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Physics has proved that it is one of the most important branches of science

especially in the last two centuries due to its evolution. To talk about physics we

must define what is physics nowadays physics is defined as the study of matter

and energy and the relationship between them. There are two main branches of

physics we consider today the classical and the modern.

Classical physics depends on the context when it discusses the special relativity

it uses the Newtonian approach to physics which depends on classical mechanics

(depends on motion of large bodies under a certain force). Another branch of

classical physics is the theories that obey the Galilean relativity theory (relativistic

mechanics) which is the theories about light and electromagnetic phenomena

however nowadays these theories aren’t used as light was considered a

propagation of a stationery medium.

The modern physics depend on the quantum theories which are the activity of

the particles that are very small and modern physics usually depends on small

particles with high velocities and small distances. The first branch is the quantum

mechanics which was founded by Max Planck and Einstein’s theory of relativity.

Usually modern physics depend on atoms with the speed of light and the distances

between them are very small which may be in Pico meters.

Both modern and classical physics are related. Classical physics helps the

humanity with the transportation, construction and manufacturing. While the

modern physics is responsible for the power and the energy that results in classical



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Plant’s life Plants are very important living organism

that we must study to understand its biology. Plants consist of root, stem, and leaves.

There are several kinds of roots. The first is the tap root which is long primary root of plants and the second is fleshy root, it is large and stores food. The third root is the fibrous root it is a network of roots below the stem.

Stem is the known as the central axis of the plants. The stem connects the roots with the leaves. Furthermore most of the stems are above the soil and some other plants have buried stems. the stem play an important role in plant growth and development as it connects the leaves and root passing the food and water between them and store water in some plants.

Leaves play an important role in the plant life. The photosynthesis process takes place in the leaves so the leaves takes the carbon dioxide from the air and use it to make photosynthesis then pass the food to all the plant through the stem.

There are several kinds of plants, some plants make their own food and they are called independent plants, or plants that obtain their food from organic matter and they are called saprophytes. Furthermore there are plants that harm other living organisms and obtain their food from them and they are called parasites and others are called symbiotic plants because they exchange the benefits between each other.

Plant’s life is very important to study and understand its biology.



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Cell cycle 10

Living cells have

complex structure and

until know scientist don’t

have the awareness of

making cells. They only

can clone cells.

Scientists explained the

idea of cell growth and

division and called it the

cell cycle theory.

Living cells have

complex structure and

until know scientist don’t

have the awareness of

making cells. They only

can clone cells.

Scientists explained the

idea of cell growth and

division and called it the

cell cycle theory.

G1 stage is the period

in which the cell

prepares itself for

duplicating the DNA and

then comes the synthesis

or (s) stage where the

cell duplicates the DNA

and then the G2 phase.

During this phase the cell

grows and cell prepares

for mitosis.

Mitosis is type of division in which all the cells expect for reproductive cells divides into two

identical cells just like the original cell and this type of division is helpful in cell growth,

repairing the damaged tissues, building the body and can be used in asexual reproduction

During mitosis cell undergoes four steps the first is the prophase. During

the prophase the chromatin changes to chromosomes and the nuclear

membrane dissolves and the centrioles form spindles. This step is the

longest step in cell mitosis. Then the metaphase step comes where

chromosomes are arranged along the center.

After that we have

the anaphase. During

this step the centromere

of the chromosomes

separates and spindle

fibers pull the

chromosomes apart to

toward opposite sides of

cell. The last is

Telophase where the

nuclear and nucleolus

membrane forms and

chromosomes appear

as long threads.

The cell cycle is

very easy and our

body does rapidly

for its benefits


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Digestive system and Digestion


The digestive system is one of our body's systems and it is responsible for breaking down the food into small parts that can be absorbed by our body. Digestion inside the digestive system takes place in three main parts which are mouth, stomach and small intestine. The body uses chemical and mechanical methods to digest the food.

In the mouth the body uses both chemical and mechanical digestion. The body starts digestion through chewing the food and break down the food and then the salivary glands which use the amylase to change the starch to sugar. When the mouth finishes and food is swallowed the opening of the trachea closes and the food passes to the stomach through the esophagus using the contractions and expansions which is called “peristalsis”.

The food enters the stomach through cardiac sphincter. In the stomach the food is digested mechanically by muscular contractions. The stomach also uses enzymes to break down the food chemically. It uses the pepsin to digest proteins and HCL to kill any microbes, changes pepsinogen to pepsin and maintain an acidic pH and other enzymes. The food then goes to the small intestine to finish its digestion. The small intestine uses the help of three enzymes which are the pancreatic juice secreted by pancreas, bile secreted by the liver and intestinal juice.

After the food finishes the digestion trip in the body the digested food is absorbed through the villi and passes to the whole body using the blood and the undigested food moves to the large intestine and then moves out of the body.

Ulcer which is the erosion of the lining of the stomach , constipation which is difficulty in emptying the wastes and diarrhea which is the rapid removal of watery wastes are some of the disorders that can infect the digestive system.

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Food deliveries some necessities

of body parts as bones and blood

and gives energy for the body.

The brain consists of three main

parts which are cerebrum,

cerebellum, and medulla.

Skin consists of two parts which are upper

epidermis and it consists of dead cells and

lower and the other part is lower dermis

which contains sweat glands that absorb


The virus is made from DNA or RNA and

capsid (protein coat) and it shows the

characteristics of nonliving as long as they

are outside a living body; however when

they are inside a human body they act

like a living cell.

Respiration and photosynthesis are

the opposite of each other.

Fish has two chambered tubular heart

while the frog has three chambered


bacteria is classified to helpful Bactria

like soil bacteria and harmful bacteria

like food spoilage

our immunity system has to kinds of

defenses one is the non specific

defense and the other is the specific


Any human cell has 23 pairs of


Tongue of the frog is attached to

the front of lower jaw to be able to

catch the insects


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Tips for better digestion


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Animal and plant cell

Across 4. membrane containing cellulose and found only in plant cell 7. have green color because it contains chlorophyll 8. control cell activities and contains the genes 9. semi permeable membrane that controls the passage of substance in and out the cell Down

1. power house and contains enzymes of cellular respiration

2. stores water and soluble substances 3. collect and concentrate proteins 5. grayish liquid

6. site of protein synthesis and not considered as organelles

Created by Puzzlemaker at

Label the following diagrams


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Word search 15

Components of body systems

Created by Puzzlemaker at


M T H + + + + S + S + L + E S

G R E + + X E + U + I + N A +

A A A + P V N G + V + I L + +

R C R + L A A Y E + T I + + +

H H T A + H N R R S V + + + +

P E V + P + + C E A L U N G S

A A + O + + B T R + L + + + +

I + S + + R N Y + E H T U O M

D E + + O I G + H C A M O T S

+ + + N E L Y + + + + S + + +

+ + C G A V E N A C A V A + +

+ H R N S D N A L G T A E W S

I A D + + + D + + + + + + + +


+ + + + + + K + + + + + + + +

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Natural Resources

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What is a Natural Resource?

Natural resources are materials that are found within

the environment and can be used for economic gain; natural

resources occur naturally undisturbed by mankind.

Examples for Natural resources:

1.Fresh water



4Metal ores & oil

5Most forms of energy

Why Natural Resources are Important?

Natural resources are very important, as they are the basic building blocks of a country. Water is a natural

resource and water is essential for life. Without it, all life one Earth would cease to exist. Trees are also a natural resource and

are a necessity. Trees take in Carbon dioxide and release oxygen; a function which, if non-existent, would leave us all gasping for

our last breath before we die. Animals that almost all humans feed on are natural resources, and without animals all would surely

die. Basically without natural resources living organisms would simply die.

Depletion of Natural Resources

The vast majority of Natural resources are exhaustible. In other words, they are in finite quantity. For instance

oil or fuel is one of those resources that will eventually end. Although burning coal, oil or fuels have their disadvantages on the

environment, they release a great amount of energy. And without energy humans would not be able generate electricity or power

their vehicles. Furthermore, soon those resources will run out, so it’s prudent to use our natural resources wisely.

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Types of Natural Resources 1. Renewable Resources: Any natural resource (as wood or solar energy)

that can be replenished naturally with the passage of time.

2. NON-Renewable Resources: A non-renewable resource is a natural

resource which cannot be produced, grown, generated.

Both of which have their own pros and cons.

Non-Renewable Pros & Cons: Pros:

1.Non-Renewable resources are fairly cheap.

2.Much easier to adopt in contrast to renewable resources


1.Not environmentally friendly, because they release toxic substances that harm the


2 Non-renewable resources are of finite quantity; therefore they will expire someday.


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Renewable Pros & Cons:


1 The sun, wind, geothermal and ocean energy, which are examples of

renewable resources, are available in abundant quantity and free to use.

2 Environmentally friendly; doesn’t release harmful substances to the



1. Is quite expensive to plant windmills, solar panels or hydroelectric for


2. Doesn’t generate much energy like that of non-renewable resources.

Use Natural Resources Wisely

Attaining the wise usage of natural resources should be approached in

a sustainable fashion, so that the environment won’t be affected negatively.

Steps for Wise usage of Natural resources:

1.Decrease the burning of fuels.

2Plant more renewable energy.

3Plant more green lands.

4Recycle wastes, such as cans, bottles, or paper…etc.


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Pollution and the Environment


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Pollution and Global Warming


Many pollutants in the air and water are causing a very dangerous phenomenon which we face nowadays which is global warming. This phenomenon is commonly caused by greenhouse gas emissions which are carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, and Fluorinated gases. Burning fossil fuels, such as oil, coal and natural gas plays a remarkable role in increasing the effect of greenhouse effect on the earth.

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide plays the most remarkable role in the creation of global warming in the earth. For example, it represents about eighty five percent of all green house gas emissions. Combustion of fossil fuels like oil, coal, natural gas is the largest source of carbon emissions. Transportation and industry are also contributing to the increase in the percentage of carbon dioxide in the air. Naturally, carbon dioxide increases in the air by the respiration of animals and human beings.


This gas is in more effective in trapping the heat than carbon dioxide. The sources of this gas include production of petroleum and natural gas, rice cultivation, coal mining and waste water treatment. Among all these sources, production of natural gas is the most significant source of methane emission. Methane is the main component of natural gas. As a result, it can be emitted to the atmosphere during the processes of natural gas production, such as refinement, storage and distribution. In fact, methane is considered to be twenty-one time more heat trapping than carbon dioxide.


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Types of pollution

Pollution has many sources and reasons and there are multiple

types of it. Furthermore, pollution has many dangerous consequences

which affect our lives and our society. Understanding the problem of

contamination and how to deal with it can help us to reduce the

harmful effects of this wide-spreading phenomenon. Pollution has

many types and sorts nowadays which can be specified in nine

recognized sources of pollution. These sources of pollution not only

affect the natural world negatively, but they have disastrous

repercussions on our health. Air pollution and water pollution are

considered the main types of pollution because they have vital effects

in us and our entire life. This article includes the chief reasons for

these kinds of pollution and how they affect us.

Air pollution

The definition of air pollution can be explained simply by any

contamination happens in the atmosphere which disturbs the

natural composition and the chemistry of the air. Air pollution

has many sources that exacerbate this phenomenon, such as:

A The exhaust of cars and industrial processes

BVolcanic eruptions and forest fires

CThe process of construction and demolition of buildings

Air pollution has many catastrophic results on the whole

atmosphere which can be shown in higher rates of rain acidity,

increasing smog and higher rates of asthma. Air pollution is

considered to be one of the main factors of global warming as

many scientists claim.

BImproper waste disposal CThe decay of organic materials in the water Water pollution has tremendous effects on the environment entirely as it worsens the quality of water we drink and use and make low supplies for land irrigation. Water pollution can influence the life of fish and many water creatures.

Water pollution

Water pollution occurs when any contamination is transmitted to the water

by chemical or bacterial which worsen the purity of the water. This kind of

pollution can happen in oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. Reasons for this

pollution include Increased sediment from soil erosion


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Unfamiliar types of pollution Everywhere in the world, people are more concerned with air, water and noise pollution. In fact, no one seems to be

worried about other types of pollution which can affect also our lifestyles and our environment negatively as well. This

article includes two types of these neglected sorts of pollution which people do not pay more attention to them. These two

types of pollution are personal pollution and light pollution.

Personal pollution Personal pollution is the contamination of the lifestyle and health of someone by detrimental actions. Reasons that stand

back to this kind of pollution include:-

A) Excessive smoking and drug abuse

B) Emotional and physical abuse

C) Poor personal conditions and attitudes

In other words, personal pollution is the type of pollution that we create and make. For instance, burning plastics and

smoking as mentioned before. Personal pollution can cause many diseases and disorders. The best way to solve this

remarkable problem is to take many positive steps in everyone's life which aim at success and production. For example,

we have to stop throwing garbage in streets and decrease our dependence on oil and all the petroleum substances that

pollute the environment.

Light pollution D the definition of light pollution is the over illumination of some cities and towns. Sources of this pollution include:

A) Advertisement billboards

B) Sporting events and entertainment held on night

Light pollution interferes with the astronomical observation as it makes it impossible to see stars in the sky at the night. It can also degrade the quality of life near the residential areas.


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Ways to stop pollution There are multiple simple ways by which we can stop pollution from

spreading in the environment or at least reduce its negative effects on the atmosphere we

live in and consequently on us. There is always some hope in fighting the issue of

pollution if we stick to the rules which is concerned with the public health and sanitation.

Education is one of the most effective ways in dealing with this problem. We

have to learn children and teenagers in schools and houses how to be peaceful the nature

around us and avoid any reasons that can lead us to pollute the environment in order not

to harm it. Government also has to make people aware of the negative results of pollution

and the advantages and benefits from keeping the environment clean. We have to be

conserved also with our natural resources. Conservation with our natural resources should

not be limited to electricity supplies only, but it has also to include water resources as

well. For example, we have save rain water in order to use it in irrigation and other

household usages. We have to decrease our dependence on oil and all the pollutants

sources of energy and become more dependants on other safe and renewable energy


Recycling plays also an integral role in solving the pollution problem as it allows us to

reuse our old things instead of burning them re throwing them into the streets which as a

result creates disastrous effects on the health of people and the entire environment.

Recycling the garbage allows us to prevent many types contamination from

spreading in the nature. Mass media has to make people aware of the advantages of

recycling processes and how to make the best use of it.


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Albert Einstein

Einstein was a theoretical physicist; he came up with the general theory of relativity which is one of the

bases of modern physics. He received a Nobel Prize I physics in 1921 for his discovery in photoelectric

effect. He’s best known for his formula E = mc2. In 1905 Einstein has proven mathematically that atoms


James Clerk Maxwell

Maxwell was also a theoretical physicist. His most notable achievement was formulating a set of equations

that united unrelated observations of electricity, magnetism and optics by saying that they use the same

phenomenon which is the electromagnetic field. This unification was called the second great unification in

physics after the first one which was Isaac newton’s.


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Isaac Newton

Newton was a physicist and mathematician, He one of the most influential scientists of all time. Newton is

considered the father of classical mechanics; he also had theories in optics, Newton and Gottfried Leibniz

shares credit for inventing Infinitesimal calculus.

Marie Curie

Curie was a physicist and a chemist. She’s most famous for her work and research in radioactivity. She was the first

woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only one to win it in two fields chemistry and physics. Her achievements were

theory of radioactivity, techniques for isolating radioactive isotopes and her discovery of the polonium and radium.


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James Watson

Watson is molecular biologist, geneticist and zoologist. He’s best known for his work with Francis Crick by making

the Watson crick model of DNA. He was awarded a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work in

molecular structure of nucleotides.

Antoine Lavoisier

Lavoisier was a chemist and a biologist. He is considered to be the father of modern chemistry. He named both

hydrogen and oxygen. He was one of the scientists who developed the metric system. He made the first list of

elements. Also he made the law of conservation of energy which is although matter may change its form or shape, its

mass always remains the same.


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